1 G. ERIC MOORHOUSE PSL(3,q) AND PSU(3,q) ON PROJECTIVE PLANES OF ORDER q4 ABSTRACT.Letq = pm be an odd prime power. 4 ∼ We show that a projective plane Π of order q admitting a collineation group G = 2 PSL(3,q)orPSU(3,q), has a G-invariant Desarguesian subplane Π0 of order q or q re- spectively, and that G contains involutory homologies of Π (with possible exceptions for q = 3, 5 or11). 2 ∼ We also show that a projective plane Π of order q admitting a collineation group G = PSL(2,q)orPGL(2,q), has a G-invariant (q + 1)-arc or dual thereof, for most reasonably small odd q. Most of ourtools and techniques areknown, except seemingly forourresults con- cerning an abelian planar collineation group P of a projective plane Π. These results are applied here in each of the above situations for P aSylowp-subgroup of G, and presumably they will enjoy broader application. 1. RESULTS Let q = pm be a prime power, m ≥ 1, throughout. It is well known that a projective plane ∼ which admits G = PSL(3,q) as a collineation group is necessarily Desarguesian. (Indeed, aSylowp-subgroup of G suffices; see Dembowski [4]). Forplanes of order q2 or q3,the following characterizations 1.1,2 are known. 1.1 THEOREM (Unkelbach, Dembowski, L¨uneburg). If Π is a projective plane of order 2 ∼ q admitting a collineation group G = PSL(3,q),thenΠ is either Desarguesian or a generalized Hughes plane. Conversely, any Desarguesian or generalized Hughes plane of order q2, save the exceptional Hughes plane of order 72,admitsPSL(3,q) as a collineation group.
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