동물의 건축술┃动物的建筑术┃動物の建築術 Production year 2010 60min. X 3eps.

There are wildlife architects whose ability sur- 像人需要住宅一样,动物也需要巢穴繁殖后代。动 passes the human imagination. Just like a hu- 物世界的建筑-巢穴,筑巢设计精巧、充满科学性和 man needs housing, nests or other animals’ 艺术性。从建筑学的角度,剖析各种动物巢穴中所 homes are an essential place for laying eggs 隐藏着的进化、生存战略。 and raising their children. Nests, the structures 1. 令人惊奇的动物建筑家 of animals, are amazingly sophisticated, scien- 2. 巢穴-几何学、建筑美学的精髓 tific and artistic. With organized power, they 3. 巢穴的建筑学 build huge kingdoms and elaborate homes. This inquires into the evolution and the strat- egy for survival hidden in various animal nests in the world from an architectural engineering Award Noodle Road point of view.

누들로드┃面条之路┃ヌードルロード Part 1. Wildlife Architects Production year 2009 60min. X 6eps. + Making of Noodle Road 1eps. Part 2. Rediscovery of Nests Part 3. Nests are the answer

8.000 years of culinary culture through the 通过‘吃面条’文化来回首八千年的饮食文化史。 人間に住宅が必要であるし、動物にも巣は卵を産ん noodle dish. で子育てをする必要な空間である。動物の構造物で 我们将为您展现出一种以形式非常崭新的纪录片。 ある巣は驚異的だと言うほど精巧、科学的で芸術的 A new style of documentary that you have 面条可以称得上是我们餐桌上不可缺少的食物。我 なものである。世界のいろんな動物の巣に隠れている never tasted before 们将向您揭秘面条演变发展的历史。面条到底是从 進化と生存戦略を建築工学的観点で考察してみる。 Noodles are an essential part of our dining life- 什么时候,在哪里产生的呢?创造出面条的人到底 style. We will reveal the civilization and history 是什么样的人?面条为什么被称为是‘人类最早的 1 .驚 異 的 な 動 物 の 建 築 家 快餐’的呢?面条和曾经连接东西方文明的‘丝绸 behind a single bowl of noodles! When and 2 .巣 、幾 何 学 と 建 築 美 学 の 結 晶 体 之路’有着什么样的联系?面条通过哪些途径,被 where were the first noodles made? Who lived 3 .巣 の 建 築 工 学 什么样的人传到不同的地区而又发生了哪些演变 off of the noodle dishes and why is the noodle 呢? referred to as the first fast food? What relation did the noodle have with the Silk road that 为了揭开这些神秘的面纱,剧组从中国的西部内地 connected the east and the west? 开始经过乌兹别克斯坦,不丹,土耳其直到意大利 等对亚洲, To reveal the secrets, the staff traveled 8 dif- 中东,欧洲的八个国家进行了现地勘查。通过先进 ferent countries including the depths of inner 的电脑制作技术及在中国和日本进行的场景再现, China, Uzbekistan, Butan, Turkey, Italy and oth- 能为观众们献上丰富多彩的节目内容。 er areas of Asia and Europe. Also with the aid of computer graphics, reenactments of dramatic 该纪录片通过面条照明人类的饮食文化历史,讲述 events from China and Japan will present an 亚洲诞生的面条传到世界各地的半万年旅程。 entertaining eyeful to the viewers.

アジアの麺が、大陸と文化圏を越え、世界の人々の嗜 好を変えていく5千年の旅程!麺を通じて見た人類 の食文明史を、世界放送史上初めてHDドキュメンタ リーに納めた。

70_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE _71 DOCUMENTARY HD MINIHD SERIES Asian Corridor in Heaven Award

차마고도┃茶马古道┃茶馬古道 Production year 2007 60min. X 6eps.

The Ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Road is 中国の茶とチベットの馬の交易から始まった"茶馬 known as one of the most beautiful and the 古道"は、シルクロードよりも200年余前に形成され roughest route in the world. This route boasts た、人類の歴史上最古の交易路だ。 世界で最も高 of its diverse and grand nature protected as く最も険しいが、最も美しい道でもある"茶馬古道" UNESCO’s world natural heritage site, and は、至る所がユネスコ世界自然文化遺産として指定 also act as the complicated intersection of cul- されるほど、荘厳で美しい大自然と、一つの山に一度 ture, religion, language and people. Being the に四季が訪れたかのような多様な自然環境を誇る。 world’s oldest trade route, it was opened 200 さらに、この道の上には、多数の少数民族による多彩 years prior to the Silk Road for trading Chinese な 宗 教と文 化 が 広 が って いる。 finest tea with Tibetan horse, but other prod- KBSでは、ハイクオリティーHD映像での1年4ヶ月に ucts passed along it as well. Life on Jeung Island Award 及 ぶ 撮 影 に 、世 界 で 初 め て 成 功 し た 。 This 2700km trading route begins from Sich- uan and Yunnan provinces in Southwest Chi- 증도인생┃曾岛人生┃曾島人生 KBS世界首次把NHK、美国国家地理频道也曾失败过 na, and over the Himalayas to Tibet, Myanmar Production year 2009 60min. X 1eps. 的茶马古道影像纪录完全地展现在画面上。[KBS特 and India. KBS investigates on the revival of the 别节目茶马古道]出现时期比丝绸之路早200年的最 Ancient Asian Corridor. 古老的交易通道,茶马古道。

This is a depiction of a variety of lives in Jeung 韩国全罗南道新安的前海上有一座小岛-名叫曾岛, Eps1. ‘THE LAST HORSE CARAVAN’ : The Legend 茶马古道是一条为交换中国茶和西藏马匹而开通的 island, where things have not changed much, 那里的人们对荣华富贵无欲无求。 of Horse Caravan, Nobusangbu 汉藏古道,目前世界上风光最美丽、地势最高最险 的文明文化传播的古道,该片把这条古道分6集来 unlike the rest of the world placed under the 天、地、阳、风! 曾岛居民只享受着大自然的恩赐, Eps2. ‘ROAD TO PILGRIMAGE’ : 2,700km of Pil- 介绍。 pressure of moving forward. It is a toil to make 那里上演着朴实无华的人生故事。在“无欲就无法 grimage, Journey of Buddha’s Land a living here for both land farmers and fisher- 成功”的现代社会里,真正的成功到底是什么? men. Yet the islanders find their lives satisfying Eps3. ‘TEA MAKES THE ROAD OPEN’ : The Most and fulfilling. The documentary is a glimpse “曾岛人生”通过土生土长的曾岛人的故事为人们 Beautiful, Highest and Roughest Road 揭示这道问题的答案。 into their wisdom that unfolds through their Eps4. ‘The Salt in Yanjing, The Crystal by Wom- every day lives quietly observed. Jeung Island’s an’ : The Legend of 1,000 Years Salt Field beautiful natural surroundings are expressed well on camera too. The images are an illus- Eps5. ‘Himalayas Salt Trek’ : Salt trade Market tration of the greatness and beauty of nature, Under the Himalayas which could possibly be a cause of hardship as Eps6. ‘GUGE, MYSTERY OF THE LOST KINGDONG’ well as a reason for enduring such difficulties. : The Origin of present Tibetan Buddhism

韓国の全南の新安郡の小さな島の曾島。そこにはこ の世の富を欲しがらない人々が住んでいる。

空と土地、日差しと風! 自然が与えてくれる恵みだ けを完全に享受し暮らしている曾島の人々の素朴な 物 語。‘欲 求 がなければ成 功することはできない’と言 う今時、果して人生において真の成功は何だろう?

