240-457-1692 Timm Johnson
[email protected] Objective: Get game industry experience by diving in. Software Skill . Collaboration & . Engine: . Programming: Productivity: . Unreal Engine . C# . Perforce, Github, . Unity Engine . Unreal Blueprinting Glitch . Genie Engine . C++ . Trello . Technologies: . Audiovisual: . Slack, Discord . Virtual Reality . Audacity . Google Drive, . Audio Synthesis . Maya OneDrive, DropBox . Augmented Reality . Paint.NET . Various Office Suites . Interactive . Vegas Pro Storytelling Education: Marshall University Undergraduate B.S. in Computer and Informat ion Tech nology GPA: 3.92 Game Design & Development Area of Emphasis Senior Minor: Digital Humanities Cert ificate : Information Assurance Professional Experience Timm’s Tech and Fall 2016-Present Huntington, WV Electronics Repair business for income & experience Phone Fixes, LLC Contracted by Rare Drops for repairs on video game systems Business Owner, “Key Virtual” Arcade: Pay-to-play VR Arcade Manager VR Games at Conventions and FSK Mall Adventure Park USA Summer 2018 Monrovia, MD Operated & wrote procedures for Hologate VR System Laser Tag / Arcade Marshall HELP Center Spring 2018 Huntington, WV Tutored students with learning disabilities in Information Technology classes Tutor FixMyPhone MD Summer 2016 Frederick, MD Phone repair & customer service Cell Phone Technician Opened and closed, trained new hires, cleaned, counted cash Rare Drops Spring 2016 Huntington, WV Retail customer service, pricing, negotiating trades Intern Helped with game tournaments and events e-End USA Summer 2014- Winter 2017 Frederick, MD IT & De-Man IT: Tested, cleaned, refurbished PC’s and other devices in IT De-manufacturing: sorting & disassembling electronics into basic components Trained temp employees Published Projects MU SkyView Age of Empires: Age of The Ring mod .