FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Jeramy Kitchen (512) 463 – 0733

February 14, 2019

Texas Heartbeat Bill (HB 1500) Announces Over 40 Supporters in Texas House

Today, Texas State Representative (R-Deer Park) announces the initial co-authors for the Texas Heartbeat Bill, a bill which also authored by Representatives Phil King, , , and Rick Miller. Thus far, thirty-nine other distinguished State Representatives from across the Lone Star State have joined them as co-authors for this life-protecting legislation.


Rep. C. "Doc" Anderson Rep. Matt Krause Rep. Matt Shaheen Rep. Cecil Bell Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Mike Lang Rep. John Smithee Rep. Dwayne Bohac Rep. Rep. Drew Springer Rep. Rep. Rep. Phil Stephenson Rep. Rep. Rep. Jonathan Stickland Rep. Rep. Jim Murphy Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Ed Thompson Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Justin Holland Rep. Rep. Rep. Todd Hunter Rep. Rep. Terry Wilson Rep. Rep. Scott Sanford Rep. Bill Zedler

House Bill 1500, the Texas Heartbeat Bill is a commonsense piece of legislation that codifies the straightforward idea—if the heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected. The Texas Heartbeat Bill empowers the beating heart of an unborn baby to cease a heart-stopping abortion.

Representative Cain commented: “Just as a heart is the universal sign of Valentine’s Day, a beating heart is the universal sign of life. Eleven other states have filed heartbeat bills this year, making 2019 the year of the Heartbeat Bill. I am humbled to see the growing wave of support this and other heartbeat bills are receiving across the country.” ###