Clean..Up Drive Enlists Support of Many Groups
.,' - ..'",", -;. --::' ' - ---. ~ 'I '--:-r'~';--'--'~- .,'_.' All the News of All the Point,. , Every Thur,d.y Morning * * • rosse ews C.II TUx.d~2.6900 Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes VOLUME 2o--No. 17 llc Per Cop,. Entered .. Second ClaN Matter '3.50 Per Year at the POit OUlce •• Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN,' APRIL 23, 1959 24 PAGES - TWO SECTIONS Section I HEADLINES ,Architect's Drawi ng Shows Church Expo nsion Presbyterians of th,. Clean ..Up Drive ,WEEK LalIDch Big' As Compiled by tb, Enlists Support of Fund Drive Gross, Point, Ne'ws Would Extend and Thursday, April 16 Many Groups Construct Hall; May PRESIDENT EISENHOWER, Erect Tower and lad and moist-eyed, announced Get Organ the resignation of Secretary of Garden Club Council Assisted by Hi-Y Clubs, Girl State John Foster Dulles. The Scouts. Merchants and Private Groups; A $600,000 builcling pro. Chief Executive said he has not picked a successor to Dul- Drive Starts May I grtlm has' been. announced les, but promised to fill the . for the G r 0 ss ePointe post as "quickly as practi- The hot summer days of this past week~ have Woods Pre s by t e ria n cable." Reports indicate that brought out swarms of home owners, armed with rakes, Church, 199,50 Mack ave" Under Secretary of S tat e spades and baskets, for the' preliminary "tidying" of nue. The needs invol/e an Christian Hertel', 64, is the lawns and gardens. Judging from this activity, many extension of' the church likeliest choice. residents will not need the door-hanger reminders of nave to add to the seating Dulles' was fOl'ced to resign C1eal.l-Up which will be distributed by the Boy Scouts capacity.
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