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AIP NETHERLANDS AD 2.EHGG-1 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2013-0110 JAN 2013 EHGG — GRONINGEN/Eelde Note: the following sections in this chapter are intentionally left blank: AD 2.16, AD 2.21. EHGG AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME EHGG — GRONINGEN/Eelde EHGG AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 ARP co-ordinates and site at AD 53°07'30"N 006°35'00"E 216 DEG GEO 499 m from TWR. 2 Direction and distance from (city) 4.8 NM S from Groningen. 3 Elevation/reference temperature +17 ft AMSL/20.9°C (JUL). 4 Geoid undulation at AD ELEV PSN 135 ft. 5 MAG VAR/annual change 1°E (2010)/9'E. 6 AD operator, postal address, telephone, telefax, Post: Groningen Airport Eelde email, AFS, website P.O. Box 50 9765 ZH Paterswolde The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)50 309 7070 +31 (0)50 309 7014 (OPS) +31 (0)50 309 7016 (only outside OPR HR for emergencies and medical flights) Fax: +31 (0)50 309 6276 Email: [email protected] AFS: EHGGYDYX 7 Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR) IFR/VFR 8 Remarks NIL EHGG AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 AD operator MON-FRI: 0530-2200 (0430-2100); SAT, SUN and HOL: 0630-2030 (0530- 1930).1) 2 Customs and immigration AD OPR HR. 3 Health and sanitation PN2) 4 AIS briefing office Self-briefing, MON-FRI: 0530-2200 (0430-2100); SAT, SUN and HOL: 0630- 2030 (0530-1930). Tel: +31 (0)20 406 2323 Fax: +31 (0)20 648 4417 5 ATS reporting office (ARO) Competent ATS unit: ARO Schiphol, see EHAM AD 2.3. 6 MET briefing office AD OPR HR, outside OPR HR: MWO De Bilt (see EHGG AD 2.11). 7 ATS AD OPR HR. 8 Fuelling AD OPR HR. 9 Handling AD OPR HR. Compulsory for visiting ACFT MTOW >= 3000 kg, for details see EHGG AD 2.23. 10 Security AD OPR HR. 11 De-icing AD OPR HR. 12 Remarks 1) MIL flights PPR from Airport manager. 2) PN means permission from and/or in case of customs etc. notification other than by (VFR) flight plan to aerodrome authority as appropriate. EHGG AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo-handling facilities For details see EHGG AD 2.23. 2 Fuel/oil types 100 LL, Jet A1/Aero Shell Oil 15W50; W100, Aero Shell Oil 80. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 01/2013 AD 2.EHGG-2 AIP NETHERLANDS 26 JUL 2012 3 Fuelling facilities/capacity AVGAS 100 LL: self-service; foreigners using shell carnet have to report at the airport office first. Jet A1: 1 truck. 4 De-icing facilities Equipment AVBL, Type II de-icing fluid ABC-K Plus. 5 Hangar space for visiting aircraft Light aircraft only. 6 Repair facilities for visiting aircraft General Enterprises, tel: +31 (0)50 309 6060 7 Remarks NIL EHGG AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Hotels in Groningen, Eelde and Haren. 2 Restaurants 180 meals/HR, open 0800-2200 (0700-2100). 3 Transportation Buses, taxis and rental cars. 4 Medical facilities First aid treatment, hospitals in Groningen and Assen. 5 Bank and post office NIL 6 Tourist office NIL 7 Remarks NIL EHGG AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 AD category for fire fighting The prescribed amount of water and foam production and the complementary extinguishing agents AVBL during operational hours in accordance with Airport CAT 7. MON-FRI: 0530-2200 (0430-2100) personnel for CAT 31) AVBL. SAT-SUN: 0630-2030 (0530-1930) personnel for CAT 31) AVBL. For all planned charters personnel for CAT 4, 5, 6 and 7 AVBL PN 24 HR. 2 Rescue equipment 2 crash-tenders with portable hydraulic rescue tools and mobile lighting, 1 rapid intervention vehicle. 3 Capability for removal of disabled aircraft NIL 4 Remarks 1) In accordance with the requirements of the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport. EHGG AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY - CLEARING 1 Types of clearing equipment 3 snowsweep combinations with snowploughs, 2 snowblowers, 1 de-icing car. 2 Clearance priorities NIL 3 Remarks 1. Responsible authority: airport authority. 2. Method of snow clearance: snowploughs and sweeping machines. 