Statement of Academic Qualifications and Achievements Prasenjit Duara

Oscar L. Tang Family Professor of East Asian Studies Emeritus Professor, Department of History, Univ. of Chicago.

Dept of History, , 212A Carr Building, Durham, NC 27708 [email protected]


1983 Ph.D, History and East Asian Lang, . 1974 M.Phil Chinese Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru Univ. N. Delhi 1970 BA History St. Stephens College, Delhi University

Academic Posts

2011-2015 Raffles Prof. and Director, Asia Research Institute, NUS, Singapore 2008-2013 Raffles Professor and Director, Humanities and Soc Sc Research, NUS 1995-2008 Professor, U of Chicago, Chair Dept of History (2004-2007) 1991-95 Associate Professor, 1985-87 Mellon Faculty Fellow, . 1983-90 Asst., Assoc. Professor, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. 1981-82 Research Affiliate, Tokyo University. 1981 Visiting Lecturer, History Department, . 1974-76 Lecturer, History Department, St. Stephens College, Delhi University.

Languages Mother Tongue: Assamese (NE ) Read and Speak: English, Hindi, Chinese and Japanese Reading Only: Classical Chinese and French

Fellowships & Awards from 1985

2018-19 Kothari Chair for Democracy, Centre for Study of Developing Societies, Delhi 2017 Elected Vice President of Association of Asian Studies, USA; to assume Presidency, 2019-2020 2017 Honorary doctorate (doctor philosophiae honoris causa), University of Oslo, Norway Sep 1. 2015 Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Internat Centre for Muslim-non-Muslim Understanding, Adelaide, July 2014 Visiting Fellow, Conscious Realities, San Art, Ho Chi Minh City, VN 2/25-3/4 2013 Senior Research Fellow, Contemp China Centre, Victoria University, Wellington, NZ


2013 Distinguished Visiting Scholar, RSAP, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. 2012 Visiting Fellow, Institute of Advanced Study, Univ of Warwick, UK, Oct 2008 Visiting Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. March 2007 Fulbright Research Fellowship, Hong Kong, (Sep-Nov) 2006 Senior Visiting Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National Univ of Singapore (Aug) 2000 Awarded NEH fellowship for 2000-1; Awarded ACLS fellowship for 2000-1 2000 Awarded Senior Scholar grant, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for 2000-1 1999 German American Academic Council Distinguished Lecturer, Univ. of Tuebingen, Germany. 1996 Awarded J.S. Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship for 1996-7 1996 Awarded SSRC grant for research in Japan 1996-7. 1993 Awarded an 11 month grant to conduct research in the PRC by CSCPRC. 1990 Awarded the Joseph R. Levenson Prize of the Association of Asian Studies for best book on 20th century China for Culture, Power and the State 1989 Awarded the John K. Fairbank Prize of the American Historical Association for the year's outstanding book in East Asian history (Culture, Power and the State) 1989 Fellow, The Woodrow Wilson International Center; also Guest Fellow '91 summer. 1985-87 Mellon Fellow, Humanities, Stanford Univ. (Mellon Fellowship, HarvardU, declined).

Keynote Speeches and Distinguished Lectures. From 1996 (see below for other lectures).

2018 “Revisiting the Chinese World Order: Soft Power and the Imperialism of Nation-states” Keynote, CHINA global Kick-off Conference, University of Cologne May 4; Forum for Asian Studies, Stockholm, May 15; Keynote, East Asia's Identity and Its Expansion, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea, May 25; Keynotes at AAS Regional Conf, Elizabethtown PA, Nov3; Midwest AAS, St. Paul Minn, Oct 19; AAS Pacific, Pullman WA, June 9. 2017 “Sustainability and the Crisis of Transcendence: The Long View from Asia” Honorary Doctorate Lecture, Oslo University, Sep 1; Environment Forum public lecture Mahindra Center, Harvard University, Nov 16 2017 The Crisis of Global Modernity and the Rise of Asia. A Chulalongkorn Centennial Lecture, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 7/24 2017 “Soft Power or Hard Power of Nation States: Post-colonial Visions and State Strategies in China and India” Keynote Address Asia and the World: New Impetus, New Structure and New Order Shanghai Forum May 29 2017 Participant SOAS Annual Debate: Beyond Ideologies: China’s Experience in Confronting the Global Environmental Crisis SOAS London May 11 2017 Post-colonial Visions and State Strategies: Soft Power or the Imperialism of Nation-states? Keynote India, China and the Emergence of Post-War Post-Colonial Asia, New Delhi, March 17, 2017 2016 Asian Secularisms: China, Japan India in era of Confessional Nationalisms Gates Lecture, Grinnell Coll 2016 Transcendence in a Secular World: Asian Traditions and a Sustainable Future Keynote Lecture 2016 Sheng Yen International Buddhist Conference, Taipei July1; 2016 Convocation Lecture,


Grinnell College Sep 29,30. TRANSREGIONAL STUDIES AT GÖTTINGEN, Gottingen Univ, JUNE 22; 2016 Sustainability and Crisis of Transcendence, Plenary Address, "Whose Globe? / Whose Globalization?" Orfalea Centre, UC Santa Barbara Feb 26, 2016; Provost’s Langford Lecture, Duke Univ, Feb 9; U of Toronto, Keynote Asia in the Anthropocene, April 7, 2017 2016 “Rising Asia and the Crisis of Planetary Sustainability” Inaugural Plenary of Asia Society Europe, Zurich, Jan 18; Global Warming & the Rise of Asia, Dialogue with Author Amitav Ghosh, The India China Institute, 2016 Flagship Event, New School, NYC Feb 12. 2015 “How Relevant is the Concept of Secularism to Asia? Questions for a Global Ethics of Diversity” Premier’s Keynote Panel, InterculturAdelaide, Adelaide, July 9 2015 “How Relevant is the Concept of Secularism to Asia? Historical and Comparative Perspectives” Kyoto (Heidelberg U sponsored summer school), WHAT IS CAESER’S WHAT IS GOD’S? March 10.; 2015 “Sacralizing the Landscape: Trans-Pacific Engagements for a Sustainable Region” Keynote Transpacific Orientations, University of S California, LA Jan 23 2014 “Network Asia: Globalization and Regional Studies” Director’s Seminar, Stanford Global Studies, 5/19; Inaugural AMES lecture, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 10/15; Tsai Lecture Harvard University, 10/18; “Network Asia: Futures of Pasts” Inaugural “Futures” lecture Aarhus U, Denmark, 10/20. 2014-15“Secularism, Nationalism, and Religion in Asian History” Keynote, Secularisms: Ideals, Ideologies, and Institutional Practices Grad Inst Intenat & Dev Studies, Geneva 9/25; 2014 “Is the Concept of Secularism Relevant to China” Keynote, InAsiaDay Aarhus, 10/20, Keynote Redemptive Societies and New Religious Movements Hong Kong Univ, Nov 8 2014 “The Agenda of Asian Studies in the Anthropocene” Keynote, New Horizons of Asian Studies Seoul National University Asia Centre, Seoul ROK, March 20-21 2014 “Confucianism and Citizenship in Nanyang” 4th Overseas Chinese Research Lecture, Peking Univ, Beijing 4.29; Lim Boon Keng Lecture, China Society, Singapore 9.4 2013-14 “Network Asia: China and its Asian ‘Routes’” Keynote, 7th Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA) Annual Convention Middle East Technical Univ. Ankara, Turkey, Oct 25; Valedictory Address, Transitions in China Delhi University, Delhi, Jan 10-11, 2014; Dharma Drum Lecture, Peking Univ, Beijing 4.28.14; Sun Yat-sen Univ Lecture, SYS Mem Hall, Guangzhou, 5.4.14; Public Lecture Rethinking Historical Space, New York University Abu Dhabi May 1, 2015 2013 “Narratives of Community” Keynote, People, Ports and Places: The Narrative of Indian Communities in Southeast Asia Inaugural IHC seminar, Indian Heritage Centre, Singapore Sep 20 2013 “Network Asia: Futures of the Past” Keynote, Is Asia One? Towards an Asian Art History Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore, Sep 14; Vietnam National Univ, Ho Chi Minh City, Feb 26 2014 2013 “Sustainability and the crisis of transcendence: the long view from Asia” Director’s Lecture, Humanities Institute, Stanford Univ. 5/20, 2014; Research School of Asia and the Pacific Distinguished Public Lecture Australian National University, Canberra, Aust, Nalanda


