Issue No. 33, December 2016. Edited and published by Robert Lichtman, 11037 Broadway Terrace, Oakland, CA 94611-1948, USA. Please send trade fanzines and letters of comment to this address (or
[email protected]). Founding member and Past President1991: fwa. This fanzine is available by Editorial Whim for The Usual (letters, contribu- tions both written and artistic, and accepted trades), or $5.00 per issue (reviewers please note!). An “X” or "?" on your mailing label means this may be your last issue. All contents copyright © 2016 by Trap Door with all rights reverting to individual contributors upon publication. CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE: Doorway Robert Lichtman 2 Waiting for the Golden Age: John W. Campbell Jr. at the 1939 Worldcon Andy Hooper 4 Stare With Your Ears: A Radio Reminiscence John Baxter 18 The Cracked Eye Gary Hubbard 24 The À Bas Story Boyd Raeburn 31 The Queen and I Roy Kettle 34 The Ether Still Vibrates the Readers 44 ART & GRAPHICS: ATom (2), William Rotsler (17, 23, 30, 55, back cover), Dan Steffan (2, 44), Steve Stiles (cover, 4, 18, 24, 31, 34) & Steve Stiles/Pat Patterson (31). Welcome to the always hope for more letters second 2016 issue of of comment than I actually Trap Door! This is receive. However, echoing the first time since what fanzine fans have 1993 that I’ve pro- frequently said over the duced more than a decades, response is the single issue in the name of the game. It gives same year, and no one writers and artists feedback could be more sur- – and yes, egoboo – for prised and pleased their efforts, creates and than I am: surprised maintains interactivity even because after publish- in a letter column as infre- ing back in March I quent as mine, and makes was completely out of material except for the editor feel that the effort and expense of this issue’s cover and Boyd Raeburn’s held- publishing is worthwhile.