c/o Spire View Cotts Lane Tilney All Saints King’s Lynn PE34 4SL Dear Recipient,

An Open Letter re Hillsborough, police corruption, an Establishment cover-up and me I do apologise for the use of the word ‘recipient’. It is not out of a lack of respect but rather because of the ‘Open’ status I have accorded to this letter. In compiling this document, I specifically refer to the House of Lords discussion on the inquest verdicts at Hillsborough and a similar discussion in the House of Commons on 27 April 2016. It is my intention in this document to provide a brief analysis of the modus operandi of the “Establishment cover-up” (as described by Joanna Cherry QC, MP and Lord Paddick, former Assistant Commissioner of Scotland Yard) and then to link it to the same Establishment involved in a “…cover-up of child abuse in Lambeth Council…” (retired DCI Clive Driscoll, Scotland Yard) and the substantial human rights abuses of me and my innocent family members. It is also my intention to secure a result similar to that achieved by the Hillsborough families: (i) vindication of any wrong-doing on my part; (ii) criminal convictions of corrupt State officials; (iii) redress for my significant losses.

Article 3 Official Complaint It is necessary for the sake of full transparency and because it has a tremendous bearing on this case, for me to inform the Reader that on 31 December 2013 I issued an Official Complaint against HM Government under Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) for having been subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment meted out to me by various agencies of State including – but not limited to: (i) Lambeth Council; (ii) The Metropolitan Police Service (“the MPS”); (iii) Essex Constabulary; (iv) Norfolk Constabulary; (v) Bexley Council; (vi) Off Centre Counselling in Hackney; (vii) the Probation Service; (viii) the Prison Service; (ix) et al. Naturally I reserve all of my Rights – and my family’s Rights – against all of those agencies of State mentioned above, together with other organisations or individuals. As most readers of this Open Letter will be aware of, there are no possible derogations from Article 3, not even in war-time.

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However, whilst Prime Minister ’s office acknowledged receipt of my Official Complaint (copied to HM the Queen and others), the Government’s response was not positive as it is meant to be under the rule of law, but decidedly negative. Its course of conduct amounted to not only “harassment and persecution” (retired DCI Clive Driscoll1) but also to automatic breaches of Article 3 and other European Convention Rights, including, but not limited to, breaches of Article 5 (the Right to Liberty), Article 6 (the Right to a Fair Trial), Article 8 (the Right to Privacy and Family Life), Article 10 (the Right to Freedom of Expression), Article 11 (the Right to Free Association), Article 13 (the Right to an Effective Remedy), Protocol 1 Article 1 (the Right to peaceful enjoyment of property). Some of the negative responses include – but are not limited to – the following:

(i) further unwarranted defamation; (ii) the bringing of three further criminal cases; (iii) illegal imprisonment (including 10 prisons in 12 weeks in 2014); (iv) illegal imprisonment for 24 months in 2015 for an alleged breach of a Restraining Order unlawfully issued on 01 November 2011; (v) being made homeless; (vi) refusal to quash obviously “unsafe” convictions: a. alleged incitement of a 14-year-old female who never existed; b. alleged harassment of my daughter by sending her a letter about police corruption and my granddaughter by sending her a birthday card; c. and others including “Impersonating a Barrister” (when I have never spoken on another person’s behalf in Court), “criminal damage” against a car when I was not informed of a trial date; “threats against the person” (added at the trial for criminal damage); breaches of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (when I am not a sex offender) et al; (vii) banned from the entire London Borough of Bexley; (viii) the imposition of two further gagging orders; (ix) refusal to allow me to travel abroad for a holiday; (x) 3 unwarranted stop and searches by the Police in the 4 weeks following my release from illegal incarceration; (xi) unwarranted visits from the Public Protection Unit (who never bring any documentation with them or ever take notes – refer to Appendices: draft witness statement from Philippa Bensley, former landlady); (xii) being given two separate prison numbers; (xiii) unlawful police national computer (PNC) records being created against me (including a false record containing a list of rapes and other sexual offences against underage females when I have never been arrested, charged, Indicted, sentenced for these – so why did Scotland Yard create this false record?); (xiv) as far away from achieving justice for me and family as ever.

Hillsborough As a Liverpool FC fan, I attended the match on 15 April 1989. In 1986 I had had my first book published: Liverpool: A Complete Record 1892-1986 and that book had taken me 20 years to research.

1 09 March 2015 in a meeting with Brian Pead (William Brian Freeman) and Michael Bird, co-authors of the banned book from Hillsborough to Lambeth. The meeting took place at the Port Jackson public house in Bishop’s Stortford, Essex. Minutes were recorded and shared. Page 2 of 71

I witnessed the horror of Hillsborough and closely followed the Establishment’s handling of the aftermath. It was obvious to me – and to so many others – that various agencies of State were culpable of ‘wrong-doing’ and criminal activity. Indeed, Professor Phil Scraton2 of the University of Belfast, draws attention to the ‘failings’ by the ambulance service and that the always knew the Truth about Hillsborough but, for politically expedient reasons, deliberately caused obfuscation and emotional pain by disseminating disinformation. Lies: Hillsborough David Conn3 () referred to “…vile lies perpetrated by the police about innocent people’s behaviour…”4 He said that there was a demonstrable “…cover-up by the police…” and that they created a false narrative to deflect public attention away from wrong-doing by South Yorkshire Police and Council and other agencies of State. Lies: Brian Pead Just as in Hillsborough, the police (the Metropolitan Police Service, Essex Constabulary and Norfolk Constabulary) perpetuated – and continue to perpetuate – lies about me in order to create a false narrative which included, but is not limited to: (i) labelling me a sex offender; (ii) lying to my family; (iii) lying to my work colleagues; (iv) promulgating disinformation about me via the internet and traditional press; (v) defaming me; (vi) attempting to denigrate my research; (vii) banning my book entitled from Hillsborough to Lambeth; (viii) creating further spurious charges against me; (ix) et al.

Raison d’être for Hillsborough It is now established that various agencies of State created a false narrative about Hillsborough in order to cover up its own wrong-doing and Professor Scraton refers to “…systemic failures beyond the police … going right to the heart of government …to the Home Office…” Lord Falconer of Thoroton5 stated in the House of Lords6 that “…the media colluded with the police in

2 Phil Scraton is Professor of Criminology in the Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice, School of Law, Queen's University, Belfast, where he is Director of the Childhood, Transition and Social Justice Initiative. He has held recent visiting scholarships at Monash University, Melbourne and Sydney Law School, University of Sydney. Source: < http://hillsborough.independent.gov.uk/the-independent-panel/phil-scraton/>

3 David Conn is a sports writer for the Guardian. He writes predominantly on football. 4 Hillsborough: The Truth, Radio5Live, 27 April 2016, 7pm 5 The Rt Hon. the Lord Falconer of Thoroton was born Charles Falconer on 19 November 1951 , and is a Labour Life peer sitting in the House of Lords since 14 May 1997. Lord Falconer of Thoroton is currently Shadow Lord Chancellor and Shadow Secretary of State for Justice, an opposition position he has held since May 2015. In the past, Lord Falconer of Thoroton has held the position of Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice (2007 to 2007), Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and Lord Chancellor (2003 to 2007), Minister of State (Home Office) (Criminal Justice System) (2002 to 2003), Minister of State (Department of Transport, Local Government and Regions) (Housing & Planning) (2001 to 2002) in government. Source: < http://myparliament.info/Member/2758> 6 Hansard, Volume 771, 27 April 2016 Page 3 of 71 smearing the families…”, while Lord Alton of Liverpool7 referred to the “…subversion of the justice system…” and “…a denial of criminal responsibility…” Indeed, it worth reading Lord Alton’s speech in its entirety as published in Hansard: “…My Lords, during the 27 years that have elapsed since the Hillsborough disaster, the double spectre of loss and injustice has hung over the people of Liverpool. Among the 96 who died were former constituents of mine, including a child. Those deaths of loved ones were compounded by the denial of criminal negligence, callous indifference, the subversion of our justice system, collective character assassination and demonisation. If the Minister has had a chance to read the material I sent him this morning, including the letter I sent before the game was played at Hillsborough which questioned the safety of the ground, he will realise that there are still many unanswered questions. I would be grateful if he told us more about the timetabling of the continuing inquiry, which is being held with great diligence and meticulousness at Warrington; I have had a chance to visit it and talk to the people about the way they are going about their work. Will he also answer the question which the noble Viscount, Lord Hailsham, put to him a few moment (sic) ago about the further judicial proceedings that will be necessary and the timetabling for decisions? We certainly cannot wait another three decades…” The emphasis above is mine. It is now a matter of the public record that the negative acts and omissions by the police and other agencies of State were driven by the need to cover up their own wrong-doing at Hillsborough. This behaviour has been mirrored in my life and the lives of my innocent family. Raison d’être for Brian Pead Just as occurred at Hillsborough, the State created a false narrative about me in order to cover up its own wrong-doing. What, you may ask, was the wrong-doing? As the Head Teacher of a Pupil Referral Unit known as the Open Learning Centre for Vocational Studies (described by independent researchers from King’s College, London as “the best PRU in London”), I had occasion to dismiss a white South African female teacher for , bullying and racism. I followed all of Lambeth Council’s procedures and Lord Alton will know that, having been in teaching for three or four decades, that the procedures are set out clearly. Within a fortnight of my dismissing this teacher, I was unlawfully suspended by Lambeth Council (without being given reasons why), my office was ransacked and all files removed and the female was re-instated to work in an all-girls’ school in Norwood (Lambeth). A full account of this episode can be found in my book from Hillsborough to Lambeth8. This book was unlawfully banned at the High Court in 2013, in a Hearing which did not follow the pre-action protocols for injunctions and which was, in any event, a complete “…subversion of the justice system…” (Lord Alton of Liverpool).

7 Teacher 1972-74, teacher of children with special needs 1974-79; cncllr Liverpool City Cncl 1972-80 (dep ldr Cncl 1978- 79, chm Housing Ctee 1978-79), nat pres Nat League of Young Liberals 1979; MP (Lib): Liverpool Edge Hill March 1979- 83, Liverpool Mossley Hill 1983-97; chm Lib Pty Standing Ctee (Policy) 1980-81, memb Select Ctee on the Environment 1981-85, Lib chief whip 1985-87, Lib and Alliance spokesman on NI 1986-87; sits as Ind cross-bench peer in House of Lords; Source: 8 from Hillsborough to Lambeth, Brian Pead and Michael Bird, Invenire Press, 2012 Page 4 of 71

It is accepted wisdom that no government would seek to ban the publication and distribution of any book unless it poses a major threat – no government bans books which are fatuous or contain nonsensical material. Furthermore, I was sentenced to a month’s imprisonment in Pentonville for alleged Contempt of Court for failing to remove all traces of the book from the internet – as if I am capable of policing the entire worldwide web. The co-author, Michael Bird, did not face committal proceedings in yet another abuse of process – a further “…subversion of the justice system…” Who brought these committal proceedings? Lambeth Council. Criminal record checks On BBC Radio5Live on 27 April 2016 (and previously elsewhere), Professor Scraton stated that the police checked the criminal records of all those who died at Hillsborough as a precursor to them attempting to blame the fans for their own deaths. It will horrify Lord Alton and other peers who have been in the teaching profession to learn that in 2007, Rosa Vaz of Lambeth Human Resources, stated “…We do not check the criminal records of all overseas and foreign teachers as a matter of course…” This policy leads the reasonable person as defined by the Courts to question the ability of Lambeth Council to protect children in its care in schools. It is now public knowledge that it failed children in its care homes and I refer the reader to the work of the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association9 (SOSA) which has over 600 members. Of course, not everyone abused in care at Lambeth will be a member of SOSA, and the number of abused children is likely to be significantly larger than the six hundred members. With regard to the police checking my criminal convictions after I “blew the whistle on child abuse in Lambeth in 2006, they will have found a clean record, so they set about creating a “false narrative” (Conn, Scraton et al) in order to demonise me and divert attention from their own wrong-doing. The creation of a false narrative appears to be a default position of any agency of State when it is confronted with its own criminal acts. Statements changed at Hillsborough It is a matter of the public record that a substantial number of witness statements were altered by senior police officers involved at Hillsborough. The altering of one statement is one too many. Exacerbating this criminal activity – and let’s make no mistake that these were fraudulent acts - was the fact that the police forged the signatures on some of those witness statements. Indeed, Professor Scraton stated that one senior police officer when commenting upon alterations to his witness statement said, “…It’s my signature, but I didn’t put it there…” Further evidence, of course, of a grim determination by higher-ranking police officers to cover-up their mistakes. Statements changed with Brian Pead I have considerable evidence in my possession of similar criminal activity being perpetuated against me. On one occasion, for example, the police claimed that I had signed a ‘Harassment Warning Notice’ allegedly pertaining to my daughter and son-in-law and grandchildren. For the avoidance of doubt, I have never been served with a harassment warning notice, not signed one and, in any event, my family members have never made complaints about me to the Police. Just as with Hillsborough, this documentation was fraudulent.

9 Page 5 of 71

On another occasion, when Lowestoft Police called me to say that my nephew, Shaun Pead, had allegedly threatened me with physical violence (he hadn’t), I wrote to Suffolk Police requesting full disclosure. I received back a letter from someone purporting to be a PC Testoni of Lowestoft Police on blank paper. For the avoidance of doubt, the reply ought to have been typed on Suffolk Police branded letter-headed paper. I note that Professor Scraton said the same had occurred at Hillsborough. As Lord Paddick10 stated in the House of Lords11: “…the Police attempted to protect their reputation with a cover-up […] a cover-up may be prevalent across all police forces…” I have other letters in my possession which appear at first glance to be genuine, but which, upon closer inspection, are not. Indeed, in 2013, I was taken to Woolwich by the MPS for an alleged breach of a Sexual Offences prevention Order (SOPO). I am not a sex offender; nor had I breached the bogus SOPO. I was able to demonstrate – whilst being forced to represent myself with less than 24 hours’ notice (another instance of Lord Alton’s “subversion of the justice system”) – that the MPS had created false documentation against me and that PC John Brown (Bexley) had lied under oath in a criminal trial. Whilst Judge Amy Robinson eventually dismissed the case on the grounds that it was “…palpably clear that the officer was lying and that he had entered false evidence into court…” against me, she took no action against the officer or Bexley Police or the Crown Prosecution Service for obvious failures. These are the “…systemic failures…” referred to by Professor Scraton and the lack of “…moral culpability…” referred to by Lord Ahmad12 of Wimbledon et al. We should remind ourselves that Lord Ahmad served as school governor of the Wimbledon Park Primary school from 2001 to 2006 and that he is described as the Lords’ Whip in the Ministry of Justice. He is superbly placed to acknowledge the wrong-doing at Lambeth in dismissing me unlawfully and in re-instating a female teacher previously dismissed for child grooming, bullying and racism. He is also well placed to understand the depth of the subversion of the justice system in order to attempt to defame me further. With regard to the culpability of the police, Lord Faulkner of Worcester – known for his work on the issue of human rights - asked the House: “…Does the Minister agree that what has made the victims’ families’ agony so much more unbearable has been the refusal by the South Yorkshire police force, consistently over the last 27 years, up to and including the period of the inquest itself, to put up their hands up and admit that they were at fault? …”

Scotland Yard continues to this day to refuse to “…put their hands up…” and admit that they are at fault in persecuting me and my family against all notion of Justice. Professor Scraton adds:

10 Lord Paddick joined the Lords on 12 September 2013. He lists his interests as crime, civil law, justice and rights. Source: www.parliament.uk/biographies/lords/lord-paddick 11 Hansard, 27 April 2016, volume 771 12 The Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon was born Tariq Ahmad on 03 April 1968 , and is a Conservative Life peer sitting in the House of Lords since 13 January 2011. Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon is currently Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Department for Transport) (Jointly with the Home Office), a government position he has held since May 2015. Source: < http://myparliament.info/member/4210> Page 6 of 71

“…There are moments you literally do not believe your eyes when investigating…” and I fully subscribe to that view. It is, of course, all part of the ‘Big Lie’13. The police keep repeating that I am a sex offender in the hope that it will be believed. The lie is perpetuated, of course, to disguise their own offending in this area. In the House of Lords’ response to the Hillsborough verdicts, Lord Storey14 – in a career spanning 40 years in teaching and the Liberal Democrat Principal Spokesperson for Education – said that “…Much is owed to those who researched the evidence…” and whilst the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association have thanked me for my research and exposure of child abuse in Lambeth, it appears that the police are still in ‘default mode’ and still attempting to cling to the notion that I am (i) a sex offender and (ii) someone who needs monitoring. I am neither, but the ‘public protection’ ruse is merely a thinly-disguised form of social control of someone Scotland Yard has “…flagged up as a major threat to the police because of your research and books…” This comment was made by retired Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll (formerly of Scotland Yard) on 09 March 2015, just 10 days prior to my illegal incarceration for 24 months (serve 12 in prison, 12 on licence – another form of my social control). For the avoidance of doubt and for the sake of full transparency, I have included a copy of the Minutes of that meeting in the Appendices. Legal representation It has been shown that the Hillsborough families attempted to seek legal representation in order to achieve Justice and that they did not – initially at least – receive the “…quality legal representation…” mentioned by Lord Ahmad. I, too, received inferior quality representation (if any at all – all too often I was forced, against the rule of law, to defend myself) and on several occasions where I did receive legal representation it was obviously inadequate and I dismissed solicitors and barristers (I actually believe that the provision of inferior quality legal representation was, in and of itself, the game being played out by the chess grandmasters at the Home Office in the sure knowledge that I would dismiss the legal representatives and be forced to defend myself. But I will not dwell on this subject.) I return, instead, again to the comments of Lord Falconer: “…What steps is the Government going to take to make sure families are not left ‘outgunned’?...” It is a fundamental principle of law that there ought to be ‘equality of arms’ in any legal case. All too often, this is not the reality and this naturally causes the reasonable person as defined by the courts to cast considerable doubt on the quality and efficiency of the justice system in and Wales. As Lord Falconer stated: “…our institutions failed the families time and time again…” during this (Lord Storey) “…monstrous cover-up…” at Hillsborough. Legal representation: Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer We pause at this moment in order to make an additional point.

13 Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, said: “…If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State…” 14 Lord Storey Page 7 of 71

I am in the fortunate position of having been asked by Norfolk farmer Tony Martin to write his autobiography which will, naturally, include his trial in 1999 for alleged murder. On several occasions Mr Martin has said that he values my research skills and dedication to Truth and Justice. In the 3 years that I have known him, Mr Martin often refers to the term ‘legal engineering’ which I think is most apt. The families at Hillsborough suffered originally from this as lies were created alongside the Truth in attempts to obfuscate. There is no doubt that Tony Martin did not receive a fair trial and my forthcoming book will demonstrate this. There is no doubt that the Hillsborough families did not receive fair Hearings until Lord Wills, a former Minister of State for Justice, became involved in helping to establish the Hillsborough Independent Panel. We should not, of course, forget the excellent work of Andy Burnham, MP for Leigh (and not, therefore, the elected MP for the Hillsborough families) and others in establishing the HIP. There is no doubt that I have never received Justice in my six bogus trials – all brought against me after the age of 53 (by which time I had a clear record) and after I had exposed child abuse in Lambeth Council. The author George Orwell – in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four – wrote that Doublethink is the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct: “…The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth…” It is self-evident that the ‘justice system’ does the same and it is clear that the police and the CPS hold contradictory beliefs simultaneously – knowing a defendant’s innocence, yet inexorably progressing towards an ‘unsafe’ conviction – but it will cloud the issue in certain circumstances by promoting the opposite view: the innocent man is guilty because in finding him guilty we can divert attention away from ourselves. This is not Justice but merely an echo of a Kafka-esque legal landscape. It has no relationship with the rule of law. It is, to quote Tony Martin, “…nothing more than legal engineering…” At this point I shall refer to Madsen Pirie15 of the Adam Smith Institute16. In his book How to Win Every Argument: the use and abuse of logic17 the President of the Institute wrote that there is no such concept as a corrupt State, only corrupt people working within the State. It will come as no surprise to the reader that I wholeheartedly concur with Mr Pirie. And, whether they like it or not, these corrupt individuals are

15 Dr Madsen Pirie is President of the Adam Smith Institute, and was one of three Scots graduates working in the US who founded the Institute in 1977. Before that, Madsen worked for the House of Representatives in Washington DC, and was Distinguished Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Hillsdale College in Michigan. Source: 16 The Adam Smith Institute describes itself thus: The Adam Smith Institute is one of the world’s leading think tanks, ranked 3rd in the world among Domestic Policy Economic Think Tanks by the University of Pennsylvania. Independent, non-profit and non-partisan, we work to promote free market, classical liberal ideas through research, publishing, media outreach, and education. The Institute is at the forefront of making the case for free markets and a free society in the . Source: 17 How to Win Every Argument: the use and abuse of logic, Pirie, M, Bloomsbury, London, 2015 Page 8 of 71

“…morally culpable…” (Lord Ahmad). Whether they are prosecuted remains to be seen, because these corrupt individuals tend to have installed equally corrupt individuals within the police, CPS and the entire legal system. Justice delayed is justice denied This legal maxim illustrates that if legal redress is available for a party that has suffered some injury, but it is not forthcoming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no redress at all. It is in the public domain that the families at Hillsborough had to wait 27 years for a proper verdict and it is evident that any criminal prosecutions and eventually compensation are still some way off – of course, no amount of reparation will ever equate to the loss of the lives of loved ones. The “Justice delayed is Justice denied” maxim was adopted by the families involved in the Hillsborough disaster. It is a maxim which I also adopt for both me and my family members, who have had to bear the accusations that I am a paedophile for almost a decade whilst the paedophile senior police officers, judges and others (including Members of Parliament according to the investigations of DCI Driscoll and Tom Pettifor18 of the Daily Mirror19.) Indeed, the day after the Mirror referred to “paedophile MPs” on its front cover, I was unlawfully incarcerated in Pentonville Prison on a bogus charge of contempt of court in a Hearing which did not follow due process. The reader has free reign on whether he or she chooses to ‘join the dots’. On 16 March 2015 – just three days before I was unlawfully remanded into custody for 12 months – the ran a further headline reading: Scotland Yard being investigated over explosive claims it covered up child sexual abuse by senior politicians. Again, I leave the reader to draw his or her own conclusions since it is not for me to comment on either the remarkable synchronicity of such headlines always coinciding with periods of incarceration for me or whether there is any merit in the headlines themselves. Lord Ahmad stated in the House of Lords “…One would have hoped that the South Yorkshire Police would have accepted responsibility without question…” and all right-thinking people would, I believe, concur with that view. The Home Secretary, Theresa May – who now refuses to respond to my polite letters - added: “…the delay of 27 years ensured that the suffering of families was exacerbated by facing hostility instead of acting in the public interest. No-one should have to endure that long; no-one should have to fight year after year, decade after decade for the Truth…” And, of course, no-one should have to wait for Justice. In relation to Hillsborough, her comments are most apt. In relation to me and my beloved family, mere empty rhetoric. As long ago as 20 August 2012, human rights journalist Alasdair Palmer20 of sent me an email: “Alasdair Palmer August 20, 2012

18 Tom Pettifor is the Daily Mirror’s chief crime correspondent 19 On 26 March 2013, the Mirror ran a front page headline reading: Paedo MP cover-up claim: Top cop removed from abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects. 20 Alasdair Palmer is the Sunday Telegraph’s Public Policy Editor. Among the topics he writes about are crime, immigration, the police, social services, justice and the incompetence of state and other authorities.

