20213 .

Approved and ordered this 8th day of September , A.D. 1954.

At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, Lieutenant-Governor.


The Honourable in the Chair. Mr. Bennett Mr. Martin Mr. Sommers Mr. Kiernan Mr. Bonner. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The undersigned has the honour to report: i,t 775, -_,‘ 12.51/si-4- ( i i 1E-:

THAT by section 2 of the "Doukhobor Lands Allotment Inquiry Act", Statutes of , 1953 (Second Session), chapter 3, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council is authorized by Commission intituled in the matter of that Act and issued under the Great Seal to appoint a sole Commiss' ner to make such investigations in relation to the lands p ticularly described in the Schedule to Order-in-Council No. 14e 9,4 made on the 5th day of November, 1940, as he may think proper:

AND THAT it is deemed advisable and in the public interest to appoint a sole Commissioner to make an investigation in relation to the said lands and in particular to inquire into the following matters:-

(a)Whether the lands should be disposed of by the Land Settlement Board:

(b)In what manner the lands should be divided for purposes of sale:

(c)To what group of persons the lands should be offered for sale:

(d)At what price and upon what terms the lands should be offered for sale:

' (e) What provision should be made from the proceeds of the sale of the said lands for the claims against the lands of Her Majesty, in right of the Province:

(f) What provision should be made from the sale of the said lands for the claims of creditors of the Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood Limited.

AND TO inquire into any other matter in relation to the said lands that in his opinion it is in the public interest to inquire into:

AND TO itECOMLEND THAT His Honour Judge Arthur Edward Lord be appointed a Sole Commissioner under the provisions of the "Doukhobor Lands Allotment Inquiry Act" to inquire into the matters aforesaid and to\report thereon to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council what he finds with reference to the matters within the inquiry.

4*'‘ i

x2t,/,.‘ Lt,te. • , • I 8 Tt. t(( ,( 4-41.144." 161 s . [ORDER IN COUNCIL No. , Continued.]


AND THAT the remuneration for witness fees and allowances to witnesses in respect of mileage and maintenance be on the same scale as provided in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, and that the Commissioner be authorized to employ such counsel and such auditors, accountants and other professional advisers, and such clerks and stenographers as e considered necessary for the purpose of conducting the y at he usual rates for such service.

DATED this day of S


APPROVED this 7th day of September, A.D. 1954.


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OF THE Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Wednesday, January 18th, 1956.


Prayers by the Rev. A. Higgins.

Pursuant to Order, the House proceeded to take into consideration the Speech of His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor at the opening of the Session.

Mr. Brach (Esquirnalt) moved, seconded by Mr. Robinson (Lillooet),— That the following Address be presented to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor:- " We, Her Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, in Session assembled, beg leave to thank Your Honour for the gracious Speech which Your Honour has addressed to us at the opening of the present Session." A debate arose. On the motion of Mr. Webster, the debate was adjourned to the next sitting of the House.

The following papers were presented:— By the Hon. W. D. Black (Provincial Secretary),— Report of the Honourable Mr. Justice J. V. Clyne, dated October 17th, 1955, appointed a Sole Commissioner under the provisions of the " Public Inquiries Act " by Order in Council No. 2008, approved by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor in Council on September 3rd, 1954, to inquire into matters set forth in the said Minute of Council. Interim Report of His Honour Judge Arthur Edward Lord, dated August 25th, 1955, appointed a Sole Commissioner under the provisions of the " Doukhobor Lands Allotment Inquiry Act " by Order in Council No. 2028, approved by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor in Council on September 8th, 1954, to inquire into matters set forth in the said Minute of Council relative to Doukhobor lands. of His Honour Judge Lawrence Arnold Hanna, dated June 20th, 1955, appointed a Commissioner under the provisions of the " Public Inquiries Act " by Order in Council No. 716, approved by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor in Council on March 29th, 1955, to inquire into matters set forth in the said Minute of Council rela- tive to the amount of damage, if any, which will be suffered by reason of the construction of a logging-road by the Comox Logging and Railway Company through Lots 11 and 12, Plan 8255, being a subdivision of Lot 1476, Sayward District, and the amount of costs which should be payable to the owners of lots in the subdivision. 2 JANUARY !Hut

Return submitted in accordance with the provisions of Section 199 of the " Pro- vincial Elections Act, 1953," Chapter 5 of the Statutes of British Columbia, 1953 (Second Session), being Order in Council No. 2423, approved by His Honour the Lieutenant- Governor in Council on October Ilth, 1955.

By the Hon. E. C. F. Martin (Minister of Health and Welfare),— The Fifty-third Annual Report of the Vancouver General Hospital for the Year 1954.

By leave of the House, the following notices of questions standing in the name of Mr. Howard were withdrawn:- 1. For the general election of June 9th, 1955, how many registered voters, if any, were there in each of the electoral districts affected by the said election? 2. Since that date (a) how many voters, if any, have been added to the voters list in each electoral district, and (h) how many voters, if any, have been removed from the voters list in each electoral district? I. Relative to the Lillooct by-election of September 12th, 1955, have any returns been made pursuant to section 174 of the " Provincial Elections Act "? 2. What were the total election expenses listed by the Social Credit, C.C.F., Liberal, and Conservative candidates respectively, and upon what data was each return filed?

Resolved, That the House, at its rising, do stand adjourned until 2.30 o'clock p.m. to-morrow.

And then the House adjourned at 4.17 p.m.

T. J. IRWIN, Speaker.

NOTICES OF MOTION. On Friday Next. 13 The Hon. W. A. C. Bennett to move,— That on Friday, January 27th, 1956, and on all following days of the Session, there will be two distinct sittings on each day—one from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and one from 8 p.m. until adjournment—unless otherwise ordered.

NOTICES OF QUESTIONS. On Friday Next. 31 Mr. Nimsick to ask the Hon. the Attorney-General the following questions:— I. How much money has been placed in the Game Conservation Fund since its inception? 2. Have any moneys been expended from the Fund? 3. If so, (a) for what purposes and (h) what amount for each purpose? 4. What amount is in the Fund at the present time? JANUARY 18tH. 3

32 Mr. Nimsick to ask the Hon. the Minister of Highways the following questions:— I. Have any contracts been let on the construction of the Blueberry—Paulson Highway? 2. If so, (a ) for what amounts. (h ) what is the mileage in each case, (c) were tenders called in each case, (d) if not, why not, and (e) to whom were the contracts awarded?

33 Mr. Niensick to ask the Hon. the Minister of Highways the following questions:— I. Have any contracts been let on the construction of the Salmo—Creston Cut-off? 2. If so, (a) for what amounts, (h) what is the mileage in each case, (c) were tenders called in each case, and (d) to whom were the contracts awarded?

34 Mr. NimsicA to ask the Hon. the Minister of Labour the following questions:— I. On what date was Mr. Dickins appointed Workmen's Counsellor under the " Workmen's Compensation Act "? 2. What salary doc he receive? 3. Since his appointment how many cases have been presented to him for counsel? 4. In how many of these cases was he successful in changing the decision of the Board, so far as the records show? 5. How many cases are currently under review?

35 Mr. Gregory to ask the Hon. the Minister of Finance the following questions:— I. In the last twelve consecutive months' period for which figures are conveniently available, what total sum of tax was paid pursuant to the "Amusement Tax Act "? 2. What percentage of that sum was paid in respect of (a) moving pictures, (b) symphony concerts, (c) performances put on for charity, and (d) other types of amuse- ment?

36 Mr. Howard to ask the Hon. the Provincial Secretary the following questions:— I. Relative to the Lillooct by-election of September 12th, 1955, have any returns been made pursuant to section 174 of the " Provincial Elections Act "? 2. What were the total election expenses listed by the Social Credit, C.C.F., Liberal, and Conservative candidates respectively, and upon what date was each return filed?

37 Mr. Howard to ask the Hon. the Provincial Secretary the following questions:- 1. For the general election of June 9th, 1953, how many registered voters, if any, were there in each of the electoral districts affected by the said election? 2. Since that date (a) how many voters, if any, have been added to the voters list in each electoral district, and (b) how many voters, if any, have been removed from the voters list in each electoral district?

38 Mr. Laing to ask the Hon. the Minister of Highways the following questions:— I. Has the Minister assured the Municipality of Burnaby that the Lougheed Highway is to be widened? 2. If so, when is it proposed to start work?

VICTORIA. B.C. Printed by Don Mt-Dualistic,. Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty 1956 No. 1. VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS

OF THE Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Thursday, February 7th, 1957.


This being the first day of the first meeting of the Twenty-fifth Parliament or Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia for the dispatch of business, pursuant to a Proclamation of the Honourable FRANK MACKENZIE. Ross, Lieutenant- Governor of the Province, dated the 24th day of October, 1956, the members having been sworn took their seats.

His Honour FRANK MACKINZIL Ross, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, having entered the House, took his seat on the Throne.

The Hon. W. D. Black, Provincial Secretary, said:—

Members of the Legislative Assembly: I am commanded by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor to announce that His Honour does not see fit to declare the causes of his summoning you at this time, and will not do so until you have chosen a Speaker to preside over your Honourable Body. His Honour hopes to be enabled to declare, during the afternoon, his reasons for caNing you together.

His Honour was then pleased to retire.

The Hon. W. A. C. Bennett. Premier, addressing himself to the Clerk, moved, seconded by Mr. Straehan, Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, that Thomas James Irwin, Esquire, first member for Delta Electoral District, do take the Speaker's chair and preside over the meetings of this Assembly, and it was so Resolved.

E. K. DeBeck, Esquire, the Clerk of the House, having declared Mr. Thomas James Irwin duly elected, he was then taken out of his place by the mover and seconder, and conducted to the chair, where, standing on the upper step, he expressed his grateful thanks to the House for the great honour they had been pleased to confer upon him by choosing him to be their Speaker.

