Road Runner & Carrier, Fall 1981, Volume 18, Number 3
ISSN 0382·2141 PUBLISHED BY THE BRITI H COLUMBIA MI ISTR OF TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS FALL 1981 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 3 MINISTRY EMPLOYEES TAKE TO THE AIR Eyebrows go up when Garth Shea ring talks abo ut getting 45 miles to the gallon and cruis ing at a speed of 175 miles per hour. Just what does the guy drive? A supe r, souped-up Volkswagen or what? Actually, Gar th, communications eng ineer with our Ministry in Victoria, doesn't dri ve this particular mac hine - he flies it. Garth's one of a growing number of Ministry employees who enjoys flying as a hobby and every chance he gets, he's up there in a snappy little two seater that's his pride and joy. He's joined in his love for flying by at least two other Ministry employees. (there may well be more but we haven't tracked them down) in Mike Creasy, air operations officer with the Air Transport Assistance Program, and Lou Hansen, stock man with the communications branch in Clov erdale. Garth, who got his pilot's licence in 1964, has an aircraft that draws double-takes, even from veteran fliers . His VariEze, designed by Burt Rutan, of Mojave , Calif., was bu ilt over a two-year per iod at a cost of around $7,000 - cheap when you consider that a Cessna 150 will set a buyer back about $25 ,000. While its configuration is unusual compared to traditional aircraft design, Garth says it's an efficient and tremendously safe plane to fly.
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