University Distinguished Lecture, Patna/N Delhi, Nov 25/28. David Deal Mem Lecture Whitman Coll, Wa; 3.31.14 4th S Gopal Mem Lecture, King’s College, London, 5/14/2015 2013 “China, India and Asian Regionalism” Distinguished Public Lecture, New Zealand Contemporary China Center and Centre for Indian Studies, Victoria University, Wellington, NZ June 2012 “Circulatory and Competitive Histories: Temporal Foundations for Global Theory” Keynote, De-parochializing Political Theory University of Victoria, CA, Aug 4; Keynote, Asia-Europe Encounters, Singapore Dec 7; Keynote, Intra-Asia Connections Conf, Copenhagen U; 22/10/2014 2012 “China, India and the ASEAN nexus: A historical view” Keynote Address Scholarly Colloquium on India China Studies The India China Institute, New School of Social Research, NYC, April 26 2012 “Chinese Civilization and the Problem of Sustainability” Inaugural Lecturer for Center for Internationl Studies of Chinese Civilization, Fudan University, Shanghai March 9. 30th Annual J F Zeidman Memorial Lecture, Sidwell Friends School, Washington DC March 19; 4th Internat Sinological Conference Academia Sinica, Taipei 20 June; Asian Studies Association of Australia, Sydney. 12 July; 2012 “Historical Logics of Post-Western Modernity” Plenary Speaker, “Rethinking Global Power” 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (IIS) Delhi 16-19 Feb; Keynote : Area Studies in Global Context: the 'Place' of Asia, Univ of Oregon, Eugene, 10-12 May 2011 “The Multinational State and the 1911 Revolution in Global History” Keynote International Conference Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Revolution Kobe, Japan Dec 10 2011 “Competitive Temporalities and Historical Societies: The Place of the Early Modern” Keynote International Conference on Multiple Trajectories of Early Asian Modernities 16 Dec, Varanasi, INDIA 2011 “Sustainability and the Crisis of Transcendence” Keynote, Communicating Civilisations and Global Order SOAS, London Sep 7; also Inaugural Lecture for launch of Asian Modernities and Traditions (AMT); Leiden University, Netherlands, Sep 9. 2011 “Liberalizing Reforms and Rural Society: Comparing China and India” Keynote, Rural China and its Global Connections ECARDC X Aarhus, Denmark, April 7. 2011 “Hong Kong as Global Frontier” Plenary Address, Hong Kong in the Global Setting Hong Kong University, Jan 11-2; also Keynote to 2nd Conference on Hong Kong in the Asia-Pacific Region Central Policy Unit, HKSAR Govt, Hong Kong March 10, 2010. 2010 “Sustainability and the Crisis of Transcendence” (Nov 20) (& “The historical roots of Secularism in China” (Nov 22)) Indian Thinkers Series From West Heavens to the Central Plain: India-China Summit on Social Thought 从西天到中土:印中社会思想对话 China Academy of Art and Fudan University, Shanghai Nov 20-24 (also 5 newspaper interviews); 2010 “Is there a post-Western Modernity? Writing Histories in a Changing World Order” Keynote, Conf. on PostNationalism and Cosmopolitanism Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. S Africa, Nov 1-3. 2010 “Translating Religion and Secularism in China” Keynote, Workshop on Religion, Secularism and Modernity in Asia, St Catherine’s Coll, Cambridge Univ, 18 Feb.


2009-10 “Asia Redux: Conceptualizing the Region for our Times” Annual Lecture, Hong Kong Univ, Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences. March 11. Also Keynote, East Asian Science Technology Studies Conference, Taipei, May 20; Keynote Asian Scholarship Foundation Bangkok, July 1; .Dr. S T Lee Inaugural Lecture in World History, Columbia University, NY, Nov 16; Keynote speech “Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia: Reflecting on Multiple Histories and Plural Cultures” at Tsinghua University Beijing, Feb 22-24, 2010; subject of Roundtable, AAS, Philadelphia, Mar 27, 2010; Anchor Paper, International Symposium “From Area Studies to Transregional Studies?Contours of Globalization in Asia’s Re-integration” Iowa Univ, May 8- 10 2009 “Chinese ideas of the Multi-national State” Keynote, Australian Chinese Studies Association Conference, Sydney July 11. Sichuan University, Chengdu, Oct 11,2010 2008 “Chinese Reforms in Historical and Comparative Perspective” Keynote Address Thirty Years of Reform and Development in the PRC Ministry of Finance, PRC, ADB, Peking University, Stockholm School of Economics, Peking University, Oct 25-26 (also Guangzhou, April 12, 2009); Annual Lecture, Centre for Chinese Studies, U of California, Berkeley; Nov 12, 2009; Indian Inst of Management, Bangalore, Dec 2008 “Contemporary Politics and Changing Perspectives on Imperialism” Special Lecture, 20th Conference of International Association of Historians of Asia JNU, N. Delhi, Nov 15. 2008 Four lectures, “History of Globalization in Asia”, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. 2008 “China and India since Decolonization” Keynote Address, Inter-Asian Connections Conference SSRC (NY) and Dubai School of Govt. Dubai, Feb 22 2006 “East Asian Nationalism: An Interpretive Survey” Keynote Address Asian Studies at a turning point, Turku University, Finland, Nov 6. 2006 "Religion and Citizenship in East Asia" Distinguished Visiting Professor Public Lecture, Asia Research Institute, Singapore, Aug 16. New Delhi Dec 13, East China Normal Univ. Shanghai, Dec 19. 2006 “Visions of History, Trajectories of Power: China and India since Decolonization” Closing Address, Rationalizing China’s Place in Asia Asia Research Institute, Singapore, Aug 3; Hyderabad, Dec 11. 2006 “Historical Narratives and Trans-nationalism in East Asia” Keynote Address Contesting Views on a Common Past: Revisions of History in East Asia University of Leipzig June, Shanghai, Peking U 10/08 2006 Respondent, “National and Colonial Projects in Contested Borderlands—A Roundtable on Prasenjit Duara’s Sovereignty and Authenticity: Manchukuo and the East Asian Modern” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Jan 6. 2005 “Between Sovereignty and Capitalism: the historical experiences of migrant Chinese” Keynote address Chinese Diasporic and Exile Experience University of Zurich, August 2005 “Ethnos (minzoku) and Ethnology (minzokushugi) in Manchukuo” Colonial Studies and Social Sciences in East Asia National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku), Osaka, Dec 16-18. 2005 “A Comparative Perspective on Religion and Secularism in Modern China” Nichols Distinguished Lecture in Chinese Studies, Duke University, Feb 18. 2004 “Imperialism among Nation-states: Japan and Manchukuo” Keynote lecture Manchuria in East Asian Memory Dong-A University, Busan, Korea. Dec 3-4