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to Brian Pead Dear Brian, First, I must apologise for taking so long to get back to you. I have a lot of excuses, but none of them are any good, so the best thing I can do is just say sorry. Second, I found your material extremely interesting. It is clear to me that you were indeed the victim of an injustice, as you maintain…” [The emphasis is mine] For the sake of full transparency, the email is of greater length than the extract I have copied. However, the remainder of the email adds nothing to the very clear statement by Mr Palmer that he knew that I was, of course, innocent of the alleged crime of the incitement of a non-existent 14-year-old girl after I uncovered an illegal sting operation being used by the police. I had given some of the papers in the case to Mr Palmer, he reviewed them, no doubt with members of the paper’s legal team, and replied with an email. When I asked for Mr Palmer to attend as a witness at my trial in July 2015 (just a few months after the Daily Mirror headlines about ‘paedo MPs’) for alleged breaches of a Restraining Order issued in error in 2011, the trial judge refused me permission to call Mr Palmer. The intelligent reader will realise that not only was that an abuse of process in and of itself, but also that the July 2015 trial was as much of a sham as the Southwark trial in 2009. Why, then, have I had to suffer the indignity of unlawful incarceration; why have I had to suffer being labelled a ‘sex offender’ when a journalist (and others) can see the Truth? It is clear that my human rights – and those of my family – are being abused to cover up wrongdoing by others: whether they be senior police officers, Lambeth councillors, judges or MPs. The reader is, as always, free to form his or her own conclusions. But respected journalist Alasdair Palmer is not the only ‘ordinary citizen’ who recognises my innocence. I introduce the Reader to retired police constable Rodney Gooderson. Mr Gooderson was the former beat officer for Tony Martin and in the course of my writing Mr Martin’s autobiography, I met the retired PC on three occasions. I left him with a copy of my book FRAMED! and whilst I was unlawfully incarcerated, I received a letter from him21 in which he confirmed that he had read the book and he added the following comments: “…What better way is there to cloud the issue than discrediting the whistle-blower? With regard to your conviction for incitement, I am convinced that the facts have been manipulated to label you a sex-offender and further discredit you. The elements of the offence were not there…” The emphasis is mine. As the great writer Maya Angelou once said: “…There’s a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure truth…” Thankfully, Mr Gooderson was able to differentiate between ‘facts’ and the Truth. Thus we have a human rights journalist and a retired Police Constable who can ‘see the Truth’. We had Marcia Weise – a legal representative at Charing Cross police station on 04 June 2008 – declaring “…You have been intelligent enough to out-sting an illegal police sting operation, and they will be out to get you…” (Emphasis mine.)

21 Letter from Rodney Gooderson to prisoner A9705DE dated 12 May 2015 Page 10 of 71

We have my friend Graham Dean, a teacher with more than three decades of experience and a Head of Year (with all the responsibility that that entails) stating in a witness statement in 2009 – which my corrupt barrister failed to adduce in court – that: “…My name is Graham Dean and I am 54 years of age and have been a teacher for the past 24 years and am currently Head of Year, a post held now for 7 years. I have known Mr Brian Pead for approximately 26 years meeting at Avery Hill Teacher Training College. We were introduced by another student who shared the same Hall of Residence with Brian. Brian was very helpful in my settling into the Halls of Residence. After we had both left college I spent some time - at least nine months sharing a flat with him. During this period, Sorrell (sic), Brian's daughter, would often visit and he would help her with her homework. On a number of occasions she would stay over and if I had been out for the evening would come home and find him sleeping on the lounge ‘put you up’ whilst she had his bedroom. Brian was a devoted father and very proud of her. Once I eventually moved into my own home Brian gave up time to help with the construction of a garage and conservatory. Brian also came on at least one of our school outdoor weekends away when students were introduced to climbing and caving. The school has its own outdoor centre and I had no hesitation in inviting Brian along. Brian, myself and other colleagues from my school also enjoyed holidays in Spain and on the isle of Aran (sic). Brian was and still is a person who generally gets on well with whoever he meets. He is articulate and good company. Throughout our friendship I have never had any concerns about him around young children or minors. Until recently I also got the impression he was a proud grandfather taking an active interest in his grandchildren’s development. That relationship was put under considerable strain by the allegations. I have always found Brian to be philosophical about life and always looking for ways to improve his ‘lot’. Brian has always shown dedication to any project he has taken on - not always successfully - but always willing to learn from the experience. He will pick himself up and try something else. I have always admired his tenacity and zest for life. As part of this he was also training to be a counsellor, a role I felt he would have had many attributes for. Brian has always shown an interest in people and as far as I am concerned has always been very open about his own life with all its ups and downs. I have had no hesitation in inviting him to social events where young people are to be present. In fact no such thoughts of child protection issues have passed through my mind. From what Brian has explained about the circumstances of the allegations the whole thing appears bizarre and ludicrous...”

Furthermore, in another witness statement – also not adduced in court by my defence counsel – a firefighter friend wrote:

“...Name: Mr David Cox Occupation: Firefighter I first met Mr Pead through my father some 17 years ago. My father was looking for an English Tutor, and saw Mr Pead's advert My wife was thinking of writing a book, and my father put us on to Mr Pead to seek his advice.

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I later joined a local darts team, of which both my father and Mr Pead were members. Mr Pead and I became friends during this time before the team disbanded, some 7 years later. During the ’90s, I was offered an investment opportunity in a new company being set up by Mr Pead and his then partner, Ms Armin. I agreed and we worked together on this project for two years but, unfortunately, the company went into Liquidation. Since then, Mr Pead and I kept in touch, but had not met on a regular basis until last May, when I commenced work on a new-build in his vicinity, and offered him work at various stages of the project. In all the time that I have known Mr Pead, both socially and professionally, he has always conducted himself with the utmost integrity. He has never been underhand in his dealings with either his colleagues or business associates, and at no time has anything in his speech, manner or action ever given me cause for concern with regard to either his trustworthiness or the direction of his moral compass. Regarding the charges levelled against Mr Pead, I cannot give them credence, as I do not believe Mr Pead would ever knowingly consider such an act. He has always been a very sociable individual who has been a member of the local Round Table, and is now a qualified Councillor (sic). He has been a teacher for many years, and to the best of my knowledge has never had his conduct with any of his pupils, clients or members of the public bought into question. This is obviously a very distressing time for Mr Pead. Since disclosing this situation to me, he has become much more reserved in my company, and it is obvious to me that this whole situation has taken its toll. I trust that this matter will soon be resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned…”

Yet the authorities continue to ‘take me off the street’ at will and imprison me on further bogus charges. Now, why would a government go to such extreme lengths? Let us imagine for one moment that I had attempted to secure sexual favours from a 14-year-old female. The trial judge – overseeing a clearly bogus trial not conducted under the rule of law – had stated that I had not attempted to meet this ‘person’ and that I had provided three false mobile phone numbers during my investigations: hardly the actions of someone attempting to procure sex from anybody, let alone a minor. But let’s assume that I had meant to procure sex from this person. It is hardly credible that a government would seek to destroy me in the way that it has, and infiltrate every aspect of my life since 2006 when I blew the whistle on child abuse in Lambeth Council had I been guilty of such a relatively minor crime. Murderers and rapists of real children do not have their lives interfered with in this way, so the intelligent and reasonable person is forced to ask why the government has gone to such extreme lengths to destroy an innocent whistle-blower. Why would a government continue to breach my Article 3 Rights under the ECHR? Why would the government infiltrate the lives of my daughter and grandchildren and breach our Article 8 Rights under the in order to silence me? One of the reasons is that the State – or, more accurately according to Madsen Pirie and me – corrupt individuals of State, can buy time, just as they did at Hillsborough: time enables wrong-doers to retire, or be moved sideways, or leave an organisation altogether, or, in some cases die with their secrets with them. Time is used by those in power to frustrate the victims of the State’s abuses of process and misuse of power. I am being deemed guilty to assuage the guilt of high ranking police officers (just as with Hillsborough) and local council officers (just as with Hillsborough) and others. Like the Hillsborough families I have had to fight for Justice. Corrupt State officials ensured that I could not be supported by others: they labelled me as a sex offender in order to marginalise me from society and my family. For example, my daughter was being made a Director of her husband’s garage business

Page 12 of 71 on the same day that I was standing trial for harassment of her. A rather odd coincidence perhaps. A mere accident of fate. Until you dig a little deeper and come to learn that the Metropolitan Police Service is a client of the garage business of which my daughter is now a Director. Strange how she was never made a Director in 1996 when she was in a relationship with my son-in-law, or in 1998 upon the birth of their first child, or in 2008 upon their marriage. This is just one example of how corrupt State officials will infiltrate every aspect of a person’s life when it suits them. I have had to fight for Truth and Justice for a decade. My family, my career, my house, my good name have been taken from me by corrupt officials of the State and I have often been forced to fight alone. However, Andy Burnham, MP did write to me in 2012 stating that he had read my book from Hillsborough to Lambeth “…with great interest. I commend your fight for justice…” Notice the date of that letter – four years ago. It arrived just three months after the Alasdair Palmer email. There can be no doubt, therefore, that various agents of State fully recognise my innocence but that, in an act of ‘Doublethink’, they withhold delivering Justice in a deliberate ploy to buy time to further discredit me and buy time in which other corrupt agents can either retire, or be moved away from the centre of the fire. Here we are, almost halfway through 2016 and still my convictions have not been quashed, still I am separated from my beloved family, and still I have not had redress for my losses. The agents of State have failed to house me and are attempting to ‘run me out of money’ and I live under the daily threat of a recall to prison by corrupt officials who will claim that I have ‘breached’ my licence and create documentation to support those spurious claims, just as with Hillsborough. My local MP – Sir Henry Bellingham knighted halfway through my most recent prison sentence – has finally admitted that I should never have gone to prison and that I am innocent of the convictions which lie on the record against me. I have, for the sake of full transparency, included a copy of the Minutes of my meeting with him on 15 April 2016, the 27th anniversary of Hillsborough in the Appendices. As Lord Ahmad said, “…It is unacceptable to wait for Justice…” and as the Home Secretary said in the House of Commons on 27 April 2016: “…Why have the families had to wait for 27 years?...” The answer is, of course, obvious: corrupt officials of State – and we cannot rule out Members of Parliament along with senior police officers – ensured that the families were kept waiting so that other wrong-doing could be buried. Be in no doubt that the families were made to wait by the acts and omissions of corrupt State officials.

Suffering of my family My innocent family has suffered in a number of ways. These include – but are not limited to – the following: (i) their father and grandfather being wrongly labelled a sex offender; (ii) enforced separation by State officials; (iii) my daughter threatened by Bexley Social Services to remove her children if she had any further contact with me; (iv) my then 12-year-old granddaughter being used as a decoy to rationalise my unlawful incarceration in maximum security prison, Belmarsh, in 2011 on a charge of the witness intimidation of my granddaughter who has never been a witness in any trial or hearing; (v) harassment warning notices issued as if they originated from my family members;

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(vi) family members told not to attend court to support me; (vii) reading lies promulgated by Scotland Yard and the Home Office/MI5; (viii) et al.

Enforced separation has been written about at length by John Bowlby et al. It is, without question, a form of bereavement and me, my daughter and grandchildren have all been forced to suffer. The families of those who died at Hillsborough will never see their loved ones again and I do not possess the vocabulary to describe that pain. However, the pain of enforced separation by agents of the State upon a family are catastrophic. I have never moved away from my stated aim of being re-united with my family once they have learned the Truth and they should learn the Truth as a consequence of this document. After all, as the learned Lords and the Commoners stated: “…No-one should have to wait for Justice…” At this point, I will provide a brief history of the enforced separation between me and my family. I provide this to illustrate the extreme depths to which some agents of State will sink in order to cover-up wrongdoing by other agents of State. Having obtained a Restraining Order against me outside of the rule of law on 01 November 2011 preventing me from contact with my beloved daughter and grandchildren, the police were grimly determined to create separation between me and my family in a game of psychological and emotional warfare. I refer the Reader at this point to the comments of retired DCI Driscoll on 09 March 2015: “…8. CD stated that WBF was “…flagged up at Scotland Yard as being a major threat because of your research and books…” and that WBF had been “…subjected to a sustained period of persecution by the Met as a direct consequence of this…” I was returned to Court in July 2015 – whilst being unlawfully held on Remand – for 5 alleged breaches of that Restraining Order by sending Christmas and birthday cards to my family members on the suggestion of my MP – himself a barrister in civil law. Indeed, it was the office of the MP himself who actually sent the cards, so his culpability is evident. In any event, the cards never reached my daughter or grandchildren. In a quite remarkably evil action, the Metropolitan Police Service conditioned my son-in-law to attend the Inner London Crown Court (ILCC) in July 2015 against me without the knowledge of his wife and children. (The astute Reader will recall that he owns a garage repairing gearboxes and that the MPS is his most lucrative customer.) How desperate must corrupt agents of State be in order to manipulate family members one against the other and outside of the rule of law? Much has - rightly – been made about the suffering of the Hillsborough families, but my family has suffered beyond compare. My family is also living a daily lie about me in the knowledge that I am still alive (that knowledge is presumed and not verified.) Like the Hillsborough families, my family has had to live with lies generated and promulgated by the Establishment in an attempt to cover-up child abuse and their own wrong-doing. Like the Hillsborough families, my family has had to live with the pain of loss and separation. Like the Hillsborough families, the police created a false narrative. Like the Hillsborough families, witness statements were altered to fit that false narrative. Like the Hillsborough families, the police have been in denial when their own evil actions were brought to their attention. Like the Hillsborough families, the victims have been blamed when innocent. Page 14 of 71

Like the Hillsborough families, the Home Office knew the Truth from the beginning about my alleged offending. Like the Hillsborough families, a systemic failure beyond the police went right to the heart of government … to the Home Office. Like the Hillsborough families, my family has suffered the indignity of a character assassination of the highest order. Like the Hillsborough families, there has been a staggering lack of Disclosure, against all natural principles of law and Justice. Like the Hillsborough families, my family and I have faced hostility and obfuscation, instead of receiving Justice in the public interest. Like the Hillsborough families, I have been left “…outgunned…” in legal terms. However, unlike the Hillsborough families, I have been incarcerated against the rule of law. Unlike the Hillsborough families, I have been made homeless. Unlike the Hillsborough families, I have been squeezed financially. Unlike the Hillsborough families, I have I have been held incommunicado. Unlike the Hillsborough families, I have been ghosted around the prison estate: 10 prisons in one 12 week spell. Unlike the Hillsborough families, I have been held under surveillance – in wholesale breaches of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000 – for a decade and all forms of my communications have been interfered with and continue to be interfered with. The Police have infiltrated every aspect of my life for a decade and this persecution continues on a daily basis – only last week I was stopped by two police officers whilst driving my car and asked if I had any underage girls in the back of my car. I was driving on my own. Whilst applying for my Teacher’s Pension, I received an email claiming that I owed the TPA more than £25,000 in yet another unlawful interference in my life. It is illogical to think that I owe the TPA that or any other sum of money. I have not yet retired from teaching. Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others been unlawfully sectioned under the Mental Health Act after reporting criminal activity to the Police. Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others been arrested twice on the same day after reporting child abuse to the then Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police in London (Sir Paul Stephenson). Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others been unlawfully incarcerated on four separate occasions (not counting the large number of nights I have been held in police cells, only to be released the next day without charge. Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others been forcibly made homeless and have their MP do nothing. Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others been squeezed financially. Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others been forced to live a nomadic existence in attempts by the Establishment to disrupt my life and research.

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Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others been banned from an entire Borough. Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others been banned from travelling abroad. Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others been given two gagging orders. Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others had a book banned. Nor have Trevor Hicks, Margaret Aspinall, Anne Williams and others been placed under house arrest.

Cost of Establishment control Professor Scraton spoke eloquently and passionately on Radio 5Live about the true cost of the Hillsborough tragedy. He was not, of course, speaking only about the financial cost. Andy Burnham, MP, also spoke eloquently on Radio 5Live on 01 May 2016 at 09:23 saying that “…after Justice must come accountability. There was a cover-up for 27 years and it was perpetuated at the Inquest in Warrington…” He went on to add that he hoped the country would see changes in the way the Police were organised and held accountable. He said he hoped there would be changes in the justice system. He hoped for big changes to the way the country works so that it better supports ordinary people in their hour of need. “…I am clear a cover-up was perpetrated from the very top. Not all the lessons have been learned from Hillsborough. The authorities felt that they could treat all people badly…” Strong, but accurate words, from the MP. The cost of a cover-up – any cover-up – goes far beyond the financial. Lack of Disclosure Mr Burnham, the Shadow Home Secretary, called for full disclosure of all papers in the Hillsborough Inquiry. Professor Scraton referred to a cover-up and to the extent of the depth of the cover-up. Lord Falconer has proposed – quite rightly in my humble opinion – for there to be no limit on the time in which to pursue criminal investigations against retired police officers. In my view this should extend to all public servants including, for example, local authority employees at all levels (but of course that might not be voted in by the Lords and Ladies and MPs who were formerly local authority councillors.). It is evident that the lack of full disclosure played an important part in the systemic institutional abuse of due process at Hillsborough and in my cases. In this section, I will draw the Reader’s attention to the lack of disclosure in my cases: (i) at Lambeth, where I was subjected to a Disciplinary process outside of Employment Law and the Rule of Law in general; (ii) at the Southwark trial in 2009, defence counsel failed to adduce more than 125 exhibits which would have established my innocence beyond all reasonable doubt; he failed to call witnesses as to fact; the police failed to deliver up chat logs upon which they relied and many other examples listed in my book Framed!; the police failed to deliver up their submissions to the

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City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court to obtain three separate search warrants – they did not comply with this because the submissions do not exist; (iii) at the harassment trial in 2011, the police failed to deliver up witness statements from my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren (none of whom appeared at trial yet the Magistrate issued a restraining Order); the police did not deliver up these witness statements because they do not exist nor have they ever existed; (iv) breaches of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order; the police failed to deliver up proof of an order being in place and any breaches of it; (v) in the case of ‘Impersonating a Barrister’, the police failed to deliver up written evidence that I had ever impersonated a barrister (which, in any event, I have never done); (vi) breaches of a Restraining Order at ILCC in July 2015; the court refused to allow me to adduce witness statements from Robert and Violet Ecclestone in which they stated under penalty of perjury that our MP, Henry Bellingham, was fully aware that a Restraining Order was ‘in place’ – albeit void ab initio – when the MP suggested that I send Christmas and birthday cards to my family members; the police failed to deliver up witness statements from my family members again; the police failed to deliver up witness statements from any Bexley Council employee despite claiming that my grandchildren were on the ‘At Risk’ register; the police failed to deliver up any witness statements from staff at Bexley Grammar School (which my two granddaughters attend) despite claiming that I had sent a card to my granddaughters at the school; the police failed to obtain a witness statement from the appointed Child Protection Officer at the school as would be necessary under normal protocol and the rule of law – as can be verified by former teachers Lord Storey and Lord Alton of Liverpool.

Fraudulent documentation It is now a matter for the public record that fraudulent documentation was created by the South Yorkshire Police (SYP) and entered as evidence as if it was genuine. Mark Townsend in the Observer22, commented on the corruption and fabricated evidence endemic within the SYP. Only the most myopic person would believe that such corruption and fabricated evidence is limited only to the SYP. Indeed, John O’Connor, a former commander of the Flying Squad at Scotland Yard, wrote23: “…Scotland Yard is facing its worst corruption crisis since the 1970s, when senior police officers were found to be controlling London’s pornography industry. The investigation and subsequent purge left many detectives out of a job and in some case serving prison sentences. The gloom that surrounded the Yard in those days is similar to the atmosphere that pervades it today…” I have a number of patently false documents in my possession which are examples of fabricated evidence used against me in courts. By way of just one example, I offer false search warrants as published in my book Framed!24 I also offer the Prevention of Harassment Letter never served upon me in accordance with the rule of law and clearly not completed in accordance with police protocol.

