NAITSA Ends School Year with Thriller Blowout for Students – Story, Page 18

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NAITSA Ends School Year with Thriller Blowout for Students – Story, Page 18 HAPPY APRIL FOOL’S DAY! THE Please recycle this Thursday, March 31, 2011 newspaper when you are Volume 48, Issue 24 finished with it. NUGGETYOUR STUDENT NEWSPAPER EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA YEAR-END PARTY! NAITSA ends school year with thriller blowout for students – story, page 18 EXCUSE ME! A member of the Slice Girls, left, takes a hit from an opponent during a recent roller derby match in Edmonton. Story, page 13. Photo by Jeff Hilbrecht, Trident Photography 2 The Nugget Thursday, March 31, 2011 NEWS&FEATURES NAIT wins Earth Hour contest By BALJOT BHATTI direction for Alberta. On March 26, 2011, at 8:30 p.m., the lights went Last year, NAIT also won the challenge and Sheryl off around the world for Earth Hour, and the NAIT Hansen, Wellness Consultant at the Department of Ath- campus was no different. During Earth Hour, NAIT, letics and Recreation, said before the event that some Grant MacEwan University, the University of Alberta ideas of what to do during the hour without power were and NorQuest College participated in a friendly “playing board games by candlelight, going for a walk, competition. taking a nap or heading to Churchill Square for music, Thousands of people from campuses across hot chocolate, buskers and more.” Edmonton competed to help their respective school The World Wildlife Fund and The Sydney Morn- win. The winner was based on the institution with the ing Herald originally conceived Earth Hour in 2007. most participants – proportionally. Approximately 2.2 million residents of Sydney, Austra- NAIT ended up winning the competition with a lia participated in the first ever Earth Hour by turning total participation of 2.57 per cent and the University of off all non-essential lights. Many cities around the world Alberta came in second at 1.46 per cent. In total, nearly followed suit and co-opted the event the following year. 1,600 students, staff and faculty members pledged to Earth Hour takes place on the last Saturday of participate in Earth Hour 2011 from five Albertan post- March. This year, millions of people across the world secondary institutions! This is another step in the right participated. By Kristiana Parn, Earn an MBA on weekends By CATHERINE YE management capabilities, well developed collab- ship Training Techniques, Comparative Devel- to enter the program, three references, preferably In partnership with Nova Scotia’s Cape orative and interpersonal skills and deep knowl- opment, Economic Geography and Develop- including one professional and one academic, Breton University, NAIT has been delivering edge of accountability, social responsibility and ment, Principles of Venture Analysis, Interna- and satisfactory scores on the GMAT as well as an MBA in Community Economic Develop- development issues and practices. tional Business and Strategic Management. TOEFL (for students whose native language is ment (CED) since September 2008. Graduates are equipped with the skills to Students are expected to maintain a 3.0 grade not English). Last, the candidates should per- NAIT’s Continuing Education department make a difference in leading organizations in an point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale to remain in form well in an interview. After passing all of the offers Cape Breton University’s MBA, which increasingly global community and economy. the program. requirements, students can be enrolled. Enrol- caters to working people who need flexibility to In the course, students must complete the When it comes to the requirements for the ment is limited to 20 students per cohort. complete an advanced business program in less required 15 three-credit courses plus a major enrolment, several criteria should be met. First, Now at NAIT, this program is delivered in than two years on a part-time basis. research essay/case study to earn 48 credits. The applicants should fill in an application form a weekend format. The semester-based format This program is designed for learners who main courses that they will take are Business with a non-refundable application fee. And they follows the September-June year. The modu- aspire to play leadership roles in the public sec- and Community Development, Principles of should also offer their official transcripts for all lar-based format includes short, self-directed tor, in third sector organizations and in commu- Accounting, Principles of Marketing, Organiza- previous university study and a resume detail- learning. Since it’s a Continuing Education pro- nity-minded businesses. tional Behaviour: Management and Policy-Mak- ing employment experience, skills, community gram, the schedule is made for candidates who The MBA in CED aims to develop a new ing, Principles of Finance, Applied Research involvement and interests. Candidates should have a day job but still want to increase their generation of leaders who have strong business Methods, Community