2004 “Histories of Globalization in China” Annual Lecture, International Institute of Asian Studies, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct 27; Annual Lecture, Center of Chinese Studies, SOAS, London, UK Oct 28. Keynote address Expanding the History of Globalization Rikkyo University, Tokyo, March 13. 2003 “Crossing Borders: A Personal Journey of Research in Asia” Keynote address to the Third International Conference on Asian Studies, Singapore, August. 2003 Guest lectures, Ministry of Education, Taipei, Taiwan, August 23-30. 2002 “The Global Knowledge of Civilization” Invited paper to Co-generating Public Knowledge in East Asia: Past, Present and Future Tokyo Univ. President’s Conference, Tokyo, Dec. 2002 “The Production of National Knowledge: History and Anthropology in Inter-war East Asia" Keynote address to Australian Association of Asian Studies, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (July) 2002 “Nationalism and Transnationalism in the Globalization of China” Keynote address to First International Graduate Student Conference, East West Center, Hawaii.(Feb); also First G.Deshingkar Memorial Lecture, Delhi, India (March), Stanley Specter Lecture in Asian Studies, U Washington, St. Louis 3/03 2001 “Nationalism and Transnationalism in the Globalization of China” Central European Univ. Budapest, Hungary, July-August 2001 “Civilizations and Nations in a Globalizing Age” Invited lecture to conference on Multiple Modernities, Berlin, Germany May 6-7. 2000 Keynote address “Civilization and Asia” to Approaching Asia from Asia: Journeys, Displacements, Theme Sariska, India, Feb 19-21 and ‘We, Asians' Between Past and Future Singapore, Feb 21-23. 2000 Keynote address “Civilization and Area Studies” Midwest Conference on Asian History and Culture, Columbus, Ohio, May 13-14. 1999 “Pan-Asianism: The Discourse of Civilization among Nation-states” Nicholas Tarling Keynote address to 13th International New Zealand ASIA Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand. Nov 24- 27. 1999 Civilization and Area Studies Charles Freedman Memorial Lecture, Suny Binghamton Nov. 1999 Guest Professor of Asian History, Aarhus University, Denmark, Sept 10-25. 1999 German American Academic Council Distinguished Lecturer, Univ. of Tuebingen, Germany June. “Locality and Identity in East Asia” Sivert O and Marjorie A. Skotheim Lecture, Whitman College, 4/22. 1998 "Imperial Nations/National Empires: Ethnography and Territory in Modern East Asia” Humanities Dean’s Lecture, Rutgers Univ. 10/29/98. 1998 “Transnationalism and the Challenge to National Histories” Keynote Address to the Conference on Internationalizing the Study of American History, (OAH and NYU) Florence, Italy July 6-8. 1998 "The Local in Modern China: Global and Historical Perspectives" Invited guest speaker for the Regionalism Project in China, Keio University, Tokyo, March 22. 1997 Keynote speaker to the Conference on "Legacies of Japanese Colonialism", German Institute of Japanese Studies, Tokyo, October 17. 1997 "Time, timelessness and space in (Asian) national histories" Invited guest speaker for inauguration of Japanese branch of Association of Asian Studies, Tokyo, Oct. 18. 1997 Donald W. Flaherty Lecture in Asian Studies, Dickinson Coll., Harrisburg, Nov


1996 “The Order of Authenticity: National History and Gender” Keynote address to the conference on National Identity in China, Oslo (Norway) Peace Research Institute. June.

Book Launches and Workshops since Dec 2014 book, The Crisis of Global Modernity

2017 Chinese Translation of Crisis of Global Modernity全球现代性危机:亚洲传统和可持续的未 来 (Shangwu Yinshuguan 2017) 2017 Interview in Peng Pai 独家专访杜赞奇:面对全球现代性危机,亚洲传统是解药吗?6 June 2017 2016 Interview in New York Times, Oct 17, on Crisis duara.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share&_r=1 2015 Book Launch Workshops, Renmin University, Beijing 9/15; Tsinghua University, Beijing 9/16; NYU-Shanghai, 9/17; Duke Kunshan 9/21/ (For summary 2015 Book Launch, USC, LA; Panel Discussions: Asia Centre, Seoul National Univ, Seoul, Jan 26. National Univ of Singapore, Singapore, Jan 30; Singapore International Foundation, Singapore, April 30; Cambridge University, Cambridge UK, May 8; London School of Economics, London, May 11. 2014 Panel discussion, Institute for Chinese Studies, Delhi, Dec 17, 2014.

Books and Articles

2019 “Framing Frontier Assemblages” (Introduction) Cons, Jason and Michael Eilenberg (Eds.) Frontier Assemblages: The Emergent Politics of Resource Frontiers in Asia. London: Wiley. (Antipode Series). 2018 “Time and Tide Wait for No Man: A Response to Warwick Anderson and Michael M. J. Fischer” East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (2018) 12:1–7 DOI 10.1215/18752160-7219395 2018 “Nationalism and Development in Asia” in D Nayyar ed., ASIAN TRANSFORMATIONS: An Inquiry into the Development of Nations, Volume II, (also working paper 2018/95) Helsinki: UNU-WIDER; blog, Brookings Institute development/2018/10/04/development-and-the-crisis-of-global-nationalism/ 2018 "An Agenda for Environmental Humanities of Asia: Problems and Debates", International Communication of Chinese Culture (ICCC) Zurich 2018 “Area Studies Scholarship of Asia” The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies (Routledge History Handbooks) (Englisch) Gebundene Ausgabe – 26. November 2018 2018 “Commentary on Postcolonial History”, Debating New Approaches to History, ed., Marek Tamm, Peter Burke Bloomsbury, London, 2018. 2018 Beyond Regimes: China and India Compared eds. Prasenjit Duara and E J Perry, Harvard University Asia Center, Harvard University Press. 2018 “Nationalism and the Nation-state in China” The SAGE Handbook of Contemporary China 31- 47.


2017 “Environmental Humanities and Sustainable Modernity in Asia (and Beyond)” Just Environment (short piece) in ITEMS SSRC digital forum. sustainable-modernity-in-asia-and-beyond/ 2017 “Afterword: The Chinese World Order as a Language Game—David Kang’s East Asia before the West and Its Commentaries” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 77.1 (2017): 123–129 2017 Chinese Translation of Crisis of Global Modernity全球现代性危机:亚洲传统和可持续的未 来 (Shangwu Yinshuguan 2017) 2017 “Introduction: Maps of Diasporic Consciousness” translocal chinese: east asian perspectives 11 3-7 2016 “Hong Kong as a Global Frontier: Interface of China, Asia, and the World” in Priscilla Roberts and John Carroll eds., Hong Kong and the Cold War in Global Perspective Hong Kong University Press. 2016 “Introduction” The Bright Dark Ages: Comparative and Connective Perspectives Arun Bala and Prasenjit Duara eds, Knowledge Infrastructure and Knowledge Economy Series 5, Brill, Leiden, April 2016 “The temporal analytics of nationalism” in Allen R Carlson and Anna Costa ed, Nations and Nationalism roundtable discussion on and national identity Nations and Nationalism 22 (3), 2016, 419–423. 2015 “A Tale of Two Chinas” Review essay for Development and Change, May 46(3): 562–569. 2015 Chinese Translation of “The Discourse of Civilization and Decolonization” (tr. Liu Wenming) Forthcoming in Theories and Methods of Civilization Study (文明研究理论与方法) 2015 “The Agenda of Asian Studies and Digital Media in the Anthropocene” Asiascape: Digital Asia (e-journal Leiden) 2 (2015) 11-19 2014 The Crisis of Global Modernity: Asian Traditions and a Sustainable Future Cambridge U Press); Dec 2014 “Asien neu Denken:Zum Verstandnis einem zumsammenwachsenden Region” (Asia Redux) in Jenseits des Eurozentrismus (Beyond Eurocentrism) eds Sebastian Conrad, Shalini Randeria and Regina Romhild, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt.pp526-553 2014 A Companion to Global Historical Thought edited and “Introduction” pp 1-18 (with Andrew Sartori and Viren Murthy) John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. 2014 “Empires and Imperialism” in A Companion to Global Historical Thought (see above).pp 384- 398 2014 “Abrahamic and Dialogical Transcendence” in Emma Mason ed, Abrahamic Faiths: Rethinking Religion and Literature Bloomsbury Publishing, London. 2013 “The Changing Role of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Agenda of Asian Studies” Nichibunken Internat Research Ctr for Japanese Studies, Kyoto. 2014 Viewing Regionalisms from East Asia co-authored with Sebastian Conrad. American Historical Association pamphlet series Regions and Regionalisms in the Modern World, Washington DC. 2013 Series editor (with Sebastian Conrad) Regions and Regionalisms in the Modern World, American Historical Association pamphlet series Washington DC.


