January 4, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E25 EMBRACING THE CONSTITUTION Mr. Speaker, all peoples are entitled to live government, preventing the government’s FLAG in freedom. The Sikhs of Punjab, Khalistan daylight robbery of Punjab river water. Pun- made their choice on October 7, 1987 when jab needs its river water for its crops. In the they declared their independence from India, bill, the Assembly explicitly stated the sov- HON. ANTHONY D. WEINER ereignty of Punjab. OF calling their new country Khalistan. India, The Indian government has murdered over IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which proudly claims to be democratic, re- 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, more than 300,000 fuses even to hold a free and fair vote on the Christians since 1948, over 89,000 Muslims in Tuesday, January 4, 2005 question, just as India has never kept its Kashmir since 1988, and tens of thousands of Mr. WEINER. Mr. Speaker, since Sep- promise of 1948 to hold a plebiscite on the fu- Tamils, Assamese, Manipuris, Dalits, and tember 11th, 2001, this nation has engaged in ture of Kashmir. How can a country do these others. The Indian Supreme Court called the a debate over how best to balance national things and claim to be democratic? Self-deter- Indian government’s murders of Sikhs security with civil liberties. ‘‘They who would mination is the essence of democracy. ‘‘worse than a genocide.’’ A new Congress gives us a new opportunity Indian police arrested human-rights activ- give up an essential liberty for temporary se- ist Jaswant Singh Khalra after he exposed curity, deserve neither liberty or security.’’ to take a stand for freedom in South Asia and their policy of mass cremation of Sikhs, in Those words are as true today as they were around the world. We should stop all U.S. aid which over 50,000 Sikhs have been arrested, when Ben Franklin said them at the dawn of to India until it allows full democratic rights tortured, and murdered, then their bodies American democracy. and full human rights to all people living within were declared unidentified and secretly cre- It was in that spirit that a patriotic New York- its borders and we should strongly support a mated. He was murdered in police custody. er named Bob Pargament designed the ‘‘Con- free and fair plebiscite in Punjab, Khalistan, in His body was not given to his family. The police never released the body of stitution Flag.’’ The new symbol, an American Nagaland, in Kashmir, and wherever people seek their freedom on the question of inde- former Jathedar of the Akal Takht Gurdev Flag with the Constitution superimposed in the Singh Kaunke after SSP Swaran Singh outline of the United States, reminds us never pendence. By promoting such a plebiscite, we Ghotna murdered him. Ghotna has never to undercut the freedoms guaranteed to each promote democracy and human rights for all been brought to trial for the Jathedar individual in the Constitution. people in that troubled region. Kaunke murder. No one has been brought to While nothing can ever replace our beloved Mr. Speaker, I would like to insert the Coun- justice for the kidnapping and murder of ‘‘Old Glory,’’ this new emblem is currently fly- cil of Khalistan’s press release on Mr. Mann’s Jaswant Singh Khalra. ing in homes, city and town halls, and law remarks into the RECORD at this time. According to a report by the Movement Against State Repression (MASR), 52,268 MANN REVERTS TO SUPPORTING KHALISTAN classrooms across the country. It is on display Slikhs are being held as political prisoners at the American Library Association’s Chicago WASHINGTON, DC, DECEMBER 10, 2004—Once in India without charge or trial. Some have headquarters and the city of Mount Vernon, again, former MP Simranjit Singh Mann, been in illegal custody since 1984! Tens of NY has officially adopted the flag as the city’s leader of the Shiromani Alkali Dal (Amrit- thousands of other minorities are also being symbol. sar), has staked out a position in support of held as political prisoners, according to Am- As we in Congress continue to struggle with a sovereign, independent Khalistan. Speak- nesty International. We demand the imme- ing in Ludhiana on December 7 at a meeting diate release of all these political prisoners. ways to keep Americans safe, we should of his party, Mann said that the SAD (Amrit- honor those who are working to highlight the ‘‘It is encouraging that Mr. Mann has sar) would launch a peaceful movement to comeback to demanding Khalistan,’’ said Dr. civil liberties at the foundation of our democ- achieve a separate and sovereign Sikh state, Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the racy. I urge my colleagues to join me in em- according to the December 8 issue of The Council of Khalistan. ‘‘This is another step bracing the Constitution Flag as an invaluable Tribune (Chandigarh.) Mann claimed that his forward for the movement to liberate our reminder of what keeps American strong. party had never given up this position. homeland from Indian oppression.’’ Mann reminded his party that Sikhs are a f ‘‘As Professor Darshan Singh, a former separate nationality. He said that the foun- Jathedar of the Akal Takht, said, ‘If a Sikh FORMER MEMBER OF PAR- dation for an independent Khalistan was laid is not for Khalistan, he is not a Sikh’,’’ Dr. LIAMENT ENDORSES FREEDOM by Guru Gobind Singh and furthered by Sant Aulakh noted. ‘‘We must continue to press Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and that this for our God-given birthright of freedom,’’ he FOR KHALISTAN—SOVEREIGNTY dream ‘‘will be materialized one day.’’ Guru WILL END OPPRESSION said. ‘‘Without political power, religions can- Gobind Singh gave sovereignty to the Sikh not flourish and nations perish. A sovereign Nation (‘‘In grieb Sikhin ko deon patshahi.’’) Khalistan is essential for the survival of the HON. Sikhs are a separate nation. Sikhs ruled Sikh religion.’’ Punjab up to 1849 when the British conquered OF NEW YORK the subcontinent. Mann noted that it is in f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the interests of all the people in the region HONORING COMMAND SERGEANT Tuesday, January 4, 2005 to have a buffer state between India and MAJOR MARVIN L. HILL Pakistan to help ensure lasting peace in Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, on December 8, South Asia, given the deep hostility between the Tribune newspaper out of Chandigarh, ‘‘Hindu civilization and Muslim civiliza- HON. HAROLD E. FORD, JR. Punjab reported that a former Member of Par- tion.’’ OF TENNESSEE Mann’s remarks show that the desire for liament, Simranjit Singh Mann, had endorsed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sovereignty for the Sikh homeland, Khalistan. Khalistan remains strong in the Sikhs of His endorsement is part of a rising tide that in- Punjab, said Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, Tuesday, January 4, 2005 cludes the Punjab government declaring its President of the Council of Khalistan, which Mr. FORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- leads the Sikh struggle for independence. Dr. sovereignty when it ended its water agree- Aulakh also cited the actions taken by Chief ognize Command Sergeant Major Marvin L. ments with the other states in India. Minister Amarinder Singh, such as declaring Hill of Memphis Tennessee, and the dedica- I note that Mr. Mann said that the Sikhs are Punjab’s sovereignty in stopping all water tion and courage with which he has served a separate nation and promised to lead a agreements between Punjab and other our Nation. movement to liberate Khalistan. I hope that he states, as moving toward this goal. On Octo- A warrior and exemplary combat veteran, keeps his promise. My friend Dr. Gurmit Singh ber 7, 1987, the Sikh Nation declared its inde- Command Sergeant Major Hill will be moving Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan pendence from India, naming its new country onto the 1st Army, under Lieutenant General and an invaluable resource for information Khalistan. The Council of Khalistan was es- Russel Honore, overseeing training and mobi- tablished at that time to lead the peaceful, about South Asian affairs, has been saying democratic, nonviolent movement to lib- lization readiness for Army National Guard the same things for several years. It seems erate Khalistan from Indian oppression. Units within its area of responsibility. Com- that India’s oppression that killed a quarter of History shows that multinational states mand Sergeant Major Hill’s distinguished ca- a million Sikhs and keeps more than 52,000 of such as India are doomed to failure. Coun- reer is particularly noteworthy for his contribu- them as political prisoners has failed to tries like Austria-Hungary, India’s longtime tions to the legacy of the 101st Airborne Divi- dampen the desire and enthusiasm of the friend the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czecho- sion, ‘‘Screaming Eagles,’’ the post he is de- Sikhs for their own sovereign, independent slovakia, and others prove this point. India parting. is not one country; it is a polyglot like those country. I salute Mr. Mann’s position. It is im- countries, thrown together for the conven- Command Sergeant Major Hill joined the portant for leaders in Punjab to speak out ience of the British colonialists. It is doomed Army on January 18, 1978. After completing strongly for Khalistan. We can help from here, to break up as they did. Recently, the Pun- Basic Combat Training at Ford Leonard Wood, but the effort must be won in Punjab, jab Legislative Assembly passed a bill annul- Missouri and Advanced Individual Training Khalistan itself. ling all water agreements with the Indian (AIT) at Fort Benning, Georgia, he became an

VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:32 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\E04JA5.REC E04JA5 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E26 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 4, 2005 Infantryman in May 1978. Most recently, he INTRODUCTION OF THE H.R. 28, pects of high-performance computing for sci- served a rotation in Operation Iraqi Freedom, THE HIGH-PERFORMANCE COM- entific and engineering applications, including: as Division Command Sergeant Major for the PUTING REVITALIZATION ACT Software, algorithm and applications develop- 101st Airborne. OF 2005 ment; Development of technical standards; Command Sergeant Major Hill has held a and Education and training. myriad of assignments which include: 2nd Bat- HON. JUDY BIGGERT Third, the bill requires the White House Of- talion, 1st Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, Fort OF ILLINOIS fice of Science and Technology Policy to di- Lewis Washington; 3rd Battalion, 5th Infantry, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rect an interagency planning process to de- 193rd Infantry Brigade, Fort Kobbe, Panama; velop and maintain a research, development, Tuesday, January 4, 2005 two tours with 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry and deployment roadmap for the provision of Regiment and one with 3rd Battalion, 327th In- Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to high-performance computing resources for the fantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air introduce the High-Performance Computing— U.S. research community. This provision will Assault), Fort Campbell, Kentucky; 4th Train- or HPC—Revitalization Act of 2005, which will help ensure an ongoing, robust planning proc- ing Brigade and United States Army Non- ensure that America remains a leader in the ess for our national high-performance com- commissioned Officer Academy and Drill Ser- development and use of supercomputers. puting efforts. geant School, Fort Knox, Kentucky; United When we think of how computers affect our Finally, the bill clarifies the missions of each States Corps of Cadets, United States Military lives, we probably think of the work we do on of the federal agencies that have a role in de- Academy, West Point, New York; 1st Battalion our office desktop machines, or maybe the veloping or using High Performance Com- (Mechanized), 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd In- Internet surfing we do in our spare time. We puting. fantry Division, Camp Hovey, Republic of don’t normally think of the enormous contribu- Mr. Speaker, at a full committee hearing on Korea; Staff and Faculty, United States Army tion that supercomputers—also called high May 13 of last year, Dr. , Di- Sergeants Major Academy, Fort Bliss, Texas; performance computers—make to the world rector of the White House Headquarters 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry around us. and Technology Policy, communicated the Ad- Regiment and Headquarters 2nd Brigade, These powerful machines are used in the ministration’s support for this bill. 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Divi- development of pharmaceuticals, in modeling Dr. Marburger and the Bush Administration sion (Air Assault). the earth’s climate, in applications critical to recognize that we can’t have world-class Command Sergeant Major Hill has occupied ensuring our national and homeland security, a multitude of positions: Rifleman to Com- science if we don’t have world-class com- and to strengthen our economic competitive- puters. We cannot imagine the kinds of prob- mand Sergeant Major in infantry units, Scout ness. High-performance computers also are Platoon Sergeant, Battalion Operations Ser- lems that the supercomputers of tomorrow will central to maintaining U.S. leadership in many be able to solve. But we can imagine the kind geant, Tactical Noncommissioned Officer scientific fields. Computational science com- (USMA), Drill Sergeant, Drill Sergeant Instruc- of problems we will have if we fail to provide plements theory and experimentation in fields researchers in the United States with the com- tor, and as a Faculty Advisor at the United such as plasma physics and fusion, astro- States Army Sergeants Major Academy in Fort puting resources they need to remain world- physics, nuclear physics, and genomics. class. Bliss, Texas. He also served as Task Force Mr. Speaker, dramatic scientific and com- CSM for TF 1–502 Infantry, Multinational That’s why the House passed this same bill mercial breakthroughs will require increasing in the 109th Congress. It will guide federal Force and Observers, Sinai, Egypt. computing power by a factor of a hundred, or Command Sergeant Major Hill’s military and agencies in providing needed support to high- in some cases, by a factor of a thousand. civilian education is comprised of