DOCUMENTARY ENTERTAINMENT ANIMATION 2010 KBS PROGRAM GUIDE DOCUMENTARY HD MINIHD SERIES Wildlife Architects 동물의 건축술┃动物的建筑术┃動物の建築術 Production year 2010 60min. X 3eps. There are wildlife architects whose ability sur- 像人需要住宅一样,动物也需要巢穴繁殖后代。动 passes the human imagination. Just like a hu- 物世界的建筑-巢穴,筑巢设计精巧、充满科学性和 man needs housing, nests or other animals’ 艺术性。从建筑学的角度,剖析各种动物巢穴中所 homes are an essential place for laying eggs 隐藏着的进化、生存战略。 and raising their children. Nests, the structures 1. 令人惊奇的动物建筑家 of animals, are amazingly sophisticated, scien- 2. 巢穴-几何学、建筑美学的精髓 tific and artistic. With organized power, they 3. 巢穴的建筑学 build huge kingdoms and elaborate homes. This inquires into the evolution and the strat- egy for survival hidden in various animal nests in the world from an architectural engineering Award Noodle Road point of view. 누들로드┃面条之路┃ヌードルロード Part 1. Wildlife Architects Production year 2009 60min. X 6eps. + Making of Noodle Road 1eps. Part 2. Rediscovery of Nests Part 3. Nests are the answer 8.000 years of culinary culture through the 通过‘吃面条’文化来回首八千年的饮食文化史。 人間に住宅が必要であるし、動物にも巣は卵を産ん noodle dish. で子育てをする必要な空間である。動物の構造物で 我们将为您展现出一种以形式非常崭新的纪录片。 ある巣は驚異的だと言うほど精巧、科学的で芸術的 A new style of documentary that you have 面条可以称得上是我们餐桌上不可缺少的食物。我 なものである。世界のいろんな動物の巣に隠れている never tasted before 们将向您揭秘面条演变发展的历史。面条到底是从 進化と生存戦略を建築工学的観点で考察してみる。 Noodles are an essential part of our dining life- 什么时候,在哪里产生的呢?创造出面条的人到底 style. We will reveal the civilization and history 是什么样的人?面条为什么被称为是‘人类最早的 1 .驚 異 的 な 動 物 の 建 築 家 快餐’的呢?面条和曾经连接东西方文明的‘丝绸 behind a single bowl of noodles! When and 2 .巣 、幾 何 学 と 建 築 美 学 の 結 晶 体 之路’有着什么样的联系?面条通过哪些途径,被 where were the first noodles made? Who lived 3 .巣 の 建 築 工 学 什么样的人传到不同的地区而又发生了哪些演变 off of the noodle dishes and why is the noodle 呢? referred to as the first fast food? What relation did the noodle have with the Silk road that 为了揭开这些神秘的面纱,剧组从中国的西部内地 connected the east and the west? 开始经过乌兹别克斯坦,不丹,土耳其直到意大利 等对亚洲, To reveal the secrets, the staff traveled 8 dif- 中东,欧洲的八个国家进行了现地勘查。通过先进 ferent countries including the depths of inner 的电脑制作技术及在中国和日本进行的场景再现, China, Uzbekistan, Butan, Turkey, Italy and oth- 能为观众们献上丰富多彩的节目内容。 er areas of Asia and Europe. Also with the aid of computer graphics, reenactments of dramatic 该纪录片通过面条照明人类的饮食文化历史,讲述 events from China and Japan will present an 亚洲诞生的面条传到世界各地的半万年旅程。 entertaining eyeful to the viewers. アジアの麺が、大陸と文化圏を越え、世界の人々の嗜 好を変えていく5千年の旅程!麺を通じて見た人類 の食文明史を、世界放送史上初めてHDドキュメンタ リーに納めた。 70_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE http://global.kbsmedia.co.kr _71 DOCUMENTARY HD MINIHD SERIES Asian Corridor in Heaven Award 차마고도┃茶马古道┃茶馬古道 Production year 2007 60min. X 6eps. The Ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Road is 中国の茶とチベットの馬の交易から始まった"茶馬 known as one of the most beautiful and the 古道"は、シルクロードよりも200年余前に形成され roughest route in the world. This route boasts た、人類の歴史上最古の交易路だ。 世界で最も高 of its diverse and grand nature protected as く最も険しいが、最も美しい道でもある"茶馬古道" UNESCO’s world natural heritage site, and は、至る所がユネスコ世界自然文化遺産として指定 also act as the complicated intersection of cul- されるほど、荘厳で美しい大自然と、一つの山に一度 ture, religion, language and people. Being the に四季が訪れたかのような多様な自然環境を誇る。 world’s oldest trade route, it was opened 200 さらに、この道の上には、多数の少数民族による多彩 years prior to the Silk Road for trading Chinese な 宗 教と文 化 が 広 が って いる。 