2013 “Kindai sekaishi ni okeru taminzoku kokka: Chugoku no shaken” (“The multi-national nation in modern world history: the Chinese experiment” Gurobaru hisutori no naka no shingai kakumei (The 1911 Revolution in Global History) Namiko shoin Tokyo, 2013 « Histoire et concurrence des temps » (History and Competitive Temporalities), Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire 1/2013 (N° 117), p. 26-41. 2012 “Hong Kong and the New Imperialism in East Asia 1941-1966” in David Goodman & Bryna Goodman eds, Twentieth Century Colonialism and China: Localities, the Everyday, and the World Routledge, London. pp197-211; Chinese ed. 2009 2011 “Nijuseiki Ajia no jukyo to minkan shukyo” (20th century Confucianism and Chinese Popular Culture) in Takeuchi Fusaji ed, Kyokaisuru Kindai Higashi Ajia no Minshu Shukyo (Popular Religion in Transnational Asia) Akashi Shoten, Tokyo.199-222. 2011 “Shaping Trans-national Asian Studies: New Directions in China-India Research” Introduction to Guest edited volume of China Report 46: 4 (2010): 327–332. 2011 “The multi-national state in modern world history: The Chinese experiment” Frontiers of History in China Volume 6, Number 2, 285-295 2011 “The Chinese Revolution and Insurgent Maoism in India: A Spatial Analysis” Economic and Political Weekly VOL 46 No. 18 April 30 - May 06, 2011:33-37. #2011 “The Cold War as a Historical Period: An Interpretive Essay” Journal of Global History (LSE) Nov. 6.3, pp. 457-480. 2011 “Japanese Pan-Asianism in Manchukuo” Pan–Asianism: A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY vol 2 ed. By SVEN SAALER AND C. W. A. SZPILMAN Rowman and Littlefield, Boulder Co 2010 Prasenjit Duara Reader (杜赞奇 读本) 从西天到中土:印中社会 新思潮读本 From West Heavens to the Central Plain: India-China New Thought Series (Nanfang Daily Press, Guangzhou) 2010 “Afterword: A Comparative Glance at Religion and Politics in Japan” Roy Starrs, ed. Politics and Religion in Japan: Red Sun, White Lotus Forthcoming, Palgrave Macmillan 2011 pp.305- 314 2010 超越性之危机与可持续性:一个长时段的观点 (Sustainability and the Crisis of Transcendence — A Long Perspective 他山通讯. 11; 2010.12 #2010 Forum on “Asia Redux: Conceptualizing the Region for our Times” Journal of Asian Studies, USA (also response to comments) volume 69, issue 04, Nov, 2010 pp. 963-983. Reprinted as edited book, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Press, Singapore 2013 2010 亚洲归来:建构我们这个时代的区域概念(上下) (Asia Redux: Conceptualizing Region for our Times in Dushu 读书 vols 5, 6. 2010 “Chinese reforms in historical and comparative perspective” in Reform and Development in China: What Can China Offer the Developing World eds. Yang Yao, Ho-Mou Wu Routledge, London, Aug 2010, 71-81. 2010 “Community, Nation and Sustainability: The Contemporary Relevance of Tagore” Tagore and China Wang Bangwei, Tan Chung eds Central Compilation & Translation Press, Beijing, “共同 体、民族与可持续性:泰戈尔并未过时”参见王邦维、谭中主编:《泰戈尔与中国》北京 :中央编译出版社


2009 “An East Asian Perspective on Religion and Secularism” in State and Secularism: Perspectives from Asia, edited by Michael Heng Siam-Heng and Ten Chin Liew, Word Scientific, Singapore.November #2009 “The Nationalization of Ethnology: History and Anthropology in Inter-war East Asia” in Andrew Willford and Eric Tagliacozzo eds, Clio/Anthropos: Exploring the Boundaries between History and Anthropology Stanford Univ Press, August. 187-222 2009 “Visions of History, Trajectories of Power: China and India since De-colonization” in Anthony Reid and Yangwen Zheng eds, Negotiating Asymmetry Singapore, NUS Press. 2009 The Global and Regional in China’s Nation Formation Routledge, London. 2009 “Modern Imperialism” Oxford History Handbooks World History, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford UK 2009 “The Limits of Legal Sovereignty: China and India in recent history” Commentary on Jonathan Ocko and David Gilmartin, "State, Sovereignty, and the People: A Comparison of the 'Rule of Law' in China and India." Journal of Asian Studies 68.1 (Feb) 122-127. 2008 “The Global and Regional Constitution of Nations: The View from East Asia” Nations and Nationalism, Vol 14, part 2, April. 323-346. 2008 “Historical Consciousness and National Identity” in Kam Louie ed “The Cambridge Companion to Modern Chinese Culture” Cambridge, Cambridge UP. Pp 46-67 2008 “Historical Narratives and Trans-nationalism in East Asia” in Steffi Richter, (ed.). Conflicted Present, Contested Pasts: Historical Revisionism in East Asia Campus (Frankfurt/M., Germany, and NY) 2008 “History and Globalization in China’s Long Twentieth Century” Dialogues Among Chinese and Western Scholars, I: Rethinking the Nature of the Chinese State in Modern China. 34.1, Jan, 152-164. 2008 “Religion and Citizenship in China and the Diaspora” in Mayfair Mei-hui Yang ed, Chinese Religiosities: Disjunctures of Modernity and Nation-State Formation Berkeley, U Cal Press, 43-64. 2007 “The Imperialism of “Free Nations”: Japan, Manchukuo and the History of the Present” in Ann Stoler, Carole McGranahan and Peter Perdue eds. Imperial Formations and their Discontents School of American Research Press, Santa Fe. 2007 ““To think like an empire”: An essay based on Frederick Cooper’s Colonialism in Question: Theory, Knowledge, History” History and Theory 46.2 2006 Chugoku ni okeru Guroburizeshon no rekishi (Histories of Globalization in China, trans Nishiyama Kyoko) in Mark Caprio, ed., Kindai Higashi Ajia to Guroburizeshon (Globalization and Modern East Asia) Akashi shoten. 2006 “Manshu ni okeru minzoku to minzokugaku” (Ethnos and Ethnology in Manchukuo, trans. Uchida Jun) in Narita Ryuichi et al, ed. Shihai to Boryoku Ajia Taihei Senso (vol. 7 on Domination and Violence in the series, Asia Pacific War) Iwanami Shoten 2006 “East Asian Nationalism” History Compass 4 (Blackwell Publisher’s online pub) pp1-21. 2006 “The New Imperialism and the Post-Colonial Developmental State: Manchukuo in Comparative Perspective” Japan Focus (online journal) Jan 30. #2005 “Nationalism, Imperialism, Federalism and the Case of Manchukuo: A Response to Anthony Pagden” Common Knowledge 12.1 (Winter 2006), pub. Dec 2005 47-65.


