Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-06-19

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-06-19 , . \. ; '. ' . ; , , at ! NIY Serving The State University of Iowa find the People of Iowa City I.orll Editor c I ,taterloo Iivell Up ... ,..... ". Member of Aasoclated Pre.!S-AP teiiCd Ware ana Wtrej)h()to serviCe Iowa City , Iowa. fUl'iday, June 19. ili56 Irnament favorite I he dofeated Bllr. :Iscatine, 2 'up for I Champion gqll !bine course . .,. , • put in some Wor·" . Inc 15th, 16th, aoc( ' Sena'e Body Approves " , .. I the l~th with ~ . , and the matc~· \ ~ IrtuaUy over . .Bu~ !ded to fire ' a( ith, aDd a birdljj· !rdink Jalned aD~ Incr'ease• in' Foreign Aid Ie 17th when Rule Ireen for a . bog~y~ • rdink could not'. I the 18th. ',Rille's Reg~p~s W:1I1 - u.s. Steel Workers OK StrikelAddition Still , the green and,' It carried to wiili~ IC the pin. ~eer .. ) carricd to th~ (onsiierSUI /I No Wcige , Contract~ by 30th Fal~s Sho~ of Guldn't make ulij lifference ,then. '. Ih school cham~ j a 33 - three. Building Fee · w':.": :~:: ~..:,.:. ...~,,:;:, • Ike s Request , WAS1fINGTON jII - The Senate I the first nl~" , score wall 35 « SUI President Virgil M. Hancher United Steelworkers oC America Foreien Relations Committee 10n· said Monday .the State Board of Monday authorized negotiators to day approved a $4,502,000,000 Cor· , the final 9, RuI~ Regents Celt the matter oC requir. call a strike in the 650,OOO-mal In· el~n aid biJI but ugge ted the ('n. iIf with a 70 andt jng students at Iowa 's tax·support· dustry unless a contract agreement tire prOll'am or helping .S. alii I was a 72" fo J 1 ed colleges to pay a yearly "'" It reached by June 30. need!! a r~\llew . .•t building Cee in addition to regular Tbey accused the Bii Three steel The amount r<'COmm nd d for 'enth tournamene Id Meerdink. Anl tuition costs should be considered Orms of having oHered a five·year military and economic assl tnnc!' Muscatine, waS' carefully. contract as a "take·lt-or·leave it" in the year atartlng July I fell arry'9 late finili~ He said the members of the ulUllUItum and that this constituted nearly $400 mUlion hy oC Presl. , me. His father;, Board of Regents lelt they should a refusal to bargain in good faith. dent Eisenhower'! roque. t. But it Nay. • (o.u,. I ..... Pll .....,. Larr, D.,.' review the matter and present a Then members of th l7().man was $702,800,000 roor th n Ihe polltlon, beCore the tax committee committee headed {or home, indio House had authorluod. I has been clu~ · MRI. VIRGINIA CRUMLEY, 529VJ Gov.",... St., fI"........ If • bit bUIY watchlnl ell.,. 1M" .. her "fMt- :atine for the )astl 11,,"" II c,.IIeI"", ••,.. enroll.d In th, Sum",.,.: Rec,...tlMal P ....ram at I_a City J\IIIlcw Hllh Sc ...... proposal comes before the Iowa eating no early sl:LUement was ex· Eisenhower, who earlier In the Legislature. pected: Any agreement by nego· day had nt out a n w plea for a l it looks \ike hl~ Mr•• C"''''''V \1 co-dl,..aor of ttl. protr.." at Junior HI,h. - Ie a 'chip off the, I Under the plan presented to tbe tiators would be submitted to the r storation of much of the House Board oC Regents Friday, the Iowa committee for approval. CY PR US r ductlon, was d scribed as lat d • ~r: "[{ Mecrdinlt: ' Legislature's tax study committee David J, McDonald, union presi· at the commJltee's acUon. recommended that student buildlnlt delli, meanwhile disputed the vallie Elsenhow r wa de cribcd as , favorite next~ shirt." Rule, who. fees be collected over a 4O-year the Big Three steel £irrns placed ... 'd ..' .... " H- particularly concerned over funds Rlayground Activities period to be used klr a $52 milUon !III the five·year wage and benefit for the North AUantic Treaty Or· ~ mber, will be !oo~ lxt year. building progr .. m needed to meel packale they oreered union last ganlutlon (NATO). Th President coming enrollment increases. Wednesday. III had sought $7eO million for arms of opinion seem· This would require students at The BI, Three-U.S. Steel, Beth· aid to Europe. TIlt> House applied allery that Meer: I nothing of whicll( for 'Iowa's tax·supported colleges to lchem and Republic-said the pack. THE TROODOS MOUNTAINS In the QI"mpu. ran" I.