‘曾島(チュンド)人生’は一生を島で過ごした生え抜き の曾島の人たちが世の中の人々に伝えるメッセージで ある。

72_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE _73 DOCUMENTARY HD MINI HD SERIES Mugeum Center of Baekdam Temple,where time stands still

시간의 흐름이 멈춘 백담사 무금선원┃百潭寺无今申禅院┃百潭寺無今禪院 Production year 2009 60min. X 1eps.

Since Zen Buddhism was introduced by Priest Do-eui in the late Shilla years, Mt. Sorak has been the place of ascetic exercise for countless monks. The water flows through valleys, cre- ates a hundred ponds and finally reaches the Baekdam Temple. Here are people who chose the severe path of self-discipline to find their true selves and reach enlightenment. Here, time becomes meaningless. At the Mugeum Zen Center, even time stands still.a Go Seonji(Gao Xianzhi) Route ひたすら‘参禅’のために世間のすべてのものを捨てた 고선지루트┃高仙芝路线┃高仙芝ルート 人々、私たちは彼らを ‘禅僧’と呼ぶ。僧侶である前に Production year 2010 60min. X 3eps. 平凡な一人の人間であった彼ら。何が彼らをこちらの 百潭寺に導いただろうか。このドキュメンタリーは百 潭寺の無今禅院での1年間の記録である。

This documentary looks at the life and wars of 本纪录片追寻高句丽族人-高仙芝将军的足迹,讲述 为了“参禅”而摆脱尘世凡俗的约束,我们把他们 the drifting people from Goguryeo who were 了被带到西域的高句丽族人的人生、战争以及丝绸 称为禅僧。他们为何放弃平凡的人生,选择成为僧 taken to the countries bordering on Western 之路文明。高仙芝将军的足迹,从广阔的塔克拉玛 侣?本纪录片讲述了百潭寺无今禅院内一年的生活。 China, and also the culture of Silk Road by trac- 干沙漠,经被称为世界屋脊的帕米尔高原,翻越大 ing General Go Seon-ji. Following the route of 雪山,最后延伸到了印度河,经过了漫长的旅途。 该节目讲述了已经消逝了的高句丽族人给世界历史 his expedition, it trails the great journey of ad- 带来怎样的影响。 vancing to the Taklamakan Desert, the Pamirs which is the roof of the world, and the Indus. 1. 高句丽人掌握丝绸之路 It tracks how one drifting man from a ruined 2. 翻越素有‘世界屋脊’之称的帕米尔高原 country, Goguryeo, affected on the world his- 3. 文明大冲突- 怛罗斯战役 tory.

Part 1. A Man from Goguryeo who Dominated Silk Road Part 2. Crosses the Pamirs, the Roof of the World Part 3. The Clash of Civilization: The Battle of Talas

このドキュメンタリーは高句麗の流民だった高仙芝 将軍の跡を追跡して西域へ引っぱられて行った高句 麗の流民の暮らしと戦争、それからシルクロード文明 を共に覗いてみる。高仙芝将軍の遠征経路に従って 広大なタクルラマカン砂漠、世界の屋根であるパミー ル高原を踏査し、大雪山を越えインダス川へ進出す る壮大な旅程を追う番組である。滅亡した高句麗の ある流民が世界史にどんな影響を及ぼしたのかを追 跡する。

1 .シ ル ク ロ ー ド を 掌 握 し た 高 句 麗 人 2 .世 界 の 屋 根 、パ ミ ー ル を 越 え る 3.文明の大衝突、タルラス戦闘

74_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE _75 DOCUMENTARY HD HD MINIHD SERIES HD The Secret Raider in the Dark, Eagle owl Award Giltaek’s Children Award

수리부엉이의 비밀┃夜间的帝王,猫头鹰┃ワシミミズクの秘密 길택씨의 아이들┃吉泽先生的孩子们┃キルテク先生の子供達 Production year 2008 60min. X 1eps. Production year 2007 60min. X 1eps.

The Eagle-owl, known as the emperor of the night, prefers the open land- A record of the young poets and their teacher ; eventually the young poets scape and hunts mostly in the night. coming in touch with their poems after 27 years.

This program focuses on the hunting skills of the Eagle-owl. Even its wing- Lim Giltaek was the superstar to inspirational teachers. He began his teaching span is up to two meters, Eagle-owl can fly without making any noise. While in a small school in and spent 14 years teaching at the mining towns. During the falcon is hunting at a speed of 300km/h, the Eagle-owl flies very slowly at his career, he collected his students' writings and published several of them a speed of 20km/h when it is hunting. Since it has a unique structure of the as well as his own poems, tales and essays. wing, Eagle-owl does not make any winds when it hunts. In 1980, Lim became the class teacher for the 5th and 6th graders. Together