the Primary performance computing and its user commu- While attaining these increases may seem Noncommissioned Officers Course, Basic nities. Our nation’s scientific enterprise, and daunting, the history of computer development Noncommissioned Officers Course, Advanced our economy, will be the stronger for it. Noncommissioned Officers Course, First Ser- has taught us that with a sustained commit- To conclude, I want to recognize the bill’s geant Course, Drill Sergeant School, Air As- ment to research, such gains are within our cosponsors, Chairman SHERWOOD BOEHLERT sault School, Rappel Master Course, Master reach. and Congressman LINCOLN DAVIS, and thank Fitness Trainers Course, and Sniper School. For nearly three years, Japan was home to them for their support. I hope the rest of my He is a graduate of the United States Army the world’s fastest supercomputer, the Earth colleagues will again support this legislation Sergeants Major Academy, Class 48. Com- Simulator. But during those years, the United when it comes to the floor for consideration in mand Sergeant Major Hill also holds a Bach- States remained a leader in high performance the 109th Congress. With your help, we will elor of Science degree in Liberal Arts from St. computing as home to many of the world’s ensure that the United States maintains its Thomas Aquinas College in Sparkill, New fastest supercomputers. For example, a list of distinction as home to the world’s most power- York. the world’s fastest computers released last ful computer. In recognition of his honorable service, spring documented that 10 of the top 20 Command Sergeant Major Hill has received supercomputers were in the United States at f that time. numerous awards and decorations, including THE LIFE OF FATHER MAC the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Then, just two months ago, the United Medal (five Oak Leaf Clusters), the Army States regained the lead when IBM’s Blue Achievement Medal (four Oak Leaf Clusters), Gene/L supercomputer was recognized as the HON. DANNY K. DAVIS the Noncommissioned Officers Development fastest computer in the world. IBM and the OF ILLINOIS Ribbon (Fourth Award), the Good Conduct U.S. supercomputing industry are to be com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mended for their impressive accomplishments. Medal (Seventh Award), the National Defense Tuesday, January 4, 2005 Service Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the These are accomplishments upon which we Overseas Service Ribbon (Second Award), the must build if the United States is to retain its Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise NATO Medal, the Kosovo Campaign Medal, leading role in the development and use of today to honor and reflect the life of Mon- the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary supercomputers. signor Ignatius McDermott, who many called Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service That’s why my legislation updates an impor- Father Mac, a Chicago Priest who helped Medal, the Korean Defense Service Medal tant law not revised since it passed in 1991. thousands of people with drug and alcohol and the Multinational Force and Observers The HPC Revitalization Act of 2005 clarifies abuse. Medal (Second Award). In addition, he holds the federal government’s role in supporting Father Mac was born on Chicago’s South the Expert Infantryman’s Badge, the Air As- supercomputing research and development in Side in 1909 to an Irish Catholic family. He at- sault Badge, and the Drill Sergeant Identifica- the United States. More specifically, my bill tended St. Gabriel Catholic School and then tion Badge. does four things: graduated from the former Visitation Catholic Command Sergeant Major Hill is married to First, it requires that federal agencies pro- School. He was ordained in 1936 after study- the former Sharon Patton. They have one son, vide the U.S. research community access to ing at Quigley Preparatory Seminary and Curtis, and one grandson, Camron. the most advanced high-performance com- Mundelein’s St. Mary of the Lake Seminary. Mr. Speaker, it is my great privilege to puting systems, and technical support for their During his leave from the seminary in 1930, honor Command Sergeant Major Marvin L. Hill users. Father Mac traveled daily through ‘‘Skid Row’’ for his distinguished service to our nation. He Second, there’s more to supercomputing to get to his job at Arlington Park racetrack. has demonstrated a laudable degree of lead- than building big machines. That’s why the bill From his daily encounters of seeing the de- ership, courage, and hard work. requires federal agencies to support all as- spair of alcohol and substance abuse, he

VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:32 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\E04JA5.REC E04JA5 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE