Bethany I, ~ I Records Preserved on Microfilm U..1Hatq- 8.T'u Cudl 'Lul.X

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Bethany I, ~ I Records Preserved on Microfilm U..1Hatq- 8.T'u Cudl 'Lul.X NEWS KENLY,H.C. APR 0297 Bethany I, ~ I records preserved on microfilm U..1hatQ- 8.t'u Cudl 'lUl.x. .11Kenly 1111\ IiIIIIL\ I'l''';''nl. !11"';W- hilled by 1'hc ~'Jllh C4to.1"1~lil~· ~ Co " • -n. Z. \lnIlh Rcy- lit lt~., W'1le hmu r,. vt"ity Ow d\\lrch'" ",,"-.(lll\l from 111'9 to J\W< ha\< bN-n ~l!!!(To'CIIJ • • curn" , 'I"Y an Il'Hctn(tlm •• ..'Id I OOI.iaRorun. 10 die ..h·i on,; l1li1tC'CClttfl ),4", R_ OWndard. \hn'~1101ct lht' N C B;lptl~ lhdoricoIIl C'~IIIC(,UOfl. uid ttw Uat fJmed m: ...d6 would J'Cltft"',. die QOI~ fmID ~l od>Zf l<.Jhll rn Coo y Baptist t 11In;!le!\. Mf WOJIb\I hl~lIC-i IIII ll'!,.:r NC )hl't.i. .. chutdlltoU IJlClud III, "!5NtIIM') 1'r~l"C .11 8lod _ """,,," te ... \lIlRtagC at I II ~ ~ hlltn:~lcd, hlll"h~l1luukS c Illtlli.:t Mt "onJ.,,1 I 911i-7W!IOIW or • I~ 10h,. III 80.,,..,, .....1bIOII :OS.m. ''C %'7109 CLIPPING SERVICE 1115 HILLSBORO IJ. RALEIGH. NC 27603 \i'/ TEL. (919) 833-2079 NEWS KENLY, N.C. APR 02 97 Bethany 8'1{ records preserved on microfilm Bethany Baptist Church outside of Kenly has had its records micro- filmed by The North Carolina His- torical Collection, Z. Smith Rey- nolds Library at Wake Forest Uni- versity. The church's records from 1879 to 1995 have been preserved as a security copy on microfilm in the event something happens to the church's original records. John R. Woodard, director of the N. C. Baptist Historical Collection, said that these filmed records would join those in the collection from 21 other Johnston County Baptist churches. Mr. Woodard invites all other NC Baptist churches includ- ing Missionary, Primitive and Black Baptist churches to take ad- vantage of this free service. Interested churches should contact Mr. Woodard at 910-759-5089 or write to him at Box 777, Winston- Salem, NC 27109. CLIPPING SERVICE 1115 HILLSBORO RALEIGH. NC 27603 (!;/ TEL. (919) 833-2079 HERAlO SMITHFIELD, ,1;i. C. J~ 'i\.:/tot\.bnr- DEC 15 ~5 «: ?-~\ --' .k \;y Bethany Church newsletter By BARBARABATrEN missionary work. The class On December 8, the Baptist members are: Lane Young, Tim- Women of Bethany Baptist my Creech, Stephen Vick, Josh Church had' their annual Brown, Jesse Creech, Winston Cliiistmas party at the home of Meadows, Carrie Hodge, and Rochelle Parrish. The 16 women Ashley Rose. ate goodies and exchanged their The children's Christmas pro- "Secret Pal" Christmas gifts. The gram at Bethany will be held at project of the month was taking 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Thanksgiving baskets to three poinsettia Sunday is December shut-in families and two sun- 24. poinsettia'S may be placed in shine baskets to rest home memory or honor of loved ones by patients. all who wish to participate. On Saturday evening, the Joy- The church expresses Chris- ful-Senior Adult Sunday School tian sympathy to the Sally R. Class held its Christmas party in Whitley family. Others on the' the church fellowship hall. The prayer list include: Ed Pittman, pastor and his wife, Bud and Ro- Bobby Peele, Carol Vick, Eth- chelle Parrish, were honored elsne Brown, Ruth Collier, Carol guests. A covered-dish dinner Bicknell, James Carroll, Billy was served. Games were played, Evans, Mildred Godwin, U.D. songs were sung, and gag gifts Brewer, Venie Whitley, Bobby were given to all 23 persons at- Phillips, and Archie Thome. tending. A beautiful arrangement of red - and white flowers were placed on the altar table in honor of Kuther and Leone Stancil for their 57th wedding anniversary on Decem- ber 3. Flowers were also for Kuther'a 70th birthday, which was December 2. The flowers were placed by their family: Trudy, Gerald, and Kuther Ger- aldMassey. The Rev. L.H. Parrish titled Sunday's sermon "Grace - You Must Accept It." The children were told of "The Book" which serves as a history book, poetry book, and story book -The Bible. The Junior CLass had 100 per- cent attendance for Sunday School. The Beginners, Primary, and Youth A classes each had 99-percent present. Happy birthday to Pete Bizzell and Dana Daughtry. The six members of the Junior Class presented $101.14 to W.M.U. presidents Jewel Brown ~d Vick. Cockrell. The money WIll go into the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to help the church reach its $1,200 goal. R0- chelle Parrish and Teresa Young teaches f?r the class, told th~ congregation how a goal of $75 was set about four months ago Jewel told the young people wa ~ the money could be used throU:h c CLli'PING SERVICE 1115 HILLSBORO RALEIGt'!. NC 27603 