> cu 0:::: ""O C: cu ..0 0 co OldDmelladio 'DIGESJ' Old Time Radio No. 143 Winter 2014 The Old Time Radio Oigesl is printed _BOOKS AND PAPER published and distributed by _,.._..... ..... -----·-------··----·- --4-· -·--... __ .., __ .,.____ - .. - -- RMS & Associates Edited by Bob Burchett We have one of Che htrgest selections in thr USA of out of print books and pa1,cr items on all aspec ts of radio broadcast in~- MAY 16& 11, 2014 Published quarterly four l11nes a year -----·--- -------------- ----------------- ·-·- -··-·----- One-year subscription is $15 per year Hoo ks: A large assortment of books on th~· history of broadcasting, Single copies $3.75 each Pasl issues are available. Make checks radio writ ing, stars' biographies. radio show-;. and radio play~. payable to Old Time Radio Digest. A lso books on hrnacl casting techniques. social impact l1f ,a<lio t' IC .. Business and editorial office ~phcmcl'a : RMS & Associates, 10280 Gunpowder Rd Materia l on speci fi e radio station-.;. radio scri pts. Florence. Kentucky 41042 advcr1ising literature, radio prc.:miums. NAB annual repo11s, etc. 859 2820333 ------------- --- ------- ·---------- bob
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