And thereupon he sat down in the chair. and the mace was laid upon the table.

Prayers by the Most Reverend II. E. ,Seston,D.1).. Archbishop of British Columbia.

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CALA.Ale....o t- Lektil 1.A.. t LL. a."...tt. • His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor again entered the House, and taking his seat on the Throne, the Speaker-elect (standing on His Honour's right) then spoke to the following effect:—

MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: The House of Assembly have elected me as their Speaker, though I am but little able to fulfil the important duties thus assigned to me. If, in the performance of those duties, I should at any time fall into error, I pray that the fault may he imputed to me, and not to the Assembly, whose servant I am, and who, through me, the better to enable them to discharge their duty to their Queen and country, humbly claim all their undoubted rights and privileges, especially that they may have freedom of speech in their debates, access to Your Honour's person at all seasonable times, and that their proceedings may receive from Your Honour the most favourable interpretation.

The Hon. IV. D. Black then said:— MR. SPFAKER: I am commanded by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor to declare to you that he freely confides in the duty and attachment of the House of Assembly to Her Majesty's person and Government, and not doubting that their respective proceedings will be conducted with wisdom, temper. and prudence, he grants, and upon all occasions will recognize and allow, their constitutional privileges. I ant commanded also to assure you that the Assembly shall have ready access to His Honour upon all seasonable occasions, and their proceedings, as well as your words and actions, will constantly receive from hint the most favourable construction.

His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor was then pleased to open the Session by the following gracious Speech:— Mr. Speaker and Members of she Legislative Assembly: I welcome you to the First Session of the Twenty-fifth Parliament of British Columbia. Last month the people of the Province suffered a great loss in the passing of a valued counsellor, Mr. Ernest Edward Winch, who had represented the constituency of Burnaby since 1933. Mr. Winch will not only he mourned by his constituents, but by all those who knew his unselfish and untiring devotion to public affairs. During the past year British Columbia has been favoured with a visit from Field Marshal the Right Honourable Viscount Montgomery of Alamein. Also during the year, we have enjoyed the opportunity of welcoming Right Honourable S. G. Holland, Prime Minister of New Zealand, and the Right Honourable A. R. W. Low, Minister of State, Board of Trade, United Kingdom. As a result of a great increase in the population of British Columbia, a redistribution of seats for this Legislature was approved at a previous session. The total membership in the House is fifty-two members. Since last you met, two new Ministers have been appointed—the Honourable Leslie Raymond Peterson, Minister of Education, and the Honourable Earle Cathers Westwood, Minister of Trade and Industry. Because of the growing importance of the tourist industry and the tremendous industrial "xpansion in British Columbia, my Government deems it advisable to set up two new departments—the Department of Recreation and Conservation and the other to be known as the Department of Industrial Development. Trade and Commerce, thus eliminating the present Department of Trade and Industry. ITBRUARY 7L U. 3

To this end you will be asked to approve an amendment to the " Constitution Act." As it is my Government's policy to encourage exploration and the development of our natural resources, the Department of Mines is being reorganized. My Government is exploring every possible means of encouraging the development of a basic iron- and steel-smelting industry within British Columbia. Certain measures will be laid before you that are designed to hasten this development. In relation to our rapidly expanding oil and natural-gas development in British Columbia, you will be asked to give consideration to certain steps that will assure the Province not only of continued development in this field, but also of wise and practical conservation of this resource. It is with gratification that I note that my Government has removed the tolls on passengers crossing on bridges operated by the British Columbia Toll Highways and Bridges Authority. The Agassiz—Rosedale Bridge was opened last year. This coming summer it is planned to open the Middle Arm Bridge and the system in the Vancouver area. The bridge at Nelson will likewise be opened. Favourable progress is being made on the Deas Island Tunnel, the , and the Okanagan Lake Bridge. My Government has signed with the Federal Government an extension of the Trans-Canada Highway Agreement, which calls for a new route through Rogers Pass in the Selkirk Range and a new route crossing the east of the , thence by new arterial highway to the Second Narrows Bridge and Horseshoe Bay. The Pacific Great Eastern Railway extension from Squamish to North Vancouver was officially opened last August, and the northern extension from Prince George to Dawson Creek and Fort St. John is now under construction. Last year the Pacific Great Eastern Railway had its best financial year in history, showing record gross revenue and operating profit. The Haney Correctional Institution will he opened during the early fall of this year. My Government is giving consideration to enlarging the jurisdiction of the County Courts, also adding to the number of Justices of the British Columbia Court of Appeal. The remission of gasoline tax which previously applied to ex-servicemen amputees has been extended to include all amputees. Easements have been made in the application of the social services tax on equip- ment used in the exploration for oil, natural gas, and minerals within the Province. The tax burden on home-owners will he greatly lessened by proposed legislation which will grant each resident home-owner a maximum tax-relief grant of $28 per year. Larger grants to municipalities will be made as a direct result of increased census figures, and you will be asked to consider legislation abolishing road and poll tax on non-propel ty-owners. The direct debt of the Province has again been substantially reduced, resulting in substantial decreases in annual debt charges. During the past year, conferences on Federal-Provincial fiscal affairs have improved slightly the original terms proposed with respect to a Federal-Provincial Tax Rental Agreement. Legislation will be submitted for a Provincial tax on insurance premium income of corporations to occupy the tax field to be vacated by the Government of Canada. My Government has given much thought to the welfare of the Native Indians of this Province, and in this connection existing legislation will he presented to the Legislature for amendment. My Government has been gravely concerned with the welfare of blind workmen,and will propose legislation providing compensation in the event they are injured. 4 1-111RUARY 7111

You will he asked to approve amending legislation which will provide authority for the extension of hospital insurance benefits to cover certain chronic care. A revision and consolidation of municipal legislation will he submitted to you for your consideration. Much thought and study has been given to the training of our youth so that they may in time become skilled craftsmen. Through co-operation between the Department of Education and the Department of Labour, my Government will launch upon a greatly expanded and accelerated pro- gramme of apprenticeship vocational training. You will be asked to consider new highway traffic regulations. It is a matter of deep concern to my Government that farmers net income is not commensurate with the buoyant state of our general economy. My Government continues to explore avenues through which farmers and ranchers may achieve and maintain a position of nearer parity comparable to that enjoyed by those engaged in other industries. My Government continues to press the Government of Canada to exercise three Statutes of Federal responsibility: Long-term loans at reasonable interest rate, revision of the anti-dumping regulations in the matter of fruit and vegetables, retention of freight assistance of feed-grains for live stock and poultry. Also to press the Government of Canada to provide legislation that would permit Federal financial participation on a Canada-wide basis for the reclamation of lands for farm use through clearing, irrigation. drainage or dyking, and rehabilitation of existing works and control of soil and river-hank erosion. My Government is appealing to the Supreme Court of Canada and Governor- General in Council the recent decision of the Board of Transport Commissioners in the matter of freight rates on feed-grains moving to British Columbia. Legislation will be introduced at this Session to provide that financial assistance may be given to lower the cost of moving feed-grains from the Peace River area over the Pacific Great Eastern Railway for the use of the farmers and ranchers engaged in live-stock and poultry production in other areas of the Province. Assistance under the " Distress Area Assistance Act," 1956, was made available to small-fruit growers, nursery stock, and live-stock owners on the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island during last year. By arrangement with the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of British Columbia, a study has been made of the vegetable industry operated in the Interior of the Province. Dean Earl MacPhee, Director of the School of Commerce at the University of British Columbia, was appointed sole Commissioner to inquire into the marketing of tree-fruits in British Columbia. Mr. Justice Lord, sole Commissioner, continues to investigate the status of lands formerly owned by Doukhobors in British Columbia. Chief Justice Sloan has been sole Commissioner to investigate matters affecting our forest resources, and my Government is looking forward to receiving his report in due course. My Government is submitting the " Milk Industry Act," 1956, to the Court of Appeal, under the provisions of the " Constitutional Determination Act." Establishment of an Agricultural Services Centre will proceed during the year 1957 to demonstrate work in horticulture, field crops, and random testing of poultry. Amendments to various Acts will be submitted to you. The Public Accounts and reports of various departments of my Government will be laid before you. The ways and means for supply to be granted to Her Majesty during the ensuing year ,embody measures designed to cope fully with current needs, the economic growth experienced in the Province, and the Federal credit restrictions now prevalent. ftHRUAR'

I leave you now to the discharge of your legislative duties with lull confidence that your deliberations under Divine guidance will he in the best interests of each and all our citizens. His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor was then pleased to retire.

The Speaker reported that, to prevent mistakes, he had obtained a copy of His Honour's Speech.

The letter of the Deputy Provincial Secretary and the certificate of the Chief Electoral Officer of the result of the election of members to represent the respective electoral districts of the Province in the Legislative Assembly at the general election were read, as follows:— " Re General Election, September 19th, 1956. "OFFICE OF THE. DEPUTY PROVINCIAL SECRETARY, " VICTORIA, B.C., October 24th, 1956. " E. K. DeBeck, Esq., " Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, " Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. "SIR,—His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor by His Proclamation issued on the 13th day of August, 1956, was pleased to dissolve the Legislative Assembly of the Prov- ince, and it was necessary to hold elections to fill vacancies caused by such dissolution. " The elections were duly held pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Elections Act.' " I transmit herewith the certificate of the Chief Electoral Officer setting forth the names of the members who were elected in the respective electoral districts. " Yours very truly, " R. A. PENNINGTON, " Deputy Provincial Secretary."

