Recreation Facility Master Plan 2005 - 2015 Meeting the recreation, sport and cultural needs of a growing city

Recreation Facility Master Plan 1 ’s public recreation

facilities open doors to health and

quality of life for all of us. They provide

places for neighbours to gather, relax,

and enjoy physical, social, cultural and

artistic activities together – building

healthy community ties. It’s a legacy

worth building on.

2 Recreation Facility Master Plan Recreation Facility Master Plan: A crucial roadmap

Thanks to a strong tradition of investment, Edmonton is served by a broad range of public recreation, leisure and cultural facilities. Hockey rinks, pools, gymnasia, golf courses, heritage spots, recreation centres and other City of Edmonton facilities give us places to gather, relax, build healthy bodies and enjoy leisure pursuits. Key to the active and interactive living that creates healthy people and vibrant neighbourhoods, these facilities also help attract national and international events, polishing our reputation as a host city.

The City of Edmonton Recreation Facility Master Plan lays out a roadmap for ensuring that future citizens enjoy these same benefits. Approved by City Council on August 31, 2004, the plan provides a focused and strategic vision for meeting public recreation, leisure and cultural facility needs until 2015. Guided by the principles outlined in the Community Service Department’s Integrated Services Strategy, the plan clarifies civic priorities for both citizens and potential partners.

Recognizing that our facilities are aging and built to serve a smaller city, the plan includes a recreation What citizens want facility model to guide future development. It sets parameters for identifying which older facilities are from their recreation suitable for redevelopment, outlines what the City will support and defines City and partner roles in facilities developing new projects. In short, this important document provides a coordinated, Council-endorsed Consulted extensively as this plan took framework for making the best use of Edmonton’s shape, Edmontonians said they want resources to address our city’s dual challenge of aging recreation facilities that promote these infrastructure and rapid growth. seven values:

◆ A sense of community – Places where new friends are made and old friendships nurtured. What is a recreation facility

◆ Health and wellness – Facilities that and why do we need them? contributes to better health. As defined by the master plan, recreation facilities meet ◆ Inclusion – Places where their three criteria: defined boundaries, managed access, needs, interests and values are met and primarily used for programmed or spontaneous with openness and dignity. activities.

◆ Safety – Facilities that enhance Recreation facilities offer safe, inviting, properly– physical, emotional and mental equipped places for fitness, play, art, culture and other wellness. activities that challenge and improve our bodies, minds and spirits. Here, people of all ages and abilities can ◆ Partnership – Facilities developed develop skills and interests that help them improve, through partnerships to reduce the maintain or recover health and wellness. Here, reliance on tax dollars and to share communities build the neighbourly connections that the contribution to community needs. enhance safety, capacity and quality of life.

◆ Civic pride – Facilities that stand out Research proves that recreation benefits all ages and as a good example of what the City stages. Children learn valuable skills through group has to offer. sports and out-of-school programs. Teens in positive recreation and social activities are less likely to find ◆ Integrated services – Places that themselves in troubling situations. Adults and seniors offers a range of opportunities that who take time for recreation are fitter, healthier, more fit well into today’s lifestyle and engaged in the community and less reliant on the bring people together to enhance a health care system. sense of community.

Recreation Facility Master Plan 3 What recreation facilities do we have now?

Edmonton has numerous public ice pads, aquatic facilities, older adult centres, fitness centres and golf courses. Many of those facilities attract clients from specific areas of the city, although each one is open to all citizens. In addition, the City runs specialty facilities: , Valley Zoo, John Janzen Nature Centre, , John Walter Museum, , the City of Edmonton Archives and the City Arts Centre. Other specialty facilities are operated through various partnership arrangements with the City: Argyll Velodrome, curling rinks, indoor soccer centres, Kinsmen Pitch and Putt, Mill Woods Golf Course, Telus World of Science (formerly Odyssium), ski clubs, and the Whitemud Equine Centre.

City of Edmonton recreation facilities


3 3 1 10 9 2 5 4

4 11 7 2 3 7 9 1 1 6 8 2 2 10 3 11 14 5 1 8 4 8 3 6 9 5 4 10 13 7 5 20 12 16 6 19 1 2

17 13

14 12 15 18

City of Edmonton Leisure, Sports Outdoor Swimming Pools and City of Edmonton Attractions City of Edmonton Indoor and Fitness Facilities Contracted Facilities and Specialized Facilities Ice Arenas

NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST SOUTHEAST 1 Fort Edmonton Park Fox Drive and Whitemud Drive 496-8787 1 A.C.T. Aquatic and Recreation Centre 1 Borden Park Outdoor Swimming Pool 1 Clareview Recreation Centre 12 Donnan Arena 42909 - 113 Avenue Recreation 496-1494 Facility11200 - 74 MasterStreet 944-7521 Plan 3804 - 139 Avenue 496-6990 9105 - 80 Avenue 944-7422 2 John Janzen Nature Centre Fox Drive and Whitemud Drive 496-8787 2 Eastglen Leisure Centre NORTHWEST 2 Glengarry Arena 13 Kenilworth Arena 11410 - 68 Street 496-7384 13340 - 85 Street 944-7437 8311 - 68 A Street 944-7410 2 Fred Broadstock Outdoor Swimming Pool 3 John Walter Museum 9100 Walterdale Hill 496-8787 3 Londonderry Fitness and Leisure Centre 10515 - 158 Street 496-1486 3 Londonderry Arena 14 Michael Cameron Arena 14528 - 66 Street 496-7342 Muttart Conservatory 14520 - 66 Street 496-4879 10404 - 56 Street 944-7418 CENTRAL 4 9626 - 96 A Street 496-8787 4 O'Leary Fitness and Leisure Centre 4 Russ Barnes Arena 15 Mill Woods Recreation Centre Oliver Outdoor Swimming Pool 8804 - 132 Avenue 496-7373 3 6725 - 121 Avenue 944-7554 7207 - 28 Avenue 496-2904 10315 - 119 Street 944-7416 5 Valley Zoo Buena Vista Road and 134 Street 496-8787 NORTHWEST NORTHWEST SOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST City of Edmonton Archives Grand Trunk Fitness and Leisure Centre 6 Bill Hunter Arena 5 Mill Creek Outdoor Swimming Pool 10440 - 108 Avenue 496-8711 5 16 Callingwood Recreation Centre 13025 - 112 Street 496-8761 4 9200 - 163 Street 944-7443 9555 - 84 Avenue 944-7415 17740 - 69 Avenue 944-7427 Jasper Place Fitness and Leisure Centre 7 City Arts Centre 6 Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Swimming Pool 6 Castle Downs Recreation Centre Confederation Arena 9200 - 163 Street 496-1411 5 10943 - 84 Avenue 496-6955 17 8900 - 106 Street 944-7480 11520 - 153 Avenue 944-7550 11204 - 43 Avenue 944-7402 8 Jasper Place Annex 7 Peter Hemingway Fitness and Leisure Centre Coronation Arena Formerly known as Coronation Fitness and Leisure Centre 6 Scona Leisure Centre 9200 - 163 Street 496-1411 7 18 Kinsmen Twin Arenas 13808 - 111 Avenue 496-1401 10450 - 72 Avenue 496-8756 13500 - 112 Avenue 944-7441 1979 - 111 Street 434-9332 9 Central Lions Recreation Centre 11113 - 113 Street 496-7366 8 Crestwood Arena South Side Arena CENTRAL 19 City of Edmonton Northgate Lions Recreation Centre 9940 - 147 Street 944-7440 10525 - 72 Avenue 944-7406 Commonwealth Sports and Fitness Centre 10 8 7524 - 139 Avenue 496-7355 Grand Trunk Arena 11000 Stadium Road 944-7400 Golf Courses 9 20 Tipton Arena 13025 - 112 Street 944-7407 10828 - 80 Avenue 944-7388 9 1 Victoria Golf Course 9100 Walterdale Hill 944-7400 12130 River Road 496-4914 CENTRAL Oliver Arena SOUTHEAST 2 Riverside Golf Course 10 8630 Rowland Row 496-4914 10335 - 119 Street 944-7434 Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre 10 Westwood Arena 8648 - 81 Street 496-1915 3 Rundle Golf Course 11 2902 - 118 Avenue 496-4914 12040 - 97 Street 944-7401 11 Hardisty Fitness and Leisure Centre 10535 - 65 Street 496-1493

12 Mill Woods Recreation Centre 7207 - 28 Avenue 496-2900


13 Confederation Leisure Centre 11204 - 43 Avenue 496-1488 14 Southwest Community Recreation Centre 15204 - 23 Avenue OPENING 2009 6 6 6

3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 10 10 10 9 2 9 9 2 2 5 4 5 45 4