(~ :~"~:r~ a ceiling of 450 millions In slash· Pfann'ed' Ch:ldr~n 'pay a yearly $90 buUding fee in ad· Ige would amount to a 65-ecnt·an· fi,.. Sund"!' that killed 1f soIdl, .... C"pru. been un. Ing the tot.! set aside for global I: ' to,..., Brltl~ tt.. · Softball, movies and crafts are among attracflion. ofrered to Iowa M0S90W I.fI - Marshal Tito, of dltion to regular tuition costs. jIour Increase in the flUh year, ris· der Srtlsh admj~i.'ratlo" .Ince 1'7'. II hal bee~ • Irltlsh col"" mliitary as Istance from thr to City young,ters between six and sixteen years a age who will partlci· Yugo~lavia said Monday night he Gov. Leo Hoegh told the Asso. log from 17% cent the first year. olnc, 1-5. ,two billions. pate in the city's playground program. .' . • «' U The Forel- R lations Comml't Kn estimated 1,500 children 'are expected to join the annual trek to has not made any arrangements I;lated Press Monday he questions "That's pure and unadulterated ... • the play area$. The eight.week for military cooperation with the the advisability of this plan. bunk," McDonald told a news can· h Id 1 e hillSI r~lmmend dr boo ting the program, planned by the city reo ' Soviet Union during his reconcilia· "We showd be very careful not ference. He said union statisticians 19 Br,'f,·s So ,·ers °llvcr.a mil tare' {hlfIJl h by 600 mil· .tion vi"it here to I tud t t C d ti .. "stim"ted the fl'fth year value at ons/ som 0 w c pr $umably ! creation commlssion, began Mon· egen s pprove o. pr ce s en s ou 0 e uca on, Ie .. could be alloUt'<! NATO countries. • day at the city's seven play. R I A He denied reports that Yugosla· he said. "Ninety dollars II year iff ,2 cents. Committee CholrmQn Walter grounds. PI T -t. \oia would manufacture MIG jet a lot of money. At that rate, edu. IJ'he wage committee's statement D. · C F. ' Gorge m.oa.} said only Senator Seventeen directors and their as· an 0 finance lighters under Soviet license. But cation would become out of tlw came just a day after the union ,e,n yprus ,re William Langer (R·N.O') and Ru • sistants are plllnning and supervis· • . h~ leCt the way Qpen to change his reach of a lot of people." broke orf joInt talks with the Big selJ Long m.La, I vot d against the ing play activities. The summer's Sfudy of Edueal'lon mlPd when ~e added " 'as to what The idea of financing college three In favor o{ negotiating sep- measure, which ts out t rm.'! and ' events will I~clude crafts, games, will .happeq in t~ luture, I am no building programs with revenue /lI'ately with each oC the three NICOSIA, Cyprus ~Nlneleen British soldiers of a 2:000-man force money limits for 1956·57 mutual se- sOftball leagues, dancing, drama. DES M(>rNES toft .-: The State' prOPhet." . • bonds to be paid out of stu~nt fees firms and eight other major steel trying to capture lhe Cypriot rebd high command perished In a forest curiLy spending. Aclual appropri- tle~ '"'''' ~s, 'a .carnival -Bclarct, ol 'Regent&., has approved... Tito ~ '~I CPfJ'e~ over a JODg period of time ~wa8 firs C(lmpanle. r-; pn !he mile·bleh Troodos Mountains, British authorit.ie announced tJU9ns musljle handled In sep3rat a~ stofo)'telhnll,. plan Cor financing a special study at a ppay h.l eavc ,In ' \00 $oviet- suggested by the BOtJrd of R.egents Two of the eiglit companies, Tn . ' Me,.. ~. leil.laPon. Movies '-wlll be showrt at one oC blgher education in Iowa. ska1a, "o~l ~8r ,' the end ' of his last year. 1i1e Regents, however, land and Youngstown, submitted Eighteen oiliers were injured Sunday, some seriously. In this il'eatest Geor&e said the bill would be playgroun4 ea~q day abollt 8 p.m, The three tax.supported colleges tour oHhe ~vlet Union: wowd have taken the Cunds from contract proposals Monday. but single blow to the army's cam· passed on to the Cull Senate this Family groupSl\re urged to attend, will join with other low.a c911eges Throwillg l1)9re . cold '~ water on the regular tuiUon fees. IIctutil negotiations will not start paign against militant union.wlth· Gone (al! week but Ilkely would give WilY to . The. mllvles lire scheduled , as in sharing the expense at the rllte free.wheeling t~rt.s oC his rearien. Under the Regents' plan, the until today. The proposals were Greece advocates since the rebel. a hugo money bLII for the arm d • fol~ows: Mon~ay ,. Happy Hollow; of 10 cents Cor ,each student en· tatMln 'to Uie Kretnlln, Tlto-also said Iowa Le.gislature w~uld be asked ~o understood to be Identical on eco· lion Clared across this Mcdltcrra. services. When It com , d bate Tuesday, Juruor High ; W«:dnesday, rolled last fall. that no agreemerit on a future cco. ~ppropnate approxl'?~tely $2 mil· nomlc aspects as those presented 0 ff $ on foreign aid is sure to be sharp L(!lJglellOWi Thursday, Elm Grove, For the state colleges tha~ means nomic l>(ogralrt between the two lion to replace the tUItion fees used, by the three major firms.
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