UNVEILING OF THE K-1 SYMBOL Symbols are like some secret, mystical characters that carry a huge amount of power and ancient knowledge. article no. 6 Author: PavoPavlović.

For these symbols, apart from this possible reverse Kaf, I have some conclusions but, I’m not sure so maybe some other time about them.

K-1. Hebrew letter Tsadik-righteous / holly(900) is the letter (90) or "Cade-Sofit" {Cade at the end of the word (900)} and has another form as the last letter. It consists of the letters (10) and (50-700). " The yud, or Divine intellect, is added to the nun, to teach us that the material world is ephemeral, and not the source of consummate goodness and joy."

K-1 Rune Phoenician K-1 Rune Kenyaz (6) - "Kenaz is a fiery rune that signifies love, passion, brings artistic expression and a strong impetus for the development of creativity The second value is the strengthening of other runes, if the letter carries a set of other symbols. " and 6) .God is perfect Love, Power and Wisdom 6i6i6, interesting :). Then comes (3). (1) and (2) represent creation (duality, light-darkness, etc.) and form the letter Gimel which represents the connection between 1 and 2. We have said that two is not 1 + 1 but 1 i1, that 3 is then 1 i1i1. Then Nun, Tsade and ...

Rune Elhaz- "Algiz is about protection and connection. The rune instructs the researcher that, by merging with his spiritual" I ", must stand firmly on the ground. After all, future immortality is impossible without expression on the earth plane, in the physical body. not to forget about your vulnerability.It also advises to remember that there are harmful effects that can lead a person away from a previously chosen path. Its power is closely related to the basic mechanisms of survival instinct. On a spiritual level, fleece provides protection from selfishness and pride. It comes in the form of illumination, of silent knowledge. That is, physical survival does not depend entirely on the principle of “fighting or running,” but relies on creative thought and reason. Rune Algiz helps to extract energy from a spiritual source and translate it into reality for application in practice. You can also imagine the runes of Algiz as a person you can rely on to gain a sense of strength and reliability. ”

In 1978, John Anthony West published the book Serpent in the Sky, presenting Schwaller's views on ancient Egyptian wisdom - the essence of which is that symbolism contains absolute truths that can be reached and understood only in indirect ways. " That's what smart and bookish people say, and I just passed it on. Don't kill the messenger. Uncle Mitch is a finished story. I tried to explain something at length briefly. If you are reading from the first article then I believe you see the point of all this, and if not thanks for following. To summarize, what we have in Visoko and the Ravna tunnels is unique in the world. It is unique because it is available to all of us. Take advantage of this gift of God from ancient civilization, heal and upgrade your consciousness, soul and body in the complex of megalithic buildings in our dear BiH. In the tunnels of Ravne 2 near Megalith K-1 you have ideal conditions for proper and positive meditation on symbols. You have an ideal Schumann resonance, clean and healing air charged with negative

ions, ultrasound, living water, etc.

For more information and exchange, write on instagram.

Some of the sources I used: https://stevemorse.org/hebrew/trans.html?mode=hebrew&style=rtl&font=ashkenazi&he brew=%D7%99 https://www.bib.irb.hr/993172 https://nova-akropola.com/filozofija-i-psihologija/filozofija/marsilio-ficino-i-firentinski-ne oplatonizam/ https://www.ewigeweisheit.de/blog/s-levent-oezkan/2019/09/02/magie-der-zeit-vor-der -sintflut https://tomislavbudak.com/ https://www.ancient-code.com/translated-this-is-what-the-5000-year-old-ancient-egypti an-hieroglyphs-in-australia-say/ http://biblescripture.net/Hebrew.html http://www.runen-steine.de/runen_bedeutung.html https://www.scribd.com/doc/16707068/Rudolf-Steiner-Okultni-Znakovi-i-Simboli Pinterest

Svako dobro Bosno i Hercegovino.

©Pavo Pavlović 2019 instagram @bezzla01