4 4 4 11 11 11 7 2 7 7 3 2 2 3 3 7 9 1 7 7 1 9 9 1 1 1 1 6 8 6 8 6 8 2 2 2 2 10 3 2 112 10 3 10 3 11 11 14 14 14 5 1 5 5 1 1 8 4 8 8 4 4 8 8 8 3 3 3 6 9 5 6 6 9 5 9 5 4 10 13 4 10 413 10 13 7 7 7 5 20 12 5 5 20 20 12 12 6 16 6 16 16 6 6 19 19 19 1 3 1 1 2 3 6 1 2 2 10 9 2 3 3 1 5 4 10 17 13 17 13 17 13 9 2 4 11 5 4 2 7 14 3 121415 14 12 15 12 15 1 4 7 9 18 111 18 18 6 8 2 2 7 3 City of Edmonton recreation facilities1 2 10 3 7 11 9 1 14 6 8 5 1 2 8 4 10 City of Edmonton Leisure, Sports8 OutdoorCity ofSwimming EdmontonCity2 Poolsof Leisur Edmonton ande, Sports Leisur e, Sports3 City of OutdoorEdmonton Swimming AttractionsOutdoor PoolsSwimming and11 Pools and City of EdmontonCity of Edmonton IndoorCity of Attractions Edmonton Attractions City of EdmontonCity of Indoor Edmonton Indoor and Fitness Facilities Contractedand 3Fitness Facilitiesand Facilities Fitness Facilities and SpecializedContracted Facilities ContractedFacilities Facilities14 Ice Arenasand Specializedand SpecializedFacilities Facilities Ice Arenas Ice Arenas NORTHEAST 6 NORTHEASNORTHEASTT9 5NORTHEAST NORTHEASTNORTHEAST NORTHEAST SOUTHEAST NORTHEASTNORTHEAST SOUTHEASTSOUTHEAST 5 1 1 Fort Edmonton Park 1 Fort Edmonton1 ParkFort Edmonton Park 4 8 10 13 Fox Drive and Whitemud4 Drive 496-8787 Fox Drive and WhitemudFox Drive Drive and Whitemud 496-8787 Drive 496-8787 1 A.C.T. Aquatic and Recreation Centre 1 Borden17 A.C.T Park. Aquatic Outdoor1 8and SwimmingA.C.T Recreation. Aquatic Pool Centrand Recreatione Centre 1 Borden Park1 OutdoorBorden Swimming Park Outdoor Pool Swimming Pool1 Clareview Recreation Centre 12 Donnan Arena 1 Clareview Recreation1 Clareview Centre Recreation Centre 12 Donnan Aren12a Donnan Arena 2909 - 113 Avenue 496-1494 11200 2909- 74 Street - 113 A venue944-75212909 496-1494 - 113 Avenue 496-1494 11200 - 74 Street11200 944-7521 - 74 Street 944-7521 3804 - 139 Avenue 496-6990 9105 - 80 Avenue 944-74223804 - 139 Avenue3804 496-699 - 139 Avenue0 496-6990 9105 - 80 Avenue9105 944-7422 - 80 Avenue 944-7422 5 20 12 2 3John Janzen Nature Centre 2 John Janzen2 NatureJohn Centre Janzen Nature Centre 2 Eastglen Leisure Centre NORTHWEST2 Eastglen Leisure2 6Eastglen Centre Leisure Centre Fox9 NORTHWESTDrive5 and WhitemudNORTHWEST Drive 496-8787 2 GlengarryFox Arena Drive and WhitemudFox Drive Drive and Whitemud 496-87813 7 DriveKenilworth 496-878 Arena7 2 Glengarry Arena2 Glengarry Arena 13 Kenilworth13 ArenaKenilworth Arena 11410 - 68 Street 496-7384 11410 - 68 Street11410 496-7384 - 68 Street 496-7384 10 13340 - 85 Street 944-7437 8311 - 68 A Street 944-741013340 - 85 Street13340 944-743 - 857 Street 944-7437 8311 - 68 A Street8311 944-7410 - 68 A Street 944-7410 16 2 Fred Broadstock6 Outdoor Swimming Pool 3 John 2WalterFred Museu Broadstockm2 4 Fred Outdoor Broadstock Swimming13 Outdoor Pool Swimming Pool 3 John Walter3 MuseuJohnm Walter Museum Londonderry Fitness and Leisure Centre 10515 Londonderry- 15819 Street Fitness496-1486Londonderry and Leisure Fitness Centre and Leisure Centre 7 9100 Walterdale10515 - Hill 158 Street496-87810515 496-14867 - 158 Street 496-1486 Londonderry9100 Aren Walterdalea 9100Hill Walterdale496-8787 Hill 496-878Michael7 Cameron Arena Londonderry ArenLondonderrya Arena Michael CameronMichael Arena Cameron Arena 3 3 3 5 20 12 3 14 3 3 14 14 14528 - 66 Street 496-7342 1 14528 - 66 Street14528 496-7342 - 66 Street 496-7342 Muttart Conservatory 14520 - 66 MuttartStreet Conservator496-4879Muttarty Conservatory 10404 - 56 Street 944-7418 14520 - 66 Street14520 496-487 - 669 Street 496-4879 10404 - 56 Street10404 944-7418 - 56 Street 944-7418 2 CENTRAL 4 CENTRAL CENTRAL 4 4 4 O'Leary Fitness and Leisure Centre 4 16O'Leary Fitness4 andO'Leary Leisure Fitness Centr ande Leisure Centre 9626 - 696 A Street 496-8787 4 Russ Barnes9626 Aren - 96a A Street9626 496-878 - 96 A7 Street 496-87815 Mill7 Woods Recreation4 CentreRuss Barnes4 ArenRussa Barnes Arena 15 Mill Woods15 RecreationMill Woods Centre Recreation Centre 8804 - 132 Avenue 496-7373 3 Oliver8804 Outdoor - 132 Swimming Avenue8804 496-7373 Poo- 132l Avenue 496-7373 3 Oliver Outdoor3 SwimmingOliver Outdoor Pool Swimming Pool 6725 - 121 Avenue 944-7554 7207 - 28 Avenue 496-29046725 - 121 Avenue6725 944-755 - 121 Avenue4 944-7554 7207 - 