Eastern Orthodox History Time line Submitted by Carolyn Rock 08/28/2012


Folio 71v of the Drogo Sacramentary, ca. 850: a decorated initial ‘C’ contains the Ascension of Christ. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drogo_Sacramentary

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Writing Title of Work

The , with an estimated 300 million members is the second largest Christian Church in the world. In the Eastern and Southeastern parts of the world and including Russia, Belarus, , Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Romania, Theological Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, , and Cyprus, Orthodox is the main religious denomination. It is based on Theology Influence teachings of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ and his Apostles almost 2,000 years ago. Persecution The Orthodox Church is theologically unified with geographically, distinct self-governing bodies. A Holy shepherds each autocephalous body preserving the apostolic teachings and patristic traditions. Orthodox bishops trace their lineage back to the apostles through the process of .

The Orthodox Church traces its beginnings back to the earliest church established by Paul and the Apostles. The Orthodox believe the original ancient traditions were developed as they were led by the Holy Spirit. Greek, Person Personality Slavic and Middle Eastern traditions, among others, shaped the cultural development of these nations.

The goal of Orthodox Christians is to draw nearer to God throughout their lives, striving to become more holy through the imitation of Christ’s life and cultivating a life of prayer. The Orthodox Study Bible includes the Greek and the , and seven which are generally rejected by Protestants and three other books. Orthodox Christians consider the ten additional books worthy of reading but on a lesser level than the 39 books in the canon. The term “Anagignoskomena” is a Greek word that means “readable”, “worthy of reading”. Orthodox Event Cultural, Social Historical Event Christians believe Scripture was revealed by the Holy Spirit to its inspired human authors and that the biblical text came out of that tradition. Hundreds of early patristic writings and all of Scripture is important in the Orthodox Church.1

Era Periods of Time

1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Orthodox_Church

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33 49 Council at (Acts 15) establishes precedent for ad- Origen one of the founders of theory 325 1st Ecumentical Council of Nicea settles Arius heresy Arianism Anomoeans Pentecost dressing Church disputes in Council James presides as bishop of and monasticism St Athanasius defends eternality of Son of God 451 4th Ecumentical (A.D. 29) Theopholes of Antioch first to mention Gnosticism 217-222 Sabellius expelled from the Monarchianism 362 2nd Ecumentical Council Alexandrian Council affirms two natures in Christ inspiration of scripture as Holy Word of God Montanism Church for heresy Sabellianism Modalism Novatianism 150 St Justin Martyr describes liturgical worship of Church in centered in Eucharist and rooted in Old and New Testaments 431 3rd Ecumentical 190-192 Victor gives ultimatum to Eastern Churches regarding date of Easter affirms Mary is “Mother” of God ()

Iranaeus (130-202) Tertullian (160-c.225) (3rd C-258) Athanatius (296-373) (330-397) influential ecclesiastical figures of 4th C Theodore of Mopsuestia (c.350-428) Father of Origen (c.185-c.254) St Basil the Great (329-379) Father Founder of the monastery (c. of communal monasticism, ”the Unsleeping Ones” 540-604) ”the Father Augustus reigned Peter and Paul died 107 St Simen of Jerusalem died under Trajan 193-211 Septimus Severas martyrs Clement of Cappodocian Father St Alexander died in 430 of Christian Worship” when Christ was born died 117 St Ignatius of Antioch died under Trajan 250 Origen martyred under Decius (249-251) Augustine (354-430) 81-96 Domitian mass persecution St Telesphorus of died under Trajan 258 St Cyprian of Carthage martyred by Veler ,(c. 330-c.395) Cappadocian Father St Romanos Melodus greatest composer (c 329-390) the Trinitarian Theologian, Cappodocian Father Peter 1st Bishop in Antioch, and later James, , and Clement 156 Polycarp of Smyrna died under Antonius Pius 138-161 of 166 Justin the Philosopher (100-165) Theodius the Great (379-395) issued (d. 444) (acrostic sermon) 69 Bishop Ignatius consecrated in Antioch died under Marcus Aurelius (161-180) death penalty for non-Orthodox (d. 451)

