New unitals in projective planes of order 16 Mustafa Gezek Department of Mathematics, Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey 59030,
[email protected] January 28, 2020 Abstract In this study we performed a computer search for unitals in planes of order 16. Some new unitals were found and we show that some unitals can be embedded in two or more different planes. Keywords: unital; projective plane; steiner design 1 Introduction We assume familiarity with the basic facts from combinatorial design theory and finite geometries [1, 3, 5]. A t-(v,k,λ) design (or shortly, t-design) is a pair D={X, B} satisfying the following conditions: arXiv:2001.09004v2 [math.CO] 27 Jan 2020 (i) X has size v, called the points of D, (ii) B is a collection of subsets of X of size k, called the blocks of D, (iii) Every t points appear together in exactly λ blocks. Every point of a 2-(v,k,λ) design is contained in (v − 1) r = λ (k − 1) 1 blocks, and the total number of blocks is v b = r. k Here r is called the replication number of the 2-design. The incidence matrix of a 2-(v,k,λ) design D is a b × v matrix with the property that the (i, j) entry is 1 if ith block contains the jth point, 0 otherwise. For a prime p, the rank of the incidence matrix of a design D over a finite field of characteristic p is called the p-rank of D. Two designs D and D′ are called isomorphic if there is a bijection between their point sets that maps every block of D to a block of D′.