Narcotic-Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Rules 1985
THE NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES RULES, 1985I r:5",: ol rhe powers,co.nferred. section 9, read with section 76 of the Narcotic Irrugs and Psychotroptc .W ^-..1: Substqnces Act, 19gS (61 of 19gS), the Cmtrai Gm)ernment hereby makzs the following rules, namely:_ CHAPTER 7 t. shorr dtte and rules may be called the Narcotic Druts and psychotropic""--":lt:t:rnt"tilr*" Substances'Rules, 19St:- -'- (2) They shall come into force on the date2 of their publication in the Gazette.^ officiar 2. Definitions.-ln these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,_ (a) "the Act,', means the Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985); (b) "Appellate Authority,, means any authority to whom an appeal may - lie under any provision of thesJ rules; r[(c) "Chemical Examiner-_ means the Chemical Examiner or Deputy Chief Chemist or Shift o. a""i"t""t-Ciluinical Examiner, Government _Chemist Opium and Alkaloid Works, Nee*""n o., as the may be, Ghazipurl case (d) "Chief Controller of Factories,, means the Chiel Controller of Govemment Opium and Alkaloid Factorie;; -.*' a[(da) "Controller of Drugs,, means the officer appointed as the controllins authority bv the St-ate Govemment undei'rule 50 of ili C^os-metics irules, ;il]1i5 1945 -"dt;;";;;-irrii, c*-etics Act, 1940 (23 ot 1,940);l ""i' (e) "crop year" means the.period beginning on and from'y"u.; the 1st October of any year to the 30th Septemb-er a[(ea)_ of ihe fotto*ir,f "Firm" means a *T.iTy, j ,body corporate, proliretorstrip.firm, firm, parhership firm, Iimited liability partnership personsl assocration of {[[(eb) "Form,, means a Form oppended to these Rulesl (0 "General Manager,, 19-ang the General Manager, coveinment opium and Alaaloid Works, N"";;;-;.;';'r*hl' _ay bu, Ghazipur; "a"" (g) "issuing authority,, means the.
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