
Religious Developments

Answer the following questions:

Q1.Name any one of the ancient texts that inspired medieval religious thinkers to revive the idea of bhakti.

Ans- Some of the ancient text that inspired medieval religious thinkers to revive the idea of bhakti were:

*The Bhagavadgita

*The Puranas.

Q2. What are Devaram and Divyaprabandham?

Ans- Devaram and Divyaprabandham are collections of Nayanar and Alvar hymns respectively.

Q3. At which places did Shankaracharya set up centres of learning and worship?

Ans- Shankaracharya set up centres of learning and worship (mathas) at Badrinath, Puri, Dwarka and Shringeri.

Q4. Name two bhakti saints who were women.

AnsAns- Mirabai and Akkamahadevi.

Q5. What were the Vaishnava saints of Maharashtra called?

Ans- The vaishnava saints of Maharashtra were called Varakaris, who worshiped Lord vitthala(vishnu) of Pandharpur.

Q6. Whose compositions are collected in the Bijak?

Ans- 's compositions are collected in the Bijak.

Q7. Who compiled the Adi Granth?

Ans - Dev compiled the book called the Adi Granth.

Q8. Which custom did introduce to initiate new members into the ?

Ans- Guru Gobind Singh introduced the custom of Pahul(baptism by sweetened water stirred with a dagger).

Q9.When and where did the Bhakti movement begin? Ans- The Bhakti movement began in south India around the seventh century A.D. in the Vishnu and Shiva temples of Tirupati and Kanchi.

Q10.What kind of work is Jnaneshwari? Who is it's author? Ans- Jnaneshwari is a wonderful marathi commentary on the Bhagavadgita written by the Marathi saint Jnaneshwar.

Q11.Name any two works of devotional literature composed by Bhakti saints of North India. Ans- *Ramacharitamanas by Tulsidas

* Sursagar by

Q12.What do you understand by the term Khanqah? Ans- Khanqahs were the hermitages or monasteries where sufi saints lived, preached, sang hymns or qawwalis in the praise of God.

Q13.Write about the language used in Kabir's verses. Ans- Kabir's dohas were composed in Bhojpuri mixed with Urdu and Hindi.

Q14.Name the five things that a member of the Khalsa has to have on his person. Ans- Guru Govind Singh created a disciplined brotherhood of .It was called the Khalsa which means pure. *Every member of the Khalsa had to have or uncut hair , kangha or comb, kada or bangle, kirpan or a small dagger and kachchha (underpants).

Q15.Distinguish between the saguna and nirguna forms of bhakti. Ans- The saguna and nirguna were the two forms of bhakti. *The saguna school of thought believes that God has a structure or form as a statue or idol. *While the nirguna school of thought believes that God is abstract and without any form.

Q16.Write a brief note on the Lingayat or Virashaiva , movement. Ans-* The Lingayat or the Virashaiva movement began in Karnataka in 12th century A.D.

*It's main leader was Basavanna ,who was born in 1105A.D.

* This was a movement of people who worshipped Shiva.

*They condemned caste rituals and orthodoxy. * This movement encouraged gender parity and Akkamahdevi was a prominent woman saint.

Q17.Write about the sufi orders that become popular in medieval India. Ans- *The Chishti order established by Khwaja Moin-ud-Din Chishti of Ajmer

*Suhrawardi order established by Sheikh. Baha-ud-din Zakariya were very popular in India.

Q18.Explain the term Dharamsala and .

Ans-*The Sikh devotees gathered in buildings to listen to the hymns and preaching of .These buildings were called Dharamsala and slowly evolved into Gurudwara .

*Langar is the community kitchen in Gurudwaras where people from all sections of society can eat together.

*The concept of Langar made sikkhism a religion of equality.

Q19. Mention three ways in which social changes took place in medieval india.

Ans-There were several far reaching social changes that occured in medieval Indian society:

* Caste system in Hinduism slowly become very rigid.

*People tried to escape social discrimination by converting to Buddhism and Jainism.

* Sufi and Bhakti movements brought in liberal thinking.

* Tribal Gods and Goddesses were also amalgamated into Hindu religion.

* Islam began to expand its base in India.

Q20. Write a note on Kabir.

Ans-Kabir was a poet saint who transcended the difference between Bhakti and Sufi movements.

He was brought up by a muslim weaver couple but he became the disciple of the Bhakti saint in Varanasi.

He emphasised on the oneness of God and unity and brotherhood amongst people.Kabir abhorred rituals and believed in nirgun bhakti.

He composed meaningful couplets that are compiled in Bijak.

Kabir's teachings continue to be a unifying force till today.

Q21. Write about the main teaching of Guru Nanak Dev.

Ans - Guru Nanak Dev was the first guru of Sikhs. He was born in 1469 A.D. in Talwandi. *Guru Nanak preached nirguna or formless bhakti to God.

*He rejected caste discrimination and orthodoxy.

* He believed in universal brother hood and also allowed women to join the order.

*He started the concept of kritan and langar(common kitchen).

Q22. In the medieval period, several Hindu Gods and Goddesses came to be worshipped in many forms. Why?

Ans-*In the medieval period many tribal Gods and Goddesses .

* Myths and legends led to the formulation of many new forms of Gods.

Hence many new forms came to be worshipped in Hinduism.

Q23.The Nathpanthi preachers were also called Siddhas. How would you justify this?

Ans- The Nathpanthis practiced nirguna bhakti.

They stressed on meditation and yoga and so it was right to call them Siddhas or those who had attained knowledge.

Q24 How did the Bhakti movement help reduce social evils?

Ans- The Bhakti saints helped to reduce social evils in the medieval society because:-

* They were against all forms of discrimination.

* They believed in equality of men and women ,of all castes and also encouraged Hindu-Muslim unity.

* They didn't believe in rituals.

* There was no need of animals sacrifices or ostentatious ceremonies.

*They didn't allow Brahaminical domination and preached in the unity of God who could be reached through devotion or bhakti.

Q25. Mention one point of similarity between the Sufi and Bhakti saints.

Ans- Sufi and Bhakti movements had many similarities.

* The both preached in oneness of God.

* They believed that God could be reach through devotion.

* They were against the caste system.

*They believed in man and women equality. * They preached in the local language and so had a large following.

* They didn't believe in sacrifices or elaborate rituals.