28 Avenue7207 496-2904 - 28 Avenue 496-2904 10315 - 119 Street 944-7416 5 Valley19 Zoo10315 - 119 Street10315 944-741 - 1196 Street 944-7416 5 Valley Zoo 5 Valley Zoo Buena Vista Road and 134 Street 496-8787 Buena Vista RoadBuena and 134 Vista Street Road 496-8787and 134 Street 496-8787 NORTHWEST NORTHWESTNORTHWEST1 NORTHWEST SOUTHWEST NORTHWESTNORTHWEST SOUTHWESTSOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST 2 CitySOUTHEAS of Edmonton ArchivesTSOUTHEAST City of EdmontonCity Archives of Edmonton Archives Grand Trunk Fitness and Leisure Centre Grand Trunk FitnessGrand and Trunk Leisure Fitness Centre and Leisure Centre 6 Bill Hunter6 Arena 6 Callingwood Recreation CentreBill Hunter ArenBilla Hunter Arena Callingwood RecreationCallingwood Centre Recreation Centre 5 Mill5 Creek Outdoor5 Swimming Pool 10440 - 108Mill Avenue Creek 496-871OutdoorMill1 Swimming Creek Outdoor Pool Swimming Pool 5 10440 - 108 Avenue10440 496-871 - 108 Avenue1 16 496-8711 5 5 16 16 13025 - 112 Street 496-8761 4 13025 - 112 Street13025 496-876 - 1121 Street 496-8761 4 4 9200 - 163 Street 944-7443 9200 - 163 Street9200 944-744 - 1633 Street 944-7443 9555 - 84 Avenue 944-7415 9555 - 84 Avenue9555 944-741 - 84 Av5 enue 944-7415 17740 - 69 Avenue 944-7427 17740 - 69 Avenue17740 944-7427 - 69 Avenue 944-7427 17 13 City Arts Centre City Arts Centre City Arts Centre Jasper Place Fitness and Leisure Centre Jasper Place FitnessJasper and Place Leisure Fitness Centr ande Leisure Centre 7 Castle7 Downs Recreation7 Centre Castle Downs RecreationCastle Downs Centre Recreation Centre 6 Queen6 Elizabeth Outdoor6 Swimming Pool Queen ElizabethQueen Outdoor Elizabeth Swimming Outdoor Pool Swimming Poo6 l 17 Confederation Arena 6 6 17 Confederation17 ArenConfederationa Arena 9200 - 163 Street 496-1411 5 9200 - 163 Street9200 496-1411 - 163 Street 496-1411 109435 - 84 Avenue 496-6955 5 10943 - 84 Avenue10943 496-695 - 84 Avenue5 496-6955 8900 - 106 Street 944-7480 8900 - 106 Street8900 944-7480 - 106 Street 944-7480 11520 - 153 Avenue 944-7550 11204 - 43 Avenue 944-740211520 - 153 Avenue11520 944-755 - 153 Avenue0 944-7550 11204 - 43 Avenue11204 944-7402 - 43 Avenue 944-7402 8 Jasper Place Annex 8 Jasper Place8 AnneJasperx Place Annex 7 Peter Hemingway Fitness and Leisure Centre 7 Peter Hemingway7 Peter Fitness Hemingway and Leisure Fitness Centre and Leisure Centre Coronation Arena Coronation ArenCoronationa Arena Formerly known as Coronation Fitness and Leisure Centre 6 SconaFormerly Leisure known Centre as CoronationFormerly Fitness known and as LeisureCoronation Centre Fitness and Leisure Centre17 13 9200 -6 163Scona Street Leisure 496-1416 Centre1Scona Leisure Centre 7 9200 - 163 Street9200 496-141 - 1631 Street 496-14118 Kinsmen1 Twin Arenas 7 7 18 Kinsmen Twin18 ArenasKinsmen Twin Arenas 13808 - 111 Avenue 496-1401 10450 13808- 72 A venue- 111 A venue 496-87513808 496-14016 - 111 Avenue 496-1401 10450 - 72 Avenue10450 496-875 - 72 A6venue 496-8756 13500 - 112 Avenue 944-7441 1979 - 111 Street 434-9332 13500 - 112 Avenue13500 944-744 - 112 Avenue1 944-7441 1979 - 111 Street1979 434-9332 - 111 Street 434-9332 9 Central Lions Recreation Centre 9 Central Lions9 RecreationCentral Lions Centre Recreation Centre 14 12 15 11113 - 113 Street 496-7366 8 Crestwood11113 Aren -a 113 Street11113 496-736 - 1136 Street 496-736South6 Side Arena 8 Crestwood Aren8 Crestwooda Arena South Side ArenaSouth Side Arena CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL 19 19 19 City of Edmonton NorthgateCity ofLions Edmonton RecreationCity of Centr Edmontone 9940 - 147 NorthgateStreet 944-744 Lions0 NorthgateRecreation Lions Centr Recreatione 10525 Centr - 72e Avenue 944-74069940 - 147 Street9940 944-744 - 1470 Street 944-7440 10525 - 72 Avenue10525 944-7406 - 72 Avenue 944-7406 Commonwealth Sports and Fitness Centre Commonwealth18 CommonwealthSports and Fitness Sports Centre and Fitness Centre10 10 10 8 8 8 7524 - 139 Avenue 496-7355 Grand Trunk7524 Arena - 139 Avenue7524 496-735 - 139 Avenue5 496-7355 Grand Trunk ArenaGrand Trunk Arena 11000 Stadium Road 944-7400 Golf Course11000s Stadium Road11000 944-7400 Stadium Road 944-7400 Golf CourseGolfs Courses 9 20 Tipton Arena 9 9 20 Tipton Aren20a Tipton Arena 14 12 15 13025 - 112 