Photo : Saiful Hug Omi / Polaris / Counter Foto This program shows the mechanism such as the outstanding sight, the excep- they made up to 8 presentations of class works. He only gave one single les- tional hearing and the structure of the body that make the Eagle-owl to hunt son in writing poems. "Don't decorate too much, just be honest." He was di- A Human Land Award a wide variety of prey, some quite large like rabbits, small elks, and pheasants. Confucianism agnosed with lung cancer in April, 1997 and died in December. In 2007, Lim's Moreover, using the high-speed precision shooting method, the program collection of children's poems was published in the book "My father's small 인간의 땅┃人类之大地┃人間の土地 gets to the bottom of the secret of the hunting scientifically. 유교┃儒教 salary." 27 years later, what has become of those 64 young poets? During that Production year 2009 60min. X 5eps. Production year 2007 60min. X 4eps. time, those children grew up to be around 40’s now. What expression came 从夜幕降临到日出之前活动的猫头鹰是野生夜间的帝王。 to their faces as they received their poems written 27 years ago? What kind of Asia, where the most fierce battle over survival goes on. Yet in that 该节目主要讲的内容就是猫头鹰的打猎技术。猫头鹰的翅膀达到2米左右,但可 This program sheds new light on Confucianism, which is the core of the en- emotions were remembered when those poets see their poems again? battle lies the most desperate hope. Asia, fights its own sad faith. The 以悄无声息地猎杀目标。以300km的时速滑翔的鹰运用“快速” 的打猎艺术, lightenment of Eastern Asia within contemporary circumstances. It studies ‘Human Land’, they try to protect even risking all they have, is a land of 相反,猫头鹰的猎杀速度只不过是时速20km左右,可以说是它运用“缓慢”的 the source and history of Confucianism and explores the Asian civilization. It 这个节目讲述了儿童小诗人们和老师之间的故事,记录了长大成人后的他们在 pain. But in their pain, grow hope and peace. 打猎艺术。因为猫头鹰具有独特的翅膀结构,在打猎时不会引起“风”,这就 revaluates Confucianism through the comparative culture point of view. The 看到了27年前自己写下的诗句,由此引起了他们对童年的无限回忆。 是猫头鹰的诀窍。 drama also offers clues for Confucianism’s revitalization in the center of civili- 林吉泽老师是一位品德优秀教师中楷模。1952年出生的他也算得上是一名诗 Part 1 [Afghanistan – Young Cook of the Wal] zation, suggesting a vision for mankind in the 21st century. 人。自从1976年在江原道旌善郡的一个小学校里开始教师生涯之后,14年来他 A young boy works as a cook and runs errands at a police station on 该纪录片为您揭开猫头鹰怎样能猎杀兔子,小麋,雉等比它大的动物的形体上 一直和檀光村的孩子们在一起。 the front line, witnessing endless terrorist attacks. 秘密(眼力,听力等),而通过高速精密拍摄,从科技角度来查明猫头鹰打猎 1. Confucianism is the basic core value in the lives of East Asian people. It is the 1997年4月,他忽然患上了肺癌,并于同年12月去世。在从事教学的过程中,他 Part 2 [Bangladesh – Dream of a Ship-breaking workers] 的神秘技术。 common center-value that can lead Asia to prosperity and reconciliation. 曾多次把孩子们的书法和绘画作品收集成册,并且持续做着童诗、童谣作品的 The only means workers have to break down the ship are old 2. International societies need, desperately, a way to understand the today’s 创作工作。 fashioned tools and their two bare hands. To earn just 2 dollars a day, resurgent China. Appreciating Confucianism is, along with Maoism, the key. 传闻里的班级文选确曾有过。1980年年底,在曾经拥有东洋最大矿山的旌善郡 the workers endure their way through all sorts of toxic materials and 3. There is an answer in Confucianism for solving the world’s contradictions. 的小学里任职的林老师,在1980年担任6年级班主任,1981年担任5年级班主任 期间同孩子们一起创作了8本班级文选。林老师教给孩子们写诗的方法只有一 harsh environment. Eps. 1 : Perfect virtue; the journey of love 种,“无需做作,只求坦诚”。 Part 3 [Armenia – The Vanishing Yazidi Kurds] Eps. 2 : Righteousness; quick and narrow road 从那之后的27年里,64名的儿童诗人都在做什么呢?27年后收到自己儿时创作 The Yazidi Kurds of Armenia who follow the ancient believes of 的诗集,他们的表情会是怎样的呢?2007年林吉泽老师生前编著的童诗集<父亲 Eps. 3 : Courtesy; the mysterious power Yazidism are vanishing without any attention. 微薄的收入>出版了。这是老师去世10年后的事情。成年后的小诗人们在见到他 Eps. 4 : Wisdom; cultivation of the mind for the world 们27年前写下的诗句的瞬间,又会发生哪些感人的故事呢? Part 4 [Burma – Jungle of Sorrow] During the democratic uprising of 1988, many young men of Burma 亚洲正成长为世界史的中心舞台。 went into hiding, into the deep jungle, chased off by the government 以“孝”,“礼”,“学”,“君”为四个核心, army. Their fight against the dictatorship still goes on today, in the 重新唤起深入在现代亚洲人生活里的儒教思想,它是坚韧的亚洲文化持续了数 jungle where only illness and hunger reside. 千年的地籍基础。当今的亚洲历史以科学文明理念和政治哲学比较的文化方式 来探索。再把“和解”、“繁荣”为主导思想的儒教注入给人们。 Part 5 [Nepal – Daughters of the Himalayas] Poor and helpless girls are thrown into the streets only to end up in the brothels. To escape from that road to prostitution, the girls picked up guns under the flag of Maoist communism.

追求新的希望,日益变化的亚洲。在那里生活着一些挣扎在生死边缘的人们。该纪 录片讲述了这些生存在战争与贫困、对立与纠纷之间的人们的生存现状。 人类能创作到没有战争、幸福和谐的世界吗?这部纪录片以亚洲的五个国家为题 材,向我们展示了一种新的视角,让我们重新审视这个一直困扰着我们的难题。 战争与灾难、饥饿与无知、歧视与痛苦等这些残酷的现实一直存在于这个貌似和平 的年代。可是在这样的现状下,希望一直存活在人们的心底。《人类之大地》这部 纪录片在展现亚洲人生存现状的同时,也蕴藏了人们未来美好生活的希望所在。

76_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE _77 DOCUMENTARY HD HD MINIHD SERIES HD Walking into the World The Science of Love

걸어서 세계 속으로┃走向世界┃歩いて世界へ 사랑┃感性纪录影片“爱”┃愛 Production year 2005~ 60min. X Weekly Production year 2005 60min. X 3eps.

Seeing is believing! Scientific analysis of Love, bringing it out of the realm of poetry Each city in this world has its own individual culture, history, and life. The pro- ducer visits and experiences one city for each episode and records the unique People talk about love but few feel the need to scientifically analyze the scent and aura of the city. mechanisms of it. It’s as if they’re afraid analysis will make the magic of love disappear. But this is far from true. In fact, research shows that the deeper you 世界上每个城市都有属于他们自己的文化、自己的历史和自己的生活。本制片 delve into the subject, the more rewarding your love life can be. 人围绕着一个城市及地区直接去感受和体验,并一一记录下了每一个痕迹。 This is a new style of scientific documentary dealing with human emotions. The show approaches the beautiful and mysterious subject of love using both scientific and emotional methods. We examine experiments conducted by 30 scientists from the U.S, Britain, France, Italy, and Korea over the span of a year. Korean Seon(Zen) Story Investigating the Mind 114 international couples in all sorts of love phases are interviewed about learning their true emotions and thoughts on love. 선이야기┃"禅"故事┃禅の話 마음┃特别巨作纪录片,心灵┃心 Love is visualized by depicting the natural beauty of clouds during sunset and Production year 2006 60min. X 3eps. Production year 2007 60min. X 6eps. a flower with its spore. This series utilized HD-F900 cameras to capture vivid beauty of everything. Zen is the lesson that originated from Bodhi Dharma 1500 years ago. Zen is a journey to find the self, a way of going back to an original nature by dropping 世上有许多人讲述爱情的故事,但又有几人愿意用科学来分析爱情呢? all attachments and desires. It’s the experience of realizing the existence of 生怕爱情独有的魔力消失在那一瞬间;其实不然…当你对爱情懂得越多,了解得 self in every minute. Even the humblest object in the world can be marvelous 越深,爱情的魅力也就会越发向你靠近。 when a person stops and appreciates it. 为了更好地用纪录影片来解答世上最美丽、最神秘的主题——“爱”,结合了感 But the most miraculous thing is the fact that we are alive. And through Zen, 性与科学性进行了分析。与美国,英国,法国,意大利,韩国…等国内外30余名学 you can wake up and realize that. ‘The Story of Zen’, a documentary trilogy, is 者共同经过一年多的时间进行了实验与分析。采访了114对刚刚开始的热恋情侣 the real question of Zen and at the same time the answer. 与共同经历岁月的年老夫妇,得到了有关爱情的真实坦白的情感与想法。 在拍摄期间的最佳难点就是如何将肉眼看不到的“爱”用影像来表现。在夕阳 People today desire to live healthy lives. This documentary confidently exam- 与彩霞,鲜花与胞子…等自然风景中捕捉了爱情的隐喻,动员了多样先进的拍摄 技法,以高品格,有深度的影像描述了美丽的爱情。 ines that the spiritual root of the personal well being that is Zen. It is alive in everyday life. This drama deals with the system of the discipline of Gan Hwa Zen modal, an orthodox ascetic exercise of Korean Zen Buddhism, its value and aesthetics, and the art of Zen through a foreigner’s experience.