22 The Observer, 01 May 2016, A History of Scandal, p.6 23 , 09 July 2011, The Suspects are in Charge of the Case, p. 24 Op. cit, pp138-139 Page 17 of 71

I further offer an Allegation of Harassment Form 9993 allegedly issued on 22 February 2010. However, my daughter has never complained to the police about me and this can easily be proven by asking her to make a statement under oath in a court of law. Indeed, in July 2015, when under oath and therefore under penalty of perjury, my son-in-law stated that neither my daughter nor my granddaughter had ever given evidence against me or made complaints to the police against me or made witness statements against me. This would, of course, explain why – whenever I sought full disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998 – no such evidence was forthcoming. It does not exist. Thank goodness that Lord Clark of Windermere has opposed moves to water down the Freedom of Information Act – Ministers in the House of Commons flagrantly breach the FOI Act in its present form. The non-existence of evidence referred to as if it exists is yet another way in which the police (and the CPS) corruptly engineer legal proceedings. Professor Scraton has written: “…I put in requests for all this information and they said they had no record of it…” Mark Townsend writes25: “…Hillsborough was a catastrophic verdict which critics said illuminated a culture of impunity and unaccountability inside the SYP…” For SYP also read the MPS, Essex Constabulary and Norfolk Constabulary. In Mr Townsend’s article, he states that the SYP spend £24m out of a budget of £143m (16.8%) on lawyers to “…re-cycle untruths against Liverpool fans – a ploy to implicate them…” I wonder the cost of the Met re-cycling untruths about me, of bringing constant false court cases against me, of keeping me under constant surveillance for a decade, of lying to my family, of paying lawyers to create a false narrative against the rule of law. Whilst I do not propose to write at length about child abuse per se, it would nevertheless be remiss of me not to mention SYP’s failure to care for the children – at least 1,40026 – who were knowingly exploited. Mark Townsend starkly explains the reason for this failure: “…An ongoing investigation into how the force failed to tackle the sexual abuse of […] at least 1,400 children in has received more than 100 allegations against 42 named officers, some of whom are alleged to have had relations with offenders…” It is evident that this pattern of the police ‘turning a blind eye’ to child sexual abuse because of improper relationships with offenders (and, in some cases, being offenders themselves) is replicated on a nationwide basis. Indeed, Baroness Jay put forward the view in her report on Rotherham that every local authority in the country had a major issue with child sexual abuse. I tend to agree with the honourable lady. Like police corruption is to be found in every force, child abuse is endemic in society. Mark Townsend also writes27 about the bullying behaviour of SYP officers at Orgreave during the miners’ strike: “…Allegations of assault, perjury and misconduct in public office against SYP officers refuse to go away…”

25 Op. cit., p.6 26 Baroness Jay, OBE, Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham, 1997-2013, p1 27 Op. cit., p.6 Page 18 of 71

However, spurious cases against me brought by Lambeth Council, colluding with the Met in a cover-up, were never dropped and always went to trial, so determined were the local authority and police to besmirch my good name and ridicule my investigations, my research and my books: I have variously been described as a ‘sex offender’, guilty of threats against the person, guilty of impersonating a barrister, guilty of criminal damage, mentally ill, and guilty of the harassment of my own family members who have never appeared in court against me. It should be recalled, of course, that this persecution occurred after I had reported child sexual abuse in Lambeth at the age of 53, having previously had a clean record and with no allegations of impropriety in my 25 years in teaching.

The perpetuation of a false narrative David Conn, the respected Guardian journalist, stated on Radio 5Live that “…the police continued to be in denial even when the Truth finally emerged…” and that they “…refused to admit their lies, and ploughed on with their false narrative…” This currently relates to my life. As long ago as 2012 – as we have seen – journalist Alasdair Palmer of the Telegraph stated in writing that he knew me to be innocent of the alleged crime of incitement. Since then the false narrative has not only rumbled on, but been added to. At least the Hillsborough families did not have that to contend with. The reasonable person as defined by the courts has to wonder why, if a journalist could see the Truth, the conviction was not immediately quashed by the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) once it had received my Appeal. Of course, the reason it failed to immediately seek the quashing of a conviction described by former barrister and MP Sir Henry Bellingham as “…palpably unsafe…” in our meeting in April 2016. A major consequence of the re-cycling of a false narrative is the impact not only on the victim of such government disinformation, but his or her family. On 04 June 2008, I was arrested in my own home after conducting research into a website known as Faceparty.com. (A full account of this can be found in my book Framed!) At Charting Cross police station, my legal representative Marcia Weise told me “…You have out-stung an illegal police sting operation and they will be out to get you…” I was not charged with any offence, however. When I called my daughter from the police station at approximately 8.30pm, she told me, “…Dad, I’ve had a detective constable Julia Godfrey call me telling me you’re a paedophile and if I have anything more to do with you, they’ll take my children into care…” I repeat that I had not been charged with any offence. The reason, of course, that DC Godfrey telephoned my daughter was to commence the ‘drip-drip effect’ of lies and disinformation and the threat of removing my beloved grandchildren into care was to place an unbearable burden upon my daughter, an excellent mother. Even the Hillsborough families did not have to suffer this loss and painful emotions. Indeed, in an email of 22 April 2016, my MP, Sir Henry Bellingham, wrote: “…One of the aspects of all of this that comes through to me very clearly has been the heartache and grief caused by the complete breakdown in relations between you and your daughter’s family. Not having the chance to see your grandchildren is indeed a really quite dreadful burden to bear…” Page 19 of 71

Let me be clear – it was to be another 8 months before the MPS brought a charge against me of the alleged incitement of a 14-year-old girl who never even existed and they knew did not exist. On 09 March 2015 – 10 days prior to my unlawful incarceration for 24 months – retired DCI Driscoll stated, as we have seen, that I have been flagged up at Scotland Yard as a major threat because of my research. He added that he failed to see why that case ever went to court and said that I – and my family – have been persecuted for a decade because of it. At least the Hillsborough families were not targeted – as far as we know – by Scotland Yard as “major threats” and at least the Hillsborough fans were never threatened with the removal of their children because of their campaigning.

Liverpool Football Club Much has been written about the role of Liverpool FC in the exposure of Hillsborough. However, its reputation was tarnished somewhat when it became embroiled in the cover-up of child sexual abuse at Lambeth by allowing a post to be uploaded to the LFC website defaming me. The post, of course, can be found in internet searches and although the anonymous post (most probably placed by the police or MI5) was removed, it is still found on searches. There are checks and balances in place to prevent such defamatory posts becoming live on the website, so the reasonable person can only come to the conclusion that LFC colluded with the police and/ or the Home Office in allowing that post to go live. I struck a claim against LFC for libel and was promptly arrested and incarcerated a few weeks later. I am the author of 5 books on the entire history of LFC and so when I reasonably wished to align myself with the Hillsborough families and Liverpool fans, corrupt agents of State attempted to defame me to other campaigners for Truth and Justice. I note that Lord Wood of Anfield – who spoke in the upper House on Hillsborough - is a Liverpool fan. One can only wonder what he would think about his favourite football team becoming embroiled in a cover-up of child abuse. As previously stated, I wrote to Liverpool FC and even provided Director Kenny Dalglish with copies of from Hillsborough to Lambeth and Framed!, but he and the Club refused to publish an apology on their website and in the matchday programme. (This might have something to do with the fact that the Club has been stealing my intellectual property rights in my books for the past three decades.)

Andy Burnham, MP It is my belief that Mr Burnham will one day become leader of the Labour Party and eventually Prime Minister. Notwithstanding that belief, the Hillsborough families and all fans of football and supporters of Truth and Justice owe a great debt to Mr Burnham. I understand that he is a member of the Privy Council, an organisation described by respected political journalist Peter Oborne28 of the as “…Secret. Smug. Sinister…” Mr Oborne also wrote: “There is no conceivable justification for the continuing existence of this morally bankrupt body, which has been complicit in many of the worst crimes the British state has committed since World War II…”

28 The Daily Mail, 16 October 2015. Pp27-28 Page 20 of 71

Clearly there are some people inhabiting the Privy Council whom one would wish to avoid, but there must be some honourable persons within the ‘Right Honourables’. I regard Mr Burnham as an honourable man and an honourable politician. In an article in the Observer of 01 May 2016, Mr Burnham writes eloquently about how he was pressed not to investigate Hillsborough. For Andy Burnham read Brian Pead. I have been imprisoned in order to discontinue my research into child abuse in Lambeth. Mr Burnham got off lightly. The article goes beyond the “breathtaking injustice of Hillsborough” – it shines a cogent and powerful spotlight on government today: “…What I have seen along the way [to becoming an MP] has given me a much deeper understanding of why so many people are disillusioned with Westminster politics…” Mr Burnham goes on to add that he, too, “…shares that disillusionment…” More worryingly, the Shadow Home Secretary continues in his alarming vein: “…I know better than anyone how close people came to never knowing the full truth about one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in British history…” Powerful words. But he continues: “…Far from exposing the cover-up, the committees room of parliament and the offices of Number 10 were used to advance it. I remember all too well the pressure to leave it alone…” At least Mr Burnham has not been unlawfully incarcerated on 4 separate occasions, been arrested and falsely imprisoned overnight in police cells, at least he has not been separated from his family, run out of house and home and defamed as a sex offender as he fought for Truth and Justice. As he writes: “…The system plays the long game. It can afford to…” I rarely find myself disagreeing with the erudite and passionate Mr Burnham, but I do take issue with his use of the phrase ‘the system’. There is no ‘system’ – it is, as Madsen Pirie says - a collection of human beings. Corrupt human beings play the long game. The ‘system’ is an inanimate entity. I believe that we should establish the names of the people orchestrating such cover-ups and hold them accountable. Mr Burnham makes mention in his article that those in power create a propaganda war to deny people their cause. I have had just such a propaganda war waged against me. The police illegally infiltrated every aspect of my life from the day I blew the whistle in 2006 on child abuse in Lambeth Council. All of my internet usage, all of my telephone calls, every letter, every email; I have been followed, undercover officers have infiltrated my life. Nicholas Baines, Bishop of Leeds and much praised for his role in the Hillsborough Inquiry, is a former Archdeacon of Lambeth and, according to information widely available, was responsible for policy on children and child protection. He will receive a copy of this Open Letter and is invited to comment. It is my belief that the Bishop will see many similarities between the cover- up at Hillsborough and the underhand tactics employed by the police and the cover-up at Lambeth and the underhand tactics employed by the Met police. And all of these breaches of RIPA 2000 continue to this very day. My calls, letters and emails continue to be ‘monitored’ and are often ‘lost’. Let me illustrate the depraved and evil depths to which the security services sunk in order to isolate me from my family.

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My 91-year-old father died in June 2011. I wrote to my daughter and grandchildren and nephews and my late brother’s widow inviting them all to my father’s funeral. Of course they would have wanted to be present. But the letters never reached their destination – they were returned to me by the secret service under the guise of the post office. The Home Office – and here we have echoes of Professor Scraton and David Conn and others – clearly orchestrated (and continues to orchestrate) a propaganda war against me by continuing to insist that I am a sex offender. Each time I write to the Home Secretary for a true copy of the Warrant obtained under RIPA to infiltrate every aspect of my life, she fails to respond. This is because no such Warrant exists, making this infiltration illegal. Mr Burnham added in his article: “…My hope is that Hillsborough might provide a moment of amnesty on state injustice. The success of this one campaign needs to have a domino effect on others. It must also mark a shift in the balance of power from the state to the ordinary citizen, starting with more accountability in our police force. We must have an end to the scandalous situation where senior officers can use retirement as a means of escaping accountability for misconduct and remain on a full pension for the rest of their lives…” I concur fully with Mr Burnham and I extend his suggestion to include all agencies of state including local authorities which, in my opinion, perpetrate criminal activity on a daily basis under the guise of acceptable local authority control. Mr Burnham continues his passionate discourse by including his views on the legal profession: “…The legal system also needs radical change. Its adversarial nature suits the authorities. It can easily intimidate people who are pitched into an intimidating court environment. And the authorities spend public money like water in hiring the best lawyers. By contrast, the victims of any disaster have to scratch around to get whatever legal representation they can. That can’t be right…” It isn’t right, Mr Burnham! Yet I have been just such a victim since 2006. I do, however, question Mr Burnham’s ‘brave, new world’ for Westminster, government and politics: “…But there positives about Hillsborough that we can cling to. At least this country was able finally to open up and look itself in the mirror. And in an increasingly atomised world, it provides a reminder of what true solidarity can achieve. This tells us that change is possible. So just as a new generation of campaigners had to come to the fore, now the new generation in parliament must make Hillsborough a moment when Britain changed for the better…” I’m sure the Shadow Home Secretary will forgive me when I say that I am more realistic – others may say cynical – about the parlous state of politics in this country in the 21st century. As a child at secondary school, I learnt about the Rotten Boroughs and I have to say that little has changed in reality. There is only an illusion of change for the better. Years may pass – centuries even – but human nature doesn’t change. What we need are processes in place, checks and balances which take account of the darker side of the human psyche or, as Sir Henry Bellingham said to me on 15 April this year: “…there was clearly some murky stuff going on at Lambeth against you…” Remarkably, however, my MP – a barrister in Tort Law – advised (wrongly, as it turns out) in an email to me dated 22 April 2016 that there was no opportunity to claim against Lambeth Council because it was “…too long ago…” Clearly the busy MP had forgotten that in 2013 Lambeth Council sought (and

Page 22 of 71 succeeded) in having me imprisoned and they also sought (but failed) to obtain a permanent gagging order against me for the rest of my life. We can, however, forgive Mr Bellingham his aberration since he has not practised law for more than two decades. I have a genuine claim against the Council. We cannot have Justice only for the bereaved – whether at Hillsborough or elsewhere – or only for black people (Baroness Lawrence re her son, Stephen’s murder), or only for celebrities (the millionaire footballer Ched Evans whose CCRC appeal against the rape of a real female was fast-tracked compared with my own 5-year wait for the alleged incitement of a 14-year-old female who never existed.) No, Justice is applicable to all, including my family, robbed of so many experiences, so much emotional connection, so many opportunities for familial growth and development. No, Justice should, and must, be for all. It is time that I received Justice and that my family learn the Truth What I am seeking from HM Government is the following: (i) that it responds positively to my Official Complaint under Article 3 of the ECHR as it is obliged to do under European Law; (ii) that it ceases its inhuman treatment of my daughter; (iii) that it ceases its inhuman treatment of my grandchildren; (iv) that it quashes my convictions with immediate effect under the rule of law; (v) that it re-unites me with my family, since any separation was directly caused and engineered corrupt agents of State; (vi) that it removes all defamatory posts about me (usually placed by police or MI5 personnel as those agents of State continue to besmirch my reputation because of its own wrong-doing); (vii) that it provides redress appropriate to a decade of interference in my life and my family’s lives in direct breaches of Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998. that it facilitates a meeting between me, my family members, retired DCI Clive Driscoll, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, Terry Waite, Sir Henry Bellingham MP, Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon (a vociferous campaigner against police corruption), Michael Mansfield QC, Lambeth Council’s Chief Executive Officer, Alex Passman (the employment law specialist who told me in April 2007 “…You are being set up by Lambeth Council…”; Marcia Weise (the legal representative who told me “…You have out- stung an illegal police sting operation and they will be out to get you…”; retired PC Rodney Gooderson (who wrote to me in May 2015 “…The elements of the offence [Southwark 2009] were not there…”; Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer who is aware of my cases and precisely why State officials perpetrated a decade-long campaign on persecution against me (and vicariously my family); Beverley Williams (former secretary to Barry Gilhooly at Lambeth Council who told me “…What they are doing to you is outrageous…”; Michael Bird, co-author of the banned book from Hillsborough to Lambeth; Trevor Hicks and Margaret Aspinall of the Hillsborough families; Kenny Dalglish of Liverpool Football Club (to apologise to my family for the defamatory post on the LFC website); Andy Burnham MP (who wrote to me in 2012 saying, “…I commend your fight for Justice…”; Raymond Stevenson of the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association; Right Reverend James Jones, the Bishop of Liverpool (of the Hillsborough Independent Panel); Raju Bhatt (of the Hillsborough Independent Panel); Christine Gifford (of the Hillsborough Independent Panel); Katy Jones (of the Hillsborough Independent Panel); Professor Phil Scraton (of the Hillsborough Independent Panel); any friends of my daughter and son-in-law and grandchildren as they deem appropriate; and any others I may have presently overlooked. My MP, Sir Henry Bellingham, wrote in an email dated 22 April 2016 regarding my unsafe convictions that: “…I respect and admire your tenacity and determination to have these overturned…”

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And in a letter dated 30 November 2012, Andy Burnham himself wrote: “…I commend your fight for Justice…” But, until the day my convictions are quashed and until the day I am re-united with my family, the words “commend your fight for Justice” must be seen as nothing more than mere empty rhetoric. Actions, as the saying goes, speak louder than words. You do not show respect merely by saying the word – you show it by ensuring that Truth and Justice are achieved. I look forward to the day when I meet with Mr Burnham with my family present so that this honourable man can tell my daughter and my son-in-law and my grandchildren to their faces that their father and grandfather is and always was an innocent man and that he was the victim of a war waged against him to this very day in an attempt to cover-up child sexual abuse at Lambeth and elsewhere. As the celebrated writer Frank Cottrell-Boyce29 wrote in the Observer30: “…One of the most shocking things about the report of the independent panel was the revelation of just how vast and how calculated the conspiracy was. Even the families were taken aback…” I am not taken aback at the vast and calculated conspiracy engineered by Lambeth Council and the Metropolitan Police against me and my innocent family. Cottrell-Boyce continues: “…The establishment tried to impose a narrative on Hillsborough. The families refused to accept it…” I, too, have steadfastly refused to accept the false narrative that I am a sex offender (or offender of any kind), despite the ‘broken record’ tactics employed by corrupt State officials who believed – mistakenly – that if you continuously label someone as a sex offender then they become one: “…Hillsborough is about the power of dignity in the face of humiliation, about the persistence of love in the face of loss, and the power that love has to change things…” And I learned to be dignified in the face of great hostility by observing Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Baroness and Neville Lawrence from a distance. I observed closely the behaviour of Anne Williams, Margaret Aspinall and others in their own fight for Truth and Justice. I love my family. My family love me. Any separation between us has been engineered by corrupt State officials determined to cover-up child abuse. “…Hillsborough is not about Liverpool. It’s about all of us. The victory of the families tells us that we – all of us – deserve better and that we are capable of creating something better…” Mr Cottrell-Boyce it seems, has been infected with Mr Burnham’s belief in a brave new world where corruption of the legal system does not exist, where Truth and Justice are an everyday occurrence for the common man and woman, and where whistle-blowers on child abuse are not persecuted and forcibly separated from their families, who are lied to on a daily basis. But I do agree with Messrs Burnham and Cottrell-Boyce that “…we all deserve something better…”

29 Frank Cottrell-Boyce is a British screenwriter, novelist and occasional actor. 30 The Observer, ‘Justice finally triumphed. But let us not forget the original wrongs’, p.33 Page 24 of 71

To paraphrase Lord Storey’s words in the upper House on 27 April 2016: “…There will be no complete justice until those responsible for the events at Lambeth—for the monstrous cover-up, the lies and the years of organised deceit—are properly called to account…” I now wait for Justice. I now wait for my family to learn the Truth. I urge all of the recipients of this Open Letter to assist me in my fight for Truth and Justice. Or do Truth and Justice only apply to those who do not expose child abuse? Yours faithfully,

Brian Pead

ESTABLISHMENT RECIPIENTS (others will remain anonymous)

HM the Queen HRH Prince Charles HRH Prince William

Lord Paddick Lord Falconer of Thoroton PC, QC Lord Storey

Lord Wills Lord Alton of Liverpool Lord Adebowale CBE

Lord Watts Nicholas Baines, Bishop of Leeds Lord Wood of Anfield

Lord Lord Clark of Windermere Lord Faulkner of Worcester

Baroness Kennedy Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon, OBE Baroness Altmann, CBE

Baroness Anelay of St Johns Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top Lord Bach

Earl Baldwin of Bewdley Lord Armstrong of Ilminster GCB CVO Baroness Bakewell DBE

Rt Hon. the Lord Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon GCMG KBE CH Rt Hon. the Lord Baker of Dorking CH

Lord Balfe Baroness Barker Lord Beecham

Rt Hon. the Lord Beith Lord Bell Baroness Benjamin OBE

Baroness Berridge Lord Best OBE DL Lord Bew

Lord Bhattacharyya Lord Bichard KCB Lord Bilimoria CBE DL

Baroness Billingham JP Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Birmingham Lord Bird MBE

Lord Birt Lord Black of Brentwood Baroness Blood MBE

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Lord Borrie QC Rt Hon. the Lord Blencathra Lord Borwick

Lord Bowness CBE DL Lord Blair of Boughton QPM Rt Hon. the Lord Bradley

Lord Bradshaw Rt Hon. the Baroness Blackstone Baroness Brady CBE

Lord Bragg Rt Hon. the Lord Blunkett Viscount Bridgeman

Viscount Brookeborough DL Rt Hon. the Lord Boateng Baroness Browning

Lord Burnett Rt Hon. the Baroness Boothroyd OM Lord Burns GCB

Baroness Burt of Solihull Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth Baroness Buscombe

Rt Hon. the Lord Carswell Rt Hon. the Lord Brabazon of Tara DL Lord Cashman CBE

Lord Carter of Barnes CBE Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Bristol Lord Chidgey

Lord Clarke of Hampstead CBE Lord Brougham and Vaux CBE Lord Colwyn CBE

Lord Clement-Jones CBE Rt Hon. Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood Lord Cormack

Lord Coillins of Highbury Rt Hon. Lord Bruce of Bennachie Lord Condon, QPM

Viscount Colville of Culross Rt Hon. Lord Butler of Brockwell KG GCB CVO Lord Cotter

Lord Cooper of Windrush Rt Hon. Baroness Butler-Sloss GBE Baroness Coussins

Rt Hon. the Baroness Corston Baroness Campbell of Loughborough CBE Baroness Cox

Viscount Craigavon Baroness Campbell of Surbiton Lord Cromwell

Lord Davies of Oldham Most Rev. & Rt Hon. Archbishop of Canterbury Lord de Mauley

Lord Dear, QPM Rt Rev. & Rt Hon. Lord Carey of Clifton Baroness Deech DBE

Lord Desai Lord Carlile of Berriew QC CBE Lord Dobbs

Baroness Donaghy CBE FRSA Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Carlisle Lord Donoughue

Baroness Doocey OBE Rt Hon. Lord Carrington KG GCMG CH MC DL Lord Dubs

Baroness Eaton DBE DL Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Chelmsford Lord Elton TD

