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Index Number ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


The Certificate of Primary Education Examination December 2016

HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY (Subject Code No. 142) Time: 1 hour

For Markers’ Use Only

MARKING REVISION CONTROL Instructions to Candidates Section/ Question Marks Sig Marks Sig Marks Sig 1. Check that this question paper contains 4 questions printed on 1A 12 pages numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. A 1B

2. Write your Index Number on the question paper in the space 2 provided above. 3 3. You should not use red ink in answering questions. B 4 4. Write all your answers clearly on the question paper. TOTAL 5. Attempt all questions. Sig (HG)

1605 © Examinations Syndicate


For each item in Questions 1A and 1B, circle the letter which shows the correct answer. Marks

Example: Mauritius is found in the

A Arctic Ocean. B Atlantic Ocean. C . D Pacific Ocean. Question 1A (16 marks) (Mauritius)

Study Map 1 and then answer items 1 to 5. Map 1




Bel Air



1605 2

1. Sugar Mill E is Marks

A Belle Vue (Terra). B Médine. C F.U.E.L (Alteo). D Savannah (Omnicane).

2. River F is

A Grand River South East. B Rivière du Tombeau. C Rivière des Créoles. D Rivière Savanne.

3. Natural site G which attracts many tourists is

A Chamarel Coloured Earth. B Eau Bouillie. C Rochester Falls. D Le Val Nature Park.

4. The distance in a straight line from Vacoas to Bel Air is

A 15 km. B 21 km. C 27 km.

D 30 km.

5. What is the direction of Vacoas from Goodlands?

A North West. B North East. C South East. D South West.

3 Please turn over this page 1605

Study Map 2 which shows the Indian Ocean region. Then answer items 6 to 8.

Map 2 Marks

Cairo New Delhi Tropic of Cancer 23½ºN

Mumbai H

Equator 0º


Rodrigues Tropic of Capricorn Mauritius 23½ºS

Key  city

0ºE 30ºE 60ºE 90ºE 120ºE

6. Which one of these cities is nearest to the Tropic of Cancer?

A Cairo. B New Delhi. C Kolkata. D .

7. River H in Africa is the

A Amazon. B Nile. C Mississippi. D Yangtse Kiang.

8. Group of islands J is the

A Comoros. B Chagos Archipelago. C Seychelles. D Mascarene.

1605 4

Question 1B (16 marks) Marks

1. Who was known as the “King of Corsairs” at the end of the 18th century?

A Philibert Marragon. B Captain Duperré. C . D François Leguat.

2. The village of Mahebourg was built by

A Mahé de Labourdonnais. B Charles Decaen. C Denis de Nyon. D Pierre Poivre.

3. On which date is the arrival of Indian immigrants commemorated in Mauritius?

A 1st February. B 12th March. C 1st May. D 2nd November.

4. Which one of the following dependencies produced large quantities of coconuts for Mauritius?

A The Seychelles. B Agalega. C Rodrigues. D Saint Brandon.

5 Please turn over this page 1605

5. Diagram 1 shows a tropical cyclone. Diagram 1

Marks At X the weather is

A cold and windy. B calm and clear. X C cloudy and windy. D cloudy, windy and rainy.

6. Terraces have been built in Rodrigues mainly on

A flat alluvial land. B the top of mounts. C Plaine Corail. D the sloping lands.

7. In Mauritius, lava from volcanoes solidified to form

A tuffs. B corals. C limestone. D basalt rocks.

8. The land use in an area where tourist hotels have been built is known as

A recreational land use. B residential land use. C agricultural land use. D industrial land use.

1605 6

Question 2 (28 marks) Marks

1. Diagram 2 shows the monthly rainfall for Vacoas.

Diagram 2: Rainfall graph for Vacoas

Rainfall (mm)





0 Jan Feb Mar Ap May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec



For questions (a), (b) and (c), tick () the box which shows the correct answer.

(a) The month with the highest amount of rainfall is

(i) December (ii) February

(b) The amount of rainfall recorded in the month of June is

(i) 100 mm (ii) 50 mm

(c) In which season does Vacoas receive more rainfall?

(i) winter (ii) summer

7 Please turn over this page 1605

2. Study Diagram 3 which shows natural and man-made features in a coastal area.

Marks Diagram 3

tourist hotel beach river


football ground coral reef

Complete Table 1 using the names of features shown in Diagram 3.

Table 1

Natural features Man-made features

(i) ……………………………..……………..……………………… (i) ……………………………..……………..………………………

(ii) ……………………………..……………..……………………… (ii) ……………………………..……………..………………………

3. The mountain shown in Picture 1 is now a World Heritage site.

Picture 1

What is the name of this mountain?


1605 8

4. Study Picture 2 carefully. Marks Picture 2: The coast at Souillac today

During the French period, a small port was built at Souillac in the south of Ile de France.

Give one way in which the small port helped the farmers who lived near Souillac.



5. Use the list of names of the people who developed Mauritius in the past to complete Column B in Table 2.

List of names: Sir Robert Farquhar Governor Maupin Pierre Poivre Reverend Jean Lebrun Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Sir John Shaw Rennie

Table 2 Column A Column B (Names)

Led the people of Mauritius to independence

Encouraged the cultivation of sugar cane during the early British period

Built schools in and in the villages during the British period

Set up the Botanical Gardens at Pamplemousses

Decided to transfer the port from Grand Port to Port Louis

9 Please turn over this page 1605


Question 3 (20 marks) Marks

1. The area under sugar cane cultivation increased in Mauritius during the British period.

(a) Give one reason why the British encouraged the cultivation of sugar cane in Mauritius in the 19th century.



(b) When the British came, the inhabitants were growing many other crops apart from sugar cane.

Name two of these crops.

(i) ……………………..……………………………………………………….…..…

(ii) ……………………..……………………………………………………..………

(c) Study Table 3 carefully. It shows the number of sugar mills and the production of sugar in 1937 and 1964. Table 3 Year Number of Tons of sugar mills sugar produced

1937 39 312,000

1964 23 518,000

Give one reason why more sugar was produced although there were fewer sugar mills in 1964.



(d) Give one measure taken by the British government which improved the transport of sugar to Port Louis.


1605 10

2. Study Map 3 which shows the Bay of Grand Port at the end of the French period. Then Marks answer questions (a), (b) and (c).

Map 3

Vieux Grand Port



(a) In Map 3, draw arrows to show the direction of the South East Trade Winds.

(b) The French built a fort on small island X.

(i) Name small island X.


(ii) Give one reason why the French built a fort on small island X.



(c) In 1810, the British attacked the French at Grand Port. Give one reason why the British lost the Battle of Grand Port.



11 Please turn over this page 1605

Question 4 (20 marks)


1. Study Pictures 3 and 4 which show how torrential rains have affected places in Mauritius in recent years.

Picture 3 Picture 4

(a) In which season is Mauritius usually affected by torrential rains?


(b) Why are torrential rains known as a natural hazard?



(c) The Mauritius Meteorological station issues a warning when there are torrential rains. Give two precautions that should be taken during torrential rains.

(i) ……………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(ii) ……………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


1605 12

2. Study Diagram 4 which shows air pollution. Then answer questions (a), (b) and (c). Marks

Diagram 4

power plant factory

car lorry

(a) Give two causes of air pollution shown in Diagram 4.

(i) ……………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) ……………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) Give one way in which air pollution can affect people’s health.



(c) Suggest one measure which can be taken by Government to protect the people from air pollution.



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