1500年前菩提達摩给予人们一个重要的启发—“禅”,那么禅是什么? 不仅是寻找自我的过程,还是摆脱执著和欲望回归到人的本性的过程,是对我 们自我存在的体验,即使表面上看是世界上最平凡的东西,如果站着仔细观 察,也会发现其中的优点。而最令人感叹的就是我们还活着的事实。

让人们领悟到这一点的就是“禅”。三集纪录片《“禅”的故事》不仅对“ 禅”提出了问题并加以回答,还指出禅就是well-bing这一现代人热烈探讨的话 题的精神根源。以外国人的亲身体验和接触方式来了解韩国禅佛教精神修养办 法-“简话禅”的体系、价值及已经深入生活的线艺术和审美观点。

78_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE _79 DOCUMENTARY HD HD MINIHD SERIES HD The Last Temple A Journey to Guilin

봉정암┃韩国的凤顶庵┃鳳頂庵 계림기행┃桂林纪行┃桂林紀行 Production year 2005 60min. X 1eps. Production year 2004 60min. X 1eps.

A sacred temple all Buddhists dream of visiting Guilin, where man and nature harmonize Korean Buddhists all yearn to one day climb this holy place called ‘Bong- In the southeastern part of China, a small city Guilin with 380 thousands of Jeong-Am’, a thousand year old temple, one of 5 heavenly temples in Korea, population attracts 10 millions of tourists annually. What of this city makes accommodating ‘Sari’. It is known as the last remaining holy place for Bud- people visit? Not altered by human's touches, Guilin holds its bare natural dhism in Korea. looks. Mountain peaks with mists and clouds, sheer precipice, and bird caves, the naturally carved architecture. For the first time, Bong-Jeong-Am, will be revealed to the world. The spirit of the monks and awe-inspiring scenery are all captured through high defini- The beauties of nature and people living perfectly harmonized with its na- tion footage. ture. On HD screen, the river flows through deep valleys of many mountains, and opens up magnificently, accompanied by absolutely beautiful music. Ex- 如果是佛弟子,那生平一次也都想登上的地方。在世界上以最后佛教圣地而闻 perience everything to be learned but lost in modern life through this journey The Last Survivor Award 名的凤顶庵,首次通过HD图像给观众公开。通过HD图像给观众展现凤顶庵美丽 Four Seasons of Waters to Guilin with your eyes wide open. 的风光和只能在凤顶庵看到的纯真的佛弟子和苦行者的样子。 한반도 최후의 생존자┃韩国半岛上的最后生存者┃韓半島最後の生存者 사계주산지┃四季之韩国的注山池┃注山池の四季 揭露自然与人类极其相似的所有桂林。没有添加任何人为色彩的天然城市,桂 Production year 2006 60min. X 2eps. Production year 2004 60min. X 1eps. 林。云雾中的山峰,悬崖绝壁,大自然的雕塑"钟乳洞"。

The last survivors of the Korean Peninsula we must protect! Four seasons of the mystique scenery of a foggy lake 这里的人们从大自然中获取一切生活所需,虽然生活贫苦但他们却拥有一个犹 More and more large-sized mammals of the Korean Peninsula such as tigers 如大自然的宽阔胸怀。在山谷间蜿蜒而流的漓江映衬着层层叠叠的山峰。优美 and wolves are gradually vanishing. However, there are still few species of The breathtaking sky and silhouette of Mount Ju-Wang are best seen from 动听的旋律伴随着河流编织出一部美丽的HD高画质影像。 animals maintaining their habitats in the Korean Peninsula. The Golden Bat, Ju-San-Ji, tucked away in the southwest corner of the mountain. Every season of which only some 200 remain, is an endangered species. Besides its appear- brings breathtaking views of the gigantic willow at dawn, with a soft blanket ance (it has only been seen during hibernation), not much is known about it. of fog covering the lake’s surface. But finally, the veil is uncovered. Various equipment such as a 0.4g extremely small emitter, helicopter and other gear have been committed to the project. The area’s fauna roam free across the morning calm. There is more behind the Hands-on photography of the water deer’s ecology over a one-year period! surface of this gigantic willow that has anchored itself here for over a hundred The water deer’s love and ordeals have been captured in a dynamic audio- years; be it a battle between two of the wild’s animals or a leopard on the visual epic form. After successful photographing of various special features, hunt, every living creature at Ju-San-Ji has a story to share. the ecological secrets of the water deer and the golden bat have been un- covered. 位于周王山南西方边际的注山池,在那里有柳树和天空,炫耀周王山的注山池 绝境、每个季节都演出独特景观的柳树和美丽的黎明、覆盖水面的芒芒的雾 Part1: In Search of Golden Bats 气、生活在注山池的水狗和鸳鸯、猫头鹰、山雀、鱼狗等!将会把注山池神秘 Part2: Water Deer 的四季风光通过非常鲜明的影像展现给观众。往水里下根的树龄100年以上的 注山池的土地神‘柳树’,和攻击山雀窝捕食小鸟的大蛇、捕食小鸳鸯的野猫 在当韩国半岛上的一些大型和中型的哺乳类动物面临着灭绝危机的同时,也 等,介绍依存在注山池生活的所有生命。 有一些特别的动物群种以顽强的生命力而存活下来。诸如 黄金蝠 ,河麂等动 物。对于这些韩国半岛上最后的生存者,我们人类的保护措施是势在必行的。 我们经过一年的制作时间,采用各种尖端的的拍摄技术手法,运用高清晰画质 和5.1环绕立体声揭开黄金蝠和河麂与大自然的秘密。

第一集 神秘的追击-- 黄金蝠(金黄鼠耳蝠) 黄金蝠 ,面临灭绝的原因/ 世界上唯一的, 大批量的黄金蝠的栖息地---全罗南道的咸平/ 黄金蝠的变身/ 蝙蝠埋幼崽的特 性/ 最尖端的拍摄设备及一流的拍摄技术 第二集 河麂的爱 一首感动的抒情叙事诗:河麂的爱情和母爱! 首次公开:离不开水的“Water Deer”!! 河麂在大自然中的考验/ 顽强的生命力及其揭秘过程!!