Baroness Eccles of Moulton Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Chester Lord Empey Kt, OBE

Baroness Evans of Bowes Park Baroness Cohen of Pimlico Lord Evans of Watford

Baroness Falkner of Margravine Rt Hon. the Lord Cope of Berkeley Baroness Fall

Lord Faulks QC Lord Craig of Radley GCB OBE Lord Fearn OBE

Rt Hon. Baroness Featherstone Rt Hon. Lord Crickhowell Lord Filkin CBE

Baroness Finlay of Llandaff Rt Hon. Lord Cullen of Whitekirk KT Baroness Fookes DBE

Baroness Ford Baroness Cumberlege CBE DL Rt Hon. the Lord Freud

Lord Fox Lord Dannatt GCB CBE MC Baroness Gardner of Parkes

Lord Freyberg Rt Hon. Lord Denham KBE Lord Geddes

Lord German OBE Rt Hon. Lord Dholakia OBE DL Lord Giddens

Lord Goddard of Stockport Rt Hon. Baroness D'Souza CMG Lord Gold

Baroness Golding Rt Rev. Lord Bishop of Durham Lord Grabiner, QC

Baroness Gould of Potternewton Rt Rev. Lord Eames OM Lord Grantchester

Lord Grade of Yarmouth CBE Rt Rev. Lord Bishop of Ely Lord Greaves

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Baroness Greenfield Rt Hon. Lord Fellowes GCB GCVO Baroness Greengross, OBE

Baroness Grey-Thompson DBE Lord Fellowes of West Stafford Rt Hon. the Lord Hain

Rt Hon. the Lord Grocott Rt Hon. the Baroness Garden of Frognal Baroness Hamwee

Lord Hanningfield DL Rt Hon. the Lord Goldsmith QC Viscount Hamworth

Lord Harris of Haringey Lord Gordon of Strathblane CBE Lord Harris of Peckham

Baroness Harris of Richmond DL Lord Green of Deddington KCMG Lord Harrison

Lord Haskins Lord Griffiths of Burry Port Lord Haworth

Baroness Hayman Baroness Hayter of Kentish Town Lord Hayward, OBE

Baroness Healy of Primrose Hill Rt Hon. the Lord Heseltine CH Baroness Henig

Baroness Heyhoe Flint OBE Baroness Hodgson of Abinger CBE Lord Hollick

Baroness Hollins Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbotts CBE Earl of Home KT CVO CBE

Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE Rt Hon. the Baroness Hollis of Heigham DL Lord Horam

Lord Hoyle Rt Hon. the Lord Hope of Craighead KT Lord Hughes of Woodside

Lord Imbert QPM JP Rt Hon. the Lord Howard of Lympne CH QC Lord Inglewood ARICS DL

Rt Hon. the Lord Irvine of Lairg Rt Hon. the Baroness Hughes of Stretford Lord Jay of Ewelme GCMG

Rt Hon.Lord Janvrin GCB KCVO Rt Hon. the Lord Hurd of Westwell CH CBE Baroness Jolly

Baroness Jenkin of Kennington Rt Hon. the Baroness Jay of Paddington Lord Jones of Birmingham

Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb Rt Hon. the Baroness Jowell Baroness Jones of Whitchurch

Lord Judd Rt Hon. the Lord Judge Lord Kalms

Lord Keen of Elie QC Baroness Kennedy of Cradley Lord Kennedy of Southwark

Baroness King of Bow Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws QC Rt Hon. the Lord Kinnock

Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead Rt Hon. the Lord King of Bridgwater CH Earl of Kinnoull

Lord Kirkham CVO Rt Hon. the Lord Knight of Weymouth Lord Kirkwood of Kirkhope

Lord Krebs Baroness Lane-Fox of Soho CBE Rt Hon. the Baroness Kramer

Lord Layard Rt Hon. the Lord Lawson of Blaby Rt Rev. Lord Bishop of Leeds

Lord Levy Lord Levene of Portsoken KBE Lord Lester of Herne Hill QC

Lord Lexden, OBE Rt Hon. the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke Lord Liddle

Earl of Lindsay Baroness Lister of Burtersett CBE Lord Lipsey

Earl of Listowel Earl of Liverpool Lord Livermore

Lord Lloyd-Webber Rt Rev. & Rt Hon. Lord Bishop of London KCVO Lord Loomba CBE

Lord Lucas Most Hon. the Rt Hon. Marquess of Lothian QC Earl of Lytton

Baroness Ludford Rt Hon. the Lord Luce KG GCVO DL Lord McColl of Dulwich CBE

Baroness McDonagh Rt Hon. the Lord McConnell of Glenscorrodale Baroness McIntosh of Hudnall

Baroness McIntosh of Pickering Rt Hon. the Lord MacGregor of Pulham Market OBE Lord MacKenzie of Culkein Rt Hon. the Lord Mackay of Clashfern KT Lord Macdonald of River Glaven QC Lord McKenzie of Luton Lord MacLaurin of Knebworth DL Rt Hon. the Lord Mackay of Drumadoon QC Rt Hon. the Lord McNally

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Baroness Mallalieu QC Baroness MaddockLord Mackenzie of Framwellgate OBE Lord Mair CBE

Rt Hon. the Lord Mandelson Baroness Manningham-Buller LG DCB Baroness Manzoor CBE

Lord Marland Lord Marks of Henley-on-Thames QC Baroness Massey of Darwen

Baroness Masham of Ilton DL Rt Hon. the Lord Martin of Springburn Lord May of Oxford OM

Baroness Meacher Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer Lord Monks

Baroness Mone OBE Rt Hon. the Lord Moore of Lower Marsh Duke of Montrose

Lord Morgan Baroness Morgan of Drefelin Baroness Morgan of Ely

Baroness Morris of Bolton OBE Rt Hon. the Lord Morris of Aberavon KG QC Lord Moynihan

Lord Morris of Handsworth OJ Rt Hon. the Baroness Morris of Yardley Lord Myners CBE

Lord Nash Rt Hon. the Lord Naseby Lord Neill of Bladen QC

Baroness Neuberger DBE Rt Hon. the Baroness Neville-Jones DCMG Rt Hon. the Lord Newby OBE

Baroness Newlove Baroness Neville-Rolfe DBE CMG Lord Northbourne DL

Rt Rev. Lord Bishop of Norwich Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne Lord Oates

Baroness O'Cathain OBE Lord Oakeshott of Seagrove Bay Baroness O'Loan DBE

Rt Hon. the Lord Owen CH Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve CH CBE FBA Lord Palumbo of Southwark

Lord Palmer of Childs Hill OBE Earl of Oxford and Asquith OBE Lord Pannick

Lord Parekh Baroness Parminter Lord Patel of Bradford OBE

Rt Hon. the Lord Paul Rt Hon. the Lord Patten of Barnes CH Lord Pearson of Rannoch

Baroness Pitkeathley OBE Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Peterborough Baroness Perry of Southwark

Lord Plumb DL Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Portsmouth Lord Prescott

Lord Powell of Bayswater KCMG Rt Hon. the Baroness Primarolo Lord Prior of Brampton

Baroness Prosser OBE Rt Hon. the Baroness Prashar CBE Lord Puttnam CBE

Rt Hon. the Baroness Quin Rt Hon. the Lord Radice Lord Ramsbotham GCB CBE

Lord Rana MBE Baroness Randerson Baroness Rawlings

Lord Rea Baroness Rebuck DBE Lord Rennard MBE

Lord Ribeiro CBE Rev. the Baroness Richardson of Calow OBE Rt Hon. the Lord Richard QC

Viscount Ridley DL Lord Rix CBE DL Lord Roberts of Llandudno

Rt Hon. the Lord Rooker Rt Hon. the Lord Robertson of Port Ellen KT Lord Russell of Liverpool

Lord Saatchi Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Rochester Lord Sacks

Earl of Sandwich Rt Hon. the Lord Rodgers of Quarry Bank Lord Sawyer

Lord Scriven Rt Hon. the Baroness Royall of Blaisdon Lord Selsdon

Lord Sharkey Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of St Albans Baroness Sherlock OBE

Baroness Shields OBE Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Salisbury Lord Shipley OBE

Viscount Simon Rt Hon. the Lord Scott of Foscote Lord Skelmersdale

Lord Smith of Leigh Baroness Scott of Needham Market Baroness Smith of Newnham

Lord Soley Rt Hon. the Lord Selkirk of Douglas Lord Stevens of Ludgate

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Lord Stevenson of Balmacara Baroness Shackleton of Belgravia LVO Lord Strasburger

Lord Sugar Rt Hon. the Baroness Shephard of Northwold Lord Swinfen

Lord Taverne QC Rt Hon. the Baroness Smith of Basildon Lord Taylor of Goss Moor

Lord Temple-Morris Rt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Southwark Rt Hon. the Lord Tebbit CH

Baroness Thornton Rt Hon. the Lord Steel of Aikwood KT KBE DL Lord Thurlow

Lord Tope CBE Lord Sterling of Plaistow GCVO CBE Lord Triesman

Lord True CBE Lord Stevens of Kirkwhelpington QPM Lord Tugendhat

Lord Turnberg Rt Hon. the Baroness Stowell of Beeston MBE Rt Hon. the Lord Tyler

Baroness Tyler of Enfield Lord Sutherland of Houndwood KT Lord Vallance of Tummel Rt Hon. the Lord Wakeham DL Rt Hon. the Baroness Taylor of Bolton Baroness Wall of New Barnet Baroness Walmsley Baroness Thomas of Walliswood OBE DL Rt Hon. the Lord Warner

Rt Hon. the Baroness Warsi Rt Hon. the Baroness Trumpington Baroness Watkins of Tavistock

Lord Watson of Invergowrie Rt. Rev the Lord Bishop of Truro Lord Watts Baroness Whitaker Rt Hon. the Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe Rt Hon. the Lord Whitty

Baroness Wilcox Rt Hon. the Lord West of Spithead GCB DSC Rt Hon. the Lord Wills

Lord Winston Rt Hon. the Lord Williams of Elvel CBE Rt Hon. the Lord Woolf

Lord Wright of Richmond GCMG Rt Rev. and the Rt Hon. the Lord Williams of Oystermouth

Lord Willis of Knaresborough Baroness Wolf of Dulwich CBE Baroness Young of Old Scone

Baroness Young of Hornsey OBE Most Rev. & Rt Hon. the Lord Archbishop of York Viscount Younger of Leckie

Right Reverend James Jones, the Bishop of Liverpool

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Summary of Persecution and Harassment by police

The persecution of Brian by the State includes (but is not limited to) the following:

 unlawful imprisonment on four separate occasions  harassment of his daughter and grand-daughter  isolation from his family  attempts to run him out of money  forced to sell his house to clear his name  use of the internet to blacken Brian’s name  under constant surveillance by the State  continued interference with mail and all other forms of communication  trial for alleged criminal damage  trial for alleged threatening behaviour  trial for impersonating a barrister  trial for alleged breaches of a non-existent sexual offences prevention order  trial for alleged harassment of daughter and grand-daughter  placed on an electronic tag  placed on weekly probation to disrupt his life  constant visits by police to his places of residence  more than 1,000 letters in 8 years not replied to by agencies of the State  more than 20 unlawful arrests  interference in the lives of those who associate with Brian  refusal by Members of Parliament to assist Brian (prior to April 2016)  the www.AllAroundJustice.comwebsite unlawfully removed from the internet  the LambethChildAbuseandCover-Up.comwebsite removed from the internet  the book from Hillsborough to Lambethbanned at the High Court, despite its contents being confirmed by Detective Chief Inspector Driscoll, lawyer Alex Passman, pupil Talya Cuthbert and parent Pamela Cuthbert  hundreds of books are not delivered by the Royal Mail  Brian (but not co-author Michael Bird) sent to prison for alleged Contempt of Court  computers illegally seized by the police  arrested twice by armed police  dozens of visits by the police to Brian’s residence not recorded  forced to represent himself in Court  no solicitors will take his cases  unlawfully sectioned under the Mental Health Act by a police ‘doctor’  National Crime Agency refuses to deal with his complaints  IPCC refuses to deal with his complaints  forced to attend police station twice a week  forced to attend numerous 3-minute court hearings 150 miles away  letters interfered with  letters returned to sender (Brian) unanswered  Brian constantly threatened with prison by Magistrates and Judges if he continues to maintain his innocence

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Persecution by the State The following chronology provides a glimpse of the State’s persecution of an innocent whistle-blower:

November 2006 dismisses teacher for grooming, racism and bullying

December 2006 unlawfully suspended without being told reasons why

Dismissed teacher reinstated in an all-girls’ school

July 2007 unlawfully dismissed by Lambeth Council

September 2007 commences earnest investigation into a website called Faceparty

four females students (20-25) move across the road from Brian

October 2007 a female is seen dancing provocatively at her window on a regular basis

December 2007 Brian and others show evidence of child abuse on Faceparty

January 2008 Brian takes Lambeth Council to Employment Tribunal – case delayed for 6 weeks after Brian informs Judge that the case involves child grooming by a female teacher who is not CRB checked by Lambeth Council

on the very same day as the Tribunal Hearing, a person claiming to be a female aged 14 emails Brian asking for money for sex. Due to his experience of sexual abusers, Brian believes this person to be an adult and asks questions with a view to reporting this person to Faceparty management

Brian commences work as a Counsellor at Off Centre

February 2008 Brian attends a weekend course (2/3 Feb) on child sexual abuse at the Centre for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) in Hornsey, north London [Source: attendance register held by CPPD]

Brian goes to Employment Tribunal (14 Feb). Judge (a school governor) fails to hear the entire case; informs Brian he has ‘lost’ and wrongly claims he has no right of appeal

On the very same day, Brian receives a further communication from the 14 year old ‘girl’ and asks more searching questions with a view to reporting this person

The student in the house near to Brian’s continues to dance and undress at her bedroom window

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March 2008 Brian writes to the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT), but fails to receive an answer [Source: letter]

Brian passes his Advanced Diploma in Humanistic Integrative Counselling at the CPPD [Source: CPPD]

Brian provides staff training on Child Sexual Abuse to colleagues at Off Centre and its sister-charity, Sub19

Brian writes to the Employment Appeal Tribunal, but does not receive an answer [Source: letter]

April 2008 Brian awarded the post of Group Therapist at Off Centre [Source: letter of engagement; completed job application form]

Brian gives up contract with BT – he no longer wants internet at home [Source: BT contract]

May 2008 Brian visits the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) and personally hands in his Appeal letter

Two weeks later – still having heard nothing from the EAT – Brian is unlawfully arrested on an allegation of Exposure to the females living opposite. Despite providing the Police with sufficient evidence that what the females claimed was not possible, he is charged with Exposure

08 May 2008 With no internet connection, Brian visits friend Geoffrey Bacon. They both use the internet [Source: Geoffrey Bacon witness statement] [Source: police transcript dated 04 June 2008]

15 May 2008 Brian visits friend Geoffrey Bacon. They both use the internet. The ‘underage girl’ instant messages Brian. He replies “You are a fake! Fuck off!” Brian informs Geoffrey Bacon that he believed the ‘girl’ to be an adult male, probably middle-aged; that he believed the person to be a paedophile and that the website ‘Faceparty’ was degenerating [Source: Brian Pead witness statement] [Source: Geoffrey Bacon witness statement] [Source: police transcript dated 04 June 2008]

police later claim this conversation did not take place

None of the above sources was ever shown to the jury at Southwark in 2009 and no discussion of this conversation was ever heard in court

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02 June 2008 Unlawfully stopped and searched at railway station for allegedly ‘sexually assaulting a young Asian woman on your way to the station’ [Source: line management notes taken at Off Centre after Brian reported this abuse at work]

04 June 2008 Brian arrested in own home with an ITV film crew unlawfully present Interviewed at Charing Cross Police Station – challenges Police to produce his chatlogs with the ‘female’

police fail to produce evidence [Source: transcript of police interview 04 June 2008]

Brian’s legal advisor tells him “You have been clever enough to out-sting an illegal police sting operation – they will be out to get you” [Source: Marcia Weise, legal advisor]

Brian released without charge after three separate interviews lasting more than 6 hours

Police tell Brian’s daughter, Sorrel, “Your father is a paedophile” [Source: Sorrel Birch née Pead]

Brian’s computer at Off Centre Counselling charity in Hackney is unlawfully removed by police and his research into child sexual abuse is wiped clean from the Off Centre mainframe servers. Less than a week later, Brian unlawfully dismissed by the charity which is part-funded by the Metropolitan Police [Source: Maya Walker, Off Centre employee] [Source: various letters informing Brian re dismissal]

5 June 2008 Brian unlawfully suspended by Off Centre

13 June 2008 Brian unlawfully dismissed by Off Centre Counselling charity in Hackney. Off Centre is part-funded by the Metropolitan Police

01 July 2008 Forensic report on Brian’s computers shows no child pornography or searches for it

25 July 2008 The same police who arrested Brian at his home on 04 June 2008 claimed to have applied to the City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court for a Search Warrant for the home of Geoffrey Bacon to look for ‘computer or computer- related equipment’

the police fail to provide a true copy of the alleged search warrant

the police fail to produce a copy of the police submission to the court for a search warrant

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31 July 2008 police search Geoffrey and Roy Bacon’s house for ‘computer or computer- related equipment’: they seize just one computer.

The search lasts just 10 minutes (including taking a statement from Geoffrey Bacon)

The police claim it is necessary to seize the computer “because it will prove the innocence or guilt of Brian Pead”

In a breach of protocol, the computer is not placed inside an evidence bag and it is not sealed or signed for [Source: police letters to Roy and Geoffrey Bacon] [Source: Brian Pead witness statement] [Source: Geoffrey Bacon witness statement]

July–Dec 08 Various court hearings to keep Brian busy

19 Jan 2009 Police claim they have taken a statement from Warwick Leigh Brown, IT manager of Faceparty

The statement is not witnessed and has no Unique Reference Number

06 Feb 2009 Brian attends Woolwich Crown Court in a preliminary hearing before the trial for Exposure. The CPS inform Judge Byers that the “three female witnesses will be ready on Monday”

09 Feb 2009 the trial for Exposure. The females fail to attend. Therefore no case to answer and the case should have been dismissed. But the Judge allows the trial to go ahead at a later date in June 2009

10 Feb 2009 Brian complains about Abuse of Process

16 Feb 2009 Brian charged with inciting a child to engage in sexual activity contrary to section 10 of the . No child ever existed

18 July 2009 Brian beaten up in street by 4 police officers from Bexley Police

Two witnesses to the beating make official complaints to the police Kate Halpin (of Bexley Police) visits witnesses and forces them to withdraw their statements “if you know what’s good for you”

Police visit Brian’s house and force his tenants to leave in an attempt to “run him out of money” and further disrupt his life

14 December trial begins at Southwark Crown Court: 2009 (i) alleged incitement of a 14 year old ‘girl’ who never existed

(ii) alleged exposure to three females

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23 Dec 2009 trial ends at Southwark Crown Court. Brian told by Judge that if he continues to maintain his innocence he will be sent to prison

24 Dec 2009 Brian posts a letter through his daughter’s door about police corruption and maintaining his innocence

30 Dec 2009 Brian sends his eldest granddaughter a birthday card and tells her how much he is missing her and her siblings

04 Jan 2010 Brian attends Bexleyheath Police Station with a witness, Geoffrey Bacon

DS Williams asks Brian: “Who are you talking to about your case?”

Brian’s local vicar (Rev. Nicholas Kerr) informs him that a vigilante has been undertaking a house-to-house campaign against Brian in another effort by the police to alienate him from his neighbours

06 Jan 2010 Brian attends Probation. Provides them with incontrovertible evidence of police corruption – Probation fails to act

22 Jan 2010 Brian appeals against the unlawful conviction from Southwark Crown Court

27 Jan 2010 Sentencing at Southwark Crown Court; Brian packed bags ready for prison; Witness Geoffrey Bacon at Court; Brian sentenced to a Sexual Offences Prevention Order not to have unsupervised contact with under- aged children except for his grand-children; on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years; Brian signs no paperwork

Police ask for a permanent search warrant on Brian’s house (not granted)

February Brian’s son-in-law visits Brian and tells him he can see his grandchildren 2010 again within 6 months “after the dust has settled”. He adds, “We’ve told them that you favoured Lauren and not the other two so we’ve fallen out with you.” Brian tells his son-in-law this is not true and he does not agree with that course of action, saying they should be told the truth – that their grandfather has been “fitted up”

22 Feb 2010 Brian is visited by two police officers from Bexley. They claim they have a “Harassment Warning Notice” from his daughter and eldest grandchild, Emily. Brian examines the note. It is not witnessed. Brian’s date of birth is not on the form. His daughter’s name is spelled incorrectly. Brian refuses to sign the form. It is clearly bogus. It was never served in accordance with police protocol

08 April 2010 a person claiming to be a PC Testoni from Lowestoft Police calls Brian and says that his nephew has threatened violence against Brian and that he (the nephew) has mental health issues. Despite the obvious threats of violence, the nephew is not arrested or interviewed by police. It is an obvious police lie and a tactic to make Brian think he has no family connections left

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20 April 2010 Brian writes to Lowestoft Police requesting full disclosure in this matter

26 April 2010 Brian receives a reply to his letter for disclosure. The reply is allegedly from ‘PC Testoni’ but is on plain paper with no ‘Suffolk Police’ logo or letterheaded paper. It is clearly bogus

06 July 2010 Brian’s Appeal rejected by a Single Judge, who claims Brian’s barrister conducted himself properly

Jan-May 2010 Brian forced to attend weekly Probation. The “Victim Awareness” programme causes concern because, as Brian pointed out, there never was a victim, so how can he be remorseful towards her?