2005 “Between Empire and Nation: Settler Colonialism in Manchukuo” in Caroline Elkins and Susan Pederson eds., Settler Colonialism in the Twentieth Century: Projects, Practices, Legacies Routledge 2005 “Decolonization” Encyclopedia of Globalization 2004 “Nation state” Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History Berkshire Pub, Great Barrington, MA. 2004 Korean Translation of Rescuing History from the Nation Sammin 2004 Japanese Translation “The Global Knowledge of Civilization” in Co-generating Public Knowledge in East Asia: Past, Present and Future (Japanese) Tokyo Univ. Press. 2003 Ch Transl of Rescuing History from the Nation, 从民族国家拯救历史 译者:王宪明 社科文 献出版社 2003 Second Chinese Translation of Culture, Power and the State 文化、权力与国家 1900-1942 年 的华北农村 译者: 王福明 江苏人民出版社 2003 Decolonization: Perspectives from Now and Then (edited volume) Routledge 2003 Sovereignty and Authenticity: Manchukuo and the East Asian Modern, Rowman&Littlefield; pap2004. 2003 “Nationalism and Transnationalism in the Globalization of China” China Report 39.1 2003 “Journey to the East by the West” in Jackie Assayag and Veronique Beneii eds. At Home in Diaspora: South Asian Scholars and the West Permanent Black, Delhi. 2002 “Transnationalism and the Challenge to National Histories” in Thomas Bender ed, Rethinking American History in a Global Age Berkeley and Los Angeles: U California Press. 2002 Foreword, “Sovereignty and Citizenship in a Decentered China”, in S. Blum and L. Jensen eds, China Off Center, Hawaii UP 2002 “Civilizations and Nations in a Globalizing World” in Dominic Sachsenmeier, Jens Reidel, Shmuel Eisenstadt, ed. Reflections on Multiple Modernities Brill Academic Publishers 2002 “Postcolonial History” Sarah Maza and L Kramer eds, Companion to Historical Thought (Blackwell) 2001 “Historians between the Past and Future of Nations” Ler Historia, Lisbon 2001 “The Discourse of Civilization and Pan-Asianism” Journal of World History 12, 1 (Spring) 2000 “Local Worlds: The Politics and Poetics of Native Place” South Atlantic Quarterly 2000 "Of Authenticity and Woman: Personal Narratives of Middle Class Women in Modern China" Wen-hsin Yeh ed. Becoming Chinese: Passages to Modernity and Beyond Berkeley: Univ. of Cal Press 2000 Japanese translation of Rescuing History from the Nation Forthcoming (Misuzu Shobo) 1999 Spanish translation of "De-constructing the Chinese Nation", in Jonathan Unger ed. Chinese Nationalism as El nacionalismo chino (Barcelona: Bellaterra Publishers, 1999 1999 “Chihō to iu sekai” (Local Worlds) in Yamamoto Eishi ed, Dentō Chūgoku no chiikizō (Images of the region in Imperial China) Trans. Yamamoto Eishi and Sato Yoshifumi Tokyo: Keiō Gijuku: 327-372. 1999 “Transnationalism in the Era of Nation-states, China 1900-1945" in Birgit Meyer and Peter Geschiere eds. Globalization and Identity: Dialectics of Flow and Closure (Blackwell) Reprinted with changes in Development and Change 29.4 1998.


1998 “Opening Remarks: Empire in the Age of Nationalism” in Harald Fuess ed. The Japanese Empire and its Legacy in East Asia. (German Institute of Japanese Studies) 1998 “The Regime of Authenticity: Timelessness, Gender and National History in Modern China” History and Theory (October, 37) 1998 "Why is History anti-theoretical?" Modern China (April 24.2). 1997 "Transnationalism and the Predicament of Sovereignty:China, 1900-1945" Am Historical Review Oct. 1997 "Manshukoku ni okeru bunmei, shokuminshugi, kokuminsei" (Civilization, colonialism and citizenship in Manzhouguo) Chugoku Kenkyu Geppo 51.3 (589): 41-46. (Trans. into Japanese by Yamamoto Eishi) 1997 "Nationalists among Transnationals: Overseas Chinese and the Idea of China" in Aihwa Ong and Donald Nonnini ed. Crossing the Edges of Empires:Culture, Capitalism and Identities in the Asia-Pacific. Routledge 1996 "Historicizing National Identity, or Who Imagines What and When" in Geoff Eley and Ronald G. Suny ed. Becoming National-- A Reader Oxford University Press. pp 151-178 1995 Rescuing History from the Nation: Questioning Narratives of Modern China U. of Chicago Press. 1994 "Zhongyang he difang: Liansheng zizhi yundong" (Center and locality: The Federalist Movement in China) Ershiyi shiji (21st Century), Hong Kong. 1993 "The Displacement of Tension to the Tension of Displacement: Is Imperialism still a useful category?" Radical History Review 57. 1993 "Bifurcating Linear Histories: Nation and Histories in China and India" Positions:1.3. 1993 "State, Civil Society and the History of Chinese Modernity" in Frederic Wakeman ed. China's Quest for Modernization: A Historical Approach. (In English and Chinese). 1993 "De-constructing the Chinese Nation" in The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 30. Reprinted in 1996 in Jonathan Unger ed. Chinese Nationalism M.E.Sharpe. pp 31-55. 1993 Chinese Translation of Culture, Power and the State by Wang Fuming, Jiangsu Peoples Press.2nd Pub, 2005. 1993 "Provincial Narratives of the Nation: Centralism and Federalism in Republican China" in Harumi Befu ed., Cultural Nationalism in East Asia Berkeley: Institute for East Asian Studies Pubs. 1991 "The New Politics of Hinduism" The Wilson Quarterly Summer 1991 "Knowledge and Power in the Discourse of Modernity: The Campaigns against Popular Religion in Early 20th Century China" Journal of Asian Studies. Feb. 1991 "State-involution in Comparative Perspective" in Jan Breman ed., Rural Transformation in Asia Oxford 1990 "Modernity and its Critics in India and China" Proceedings of the Conference on Modernization in China Academica Sinica, Taipei. 1990 "Elites and the Structure of Authority in North China" in Joseph Esherick and Mary Rankin ed. Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance in China Univ.of California Press 1988 Culture, Power and the State: Rural Society in North China, 1900 - 1942 Stanford; paper 1991. 1988 "Superscribing Symbols: The Myth of Guandi, Chinese God of War" Jrnl of Asian Studies


1987 State-involution: Local Finances in North China 1911-1935. Comparative Studies in Society and History 29, no.1 1974 The Great Leap Forward in China: An Analysis of the Nature of Socialist Transformation. Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay) Special Issue, August.


2016 Janet Hoskins and Viet Thanh Nguyen eds., Transpacific Studies: Framing an Emerging Field Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2014. (Forthcoming, International Journal of Asian Studies) 2016 Rogers Brubaker. Grounds for Difference. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2015. The American Historical Review(2016) 121 (3): 907-908.doi: 10.1093/ahr/121.3.907 2013 Arif Dirlik Culture and History in Post-Revolutionary China: The Perspective of Global Modernity. Hong Kong: Chinese Univ Press, 2012. The Journal of Asian Studies 72. 02 ; 440- 441 2012 Wang Hui THE POLITICS OF IMAGINING ASIA Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011. Pacific Affairs June (Volume 85, No. 2) 2011 Victor Lieberman, Strange parallels. Southeast Asia in global context, c. 800-1830, volume 2. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies f’coming 2011 Kuan-hsing Chen, Asia as Method: Toward Deimperialization (Durham, N.C.:Duke University Press, 2010). International Journal of Asian Studies 8. 02, pp. 221-223. 2011 David Johnson Spectacle and Sacrifice: The Ritual Foundations of Village Life in North China Cambridge: Harvard, 2009. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 71.1 (June) 2009 Jack Goody, The Theft of History New York: Cambridge University Press. 2006. Featured Review for American Historical Review 114:405–407, April 2009 2008 Sven Saaler and J. Victor Koschmann ed, Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History: Colonialism, Regionalism and Borders Routledge, 2007. Jrnl of Japanese Studies 2008 , Collaboration: Japanese Agents and Local Elites in Wartime China Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass, 2005 The China Journal 2007 Thornton, Patricia. Disciplining the State: Virtue, Violence, and State-Making in Modern China. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, The Historian 2006 Dong Wang. China’s Unequal Treaties: Narrating National History Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Boulder, Co., 2005 Pacific Affairs 2005 Thomas David Dubois, The Sacred Village: Social Change and Religious Life in Rural North China University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Journal of Chinese Religion 2005 Joshua Fogel ed, The Teleology of the Modern Nation-state: Japan and China Philadelphia, U of Pennsylvania Press, Journal of Japanese History 2005 Paul A. Cohen, China Unbound: Evolving perspectives on the Chinese past London, New York: RoutledgeCurzon. Pacific Affairs, January 2005, Volume 77, No. 4, Winter. 2004 Rebecca E Karl, Staging the World: Chinese Nationalism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century Durham: Duke University Press Left History 2004 S.A.Smith, Like Cattle and Horses: Nationalism and Labor in Shanghai, 1895-1927 Durham: Duke University Press. Left History


