The Ukrainian Weekly 1988, No.17 І НИ І Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal поП'profit association| UbainianWeekl V Vol. LVl No. 17 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 24,1988 25 cents U.S. commission says 1932-33 famine Demjanjuk convicted was premeditated genocide by Stalin quoted as saying, "I am totally surprised by Maria Rudensky legislation that would prolong its life Defense to appeal at the brutality of the decision taken by Special to The Ukrainian Weekly beyond June 22, albeit without govern the State of Israel against John Dem to Supreme Court janjuk." WASHINGTON - The Commis ment funding, for two years, sion on the Ukraine Famine has deter "This means that we will continue to JERUSALEM - John Demjanjuk He said the court automatically mined categorically that the famine of depend on the generosity of the Ukrai was found guilty on Monday, April 18, rejected defense arguments. "My God in 1932-33 was premeditated genocide nian American community," said Com of crimes against the Jewish people, heaven, according to the judges, we against Ukrainians by "Josef Stalin and mission Staff Director James Mace. crimes against humanity, war crimes didn't do anything right. They ruled those around him." "We are extremely gratified at the level and crimes against a persecuted people. against us on every single point." The commission's findings are in its of community support." About In their 450-page verdict, the three Mr. Demjanjuk's family - his wife, most extensive report thus far, which 5140,000 has been donated since the Israeli judges who heard the case stated: Vera, son, John Jr., daughter Lydia, was to be presented to Congress on fall, assuring funds for the commission, "We determine conclusively, without with her husband Andrij Maday, and April 23.
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