Organization and Leader- prepare a 500-800 word statement on their desire knowledge. It’s a taxing time for everyone From March 19 to April 2, NAIT is providing Canada, so I had to send my T1 to CRA, and in can take your work permit to Canada Place to get tax shops for students who want their tax returns return, they will send me back some of my tax your number. Remember you cannot get it if you done for free by qualified NAIT business stu- return by check. only have a study permit. dents. As a volunteer who joined the tax prepara- If you are not a business student, the whole Then, tax returns cannot be completed unless tion shop provided by NAIT’s business students, I tax return process might confuse you. It’s indeed students have all their tax return slips, carry for- think I have the responsibility to remind everyone a complex process. At NAIT’s tax shops, volun- ward amounts and any receipts that they want to about this event. teers can help you with your tax return on the con- claim against their income tax. If student want the Two tax shops have already been held – on ditions that you don’t have capital gains, business tax return deposited directly into their account, March 19 and March 26. If missed them, try to get income, foreign income or have declared bank- they must bring all their banking information, your tax done on April 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., ruptcy within the last two years; also, if your per- including bank number, transit number and VIEWS FROM on the last day this service will be available. sonal income is higher than $30,000, if a student account number and sub number. Who is required to pay taxes? Well, no mat- is married with an income higher than $35,000 This is my way of offering you an easy under- AN OUTSIDER ter what your status is (Canadian citizen, per- and $40,000 for every child they have. For those standing of tax slips. Every year end, you will CATHERINE YE manent resident or international student), as cases, you may need to find a professional to help receive some T-forms from your employers, and What are your plans for April Fools’ Day? long as you have income in Canada (except you. since you are a student, you also pay the tuition Well, I hope you’re not the one who gets tricked! for cash pay or some special cases), you may What should you bring to the tax shops if you and bus pass. Make sure to bring all the T-forms Today, I want to talk about something real and I qualify as a tax payer. In this case, no matter are eligible for the volunteer help? and all the receipts from buying the bus pass to promise you it’s not a trick. As international stu- how much you earn from your work, you have First, students must bring a piece of ID tax shops. dents, even though we are not Canadian, there are the responsibility to inform the Canada Reve- (Alberta ID, driver’s licence or passport), all Volunteer tax returns will be completed on still a lot of things we have to do like Canadians, nue Agency about your income. Take me as an income receipts and a social insurance number. a first-come, first-served, basis. So grab the last such as paying taxes and getting tax returns. example, this is the first year I earned income in If you don’t have a social insurance number, you chance to get your tax return done! Thursday, March 31, 2011 NEWS AND features The Nugget 3 Making a difference The Nugget By LACE SENIO Children for the past couple of years and has Room E-128B Entertainment Editor inspired many in the local and global commu- 11762–106 Street You know that moment when you know your life nity. She is excited about the grant Change For Edmonton, Alberta has profoundly changed and there is no way you can Children has received from the Canadian Inter- T5G 2R1 go back to the way things were? Well those are spe- national Development Agency (CIDA). This Production Office 471-8866 cial moments, usually for the better. I had one of those money will fund food security projects in both moments. My moment came when I was first intro- the Rio Patuca Ecological Reserve, of south- Editor-in-Chief eastern Honduras and the BOSAWAS Bio- duced to Change For Children. Rachel Jacques Change For Children Association is an Edmonton sphere Reserve, of Nicaragua, the second larg- based non-governmental organization that contrib- est rainforest ecosystem in the Americas. [email protected] utes to solutions locally and globally. The Change For The food security project, “Between Riv- Issues Editor Children mission statement says: “Change for Chil- ers,” will allow these communities to develop Celeste Dul dren promotes action for systemic change and sus- food security and peace of mind about the [email protected] tainable development through solidarity and partner- changing climate, weather issues, such as Assistant Issues Editor ship, by nurturing community and by maintaining an drought, and the destruction and development Steven Dyer integral, vital and stable organization.” of the land by people that are not local and not [email protected] Change For Children works indigenous.
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