(ENCLOSURE.) " October 24th, 1956. " R. A. Pennington, Esq., 0.B.E., " Deputy Provincial Secretary, " Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. " Re General Election, September 19th, 1956. "SIR,—The twenty-fourth Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia was dissolved on August 13th, 1956, and Writs calling for a General Election were issued on August 13th. 1956, and made returnable October 20th. The day for the nomination of candidates was set for September 5th, with Polling Day being September 19th, 1956. " I hereby certify that from the returns received members were elected to represent the Province in the Legislative Assembly thereof for the respective electoral districts as are hereinafter set forth, viz.:— ALBERNI Stanley John Squire. ATLIN William James Asselstine. BURNABY (Ernest Edward Winch. Gordon Hudson Dowding. CARIBOO William Ralph Talbot Chetwynd. CHILLIWACK William Kenneth Kiernan. COLUMBIA Richard Orr Newton. 6 MIRUARY 7in

Comex Daniel R. J. Campbell. COWICIIAN-NEWCASTLE Robert Martin Strachan. CRANBROOK Leo Thomas Nimsick. DELTA Thomas James Irwin. )N. George Massey. DEWDNEY Lyle Wicks. ESQUIMALT Herbert Joseph Bruch. FERNIE Thomas Uphill. FORT GEORGE Ray Gillis Williston. GRAND FORKS-GREENWOOD Lois Mabel Haggen. KAMLOOPS Philip Arthur Gaglardi. KAstm-SLOGAN Randolph Harding. LILLOOET Donald Frederick Robinson. MACKENZIE Anthony John Gargrave. NANAIMO AND THE ISLANDS ______Earle Cathers Westwood. NELSON-CRESTON Wesley Drewett Black. NEW WESTMINSTER Rae Eddie. NORTI1 OKANAGAN Lorne Hugh Shantz. NORTH PEACE RIVER Harold Earl Roche. NORTH VANCOUVER /John Melvin Bryan. )Newton Phillips Steacy. OAK BAY ______ Archibald Gibbs. OMINECA __Cyril Morley Shclford. PRINCE RUPERT _William Harvey Murray. REVELSTOKE W. Lundell. ROSSLAND-TRAIL Robert Edward Sommers. SAANICH John Douglas Tisdalle. SALMON ARM James Allan Reid. SIMILKAMEEN ___ Francis Xavier Richter. SKEENA Hugh Addison Shirreff. SOUTH OKANAGAN William Andrew Cecil Bennett. SOUTH PEACE RIVER Stanley Carnell. /Eric Charles Fitzgerald Martin. VANCOUVER-BURRARD )Bert Price. VANCOUVER CENTRE (Leslie Raymond Peterson. Alexander Small Matthew. VANCOUVER EAST /Arthur James Turner. Frederick Morton Sharp. (Robert William Bonner. VANCOUVER-POINT GREY Thomas Audley Bate. I Buda Hosmer Brown. (William Neelands Chant. VICTORIA CITY ;John Donald Smith. ) George Frederick Thompson Gregory. YALE Irvine Finlay Corbett. " F. HURLEY, "Chief Electoral Officer."

On the motion of the Hon. W. D. Black, seconded by the Hon. L. Wicks, it was Ordered,— That the letter of the Deputy Provincial Secretary and the certificate of the Chief Electoral Officer of the result of the election of members be entered on the Journals of the House. EFFIRUARY 7111 7

On the motion of the Hon. R. IV. Bonner, Bill (No. 1) intituled "An Act to amend the 'Agent-General Act ' " was introduced, read a first time, and Ordered to be read a second time at the next sitting.

The Hon. It'. D. Black moved, seconded by the Hon. R. W. Bonner,— That the appointment of Denzil Greensted Ashby as the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Legislative Assembly, vice E. A. Jamieson, made by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor by and with the advice of his Executive Council on the 7th day of December, 1956, be ratified. A debate arose. Motion agreed to.

On the motion of the Hon. IV. I). Black. seconded by the Hon. R. W. Bonner, it was Ordered,— That the appointment of lan M. Dome, barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, of Victoria, B.C., as the Law Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, vice William Berkeley Monteith, made by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor by and with the advice of his Executive Council on the 22nd day of January, 1957, he ratified.

On the motion of the Hon. W. A. C. Bennett, seconded by the Hon. IV. D. Black, it was Ordered,— That the Speech of His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor be taken into consideration at the next sitting of the House, and that this Order have precedence over all other busi- ness, except introduction of Bills, until disposed of.

On the motion of the Hon. W. D. Black, seconded by the Hon. R. G. Williston, it was Ordered,— That the Votes and Proceedings of this House be printed, being first perused by Mr. Speaker, and that he do appoint the printing thereof, and that no person but such as he shall appoint do presume to print the same.

On the motion of the Hon. IV. A. C. Bennett, seconded by the Hon. L. R. Peterson, it was Ordered,— That the Select Standing Committees of this House, for the present Session, be appointed for the following purposes:— I. On Standing Orders and Private Bills; 2. On Public Accounts and Printing; 3. On Mining and Railways; 4. On Agriculture; 5. On Municipal Matters; 6. On Forestry and Fisheries; 7. On Labour; 8. On Social Welfare and Education; which said Committees shall severally he empowered to examine and inquire into all such matters and things as shall be referred to them by this House, and to report from time to time their observations and opinions thereon. with power to send for persons, papers, and records, and that a Special Committee be appointed to prepare and report with all conve- nient speed lists of members to compose the above Select Standing Committees of this House under Standing Order 68 ( I ), said Committee to be composed of the Hon. R. W. Bonner, the Hon. IF. N. Chant, Messrs. I. F. Corbett, R. M. Strachan, and P. A. Gibbs. FEIIRUARY 7111.

On the motion of the Hon. W. A. C. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Strachan, it was Ordered,— That A. S. Matthew, Esquire, second member for Vancouver Centre Electoral District, be appointed Deputy Speaker for this Session of the Legislative Assembly.

On the motion of the Hon. W. A. C. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Strachan, it was Resolved,— That this House express its sincere regret at the death of Ernest Edward Winch, member for the Electoral District of Burnaby, and that the Clerk do convey to Mrs. Winch and the family of the late member the condolences and sincere sympathy of the members of the Legislative Assembly.

At the request of Mr. Speaker. the House expressed its approval of the motion by a silent standing vote.

The following papers were presented:— By the Hon. W. 0. Black (Provincial Secretary )— Return in accordance with the provisions of Section 199 of the " Provincial Elections Act, 1953Ca ter 5 of the Statutes of British Columbia, 1953 (Second Sessio9), irn erim eport oT His Ffonour Judge Arthur E. Lord on the Inquiry into the Allotment of Doukhobor Lands in the Province of British Columbia. dated June 1 1 th, 1956 et=ricirireTEIsiness done in pursuance of the " Civil Service Superannuation Act " during the Fiscal Year 1955-56. First Annual Report of the Business done in pursuance of the " Members of the Legislative Assembly Act " for the Year ended March 31st, 1956. Report of the Business done in pursuance of the " Teachers' Pensions Act " during the Period January 1st, 1955, to December 31st, 1955. Annual Report of the Director of Provincial Mental Health Services for the Fiscal Year ended March 3Ist, 1956. Profit and Loss Statement of the Department of the Queen's Printer for the Twelve Months ended March 31st, 1956.

By the Hon. R. W. Bonner (Attorney-General)- The Forty-fifth Annual Report of the Superintendent of Insurance for the Year ended December 31st, 1955. The Annual Report of the Motor-vehicle Branch for the Year 1955. The Report of the Provincial Game Commission for the Year ended December 31st, 1955. The Annual Report of the Inspector of Gaols for the Year ended March 31st, 1956. The Thirty-fifth Annual Report of the Liquor Control Board covering the Fiscal Year ended March 31st, 1956. The Balance-sheet of the Liquor Control Board for the Six Months' Period ended September 30th, 1956.

By the Hon. R. G. Williston (Minister of Lands and Forests )— Return of Lands exchanged under Section 63 of Chapter 175, " Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1948," from January 19th, 1956, to February 4th, 1957.

By the Hon. IV. A. C. Bennett (Minister of Finance)— Public Accounts for the Fiscal Year ended March 31st, 1956. The Report of the Purchasing Commission from January I st. 1956. 1- 111RI:Ala 7111 9

The Report submitted in accordance with Section 44 (2) of the " Revenue Act," " Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1948," of Refunds and Remissions made under Section 44 ( ) of the " Revenue Act " from January 1st, 1956, to December 3Ist, 1956. Statements of Unclaimed Mont; Deposits, pursuant to the " Unclaimed Money. Deposits Act," Chapter 348, " Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1948," for the Fiscal Year ended March 31st, 1956. The Report submitted in accordance with Section 53 of the "Administration Act," " Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1948," of Returns by Official Administrators of all Moneys paid and received by them in respect of all the Estates of deceased Persons administered by them from January I st, 1956, to December 31st, 1956. Annual Report for the Fiscal Year ended March 31st, 1956, Office of the Assessment Commissioner.

By the Hon. W. R. T. Chetwynd (Minister of Agriculture)— Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture for the Year 1956.

By the Hon. P. A. Gaelartli (Minister of Highways)— Highways Report, 1955-56.

By the Hon. 1.. IVicks (Minister of Labour )— The Annual Report of the Department of Labour of the Province of British Columbia for the Year ended December 31st, 1955.

By the Hon. E. C. Westwood (Minister of Trade and Industry )— Report of the Department of Trade and Industry for the Year ended December 31st, 1956.

By the Hon. W. D. Black (Minister of Municipal Affairs)— Seventeenth Annual Report of the Business done in pursuance of the " Municipal Superannuation Act " for the Year ended March 31st, 1956.

