Doskey Singleton MVP Her Independent, Colleges and Knew She Was in Senior Universities of Wisconsin Operate Trouble When She Year
WTG Achievers Vol. 11, No. 4 November 2010 About the WTG Basketball star finds her stride again with WTG The twenty private, or Doskey Singleton MVP her independent, colleges and knew she was in senior universities of Wisconsin operate trouble when she year. And without taxpayer support, but fl unked an informa- thanks to a provide an invaluable public tion technology class suggestion service to the state, educating in her fi rst semester from her more than 60,000 students a at Silver Lake Col- basketball year. Many of Wisconsin’s best lege. coach, Dos- and brightest need financial help key visited to attend the college of their Doskey is the fi rst to Silver Lake. choice. admit that she didn't start out as the best Doskey The State of Wisconsin created student. Attend- joined the Wisconsin Tuition Grant ing three different DoskeyDoskey Singleton,Singleton, Milwaukee,Milwaukee, faced her share of chal-chal- the SLC (WTG) in 1965 to help qualified Milwaukee high lenges as a freshman, but says she’s stronger now. basketball Wisconsin citizens to succeed. schools, she fi nally team last fall, Fully one-third of the low-income found the right fi t at a school I would have never made but the transition to college students who apply for the WTG that helped her integrate her it to college,” Doskey says. wasn’t easy as she struggled are turned away every year studies and life goals. “If At Destiny, Doskey was the academically. “When I was for lack of funds. Each month it wasn’t for Destiny High, school’s leading scorer and continued on page 2 WTG Achievers brings you success stories of Wisconsinites for whom the WTG has made a WTG helps senior “pay it forward” as graduation looms significant difference.
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