49 Emperor Claudius banishes all Jews from Rome 410 Visigoths sacked Rome a major landmark in fall of Western Empire 64 Rome burned down Nero blamed Christians 303-313 largest roster of names of martyrs Hellenistic Culture with temples to Isis, Cybele and Dionysus came during this period under Diocletians 312 -313 CE Edict of marks end to period of Roman persecution of Single world language greatly assisted the Christian missionary work Egypt considered 2nd Holy Land with great Greco-Roman Political Unity and economic prosperity centers of semierimitic life in Nitria and Scetis 323 AD Emperor Constantine is victorious over Persecution at Jerusalem scatters Christians to Judea and Samaria Popularity of Christianity

NT Apostolic Ante-Nicene Nicene Byzantine

Early Christianity Byzantine

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ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH Eastern Orthodox Church History Time line Submitted by Carolyn Rock 08/28/2012

600 CE 700 CE 800 CE 900 CE 1000 CE 1100 CE |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Germanos, of St Photius (810-893) skillfully denounced the Symeon the Metaphrast wrote Chronicle and A Commentary on the Divine Liturgy and The Life in Christ defended in a Special Epistle 850 The Drogo Sacrementary a book of yearly prayers by the priest Menalogian of Metaphrastes, 150 pieces for whole year St (c. 676-749) wrote a summation of Eastern Orthodox Gospel Book and Evangelist by St Nicolas Cabasilas 850 Chludov Psalter produced at the time of Greek theology entitled De Fide Orthodoxa and composed Portraits influened laterOstromir Gospels Most important produced during liturgical poetry and a collection of hymns in 8 Horologian used by the Reader and Chanters and Euchologian by Priest and Comnenian period is Our Lady of Vladimir tones or melodies (book of liturgy for variations in services) Emperor Basil I the Macedonian published Epanagoge the code of law for relations between state and Church St Andrew writes The Great Canon of St Andrew The Paris Psalter and Homilies of St Gregory of Nazianzus created for Basil I Pariarch Sergius writes Akathistos after escaping The Siege of Constantinople in 626 by the Avars Cyril compsed a new Slavonic Book of Hours, a collection of texts, prayers and alphabet known as Cyrillic Alphabet Psalms with decorated initials and miniatures Cyril and Methodius translate Epistles of Paul and Psalms into Slavic language The Studite Ordo contains hymnography entitled the Lenton Triodian St Photius wrote Amphilochia theologogical writing based on patristic quotations St introduced monastic rule of Theodore the Studite in the Monastery of the Caves and Triodion hymns and order of service and Easter and Typicon service manual 692 Method of painting St Theodor of Studios formulated the definition Conversion of the Slavs by Sts. Cyril (c. 826-869) and Methodius (c. 8150885) spread icons established with 82 and function in the Church of Monasticism Christianity to the northern regions of Bulgaria, Serbia, Moravia, Romania, and then Russia. degree of the Trullon Synod as a special ministry of the Church 843 Methodius takes Patriarchal throne and reinstates icons in worship 1st Sunday in Lent “Triumph of Orthodoxy” 681 6th Council of The first stone church 780-802 Irene begins plans for ecumentical council 946 Monastery in Greece, dedicated to a saint Constantinople claimed built by Vladimir in Russia 787 7th Ecumentical Council restores use of icons the Son had two wills Church of the Tithes Symeon the Metaphrast (892-927) most renown Byzantine hagiographer(people who study lives of ) 1051 Theodosius of Kiev and St Anthony of Vladimir Svyatoslavich the Great (St Vladimir of Kiev) (c. 958-1015) converted to Christianity 987 is known as baptizer of Russia Kiev bring Cenobitic Monasticism to Kievan II 820-29 and Theophilus 960 St Athanasius of Athos founder Rus’ founding Kiev Caves Monastery 829-42 in 834 more persecution of strictly regulated monastic life Prince of the Church Michael 810-893 Patriarch Photius Cyril, St Constantine the Philosopher, brother Cerularius when communion “father of Byzantine theology” of Methodius, the Apostle to the Slavs with Rome was severed 762-75 “new martyrs “ from this “decade of blood” Metropolitan , a major orator remain in the Orthodox calendar from that time Saints Boris and Gleb, voluntary martyrs St Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022) Byzantine St Cyril of Turov (1130-1182) theologian of Kievan Rus’ were first to be canonized in Kievan Rus’ who was the first to share his mystical experiences