By the Hon. F. C. F. Martin (Minister of Health and Welfare)— Fifty-fourth Annual Report of the Vancouver General Hospital, 1955. Eleventh Report of the Department of Health and Welfare (Health Branch) for the Year ended December 31st, 1956. Eighty-fourth Report of Vital Statistics for the Province of British Columbia for the Year 1955. Eighty-third Report of Vital Statistics for the Province of British Columbia for the Year 1954. Annual Report of the Social Welfare Branch of the Department of Health and Welfare for the Year ended March 31st, 1956. Eighth Annual Report of the British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service, January 1st to December 31st, 1956.

By the Hon. W. R. T. C'hetwynd (Minister of Fisheries)— Annual Report of the Provincial Department of Fisheries for the Year ended Decem- ber 31st, 1955.

By the Hon. W. A. C. Bennett (President of the Council)— The Eleventh Annual Report of the Milk Board for the Year ended December 31st, 1956. The Eleventh Annual Report of the British Columbia Power Commission for the Year ended March 31st, 1956. 10 FEBRUARY 7th

Resolved, That the House, at its rising, do stand adjourned until 3 o'clock p.m. to-morrow.

And then the House adjourned at 3.58 p.m.

T. J. IRWIN, Speaker.

NOTICES OF MOTION. On Monday Next. 1 The Hon. IV. A. C. Bennett to move,— That on Tuesday, the 12th day of February, 1957, and on all following days of the Session, there will be two distinct sittings on each day—one from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and one from 8 p.m. until adjournment—unless otherwise ordered.

2 Mr. Strachan to move,— That copies of contracts, all letters and papers pertaining to the construction of the highway from North Vancouver to Squamish be tabled in this House.

On Thursday Next. Mr. Dowding to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled "An Act to repeal the ' Shaughnessy Heights Building Restriction Act, 1 922.' "

NOTICES OF QUESTIONS. On Monday Next. 1 Mr. Strachan to ask the Hon. the Provincial Secretary the following questions:— I. What election expenses were declared by the central committees of (a) the Social Credit party, (b) the Liberal party, (c) the Progressive Conservatice party, and (d) the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, pursuant to section 177 of the " Provincial Elections Act "? 2. What election expenses were declared by the candidates representing (a) the Social Credit party, (b) the Liberal party, (c) the Progressive Conservatice party, and (d) the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation in the respective electoral districts, pursuant to section 175 of the " Provincial Elections Act "?

2 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Minister of Finance the following question:— What was the amount expended by the British Columbia Government on forest access roads in each fiscal year ended March 31st, 1952, 1953, 1954, and 1955 and in the nine months ended December 31st, 1956?

3 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Premier and president of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway the following question:— What is the number of pieces of equipment purchased in 1955 and 1956, and what was the amount of purchase contract price for each of the following classification of equipment: (a) Locomotives, (b) switch engines, (c) snow-ploughs, (d) cabooses, (e) cranes, (j) trucks, bulldozers, etc., (g) passenger cars, and (h) freight cars (all types)? FEBRUARY 7ni .

4 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Premier and president of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway the following question:— In 1956 what were the following costs of operation on the southern extension of the railway, Squamish to Vancouver: (a) Transportation, (b) maintenance (including rail depreciation), (c) switching costs, (d) per diem costs, (e) barges and slips deprecia- tion, (I) rented barge transportation cost, (g) maintenance of slips, (h) barge switching costs (both ends), (i) marine insurance, (j) cargo rates, and (k) interest charges?

5 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Premier and president of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway the following questions:- 1. Did the board of directors authorize the purchase of one or more new barges, and, if so, was it or were they ordered after calling tenders? 2. What ship-building company was the successful bidder, and what was the amount of each tender received by the board? 3. If a barge or barges were not ordered by the board, were tenders called, and, if so, who was the successful bidder, what was the amount of the accepted tender, and what is the date of delivery requested by the hoard?

6 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Minister of Lands and Forests the following ques- tions:— I. (a) How many persons were employed in 1956 on the Federal Government's programme of forest inventory and (b) what was the amount expended in the nine months ended December 31st, 1956, on this work? 2. What is the amount payable by the Federal Government for forest inventory work in the nine months ended December 31st, 1956?

7 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Minister of Lands and Forests the following ques- tion:— What was the mileage of reconnaissance and construction of forest access roads from funds appropriated by the Legislature in the following classifications for the years 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, and 1956: (a) Preliminary road location, (b) location surveys, (c) construction, (i) right-of-way cleared, (ii) Class 2 subgrade, and (iii) other road construction?

8 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Minister of Lands and Forests the following ques- tion:— In 1953, 1954, 1955, and 1956 what was (a) number of forest management licences issued, (b) total number of acres under forest management licence, and (c) total number of acres under public working circles?

9 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Minister of Lands and Forests the following ques- tion :- In 1953, 1954, 1955, and 1956 what was (a) the cubic footage of Crown timber sold, (b) estimated value of aggregate sales, (c) average stumpage rate, (d) highest bid per foot board-measure, and (e) total timber scaled?

10 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Minister of Lands and Forests the following ques- tion:— In 1953, 1954, 1955, and 1956 what was the total acreage of Crown lands reserved for (a) Provincial Department of Highways, (b) Provincial Department of Railways, (c) British Columbia Power Company and (or) its subsidiaries, (d) British Columbia Power Commission, and (e) departments of the Federal Government? I: 11-111(1, %HY 7111.

11 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Minister of Health and Welfare the following ques- tions:— I. (a) Is it necessary for legless persons to personally import the two-seat special chairs which they require, and (h ) are they required to pay Federal excise and sales tax plus Provincial sales tax on these importations? 2. Are imported Braille books for the blind subject to Federal excise and sales tax plus Provincial sales tax?

12 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Minister of Health and Welfare the following ques- tion:— What, in the fiscal years 1952-53, 1953-54, 1954-55, and 1955-56, was the number of recipients and the total amount paid to the following: (a) Old-age security supplementary bonus, (b) old-age assaistancc supplementary bonus, (c) blind persons' allowance, (d) disabled persons' allowance, and (e) mothers' allowance?

13 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Minister of Highways the following question:— Of the Rogers Pass Route on the Trans-Canada Highway (a) what is the mileage that will be constructed entirely by the Ottawa Federal Government without cost to the British Columbia Government, and (h) what is the mileage that will be constructed of which the Liberal Federal Government will pay 90 per cent and the Provincial Govern- ment 10 per cent?

14 Mr. Gibbs to ask the Hon. the Minister of Agriculture the following questions:— I. Are all processors of poultry for domestic consumption subject to British Colum- bia Government regulations which require Provincial health inspection of poultry prior to processing, health of employees engaged in processing, and sanitary conditions of processing plants? 2. If such inspection is required, are all processors permitted by the British Colum- bia Department of Agriculture to label processed poultry as " approved " by your inspec- torate for domestic consumption?

VICTORIA. B.C. Printed by Dow McDtsamm, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty 1957 No. 9. VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Monday, February 3rd, 1958.


Prayers by the Rev. A. I. Avery.

By leave of the House, Mr. Bryan made a statement respecting his party affiliation in the House.

On the motion of Mr. Gregory, Bill (No. 19) intituled "An Act to amend the ' Labour Relations Act ' " was introduced, read a first time, and Ordered to be read a second time at the next sitting after to-day.

Pursuant to Order, the House resumed the adjourned debate on the Address in reply to the Speech of His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor at the opening of the Session. The debate continued.

On the motion of Mr. Murray, the debate was adjourned to the next sitting of the House.

The following papers were presented by the Hon. W. D. Black (Provincial Secre- tary):— Statement of Receipts and Disbursements by the Capital Improvement District Commission for the Period ended March 31st, 1957. Fourth Interim Report of His Honour Judge Arthur E. Lord on the Inquiry into the Allotment of Doukhobor Lands in the Province of British Columbia, dated June 28th, 1957. Twenty-second Annual-=)a ep .'7.'"tre-Trusin77done in pursuance of the " Civil /\Service Superannuation Act" for the Year ended March 31st, 1957. Second Annual Report of the Business done in pursuance of the " Members of the Legislative Assembly Superannuation Act " for the Year ended March 31st, 1957.

Mr. Gibbs asked the Hon. the Minister of Agriculture the following question:— What was the number of (a) dairy cows, (b) dairy heifers, and (c) calves (beef and dairy ) in (i) all of Canada and (ii) British Columbia in each of the years 1952 to 1957, inclusive? FEBRUARY 3RD.

The Hon. Mr. Steacy replied as follows:- "(a) British Columbia cattle numbers, 1952-57:- " 1952: Dairy cows, 84,000; heifers (dairy), 26,600; heifers (beef ), 28,900; and all calves, 80,000. " 1953: Dairy cows, 94,000; heifers (dairy), 26,000; heifers (beef ), 31,000; and all calves, 81,0(X) " 1954: Dairy cows, 100,000; heifers (dairy), 27,000; heifers (beef), 31,000; and all calves, 86,000. " 1955: Dairy cows, 102,000; heifers (dairy), 26,500; heifers (beef), 31,000; and all calves, 89,000. " 1956: Dairy cows, 90,157; heifers (dairy), 21,952; heifers (beet), 37,873; and all calves, 100,048. " 1957: Dairy cows, 87,500; heifers (dairy), 20,500; heifers, (beef), 30,000; and all calves, 92,000. "(6) Canada (not including Newfoundland) cattle numbers, 1952-57:- `' 1952: Dairy cows, 2,968,000; heifers (dairy), heifers (beef), and all calves, not available; cattle population figures prior to 1953 did not include calf numbers. " 1953: Dairy cows, 3,146,200; heifers (dairy), 941,400; heifers (beef), 665,400; and all calves, 2,446,700. " 1954: Dairy cows, 3,233,000; heifers (dairy), 907,500; heifers (beef), 664,000; and all calves, 2,490,900. " 1955: Dairy cows, 3,312,300; heifers (dairy), 886,500; heifers (beef), 672,200; and all calves, 2,607,000. " 1956: Dairy cows, 3,159,974; heifers (dairy), 728,644; heifers (beef), 786,277; and all calves, 2,908,901. " 1957: Dairy cows, 3,147,000; heifers (dairy), 700,600; heifers (beef), 809,000; and all calves, 2,973,000."