남자의 자격┃男人的资格┃男子の資格 청춘불패┃青春不败┃青春不敗 Production year 2009~ 60min. X Weekly Production year 2009~ 70min. X Weekly

101 Things Men Should do Before Death The nation is currently witnessing the best days of girl bands! There are things worth trying in your lifetime before you die. The cast of Meet G7, a new group of girls that are emerging as a new culture icon. Mem- this show will experience it for you. You become a real man and enrich bers of some of the most popular girl bands find themselves at a farm village your life as you go for the challenges you have always wanted to do, in the mountains. Check out the kind of farm life the girls get to lead! Watch must do or felt right doing. the reality program, 'Invincible Youth', where idol stars experience all kinds of funny incidents as they try to adjust to provincial life. 当然のこと、大韓民国の男に生まれたら死ぬ前に一度やってみるべきことを体験 してみよう!生きていきながら一度やってみれば良いこと、やってみたかったこと、 You can see K-Pop idols : やるべきことなどを意味ありげに実践しながら男としての資格を取り揃えて人生 Brown Eyed Girls, SNSD (Girl’s Generation), T-ara, Secret, kara, 4minute, 2AM, を豊かに味会う時間を持つ。男!当然、このくらい兼ね備えれば女の人に愛され SHINee ることができるということをちゃんとお知らせいたします~ One Night Two Days The Invincible Baseball Team 韓国は今、女性アイドルの全盛期! 叔母さんと叔父さんの世代まで虜にした、今 男人在一生中必须要做的101个事情! 一番売れっ子のガールグループの代表 7人が‘G7’という名で集まった。田舎の農 1박2일┃两天一夜┃1泊2日 101凡是大韩民国的男人,在死前一定要经历的事情!值得做、想做、该做的事 천하무적 야구단┃天下无敌棒球队┃天下無敵野球団 家にたどり着いた少女たち! 彼女たちが自らの手で掘り起こし仕上げた‘アイドル Production year 2006~ 80min. X Weekly 情等,一个一个的实践,逐渐具备作为男人的资格,让人生更加丰富多彩! Production year 2009~ 70min. X Weekly の村’の姿は果たして? 江原道の山深いユチ里の ‘ウエルカムツーアイドルの村’ 。 アイドルの新たな帰農日記!! Kang Ho-dong and friends go one a two day trip. Rough and tough guys have come together for a determined reality 田舍で繰り広げるリアルバラエティー。自給自足しながら成長していく“青春不敗”。 These days when over 10,000,000 people travel abroad every year, challenge! Kang travels to the country side, the fishing towns and the mountains. The only thing that the team members had at the beginning may have 当今韩国是女组合歌手们的全盛时代! There, they find the warm smiles of our neighbors and the nature that been their passion for baseball, but they are renewed with strong deter- 该节目是女组合歌手的自主成长纪录。女组合到偏僻的农村,并当农民帮助农 cleanses their eyes. mination. The goal of the disorderly group, which doesn't have the most 事。她们以劳动为代价获得吃的东西。体验一下自给的意义。 Kang Hodong, Kim C, Lee Soogun, Eun Jiwon, Lee Seungki, MC Mong impressive baseball skills, is to become the top amateur baseball team show every moment of their one night trip around the country side in the country. from the moment they begin. Instead of a fancy studio, this variety show takes place in nature. The members will never give up the challenge despite grueling training and Close friends will give the viewers laughter and tears in all small things embarrassing defeats. Their tearful endeavor will touch viewers. that occur in their friendship. たとえ持っているのは野球に対する情熱だけだがやれば出来るという意志で生 美しい自然、韓国人なら知っている、あるいはまだ知らずにいる美しい韓国! まれ変わった人々!! 寄せ集めたメンバーで野球の実力もむちゃくちゃだが彼 カン・ホドンと5人の友 人 達 が1泊2日の旅 に出る。そこにはあたた か い 微 笑 みと らの目標は‘社会人最強野球チーム’になること! あたたかい人々がいて、爽やかな自然があった。それらに出会うため旅立つ6人 厳しい訓練と惨めな敗北を経験しながらも最後まであきらめない<天下無敵野 の 男 達 のロードバラエティ。 球団>のメンバーたちの姿を通じて視聴者たちにも希望を与えたい。 美 し い 自 然 を 求 め て 、全 国 ど こへ で も 行 く! カン・ホドン、ウン・ジウォン、イ・スグン芸能人たちが1泊2日の間に繰り広げるリ 虽然对棒球没有什么基础,但具有对棒球的热情而执著,重新诞生的他们!带 アルな日常自給自足!バックパック旅行!そして〈1泊2日〉だけの専売特許!恐る 着非常粗糙的棒球实力的他们的目标是成为全国最强的社会棒球队。虽然他们 べきゲームもある韓国初の熾烈なバラエティ! 经历着艰难的训练和种种失败,但最后也不放弃他们的目标。通过天下无敌棒 さぁ、ワクワクドキドキの旅 が始まる。 球队员们的热情,向观众转达快乐和希望!

姜浩东与五位朋友一起开始了两天一夜的旅行。 每年有超过一千万名游客流向海外的今天,他们把旅行的目的地定在了农村, 大山,渔村,海岛,故乡等国内景点。在那里有灿烂的微笑,善良的老乡以及 让人一饱眼福的自然景观。这次以国内景点为主的两天一夜的旅行包括了姜浩 东,金C,李水根,恩智远,李圣基,MC蒙等演艺人。 我们将从出发地开始跟踪拍摄他们旅行全程所发生的所有有趣故事。 内容没有任何的虚构,就像平时和朋友们一起出游一样,他们的举手投足间给 我们留下了无穷的欢乐与感动。

82_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE _83 ENTERTAINMENT NEW · HD HD MINIHD SERIES HD Happy Together Award Vitamin Award

해피투게더┃欢乐在一起┃ハ ッピ ートゥゲ ザ 비타민┃维生素┃ビタミン Production year 2005~ 80min. X Weekly Production year 2003~ 70min. X Weekly