Street 944-7407 10828 - 80 Avenue 944-738813025 - 112 Street13025 944-7407 - 112 Street 944-7407 10828 - 80 Avenue10828 944-7388 - 80 Avenue 944-7388 9 Kinsmen Sports Centre 1 V9ictoriaKinsmen Golf Course Sports9 KinsmenCentre Sports Centre 1 Victoria Golf1 CourseVictoria Golf Course 9100 Walterdale Hill 944-7400 12130 9100River Wa Roadlterdale 496-4914 9100Hill Wa944-7400lterdale Hill 944-7400 18 12130 River Road12130 496-4914 River Road 496-4914 CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL Oliver Arena Oliver Arena Oliver Arena SOUTHEAST 2 SOUTHEASTRiverside Golf CourseSOUTHEAST 2 Riverside Golf2 CourseRiverside Golf Course 10 10 10 8630 Rowland Row 496-4914 8630 Rowland Row8630 496-4914 Rowland Row 496-4914 10335 - 119 Street 944-7434 10335 - 119 Street10335 944-7434 - 119 Street 944-7434 Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre Bonnie Doon LeisureBonnie Centre Doon Leisure Centre 10 10 10 Westwood Arena Westwood ArenaWestwood Arena City of Edmonton Leisure, Sports 8648 - 81 StreetOutdoor 496-1915 Swimming Pools and 3 Rundle8648 Golf -City 81Course Street of Edmonton 8648 496-191 - 815 Street Attractions 496-1915 3 RundleCity ofGolf Edmonton 3CourseRundle Golf Indoor Course 11 11 11 and Fitness Facilities Contracted Facilities 2902 - 118 Aandvenue Specialized 496-4914 Facilities 2902Ice - Ar118enas Avenue2902 496-4914 - 118 Avenue 496-4914 12040 - 97 Street 944-7401 12040 - 97 Street12040 944-7401 - 97 Street 944-7401 11 Hardisty Fitness and Leisure Centre 11 Hardisty Fitness11 Hardistyand Leisure Fitness Centre and Leisure Centre NORTHEAST 10535 - 65 StreetNORTHEAS 496-1493 T 10535 - 65 Street10535 496-1493 - 65 Street 496-1493 NORTHEAST SOUTHEAST 1 Fort Edmonton Park Fox Drive and Whitemud Drive 496-8787 1 A.C.T. Aquatic and Recreation Centre 12 MillCity Woods of Recreation Edmonton1 Borden Centre Leisur Park Outdoore, Sports Swimming Pool 12OutdoorMill Woods Swimming12 RecreationMill Woods Centre Pools Recreation and Centre City of 1EdmontonClareview RecreationAttractions Centre 12 DonnanCity Aren of Edmontona Indoor 2909 - 113 Avenue 496-1494 7207and - 28 AvFitnessenue 496-2900 F11200acilities - 74 Street 944-7521 Contracted7207 - 28 Avenue Fa7207 cilities 496-2900 - 28 Avenue 496-2900 and Specialized3804 - 139 Facilities Avenue 496-6990 9105Ic - e80 Ar Avenueenas 944-7422 2 John Janzen Nature Centre Eastglen Leisure Centre Fox Drive and Whitemud Drive 496-8787 Glengarry Arena Kenilworth Arena 2 SOUTHWESTNORTHEASTNORTHWEST SOUTHWESTNORTHEASSOUTHWESTT Fort2 Edmonton Park 13 NORTHEAST SOUTHEAST 11410 - 68 Street 496-7384 1 13340 - 85 Street 944-7437 8311 - 68 A Street 944-7410 A.C.T. Aquatic2 Fred and Broadstock Recreation Outdoor Centre Swimming Pool Borden3 ParkJohn OutdoorWalter Museu Swimmingm Pool Fox Drive and Whitemud Drive 496-8787 Clareview Recreation Centre Donnan Arena 13 Confederation1 Leisure Centre 13 1Confederation13 LeisureConfederation Centre Leisure Centre 1 12 Londonderry Fitness and Leisure Centre 10515 - 158 Street 496-1486 9100 Walterdale Hill 496-8787 Londonderry Arena Michael Cameron Arena 3 11204 - 432909 Avenue - 113 496-1488Avenue 496-1494 1120411200 - 43 - A 74venue Street11204 496-1488 944-7521 - 43 Avenue 496-1488 John3 Janzen Nature Centre 14 3804 - 139 Avenue 496-6990 9105 - 80 Avenue 944-7422 14528 - 66 Street 496-7342 2 14520 - 66 Street 496-4879 10404 - 56 Street 944-7418 Muttart Conservatory Fox Drive and Whitemud Drive 496-8787 14 Southwest2 Eastglen CommunityCENTRAL Leisure Recreation Centre Centre 14 NORTHWESTSouthwest4 14CommunitySouthwest Recreation Community Centre Recreation Centre 2 Glengarry Arena 13 Kenilworth Arena 4 O'Leary Fitness and Leisure Centre 11410 - 68 Street 496-7384 9626 - 96 A Street 496-8787 4 Russ Barnes Arena Mill Woods13340 Recreation - 85 Street Centre 944-7437 8311 - 68 A Street 944-7410 15204 - 23 Avenue 15204Fred - 23 Broadstock Avenue15204 Outdoor - 23 Avenue Swimming Pool John Walter Museum 15 8804 - 132 Avenue 496-7373 3 Oliver Outdoor Swimming Pool 2 3 6725 - 121 Avenue 944-7554 OPENING 2009 OPENING 2009ValleyOPENING Zoo 2009 7207 - 28 Avenue 496-2904 3 Londonderry10315 Fitness - 119 and Street Leisure 944-741 Centre6 105155 - 158 Street 496-1486 9100 Walterdale Hill 496-8787 3 