17 August DS Williams and PC John Brown (see January 2013) interrupt a probation 2010 meeting. DS Williams shouts at Brian and threatens him: “I will come to your house every week until you let me in.” Brian suggests he applies for a Search Warrant and reminds DS Williams that the Judge refused to grant a search warrant on 27 January 2010 at Sentencing

24 Aug – Brian working at LIBERTY HUMAN RIGHTS one day a week as part of his law 09 Nov 2010 degree. He informs them about his ‘conviction’ and police corruption but they fail to act in a cover-up

September Brian commences his law degree at the University of Greenwich in London. 2010 He immediately informs his tutors about his miscarriage of justice and Kim Everett, a non-practising barrister, advises him not to use the word ‘corruption’. Brian takes the precaution of tape-recording all the meetings with Ms Everett in the interest of justice

14 November Brian writes to James Brokenshire, MP correcting factual mistakes in letters 2010 Brokenshire has received from the Police. Brokenshire, whose parliamentary remit includes liaising closely with the police, is unhelpful

18 December Brian writes to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Paul 2010 Stephenson, and provides him with incontrovertible evidence of police perjury, misconduct in public office and corruption

07 January Brian arrested twice on same day: 2011 (i) alleged breach of Sexual Offences Order (ii) alleged harassment of his daughter and grand-daughter, Emily

Tactically, these arrests and charges are merely to keep Brian labelled as a ‘sex offender’ and to further alienate him from his family

Brian’s house is unlawfully searched without a warrant

Brian had sought disclosure around his nephew threatening him, but the police fail to provide disclosure

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28 Jan 2011 Bexley Magistrates Court for a preliminary meeting. This is another police tactic – keep Brian busy on pointless procedural activity so that his attention is turned away from Lambeth Council and the abuse he blew the whistle on there

16 March On his father’s written request, Brian takes his father from the council ‘care 2011 home’ in Surbiton to live with him in Sidcup.

His father, aged 91, has open sores on his bottom and his feet are encrusted with dirt. His toe-nails are in-growing. Brian nurses his father and provides him with comfort in his old age

18 March Bexley Police harass Brian by sending a large van and four officers to his 2011 house. Brian refuses to let them in as they have no warrant and his father is asleep in bed. It is 9pm

19 March Bexley Police harass Brian and insist on seeing his father or they will “storm 2011 your house and remove your father”

Brian uses the opportunity to show the police the poor condition of his father’s feet and toe-nails.

Two marked police cars and three officers attend

local Vicar Nicholas Kerr calls in to see Brian. “…I could see all that was going on from my window. That has to be defined as ‘harassment’ in anybody’s language. Talk about ‘over the top’…”

the Rev. Kerr meets Brian’s father and introduces himself.

21 March Kingston Social Services claim Brian has illegally removed his father from 2011 the home. Brian informs them he was being neglected in the Council-run care home. Brian informs KSS that he will not pay the money they are demanding because of their ill-treatment of his father

23 March DS Williams and PC John Brown from Bexleyheath Police visit Brian at his 2011 home and ask him to sign Form 3316 to demonstrate his change of address

25 March Brian attends Dartford County Court in his case against the tenants who left 2011 without paying final month’s rent. Tenants state on record that they left Brian house because the police forced them to. The Police have no authority in civil matters, but they wanted to disrupt Brian’s life and run him out of money

07 April 2011 Brian attends Woolwich Crown Court on charge of alleged breach of Sexual Offences Act. Judge tells CPS that there is no trial bundle; that there are no Indictment papers; that the CPS are “…wholly unprepared…” for trial

13 April 2011 trial at Bexley Magistrates Court on a charge of Harassment (section2) is postponed

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13 April 2011 Police threaten to use video evidence of Brian’s 12 year old granddaughter, even though she never received the birthday card or letter sent to her

Brian is prepared to fight for the rights of all of his three grandchildren in this case if necessary

18 April 2011 Brian writes to his solicitor, Peter Brady of Brady, Eastwood, Pierce and Stewart (BEPS) about the lack of disclosure from the CPS and the State’s interference in every aspect of his life

20 June 2011 Brian’s father dies in his sleep at home

Detectives attend the house and start examining the body with a view to blaming Brian for his father’s death.

Brian tells them to leave the body alone and leave his house

13 July 2011 the CPS writes to BEPS stating that neither Brian’s daughter nor his grand- daughter have made statements against him and that 12-year-old Emily had not even seen the birthday card and letter sent to her. There cannot have been any harassment therefore

03 August 2011 Brian leads his father’s funeral at Eltham Crematorium

Neither Brian’s daughter nor his grandchildren are present. The invitations he sent out to them were returned, having been intercepted by the police. Even at the funeral, the State is corrupting the natural course of events

07 Aug 2011 BEPS finally writes to their client, Brian, and inform him that the CPS may want to call Brian’s daughter and granddaughter, “...but they are not sure...” This letter is a lie. The CPS had not stated that in their letter to BEPS.

BEPS urges against Brian calling his daughter and grand-child, despite the fact that they have made no statements against Brian. Of course he would need to cross-examine them to ask why the police claimed he had been harassing them if they had not claimed this or made statements against him alleging harassment

17 Aug 2011 Brian attends Greenwich Magistrates’ Court in the alleged trial for harassment of his daughter and granddaughter.

The Hearing wastes more of Brian’s time (which is what it was designed to do). BEPS withdraws its representation in the matter after Brian informed them of their corrupt practices

31 August 2011 more than 8 police officers are deployed to arrest Brian at his house where they know he is living alone. Despite the Woolwich riots taking place on the same night, Bexley Police deploy 8 officers and 5 vehicles to arrest a man living alone. Police climb on to his roof at the rear of his house and attempt to gain access through an open bathroom window whilst he is talking with officers at the front

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31 August 2011 friends Geoffrey and Roy Bacon ask why Brian is being arrested and why it took so many police and vehicles to attend the property.

Roy Bacon, 83, is threatened with arrest for asking questions about Brian’s unlawful trial at Southwark in 2009, telling the police Brian is innocent

07 Sep 2011 Brian writes to Keir Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions, and asks searching questions about the law, his trial and police corruption

Brian also sends letters to the Prime Minister, the Home Secretary, Lambeth Council, the Minister for Justice, the Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police, the Lord Chief Justice, various Law Lords, Nick Clegg’s wife (a barrister), Lambeth MPs and several other prominent people (he receives no replies except from Baroness Lawrence)

23 Sep 2011 Brian is unlawfully arrested on a charge of alleged Witness Intimidation – by saying “Hello” to his own 12 year old grand-daughter at a bus stop (there are no restraining orders or similar against him to prevent such communication)

Emily Birch, his grand-daughter, has never been a witness in any trial or hearing

Brian is remanded in custody – his house unlawfully searched by officers.

Brian is unlawfully remanded to Belmarsh maximum security prison – even though there is no crime and no victim of Witness Intimidation

Friends and supporters believe Brian’s arrest was to ‘take the heat off’ those in positions of authority who needed Brian off the streets in order to (a) disrupt his life, (b) try to control him and (c) deflect attention away from their own wrong- doing

Not one of the agencies of State that he wrote to earlier in the month has ever replied to his letters

31 Oct 2011 Brian attends Bexley Magistrates’ Court. The case for witness intimidation is thrown out. Brian ought to have been released. However, those in positions of authority who are covering their own wrong-doing ensure that he is sent back to Belmarsh Prison

Brian shares a cell with celebrity gangster Dave Courtney. The two men swap stories about police and judicial corruption

01 Nov 2011 at Bexley Magistrates’ Court, Brian is found guilty of the harassment against his own daughter and granddaughter, but no members of the public are present, no Disclosure or paperwork is in Court, and no witnesses for the Defence appear. His daughter – who allegedly brought the case against him - does not appear in Court; nor is a statement from her read out in Court because there isn’t one. Brian has a Restraining Order unlawfully placed upon him and no contact with his own daughter or grandchildren for 18 months. This move was to not only isolate Brian from his loved ones, but also to ensure that the police lies and paperwork shown to his daughter would not be discussed between Brian and his daughter. Brian’s granddaughter, Emily, aged 12, is not in Court and nor has she made a statement against her grandfather Page 39 of 71

23 Sep – 15 Nov Brian moved between Belmarsh and Wandsworth prisons every 3-4 days as

2011 the authorities attempt to cause as much disruption to his life as possible and to isolate him so that friends and supporters cannot arrange visits and any letters sent to him ‘go missing’

15 Nov 2011 Brian is finally released from prison after an appearance at Woolwich C.C.

22 Nov 2011 at Southwark C.C., Brian has his original sentence (from 27 January 2010) rescinded and his sentence (in a crime with no victim, yet which requires a victim under the law) increased to 7 years on the Sex Offenders Register and the wearing of a ‘tag’ for 3 months and a house curfew

Dec 2011 Brian loses a possession order on his house at Dartford County Court – his only option is to sell and move away due to unlawful police interference in his life by forcing tenants to leave his house

Brian sends another letter to the Criminal Cases Review Commission with regard to having his unlawful conviction overturned

06 Jan 2011 Brian moves to Southend. Is fitted with an electronic ‘tag’ in order that his movements are severely curtailed and that he is constantly monitored by the State in order to prevent him from further exposing the corruption he has been exposed to

07 Jan 2011 Brian goes to Southend Police to inform them of his whereabouts. The civilian conducting a search for him on the Police National Computer said that it “...is strange... this seems to be a false record ... it won’t allow me to print anything out ...” It transpired that this alleged record included offences of rape against 13 year old females and other sexual offences which Brian has never committed, has never been charged with, Indicted for, or appeared at Court for. The whole scenario surrounding Brian has been one of “smoke and mirrors” as the perpetrators attempt to cover up their wrong-doing

19 Jan 2011 Brian is forced to appear at Woolwich C.C. with less than 24 hours’ notice. In a clear abuse of process, he is told by the Judge that he will not be allowed legal representation and that he will have to defend himself, and that he must return tomorrow to start a trial by Jury

20 & 23 Jan 2012 Brian represents himself at Crown Court. The case for the Crown collapses due to demonstrable lies from the Police and false evidence being entered into Court. The Judge rebukes the CPS for bringing the case and rebukes the police officer for his ‘fabricated testimony’ and for bringing false evidence into Court. PC John Brown of Bexleyheath Police is not arrested for his crimes

02 Feb 2012 Brian is unlawfully arrested by Essex Police for an alleged offence of tampering with the electronic tagging machine (he hadn’t) which is, in itself, a non-arrestable offence. Held unlawfully overnight – taken to Bromley Magistrates Court in London the following day

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03 Feb 2012 Bromley Magistrates Court. Prosecution fail to attend; case moved to Greenwich Magistrates Court

07 Feb 2012 Greenwich Magistrates Court. Prosecution fail to attend. Magistrate adjourns to 14th February “to give the Crown a second chance”, despite being in possession of facts that show that Pead cannot be guilty of an offence

14 Feb 2012 Greenwich Magistrates Court. Prosecution attend – drop two original charges relating to interfering with the tagging machine, but add another bogus charge of failing to return the machine (it had been handed in at Southend Police Station in January and a receipt obtained)

19 Feb 2012 Brian writes to the CCRC once again asking for reasons for the delay in his conviction being overturned

28 Feb 2012 bogus charge dropped at Greenwich Magistrates’ Court

15 May 2012 Brian writes to his MP (James Duddridge, Conservative) and provides evidence of police and judicial corruption

30 July 2012 after 2 months, Duddridge replies. In a breach of his ministerial responsibilities, he writes: “I fully support the actions of Essex Police. Do not correspond with me again” and fails to act re police and judicial corruption

01 August 2012 Brian launches the website www.allaroundjustice.com and uploads full details of his unlawful trials, police and judicial corruption, including secret tape recordings of barristers, university tutors and probation workers, all of whom he had informed of corruption

The website is moderate and factual and only information which was truthful was uploaded to the website, which was hosted in England

20 Aug 2012 Brian receives an email from Alasdair Palmer (a human rights journalist from the Daily Telegraph). He has reviewed documentation provided to him about Brian’s trial at Southwark in December 2009. The email states:

“... Dear Brian, I found your material extremely interesting. It is clear to me that you were indeed the victim of an injustice, as you maintain. Thank you again for sharing your material with me. With best wishes, Alasdair …”

Aug – Oct 2012 Brian completes his 10th book from Hillsborough to Lambeth, (corruption and cover-up of child abuse and racism in Lambeth)

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Sep 2012 Brian receives an email from UK2Net, the website hosts claiming that they have had ‘a complaint’ about the website from a Mr Paul Birch of Sidcup (Brian’s son-in- law). The ‘complaint’ states that Brian has posted information about his own daughter and grandchildren on to the website and therefore the web hosts will remove the site. This action could only be taken at the very highest levels – the involvement of a Member of Parliament, for example

Oct 2012 Brian asked to see a copy of the alleged complaint, but UK2Net failed to provide this disclosure (because it obviously did not exist, as with most other documentation relating to Brian). The authorities clearly do not want Brian to swap information about police corruption with his daughter, who has been manipulated by the police and Bexley Social Services

from Hillsborough to Lambeth is published by Invenire Press. The cover features a photograph of Dunipace receiving her OBE from Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace, yet this woman failed the pupils and parents of Lambeth by allowing a known groomer of female pupils to be re-instated in an all-girls school after she had been dismissed by Brian. Following this dismissal, Brian was unlawfully suspended, illegally dismissed and then became the target of surveillance by the State for more than 8 years

25 Oct 2012 Brian meets Larisa Brown of the Daily Mail re his findings about Lambeth. She is extremely interested in the story and documents he shows her. He also shows her a copy of the book from Hillsborough to Lambeth. “We will want this story” she tells him. She agrees to contact him ‘tomorrow’

26 Oct 2012 True to her word, Larisa Brown of the Daily Mail responds to Brian in an email. “...Thank you for our chat yesterday. I’ve had a word with Arthur and the team and I’m afraid it’s not something for us...”

What happened between the night before when she was certain that the Daily Mail would want the story and the following afternoon when she rejects it?

18 Nov 2012 Brian and co-author Michael Bird write to HM the Queen seeking the forfeiture of the OBE by Phyllis Dunipace, former Head of Children’s Services in Lambeth, who resigned in mysterious circumstances following the unlawful dismissal of James Walker, another Head Teacher unlawfully dismissed by Lambeth

30 Nov 2012 Brian and Michael Bird receive a letter from Andy Burnham, the MP who was instrumental in assisting the Hillsborough Families Support Group and uncovering police and judicial corruption

Mr Burnham states that he has read the book “with great interest”

Mr Burnham adds that he cannot, of course, represent Brian because he does not live within his constituency, but Mr Burnham says that “...I commend your search for justice...”

Brian has vowed to fight to clear his name and for his beloved daughter and grandchildren to learn the truth, not the police version of events

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10 Dec 2012 the website goes live. It is hosted in Slovakia, outside of the jurisdiction of England & Wales. Nothing defamatory is posted on it, only factual content

A link on the website to Amazon is created so that people can purchase the book. Almost immediately negative comments are posted about the book by the police, claiming that Brian has invented it all, that he is a ‘fantasist’ and a ‘convicted sex offender’

No comments are posted about co-author Michael Bird

20 Dec 2012 On his daughter’s birthday, Brian receives a letter from the Cabinet Office regarding the application to remove Dunipace’s OBE. The ‘process is on- going and will take time’

(Nothing more is ever heard)

03 Jan 2013 Alex Passman, an award-winning employment lawyer, calls Michael Bird and also emails him about the book (having been sent a copy). Passman says: “...I have received the book and I agree that the sections in which I am mentioned gives an accurate description of the events...”

On page 256 of the book, it states: “... Passman told Pead that he was being set up, and that Lambeth would find him guilty on all counts. Twist didn’t allow any of Passman’s rebuttals to the allegations and Passman said that this was absolute nonsense. He added that there was something incredibly strange about this case...”

07 Jan 2013 Brian and Michael Bird (co-authors of from Hillsborough to Lambeth) receive a letter from Pinsent Masons, who claim to be acting on behalf of Lambeth Council’s Phyllis Dunipace and Cathy Twist, both of whom were severely castigated by Simon Hughes, MP after the unlawful dismissal of Head Teacher James Walker

17 Jan 2013 Foyle’s – the children's bookseller of the year for 2012 – unilaterally cancel the proposed launch of from Hillsborough to Lambeth in the South Bank branch (which is in Lambeth). It would appear that pressure has been brought to bear on the well-known bookseller

24 Jan 2013 Brian writes to 300 fee earners at Pinsent Masons and informs them of failures by the international law firm in pre-action protocol for defamation. (The very first step is to write to the publishers, but PM failed to do this. The next step is to ask for certain passages which are deemed to be defamatory to be removed. PM failed to do this throughout more negative comments are posted on Amazon about the book from Jan 2013 Hillsborough to Lambeth, all attacking Brian Pead and not one of them commenting about Michael Bird

However, a former pupil at the Lambeth School that Brian was Headteacher in uploads a detailed comment in which she (and her mother) confirm that everything in the book is true

Thus it was clear thatPage an 43 independent of 71 award-winning lawyer had corroborated Brian’s version of events at Lambeth and now also a former pupil and her mother

throughout Thus it was clear that an independent award-winning lawyer had Jan 2013 corroborated Brian’s version of events at Lambeth and now also a former pupil and her mother

30 Jan 2013 Pinsent Masons call Brian (and not co-author Michael Bird) and tell him they are applying for an injunction that very day at the High Court in London. Brian has no opportunity to travel to London from Southend in time and this is a clear abuse of process.

In another abuse of process, Sir Michael Tugendhat allows an injunction despite the ‘other party’ not being in Court and having no opportunity to appear in time. (This was not an emergency application)

Pinsent Masons failed to provide proof that they are acting on behalf of Dunipace and Twist

Pinsent Masons apply for an injunction against Brian for alleged ‘harassment’ of the international law firm and its employees because he wrote to them about their failures with regard to pre-action protocols

A clear defensive strategy of the authorities who are threatened with facts is to (a) claim the attacking party is mad or has mental health issues, (b) deny any wrong-doing, (c) blame the attacking party, (d) claim the attacking party is harassing them and (e) send out disinformation about the other party

Co-author Michael Bird was not a party to any proceedings brought by

PM – only Brian

Lambeth Council also claim harassment by Brian and instruct Pinsent Masons to represent them in the High Court. However, when Brian sought disclosure about the Letter of Instruction, none is forthcoming

01 Feb 2013 The High Court issues an injunction against Brian – but not Michael Bird – preventing publication or distribution of the book. A full text copy of the book is already on the internet in Holland (not placed by Brian)

03 Feb 2013 Brian goes out into the street to ask a man why he keeps knocking on the communal entrance door to Brian’s flat in Southend. The man attempts to give Brian some papers but Brian refuses to accept them. He stands in front of the man’s car to take photos and call Michael Bird and the man switches on the engine and drives straight at Brian’s legs. Brian calls the police, who fail to turn up. Minutes later, Michael Bird arrives on the scene and witnesses the man drive off. This incident was uploaded to the LambethChildAbuseandCoverUp.com website

Brian sends Chuka Umunna, MP in Lambeth a copy of the book and other information. Mr Umunna’s email provides an automatic receipt, but he does nothing about the corruption in Lambeth Council

06 Feb 2013 Brian takes a copy of the book to the offices of and is given a receipt

07 Feb 2013 Georgina Allen (of Max Clifford) emails Brian and tells him they cannot help publicise the story Page 44 of 71

08 Mar 2013 Brian sends an Open Letter to Simon Hughes, MP re Lambeth child abuse and requesting that the MP puts forward an Early Day Motion in parliament.

This is the same Simon Hughes, MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark, who said in respect of the unlawful dismissal of Lambeth Headteacher James Walker: "...I have rarely found a tribunal as willing to condemn as many people, senior people who came before them, for not telling the truth. This is not good enough..." Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-16009828

the ‘senior people’ included Phyllis Dunipace, Cathy Twist, Barry Gilhooly and Claire Cobbold of Lambeth Children and Young People’s Service – the very same people who featured in Brian’s unlawful dismissal and who Alex Passman had agreed on 03 January 2013 that Brian had been ‘set up’ by Lambeth Council

the letter to Simon Hughes (now a Minister for Justice) mentioned the work of Tom Watson, MP, who is exposing paedophile MPs

(Several letters have been sent to Mr Hughes, but he has failed to reply to a single one of them, either in his capacity as an MP or as a Minister of Justice) Brian receives an automated email response from Tessa Jowell, MP, who was handed a copy of the book by a former pupil at the Lambeth school and her mother. Ms Jowell is one of three MPs for Lambeth. The others were also sent copies of the book

Not one of these MPs wrote to the authors or publishers

14 Mar 2013 Brian – but not co-author Michael Bird – is forced to attend court on a charge of Contempt of Court. Is forced to return on 27 March 2013

15 Mar 2013 Brian arrested. No reason given. Held overnight in police cell. Released the following afternoon without charge

17 Mar 2013 Brian’s story appears on www.DavidIcke.com website.

A comment on the David Icke website reads: “...The targeting by the police of this grandfather is reminiscent of the Stasi. Will keep you updated on Brian Pead, a brave and good man...”

Another comment reads: “...Sadly the vilification of whistle-blowers is a common theme...”

Another reads: “...I’ve just come across this and it is eye opening what Lambeth Council get up to. They really do think they are above the law and act with a total disregard for facts and evidence. There are evil people in Lambeth Children and Young People’s Service department still abusing children and ruining families...”

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26 Mar 2013 Brian’s story is sent to the WhistleBlowers UK website the Daily Mirror runs a front-page story entitled “Paedo MP Cover-up Claim – Top Cop removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects”

Scotland Yard’s DCI Clive Driscoll is moved off the case and on to the Stephen Lawrence case after he names at least one MP as being involved in child abuse

former Labour councillor Anna Tapsell claims she was visited by a police chief and ‘warned off’ (see 18 July 2009) after she raised concerns that detectives would not properly investigate allegations of paedophile activity in Lambeth care homes

Ms Tapsell had highlighted sex abuse in council children’s homes for more than two decades. She said, “...Council employees who tried to expose staff they suspected of sexual abuse were sidelined and ignored. At the same time, alleged perpetrators were moved or allowed to leave for financial misconduct or other misdemeanours instead of for the abuse. This meant children never received the justice they deserved...”