- Cabinet Talk Considering the present increasing interest in the quality of life and Now it’s time to discover celebrities’ true self through their hidden happiness, this program aims to contribute to the growth of the qual- memories. When opening a cabinet, a celebrity’s story make public for ity of the lives of citizens by providing valuable information along with the first time. entertainment. They put each item for each celebrity, and they talk about the story re- lated to the item. The show picks topics that are issues nowadays such as the prevention of aging, sex, the truth about Adam and Eve, and the cycle of birth. - Role-playing Talk Through a series of trilogy or tetralogy, this program approaches the The celebrities’ wit and humor! All the people in the program role-play topics profoundly and systematically with a new view and satisfies as married women in the neighborhood, and speak freely. At the same people’s curiosity. Panels talk about a topic with a competent medical time, they are not supposed to laugh at any time. When someone expert and learn ways to stay healty. Let’s Go! Dream Team Season 2 laughs, the person gets a shower from a water gun. The Star Golden Bell Challenge 在居民对生活质量的要求日趋提高的今天,该综艺节目采用容易获得大众认可 娯楽バラエティー。 출발 드림팀┃出发!梦之队┃出発ドリームチーム 스타골든벨┃明星金钟┃スターゴールデンベル 的娱乐方式,使观众在观看节目的同时能够获得有益于健康和幸福的信息,这 スターの隠された思い出を通してスターの本当の姿を発見する時間。 会对国民生活质量的改善做出贡献。 Production year 2009~ 70min. X Weekly Production year 2004~ 70min. X Weekly 懐かしさと感動を与える国内初のキャビネットトーク~<これは、何>! 想像を超越!キャビネットを開いてスターの特別なストーリーを初公開する。こ This program combines the conventional quiz program with a dinner– 性!本节目将会以亚当与夏娃的真实、生命诞生系列节目、预防老化等最近的 The new season of the KBS variety game show, 'Let's Go! Dream Team Sea- れは何に使われる物?銭湯のキャビネットの中にスターの思い出に関連する品物 time variety show, but tries to minimize the boredom of the quiz 热门话题为主题,制作3-4部系列节目,从新的角度来深入分析解决观众的疑 son 2'! が入っていて、スターはその品物にまつわるトークを繰り広げる。閉ざされていた program and the shallowness of the variety show. 惑。医学专家和嘉宾将会针对主题进行探讨和研究,使观众获得有益于健康的 The season 1, aired in 1999 till 2003, created a national craze. Now, the second スターの胸の内が今明らかに! About 20 stars, singers, performers, comedians, sports stars, and 知识。 season has returned. Top celebrities face off with viewier contestants in fierce others, are invited to the show, and they entertain viewers through challenges which bring hearty laughter. Through fair-and-square sportsman- スターのセンスとユーモアが炸裂する!爆笑満開トーク<笑うな サウナ> their good will to help poor students. ship, who will become the new hero? 出演者たちをサウナに集まった地元のおばさんたちに設定。自由なトークを繰り In the massive set, the stars compete with the quiz and also do the 広げる。ただし、どんな状況でも絶対に笑ってはいけない。笑ってしまったその瞬 talent show between the segments to win money for students in “勝利のため最善をつくし、結果を認める社会を作るため! 出発、ドリームチー 間、容赦なく浴びせられる水鉄砲攻撃!!超強力な笑いが吹き出る<笑うな サウ financial difficulty. ム !!! ” ナ )!コ ン ト は コ ン ト に す ぎ な い ・・・ 誤 解 は 禁 物 ~ The stars accumulate money all together step by step from 100 won. 最高のスターを輩出!! 最高の挑戦と勝負、そして情熱で広く愛された‘出発ド Until now, 700million won had been spent for the students’ uniforms リームチーム’が再び復活する! 最近のテレビ番組で見られなかった男たちの本 - 橱柜交谈《这是什么》 and books. 当の勝負と派手な見所満載の新しくなった‘出発ドリームチームシーズン2’。 通过明星的回忆寻找他们的真面目。 打开橱柜,你将会看到超级明星们首次公开的秘密。 アップグレードされたゲームと出演陣のパワフルなアクションは視聴者たちを虜 You can see K-Pop idols : 澡堂橱柜里放着与明星们有关的各式各样的东西,明星们通过该东西,诉说和 にするでしょう。 SNSD (Girl's Generation), Super Junior, FT Island, Big Bang, MBLAQ, 他们有关的美好回忆。 BEAST, SHINee, 2AM, 2PM, After School, 4 Minute, T-ara, kara 充满挑战精神和热情的梦之队复活!明星出演开展各种体育项目,决一胜负。 为了胜利尽最大的努力而最终心服比赛的结果,这就是出发梦之队的精神。最 - 设定交谈《别笑,桑拿》 芸能番組の歴史上最多の20名のレギュラー出演者とトップスターが総出動! 强的挑战与胜负,还有热情组成了梦之队。明星们之间的真正胜负和华丽的看 激发嘉宾明星们的才华和幽默!把嘉宾打扮成在桑拿室里聚会的姑嫂婆姨们, 毎週、歌手・タレント・お笑い芸人・スポーツ選手など、旬のトップスター20名を 点,让观众们感受到紧张与痛快的感觉! 自由自在地聊侃。任何情况都不能笑,只要发出笑声,就会受到突如其来的水 枪的攻击。 厳選し、超大型セットにて豪華なショーを繰り広げる。 伝統的なクイズ番組とバラエティー番組が絶妙にマッチして、クイズ番組の退屈 さとバラエティー番組の軽さを全面的に排除。 火花を散らす頭脳対決はもちろん、幕間を利用したタレントたちのウィット対決ま で、視聴者の視覚と頭脳を満足させるクイズバラエティー番組だ。 また、20名の出演者全員が力を合わせ積立てた奨学金で、 経済的に苦しい学生たちに制服や参考書の購入費を支援するなど、 バラエティー性と公営性を兼ね備えた貴重な番組でもある。

精选20名当红的歌手,演员,戏剧演员,体育明星,在大演播室内为观众 上演精彩的节目。 经典的竞猜节目和周末晚上的综艺节目相结合,嘉宾的智力竞赛和趣味竞 赛,可以消除以往竞猜节目的单一和综艺节目的轻浮。 20个明星为了特困生,从100韩元开始积累奖学金。 用迄今为止积累的7亿韩元捐款资助特困生买校服、课本及缴纳学费。 本节目既有娱乐性又公益性。

84_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE _85 ENTERTAINMENT HD HD MINIHD SERIES HD Safety First! Award Chitchat of Beautiful Ladies

위기탈출넘버원┃危机逃脱NO.1┃危機脱出ナンバーワン 미녀들의 수다┃美女们的闲聊┃美女たちのおしゃべり Production year 2005~ 60min. X Weekly Production year 2006~ 60min. X Weekly

This program provides essential information about what to do in an Ladies from many different cultures talk about what is good and bad, funny emergency situation. It also shows how to prevent disasters as well as and boring, and making sense and nonsense in Korea. emergency situations you my meet in daily life. Talk show with a new concept. Korea is a country where purity in lineage has On one of the episodes aired on August 13th, 2005, this program tele- been upheld for tens of centuries. Now with more than 1 million foreigners vised how to deal with the situation when you fall down on the subway who are making Korea their home, Korea tries to become a multi-cultural track. With the useful information from this program, a blind man in real country. life freed himself safely when he was in an actual similarly dangerous situation. This program was also published into a book. 生活在韩国的外国女性如何看待韩国的文化和韩国男性?16名来自不同国家的 女嘉宾都曾亲身到访过韩国,体验过韩国生活,通过对她们进行调查来了解韩 主要介绍平常有可能被人忽视但是却是应对突发事故所必需的知识。 国人在外国人眼里的形象。 Sponge Award 《危机逃脱 NO.1》不仅对灾难、灾害,也对日常生活中频繁出现的各种突发事 Roundtable Plus 件提供应急处理方法和预防措施。 1.基本形式- 16名来自不同国家生活在韩国的20多岁未婚女性与主持人、五名 스펀지┃海绵┃スポンジ 상상플러스┃想象PLUS┃想像プラス 男性嘉宾以聊天的方式进行。 在2005年8月13日播放的第六集《地铁站站台不慎摔下地铁轨道时》中,讲述了 2.(主题- 例如)在韩国让人吃惊的经历是什么? Production year 2006~ 60min. X Weekly Production year 2004~2009 60min. X 265eps. 乘客在不慎摔下地铁轨道时如何脱离险境的方法。现实中就有一个残疾人由于 3.在节目拍摄的中间,还会穿插一些特殊单元。 Modern men live in the flood of information. Nonetheless, we often no- 该节目而安全逃离险境。该节目的平均收视率在13-15%,制作的节目在国内出 You can compare each generation’s thinking and wisdom in this pro- (例如)特长竞赛:舞蹈表演、体验韩国饮食文化、听写韩文等 tice that there is not much proper information. 版发行,朝创造高附加值方向发展。 gram. The 21st Century is a time of, what is called, ‘on the same bed, but 4.评选今天的“talk queen”:选出一名讲得最精彩的嘉宾。 different dreams’. Sponge delivers knowledge we would want to brag about and apply in our own lives. Every week, the program presents a new, unique and fun They live in the same period of time, but they can’t be sympathized well piece of knowledge. due to the differences of languages they are using. The players com- pete through guessing the meaning of words used by young teenag- 现今的时代,学校和传媒会为大众提供许多信息。本节目专门搜集诸如想了 ers, or used by older people in their 50’s. 解却无法获得的知识、获得以后想炫耀的常识、令人出乎意料的新发现,以 轻松、有趣的方式提供给观众。通过观众们的参与和每周进行的各种各样的实 制作目的在于使观众能够从近几年在韩国广为推广的“回帖文化”中了解到各 验,向观众们提供我们所不知道的新的知识。该节目提供着特别的,有趣的, 代人的“新鲜的智慧”。不仅给观众带来“视听上的享受”,还会使观众感 生活中必要的信息! 到“参与节目的乐趣”,是一种新形式的互动节目。