Londonderry Arena 14 Michael Cameron Arena Buena Vista Road and 134 Street 496-8787 NORTHWEST 14528 - 66 Street 496-7342 MuttartNORTHWES ConservatorT y SOUTHWEST14520 - 66 Street 496-4879 10404 - 56 Street 944-7418 SOUTHEAST CENTRAL 4 City of Edmonton Archives 9626 - 96 A Street 496-8787 Grand Trunk Fitness and Leisure Centre 4 O'Leary Fitness and Leisure Centre 6 Bill Hunter Arena 4 Russ Barnes Arena 15 Mill Woods Recreation Centre 5 Mill Creek Outdoor Swimming Pool Oliver Outdoor10440 - Swimming108 Avenue Poo 496-871l 1 5 16 Callingwood Recreation Centre 13025 - 112 Street 496-8761 8804 - 1324 Avenue 496-7373 3 9200 - 163 Street 944-7443 6725 - 121 Avenue 944-7554 7207 - 28 Avenue 496-2904 9555 - 84 Avenue 944-7415 10315 - 119 Street 944-7416 5 Valley Zoo 17740 - 69 Avenue 944-7427 City Arts Centre Buena Vista Road and 134 Street 496-8787 6 Jasper Place Fitness and Leisure Centre NORTHWEST 7 Castle Downs Recreation Centre 5 Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Swimming Pool 10943 - 84 Avenue 496-6955 6 17 ConfederationNORTHWES ArenTa SOUTHWEST 9200 - 163 Street 496-1411 SOUTHEAST City of Edmonton11520 - 153 Archives Avenue 944-7550 Grand Trunk8900 Fitness - 106 and Street Leisure 944-7480 Centre 6 11204 - 43Bill Avenue Hunter 944-7402 Arena 5 Mill8 CreekJasper Outdoor Place Swimming Annex Pool 10440 - 108 Avenue 496-8711 5 16 Callingwood Recreation Centre 7 Peter Hemingway Fitness and Leisure Centre 13025 - 112 Street 496-8761 4 Coronation Arena 9200 - 163 Street 944-7443 Formerly known as Coronation Fitness and Leisure Centre 6 Scona Leisure Centre 9555 - 849200 Avenue - 163 Street944-741 5496-1411 7 18 Kinsmen Twin Arenas 17740 - 69 Avenue 944-7427 City Arts13500 Centre - 112 Avenue 944-7441 13808 - 111 Avenue 496-1401 6 Jasper Place10450 Fitness - 72 andAvenue Leisure 496-875 Centr6e Central Lions Recreation Centre 7 1979 - 111Castle Street Downs 434-9332 Recreation Centre 5 Queen9 Elizabeth Outdoor Swimming Pool 10943 - 84 Avenue 496-6955 6 17 Confederation Arena 9200 - 163 Street 496-1411 11113 - 113 Street 496-7366 Crestwood Arena 11520 - 153 Avenue 944-7550 8900 - 106 Street 944-7480 8 19 South Side Arena 11204 - 43 Avenue 944-7402 CENTRAL Jasper Place9940 - Anne147 Streetx 944-7440 7 Peter Hemingway Fitness and Leisure Centre Northgate Lions Recreation Centre 8 10525 - 72 Avenue 944-7406 Formerly Cityknown as of Coronation Edmonton Fitness and Leisure Centre Scona10 Leisure Centre 9200 - 163 Street 496-1411 7 Coronation Arena Kinsmen Twin Arenas 8 Commonwealth Sports and Fitness Centre 6 7524 - 139 Avenue 496-7355 18 13808 -Golf 111 A Coursevenue 496-1401s 10450 - 72 Avenue 496-8756 9 Grand Trunk Arena Tipton Aren13500a - 112 Avenue 944-7441 1979 - 111 Street 434-9332 11000 Stadium Road 944-7400 9 Central Lions Recreation Centre 20 13025 - 112 Street 944-7407 10828 - 80 Avenue 944-7388 11113 - 113 Street 496-7366 8 Crestwood Arena South Side Arena 9 Kinsmen Sports Centre CENTRAL Victoria Golf Course 19 1 9940 - 147 Street 944-7440 10525 - 72 Avenue 944-7406 9100 Walterdale Hill 944-7400 12130 River Road 496-4914 City of Edmonton 10 NorthgateCENTRAL Lions Recreation Centre 8 Commonwealth Sports and Fitness Centre 7524 - 139Oliver Avenue Arena 496-7355 Grand Trunk Arena 11000 StadiumRiverside Road 944-7400 Golf Course Golf Courses 10 9 20 Tipton Arena SOUTHEAST 2 13025 - 112 Street 944-7407 8630 Rowland Row 496-4914 10335 - 119 Street 944-7434 10828 - 80 Avenue 944-7388 Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre 9 Kinsmen Sports Centre Victoria Golf Course 10 1 Westwood Arena 8648 - 81 Street 496-1915 9100 WalterdaleRundle Hill Golf 944-7400 Course 12130 River Road 496-4914 11 CENTRAL 3 12040 - 97 Street 944-7401 2902 - 118 Avenue 496-4914 Recreation Facility MasterOliver Arena Plan 5 11 Hardisty Fitness and Leisure Centre SOUTHEAST 2 Riverside Golf Course 10 10535 - 65 Street 496-1493 8630 Rowland Row 496-4914 10335 - 119 Street 944-7434 Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre 10 Westwood Arena 12 Mill Woods Recreation Centre 8648 - 81 Street 496-1915 3 Rundle Golf Course 11 7207 - 28 Avenue 496-2900 2902 - 118 Avenue 496-4914 12040 - 97 Street 944-7401 11 Hardisty Fitness and Leisure Centre SOUTHWEST 10535 - 65 Street 496-1493

