Latest Official List Radio Broadcasting Stations World-Wide Short
LATEST OFFICIAL LIST RADIO BROADCASTING STATIONS WORLD-WIDE SHORT . WAVE and NOVEMBER 1938 ISSUE POLICE CALLS, LATEST LIST vC WORLD WIDE SHORT WA a PROGRAMS Pages 16 to 19 Vol. 15Keep "Up -to -Date" on Radio Broadcasting StationsNo. 6 WHITE'S RADIO LOG Published the first of each month from October to March and a Summer Issue July first,by C. DeWitt White Co., P. 0. Box 142, Bronxville, N. Y. Charles D'W. White,Proprietor. 10 cents per copy, 50 cents per year. NOVEMBER 1938 ISSUE Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1936, at the Post Office at Bronxville, N.Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. C. DeWITT WHITE CO., Publishers P. 0. Box 142, Bronxville, N. Y. COPYRIGHT 1938 BY C. DeWITT WHITE CO. Absolute accuracy of Station and Program information listed in this publication is notguaranteed, although the publishers have applied their best endeavors in compiling same. Contents of this booklet fully covered by U. S. copyright. Any person whowilfully or for profit shall infringe any part thereof will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 10c Per Copy at News Stands Yearly Subscriptions 50 cents Three Years' Subscription $1.00 UNITED STATES BROADCASTING STATIONS ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY CALL LETTERS Abbreviations: C. P., construction permit; K.W., thousand watts; M., thousand; W.L., wave length in meters; K.C., frequency in kilocycles; W.P., watt power of station. Watt Power listed is that used in Evening Broadcasting Call Let'rs W.L. K.C. W.P. KABC Alamo Brdcstg. Co., Inc., San Antonio, Texas 211.1-1420- 100 KABR Aberdeen Broadcasting Co.
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