Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-06-19
, . \. ; '. ' . ; , , at ! NIY Serving The State University of Iowa find the People of Iowa City I.orll Editor c I ,taterloo Iivell Up ... ,..... ". Member of Aasoclated Pre.!S-AP teiiCd Ware ana Wtrej)h()to serviCe Iowa City , Iowa. fUl'iday, June 19. ili56 Irnament favorite I he dofeated Bllr. :Iscatine, 2 'up for I Champion gqll !bine course . .,. , • put in some Wor·" . Inc 15th, 16th, aoc( ' Sena'e Body Approves " , .. I the l~th with ~ . , and the matc~· \ ~ IrtuaUy over . .Bu~ !ded to fire ' a( ith, aDd a birdljj· !rdink Jalned aD~ Incr'ease• in' Foreign Aid Ie 17th when Rule Ireen for a . bog~y~ • rdink could not'. I the 18th. ',Rille's Reg~p~s W:1I1 - u.s. Steel Workers OK StrikelAddition Still , the green and,' It carried to wiili~ IC the pin. ~eer .. ) carricd to th~ (onsiierSUI /I No Wcige , Contract~ by 30th Fal~s Sho~ of Guldn't make ulij lifference ,then. '. Ih school cham~ j a 33 - three. Building Fee · w':.": :~:: ~..:,.:. ...~,,:;:, • Ike s Request , WAS1fINGTON jII - The Senate I the first nl~" , score wall 35 « SUI President Virgil M. Hancher United Steelworkers oC America Foreien Relations Committee 10n· said Monday .the State Board of Monday authorized negotiators to day approved a $4,502,000,000 Cor· , the final 9, RuI~ Regents Celt the matter oC requir. call a strike in the 650,OOO-mal In· el~n aid biJI but ugge ted the ('n. iIf with a 70 andt jng students at Iowa 's tax·support· dustry unless a contract agreement tire prOll'am or helping .S.
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