Past and Present in Medieval Chronicles
Past and Present in Medieval Chronicles Edited by Mari Isoaho VOLUME 17 Published in 2015 by Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies P.O. Box 4 (Fabianinkatu 24) FI-00014 University of Helsinki Finland ISSN 1796-2986 ISBN 978-951-51-0870-8 © Editor & Contributors 2015 __________________________________________________________________ COLLeGIUM: Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences Editors-in-Chief Sari Kivistö, Johanna Sumiala Managing Editor Maija Väätämöinen Editorial Board Elvira Brattico, Eva Johanna Holmberg, Nora Hämäläinen, Juliette Kennedy, Simo Knuuttila, Klaus Laalo, Merja Polvinen, Silvija Serafimova, Mikko Tolonen, Flutur Troshani Board of Consulting Editors Laura Assmuth, Marghareta Carucci, Denis Casey, Douglas Davies, Charles Husband, Mika Kajava, Leena Kaunonen, Kuisma Korhonen, Dan Lloyd, Petri Luomanen, Matti Miestamo, Marianna Muravyeva, Andrew Newby, Mika Ojakangas, Tom Popkewitz, Katariina Salmela-Aro, Hanna Snellman, Koen Stapelbroek, Ian Thatcher, Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov, Miira Tuominen, Karen Vedel, Alan Warde Web: Cover photo: Laurentian Chronicle, parchment codex dated to 1377. The page describes the period from 6367 to 6370 AM (859-862 AD) of the Primary Chronicle, explaining how the Varyags, known as the Rus’, came to rule from beyond the sea. Past and Present in Medieval Chronicles Edited by Mari Isoaho Contents Introduction Mari Isoaho 1 Seizing History: Christianising the Past in Late Antique Historiography Maijastina Kahlos 11 Past and Present in Mid-Byzantine Chronicles: Change in Narrative Technique and the Transmission of Knowledge Staffan Wahlgren 34 The Last Emperor in the Primary Chronicle of Kiev Mari Isoaho 43 The Future in the Past: Predictions in the Old Rus’ Chronicles Aleksandr G.
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