Mr. Gregory asked the Hon. the Minister of Municipal Affairs the following ques- tions:- 1. Was the letter reading as follows from the Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance, addressed to municipal and Provincial collectors and dated July 17th, 1957, sent with the knowledge of the Minister:- Office of the Deputy Minister, Victoria, B.C., July 17th, 1957. To Municipal and Provincial Collectors: Re " Provincial Home-owner Grant Act." Collectors generally have done a commendable job in carrying out their responsibilities under this Act. However, there does appear to be insufficient uniformity, when affording the tax credit, in the number of single sleeping or boarding-house rooms, permitted within a building primarily devoted by the resident owner to his ordinary domicile. The question at issue here is, what is a logical, equitable, and readily administrable dividing line between a primarily residential dwelling (or dwell- ing-store fully occupied by the owner) and such residential buildings which have acquired a commercial income nature to be without the intent of the Act? Obviously the amount of money received by the owner from such operations in the form of rental and (or) 3bility to treat his property taxes as an expense of operation are relevant criteria. For the first approximation, it was suggested at the Municipal Officers' Association May meeting that municipal boarding and rooming house licensing FEBRUARY tan. 3

by-laws may provide the logical " measuring stick " or dividing line between a primarily residential or commercial rental operation. It has since been observed that there is a substantial variation in municipal rooming or boarding house licensing by-laws, insofar as the number of rented single rooms permitted without licensing required. It has been decided that the Province will reimburse any municipality which affords the tax credit of up to $28 on the current year property taxes where a resident owner, that is otherwise eligible under the Statute, is not renting more than three single sleeping or boarding house rooms. An owner occupying as " his household " an otherwise eligible residence, who rents part of his single housekeeping unit (or suite) will he deemed to be a non-commer- cial operation where not more than three rooms are so devoted (with or without plumbing and cooking facilities within the single room). Such eligible resi- dences should be afforded the tax credit of up to $28 on the current year property taxes thereon where the necessary application is completed. Residences that have more than three single rooms rented should be deemed as having a sufficient commercial nature as to be without the intent of the Act. The Comptroller-General will reimburse any municipality where the col- lector affords the tax credit under the circumstances outlined in this letter and such tax credits arc included in the certificates to the Comptroller-General under section 14. W. F. VEITCH, Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance and Director of Tax Research. 2. Under what authority was the direction contained in the letter given to collectors? 3. Where in the relevant Statute and (or) regulations is any reference made to non-commercial operations? The Hon. W. D. Black replied as follows:- " I. This matter is not under the jurisdiction of my Department. " 2 and 3. Answered by No. I."

Resolved, That the House, at its rising, do stand adjourned until 2.30 o'clock p.m. to-morrow.

And then the House adjourned at 5.32 p.m.

L. H. SHANTZ, Speaker. 4 FEBRUARY lko.

NOTICES OF MOTION. On Wednesday Next. 16 Mrs. Haggett to move,— Whereas procedure used in many public abattoirs and slaughter places in British Columbia in killing food animals and fowls is not now consistent with proven humane and modern methods: And whereas information is available on these methods now in use the world over: Therefore be it Resolved, That, in the opinion of this House, the Government should consider implementing immediately the terms of the " Meat Inspection Act," being chap- ter 22, section 18, subsection (2), clause (c) of the Statutes of British Columbia, 1954, to ensure that when animals and fowls are slaughtered commercially for food humane methods are used.


100 Mr. Camel( to ask the Hon. the Minister of Recreation and Conservation the fol- lowine questions:— I. How many new roadside campsites were brought into operation in the South Peace River District during 1957? 2. What is the total number of campsites now in operation in that district as at December 31st, 1957? 3. How many Provincial campsites are available for public use along the Alaska Highway from Mile 0 at Dawson Creek to the British Columbia-Yukon border at or near Lower Post? 4. Has the Department plans for construction of additional campsites in (a) South Peace River and (b) along the Alaska Highway in the area mentioned in No. 3?

101 Mr. Gregory to ask the Hon. the Minister of Public Works the following ques- tion:— Is janitorial work in any Government buildings contracted out rather than being per- formed by the Public Works Department employees and, if so, in which buildings is such work contracted out, when were the contracts made, and were tenders called?

102 Mr. Gregory to ask the Hon. the Minister of Public Works the following ques- tion:— Did the Minister make some commitment on behalf of the Government to the City of Victoria with reference to the cost of the recently opened Point Ellis Bridge and, if so, when was such commitment made, what were its terms, and when will it be fulfilled? FEBRUARY 3nD. 5


SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON STANDING ORDERS AND PRIVATE BILLS. This Committee will meet at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, February 5th, 1958, in the Maple Room. Business: To consider petitions. A. S. MATTHEW, Chairman.

SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON LABOUR. This Committee will meet at 9.30 o'clock a.m. on Thursday, February 6th, in the Maple Room. This Committee will meet at 9.30 o'clock a.m. on Friday, February 7th, in the Maple Room. This Committee will meet at 9.30 o'clock a.m. on Monday, February 10th, in the Maple Room. This Committee will meet at 9.30 o'clock a.m. on Tuesday, February Ilth, in the Maple Room. This Committee will meet at 9.30 o'clock a.m. on Monday, February 17th, in the Maple Room. This Committee will meet at 9.30 o'clock a.m. on Tuesday, February 18th, in the Maple Room. BERT PRICE, Chairman.

Printed by Don McMelaka°. Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in right of the Province of British Columbia. 195$ No%. 30 and 31. VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS

OF THE Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Monday, February 20th, 1956.

Two O'CLOCK P.M. Prayers by Senior Captain C. Frays.

The following Bills were introduced, read a first time, and Ordered to be read a second time at the next sitting after to-day:- On the motion of the Hon. R. G. Williston—Bill (No. 38) intituled "An Act to amend the ' British Columbia University Act.' " On the motion of the Hon. R. G. Williston—Bill (No. 39) intituled "An Act to incorporate The British Columbia School Trustees Association."

Order for Committee of Supply called.

Pursuant to Order, the House again resolved itself into the Committee of Supply.

(IN THE COMMITTEE.) 129. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $59,867 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance. Income Taxation, to 31st March, 1957. 130. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $173,750 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, "Assessment Equalization Act," to 31st March, 1957. 131. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $7,275 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Housing Commissioner, to 31st March, 1957. 132. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $223,264 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Purchasing Commission, to 31st March, 1957. 133. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $10 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Langford Warehouse, to 31st March, 1957. 134. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $10 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Office Furniture and Equipment, to 31st March, 1957. 135. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $10 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Motor-vehicles and Accessories, to 31st March, 1957. 136. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $355,588 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance Postal Branch, to 31st March, 1957. 137. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $1,363,524 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Government Agents, etc., to 31st March, 1957.

.-tv I 2 FEBRUARY 20111

138. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $7,000 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Courts of Revision, to 31st March, 1957. 139. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $18,495 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance. Assessment Appeal Board, to 31st March, 1957. 140. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding S25,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Printing Public Accounts, Estimates, Revenue Receipts, Bonds, Cheques, etc.. to 31st March, 1957. 141. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $110,000 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Temporary Assistance, to 31st March, 1957. 142. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $35,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Incidentals and Contingencies, to 31st March, 1957. 143. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $875,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, " Civil Service Superannuation Act," Interest on Civil Service Superannuation and Retirement Funds, to 31st March, 1957. 144. Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $1,500 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, " Dyking Assessments Adjustment Act, 1905," to 31st March, 1957. 145 (Statutory). Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $5.892,600 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, " Highway Development Act " (Payment of Revenue under " Gasoline Tax Act " to Highway Development Fund), to 31st March, 1957. 146 (Statutory). Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $1,475,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, " Hospital Construction Act, 1950 " (Payment of Revenue under "Amusements Tax Act " to Hospital Construc- tion Fund), to 31st March, 1957. 147. Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $9,400,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Grant in Aid of Local Governments, to 31st March, 1957. 148 (Statutory). Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $8,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, " Supreme Court Act " (Pay- ment of Interest on Suitors' Fund Deposits ), to 31st March. 1957. 149. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $250,000 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Finance, Salary Contingencies, to 31st March, 1957. 4. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $15,312 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Minister's Office, to 31st March, 1957. 5. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $77,502 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, General Administration, to 31st March, 1957. 6. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $61,496 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Markets Branch. to 31st March, 1957. 7. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $145,824 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Horticultural Branch, to 31st March, 1957. 8. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $19,182 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Plant Pathology Branch, to 31st March, 1957. 9. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $15,350 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Entomology Branch. to 31st March, 1957. FEBRUARY 20111. 3

10. Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $16,396 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Apiary Branch, to 31st March, 1957. II. Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $294,499 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Live Stock Branch, to 31st March, 1957. 12. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $55,102 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Dairy Branch, to 31st March, 1957. 13. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $33,870 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Poultry Branch, to 31st March, 1957. 14. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $41,216 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Field Crops and Seed Improvement Branch, to 31st March, 1957. 15. Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $10,294 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Institutes, to 31st March, 1957. 16. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $15,796 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Women's Institutes, to 31st March, 1957. 17. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $53,006 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Soil Survey Branch, to 31st March, 1957.