Charlemagne “Charles the Great” King of the Franks 768 and Emperor of the Romans 800-814 united most of Western Europe for 1st time since the Romans. 1066 Norman Conquest of 1095 The One of the chief center of Emperor Leo V Carolingian Renaissance, a revival Britain Orthodox hierarch begun by the Byzantine Church Life was the Armenian ‘s of art, religion and culture through Medieval cultural replaced with Rome loyalists Roman Church the Monastery of Studios the medium of the son Constantine Copronymus renaissance at university of 988 Conversion of 717 the Arabs attack Constantinople and Leo the Isarian saves them Kievan period main persecutor Constantinople responsible Rus’ (Russia)begins for transmitting all ancient 726 Byzantine Emperor Leo III orders widespread wars, invasions, 1054 The Great Schism destruction of icons and in 730 replaced by worldly art revolts blamed on occurs due to Rome’s 589 Synod in Spain add Filioque to Constantine Copronymus persecution of icon worshipers icon-worshippers State motif - required universal papal supremacy Gradual fading of Political uprising in Greece and the Growth of Monasticism over Conception of theocracy results in full religious unanimity for claim and filioque clause and increasing entire West condemned iconoclasm 100,000 in Byzantium blending of the Church and Empire the peace of the state added to the Nicene Creed power of emperors 730-843 The Age of Iconoclasm 876-1056 The 1059-1204 The Comnenian Period

Byzantine Late Byzantine Post Roman Schism

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ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH THE ORTHODOX CHURCH Eastern Orthodox Church History Time line Submitted by Carolyn Rock 08/28/2012

1200 CE 1300 CE 1400 CE 1500 CE 1600 CE 1700 CE ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

The Khitrovo Gospels, late 14th early 15th Book of Needs was corrected 1580-81 Ostrozhsky 1633-47 Bible was printed Patriarch Jeremias II C Russian illuminated Gospel Book according to Greek models but Kievan metropolitan Answers The Koshka Gospels correctives were defective. writer of Orthodox 1721 Peter issued The Kiev Psalter of 1397, the Spiridon Psalter Confession founded a his celebrated contains over 300 miniatures Latin-Polish institute Spiritual Regulations 1629 Cyril Lucaris published 1722-94 Paissy Velichkovsky Andrei Rublev painted the icon based on an earlier icon “Hospitality of ”. “Confessions of the translated Orthodox Faith in from Greek to Slavonic 1314-92 St. Sergius, the founder of the Holy Trinity 1615 Kievan Brotherhood School founded mixed Lavra, Monastery of St Sergius at Radonezh became Western influences and Byzantine traditions seedplot of monasticism for all northern Russia Service books became too diverse, defective, 1670 of Polotsk and Paissy Ligarid two Latinists and contradictory of new Russian school theology Russian theology becomes 1600 Final Period of Mediaeval Russian icon painting 14th century was golden 1340-1350 Westernized and the Church Stroganov icons Late Gothic European painting, age of Russian monasticism disputes did not oppose the influence Oriental miniatures, Italian Trecento Orthodox missions to Aleutian 1500- Icon Painting of the state of Muscovy illustration Schism and persecution Islands, Alaska, to North of dogma texts of prayers, rites and cantilcles due to reform of liturgical books and America, China and Japan theological didactic trend practices by Patriarch Nikon (1605-1681)

Gemistus Plethon (1355-1450) founder of Platonic academy in Italy, introduced neopaganism 1503 Split in monastic ranks (1672-1725) established Venerable Sergius of Radonezh (1314-1392) a spiritual between the Possessors the Most , a governing body leader and monastic reformer of medieval Russia 1453 Mohammed (St of Volokolamsk, of leaders 1333 St defends hesychast allows Greeks to elect defended monastic 1596 persecution of 1722-94 Paissy spirituality and use of the Patriarch Gennadius landholding) and The Orthodoxy begins Velichkovsky launched St Andrei Rublev (1360-1430) is the greatest medieval Scholarius because of Non-Possssors (St Nilus of in Galicia, monastic renaissance Russian painter of Orthodox icons and frescoes his anti-Western views Sora, monastic poverty and Volgnia among Orthodox Slavs