finest tea with Tibetan horse, but other prod- KBSでは、ハイクオリティーHD映像での1年4ヶ月に ucts passed along it as well. Life on Jeung Island Award 及 ぶ 撮 影 に 、世 界 で 初 め て 成 功 し た 。 This 2700km trading route begins from Sich- uan and Yunnan provinces in Southwest Chi- 증도인생┃曾岛人生┃曾島人生 KBS世界首次把NHK、美国国家地理频道也曾失败过 na, and over the Himalayas to Tibet, Myanmar Production year 2009 60min. X 1eps. 的茶马古道影像纪录完全地展现在画面上。[KBS特 and India. KBS investigates on the revival of the 别节目茶马古道]出现时期比丝绸之路早200年的最 Ancient Asian Corridor. 古老的交易通道,茶马古道。 This is a depiction of a variety of lives in Jeung 韩国全罗南道新安的前海上有一座小岛-名叫曾岛, Eps1. ‘THE LAST HORSE CARAVAN’ : The Legend 茶马古道是一条为交换中国茶和西藏马匹而开通的 island, where things have not changed much, 那里的人们对荣华富贵无欲无求。 of Horse Caravan, Nobusangbu 汉藏古道,目前世界上风光最美丽、地势最高最险 的文明文化传播的古道,该片把这条古道分6集来 unlike the rest of the world placed under the 天、地、阳、风! 曾岛居民只享受着大自然的恩赐, Eps2. ‘ROAD TO PILGRIMAGE’ : 2,700km of Pil- 介绍。 pressure of moving forward. It is a toil to make 那里上演着朴实无华的人生故事。在“无欲就无法 grimage, Journey of Buddha’s Land a living here for both land farmers and fisher- 成功”的现代社会里,真正的成功到底是什么? men. Yet the islanders find their lives satisfying Eps3. ‘TEA MAKES THE ROAD OPEN’ : The Most and fulfilling. The documentary is a glimpse “曾岛人生”通过土生土长的曾岛人的故事为人们 Beautiful, Highest and Roughest Road 揭示这道问题的答案。 into their wisdom that unfolds through their Eps4. ‘The Salt in Yanjing, The Crystal by Wom- every day lives quietly observed. Jeung Island’s an’ : The Legend of 1,000 Years Salt Field beautiful natural surroundings are expressed well on camera too. The images are an illus- Eps5. ‘Himalayas Salt Trek’ : Salt trade Market tration of the greatness and beauty of nature, Under the Himalayas which could possibly be a cause of hardship as Eps6. ‘GUGE, MYSTERY OF THE LOST KINGDONG’ well as a reason for enduring such difficulties. : The Origin of present Tibetan Buddhism 韓国の全南の新安郡の小さな島の曾島。そこにはこ の世の富を欲しがらない人々が住んでいる。 空と土地、日差しと風! 自然が与えてくれる恵みだ けを完全に享受し暮らしている曾島の人々の素朴な 物 語。‘欲 求 がなければ成 功することはできない’と言 う今時、果して人生において真の成功は何だろう? ‘曾島(チュンド)人生’は一生を島で過ごした生え抜き の曾島の人たちが世の中の人々に伝えるメッセージで ある。 72_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE http://global.kbsmedia.co.kr _73 DOCUMENTARY HD MINI HD SERIES Mugeum Center of Baekdam Temple,where time stands still 시간의 흐름이 멈춘 백담사 무금선원┃百潭寺无今申禅院┃百潭寺無今禪院 Production year 2009 60min. X 1eps. Since Zen Buddhism was introduced by Priest Do-eui in the late Shilla years, Mt. Sorak has been the place of ascetic exercise for countless monks. The water flows through valleys, cre- ates a hundred ponds and finally reaches the Baekdam Temple. Here are people who chose the severe path of self-discipline to find their true selves and reach enlightenment. Here, time becomes meaningless. At the Mugeum Zen Center, even time stands still.a Go Seonji(Gao Xianzhi) Route ひたすら‘参禅’のために世間のすべてのものを捨てた 고선지루트┃高仙芝路线┃高仙芝ルート 人々、私たちは彼らを ‘禅僧’と呼ぶ。僧侶である前に Production year 2010 60min. X 3eps. 平凡な一人の人間であった彼ら。何が彼らをこちらの 百潭寺に導いただろうか。このドキュメンタリーは百 潭寺の無今禅院での1年間の記録である。 This documentary looks at the life and wars of 本纪录片追寻高句丽族人-高仙芝将军的足迹,讲述 为了“参禅”而摆脱尘世凡俗的约束,我们把他们 the drifting people from Goguryeo who were 了被带到西域的高句丽族人的人生、战争以及丝绸 称为禅僧。他们为何放弃平凡的人生,选择成为僧 taken to the countries bordering on Western 之路文明。高仙芝将军的足迹,从广阔的塔克拉玛 侣?本纪录片讲述了百潭寺无今禅院内一年的生活。 China, and also the culture of Silk Road by trac- 干沙漠,经被称为世界屋脊的帕米尔高原,翻越大 ing General Go Seon-ji. Following the route of 雪山,最后延伸到了印度河,经过了漫长的旅途。 