The Committee reported the Resolutions. Report to be considered at the next sitting. Committee to sit again at the next sitting.

The Hon. R. W. Bonner (Attorney-General) presented the Annual Report of the Inspector of Gaols for the Year ended March 31st, 1955. The Hon. R. IV. Bonner (Attorney-General) presented the Annual Report of the Director of New Ilaven for the Year ended December 31st, 1955. The Hon. R. E. Sommers (Minister of Lands and Forests) presented the Annual Report of the British Columbia Lands Service of the Department of Lands and Forests for the Year ended December 31st, 1955. Mr. Speaker presented the Annual Report for the Year 1955 covering the Activities of the Provincial Library, Provincial Archives, and Central Microfilm Bureau.

Mr. Winch asked the Hon. the Attorney-General the following question:— What are the respective estimated number of grizzly bear, mountain-goat, and moun- tain-sheep in the Province? The Hon. R. W. Bonner replied as follows:- " No estimates exist in respect of the animals mentioned either for this Province or continent."

Mr. Gregory asked the Hon. the Minister of Public Works the following question:— In the calendar years 1954 and 1955, what total sum was spent on repairs to and maintenance of the Court-house at Victoria? The Hon. W. N. Chant replied as follows:— "1954, $4,500, and 1955, $5,000. For heat, light, power, and water: 1954, $6,103, and 1955, $6,000." 4 Fr IRUAKY 20Tit.

Mr. Gregory asked the Hon. the Premier the following questions:— I. Have any instructions concerning the use of safety-belts been issued with refer- ence to Government automobiles so equipped? 2. If so, what are the instructions? 3. Has any Government automobile so equipped been involved in an accident? 4. If so, were the belts in use and did their use result in any less injuries than might otherwise have been expected? The Hon. W. A. C. Bennett replied as follows:- " 1. Yes. " 2. Manufacturer's instructions issued in pamphlet form with each belt. " 3. Yes; one accident. " 4. Yes; belt in use; driver unhurt."

Mr. Winch asked the Hon. the Attorney-General the following questions:— I. Does the Game Department issue a periodical named the " Wildlife Review "? 2. If yes, how often is it issued and the number of each issue? 3. Have unfilled requests been made for additional copies of each issue by (a) individuals or (b) on behalf of groups who wish same for general distribution? 4. If yes, will the number of each issue be increased sufficiently to meet require- ments? The Hon. R. W. Bonner replied as follows:- " 1. Yes. " 2. Three times annually; 8,000 copies ordered and distributed last issue. " 3. (a) and (b) yes; block or group requests cannot be filled. " 4. So far this policy has been followed."

Mr. Laing asked the Hon. the Minister of Trade and Industry the following ques- tions:— 1. Was a contest held for the advertising account of the Department of Trade and Industry as it relates to tourist expenditure? 2. If so, what is the value of the account? 3. What firms presented proposals? 4. Which firms have been selected and in what amount? The Hon. W. R. T. Chetwynd replied as follows:- " 1. No contest was held but presentations were made by advertising agencies inter- ested in the tourist advertising account. " 2. Spring tourist advertising, 1955-56, $45,000, and winter tourist advertising, 1955-56, $2,000. " 3. Industrial Advertising Service Limited, J. J. Gibbons Limited, Jas. Lovick & Company Limited, McKim Advertising Limited, O'Brien Advertising Limited, Stewart, Bowman, MacPherson Limited, and McLaren Advertising Limited. " 4. Industrial Advertising Service Limited, $10,000; Jas. Lovick & Company Lim- ited, $25,000; McKim Advertising Limited, $10,000; and 1. J. Gibbons Limited, $2,000."

Mr. Gibbs asked the Hon. the Minister of Finance the following question:— From what specific ferry-terminals were the moneys collected out of which $100,000 was paid in to sinking fund per Vote No. 1 to be used to redeem Treasury notes issued for construction of Agamemnon nay Road? The Hon. W. A. C. Bennett replied as follows:- " Question based on erroneous assumption and cannot be answered in present form." FEBRUARY 20m. 5

Mr. Brown asked the Hon. the Minister of Health and Welfare the following ques- tions:— 1. Are the native Indians of British Columbia who meet residence qualifications entitled to the benefits of British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service? 2. What agreement or formula, if any, exists between the Federal Government or any department therein and the British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service for hospital services rendered to the native Indians of British Columbia? The Hon. E. C. F. Martin replied as follows:- " I. Yes. " 2. There is no such agreement or formula in existence."

Mr. Nimsick asked the Hon. the Attorney-General the following questions:- 1. Since Emmett Gulley's appointment in 1951 have any expenses been paid to him? 2. If so, (a) what were the expenses during the years 1951 to 1955 respectively and (b) what were the detailed expenses? The Hon. R. W. Bonner replied as follows:- " 1. Yes. " 2. (a) Fiscal year 1951-52, $1,350.71; fiscal year 1952-53, $3,174.58; fiscal year 1953-54, $3,163.74; and fiscal year 1954-55, $957.80; (b) impractical to answer."

Resolved, That the House, at its rising, do stand adjourned until 8.30 o'clock p.m. to-day.

And then the House adjourned at 5.59 p.m.

Monday, February 20th, 1956.


By leave of the House, on the motion of Mr. Tomlinson the Rules were suspended to permit, without notice, the moting of the following motion:— That the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Printing be allowed to sit while the House is sitting. On the motion of Mr. Tomlinson, it was Ordered,— That the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Printing be allowed to sit while the House is sitting.

The Hon. W. A. C. Bennett presented to Mr. Speaker a Message from His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, which read as follows:— F. M. Ross, Lieutenant-Governor. The Lieutenant-Governor transmits herewith a Bill intituled "An Act to amend the ' Housing Act,' " and recommends the same to the Legislative Assembly. Government House, February 20th, 1956. Ordered, That the said Message, and the Bill accompanying the same, be referred to a Committee of the Whole House forthwith. 6 1-1,111tIlkitY 20m.

(IN TOL COMMITTEE.) Resolved, That the Committee rise and report to the House, recommending the intro- duction of a Bill (No. 42) intituled "An Act to amend the ' Housing Act,' " a draft of which is annexed to this Resolution.

Resolution and Bill reported. Report adopted. Bill introduced and read a first time. Second reading at the next sitting after to-day.

Order for Committee of Supply called.

Pursuant to Order, the House again resolved itself into the Committee of Supply. (IN THE COMMITTEE.) 18. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $220,348 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Development and Exten- sion, to 31st March, 1957. 19. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $41,444 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, to 31st March, 1957. 20. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $15,786 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, 4-H Clubs, to 31st March, 1957. 21. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $10,380 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Land Settlement Board, to 31st March, 1957. 22. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $11,847 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Dyking Commission, to 31st March, 1957. 23. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $22,419 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Southern Okanagan Lands Project, to 31st March, 1957. 24. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $54,664 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Milk Board, to 31st March, 1957. 25. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $76,200 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Temporary Assistance, to 31st March, 1957. 26. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $30,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Motor-vehicles and Accessories, to 31st March, 1957. 27. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $54,500 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Grants and Subsidies, to 31st March, 1957. 28. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $17,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Rebates on Stumping-powder, to 31st March, 1957. 29. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $30,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Subsidies on Agricultural Lime, to 31st March, 1957. 30. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $15,000 he granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Federal-Provincial Farm Labour Ser- vice, to 31st March, 1957. FEBRUARY 20nn. 7

31. Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $232,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Land-clearing Assistance, to 31st March, 1957. 32. Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $18,750 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Domestic Water Assistance, to 31st March, 1957. 33. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $200 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, " Soldiers' Land Act, 1918 "—Houses, South Vancouver, to 31st March, 1957. 34. Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $1.000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, Investigation of Doukhobor Lands, to 31st March, 1957. 35 (Statutory). Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $750 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, " Pound District Act," to 31st March, 1957. 36 (Statutory). Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $42,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, "Grasshopper-control Act," to 31st March, 1957. 37 (Statutory). Resolved, That a suns not exceeding $1,200 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Agriculture, " Natural Products Market- ing (British Columbia) Act," to 31st March, 1957. 38. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $20,272 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of the Attorney-General, Attorney-General's Office, to 31st March, 1957. 39. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $88,606 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of the Attorney-General, General Administration, to 31st March, 1957. 40. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $62,218 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of the Attorney-General, Companies Office, to 31st March, 1957. 41. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $51,216 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of the Attorney-General, Insurance and Real Estate Office, to 31st March, 1957. 42. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $20,274 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of the Attorney-General, Securities Office, to 31st March. 1957. 43. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $28,200 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of the Attorney-General, " Credit Unions Act," to 31st March, 1957. 44. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $94,718 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of the Attorney-General, " Fire Marshal Act," to 31st March, 1957. 45. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $20,383 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of the Attorney-General, Censor of Moving Pictures, to 31st March, 1957. 46. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $95,584 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of the Attorney-General, Sheriffs' Offices, to 31st March, 1957.

The Committee reported the Resolutions. Report to be considered at the next sitting. Committee to sit again at the next sitting. • t OW- 8 FEBRUARY 2Orti.

The Hon. R. It'. Bonner (Attorney-General) presented the Second Interim Report on the Inquiry into the Allotment of Doukhobor Lands in the Province of British Columbia.

Mr. Shantz presented the Report of the Select Standing Committee on Agriculture, as follows:— REPORT.