[代际同感 OLD & NEW] 21世纪是“代际之间同床异梦”的时代,虽然生活在同一时代,但由于作为表 达思想工具—语言的不同,成年与青年之间难以沟通。 主持人组织大家对10多岁的人和将近50岁的人经常使用的词汇进行竞猜,以消 除代际之间的隔阂。

86_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE _87 ANIMATION HD HD MINIHD SERIES HD Apple Candy Girl TV Kindergarten Funny Funny

애플캔디걸┃苹果口香糖女孩┃アップルキャンデーガール TV유치원 파니파니┃高高兴兴的电视幼儿园┃テレビ幼稚園パニパニ Production year 2007 30min. X 39eps. Production year 2007~ 30min. X Daily

Apple Candy Girl and her friends go in search of the mysterious ‘Marshmallow’ A TV musical for children, TV Kindergarten Funny Funny! to save Cookieland. Children love to learn everything and learn things easily like sponge absorbing water. “TV Kindergarten Funny Funny” makes children learn Apple Candy is a curious girl who lives in the Candy Village of Cookieland. She while they are mimicking things and having fun. has always wondered what it is like outside the Candy Village. One day she TV Kindergarten basically has four categories which are the wisdom: finds a small bottle in a river. Inside the bottle, there is a map with the loca- a thinker, the virtue: a loving child, the health: a healthy child, and the tion of ‘Marshmallow’. a legendary cotton candy. It is believed that dreams courtesy: a joyful child, and shows different stories, selecting a new can come true just by sniffing it. Apple Candy and her friend Pipi start on a subject out of four categories each day of the week. journey to find ‘Marshmallow’ in great excitement. New friendship and love and a fun adventure awaits them along the journey. 本格的な子供向けのテレビ ミュ―ジカル、 テレビ幼稚園パニパニ! 幼児たちはなんでも学ぶのがすきで、スポンジが水をすいこむように易しく学ん Dora Dog's 'Apple Candy Girl' is an animation as delicious as cookies and sweet as candy. TV Fairy Tales, Happy Life Award だりする。“テレビ幼稚園 パニパニ”は幼児たちが楽しく真似しながら学ぶ、つま The imaginary Cookieland becomes a reality with snacks like bread, candy り遊びながら学ぶ教育をして行こうとする番組である。 도라독스 시즌 1,2┃朵拉狗┃ドラドッグズシーズン1,2 and chocolate that children like. A house made of cake, a magic car made of TV동화┃TV漫画 幸福的世界┃TV童話、幸せな世の中 テレビ幼稚園は考える子供の智、愛する子供の徳、丈夫な子供の体、楽しい子 Srs.1 Production year 2007 10min. X 26eps. sweet bread, Cotton Candy Castle, and adorable cookie characters… Production year 2001~ 5min. X Daily 供の礼の四つのカテゴリーを通じて毎週新しいテーマを選び、そのテーマを曜日 Srs.2 Production year 2009 10min. X 26eps. ‘Apple Candy’ Girl has a head that looks like a lollipop, ‘Pipi’ is a guardian fairy ごとにいろんな角度で近付いて様々な話に解いていく。 that looks like a ball, ‘Choki’ is a scatterbrain owl and ‘Zziru’ is a cute honey- Sentimental, inspiring, and heartwarming human story. 一日目:曖昧に難しく抽象的な概念を子供の目線に合わせて説明する。 Kuri, the shy piglet, Kiki and Koko the wacky siblings, the scary teacher and Dr. bee. This program shows touching stories about ordinary neighborhoods 二日目:パンパンと共に歩いて走って転がりながら身も心もすくすく。 Ha show the bright and fun side of life at the kindergarten. The main charac- with beautiful animations painted in wartercolors with calm 三日目:シャランと共に美しい歌を歌いながら踊る。 ters go to a small kindergarten in the countryside and begin their story. 美丽的糖果村庄,曲奇国是一个被甜蜜颜色和形状包围的国度。 narration. The viewers of this program shows hot responses such as 四日目:ウィンキ-と共に面白い道具が満ちている想像の国へ。 苹果口香糖女孩总是对新的世界充满了好奇和兴趣。 'I'm so touched', 'I cannot help but cry'. 五日目:パ二が招待する新しい世界への冒険。 Dora Dog's is made up of fun short episodes for easy watching, but also gives 苹果口香糖女孩总是开心的,但是却又好像缺少了些什么。。。 It has been highly appraised of quenching our thirst for warmth. the viewing audience various thing to think about. With many knowledge 有一天,她在小溪旁发现了一个小圆瓶子,瓶内发出了新奇的香气,里面有一 Although it is the stories about very common people whom you can 儿童电视音乐剧,高高兴兴的电视幼儿园! items in their dialogue, the viewers will learn new things as they watch. The 个到传说中,梦想成真之地[葵蜜饯]的地图。苹果糖女孩想了想,觉得这能让 meet anywhere and everywhere, the impression they give is not 儿童喜欢模仿,喜欢学习,并且就像海绵吸水一样很容易学会。 various colorful characters of Dora Dogs, popular animals, hilarious situations 她实现成为[曲奇国最伟大冒险家]的梦想。对梦想充满了期望的苹果糖女孩决 common at all. You can have the happiest moment through the “电视幼儿园巴尼巴尼”是让儿童在玩的过程中学习,是一种教学与娱乐相结 will show off the world of the children. 定踏上旅程。 她回家后,在皮皮的家门前留了个纸条便往苹果树丛走,开始她 themes such as 'a bitterness of the poor days', 'endless love of 合的节目。 的旅程。皮皮看见了纸条,急忙赶上苹果口香糖女孩,一起去旅行。。。 parents', and 'warm cares of our neighborhood' 电视幼儿园栏目分别通过聪明的孩子(智),博爱的孩子(德),健康的孩子(体),欢 胆小的小猪古力,傻傻的兄妹齐齐和可可,大老虎老师,忘性很大的河博士。 快的孩子(礼)四个卡通形象,每周选定一个新的主题从不同的角度出发讲解各 通过这些卡通形象生动地展现了愉快的幼儿园生活。展示了主人公们在一个农 人生の中で隠し絵探し忙しく繰り返される日常の中で、忘れてしまった貴重なも 种各样的有趣故事。 村幼儿园里上学所经历的多种多样的有趣故事。 のたちがふと懐 かしくなることがあります。 朵拉狗把各种场景用简易的小故事生动的改编后,着眼于培养孩子们全面的思 TV童話、幸せな世の中は生活中の小さな教訓と感動的なもの語りなどを絵と童 维方式。把简单的科学知识穿插在小故事里,让孩子们无意间就对科学知识作 話にし、視聴者たちに心を安らげる余裕を与えるために作られました。一息して 了了解。 いるところで見つける幸運の四葉のクローバー、 TV童話、幸せな世の中には気 各种个性独特鲜明的卡通人物,把孩子们熟悉的动物拟人化,通过设置有趣的 楽な休息と幸せな人生があります。 场景和人物,生动的描绘了孩子们的社会。 感動的で暖かい人たちのもの語り見えなくなるまで手を振ってくれた母の姿、寒 い冬の暗い夜道を娘をおんぶして病院まで走った父。誰も心のひと隅にひとつく らいは持っている心安らぐもの語りが人生の新しい風景で生まれ変わります。の ぞいてみると宝石のように輝いている人たちがわれわれの社会を支えていること を確認する時間、偏見と誤解を乗り越えた人たちの許し、理解、配慮の美談を伝 えます。