Bulgarian Empire Mongols bring Bubonic 1517 Martin Luther nails his 95 Abolition of the by destroyed by Turks plague to Constantinople Theses to the door of Roman Church Peter I (the Great) in 1721 Tatar (Mongols) conquest take over Russia (Kievan State) in 1237 and rule until 1480 starting the Protestant and the Russian Church was placed under 1453 an uncanonical Synodal System, whereby a 1204 The Sack of Primary See of the Russian Church 1448 St proclaimed is converted Synod of twelve members, drawn from the Constantinople moved from Kiev to by St. independence of Russian into a mosque Bishops, and secular appointed estranges East-West Peter, Metropolitan of Kiev 1326 Church from Patriarch by the Government ruled the Church. of Constantinople 1453 Turks fall 1261 The Crusades and became basis of Constantinople 1529 Church of 1615 Brotherhood was founded ended by the subodination of the ends England pulls Roman Church Church to Russian State away from Rome 1669 Capture of Candia by Turks 1300-1330 1350 Late 1400-1450 Final Period 1600 German and 1650 Armoury style 1059-1204 The 1204-1300 Byzantine Art 1450-1500 1500- Italian Contempoary Mannerist Comnenian Period Paleologi Dynasty Paleologi of Byzantine art Flemish engravings of icon painting Post Roman Schism Post Imperial

Byzantine Ottoman

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THE ORTHODOX CHURCH Eastern Orthodox Church History Time line Submitted by Carolyn Rock 08/28/2012

1800 CE 1900 CE 2000 CE ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

1782 Philokalia by Nicodemus of the Holy Lost until 1883 Didoche, The 1956 Between Heaven and Earth Mountain published mystical texts from 4th Lord’s Instructions to the Gentiles by Fr Theoklitos (in Greek) to 15th Century The Way of a Pilgrim anon through the 12 Apostles Hymn of Entry by Fr Vasileios 1793 Paissy made a translation of Slavonic The Dognmatic Orthodox Theology by Dumitru Staniloae (1903-1993) 2008 The Orthodox Study Bible with Septuagint and commentary published Philokalia St My Life in Christ 19th c Pushkin writes most Triads in Defence of the Holy Hesychasts Spiritual Regulation not based on Orthodox Christen of literary works by Gregory Palamas published 1959 Canon Law but Protestant ecclesiastical “The Captain’s Daughter” 1821-67 Philaret Drozdov Russian Bible translation, Filaretica, and 1823 Catechism Revival spread in spiritual life and missionary work Metropolitan Jonah OCA addresses 1868-1912 St Nicholai began missionary Anglican Church in North America 1794 Orthodoxy introduced work with Japanese founding seminaries, the Commemoration of the Optina startsi was approved to North America Missionaries translation center, and numerous churches and by the Synod of the Russian Church Abroad in go to Kodiak Island in Alaska communities, witnesses his strong missionary zeal 1990, and by the Moscow Patriarchate in 1996. Around 1790, Metropolitan Platon of Moscow restores and revives the monastery in the tradition set forth by St Paisius. Optina Hermitage (Pustyn The powerful renewal movement spread through the Church in Russia beginning in the nineteenth century, and into the atheist persecutions of the twentieth century 1810 452 monasteries By 1957 22,000 active Russian Orthodox Churches 2001-4 Orekhovo-Boriscovo Cathedral built to celebrate millennium of Baptism of Rus’ Westernization in Church art, Church music and theology By 1985 fewer than 7,000 active Russian Orthodox Churches 2010 1st Divine Liturgy in 88 yrs at Panagia Soumela Monastery in 1821 Patriarch Gregory V martyred on Easter Sunday 1987 The Optina Monastery itself was officially re-established 1970 Metropolia becomes known as Orthodox Church in America 2008 First Ortthodox Liturgy celebrated at North Pole Venerable Vladimir Nikolayevich 1970 St Herman glorified as 1st American saint 2010 Hundreds of thousands of Quatemalans in Latin America convert to Orthodoxy (1754-1833) one of Russia’s Lossky (1903- most highly venerated saints 1958) Theologian 1988 Andre Rublev canonized a saint in Russian Orthodox Church emphasized “theosis” 1918 St Vladimir Metroploitan of Kiev was murdered 1724-82 CE St Tihon of 1917-25 Patriarch Tikhon 1920-30s Soloovki Special Purpose Camp executed martyrs at monastery Zadonsk, a revitalizer of pastoral life, known as Revolution of 1917 resulted in 1.6 million Gulag death tole of Orthodox from 1929-1953 “Russian Chrysostom” because they resisted the Renovationists whose schism distorted the Orthodox Faith 1917 Fall of the Monarchy, Most Holy Synod abolished, Patriarch was re-established Tikhon, Metropolotan of Moscow elected Patriarch by the All-Russian Council, Bolshevik Revolution 2001 Pope John Paul II of Rome apologizes to Orthodox Church for Fourth Crusade 1995 Pope John 1997 Law on 2003 Antiochian Orthodox Church Archdiocese of NA granted “self-rule” by Church of Antioch Paul II issues Freedom of 2004 Pope John Paul II returns to Constantinople stolen by Crusdaers in 1204 1844 Seminary opened encyclical Conscience 2007 Reconciliation of ROCOR and Moscow Patriarch as semi-autonomous entity on Island of Chalis Orientale and 2008 Ukraine issues commemorative coins celebrating of Russia Monasticism was severely restricted more than half Lumen Religious the monasteries were closed by Empress Catherine encouraging Associations 2008 Synaxis of the Heads of all Orthodox Churches convened II (the Great - 1762-96) and their lands confiscated. reunion of East passed in 2009 4th Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference in 1870 RomanDogma and West Russia 2010 1st annual Assembly of North and Central America of Papal infallibility 1988 CE 1000 years of Orthodoxy in Russia 2011 All American Council of OCA and ROCOR celebrate Divine Liturgy 1854 Roman Dogma of 1991 Communist order in collapses 2011 Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America 1914 1025 monasteries in Russia 2012 Assembly of Canonical Bishops of North and Central America