MR. SPEAKER: Your Select Standing Committee on Agriculture begs leave to report as follows:— Your Committee met the advisory board of Farmers' Institutes and heard the pres- entation of a list or resolutions as submitted by it. Careful consideration was given to these resolutions and,— (1 ) Your Committee suggests that in future the Farmers' Institute make spe- cific requests for the additional services they feel are required in the Department of Agriculture: (2) Your Committee feels that there may be some merit in the request that the Department of Agriculture clear portions of undeveloped land to encourage purchase and settlement but feels that this matter should be deferred for study by the Department before specific action is taken on it: (3) Your Committee recommends that the problem of river-bank erosion be placed under the authority of the Department of Agriculture and that the Department make available adequate engineering services to give direc- tion in the work of river-hank control and alai continued pressure be brought to hear on the Federal Government for participation in this control work: (4) Your Committee recommends that the Economics Branch of the Depart- ment of Trade and Industry be asked to check on the cost of fertilizer in British Columbia and determine if the retail price is unduly high in com- parison to cost of manufacture: (5) Your Committee recommends that the Government give full consideration to the school tax formula as it affects farm lands and attempt to further alleviate tax burdens on farm lands: (6) Because of opposing thoughts in different branches of agriculture in the Province with regard to the proper administration of grazing lands, your Committee recommends that this resolution be tabled: (7) Due to the increasing menace of noxious weeds throughout the Province as a whole, your Committee recommends the Department of Agriculture take immediate steps to enforce all sections of the " Noxious Weeds Act ": (8) The British Columbia Power Commission, over the past few years, has greatly expanded its services into many rural fringe areas and has brought untold benefits to those residing on the farms; however, your Committee recommends that whenever possible section 107 of the " Electric Power Act " be implemented to bring this modern benefit to a greater number of farmers in outlying areas so that the younger generation will be encouraged to stay on the farms and that lower cost of production can be realized to compete with highly mechanized industry to-day: (9) Due to the steady encroachment of urban dwellings and industry into the better farm lands of this Province, your Committee recommends that the Government make a further study into the scale of values for assessment FEBRUARY 20th. 9

of farm lands on the basis of productivity or rental value of the land rather than on the basis of real-estate value with the view in mind that farm lands be preserved for farming purposes: (10) Since the question of disqualification of a member of a municipal council arising from his membership in Farmers Institutes and co-operatives will be fully dealt with in the forthcoming new municipal Act, your Committee recommends that this resolution be tabled: (II) Your Committee recommends that the matter of working out taxes be tabled and that the Government give further study to possible easement of the regulations where need arises. Respectfully submitted. L. H. SHANTZ, Chairman. The report was read and received.

Mr. Laing asked the Hon. the Minister of Highways the following questions:— I. On what date were the first representations made by the Municipality of West Vancouver respecting the traffic impasse at the north end of which finally led to the construction of a temporary wooden bridge starting December, 1955? 2. Is the wooden bridge now under construction to he removed on completion of a new steel bridge in 1956, and what is the estimated cost of the temporary structure? 3. Has the Minister committed the Government to construction of a new steel bridge over the Capilano to be completed by October, 1956, and what is the estimated cost of this structure? 4. Who arc the directors of Blueberry Development Company who hold a contract to improve the cloverleaf at north end of the bridge? The Hon. P. A. Gaglardi replied as follows:- " I. End of May, 1915. " 2. Yes; $33,000. " 3. No; $500,000. " 4. Directors are R. J. G. Richards and P. C. G. Richards."

The House continued to sit after midnight.


Resolved, That the House, at its rising, do stand adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m. to-day.

And then the House adjourned at 12.01 a.m.

T. J. IRWIN, Speaker.


On Wednesday Next. The Hon. W. N. Chant to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled "An Act to amend the ' Gas Act.' " The Hon. W. N. Chant to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled "An Act to amend the ' Boiler and Pressure-vessel Act.' " 10 FEBRUARY 20[0.

42 Mr. Winch to move,— With a view to providing suitable and adequate housing accommodation for recipi- ents of old-age assistance and old-age security, this Legislature is of the opinion that the Government of Canada should contribute an amount equal to that provided by the respec- tive Provincial Governments for such purpose, and that this Government is requested to inform the Government of Canada of this Resolution and to urge its implementation.

43 Mr. Webster to move,— Whereas a large sum of money has been allocated for the expansion of our Provincial highway system: And whereas the planning and building of highways and bridges can best be directed by trained technicians free from political influences: And whereas priority considerations and types of construction should be judged objectively on the basis of need and after the most careful study: And whereas essential long-term planning is likely to transcend the life of any Pro- vincial Government: Therefore be it Resolved, That, in the opinion of this House, the Government should give consideration to appointing a non-political Highway Commission for British Columbia.

44 Mr. Moore to move,— This House is of the opinion that an humble address should be presented to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor praying that His Honour will cause to be conveyed to the Federal Government the opinion of this House that action should be taken to abolish capital punishment.


On Wednesday Next.

141 Mr. Calder to ask the Hon. the Minister of Health and Welfare the following ques- tion:— Is it the intention of the Provincial Government to negotiate with the Canadian Red Cross Society relative to construction of a Red Cross Clinic at Lower Post in 1956?

142 Mr. Calder to ask the Hon. the Minister of Health and Welfare the following ques- tion:— What arrangements, if any, have been made with the Indian Department relative to a contribution to the salary of a health nurse or doctor for services rendered to the Indians and for the cost of drugs at (a) Atlin, (b) Lower Post, and (c) Telegraph Creek?

143 Mr. Calder to ask the Hon. the Minister of Health and Welfare the following ques- tions:— 1. Has the Provincial Government any agreement with a non-resident doctor to visit (a) Cassiar District, (h) Telegraph Creek, (c) Lower Post, (d) Atlin, (e) Tulsequah. and (I) Alice Arm periodically? 2. If so, under what terms and how often? 3. If not, is one contemplated? FEBRUARY Wm. 11

144 Mr. Colder to ask the Hon. the Minister of Health and Welfare the following ques- tions:— 1. Are there Provincial health nurses at (a) Atlin, (h) Tulsequah, (e) Lower Post, (d) Cassiar District, (e) Telegraph Creek, (I) Stewart, and (g) Alice Arm? 2. If none such have been established at any such places, are any contemplated and at what places? 3. Arc there resident doctors in the places named above and, if so, who?

145 Mr. Calder to ask the Hon. the Minister of Health and Welfare the following ques- tions:— I. Was there a dental inspection made in the isolated communities of (a) Atlin, (h) Tulsequah, (c) Lower Post, (d) Telegraph Creek, (e) Cassiar District, (!) Stewart, (g) Alice Arm, (0 Torhrit Silver Mine, (i) Kincolith, (j) Greenville, (A) Canyon City, and (I) Aiyansh in 1955? 2. If not, has the Government any plans for a dental inspection in any of the above communities? 3. If so, give the names of the communities.

146 Mr. Gregory to ask the Hon. the Minister of Highways the following questions:— I. Have any engineers in the Department of Highways resigned or tendered their resignations since December 31st, 1955? 2. If so, what arc the names of the engineers who have resigned or tendered their resignations since December 31st, 1955?


SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL MATTERS. This Committee will meet at 9 o'clock a.m. on Tuesday, February 21st, in the Maple Room. GEORGE TOMLINSON, Chairman.

SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE. This Committee will meet at 8.30 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, February 22nd, in the Maple Room. L. H. SHANTZ, Chairman.

SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON MINING AND RAILWAYS. This Committee will meet at 10 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, February 22nd, in the Maple Room. This Committee will meet at 10 o'clock a.m. on Thursday, February 23rd, in the Maple Room. THOS. A. BATE, Chairman. 12 FEBRUARY 20m. /'∎ SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND PRINTING. This Committee will meet on Thursday, February 23rd, at 10 o'clock a.m., in the Cedar Room. This Committee will meet on Friday, February 24th, at 10 o'clock a.m., in the Cedar Room. This Committee will meet at 9 o'clock a.m. on Monday, February 27th, in the Maple Room. This Committee will meet at 9 o'clock a.m. on Tuesday, February 28th, in the Maple Room. This Committee will meet at 9 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, February 29th, in the Maple Room. GEORGE TOMLINSON, Chairman.

SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON LABOUR. This Committee will meet at 10 o'clock a.m. on Friday, February 24th, in the Maple Room. This Committee will meet at 9.30 o'clock a.m. on Thursday, March 1st, in the Maple Room. H. J. BRUCH, Chairman.

SELECT STANDING COMMITTEE ON STANDING ORDERS AND PRIVATE BILLS. This Committee will meet at 7.30 o'clock p.m. on Friday, February 24th, in the Maple Room. Business: Vancouver Charter. A. S. MATTHEW, Chairman.

VICTORIA. B.C. Printed by Dom McDtaa Mto, Primer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty 1976 Nos. 41 and 42 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS

OF THE Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Thursday, March 4, 1965


Prayers by Mr. Speaker.

Order for Committee of Supply called. Pursuant to Order, the House again resolved itself into the Committee of Supply. UN THE COMMITTEE) 77. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $2,850 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Commercial Transport, Minister's Office, to 31st March, 1966. 78. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $81,076 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Commercial Transport, General Adminis- tration, to 31st March, 1966. 79. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $70,170 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Commercial Transport, Engineering Branch, to 31st March, 1966. 80. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $466,782 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Department of Commercial Transport, Weigh-scale Branch, to 31st March, 1966.

