w t r J . - 1 t ............... 555H25H55!!H3S5S35E5!5!!!5p5!5! 166 THE NATIONAL ERA: WASIDVGTON, D. 0., OCTOBEI1 20, 1859. Vol. Xm. > .. 5E i.> rr- =ae ITZ *- .L. '.|j *& ,TiL J.."* IT* men to a* THE CALIFORNIA DUEL. THE REVIEW. mation that the intend to ten to say, in which, taking a in the a dark To Acmim.Business will find it groatly WILL KANSAS BE ADMITTED viz:. free labor, and recognize Slavery their Democracy take care I telescopic view, part negro; South, their to advertise in the Era % of the we see not the homely things around us, the quadroon. advantage evil genius, which baa dwarfed their industry, We announced last week that Senator Brod- ]Life of Thomas a Beeket, by Rav. Henry Hart Miliaan. spoils themselves, while the Old Lin< I Messrs. HettingiU & Co., 8. B. Niles, and Joy, Coo, h. Kansas baa at length formed and rati ed a New York: Sheldon Sc. Co. For aale Pranek are lilies that spin not, the sparrows which are sold That this condition is not now npon !and doomed their to the better e had killed in a duel by Ta>, Whigs expected to work for ir.a frightful Co., are our authorised advertising agents for Boston, State city inferiority, rick, of California, keen avenoe. nothing three lor a do not see and will not be in its full for Coostitotion, which is approved hy i targe for lor, Pennsylvania find themselves. farthing.r.rt only them, a.«, development New York, and i'StUhdr phia. 'for them. In point of natural advantages rLear San Francisco, by Dtfprid S.
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