2003 Feng Chongyi and David S. Goodman eds.,North China at War: The Social Ecology of Revolution, 1937-1945 Rowman and Littlefield JAS 2001 Michael Leifer, ed. Asian Nationalism: China, Taiwan, Japan, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, The Philippines Routledge Pacific Affairs 2001 Timothy Brook and Andre Schmid eds. Nation Work: Asian Elites and National Identities Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. American Historical Review 2001 “Leftist Criticism and the Political Impasse: Response to Arif Dirlik’s “How the grinch hijacked radicalism: further thoughts on the postcolonial”” Postcolonial Studies 2000 William Safran ed. Nationalism and Ethnoregional Identities in China. London: Frank Cass. Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism 2000 Wang Ke-wen ed, 1998 Modern China: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Nationalism. in Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism. 2000 Lynn T. White, III Unstately Power: vol.II: Local Causes of China’s Intellectual, Legal and Governmental Reforms China Information 2000 Invited response to P. Huang Biculturality in Modern China and Chinese Studies Modern China, Feb 1999 Commentary on John Fitzgerald’s In the Scales of History 20th century China, April 1999 Mark Poster, Cultural History and Postmodernity: Disciplinary Readings and Challenges Keith Jenkins ed., The Postmodern History Reader Journal of American History 1998 J. Fogel & P. Zarrow ed., Imagining the People: Chinese Intellectuals and the Concept of Citizenship, 1890-1920. China Information 1998 T. Huters et al., Culture & State in Chinese History J. of Asian Studies 57.4 1997 Response to Forum on Rescuing History from the Nation in Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars. 1997 John Fitzgerald, Awakening China: Politics, Culture, and Class in the Nationalist Revolution in China Information. 1997 Peter Duus, Ramon H. Myers, and Mark R. Peattie eds. 1996. The Japanese Wartime Empire, 1931-1945 Princeton: Princeton University Press. American Historical Review 1996 Jonathan Boyarin ed., Remapping Memory: The Politics of Timespace Journ. of Asian Studies 1996 Hill Gates, China's Motor: A Thousand Years of Petty Capitalism Am Journal of Sociology 1996 Lisa Malkki, Purity and Exile:Violence, Memory and National Cosmology among Hutu Refugees in Tanzania Comparative Studies in Society and History 1996 Rubie S. Watson ed. Memory, History and Opposition under State Socialism. The China Journal 1995 . Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-body of a Nation (University of Hawaii Press) Featured Review American Historical Review 1995 David E. Apter & Tony Saich. Revolutionary Discourse in Mao's China (Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press) American Journal of Sociology 1994 K. Pomeranz. The Making of the Hinterland: State, Society and Economy in Inland China (Berkeley: Univ. of California) China Quarterly 1994 Lowell Dittmer and Samuel Kim ed, China's Quest for National Identity (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. Journal of Asian Studies Feb 1993 Steven Kemper, The Presence of the Past: Chronicles, Politics and Culture in Sinhala Life (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. American Historical Review. June


1992 Dru C. Gladney, Muslim Chinese: Ethnic Nationalism in the People's Republic Harvard East Asian Monographs #149. Journal of Asian Studies Aug 1992 Edward Friedman, Paul G. Pickowicz, and Mark Selden, with Kay Ann Johnson, Chinese Village, Socialist State.(Yale University Press). Journal of Asian Studies. Feb 1992 Marie-Claire Bergere trans. Janet Lloyd, The Golden Age of the Chinese Bourgeoisie 1911-1937 (Cambridge UP) in Modern Asian Studies June 1991 Daniel Little, Understanding Peasant China: Case Studies in the Philosophy of Social Science (Yale) Journal of Peasant Studies 19.1 1991 Min Tu-ki, National Polity and Local Power: The Transformation of Late Imperial China. Edited by Philip A Kuhn and Timothy Brook (Harvard UP) Journal of Asian Studies 50.2 1991 K. Sheel, Marxist Intellectuals and Chinese Peasants (Princeton UP) Am Historical Review Apr 1991. 1990 Philip C.C.Huang, The Peasant Family and Rural Development in South China, 1350-1988 (Stanford UP). in Pacific Affairs 1989 Ezra F. Vogel, One Step Ahead in China: Guangdong under Reform (Harvard) Wilson Qrtly 1989 Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses (Viking Press) Stanford Daily April 4. 1989 R. Keith Schoppa, Xiang Lake: Nine Centuries of Chinese Life (Yale UP) Am Anthropolog.Review 1989 and Susan Naquin, Chinese Society in the 18th Century (Yale UP) Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies June 1988 Joseph W Esherick, The Origins of the Boxer Uprising (UC Press) The Internat History Review Feb. 1986 Philip C C Huang, The Peasant Economy and Social Change in North China, (Stanford UP) in Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies June 1986 1985 Joseph Fewsmith, Party, State and Local Elites in Republican China: Merchant Organizations and Politics in Shanghai, 1890-1930, (Hawaii UP) in Journal of Asian Studies,Nov

Publications & Presentations in the Arts

2015 “Island Territoriality: Charles Lim Li Yong’s water-bounded Singapore” for Catalogue on Charles Lim, Sea State Singapore Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale, Curator/Editor, Shabbir Mustafa Hussain, National Arts Council, Singapore 2015 2014 Three talks to San Art Collective, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Feb. 2013 “Network Asia: Futures of the Past” Is Asia One? Towards a pan-Asian art history A symposium at the Asian Civilizations Museum, Singapore, 13–14 September 2013. 2013 “China and India: Convergences and Divergences” Rewriting the Landscape: India and China Contemporary Art from China and India National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Curated by Choi Eunju and Kate Lim, Seoul, 2013 2012 “The Question of Art in the Asian Century: The ‘West Heavens’ China-India Project” Presentation at NUS Museum, Jan 12, 2012.