The Committee reported the Resolutions. Report to be considered at the next sitting. Committee to sit again at the nest sitti7:

-- -- The Hon. R. W. Bonner (Attorney-General) presented the Final Report of the Honourable Mr. Justice A. E. Lord, the Commissioner appointed to inquire into the allotment of the Doukhobor lands in the Province of British Columbia. .• . 61 Mr. Barrett asked the Hon. the Minister of Social Welfare the following questions:— With respect to social workers employed by the Social Welfare Branch as at December 31. 1964:- 1. How many were (a) Grade 1 and (b) Grade 2 social wocketOIGE OF 7714, 2 MARCH 4

2. How many Grade 1 social workers had practical experience of less than (a) one year, (b) two years, (c) three years, (d) (our years, and (e) five years in social work? 3. How many Grade 2 social workers had practical experience of less than (a) one year, (b) two years, (c) three years, (d) four years, and (e) five years in social work? The Hon. W. D. Black replied as follows:- " 1. (a) 126; comprised of 123 full time, and 3 part-time social workers and (b) 118; comprised of 112 full time, and 6 part-time social workers. " 2. (a) 64, (b) 37, (c) 20, (d) 5, and (e) nil. "3. (a) 6, (b) 4, (c) 4, (d) 12, and (e) 11. " NOTE. — We now have three direct service positions—Social Worker 1, Social Worker 2, and Social Worker 3. Some of the Grade 2 social workers have been reclassified as Grade 3 in the past few months, and we have included them in with the Grade 2 social workers."

67 Mr. Barrett asked the Hon. the Minister of Social Welfare the following questicns:— 1. How many children, who are wards of the Government, are awaiting adopt ion? 2. How many ch Idren under one year, who arc in Government care (ward and non-ward), are awaiting adoption and what is the per diem cost for such children? 3. How many applications for adoption by prospective new adoptive parents were made last year? 4. How many applications for adoption by prospective new adoptive parents were processed last year, (a) how many of these were accepted as suitable parents and (b) how many of the suitable parents are still awaiting a child? 5. What is the cost per month to care for a child, under age 1 year, while awaiting adoption? The Hon. W. D. Black replied as follows:- " 1. 494 (as of December 31, 1964, and includes hard to place children both from age, racial origin, medical handicaps, and legal entanglements). " 2. 191 at $3.61 per diem. "3. 762 (last fiscal year). "4. 1,185 (last fiscal year), (a) 661 and (b) 51. "5. $108.30 (average)."

70 Mr. Barrett asked the Hon. the Minister of Social Welfare the following questions:— With reference to recipients of social assistance:- 1. Have any recipients been referred for vocational training or retraining since 1960? 2. If the answer to No. 1 is yes, (a) how many recipients were referred and (6) how many completed training or retraining? The Hon. W. D. Black replied as follows:- " 1. Yes. " 2. (a) 1,083 (since 1961) and (b) 415 (1961 to 1963 inclusive; figures for 1960 not available; figures for 1964 not yet finalized)." MARCH 4 3

77 Mr. Barrett asked the Hon. the Minister of Social Welfare the following question:— With reference to medical identity cards issued to recipients of social assistance, excluding supplementary social assistance paid to pensioners, how many persons were eligible for health services as at November 30, 1964, or at the latest date available?

The Hon. W. D. Black replied as follows:— "At November 30, 1964, there were 40,211 persons eligible for health services, excluding those who arc eligible by reason of being in receipt of Old-age Assistance, Blind Persons' Allowance, Disabled Persons' Allowance, and Old Age Security plus Supplementary Social Allowance."

78 Mr. Barrett asked the Hon. the Minister of Social Welfare the following questions:— I. Did any social workers resign during 1964? 2. If the answer to No. 1 is yes, (a) what was the total number of resignations, (1) how many of these resignations were (i) administrative, (ii) supervisory, (iii) field workers, and (c) of those who resigned, how many were university trained?

The Hon. IV. D. Black replied as follows:- " I. Yes. " 2. (a) 49; 17 for domestic reasons, 14 to take further education, 9 to accept other employment, 3 to accept municipal employment, 3 because of unsatisfactory service, 2_ because of ill health, and I in order to travel; (b) (i) nil, (ii) 3, (iii) 46; and (c) 39; 18 with professional social work training, 21 with Bachelor of Arts degree or equivalent."

84 Mr. Perrault asked the Hon. the Minister of Social Welfare the following questions:— With respect to social welfare services:— I. Were there any resignations from the Department of Social Welfare in the year ended December 31, 1964? 2. If the answer to No. 1 is yes, (a) what was the total number of resignations and (h) how many of those who resigned possessed university degrees?

The Hon. IV. D. Black replied as follows:- " I. Yes. "2. (a) 86; includes professional, clerical, and institutional, for reasons as follows: domestic, 49; further education, 14; to accept other employment, 12; to accept municipal employment, 3; unsatisfactory service, 4; ill health, 3; to travel, I; and (b) 39; 18 with professional social work training, 21 with Bachelor of Arts degree or equivalent."

94 Mr. Calder asked the Hon. the Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources the following questions:— With reference to the Federal Government financial share of the construction of the Stewart—Cassiar Road:- 1. How much of this money, if any, was expended in the construction of the Stewart—Cassiar Road in (a) 1963/64 and (b) 1964/65? 2. How much of this money, if any, remains to be expended? 4 MARCH 4

The Hon. D. L. Brothers replied as follows:— " 1. (a) $1,118,850.45 and (b) $153,868.94. "2. $1,159,316.62."

88 Mr. Calder asked the Hon. the Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources the following questions:— With respect to the Stewart-Tide Lake Road contracts let since January 1, 1963:- 1. What is the identification and the amount of each contract let under the highway-building programme? 2. What has been the total amount paid contractors for work completed or under construction? 3. What are the names of the contractors? The Hon. D. L. Brothers replied as follows:- " I. The Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources has let no contracts on the Stewart-Tide Lake Road. " 2. Nil. "3. Not applicable."

88 Mr. Calder asked the Hon. the Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources the following questions:— With reference to moneys allocated toward the construction of the Stewart- Cassiar Road for 1964/65:- 1. How much of this money, if any, was expended in the construction of the Stewart-Hyder Road? 2. How much of this money, if any, was expended in the construction of the Stewart-Tide Lake Road? 3. In what sections of the Stewart-Cassiar Road were the moneys spent, and how much? The Hon. D. L. Brothers replied as follows:— " 1. None. " 2. None. " 3. Project 775, surveys, $2,054.39; Project 1138, Strohn Creek-Bell Irving River, $266,035.89; Project 1214, Eddontenajon Lake-Burrage Riser, $15,176.03; and total, $283,266.31."

152 Mr. Strachan asked the Hon. the Attorney-General the following ques- tions:— With reference to the Liquor Control Board:— I. Has the Board experienced any (a) losses, (b) breakages, or (c) thefts of or from ;ts shipments via Northland Navigation Company Limited since January 1, 1964? 2. If the answer to No. I is yes, what was the total value each month of (a) losses, (b) breakages, or (c) thefts? 3. If the answer to No. 1 is yes, has the Board received any recompense from Northland Navigation Company Limited? 4. If the answer to No. 3 is yes, what was the total amount received on account of ( ) losses. ( b) breakages, or (c) thefts? MARCH 4 5

The Hon. R. W. Bonner replied as follows:- " I. Yes. " 2. Total value each month was as follows:— (a) and le) Month Claim Loma and ( b ) Filed Thefts Breakages February. 1964 ...... ••- ...... $19.68 $3.44 March, 1964 53.88 April, 1964. 25.19 5.20 May, 1964 55.48 June, 1964 ...... 61.87 July, 1964 ...... . ...... 67.30 11.42 August, 1964 I06.07 12.67 September, 1964 1.28 October, 1964 ..... 41.50 31.01 November, 1964 106.27 3A8 December, 1964 88.12 28.90 January, 1965 . February, 1965 183 75 2.57

Totals $755.23 $153.85 " 3. Yes. " 4. (a) $545.88, unpaid balance represents claims now in process; (b) $151.28, unpaid balance represents claims now in process; and (c) included in (a)."

Resolved, That the House, at its rising, do stand adjourned until 8.30 o'clock p.m. today.

And then the House adjourned at 5.59 p.m.

Thursday, March 4, 1965

HALF—PAST EIGHT O'CLOCK P.M. Order for Committee of Supply called. Pursuant to Order, the House again resolved itself into the Committee of Supply. (IN THE COMMITTEE)

The House continued to sit after midnight.

FRIDAY, MARCH 5. The Committee rose and reported progress. Report to be considered at the next sitting. Committee to sit again at the next sitting.

Resolved, That the House, at its rising, do stand adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m. today.

And then the House adjourned at 12.07 a.m.

W. H. MURRAY, Speaker. 6 MARCH 4


On Monday Next

The Hon. R. W. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Amend the Counties Definition Act. The Hon. R. W. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Amend the Summary Convictions Act. The Hon. R. IV. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Amend the Conditional Sales Act. The Hon. R. W. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Amend the Small Debts Courts Act. The Hon. R. W. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Amend the Mechanics' Lien Act. The Hon. R. W. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Amend the Securities Act. The Hon. R. W. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Amend the Pipe-lines Act. The Hon. R. W. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Amend the Interpretation Act. The Hon. R. W. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Amend the Land Registry Act. The Hon. R. W. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Amend the Companies Act. The Hon. R. W. Bonner to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act Respecting the Furnishing and Maintenance of Security under Provincial Statutes. Mr. Gargrave to ask leave to introduce a Bill intituled An Act to Provide Legal Aid and Advice. 16 Mr. Dowding to move,— That all correspondence passing between employees of the Provincial Mental Health Services and the Attorney-General's Department relating to one Jerry Kleinys be tabled in the House. 17 Mr. Dowding to move,— Resolved, That this Legislative Assembly recommends to the Parliament of Canada that the British North America Act and the Divorce Act be amended to permit the Provinces so desiring it to make laws relating to divorce and the grounds for divorce.

Printed by A. SUTTON, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in right of the Province of British Columbia. 1965