7k MERC1AD Vol XXXI. No. 5 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, ERIE, PENNA, Februray 26, 1960 European Personalities] Upperciassmen Sponsor Dance Will Speak On Campus Mercyhurst's Senior Class will sponsor a pre-Lenten mixer, Sat­ urday, February 27. A get- February 28, March 16 acquainted hour is planned for Padraic Colum 8 till 9 in the main lounge of Mc- "Poetry As an Oral Art " is the Auley Hall, while the dance will subject^ of Padraic Colum's lec­ be held in 1 the gym from 9 till Lolly Lockhart, Kathy^Reid, and Lillian Egnot seem to find scene ture to be presented in Mercy- 12. hurst's Little Theatre, Sunday, planning an enjoyable assignment. They are preparing for produc­ tion of their one-act plays. February 28, at 8:15 p.m. In place off the usual refresh­ - Born and raised in Ireland, Mr. ments, a cookie sale is scheduled Colum's interest in literature be­ for the evening; the cookies to Seniors' Direction Class gan as a youth at the fireside in be baked by members of the his grandmother's cottage. As he senior class. Music for the dance grew i he retained these impres­ will be provided by the Moder- To|Present Short Plays sions of legends and traditions naires. handed I down from generation to Sunday, March 20 is the "evening of drama" in the Little Theatre generation. Connie Frank, chairman of the of Mercyhurst. Three \ one act plays directed toy Lillian Egnot, Lolly At the age of 21, Padraic Colum project, announced that invita­ Lockhart, and Kathy Reid will feature members of the Drama Society, had his first play, Broken Soil, tions have been extended to The direction and production of a one act play is an assignment produced, followed!shortly after­ area schools including Gannon, for the play direction class under the guidance of Miss Helen Kelly. wards by The Land. He came to Duquesne, Ca nisi us, Niagara, A Maid Goes Forth to War by Stokes McCune is a story of Saint the for a visit in Bonaventure, Edinboro, Alliance, Joan of Arc and concerns the return of Joan from the field with her 1914, and has lived here ever and John Carroll. decision to serve her country. Lillian Egnot is the director. since. The Plum Tree, dramatized by MoMahon and Sergei, is adapted Chairmen of the various com­ In addition to helping found Padraic Colum from a tale by Mary Ellen Chase and directed -by Lolly Lockhart. This mittees functioning under Miss is the story of a day in May and the adventures of three old ladies, all the National, later the Abbey the Royal Historical Society, and Frank include: invitations, Mary of whom are suffering from extremely odd delusions, illustrating the Theatre in Dublin, Mr. Colum a member of the Catholic Truth Anne Koss; refreshments, Anne pathos and wisdom of old age and the triumph which may result from also began The Irish Review, and Society. In addition, he is a Cavanaugh; decorations, Sissy disaster. ' wrote verse for a weekly paper parish priest at St. Edward's, Natili, and music, Judy Gordon Strange Victory, written by Evelyn Neuemburg and directed by called Sinn Fein. A member of Sutton Park. and Pat Schaefer. Kathy Reid, is the story of a young servant girl who, because of the Academy of Irish Letters, Admission for the entire affair supernatural * power, sacrifices her life so that a mother and child which awarded him the Gregory His lectures have been broad­ might live. The child is Giuseppe Verdi, famed opera composer. Medal in 1953, he received the casted since 1948 over the B.B.C., is $.50 and all profits are to be Fellowship of the Academy of donated toward the fund for the There will be an admission charge of $.25 to cover the royalty and televised over C.B.S., Euro- fees for the plays. * American Poets in 1952. vision and the B.B.C. He has lee- new dorm. Mr. Colum recently celebrated tured in the Netherlands and is IB a half ^century of literary publi­ presently on his second lecture cation which has included!: plays, tour of the United States. Family Lifel verse, folklore, novels, and bi­ ue Views The News ography. Not only a lecturer, but also an Rev. Gordon Albion author, Father Albion has By Susan Avery Program Topic Spotlighting the World: Rev. Gordon! Albion, an| out­ written several books, notably: Assembly period, March 2, will standing Catholic speaker in The Church in Western Europe; 'President DeGaulle gave a proud "Hurrah for " on Feb­ England, will address Mercyhurst Our English Catholic Heritage; ruary 13, as his nation joined the U. S., , and Britain in the focus on womanly tasks and ap­ exclusive "Atomic Club." His exultant joy was not echoed in the on March 16. His topic is 'Cath­ and Christians Awake. Many of pearance. The home economics olics and Protestants: Ideas for a his articles have been published African countries of Ghana, Tunisia, and* Morocco where leaders expressed fear of the fall-out from this first French blast which took New Approach." in periodicals in England, Amer­ department is to present a pro­ ica, Belgium, and Austria. place in the Sahara. The Atomic demonstration was not a surprise to gram designed to remind Mercy­ Born in London, England in the U. S., but did arouse speculations as to whether DeGaulle expects 1906, Father Albion was educated Father Albion's wide exper­ to establish an independent full-range nuclear program, or whether hurst students what major duties there at Mark Cross and Won- he is simply trying to regain French prestige and equality with theg ersh Seminaries, j] London Uni­ ience in writing, lecturing, and the role of homemaker involves j teaching have given him an UV S. and Britain in the Western Alliance. versity, and in Belgium at Lou- Russian^Premier Mikoyan has returned home after*touring Cuba j and the proper attire for all oc­ vain University. He has been a authoritative insight into the af­ Professor of Church History at fairs of the Church. as the guest of Fidel Castro and his government. Before leaving he j casions. Its theme is "Family Wonersh Seminary, a Fellow of signed a commercial pact under which* the will buy Life." General chairman is Joan (A picture of Rev. Albion was 5,000,000 tons of sugar over five yearsfand give Cuba accredit of j not available to Merciad.) $100,000,000. According to , when Mikoyan was j O'Malley, and co-c hairman, asked if Cuba would be able to buy planes against the credit extended Mary Ann Storey. With Eileen Aquinas Day by Moscow^ he said, ".|. . the matter has not been discussed." Then he . As part of the concert and lec­ &