Synodal Period Present

Post Imperial Modern Communist Post Communist

Ottoman Modern

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THE ORTHODOX CHURCH Eastern Orthodox Church History Time line Bibliography Submitted by Carolyn Rock 08/28/2012


1. Richard C. Gamble. The Ancient Church. Audio Lectures. The Institute of Theological Studies. 1989. Western-painting/69508/Illuminated-manuscripts#ref582441>.

2. Time line of Church History. 19 August 2012 . 14. The Drogo Sacrementary. 21 August 2012. .

3. Fr. Jack Norman Sparks. The Orthodox Study Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2008. p.XXI 15. Khitrovo Gospels. .

4. Ivor J. Davidson. The Birth of the Church. UK:Monarch Books. 2005. p.243 16. S. Bolshakoff,The Foreign Missions of the Russian Orthodox Church, London, 1943.

5. Consubstantiality. 19 August 2012. . 17. Dumitro Staniloae. 22 August 2012. .

6. Alistair McGrath. Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought. Oxford: Blackwell 18. Steven Rosefielde.Red Holocaust. Routledge, 2009. ISBN 0-415-77757-7 pg. 67 Publishers. 1998. Chapter 1 19. History of the Russian Orthodox Church. . Retrieved 14 April 2011. Patristic Period, c. 100-451.’ 20. The Orthodox Church in the History of Russia pg.313 8. A Brief Introduction to the Orthodox Church. 7 August 2012. . 21. Orthodox Church in America. 23 August 2012. . 9. St Basil the Great the of Caesarea, in . Orthodox Church in America Website. Retrieved 2007-12-15 22. Orekhovo-Borisovo Metochian. 22 August 2012. . 10. Orthodox America. Saint Romanos Melodos: The Lyric Poetry and Drama of Great Friday. 20 August 2012. . 23. Commemorative Coins “Christianization of Kievan Rus”, National Bank of Ukraine web-site, July 2008

11. “Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.” 19 August 2012. . Press, 1992.

12. First Seven Ecumentical Councils. 14 July 2012. .

27. Seminarian Witnesses “Explosian” of Orthodox Christianity in Quatemala. .