e;/ TEL. (919) 833-2079 HERALO SMITHFIELD. N.C. JAN 19 96 t:Rl- ~\ Bethany Church newsletter By BARBARA BATrEN bara Batten. The Rev. L.H. Parrish, pastor The Bethany basketball team of Bethany Baptist Chu¥ began played Tuesday night at Selma a new series Sunday on "FlYing Middle School. ~ith" the Holy Spirit Through Happy Birthday to: Scott Me- Life. On Wednesday evening Allister, Louise Bizzell, Joy Wil- the book of Isaiah is being stud~ loughby, Alice Price, Jesse ied. Creech, Dida Watkins, Cumi The children were told about Smith, Heather Brown, Alpheus earthworms, relating you cannot Cockrell, and Floyd Watkins. tell by an outward appearance Cleo Stancil now resides at the good one can do. Autumn Home Care in Selma. The primary Sunday School Melanie Price fell on the ice class had 100 percent in atten- and suffered back injuries. dance. Sally Creech and Leora Creech The arrangement of yellow and were patients in Johnston Me- fuchsia flowers were placed in morial Hospital. Sandy Bizzell is honor of Jesse Creech for his a patient in Wake Medical Cen- 13th birthday. Flowers were ter. Charles Ray Pope is a patient placed by his parents, Ronald in Duke University Medical Cen- and Jean Creech, and his sister ter. Gwen Creech. ' Sympathy was expressed to The youth met Sunday at the the U.D. Brewer family, the Hel- home of Jesse Creech. Mer the en Woodard family, and the Rog- meeting they held a birthday er Liverman family. party. Others remembered in prayer The deacons and Building and were: Johnny Dale, Viola Deans, Gro~nds Committee met Sunday Sylvester Bass, James Carroll, evemng. Jay Neal, Kathleen Robertson, A display case has been pur- Alpheus and Nellie Cockrell. chased to hold old items used by A thank-you note was read Bethany Church in past years from Jimmy and Alice Price ~o Anyone having items they wish those who helped z.nake their to donate should contact Maggie 50th wedding anmversary a Wheeler, Blanche Bailey, or Bar- memorable day. CLIPPING SERVICE 1115 HILLSBORO IJ./ RALEIGH, NC 27603 \i' TEL. (919) 833.2079 ~"'<&'\O~ \>l~ --$e HERALO SMITHFIELD, N. c. dlJlV 17 9S ~ 11~ ~) Bethany Chureh newsletter By BARBARA BATI'EN were: the Rev. Sam Parrish, who The Rev, L.R. Parrish, pastor had surgery in Wake Medical of~ethapy Baptist Cburch, titl d Center; Billy Evans; Viola Dean." Sun day's sermon "D'Isagree ande Kirby Hicks; Leora Creech; Ar- Press On," It was the ninth III chie Thorne; Eugene Durham; sage from his "Grace of God" es- Mildred Godwin; Phil Willough- ries. Scripture came frora Eph- by; Charles Ray Pope; Joyce sians 4:29-32. e- Price; Aubrey Eason; Johnny The , children were told that Dale; travelers; and our vet- some times we forget cert. erans. thing~, but God never for~~ On Friday, Boy Scout Troop 65 anythmg except our sins if of Bethany went to Bentonville ask for forgiveness. We for a weekend campout. The Cub A Baptism service is sched 1 Scouts went on Saturday morn- for five candidates Sunday. U ed ing. The troops participated with The youth met at the ch other troops, in a lO-mile hike for choir practice on Su ~Ch and five mile hike. All scouts re- afternoon and then went t n thY turned home on Sunday after a home of Timmy Creech for~ ,e windy, rainy, and cold weekend. monthly meeting. Youth Su hdelr Margie Creech, Blanche will be November 26, n ay Bailey, Udell Pender, and Louise A special Thanksgiving Bervi Bizzell went to Biltmore Estates is planned for TueSday even' ce at Ashville on a bus tour. Happy birthday to UdeUl~g, Mildred Godwin is in Wilson der and Tim Parrish on Sen- Memorial Hospital after break- day, atur. ing her hip i~ a fall. Billy Evans Those remembered in remains in Wilson Memorial. praYer "'" HfRALO SMITHFIELD, N.C. AUG J 1 95 -sQnf\tQ+of\ ~}-Pc- -;J>f\ '__ , ~) ethany Baptist Church newsletter By BARBARA BATTEN tending should b . d a sleeping Whitley, Peggy Higgins, Mary The Rev. L.H. Parrish, pastor bag. tin" Lee, Kate Batten, Larry Gibson, of~ethany Baptist Churc~ titled The nominatingcoII1II1ittee will and Billy Evans were on the Sunday's sermon ''This ritical meet soon to elect sunday School prayer list. Hour." teachers and om erS for the Bud and Rochelle Parrish 1995.96 churchy ic The Joyful-Senior Adult Class placed a basket of white spider Nettie Edwardea~ll celebrate held an ice cream social Sunday mums on the altar table in honor her 90th birthda s froII1 2 till 4 afternoon at the home of Ed and of the birthday of their son Brent. p.m. Sunday, Sept II1ber3 in the Esther Pittman. The 18 guests Happy birthday to Angie Bick- fellow~hip hall. Her children, had a class meeting, elected offi- nell and Chris Creech.
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