DCI Driscoll claimed that Scotland Yard began meddling after he named an MP

27 Mar 2013 Brian attends the Royal Courts of Justice in London. More than 25 friends and supporters are in the public gallery. Brian noticed a few ‘friends’ and ‘supporters’ (undercover police who had infiltrated his circle) were noticeably absent

with no witnesses against him and no evidence, Brian is sent to prison for one month for alleged ‘Contempt of Court’ – his crime was not removing all traces of the book from Hillsborough to Lambeth from the entire internet!

In another abuse of process and fundamental breach of the law, the Judge hearing the case fails to ask Brian if he apologises for his alleged contempt

Brian holds up a copy of the Daily Mirror to the Judge who has unlawfully sentenced him to prison

Brian removed to Pentonville Prison over the Easter period – this is another trick used by the authorities. Lock someone up when the courts are not sitting during the holiday periods and they have to remain in prison until the next available court date

10 Apr 2013 Brian released from Pentonville Prison

11 Apr 2013 Brian back in the High Court and fined more than £24,000 for the privilege of having been imprisoned for alleged Contempt of Court

12 Apr 2013 Brian writes to CCRC again, asking for reasons for the inordinate delay in processing the overturning of his illegal conviction

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14 Apr 2013 Dominic Bell – the barrister who failed Brian at the Southwark trial in 2009 – calls Brian and tells him “If you do not remove the secret tape-recordings you made of me from the internet, then I will tell people you tried to pay £300 for sex with young girls”

Bell makes a series of 4 telephone calls – all of which are recorded by Brian this is a clear case of blackmail. The claims that Bell was making had no basis in fact of course

16 July 2013 Brian has brought a £5 million claim against Lambeth and is in the High Court before Master Basil Yoxall

Yoxall attempts to hear 5 different claims between Brian and Lambeth and Lambeth and Brian, but fails to deal with the lead claim (Brian –v- Lambeth Council)

Lambeth Council attempts to obtain a permanent gagging order on

Brian for the rest of his life (see also 27 January 2010 when the police attempted to obtain a permanent search warrant on his house)

23 July 2013 Brian re-locates to Norfolk. He becomes busy assisting others in their fights against the police and local councils

27 July 2013 Brian meets Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer who became famous in 1999 after shooting at burglars in his home. Brian accepts an invitation from Mr Martin to write his autobiography about his life and about the trial which he describes as “legal engineering”

01 Aug 2013 Brian is arrested by armed police, who claim he is guilty of criminal damage to a car which is trespassing on the land belonging to a pig farmer he is assisting in his case against E.ON, who are attempting to bankrupt him for more than £6,000 despite the fact that the meter number on the bills does not match the number on the meter on the small-holding

The two E.ON workers are dressed in red long-sleeved fleeces on a hot August day, and have no hand-held terminals with them. They are believed to be under-cover police

Brian is taken to the police station and, at 2am the next morning, police call at

his place of residence and without a warrant illegally seize a computer belonging to him which had not been returned by April 2016)

02 Aug 2013 Brian dragged from his cell to be interviewed at 4.30am. He makes a “No Comment” interview after police claim they have evidence of criminal


17 Aug 2013 Brian moves into Darby Farm in the village of Pott Row in Norfolk. He continues to provide legal information to the pig farmer and his wife

Aug – Dec Brian forced to attend various Hearings at King’s Lynn Magistrates Court and 2013 Norwich Crown Court as the legal system is manipulated by those in positions of power who have something to hide

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10 Oct 2013 Brian (and others) write to the newly-formed National Crime Agency. The letter encloses a 76-page dossier on demonstrable police and local authority corruption

Keith Bristow is the Director-General who claims his remit is to “wipe out corruption”. He fails to respond to the letter, despite the fact that the Signatories obtained evidence from the Post Office that it was delivered and ‘signed for’

the letter informs Mr Bristow of significant breaches of the human rights of the Signatories under Article 3 of the ECHR

22 Oct 2013 a copy of Framed! is sent to Henry Bellingham, MP. It tells the full story of Brian’s corrupt trial at Southwark in 2009. Brian provides a second (signed) copy on 15 April 2016, the MP having failed to act for almost 3 years

10 Nov 2013 Brian contacts Action Fraud and informs them about Lambeth Council fraudulently misrepresenting the case at the Employment Tribunal in January and February 2008; misrepresenting the case for alleged Contempt of Court in March 2013; misrepresenting facts in the investigatory meeting in 2007; and misrepresenting facts in the July 2013 Hearing in Brian’s £5m claim against the Council

the complaint to Action Fraud also mentions Master Yoxall of the Royal Courts of Justice in that he fraudulently claimed he had heard 5 cases involving Brian – v- Lambeth Council on the same day in July 2013 when in fact he had not. Brian taped the proceedings. Brian is given a Crime Reference Number. Action Fraud does nothing

20 Nov 2013 Master Yoxall issues a directive that Brian’s claim against Lambeth Council is struck out on the grounds that it was ‘ill-founded’

Not only is the claim well-crafted and pertinent (as described by a qualified solicitor), but it also corroborates Alex Passman’s comments that Brian was “being set up by Lambeth” to be dismissed after he had uncovered child abuse in the Council

29 Nov 2013 having heard nothing from the National Crime Agency with regard to the 76- page report on police and local authority corruption, Brian writes a reminder letter

23 Dec 2013 Brian, following due process as carried out by Baroness Doreen Lawrence, sends a Private Criminal Prosecution to Bexley Magistrates’ Court. Ms Noone committed demonstrable perjury at Brian’s trial in December 2009 and she unlawfully dismissed him in June 2008

To date, the Court has failed in its duty to process the prosecution after bona fide information was laid before it

31 Dec 2013 Brian (and others) issue an Official Complaint to HM Government with regard to abuses of their Article 3 rights – not to receive inhuman or degrading treatment. The 7-page letter is ‘signed for’

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31 Dec 2013 A citizen’s Article 3 rights cannot be waived under any circumstances. The consequence of a European Government receiving such a letter is that it must act on the information and it must initiate an Official Investigation. A failure to acknowledge the Complaint does not invalidate the Complaint

01 Jan 2014 Brian sends letters re ARTICLE 3 (and 76-page National Crime Agency document) to the following:

 HM the Queen  The Prime Minister  Theresa May, Home Secretary  Henry Bellingham, MP  Alison Saunders, DPP  Amanda Kelly, IPCC  Trevor Kavanagh,  Andy Lines, the Mirror  Alan Rusbridger, The Guardian

 Amol Rajan, The Independent

 James Harding,

 Chris Grayling/ Simon Hughes/ Damian Green – Ministry of Justice

 Simon Bailey, Chief Constable, Norfolk

Not a single reply is received

28 Jan 2014 Police visited Brian’s place of residence at 11.25pm. Brian not at home. Police would not tell his landlady why they wanted to speak with him

29 Jan 2014 Brian’s landlords stopped on way to work by police. Without either a Search Warrant or an Arrest Warrant, Brian is unlawfully arrested in his own bedroom after police force their way in to the house. His landlords are told by the police “We will hound you until we find him.”

In front of witnesses, he is not given any reason for his arrest (making it unlawful). Is eventually told that his arrest was because he had been “impersonating a barrister.” Brian is questioned, however, for alleged Harassment of his daughter and granddaughter. He is taken to Norwich Crown Court for a Hearing. He is not given any travel warrant and has to make his own way back home from Norwich

06 Feb 2014 manager of local sorting office informs Brian that his post has been stopped. Police had allegedly told them to stop the mail

01 Mar 2014 armed police call at Brian’s place of residence, wanting to leave ‘documents’. The owner of the property refuses to accept the documents. She writes a letter of complaint to Norfolk Police asking why

(i) armed police trespassed on her property when no crime had been committed, (ii) the police are acting as postmen and (iii) why Brian and her family are being harassed by the police

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01 Mar 2014 postman drives to Brian’s place of residence. Informs Brian “there is a notice up in the sorting office telling us to send all letters addressed to you to the sender. Please don’t involve me, though, I’m not supposed to tell anyone”

02 Mar 2014 Brian meets John Gawthorp, a man who had his wooden house illegally burnt down by Fenland District Council. Brian has been assisting him with legal information for 4-5 months, but not as a barrister or solicitor

03 Mar 2014 Brian assists his landlords in their claim against E.ON, who have been overcharging them for 7 years. This is the same E.ON who alleged that Brian damaged their car on 01 August 2013

04 Mar 2014 Brian and Michael Bird visit the Daily Mirror offices in London. Tom Pettifor (who worked with DCI Clive Driscoll in exposing child abuse in Lambeth) is given a copy of from Hillsborough to Lambeth and informs both men that he never received a copy of the book when it was originally sent. Pettifor is told that the book was

‘signed for’. It is evident that someone was signing for these books but not delivering them

06 Mar 2014 Brian falsely arrested. Police claim they have ‘a warrant for your arrest’. Brian and witnesses ask to see the warrant. Police claim ‘it is back at the station’. Brian refuses to be arrested. The police forcibly arrest him and remove him to the station.

Around 10pm, Brian is ‘interviewed’ by the police doctor. He takes Brian’s blood pressure, but does not record the result anywhere. Brian is highly suspicious of this man, whose entire demeanour suggests that he is not a bona fide doctor. Brian mentions police corruption

Around midnight, Brian is removed from his cell and taken to see “two doctors”. One fails to show any identity. The other claims she is a ‘mental health assessor’. Brian is aware of what is going to happen next. After a brief ‘chat’ for no more than 10 minutes, Brian is taken back to his cell Around 2am, he is removed from his cell and taken to the local mental health unit having been sectioned under the Mental Health Act by the two “doctors” and the police ‘doctor’

07 Mar 2014 Brian’s landlords – who have known him on a daily basis for 9 months - meet with the ‘doctor’ at the Unit. They inform him that Brian is fully compos mentis, ‘fiercely intelligent’ and that he has a right – like Baroness Lawrence – to fight for justice. Brian is released at 9.15pm, but must return ‘for further examination’ on 10 March

10 Mar 2014 Brian returns. The ‘doctor’ claims Brian might be ‘delusional’ about police corruption. Brian provides him with several examples of such corruption in relation to his cases. The ‘doctor’ removes the section under the MHA

Feb – Mar 2014 police call at Brian’s residence on 12 separate occasions.

the landlord calls the police and asks for the names of all police officers who have called at his house, the times and dates and reasons for their calling. He is told that there have never been any visits by the police to his house! (At least no log of these visits was ever officially recorded. This can only amount to the harassment of Brian and his landlords. This is another police tactic: not only harass the target of their persecution, but also harass those around him in the hope they will ask Brian to leave their home)

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11 Mar 2014 Brian forcibly taken to King’s Lynn Magistrates’ Court to answer charge of ‘Impersonating a barrister’

12 Mar 2014 Brian writes to local Mental Health Unit rebutting their claim that he is ‘delusional’ in relation to police corruption and confirms what everybody knows - that he is compos mentis

13 Mar 2014 Brian writes to the manager of Hunstanton Delivery Office re his undelivered mail. More than 2 years later, he has not had a reply

18 Mar 2014 Brian attends Bexleyheath Police Station regarding the alleged harassment of his daughter and granddaughter (yet another attempt by the police to claim that this is a real event) Brian unlawfully and unnecessarily held overnight.

19 Mar 2014 Brian attends the ‘virtual court’. Forced to attend King’s Lynn police station twice a week in a further attempt to disrupt his life. Still under house arrest. Must live and sleep each night at bail address

23 Mar 2014 At 10.15am (on a Sunday), PC Powter-Robinson 9015 from Hunstanton Police calls at Brian’s place of residence with PCSO Biggs 8692. They claim they had been called at 10pm last night by the Mental Health Unit to provide a ‘welfare visit’. PC Powter-Robinson said in front of witnesses, “You look fine to me and completely coherent.”

Landlord asked for some supporting documentation re today’s visit but said each time he calls 101, Norfolk Police tell him no visits to his house have ever been logged

Brian writes to Henry Bellingham, his local MP. After conducting some research in Hansard, Brian makes himself aware of other Early Day Motions (EDM) that his MP has participated in, either as a Primary Sponsor or Secondary Sponsor. Mr Bellingham has signed many EDMs on behalf of his and other constituents. One leading example was in the matter of Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer who shot at burglars in his house in 1999. The records show that Mr Bellingham was the Primary Sponsor in that EDM on 07 July 2003

“...Given your historical actions in this respect, I am calling for you to organise an Early Day Motion with regard to my cases and thereafter call for a Judge-led public inquiry, as Baroness Lawrence has sought. I demand the same rights as Baroness Lawrence and, indeed, any other UK citizen.

I therefore propose that you table the following motion as soon as possible:

“...That this house expresses its grave concern that the human rights of some of Henry Bellingham’s constituents are being abused on a weekly level; expresses further concern that William Freeman was unlawfully imprisoned in the Fermoy Mental Health Unit; expresses further concern that the Government has failed to address an Official Complaint made under the ECHR on 31 December 2013; expresses further concern that Violet Ecclestone, aged 91, is being prevented from living in her own home in the autumn of her life; urges Norfolk County Council and the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk to address the housing issue of Violet Ecclestone and allow her to return to her own home; urges the Government to address the Official Complaint; urges the Government to adhere to its legal responsibilities under the European Convention on Human Rights; urges the Government to cease the human rights abuses of William Freeman’s grand-children, Emily, 15, Lauren, 12 and Joseph Birch, 7; and further urges the Government to instigate a Judge-led public inquiry into these human rights abuses in accordance with the rights accorded to Baroness Lawrence...”

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24 Mar 2014 Brian forced to attend police station between 1 and 4pm

25 Mar 2014 Brian receives two unsolicited calls to his private mobile phone from the Mental Health Unit.

Brian’s landlady calls the Unit and asks why he is being harassed. They claim Brian must receive ‘on-going’ visits. His landlady tells the Unit that Brian is fully compos mentis, that he will fight for justice until the day he dies and that they must not harass Brian or her again and not call at her property again

26 Mar 2016 Brian forced to attend police station between 1 and 4pm

Brian receives a letter from the Criminal Cases Review Commission, which claims it has ‘been unable to locate your file’ and that it cannot allocate his case for review ‘for several more months’ – this despite informing him 24 months previously that his case would be examined ‘within 18 months’

Brian petitions HM the Queen under the Royal Prerogative on behalf of his eldest grandchild, Emily Birch, for the State to cease abusing her rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

31 Mar 2014 Brian forced to attend police station between 1 and 4pm

Brian forced to attend the Inner London Crown Court regarding an alleged 02 Apr 2014 breach of a sexual offences prevention order. He is in court for only 3

minutes while the court checks his bail address. (This is another police tactic:

get their target to waste time and money so that he doesn’t attack us)

Brian keeps receiving phonecalls on his private mobile from a number he does not recognise. They never leave a voicemail. Brian decides to call it, with a witness present. He tapes the call. The person states that he is from the Mental Health Unit. He gives his name as ‘Dominic Melton’ and says he is related to ‘Alan Melton’ leader of Fenland District Council, whom Brian has been making claims against for arson when they burnt down two houses, claiming they had breached planning consent

03 Apr 2014 Brian writes to , Leader of the Opposition with facts of corruption; he also writes to members of the Home Affairs Select Committee including Emily Thornberry; he copies letter to Baroness Lawrence and Nick Clegg

Geoffrey Bacon – who had his computer illegally seized by the police and

evidence of Brian’s innocence wiped from it – sends private criminal

prosecutions to Skegness; Bury St.Edmunds; Cambridge; Spalding

Magistrates’ Courts

04 Apr 2014 Brian forced to go to Norwich Crown Court for alleged breach of a non- existent sexual offences prevention order Brian meets with Henry Bellingham, MP at the London Road constituency office

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05 Apr 2014 Brian forced to answer bail at 1pm. Police claim there was a ‘computer glitch’ as he is delayed for 2 hours

Brian charged with “impersonating a barrister”- barred from attending King’s Lynn County Court and even sitting in the Public Gallery

Brian receives a letter from the Mental Health Unit giving him a “complete discharge” (not that he ever needed their services)

07 Apr 2014 Brian forced to attend police station between 1 and 4pm

This timeframe has been designed to severely disrupt his movements, which is another police tactic

09 Apr 2014 Brian forced to attend police station between 1 and 4pm 14 Apr 2014 Brian forced to attend police station between 1 and 4pm 16 Apr 2014 Brian forced to attend police station between 1 and 4pm

17 Apr 2014 Having been found guilty in his absence (despite not being informed of a Court date because his post is being interfered with), Brian was Sentenced to two 8-week sentences for Criminal Damage and threatening behaviour, to run concurrently but suspended for 12 months

17 Apr 2014 Ipswich Magistrates’ Court refuses to progress the Private Criminal Prosecution against Detective Sergeant Jason Tunn of the Metropolitan Police Service for perjury, perverting the course of public justice, misconduct in public office and a range of other offences. The Information was laid before the Court by Geoffrey Bacon, who had his computer unlawfully seized by Tunn and his hard drive burnt out. The letter from the Court is not on official letter-headed paper

21 Apr 2014 Brian forced to attend police station between 1 and 4pm

22 Apr 2014 Brian attends KL Magistrates’ Court re case for “impersonating a barrister”. He pleads not guilty and demands a Jury. Preliminary Hearing to be heard at Norwich Crown Court on 06 May 2014

Ed Miliband replies to Brian’s letter re Home Affairs Select Committee Hearing on police corruption

23 Apr 2014 Brian forced to attend police station between 1 and 4pm

28 Apr 2014 Brian forced to attend police station between 1 and 4pm

12 May 2014 Brian forced to attend Norwich Crown Court on a bogus charge of a breach of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO)

He applies for legal representation

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14 May 2014 Brian denied legal representation. Calls a solicitor who had agreed to help him. Judge claims Contempt of Court. Brian held in cell below Court.

Two members of the public are told to go home – “there will not be a trial today”

In his absence while he is held in the cells, a Judge claims that a trial took place and that Brian was “found guilty” by a jury

Brian sentenced to 4 months in prison

Two Court security staff sitting alongside Brian in the dock tell him they have never seen such a miscarriage before

Brian taken to Norwich Prison

May – July Brian ghosted between 10 prisons in a 12-week period as corrupt State 2014 officials seek to silence him and prevent others from contacting him

Dec 2014 Brian sends his beloved family members Christmas and birthday cards via the office of his MP, Henry Bellingham

17 Feb 2015 Brian meets Henry Bellingham, MP at the Knights Hill Hotel. Minutes produced and swapped

09 Mar 2015 Brian meets retired Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll (Scotland Yard); Driscoll informs Brian that he is considered a ‘major threat’ by Scotland Yard because of his research and books

Driscoll adds that he will try to help Brian achieve Justice for himself and his family with the use of Michael Mansfield, QC

19 Mar 2015 Brian arrested on allegation of breaches of a Restraining Order by sending his family members cards via the office of his MP

20 Mar 2015 Brian held on Remand in prison by the very same Magistrate who issued a bogus Restraining Order at Bexley Magistrates’ Court on 1 November 2011

20 Mar 2015 – Brian moved between various prisons and often held incommunicado May 2015

May 2015 Brian found ‘guilty’ at Cambridge Crown Court of impersonating a barrister

July 2015 Brian found ‘ guilty’ at the Inner London Crown Court for alleged breaches of a Restraining Order against his daughter and grandchildren (who have never made complaints against him)

Sep 2015 Brian moved to HMP Littlehey, a “sex offenders’ prison” despite his alleged crime not having a sexual element to it at all

1 Jan 2016 Henry Bellingham knighted in the New Year’s Honours List

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18 Mar 2016 Brian released from illegal incarceration – immediately made homeless

24 Mar 2016 Brian attends the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) at the Royal Courts of Justice; he applies to become a Core Participant and have his banned book from Hillsborough to Lambeth entered as evidence th 15 Apr 2016 On the 27 anniversary of Hillsborough, Brian meets Sir Henry at the Knights Hill Hotel; Minutes recorded and exchanged;

Sir Henry admits the following: (i) that Brian is innocent of the alleged incitement of a 14-year-old female; (ii) that Brian is innocent of the alleged harassment of his family members; (iii) that Brian should never have gone to prison; (iv) that ‘some murky stuff went on at Lambeth’; (v) that Brian should not have two Police national Computer (PNC) records; (vi) that a Protection from Harassment letter issued by the Met to Brian in respect of a person called ‘Kim at Greenwich University’ was clearly bogus

Sir Henry agrees: (i) to try to obtain the services of Michael Mansfield, QC who is completing his work on Hillsborough; (ii) to write to Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, commissioner of the Met Police;

26 Apr 2016 The families involved in the Hillsborough disaster hear that their loved ones were “unlawfully killed” and that the Police were involved in a major cover-up and that they tried to blame the victims to cover up their own wrong-doing

Brian’s fight for justice for himself and his family continues

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Date: 09 March 2015 Venue: The Port Jackson public house, Bishop’s Stortford, Essex Attendees: retired Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll [CD], Michael Bird [MB] (co-author of From Hillsborough to Lambeth), William Brian Freeman [WBF] (formerly known as Brian Pead) (co-author of From Hillsborough to Lambeth) and other books including FRAMED! and 10Prisons12Weeks

