AFRICAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMATIC STRESS Volume 1 Number 1, June 2010 ISSN 2218-4937 A publication of Makerere University College of Health Sciences In Collaboration with Peter C. Alderman Foundation AFRICAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMATIC STRESS Published by Makerere University College of Health Sciences Editor In Chief: Prof. Seggane Musisi, MBChB, FRCP (C) Deputy Editor: Dr. Elialilia S. Okello B.A, M.A, PhD Editorial Board Members Dr. Eugene Kinyanda, MBChB, M.MED PhD Dr. Etheldreda Nakimuli, MBChB, M.MED Mr. Henry Oboke, BA, MSc International Advisors Prof. J. David Kinzie, MD Prof. Thomas Wenzel, MD Prof. David Ndetei, MD, FCRPsych Prof. Margaret Morgan, PhD ISBSN (ISSN 2218-4937) Copy right ©2010 AJTS Correspondence Please address all inquiries and article submissions to: The Editorial Secretariat African Journal of Traumatic Stress, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, Makerere University Mulago Hospital Hill, P. O. Box 7072, Kampala, Uganda. Tel: +256 312 513469 Email:
[email protected] Website: African Journal of Traumatic Stress Vol 1 No. 1 June 2010 ABOUT THE AFRICAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMATIC STRESS The African Journal of Traumatic Stress (AJTS) was participatory democratic governance and in the established after the long realization of the need for empowerment and protection of vulnerable groups all workers caring for traumatized people in Africa, and all peoples from exploitation and oppression to communicate to each other, to share experiences, and advocates for an end to warfare and all its knowledge, skills and to support each other. It was industry; and for peace, freedom and justice for all realized that there was a need to document and the peoples of the world irrespective of race, colour, communicate all this knowledge to a wider audience creed, ethnicity, religion, gender, age or political beyond the African continent for the world to know, persuasion.