该节目讲述了已经消逝了的高句丽族人给世界历史 his expedition, it trails the great journey of ad- 带来怎样的影响。 vancing to the Taklamakan Desert, the Pamirs which is the roof of the world, and the Indus. 1. 高句丽人掌握丝绸之路 It tracks how one drifting man from a ruined 2. 翻越素有‘世界屋脊’之称的帕米尔高原 country, Goguryeo, affected on the world his- 3. 文明大冲突- 怛罗斯战役 tory. Part 1. A Man from Goguryeo who Dominated Silk Road Part 2. Crosses the Pamirs, the Roof of the World Part 3. The Clash of Civilization: The Battle of Talas このドキュメンタリーは高句麗の流民だった高仙芝 将軍の跡を追跡して西域へ引っぱられて行った高句 麗の流民の暮らしと戦争、それからシルクロード文明 を共に覗いてみる。高仙芝将軍の遠征経路に従って 広大なタクルラマカン砂漠、世界の屋根であるパミー ル高原を踏査し、大雪山を越えインダス川へ進出す る壮大な旅程を追う番組である。滅亡した高句麗の ある流民が世界史にどんな影響を及ぼしたのかを追 跡する。 1 .シ ル ク ロ ー ド を 掌 握 し た 高 句 麗 人 2 .世 界 の 屋 根 、パ ミ ー ル を 越 え る 3.文明の大衝突、タルラス戦闘 74_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE http://global.kbsmedia.co.kr _75 DOCUMENTARY HD HD MINIHD SERIES HD The Secret Raider in the Dark, Eagle owl Award Giltaek’s Children Award 수리부엉이의 비밀┃夜间的帝王,猫头鹰┃ワシミミズクの秘密 길택씨의 아이들┃吉泽先生的孩子们┃キルテク先生の子供達 Production year 2008 60min. X 1eps. Production year 2007 60min. X 1eps. The Eagle-owl, known as the emperor of the night, prefers the open land- A record of the young poets and their teacher ; eventually the young poets scape and hunts mostly in the night. coming in touch with their poems after 27 years. This program focuses on the hunting skills of the Eagle-owl. Even its wing- Lim Giltaek was the superstar to inspirational teachers. He began his teaching span is up to two meters, Eagle-owl can fly without making any noise. While in a small school in and spent 14 years teaching at the mining towns. During the falcon is hunting at a speed of 300km/h, the Eagle-owl flies very slowly at his career, he collected his students' writings and published several of them a speed of 20km/h when it is hunting. Since it has a unique structure of the as well as his own poems, tales and essays. wing, Eagle-owl does not make any winds when it hunts. In 1980, Lim became the class teacher for the 5th and 6th graders. Together Photo : Saiful Hug Omi / Polaris / Counter Foto This program shows the mechanism such as the outstanding sight, the excep- they made up to 8 presentations of class works. He only gave one single les- tional hearing and the structure of the body that make the Eagle-owl to hunt son in writing poems. "Don't decorate too much, just be honest." He was di- A Human Land Award a wide variety of prey, some quite large like rabbits, small elks, and pheasants. Confucianism agnosed with lung cancer in April, 1997 and died in December. In 2007, Lim's Moreover, using the high-speed precision shooting method, the program collection of children's poems was published in the book "My father's small 인간의 땅┃人类之大地┃人間の土地 gets to the bottom of the secret of the hunting scientifically. 유교┃儒教 salary." 27 years later, what has become of those 64 young poets? During that Production year 2009 60min. X 5eps. Production year 2007 60min. X 4eps. time, those children grew up to be around 40’s now. What expression came 从夜幕降临到日出之前活动的猫头鹰是野生夜间的帝王。 to their faces as they received their poems written 27 years ago? What kind of Asia, where the most fierce battle over survival goes on.
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