1. CD opened the meeting by declaring that he had called it in order to “seek justice for Brian and his family”; 2. CD added that Lambeth Council was known to be a ‘corrupt Borough’ and that a common consensus was that “everyone was on the fiddle”; 3. The consequence of [2] was that people who came to learn about child abuse perpetrated by others would not expose it for fear of themselves being exposed for wrongdoing such as, for example, financial mismanagement; 4. CD added that there was a strong Catholic and Masonic presence in Lambeth and within the Police; 5. WBF informed CD that the female teacher he dismissed for grooming and other offences had been a teacher at St Augustine’s Catholic School in Ealing and that the Executive Director of Lambeth’s Children and Young People’s Service is a Governor at La Retraite Catholic School in Lambeth; 6. CD commented that “Lambeth have been vicious to you, Brian, and it can’t be just because of what you wrote in the book from Hillsborough to Lambeth”; 7. CD stated that he read the book and agreed with its contents; 8. CD stated that WBF was “…flagged up at Scotland Yard as being a major threat because of your research and books…” and that WBF had been “…subjected to a sustained period of persecution by the Met as a direct consequence of this…”; 9. CD suggested that WBF write to his MP seeking justice, to enquire whether he is on the Sex Offenders’ Register (since people are sometimes added to it in error), if he is on it, why he is on it and for what period of time; 10. CD said that he would try to obtain a transcript of the entire Southwark trial; 11. CD stated that a major difficulty with quashing the Southwark (2009) conviction for alleged incitement was that WBF had “out-stung” a police sting operation31 and that if Brian’s conviction had been quashed it might have led to hundreds (if not thousands) of other convictions being quashed at great cost to the Government in terms of (a) compensation and (b) a large number of unsafe convictions; 12. WBF stated – and this was confirmed by MB – that it was an injustice to him and his family that his conviction “might not yet be quashed” simply because of other cases. WBF stated that he was not interested in other cases, only his own; 13. CD added that the case of alleged incitement of a non-existent girl (Southwark, 2009) could and should be quashed because of misdirections from the judge, his placing the jury under duress to reach a decision on the last day of the Michaelmas Term and mis-Joinder; 14. WBF added that there were a number of significant abuses of process in the Southwark conviction which could ordinarily lead to his conviction being quashed and not necessarily convictions of others whose circumstances could be very different from his own; 15. WBF informed CD that he (WBF) had two (2) police national computer (PNC) records, and this was confirmed by MB; 16. CD stated that it was not ordinarily possible for anybody to have two such records and that one must clearly be false; 17. MB confirmed that at Southend Police station in January 2013, a civilian administrator also stated that the record he had called up on the PNC appeared to be false; 18. WBF stated that this record contained at least six (6) convictions for rapes and other sexual assaults against females under 13 and that none of them was true; 19. CD stated that they could not have been true because otherwise Brian would not be at liberty; 20. CD stated that this false record needed to be expunged – he suggested that WBF write to the Commissioner of the Met, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe and inform him that WBF has never been arrested, charged, indicted for these offences, that it was dishonest of someone to create a second PNC record showing false data, that there has been a lot of corruption in WBF’s cases and also conspiracy and “…huge breaches of you and your family’s human rights…”; 21. WBF stated that he would do this within the next week or two [Editor’s Note: this was not possible since Brian was committed to prison and had no written records with him];

31 This fact was also corroborated by Marcia Weiss (AA Mirsons Solicitors) at Charing Cross police station on 04 June 2008 when she told her client, Brian Pead, “…You have out-stung a police sting operation and they will be out to get you…” Page 56 of 71

22. CD suggested that WBF obtain the MAPPA file against him because (a) he is entitled to it and (b) it is likely to throw up information that would prove mistakes had been made on the part of the Police and/or Lambeth Council; 23. CD suggested that Brian write to the Department of Professional Standards, Empress State Building, London; 24. WBF stated that he knew of two rogue officers within that building and was therefore loathe to have their own colleagues investigate them as such investigations usually resulted in a whitewash; 25. CD stated that it was appalling the effect that these cases were not only having on WBF but also his daughter and grandchildren and that, as a grandfather himself, he could not imagine the distress this was causing both to WBF and his family members; 26. WBF mentioned that his son-in-law owned a garage repairing vehicles for the Met Police and that the police could well have taken advantage of this business relationship to turn Brian’s family against him and feed them false information; 27. CD added that it was likely they have been misinformed and shown false documents against WBF which had led them to no longer have contact; 28. CD added that there was “…undoubtedly an element of dishonesty…” somewhere in all of these cases, stating that had Brian been guilty of the alleged improper activity online, then he (CD) would not have prosecuted but – at most – written a warning letter about conduct. CD said that he could not understand why the case ever went to court at Southwark in 2009; 29. CD added that in his opinion WBF ought to write to his MP about numerous breaches of the Human Rights Act 1998 and that people in various agencies of State were clearly making decisions based on false PNC records and other data; 30. WBF informed CD about his and his brothers’ abuse in a children’s home in Harpenden, Hertfordshire known as ‘The Oval’ from 1955 to 1960 and CD suggested that WBF write to the MP for Harpenden [Editor’s Note: due to his incarceration without recourse to his records, this was not achieved until 08 April 2016]; 31. CD asked what level of compensation that WBF would ultimately be seeking – WBF stated that he had initiated a claim against Lambeth in 2013 for £5million; 32. CD suggested that this might be “selling yourself short considering everything that Lambeth have done to you over almost a decade”; 33. A figure of £30 million was suggested to include claims against Lambeth Council, three police forces, Off Centre counselling charity and other organisations and individuals; 34. WBF invited CD to write a chapter for a second edition of the book From Hillsborough to Lambeth but CD stated that he would be unable to do so given that there are ongoing investigations into child abuse in Lambeth Council; 35. WBF informed CD that he was writing a new book about the Tony Martin case in 1999 and invited CD to write a chapter about that case – CD stated that he would be pleased to since “…murder is my speciality…”; 36. CD stated that he believed that Michael Mansfield would be “…an ideal barrister…” to assist Brian in quashing his convictions, restoring his good name and receiving compensation; 37. MB agreed that this would be a good choice of barrister; 38. WBF stated that he would be willing to work with Mr Mansfield; 39. CD stated that he would approach Mr Mansfield on WBF’s behalf [Editor’s Note: this has not yet been achieved]; 40. CD provided a business card to MB and WBF – this card included CD’s home address and mobile telephone number. 41. END OF MINUTES ………………………………………………………………

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Date: 15 April 2016 Time commenced: 17:40 Time concluded: 19:30 Venue: Knights Hill Hotel, King’s Lynn, Norfolk Attendees: Sir Henry Bellingham, MP for Northwest Norfolk, [SHB] William Brian Freeman [WBF] (formerly known as Brian Pead) (co-author of From Hillsborough to Lambeth) and other books including FRAMED! and 10Prisons12Weeks

1. SHB opened the meeting by declaring it was vitally important to make progress in all of WBF’s cases and not dwell on past matters – WBF agreed that this was a sensible principle as long as real progress was made and not just words bandied around; 2. SHB suggested to WBF that “it was appalling how his daughter and grandchildren had also suffered as the result of WBF’s unsafe convictions”; 3. SHB suggested to his constituent that he [WBF] should decide upon an intermediary in order to approach his daughter to seek a reconciliation – WBF pointed out the Restraining Order, albeit unlawfully issued, prevented WBF from taking direct action: SHB suggested that the use of an intermediary would not breach any such order; 4. SHB suggested that WBF’s daughter should write to him and state that she and her children strongly object to her father being labelled as a “convicted sex offender”; 5. SHB suggested that WBF write to the Police and the Probation Service in order to get the Restraining Order lifted; 6. SHB suggested that WBF initiate a claim against the Metropolitan Police Service (“the MPS”) for its persecution of his constituent – WBF asked his MP to provide the name of a solicitor specialising in Tort Lawi since he is a barrister who, when practising, was a specialist in Tort Law and he will therefore have a number of useful contacts in that particular field of law; 7. SHB agreed that he would seek out a bona fide lawyer capable of pursuing claims against Lambeth Council, the MPS, Essex Constabulary, Norfolk Constabulary and others; 8. SHB turned to WBF’s unsafe conviction at Southwark Crown Court in December 2009 – the MP stated “…It is evident that the conviction is unsafe and that you cannot be guilty in law…” – and that there is a need to get that conviction quashed as soon as possible, as well as other unsafe convictions against the constituent, particularly the alleged harassment of his daughter and granddaughter in November 2011 when neither family member attended court against their relative, neither had complained to the MPS and neither made witness statements against WBF; 9. WBF informed the MP that his son-in-law [name redacted for legal reasons due to a gagging order imposed at the Inner London Crown Court (“the ILCC”) in July 2015] had stated on oath and under penalty of perjury at the ILCC that “…the only reason we don’t have contact with Brian is because of that conviction at Southwark…” and the son-in-law added that “…Yes, it is true that neither Brian’s daughter nor elder granddaughter ever attended court against him or complained about him to Police or made witness statements against him…” 10. SHB stated: “…It certainly appears that some murky stuff went on against you…” and added “…but it’s important that we do not dwell on that but work towards a positive resolution…” – WBF agreed; 11. SHB stated that he would write to Michael Mansfield, Queen’s Counsellor - whom he said that he knows personally – in order to ask the lawyer to conduct appeals for WBF on a pro bono basis given that WBF should not have to pay since it is the State that put the constituent in the position he currently finds himself; 12. SHB sought confirmation from WBF that he would remain his constituent, and WBF gave such an assurance – the MP said “…then we’ll go at this hammer and tongs…”; 13. WBF thanked his MP for such a robust and positive approach; 14. SHB added: “neither your conviction at Southwark nor the harassment at Bexley Magistrates’ Court should ever have gone to court”; 15. SHB complained about the cost to the public purse and stated that all of his constituent’s cases must have cost “…several hundreds of thousands of pounds, if not millions…” and that it had been a distinct waste of public funds; 16. WBF stated that the cost to the public purse would undoubtedly be at the level of millions of pounds because he has been held (unlawfully) under surveillance since 2006 – SHB did not disagree; 17. SHB stated that he had “significant convening power” and that he could effect “useful meetings and discussions with key people in order to not only get your convictions quashed, and become reunited with your family but also obtain significant compensation from the State…”; 18. SHB added that there was little point in seeking a full-scale inquiry because the police, in particular, would only close ranks and it would be better merely to initiate a claim against the Police for the wrongs perpetrated against WBF and his family; Page 58 of 71

19. WBF referred to the email sent by SHB to him on 18 February 2015, the day after their meeting (also at the Knights Hill Hotel) – in this email, SHB had suggested that WBF pursue a claim against Lambeth Council for unlawful dismissal and other torts; 20. SHB confirmed that WBF had a ‘meritorious claim’ against the Council; 21. WBF informed his MP that he has made an application for Core Participant Status in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (“IICSA”) – the MP stated that he would support his constituent’s application and that, should it be unsuccessful, he would contact IICSA himself on his constituent’s behalf; 22. WBF then informed his MP that he has two Police National Computer (“PNC”) records and that when he had met retired Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll on 09 March 2015ii (Minutes of that meeting previously supplied to the MP) the former detective had said one must clearly be false and it needs to be expunged – SHB agreed; 23. WBF stated that this second PNC record claimed that Brian had been convicted of at least 6 sexual offences against underage girls and that he had never been arrested for such offences, never charged, never Indicted, never appeared in court and never sentenced – the MP stated that it was obvious that this record could not be true because otherwise WBF would have been serving many years in prison – the MP agreed to write to Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police in London in order to ask why such a false record should exist against his constituent and why WBF, to quote retired Scotland Yard Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll, had been flagged up at Scotland Yard as a “major threat to the police for his books and research”; 24. WBF also provided a copy of a “Protection from Harassment Letter” sent to him by Greenwich Police to his home address at Darby Farm in Pott Row when the Police knew him to be in prison – the letter was not signed, Brian’s date of birth was wrongly entered and the person whom Brian should not harass was simply noted as “Kim of Greenwich University”; 25. SHB stated that it was evidently an unprofessional document and that ‘Kim’ could refer to any number of people of either gender and he added that he would include a complaint about this matter in his letter to the Commissioner; 26. WBF showed his MP a copy of the book In Pursuit of the Truth by retired DCI Clive Driscoll in which the former policeman mentioned significant child abuse in Lambeth and its cover-up; 27. SHB took a great interest in this book, said that he would “buy a copy” and spent some time reading Brian’s annotations in the book; 28. WBF also showed his MP a copy of a letter he had received from Sarah Champion, MP whilst he was still in prison – in this letter Ms Champion had assured WBF that the Labour Party would seek protection for whistleblowers in the future – WBF asked SHB what the Conservative Party was doing to protect whistleblowers and the MP said that he would make inquiries and respond on this matter in due course; 29. WBF thanked SHB for receipt of the Baroness Jay reportiii into child abuse in Rotherham which the MP sent to his constituent whilst he was unlawfully held in prison; 30. WBF showed SHB a letter he had received from retired Police Constable, Rodney Gooderson, a former beat officer for nearly 20 years of Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer (and also a constituent of SHB) who fired a shotgun as his house was being burgled in 1999. WBF said that he had interviewed Mr Gooderson on three occasions for his new book on Tony Martin and that he had left a copy of FRAMED! with the retired policeman to read. In his letter of May 2015, Mr Gooderson said that he had read the book and added: “…What better way is there to cloud the issue than by discrediting the whistleblower. With regard to your conviction for incitement, I am convinced that the facts have been manipulated to label you a sex offender and further discredit you. The elements of the offence were not there…” – SHB agreed that the conviction was unsafe and needed to be quashed; 31. WBF informed SHB that he had met with members of the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association (“SOSA”) following his attendance at the Preliminary Hearing into child abuse in Lambeth Council at the Royal Courts of Justice on 24 March 2016, and that SOSA had thanked Brian for his work in exposing child abuse through his book from Hillsborough to Lambeth and his website www.LambethChildAbuse.org and that SOSA agreed that Brian’s findings were accurate; 32. WBF informed his MP that he is presently banned from the entire London Borough of Bexley, a wholly disproportionate and unlawful act against Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998; the MP agreed that it appeared to be excessive and unnecessary; WBF asked SHB to write to the Probation Service to inquire why such draconian measures have been taken against him. 33. WBF asked his MP to provide a summary of their meeting: (i) WBF to find a family friend or relative to approach his daughter to effect a reconciliation and to show that the conviction at Southwark in 2009 was unsafe and is to be quashed in due course; (ii) that SHB will write to Michael Mansfield, QC with a view to obtaining the lawyer’s services on a pro bono basis to quash the convictions; (iii) that SHB will seek to obtain the services of a civil lawyer specialising in Tort Law to bring a claim on Brian’s behalf against Lambeth Council for wrongful dismissal and other Torts; (iv) that SHB will write to Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police with regard to WBF’s two PNC records; the unprofessional Protection from Harassment letter and retired DCI Clive

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Driscoll’s comments with regard to WBF having been “flagged up as a major threat to the police because of his research and books”; (v) that WBF should email full contact details of Clive Driscoll to SHB since “his support will be invaluable to us”. 34. Items held over to the next meeting: (i) Brian deliberately made homeless by the Prison Service. WBF asked SHB to write to the local council (the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk) to enquire why they do not regard a man leaving prison with no family support as vulnerable. (ii) Bexley Council’s failure to provide evidence to WBF in respect of his grandchildren allegedly being placed on the ‘At Risk’ register – when WBF applied for a Subject Access request through the Data Protection Act 1998, no references or documentation were provided, thus leading the ‘reasonable person’ as defined by the courts to believe that not only does such paperwork not exist, but also that his grandchildren were never placed on the ‘At Risk’ register as claimed by the Police. (iii) WBF asked SHB to write to the CEO of Bexley for written confirmation with regard to his grandchildren being placed on the ‘At Risk’ register. (iv) WBF asked SHB to write to the Bexley Magistrates’ Court to obtain a true copy of the Restraining Order or a denial that it exists. (v) Evidence exists which demonstrates the continued unlawful interference of WBF’s communications with no RIPA 2000 warrant in place. 35. No date was set for the next meeting. 36. END OF MINUTES ………………………………………………………………

i A body of rights, obligations, and remedies that is applied by courts in civil proceedings to provide relief for persons who have suffered harm from the wrongful acts of others. The person who sustains injury or suffers pecuniary damage as the result of tortious conduct is known as the plaintiff, and the person who is responsible for inflicting the injury and incurs liability for the damage is known as the defendant or tortfeasor.

Three elements must be established in every tort action. First, the plaintiff must establish that the defendant was under a legal duty to act in a particular fashion. Second, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant breached this duty by failing to conform his or her behavior accordingly. Third, the plaintiff must prove that he suffered injury or loss as a direct result of the defendant's breach. ii Following that meeting, Brian was unlawfully imprisoned on 19 March 2015 for a period of 24 months. He served 12 months for an alleged breach of a Restraining Order after Sir Henry – then simply Henry – Bellingham had sent Christmas and birthday cards to his daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. The prosecution spuriously claimed that Brian had “duped” his MP. iii the Baroness Jay report (153 pages) condemned child protection measures in Rotherham and drew attention to the abuse of “at least 1400 children”. Baroness Jay added that she believed the problems in Rotherham were probably replicated in every borough throughout the land.

BIBLIOGRAPHY In Pursuit of the Truth, Driscoll, C, Ebury Press, London, 2015 from Hillsborough to Lambeth, Pead, B and Bird, M, Invenire Press, Southend, 2012 Framed! Freeman, W.B. (nom de plume of Brian Pead) with Bacon, G and Bird, M, Invenire Press, Southend, 2014 10 Prisons 12 Weeks, Freeman, W.B. (nom de plume of Brian Pead), Expono Books, King’s Lynn, 2014

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1. My name is Philippa Bensley. 2. My address is Darby Farm, Pott Row, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE32 1DE. 3. I live at this address with my partner, Timothy Childs. 4. I first met William Brian Freeman (known to me as ‘Brian’) in August 2013. He was introduced to me by Leonard Richard Vernon Fulcher, known to me as ‘Richard’ Fulcher, or occasionally ‘Rare Breed’, since he said he farmed rare breeds of animals. 5. Mr Fulcher had a small-holding in Cliffe-en-Howe Road at the other end of the village of Pott Row. He bred pigs and maintained a small herd of about a dozen cows. 6. I knew that Mr Fulcher had been convicted of Threats to Kill early in 2013. He had apparently fallen out with his solicitors Hayes and Storr, about a court judgment awarding him and his wife £270,000 for the burning down of their house at Foul Anchor by Fenland District Council. 7. I was not particularly close to Mr Fulcher but my brother, Oliver (‘Ollie’) was and remains so. 8. Upon meeting Brian Freeman in August 2013, he made me immediately aware that he needed my house as a bail address. 9. Within the first week of him moving in from Ivy Farm in Tilney All Saints, he informed me and my family that his birth name is Brian PEAD and that he had changed his name in April 2013. None of us was concerned about this name change. 10. Mr Fulcher told us that Brian had been helping him and his wife, Karen, with a large number of legal cases against them, some of a criminal nature and some of a civil nature. The three most significant cases were: (i) an Appeal against the Threats to Kill conviction; (ii) a civil case brought by E.ON, the energy supplier, who claimed that the Fulchers owed them over £11,000 against a meter which I understand did not exist on the farm; (iii) animal welfare issues brought by Trading Standards. 11. Brian worked ceaselessly in their cause. He would leave our house around 7am and not return until around 5.30 or 6pm. This was from Monday to Friday. He would often work on Saturdays and sometimes also on Sundays. 12. To my knowledge, he was never paid by the Fulchers. I believe that the arrangement they had was that Brian could store all of his personal possessions on the small-holding at no cost to him. 13. I also learnt that Brian would often feed the animals, help with carpentry and other building activities and that all of this was on an unpaid basis. 14. Between August and December 2013, Brian would – during family meals at the kitchen table – tell us about the increasing number of legal cases being brought against Richard Fulcher and/ or his wife. 15. Brian informed us that he was becoming increasingly concerned about (a) the veracity and legality of these cases against the Fulchers and (b) the mental health of the Fulchers. I understand that several other people had also commented on Karen Fulcher’s emotional outbursts (including Robert Ecclestone and Andrew Maul, a former accountant now running a café in .) I also understand that Brian wrote to the Fulchers’ doctor to inform him of the delicate mental state of his patients. I understand that Brian is a qualified counsellor and he became concerned that the Fulchers’ behaviour and decision-making processes were becoming increasingly bizarre. 16. During this time, Brian also informed us that a book of his entitled from Hillsborough to Lambeth, had been banned at the High Court in February 2013 and that he had served two weeks in Pentonville Prison for alleged Contempt of Court because he had not removed all traces of the book from the internet. 17. This book exposed child abuse in Lambeth Council. 18. Brian informed us that he and a brother had been abused at a children’s home in the late 1950s and early 1960s. 19. Brian did not work as a barrister or solicitor with the Fulchers or anyone else. In all the time he spent with us, he never claimed to be either a barrister or a solicitor. He made it clear that he was neither. He did inform us that he had studied law at the University of Greenwich in 2010 and that his tutor, a Kim Everett, had informed him that he could not have been guilty of the offence of incitement. He told us that he had secretly taped his conversations about that conviction. Brian also had a copy of Archbold and several other legal books. It was clear to us all that he had a greater than average knowledge of the law than most people. 20. Brian also informed us that he “blown the whistle” on child abuse at Lambeth Council in 2006 and that, since then, he had been persecuted by the Police. 21. On 01 August 2013, he was arrested by armed police on the Fulchers’ smallholding, known as Ramblewood Farm. It was claimed that he had caused criminal damage to a car owned, allegedly, by E.ON. 22. It was later added, I believe, at Court that Brian had also threatened the occupants of the car. I understand that Brian has written several letters to E.ON’s UK board of directors trying to establish the truth of Page 61 of 71

ownership of the car and whether the two occupants of the car were employed by E.ON. I understand that Brian has never received a reply from E.ON. 23. We also came to learn that Brian had been helping Robert Ecclestone (62) and Violet Ecclestone (93) who I believe had been turned out of their bungalow at Spire View, Cotts Lane, Tilney All Saints, PE34 4SL by the local council, the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk. 24. I gave Brian permission to help them at our house. I believe they came for assistance on six or seven occasions. 25. We also met a man known as John Gawthorp, whose house had also been burnt down by Fenland District Council in a planning dispute. This case was highlighted in the local newspapers and was reported on by a journalist known as John Elworthy. 26. I did not meet Mr Gawthorp, but he came to my house and my partner Tim met him. 27. A number of strange events occurred between December 2013 and March 2014. 28. Between January and February 2014, the Police came to my house on no less than 12 (twelve) occasions, always wanting to see Mr Freeman. 29. I particularly recall the name of PC Powter-Robinson, who came on at least two separate occasions. On the first occasion, he claimed that Mr Freeman had been rude to a man at North Runcton Post Office. There is no post office at North Runcton and there has not been one there for around 19 (nineteen) years. (Zoopla shows that it became a private residence in 1997.) 30. It is clear, therefore, that this was a spurious allegation. I could not understand why the Police would waste my taxes on coming to my house and making such a claim when Hunstanton Police could easily have made checks to establish that there is not a post office in North Runcton. 31. The second occasion that PC Powter-Robinson came to my house was to “check on Mr Freeman’s mental health.” 32. In March 2014, Mr Freeman was arrested once again at King’s Lynn police station. He mentioned to someone purporting to be a police doctor that he had uncovered child abuse in Lambeth Council where he worked as the Head Teacher of a pupil referral unit. The doctor sectioned him under the Mental Health Act and he was removed to the Fermoy Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn. 33. My partner Tim and I went to the Fermoy and met a Dr Ben Walden and we told him that Brian does not have mental health problems and that he is a very intelligent man who knows more than most people about the way society really works. Dr Walden released Brian for the weekend. 34. We all returned on the following Monday, where Dr Walden claimed that Brian might be ‘delusional about child abuse in Lambeth Council.’ However, it transpired that the Council had been exposed in the national newspapers for child abuse that very weekend and Brian took the precaution of showing Dr Walden these newspapers. 35. Dr Walden was obviously forced to re-assess his hypothesis and he immediately released Brian from the section and agreed that he had no mental health issues. 36. Thus, when PC Powter-Robinson came to my house on the second occasion, he claimed that the Fermoy Unit had asked the Police to make a check on Brian’s well-being. 37. I knew this to be ridiculous, and after PC Powter-Robinson left my property – stating in front of several witnesses (my partner and other family members) that Brian was clearly mentally well and fully compos mentis – I telephoned Norfolk Police on 101 and recorded the conversation. 38. I asked the Police for a comprehensive list of all the names of all officers who had attended my property, their collar numbers, dates, times of visits and reasons for the visits on more than a dozen occasions between 01 January 2014 and the middle of March 2014. 39. I was staggered to be told by the Police that not only was there no record of a single visit by the Police to my house in that period, but that no record existed of them ever having come to my house since I began to live in it in 2000. 40. There should have been a record of all of these unwarranted and unnecessary visits. 41. There should also have been a record of the arrest of Brian at my house on 29 January 2014 when PC John Miller and WPC Karen Girton entered my property without either a search warrant, an arrest warrant, or my consent. 42. Brian was not told of the reason for his arrest at the point of arrest. 43. As he was waiting in handcuffs at the end of my drive for a police van to arrive, I made him a cup of tea and took this to him. He asked the reason for his arrest and was told “Impersonating a barrister”. There were no other reasons for his arrest. 44. This arrest should have been on the police computer system. As a taxpayer and honest citizen, I am appalled that it was not recorded. This shows that Brian has been persecuted by the Police, and that me and my family have also had our Right to privacy and family life breached.

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45. Only three days after Brian’s arrest, the Fulchers banned Brian from their small-holding. They claimed that the reason for this unilateral decision was because Brian had been responsible for a further arrest of Richard Fulcher and for further civil cases being brought against them. Mr Fulcher is a former Conservative councillor. 46. I told Brian that I did not believe the reasons given to him. 47. Furthermore, Brian had stored all of his property – save for legally privileged papers – on the Fulchers’ small- holding. I know that Brian referred to the fact that he owned the “world’s largest collection of newspaper reports on Liverpool Football Club dating back to 1892” and that this was temporarily stored at the Fulchers’. 48. The Fulchers subsequently refused Brian permission to remove his possessions. 49. I have since learnt that all of Brian’s possessions have been burnt and otherwise destroyed, including this collection of newspapers, whilst he was held in prison between March 2015 and March 2016. 50. Immediately after Brian was banned from Ramblewood Farm, Brian assisted my partner and I in our claim against E.ON. He steadfastly recorded our daily consumption of electricity over a period of six months and produced a series of graphs and a report demonstrating that our consumption was erratic. He also produced a legal claim against E.ON for this. He was not paid by us for all his hard work on our behalf. He did it because he cannot abide injustice of any kind and he does not like bullying, especially that perpetrated by large corporations against the individual. 51. In March 2014, my partner, Timothy Childs, attended the King’s Lynn Magistrates’ Court for a sentencing hearing in relation to alleged criminal damage by Brian on a car allegedly belonging to E.ON employees. 52. Brian had never been served the papers in relation to this case, though the Police did arrive one day at my house attempting to serve papers on Brian, but he refused to accept Service in this way because this is not how normal cases are conducted. 53. As a taxpayer, I was extremely concerned that my taxes were being wasted on sending police officers to my house to serve papers on Brian. 54. The Magistrates’ Court claimed that there had been a trial in Brian’s absence and thus he was forced against his will to attend in March 2014. 55. At this hearing, my partner heard a “victim impact statement” read out in which the two E.ON employees had claimed that Brian had threatened them. The female employee (it was never established that she was an employee, however) claimed through the Prosecutor (she did not herself attend court), that Brian had “destroyed her life” and that she was suffering from trauma as the result of her encounter with Brian. 56. I understand from my partner that Brian challenged this in Court – he asked for the medical records of the alleged female employee to corroborate this allegation, but the Prosecutor informed the court that he did not have them and had not applied for them. 57. On another occasion Brian accompanied us to Grantham to meet with E.ON about our claim but they refused to meet with us after having previously agreed to meet. This was at the same time as Brian was writing to E.ON’s UK board of directors to establish certain facts which they refused to acknowledge. 58. My partner and I believe that the reason E.ON failed to meet us was because they knew that Brian was assisting us with legal information (not legal advice and not working as either a solicitor or a barrister.) 59. I am also aware that Brian was charged with the alleged harassment of his daughter and eldest grandchild and yet neither had appeared in court against him, complained to the Police about him or made a witness statement against him. 60. Brian told us that he had been unlawfully imprisoned in September 2011 for the alleged witness intimidation of his then 12-year-old granddaughter who – he told us – had never been a witness in any trial or hearing. 61. We were – and still are – inclined to believe him because it is a fact easily checked out by recourse to either his daughter or his granddaughter. 62. It is inconceivable that he would lie because it is such an easy thing to either prove or disprove. 63. Upon moving to my property, Brian brought with him (and we allowed him to store at no cost) around 200 (two hundred) legal and personal files. These relate to all of his cases and he told us they were legally privileged. We remain happy for them to be currently stored here at no cost. He is trying to find alternative storage facilities. 64. Another person that Brian introduced us to was Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer who became famous in 1999 after two burglars were injured at his home in Hungate. 65. We had Mr Martin to dinner on a number of occasions and also gave permission for Brian to entertain Mr Martin in our house when we were not present. 66. We allowed this because Brian had agreed to write Mr Martin’s autobiography, which is a book not just about the shooting in 1999 but other aspects of Mr Martin’s life. 67. My partner, Tim, suggested the title of The Bleak Truth because the shooting occurred at Bleak House. 68. As part of his research into this book, Brian met with various people associated with the case. One of these included former police constable Rodney Gooderson of Outwell, a village in Norfolk. Page 63 of 71

69. I have learnt that PC Gooderson – who was Mr Martin’s local beat officer for approximately 20 years – wrote to Mr Freeman in prison and informed him that he had read the book entitled FRAMED! and that Mr Freeman could not possibly be guilty of the incitement of a non-existent 14-year-old female. 70. I am aware that Brian met our local MP, Sir Henry Bellingham on 04 April 2014, 04 October 2014 and 17 February 2015. 71. After Brian returned from Mr Bellingham’s constituency office in London Road, King’s Lynn on 04 April 2014, he informed us that Mr Bellingham had asked him to produce an Information Memorandum about all of the cases that he – Brian – was involved in. 72. Brian did produce this document and my partner read it with great interest and from cover to cover. On page 2 of the Information Memorandum, Brian stated that it had been produced at the request of the MP. 73. Brian drove to Mr Bellingham’s house in St. Andrews Lane, Congham and handed in a copy of the Information Memorandum in May 2014. 74. Within a week, Brian was imprisoned for 4 (four) months on a charge of an alleged breach of a sexual offences prevention order (SOPO). The trial, at Norwich Crown Court before Judge Nicholas Coleman was a mystery in itself because Robert and Violet Ecclestone – who attended court and sat in the public gallery – were told to go home on Wednesday 14 May 2014 as there was to be no trial. 75. I later learnt from Robert and Violet that Brian had organised a legal representative (he had hitherto not been represented) and that the Judge had refused Brian that right and held a trial in camera. 76. In one period of time, Brian was moved between ten prisons in just twelve weeks. 77. This meant, of course, that neither we nor others could not contact him or that he could not contact us or others because his telephone numbers would not be cleared in time by Security before he was moved on again. He was, in effect, held incommunicado. 78. Upon his release in September 2014, my partner Tim informed Brian that he could stay with us indefinitely because we were aware of the persecution he was facing. A previous lodger stayed with us for nine years. 79. On 04 October 2014, Brian met with his MP again in the London Road constituency office. 80. Robert and Violet have informed us that they were both present as witnesses and they also had their own issues to speak with the MP about, principally the local Council preventing them from living in their own home. 81. I have seen the witness statements of both Robert and Violet Ecclestone which show beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr Freeman had made Mr Bellingham completely aware that a Restraining Order was in place preventing Brian from contacting his daughter or grandchildren (but, strangely, not his son-in-law) and Tim and I sent these statements to Brian whilst he was held in prison in July 2015. 82. Mr Freeman had told us that on 01 November 2011 – whilst being held on Remand at Belmarsh Prison in southeast London – he had been found guilty of the alleged harassment of his daughter by sending her a letter about Police corruption and his then 12-year-old granddaughter by sending her a birthday card. Brian showed my partner and me the court documents. 83. This seemed a great injustice to us since Brian told us that neither his daughter nor his granddaughter had been in court against him. 84. It also seemed to us that the court order could not, therefore, be valid and that it must have been issued in error. 85. This could so easily be checked by reference to his family members. 86. During his spell in prison between May and September 2014, I sent Brian cards and letters which he did not receive. He sent us letters which we did not receive. 87. He also told me that he had tried to call me on several occasions from prison but that the calls never got through. 88. This is easy to check by referring to the log of all calls made by him from prison assuming, of course, that the log is a true record and has not been interfered with by prison staff or other third parties. 89. On 17 February 2015, Brian went to visit our MP not at his London Road constituency office but at the Knights Hill Hotel near King’s Lynn. 90. I learnt from Robert Ecclestone that he, too, was present as a witness that day. 91. Brian informed us over the evening meal that Mr Bellingham had asked him “How much do you want for all this to go away?” 92. We believed this statement, not only because Robert was also in attendance, but because we were becoming increasingly aware of newspaper reports about MPs and child abuse. Indeed, Brian alerted us to the work of retired DCI Clive Driscoll (Scotland Yard) in relation to abuse in Lambeth Council – the very same Council that unlawfully dismissed Brian in 2007 after he blew the whistle on child abuse. 93. Brian had also informed us that he was in attendance at a football match on 15 April 1989 at Hillsborough, in Sheffield, where 96 Liverpool fans had died.

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94. He told us that he believed that a significant amount of corruption had taken place as a result of the Police actions on that day and, of course, history has proven him to be right. 95. On or around 01 January 2015, we commenced work on a new-build project and Brian assisted us in two respects on the initial stages of this project. Firstly, he and my partner had a number of discussions around different building materials, quantities of supplies to order and so on. He also assisted us with labouring tasks. He told us that he had fully refurbished his house in Sidcup and worked on a new build in 2008 in Sidcup with a fireman friend known as David Cox. This has since been confirmed by another friend of Brian’s – Geoffrey Bacon. 96. I allowed Mr Bacon to stay at our home in 2013 for a night or two. 97. We did not get to meet Mr Bacon properly due to work commitments, but did meet him in July 2015 at a trial in the Inner London Crown Court for alleged breaches of a Restraining Order after MP Henry Bellingham sent Brian’s daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren Christmas and birthday cards. I have since learnt that the Prosecution claimed that Mr Bellingham did not know of the existence of a Restraining Order but this cannot be true for reasons I have previously stated (re the Ecclestones, the Information Memorandum and so on.) 98. In July 2015, Mr Bacon confirmed everything that Mr Freeman had told us about police persecution of Brian. He also confirmed that Brian had out-stung an illegal police sting operation in June 2008 on a website called Faceparty.com . 99. Mr Bacon also confirmed that Lambeth Council had attempted to obtain a permanent gagging order against Brian in July 2013. 100. He also confirmed that in August 2011, 8 (eight) police officers and 5 (five) vehicles were deployed to Brian’s house in Sidcup to arrest him, although they knew he was living alone at that time. Mr Bacon said that this was on the night of the Woolwich riots when the police claimed they were short of manpower. 101. Mr Bacon also confirmed that his elderly father (83), was also nearly arrested simply by asking why so many police officers had been deployed to arrest Brian. Mr Bacon’s arm was also hurt when a police officer slammed a door on it. The police refused to give Geoffrey Bacon Brian’s doorkeys as the designated keyholder. 102. Mr Bacon also informed us that his computer had been illegally seized by the Police on 31 July 2008 and that evidence of Brian’s innocence in the alleged incitement case had been wiped off the hard drive. 103. Furthermore, Mr Bacon’s father – Roy – had shown that the search warrant used by the Police to effect a 10- minute search was unlawful. 104. Whilst at our house, Mr Freeman published two books: Framed! and 10Prisons12Weeks, copies of which are in our possession – as well as from Hillsborough to Lambeth, a copy of which is in my brother Oliver’s possession. 105. Brian also showed us evidence that all these books were housed in accordance with the Legal Deposit Act. (I understand that by law, a copy of every UK print publication must be given to the British Library by its publishers, and to five other major libraries that request it. This system is called legal deposit and has been a part of English law since 1662.) 106. Brian also showed us two websites that he created: (i) LambethChildAbuse.org, and (ii) 10Prisons12Weeks.com 107. The first website was hosted, he told us, in Slovakia, outside of the jurisdiction of England and Wales. Brian told us that he took this step deliberately to avoid the interference of the UK authorities. 108. Brian asked me to keep his Hushmail account live and I have done so. 109. On 09 March 2015, Brian went to meet with retired Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll of Scotland Yard. I understand that the meeting took place in Bishop’s Stortford. 110. I understand that Mr Driscoll called the meeting and that the co-author of from Hillsborough to Lambeth, Michael Bird, was also present. 111. Due to my work commitments, I was not able to meet with Brian until 11 March 2015, when my partner and I took him to Frankie and Benny’s in King’s Lynn. 112. During the meal, Brian provided the full details of his meeting with Mr Driscoll. Throughout the meal, Brian referred to Minutes that he had compiled after the meeting, a copy of which he told us he had sent to DCI Driscoll via email. 113. I was pleased to learn that Mr Driscoll had said the following: (i) that Brian could not be guilty of the incitement of the non-existent 14-year-old female; (ii) that Brian could not be guilty of the other crimes alleged against him, particularly the harassment of his family members; (iii) that Brian should not have two police national computer records; (iv) that Mr Driscoll was keen to ensure that Mr Freeman and his family would finally receive justice; (v) that Mr Driscoll would try to obtain the services of Michael Mansfield, QC; (vi) that Mr Driscoll had received a copy of from Hillsborough to Lambeth and agreed with its contents; Page 65 of 71

114. I was disappointed to learn that Mr Driscoll had informed Mr Freeman that he was “flagged up on the police database as a major threat to the police because of his books and research into child abuse and the perpetrators of it.” 115. I was also disappointed to learn that Mr Driscoll had suggested that Brian’s conviction for incitement at Southwark in 2009 may never be quashed because it might “open the floodgates for hundreds of other convictions to be quashed which would cost the country millions of pounds.” 116. I felt, on hearing this, that Mr Freeman was being unjustly victimised through no fault of his own. 117. A little over a week after Brian informed my partner and I about his meeting with the retired Scotland Yard detective, I was appalled to see the Police on my property on 19 March 2015 when they arrested Mr Freeman for alleged breaches of a Restraining Order because our MP had sent Christmas and birthday cards to Brian’s daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. 118. I felt – and still feel – that the arrest was unnecessarily over-zealous and that the Police used unnecessary force against a man who had offered no resistance, despite police claims to the contrary. 119. It follows that if the Restraining Order was issued by the court in error, that Mr Freeman’s incarceration is also unlawful. One flows from the other. 120. Between August 2013 and March 2015, we had visits from two Norfolk Constabulary officers claiming they were from Public Protection. 121. These people called themselves Matthew White and Gemma Bevan (who replaced someone known to me as Mike Fincham). At no time did they ever show me their warrant cards, despite my asking for them. 122. They visited my property on more than 15 (fifteen) occasions to meet with Brian. 123. I ensured that either me or my partner Tim were always present. 124. On each occasion, they claimed that Brian had a conviction for the attempted incitement of a 14-year-old girl. 125. I was perturbed by the fact that these people – who claimed that they were on “official duty” – never had any documentation with them. They claimed to be “managing Brian in the community” but I fail to see how they were doing this with no documentation at all. 126. On every occasion, Brian challenged them to show me and/or Tim the paperwork proving that a conviction existed but on no occasion were they able to present any paperwork. 127. On one occasion they visited my sister and her partner and my sister’s three daughters, then aged 13 (twins) and 15. 128. Again White and Bevan made allegations of sexual misconduct against Brian but again they failed to support these verbal allegations with any documentation whatsoever. 129. Because these people failed to ever produce evidence of their claims, we took the decision to believe Brian’s version of events (since corroborated by DCI Driscoll and others). 130. At no point did I, my partner, my family members or friends ever have the slightest doubt that Brian was innocent of this, and other charges brought against him. 131. My older brother has a daughter (then aged 14) and my younger brother has a son (then aged five) and my nieces also brought friends of both genders to the house. At no time did anyone ever believe that Brian had anything other than a genuine interest in these young people. He is a very knowledgeable man who is able, I would suggest, to communicate with anyone between 2 and 102 without an agenda. 132. My best friend and her husband have three children aged between 5 and 10 and, again, there were never any concerns about Brian being in their company. 133. Indeed, it seemed to us that Brian’s only motive with children is to hope that they fulfil themselves as human beings and become all that they can become. 134. Websites: to my knowledge, Brian informed us that he had had three websites removed: (i) LambethChildAbuseAndCoverUp.com; (ii) AllAroundJustice.com; (iii) BrianPeadIsInnocent.com by the authorities because those websites contained information which exposed child abuse, persecution by State officials, corruption and injustice. 135. From my knowledge of Brian, I do not believe that he would have put anything other than the truth on those websites. 136. As previously stated, I believe that he currently operates: (i) LambethChildAbuse.org and (ii) 10Prisons12Weeks.com

Sir Henry Bellingham, MP 137. Upon Brian’s incarceration – we say unlawful incarceration – my partner and I and others emailed and telephoned the MP about Brian’s continued persecution. 138. Despite several such communications, the MP failed to respond to us or act on behalf of Brian. Page 66 of 71

139. I believe that the MP also failed to act after he received the Information Memorandum in May 2014.

the National Crime Agency

140. In October 2013, Brian informed us that he had sent a 76-page dossier to Keith Bristow, Chief Executive of the National Crime Agency (NCA). 141. It is my understanding that the NCA did nothing to respond to that dossier, except acknowledge receipt of it. 142. The dossier had included details of crimes perpetrated against Brian and others in his circle at that time, such as the Ecclestones, the Fulchers and the Gawthorps.

Simon Bailey, Chief Constable of Norfolk

143. I am aware that Brian contacted Mr Bailey on a number of occasions about child sexual abuse in Lambeth. 144. Brian informed me that he gave Mr Bailey copies – as evidence – of the following books: (i) From Hillsborough to Lambeth; (ii) Framed!; (iii) 10Prisons12Weeks. 145. I understand that Mr Bailey is the national police lead for child abuse in England and Wales, but he did not assist Brian in any way whatsoever. Indeed, instead of protecting a whistleblower, Mr Bailey appears to have contributed to the persecution of Brian Freeman, authorising Brian’s arrests on a number of occasions and twice on my property. 146. Brian was forced to attend King’s Lynn police station on a twice-weekly basis and was held under house arrest at my property for over a year because he was prevented from residing anywhere else.

Closing Statement 147. Throughout the period he lived with me and my family, I can state that we never had any doubts about his honesty and integrity. 148. At no time did we ever have any concerns about him being around children. 149. He was a good communicator and was always respectful, both to people and property. 150. We would have welcomed him back into our house upon his release from prison in March 2016, but for the Probation Service forbidding it because of my two 14-year-old nieces now also living there. Not only have we never had concerns about Brian interacting with them, but he never tried to engineer “time alone” with them. My house is a busy one and people are coming and going all the time. 151. As a taxpayer, I find it appalling that so much of my money has been wasted on perpetrating such persecution of an innocent whistleblower and his family. I understand from the Minutes of Brian’s meeting with Sir Henry Bellingham, MP on 15 April 2016 (a copy of which I have in my possession) that Sir Henry has also drawn attention to the significant waste of public funds in persecuting this whistleblower. 152. I also understand from the Minutes that Sir Henry believes that Brian’s convictions are “unsafe” and that they should be quashed. I was pleased to note that the MP said he would try to obtain the services of Michael Mansfield to achieve justice for Brian and his family. 153. I believe that his convictions should be quashed as soon as possible, that he should be reunited with his family and that he should receive significant compensation from the State for the disgraceful way he has been treated. 154. I also wish to add that, throughout the time I have known Brian, it was important for him not only to clear his name and receive compensation from the State, but that his family should learn the truth. It appeared to cause him great anguish that his daughter and grandchildren should be living with a lie and, as a qualified counsellor, he knows only too well the issues that lies within a family can create for the members of that family. 155. I shall be maintaining an interest in Brian’s welfare and hope that he – and his family – finally achieve the justice they deserve.

I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true.

Signature: …………………………………………………………

Philippa Bensley

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