13 Confederation Leisure Centre 12 Mill Woods Recreation Centre 11204 - 43 Avenue 496-1488 7207 - 28 Avenue 496-2900

14 Southwest Community Recreation Centre SOUTHWEST 15204 - 23 Avenue Confederation Leisure Centre OPENING 2009 13 11204 - 43 Avenue 496-1488 14 Southwest Community Recreation Centre 15204 - 23 Avenue OPENING 2009 What trends impact future needs?

As Edmonton evolves, our recreation patterns change as well. Trends shaping our facility needs include the following:

◆ Population growth – Edmonton is expected to grow the equivalent of another mid-sized city by 2015, adding to recreation demand. Growth will concentrate in parts of the city more distant from the central core and in surrounding municipalities, whose residents also visit our facilities.

◆ Aging infrastructure – Many of the City’s recreation facilities are more than 20 years old, need regular maintenance or significant renovation and are not as energy efficient or flexible as today’s designs. It’s important to identify which older facilities deserve to be redeveloped to meet current and anticipated needs.

◆ Changing demographics – Gradual aging of the population, coupled with an expanding array of cultures, expands our range of recreation needs. Today’s facilities must be planned, designed and located so that all residents have equitable access.

◆ Loose community ties – A sense of community is critical to the health and well-being of individuals, families and the community at large. Recreation facilities should help knit us together by being places where all ages and all members of a community feel welcome and engaged.

◆ Quality of Life – Increasingly, it’s clear that recreation plays a huge role in our overall well-being as individuals and communities. Living in one of Canada’s most northern cities, we rely on all-season facilities to stay physically active and connected during long winters of limited sunlight.

6 Recreation Facility Master Plan What are other cities doing?

The Recreation Facility Master Plan is grounded in extensive research, including a scan of best practices that found the following emerging trends:

◆ Multi-purpose facilities – A shift from single-purpose buildings to versatile spaces with flexible programming is the most significant of the trends.

◆ Recreation destinations – Several Edmonton facilities are already moving toward this model, which co- locates sports and leisure activities (skating, hockey, swimming, fitness) with retail and entertainment (cinemas, grocery stores, sports stores).

◆ Health plus recreation – Both operators and users are seeing the benefit of locating health and recreation services together.

◆ Attractive and welcoming – Today’s users are choosing facilities with style and class over utilitarian design.

◆ Co-located entrepreneurs – Facilities increasingly include revenue-generating space for such amenities as ATMs, licensed food services and equipment shops.

◆ Modified leisure pools – Aquatic trends include irregular pool shapes, waterslides, fountains, moveable floors, warmer water, access for users with disabilities, space for beginner lessons, lanes for lap swimming and family change rooms.

◆ Multiple-use arenas – Arenas without summer ice are installing temporary multi-purpose floor boards for in-line hockey, box lacrosse, basketball and volleyball. Some arenas are adding leisure ice, typically at the end of, and smaller than, the hockey rink.

Recreation Facility Master Plan 7 What principles guide facility development?

Under the master plan, the following ten principles guide decisions regarding City of Edmonton recreation facility construction, management and financing. Reflecting citizen priorities and supporting the direction set by the Integrated Services Strategy, the principles are applied as a package to both new construction and renovation unless valid reason exists for another course of action.

◆ Community hubs – Public recreation facilities will be gathering points serving geographic areas of approximately 40,000 to 60,000 people, preferably multi-purpose in design.

◆ Integrated – Wherever possible, facilities will be co-located with community arts and culture facilities as well as compatible health, social and community services, thus increasing opportunities for integration.

◆ Grouped – Ice surfaces, indoor soccer, gymnasia and other compatible uses will be twinned or grouped wherever land availability makes that feasible, to support economies of scale and expand use.

◆ Range of opportunities – Facilities will provide a range of opportunities, creating synergies in skill and interest development.

◆ Flexible design – To the degree possible, future facilities will be flexible in design, able to accommodate a wide range of uses and convertible to other uses as needs evolve.

◆ Physical linkages and access – Recreation facilities will be located on major transit routes and connected to other recreation and district facilities by natural and hard trails. They will be fully accessible and welcoming to all citizens.