深深的感动,富有人情的人们的故事知道完全看不到我一直招手的妈妈。 在寒冷的冬天,背着女儿跑到医院的父亲。资啊每个人的心理至少珍藏一个如此 美好的故事。 第一集 妈妈,第二集 从上到下的爱,第三集 现在才明白,第四集 回忆的芳香,第 五集 心的礼物, 第六集 人生的教训, 第七集 珍贵的礼物等等故事。

88_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE _89 ANIMATION HD HD · 3D MINIHD SERIES HD · 2D · 3D Science Detective Ffacce Bug Fighter

명탐정 빠세┃名侦探巴歇(Fface)┃名探偵パセ 버그파이터┃昆虫战士┃バグファイター Production year 2005 60min. X 1eps. Production year 2008 30min. X 52eps.

Mysterious comic action and scientific puzzle game between ignorant The story of “Bug Fighter” is based on a world where bug battle is very detective Ffacce and mad scientist professor Cart!! popular throughout the society from children to adults. This is an action-packed animation having the story of the hero, Won-wu, who Ffacce, an incompetent detective in New Baker City, accidentally finds tries to be a world champion at the bug battle, and his friends’ dreams professor Cart's bad conspiracy who is the most famous scientist. It and passion. It shows a spectacle cinematography switching back and makes Ffacce jump to stardom but professor Cart lost his honor and forth from 2D to 3D. lurks. However not passed long time, Ffacce is falsely accused of involv- ing gangsters and kicked out of police station. Professor Cart revealing バグファイターの物語は子供から大人まで社会の全般にわたって昆虫のバトルが himself to Ffacce many years later has become a mad scientist full of 非常に大衆的に広がっている世界で繰り広げる。バグファイターの世界チャンピ insanity. Professor Cart threatens Ffacce that he will commit crimes as オンになるために努力する主人公、ウォンウと彼の友達の夢と熱情をこもった本 many as the splendid old days he has lost. He warns that he will quiz 格的なアクション・アニメーションである! 終始一貫、2Dと3Dを行き交いなが Green Knights about scientific puzzle and Ffacce should solve it, otherwise New Baker Sorry, I Love you - Animation ら迫力あふれる映像を描いている。 Citizen will be sacrificed one by one. Eventually, Ffacce takes up as a ウォンウは大会にで勝つために多い競争者たちとバトルをする。そのバトルを通 그린나이츠┃绿色骑士团┃グリーンナイツ scientific detective but the way he has to go is so tough due to his igno- 미사애니메이션┃对不起,我爱你 – 动画片┃ごめん、愛してる じて親しくなった友達とは友情を厚くしていく。バグファイターに対する熱情だけ Production year 2007 30min. X 20eps. rance for science knowledge.... Production year 2008 30min. X 1eps. は宇宙で一等だと自負している主人公ウォンウ。彼に劣らない熱情と潜在能力を 持っているチェン。身は弱いけど自分との戦いで勝つヒョンジン。それから個性の The Frutzs Kingdom has ruled the continent for 500 years. 巴歇(Fface),是新贝克城一个落魄的侦探。 在一次偶然的机会,他发现了名 “Sorry I Love you – Animation” is an animated version of the famous 強い多くのキャラクターはプログラムの楽しみを加えている。 科学家卡特教授的阴谋。 这让巴歇(Fface)一成名,而卡特教授则身败名 drama “ sorry I Love you” by collecting best scenes of it. The kingdom is now in a crisis as it faces the evil Toto and his minions. The 裂。 不久之后,Fface被诬赖勾结地下私党而被踢出警局。 几年后,卡特教授 It contains the story of what happened for a year until Eun-chae kills 元宇和他的朋友们立志要成为昆虫战士世界里的冠军,该动画片里饱含他们的 seed of life that sustained the kingdom has now lost its life and becomes 以一个疯狂科学家的姿态出现在Fface面前。卡特教授威胁说将以犯罪活动来补 herself in Australia after Mu-hyeok’s death and the highlights of the 梦想和热情。2D和3D的美妙结合, weak. Toto takes advantage of the weakening kingdom and begins war. 偿他失去的光辉岁月; 如果巴歇(Fface)无法成功破解他所提出一系列的科 drama in the time of 30 minutes. 呈现了完美的动画效果。 The young knight Finer takes out his father's sword, the soul of the kingdom. 学难题,新贝克城的居民将一一被处决。没有办法之下, 巴歇(Fface)被逼接 本部动画片展现了元宇为了要在比赛中取得胜利,和许多对手展开战斗,并通过战 He goes on an adventure with five brave warriors to find the silver seed. 受这个艰难的挑战,因为巴歇(Fface)是个科学白痴。。。 ごめん、愛してるアニメーションは韓流ドラマ“ごめん、愛してる”の名場面をアニ 斗慢慢地和对手交上朋友的故事。同时还刻画了对昆虫战士热爱无比,号称是世 メーション で 制 作した作 品である。 界第一的元宇,具备极大热情和潜在能力的黔,弱小却懂得战胜自我的炯震, As the Green Knights throw their destiny into the chaos and war, their adven- ハイライト場面とドラマでは扱わなかったムヒョグの死の以後、 这三人组的故事,还有个性鲜明的其他人物,为本剧增添了许多亮点。 ture against their sad fate begins. ウンチェがオーストラリアへ行って自殺するまでの一年間の出来事を総三十分の 最终,元宇得到了总决赛冠军,可是此时他的心思已经放在了全国冠军,世界 冠军上了。为了走得更高,必须把昆虫战士做地更强。可是在世界冠军大赛的 物 語 に作り上げた 。 主宰陆地500多年的水果王国。 舞台背后有着另一个恐怖、黑色的昆虫战士世界。在这个幕后世界里有一个帝 由于托托大魔王和他的同党的出现水果王国面临了极大的危机。帮助王国支撑 “动画片对不起我爱你”是把同名韩剧的名场景用动画片展现的作品。 王,那就是失踪了很久的元宇的父亲。 大陆的“生命种子”逐渐失去了生命的能源,即将要死去。在此关头,托托大 主要亮点是在30分钟内把原剧中观众比较好奇的部分即男主人公武赫死后银蔡 魔王趁机引起战乱,并且此时能产生巨大能源的银色种子也随即出现,加重了 去澳洲后自杀之前的一年时间里发生的故事完美地展现出来。 该情况。

此时,少年勇士派伊纳带着父亲的遗物,被称作是水果王国灵魂的宝剑华丽登 场了。陪同他的还有五名勇士。为了得到银色种子,他们开始进入了危险的冒 险路程。在那个混乱的战争时代,为了正义,明知是险滩也要奋勇直前的绿色 勇士们踏上了冒险的征途。

90_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE _91