The London Gazette, 30 November, 1928. 7953
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 30 NOVEMBER, 1928. 7953 Date of Public Examination—Jan. 15, 1929. ROSE, Archibald Seth, 94, Ashley-road, Upper 10 a.m. Parkstone, Poole, in the county of Dorset. Place—At the Court House, Government Build- MOTOR BUS PROPRIETOR. ings, Victoria-street, Liverpool. Court—POOLE and BOURNEMOUTH. Date of Order for Summary Administration— No. of Matter—30 of 1928. Nov. 28, 1928. Date of First Meeting—Dec. 7, 1928. 12.15 p.m. Place—The Law Courts, Stafford-road, Bourne- TURVEY, William, of Park-street Nurseries, mouth. Dunstable, in the county of Bedford. Date of Public Examination—Jan. 4, 1929. NURSERYMAN. 2.30 p.m. Court—LTJTON. Place—The Law Courts, Stafford-road, Bourne- No. of Matter—22 of 1928. mouth. Date of First Meeting—Dec. 7, 1928. 3.15 p.m. Place—Chamber of Commerce Offices, George- street West, Luton. Date of Public Examination—Dec. 21, 1928 RICHMOND, Charlotte, and ATKINSON, Mar- 11.30 a.m. garet Ellen, residing at 11, Avenham-road, Place—Court House, Luton. Preston, in the county of Lancaster, and carrying on business as FRUIT, GAME and HARDING, Harry Basnet, now residing at 464, POULTRY DEALERS, at 28, Glovers-court, Waterloo-road, Cobridge, Stoke-on-Trent, in Preston aforesaid, under the style or firm of the county of Stafford, and lately carrying on " BRAMWELLS." business and residing at Leek-road, Endon, Court—PRESTON. in the said county. GARAGE PROPRIETOR. No. of Matter—30 of 1928. Cour^MACCLESFIELD. Date of First Meeting—Dec. 11, 1928. 11 a.m. No. of Matter—7 of 1928. Place—Official Receiver's Office, 9, Cannon- Date of First Meeting—Dec. 7, 1928. 11.30 a.m. street, Preston. Place—The North Stafford Hotel, Stoke-upon- Date of Public Examination—Dec. 21, 1928, Trent. 10.30 a.m. Date of Public Examination—Jan. 22, 1929. Place—Sessions Hall, Lancaster-road, Preston. 11 a.m. Date of Order for Summary Administration— Place—The Town Hall, Macclesfield. Nov. 27, 1928. HARDING, John (trading as JOHN HARDING & "SON), residing at 44, Shrewbridge-road, WILDGOOSE, James Andrew Whittaker, SA, Nantwich, in the county of Chester, and Mellor-road, Cheadle Hulme, in the county of carrying on business at Pillory-street, Nant- Chester, lately residing and carrying on busi- wich, in the county of Chester. BUILDER. ness at 278, Claremont-road, Moss Side, Man- Court—NANTWTCH and CREWE. chester, in the county of Lancaster. CON- No. of Matter—23 of 1928. FECTIONER. Date ®f First Meeting—Dec. 11, 1928. 2.30 p.m. Court—SALFORD. Place—The Royal Hotel, Crewe. No. of Matter—58 of 1928. Date of Public Examination—Dec. 20, 1928. Date of First Meeting—Dec. 10, 1928. 11 a.m. 2.30 p.m. Place—The Pettv Sessional Court House, Place—The Official Receiver's Offices, Byrora- Edleston-road, Crewe. street, Manchester. Date of Public Examination—Jan. 24, 1R2P. 10.30 a.m. HEWITT, Timothy, of Threapwood, near Malpas, Place—The Court House, Encombe-place, in the county of Chester. BUTCHER and Salford. CATTLE DEALER. Court—NANTWTCH and CREWE. No. of Matter—24 of 1928. Date of First Meeting—Dec. 10, 1928. ROSE, Harry, 18, St. Paul's-road, Salisbury, in 11.30 a.m. the county of Wilts. GENERAL DEALER. Place—The Official Receiver's Office, 12, Court—SALISBURY. Lonsdale-street, Stoke-upon-Trent. No. of Matter—13 of 1928. Date of Public Examination—Dec. 20, 1928. Date of First Meeting—Dec. 7, 1928. 12 noon. 11 a.m. Place—Official Receiver's Office, City Chambers, Plare—The Pettv Sessional Court House, Catherine-street, Salisbury. Edleston-road, Crewe. Date of Public Examination—Jan. 3, 1929. 2 p.m. Place—Guildhall, Salisbury. WILKINSON, Joseph, 7, Woodlands-terrace, Date of Order for Summary Administration— South Shields, in the county of Durham, Nov. 21, 1928. carrying on business at Melbourne-street, in tho city and county of Newcastle-upon-Tvne, and Bush Yard, (fjateshead, in the conntv of Durham. •RTTTLD'FIR and CONTRACTOR. WAiLK'ER, John Jesse Gladstone, 28, Bridge-street, Court—NFjWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. Buxton, in the county of Derby. PAINTER No. of Matter—72 of 1928. and DECORATOR. Date of First Meeting—Dec. 10, 1928. Court—STOCKPORT. 11.30 a.m. No. of Matter—30 of 1928. Place—Official Receiver's Office. 81, St. Mary's- Date of First Meeting—Dec. 7, 1928. place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 2.30 p.m. Date of Public Examination—.Dec. 20, 1928. Place—The Official Receiver's Offices, Byrom- 10.30 a.m. street, Manchester. Place—The Court House, 56, Westgate-road. Date of Public Examination—Dec. 14, 1928. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Court House, Yemen-street, Stock- port. EDWARDS, John, residing and carrying on busi- Date of Order for Summary Administration— ness at 636, Manchester-road. Hollinwood. in Nov. 27, 1928. the cornitv of Lancaster. GREENGROCER. Courir-OLDHAM. No. of Matter—32 of 1928. FAWCETT, Leonard, of Little Smeaton, in the Date of First Meeting;—Dec. 7, 1928. 3 p.m. county of York, Carter, formerly FARMER, Place—The Official Receiver's Offices, Byrom- at Wentdale Farm, Little Smeaton aforesaid. street. Mannhester. Date of Public Examination—Jan. 9, 1929. Court—-WAKEFIELD. 10.45 a.m. No. of Matter—46 of 1928. Place—The Court House, Church-lane, Oldham. Date of .First Meeting—Dec. 10, 1928. 11 a.m..