◆ Neighbourhood integrity – The City will respond to important local needs and maintain the integrity of neighbourhoods through support for appropriate neighbourhood facilities.

◆ Specialty facilities – Citywide and specialty facilities should be programmed for the designated use in prime time.

◆ Focused funding – To ensure basic opportunities for all residents, the City will focus municipal tax dollars and other tax-based resources on developing facilities that accommodate basic services in key service target areas.

◆ Shared development – Facilities that exceed basic design standards and service levels will continue to be developed through funding partnerships with other organizations, such as schools, health-care providers, community service groups, not-for-profit organizations and private sector developers.

8 Recreation Facility Master Plan The recreation facility continuum

Recognizing that a city our size needs facilities of varying size and scope, this plan aims to build a recreation facility continuum made up of four facility types:

✵ Neighbourhood facilities ◆ District facilities ◆ Specialty facilities ◆ Citywide facilities

As shown in this chart, the four facility types fill unique yet overlapping roles.


Service Level/ Over 600,000 150,000 to 200,000 40,000 to 80,000 Under 20,000 Population

Geographic Service Area

General ◆ Highly specialized. ◆ Targeted activities and ◆ High market demand. ◆ High local demand. Characteristics ◆ Designed for specialized interests. ◆ Serve skill levels ◆ Developed through competitive or large ◆ May be one or a few from introductory to partnerships with spectator use. of a particular type advanced. community leagues ◆ Serve the entire city, and depending on market ◆ Can accommodate and school boards. often have a regional or demand. local competition ◆ Respond to local national focus. ◆ Respond to specific but designed with needs. ◆ Respond to organized markets and recreational use in mind. and formal activities organized/structured ◆ Respond to organized and interests. groups. and informal interests.

Acceptable Travel Time ◆ Walking / biking ◆ Over 30 minutes ◆ 20 - 30 minutes ◆ 15 - 20 minutes ◆ 10 - 15 minutes ◆ Public transit ◆ Over 30 minutes ◆ 20 - 30 minutes ◆ 15 - 20 minutes ◆ 10 - 15 minutes ◆ Private vehicle ◆ Over 20 minutes ◆ 15 - 20 minutes ◆ 10 - 15 minutes ◆ 5 - 10 minutes

Examples ◆ 50 m competitive pool ◆ Multi-court gymnasia ◆ Indoor leisure pool. ◆ Community of Facility with spectator seating centre. ◆ Arena. League hall. over 1,000. ◆ Indoor skatepark. ◆ Leisure ice. ◆ School gymnasium. Components ◆ Ski facility. ◆ Multi-pitch indoor ◆ Gymnasium. ◆ Major spectator soccer centre. ◆ Fitness facility. stadium. ◆ Theatre or ◆ Multi-purpose space ◆ Major heritage or performance facility (arts, culture, social, entertainment site. with seating under meeting). 1,000.

Recreation Facility Master Plan 9 2005 – 2015 Edmonton’s plan for new and expanded multi-purpose recreation facilities

Recommendations refer to the proposed timing of development in the short, medium and long term, based on identified needs.

Short Term - Up to 2010 Expand/Redevelop Medium Term - 2010 to 2015 Central Lions Senior Citizens Long Term - Beyond 2015 Recreation Centre

North Expand Expand/Redevelop Clareview Peter Hemingway Fitness Arena to a and Leisure Centre Multi-Purpose Facility

Central North

New Central North Multi-Purpose West Facility Central South

New Lewis Farms/Grange Multi-Purpose Facility (location to be determined) Expand Confederation Leisure Centre with New Southeast Fitness Centre Southwest New Meadows Multi-Purpose Facility

New Riverbend/Terwillegar Multi-Purpose Facility

10 Recreation Facility Master Plan How will this plan shape our future?

While all facilities within the continuum will continue to receive support, the master plan concentrates on setting parameters for the development of multi-purpose district facilities. The master plan defines new and expanded multi-purpose recreation facilities to Edmonton’s existing array of multi-purpose facilities stretching to 2015 and even beyond. Due to their size and scope, these facilities are well suited to incorporate such priority principles as integrated service and shared development. Ideally, neighbourhood, specialty and citywide facilities also follow the principles, although their size or purpose may make some principles less suitable.

The plan seeks partnerships with health care, education and social service agencies to provide integrated service. Those partnerships build on the foundation laid by existing joint use agreements with schools, already a key aspect of the Edmonton service model.

This plan envisions a city where all citizens have access to welcoming, conveniently located facilities that enhance our sense of community by offering integrated services suited to a wide range of interests and skills. This strategic approach responds to today’s realities while providing the flexibility to adapt as population grows and recreation trends shift.

Recreation Facility Master Plan 11 Check out these resources:

◆ Recreation Facility Master Plan You can purchase the complete Recreation Facility Master Plan for $6.25 by phoning the City of Edmonton, Community Services Department, at 496-4999. The plan is available online at and enter the search words “Recreation Facility Master Plan.”

◆ The Recreation Facility Master Plan – What partners need to know If you are interested in partnering with the City of Edmonton to develop a new facility or redevelop an existing facility, please call 944-0020 for more information.

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12 Recreation Facility Master Plan