Selected Interviews in Newspapers, Journals and Media (See p 5 for publicity for Crisis of Global Modernity)

2015 “New Delhi-Pechino, nella relazione bilaterale c’è modo… e Modi” Cinaforum, Italy 16 May 2014 “ASEAN bonds continue to strengthen region” Interview with Wu Ningning, Global Times Beijing 5/27 2014 “Korea should become Northeast Asia’s Brussels” a talk between SNU Professor Lim and NUS Professor Duara.” Joon AngIlbo Seoul, Korea 4/13/2014 2013 “Histories and Multiple Narratives in China” Interview with Rada Ivekovich OUTIS! 4, 2/2013 (in English and Italian) 2013 “Post Neo-Liberalizm!” Interview with Prasenjit Duara, in Turkish newspaper ‘Birgün’, Oct 2, 2012 杜赞奇谈中国传统中的“普世精神” Prasenjit Duara discusses Universal Ideas in Traditional China (interview with Sheng Yun 盛韵)上海书评 星期日第 185 期 Shanghai Review of Books, 2012.5.6 2010 “Asia's best bets for the future” TABLE TALK WITH PRASENJIT DUARA Straits Times, Singapore, Jan 19. 2010 Newspaper Interviews in Shanghai 杜赞奇:民族主义已经丧失了进步和解放功能 (Nationalism has spent its progressive and emancipatory function) 2010-12-13 10:29 南方都市 报 (Southern Metropolitan Daily); Wenhuibao; et al. (Nov 21, 2010). 2009 “Interview in Dong-A Ilbo” (Korean Newspaper) April 21, 2009 “In Conversation with Prof. Prasenjit Duara” Interview by Lee Kiat Jin International Sociological Association E-Bulletin No 12, March 2006 “Globalization, Nationalism and Asia’s Future” (Quanjiuhua, minzuzhuyi yu yazhoude weilai) Interview with Nanfengchuang Shanghai, Dec 20, 2004 Two Newspaper Interviews on “Reflexive Nationalism” in Dong A Ilbo, Korea, and Hangyore, Korea, 12/6/04 and 12/7/04 2001 Interviews in Chinese: “Wenhua, quanli yu minzu-guojia: Du Zanqi jiaoshou fanglu ji” (Culture Power and the Nation State: Interview with Prof.Prasenjit Duara) 2000; n.6 Xuehai Jiangsu Province Social Science Institute; “Wo dui Zhongguo lishishehui de xingqu zhi genyuan” (The Background of my Interest in Chinese Historical Studies) Zhonghua Dushubao 12/20/2000 (Beijing); also 10/2000 interview in Chinese Academy of Social Science (Beijing)

Cited on various occasions in New York Times, New York Times Magazine and Financial Times (London), etc. Between 1990-2000: radio interview with Woodrow Wilson Center (1990); TV interview with NHK, Japan, (1996); newspaper interviews in Schwabisches Tagblatt (Tubingen, 1998), Dutch and Indian newspapers. Other Talks Delivered since 1995

“Environmental Humanities and Sustainable Modernity in Asia (and Beyond)” Asian Environmental Humanities Panel, Yale University, Nov 3, 2017 “The Art of Convergent Comparison—China and India in Modern Times” Duke Univ Conference, The Art of Comparison Sep 29, 2017


“Network Asia” Tokyo Univ, Tokyo; Mar 9, 15; King’s College, London, May 15, 2015; Gottingen University, June 22. “The Future of Asian Studies” Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, May 7, 2015 “Circulatory and Competitive Histories” Cultural Studies, Univ of Cal, Santa Cruz, May 21, 2014 "Is the concept of Secularism relevant to China?" Chinese Nationalities University, Beijing, April 25, 2014; Baptist University of Hong Kong, May 2, 2014. Leipzig Univ, July 28, 2016 “State and Rural Society in China and India: Is there a Post-Neoliberal Model?” Chinese Agricultural University, Beijing April 24, 2014. “The Chinese Empire and the Multi-national State” The Construal of National Identity through the Concept of thee State – in China and Elsewhere Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala, Sweden; June 17,2011. Roundtable Participant, Asian Varieties of Socialism Harvard Yenching Institute, 28 March 2011 The Perils and Possibilities of Archaic Universalisms Culture, International Relations, and World History: Rethinking Chinese Perceptions of World Order Stanford Univ, May 6-11, 2011 “Sustainability and the Crisis of Transcendence” Harvard Asia Vision 21: Values, Conflicts, and Change in Asia, National Univ of Singapore, April 30-1/5, 2010. Xinan Minzu Daxue, Chengdu Oct 2010; Princeton Univ. May 1, 2012; U of Chicago, May 3, 2012 “China and Asian Regionalism” Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Jan 30, 2010; Centre for Area Studies, Leipzig 14 June, 2011 “Periodizing the Cold War in World History” The Role of Archives in Documenting a Shared Memory of the Cold War: Asia-Pacific Perspective Nat Archives of Singapore, May 14, 2009; Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, June 22; Free University, Amsterdam,8/ 28, 2009; Osaka Univ, Feb 2, 2010; Cornell University April 4, 2011; Free University, Berlin, June 9, 2011. “The Historical Roots of Secularism in China” In Honour of Wang Gungwu’s Scholarship: Bridging China Studies and International Relations Theory East Asia Institute, Singapore, June 26; Leiden Univ Aug 27; Stanford Univ, Nov 13, 2009; East Asian Institute, Leipzig 14 June, 2011; “Asia Redux: Conceptualizing Asia for our Times” University of Sydney April 14; Gyeongju, Korea (RICH Conference) April 22, 2009; Leiden Univ Sep 22, 2009; India International Center New Delhi, Dec 2; Tokyo University Jan 27, 2010; IIT Guwahati, June 9, 2010. “Hong Kong and the New Imperialism in East Asia, 1941-1966” “Colonialisms and Chinese Localities” Qingdao, China, September 17-19, 2007, AAS March 2007; Sc & Tech U HK, Lingnan U, HK, CUHK (Oct-Nov 2007) “History Text-books and the Profession: Comparing National Controversies in a Globalizing Age” Discussant and organizer of symposium, U of Chicago, Dept of History, May 4, 2007. “The Global and Regional Constitution of Nations: The Case of East Asia” Asian Research Institute, Singapore, April 2, 2007, Dankook Univ, Seoul, Oct 30, 2007. Xiamen Univ, Xiamen Oct 24, 2007. “China and India since Decolonization” Pomona College, Feb, 2007; Univ of Philippines, Manila (Nov 19, 2007); St. Olaf College (April 2008) “Manchukuo and the History of the Present” Lockmiller Series, Emory Univ 3/06; Davis Center, Princeton Univ, 10/6/2005; Kyushu University, Hakata 12/13/2005, Songkyunkuan University, Seoul, 12/7/04, Chinese U of Hong Kong 9/05


“The Nation-state in Modern History” Institute of Korean Culture, Korea University, Seoul 12/6/04 “Religion and Secularism in China” U Toronto, 1/07, UIUC, 2/06; DePauuw Univ, 4/06; Emory Univ, 3/06, Institute for Development Studies, Cambridge University, UK, 11/29/04, Univ of California, Santa Barbara 10/28/2005. Tracking Research Journeys” Institute of Chinese Studies, Oxford University, UK, Aug 4/04. “Decolonization: Post-colonial Perspectives” Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, 1/04; UCLA 1/04. “Genealogies of Globalization in China” Harvard University 2/04; University of Texas, Austin, 2/03; Lake Forest College, 9/03; University of Oregon 10/01; Cornell University 5/02 “Community, Nation, and Globalism” Conference on Liberal Cultures and their Critics: The Trials of a Transatlantic Tradition” National Humanities Center, March 2-3, 2002 Six talks on the sources and evolution of my work in Chinese historical studies. Nanjing University (2) Sep and Oct/2000; Beijing University (2) 10/2000; Dongbei Normal Univ., Changchun (1) and Chinese Acad Soc Sciences Beijing (1) 10/2000 “Manchukuo and the Contested Histories of Manchuria” UCLA, 1/2001; Univ of Iowa 3/2001, Fairbank Center, Harvard, 5/2001 (with Juliette Chung) “Spirit and Spirituality: Discourses of Science and Eastern Civilization in China, 1900-1960s” Conf on Rethinking Science and Civilization: The Ideologies, Disciplines, and Rhetorics of World History, Stanford, 5/23/99. “Civilization Discourse & Area Studies” Shifting Boundaries: East Asia in Area Studies. U Chic.4/99 “Pan-Asianism: The Discourse of Civilization among Nation-states” U Toronto, 11/98; Loyola Univ. Chicago 1/99, U Cal Santa Cruz, 4/2000; Columbia University, NY 12/2000; Fairbank Center, Harvard 5/2001 "Local Worlds: The Native Place in Modern China” Conference on Imagining China: Regional Division and National Identity, Inst. of Ethnology, Taipei, March 1998; Univ. Washington Seattle, Apr 9/98; U Toronto 11/98; Stanford, History Dept., 4/26/99 "Why is History anti-theoretical?" Conference on History and Theory, UCLA, May 97; Uchicago ?/99 "The Cultural Frontiers of the East Asian Modern” Harvard U. 10/03/96; U. of Tokyo, 1/22/97; Daito Bunka Univ., Tokyo, 2/24/97; Duke Univ. 4/10/97; Chicago Hum Inst. 10/97; Santa Cruz 4/00; Vassar 2/01 "Imperial Nations/National Empires: Ethnography and Territory in Modern East Asia" Conference on Colonialism, Nationalism and Modernity in East Asia, UC Santa Cruz, 10/96; U of Chicago, Wilder House 10/96; U of Maryland, 4/5/97; Syracuse 2/26/98 Michigan 10/99; Yale, Agrarian Studies Seminar 2/2000. "Civilization, Civility and Citizenship in Manzhouguo" AAS. Honolulu, Hi April 12, 96; Keio University, Tokyo, 2/97. "Imperialism, Nationalism, Transnationalism in Modern China" Conference on Globalization and the Construction of Communal Identities Amsterdam School for Social Science Research Feb 29- March 3, 1996. Also Berkeley 2/16; Hamilton Coll. 4/25; Bloomington, IN 9/13/96; Hopkins, 9/24; Ann Arbor, 10/31/96; Osaka Foreign Lang. Univ., 2/97; Duke 5/98;


"The Regime of Authenticity:Gender, History and Nation" Presented to AHA East Asia Luncheon Group, Atlanta, 1/5/96. Ann Arbor, MI 10/30/96; Urbana, Illinois 11/14. Academica Sinica, Taiwan 1/97; Duke 4/97; E. Lansing 4/97; UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, 5/97. "Of Authenticity and Woman: Personal Narratives of Middle Class Women in Modern China" Conference on Becoming Chinese: Passages to Modernity and Beyond, 1900-1950. Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley, June 2-4 1995; Also UC San Diego 12/8/95; Stanford 1/27/96; George Mason Univ. Fairfax 3/21/96; Rice Univ., Houston, 4/1/96, China Seminar, Melbourne Australia, 11/99.

University and Professional Service:

DUKE: 2016-Director, Global Asia Initiative; 2018 Global Priorities Committee; Research VP re-appointment committee. 2016- Member, Undergraduate Committee, 2018: Exec Comm, Dept of History; 2017 Advisory Board, Journal of World History 2010-15 Board Member, Asian Civilization Museum, Chair Acquisitions Comm (2013-) Singapore 2008- External Review Panel, Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Historical Studies, Princeton 2008-11 Council Member, American Historical Association. 2007 Review Committee for Columbia University, Dept of East Asian Lang and Cultures 2006 Social Science Dean Search Committee, University of Chicago 2005 Review Committee for Univ of S. California, Dept of History (Jan 12-14) 2004 Review Committee for U C Berkeley, Dept of History (April 1-2) 2003 Program Committee, AHA.; Member Ed. Board, Modern Intellectual History Camb, UK. 2001-4 Member, China and Inner Asia Council Association for Asian Studies 1999 Advisory Board, Humanities Initiative for the 21st Century, Univ. of S. California 1998 NEH consultant for Am Inst. For Indian Studies (on site N. Delhi) 1998, 96 Co-director, NEH Summer Seminar on Chinese Ethnicity in EW Center, Hawaii 1997 Program Committee, American Historical Association 1995- Chair, Committee on Chinese Studies, U. of Chicago 1995 Member, World History Standards Review Panel, Council for Basic Education, Wash DC. 1994-97 Member, Editorial Board, American Historical Review 1994-96 Member, AHA's J.K.Fairbank Prize Committee Editorial Advisory Board, Twentieth Century China; Positions: east asia cultures critique; Modern Asian Studies; Journal of Social and Cultural History, Modern Intellectual History, Journal of China in Comparative Perspective; International Journal of Asian Studies (Tokyo); East Asian Science Technology and Society (Taipei) Frontiers of Chinese History (Chengdu) et al. Journal of Overseas Chinese Studies (Taipei)


2010-15 Member Asian Civilization Museum Advisory Board, Chair, Acquisitions Comm (2013-) 2015 “Historical Temporalities in Contemporary India” Shell India Scenarios Workshop Singapore, 28/4 2013 The Meaning of the Book in Human Civilisation “A Book by Any Other Name” Summit of the World Library and Information Congress and 79thConference of the National Committees of the


International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Singapore National Library August 16. 2013 “The Making of Narratives” Indian Heritage Centre Inaugural Seminar, Opening Address, People, Ports and Places: The Narrative of Indian Communities in Southeast Asia. Singapore, Sep 20, 2011 China and India: Competition, Co-operation and the role of ASEAN Singapore Institute of Legal Education, 31 Aug. 2011 “Civilization, State & Society: Extrapolating Futures in China and India” Shell Scenario Workshop, 17/10 2010 “The History and Future of Asian integration” Raffles Economic and Current Affairs Challenge 2010, Raffles Institution (Junior College) July 31. 2010 Lead off public discussion of The Makers & Keepers of Singapore History, edited Lok Kah Seng and Liew Kai Khiun. Singapore Heritage Society; Singapore National Library; July 24. 2009 Led Break-out session on Mikail Gorbachev,Twenty Years since 1989 George Mason U. March 25. 2007 “History of Modern China” Lecture to Northwestern University Business School, 1/24 2007 “Democracy and Indian Political History” Lecture to Kellogg School, NWU, 1/24 2006 “History of Modern China” Lecture to Northwestern University Business School, 6/20 2006 “China and India in the 20th century” Lecture to Northwestern University Business School, 1/11 2004 “Globalization in Chinese History” Asian Students Association, Northwestern University 10/04 2001 “Contemporary Chinese Nationalism and Transnationalism” Lectures to College teachers in Budapest, sponsored by Central European University July 31-Aug 5. 2001 “Post-colonial History” Lecture to College Teachers seminar, sponsored by AHA and Ford F. July 18. 2001 “Religions and Politics in China” Lectures to College Teachers seminar NEH, EW Center, Hawaii, July 1998 “Legacies of Japanese Empire in East Asia” Chicago Council of Foreign Affairs, 4/98; 1996 "Overseas Chinese and the Idea of China" Talk to Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs, 5/8; 1996 Commentary in Japan's NHK TV Special "Asia towards the 21st Century" Broadcast May 10. 1993 "State, Intellectuals and the People in Modern China" Paper presented to Chicago Outreach Program for Community College Teachers, Moline Illinois. Feb 19-20; Winnetka, North Shore Country Day School

Recent Courses Taught

DUKE: Culture and Environment in Chinese History (Grad seminar) Spring 2016. Asia in Global History (Gateway Seminar) Fall 2016. Survey of East Asian Civilizations --Introductory Undergraduate course with graduate TA training component. Frontiers in Modern East Asia -- Intermediate undergraduates Berlin and Hong Kong in the Cold War--Mixed, beginning graduates and undergraduates (with Michael Geyer) Chinese Overseas--Mixed, beginning graduates and undergraduates (with Mae Ngai) Civilization and Popular Culture in China --Mixed, beginning graduates and undergraduates


History and Literature in 20th Century China --Mixed, beginning graduates and undergraduates Narratives of Empire and Nation in East Asia -- 2-quarters Advanced graduate seminar History and Theory – Advanced graduate seminar; Historiography—graduate seminar (twice with William Sewell) Environment and Culture in Modern Chinese History (Spring 2016, Duke University, USA)