3. Snow measuring: observation by own experienced staff. 4. Measuring of braking action: by skiddometer. 5. Principles used for the determination of values of the braking action: idem 6. Braking action: good - medium to good - medium - medium to poor - poor. 7. Details concerning up-to-date information to users: SNOWTAM via the international NOTAM office at Schiphol. EHGG AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATIONS/POSITIONS DATA 1 Apron surface and strength Surface: concrete. Strength: PCN 55/R/A/X/T. 2 Taxiway width, surface and strength Width: 23 m. Surface: ASPH. Strength: PCN 55/F/A/X/T. 3 Altimeter checkpoint location and elevation Location: apron. Elevation: +13 ft AMSL. 4 VOR checkpoints See AD 2.EHGG-APDC. 5 INS checkpoints See AD 2.EHGG-APDC. 6 Remarks NIL AIRAC AMDT 08/12 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS AD 2.EHGG-3 26 JUL 2012 EHGG AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide lines Taxiing guidance signs illuminated. and visual docking/parking guidance system at aircraft stands 2 RWY and TWY markings and LGT RWY: threshold, centre line, RWY designations - all RWYs; RWY 01/19 blue edge lights. RWY 05/23 fixed distance markings; RWY 23 TDZ markings. RWY 05/23 edge lights, centre line lights, threshold lights, RWY-end lights. TWY: taxi holding points, TWY centre line, TWY edge lights - all TWYs. Mandatory instruction signs at all taxi holding points. 3 Stop bars NIL 4 Remarks NIL EHGG AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES All obstacles are day and night marked and lighted. For obstacles in approach and take-off area see AD 2.EHGG-AOC-01-19 and AD 2.EHGG-AOC-05-23. EHGG AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 1 Associated MET office De Bilt 2 Hours of service H24 MET office outside hours - 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation De Bilt Periods of validity 30 HR 4 Trend forecast TREND Interval of issuance MON-FRI: 0525-2155 (0425-2055); SAT, SUN and HOL 0625-2025 (0525- 1925). 5 Briefing/consultation provided Self-briefing; briefing on request from MWO-De Bilt by telephone after self- briefing (see item 10). 6 Flight documentation Reports, forecasts, charts. Language(s) used English, Dutch. 7 Charts and other information available for brief- S, P, W, T ing or consultation 8 Supplementary equipment available for providing WXR, APT information 9 ATS units provided with information Eelde TWR, Eelde APP. 10 Additional information (limitation of service, etc.) Tel: 0900 202 3341 Briefing low level flights (IFR/VFR). Tel: 0900 202 3343 Briefing IFR flights above FL 100. Tel: 0900 202 3340 Briefing balloon flights within Amsterdam FIR. Note: charge for tel. briefings and consultations is € 0,50/min. 1) Weather bulletin (Dutch language) and METARs via Dutch public TV 'Teletekst', page 707. EHGG AD 2.12 RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Designations True BRG Dimensions of Strength (PCN) and sur- THR co-ordinates THR elevation and RWY NR RWY (m) face of RWY and SWY RWY end co-ordinates highest elevation of TDZ THR GUND of precision APCH RWY 1 2 3 4 5 6 01 008.76° 1500 x 45 55/F/A/X/T1)2) 53°07'02.59"N 17 ft ASPH 006°34'36.69"E NA 19 188.76° 1500 x 45 55/F/A/X/T1)2) 53°07'50.54"N 12 ft ASPH 006°34'48.97"E NA 05 051.85° 1800 x 45 55/F/A/X/T1)2) 53°06'53.89"N 13.2 ft ASPH 006°34'08.85"E NA INFO not AVBL 135 ft © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 08/12 AD 2.EHGG-4 AIP NETHERLANDS 26 JUL 2012 Designations True BRG Dimensions of Strength (PCN) and sur- THR co-ordinates THR elevation and RWY NR RWY (m) face of RWY and SWY RWY end co-ordinates highest elevation of TDZ THR GUND of precision APCH RWY 1 2 3 4 5 6 23 231.87° 1800 x 45 55/F/A/X/T1)2) 53°07'29.84"N 12.3 ft ASPH 006°35'24.96"E INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL 135 ft Designations Slope of SWY dimensions CWY dimensions (m) Strip dimensions (m) OFZ RWY NR RWY-SWY (m) 1 7 8 9 10 11 01 Not AVBL NIL 60 x 150 1620 x 150 NA 19 Not AVBL NIL 60 x 150 1620 x 150 NA 05 Not AVBL NIL 60 x 300 1920 x 300 NA 23 Not AVBL NIL 60 x 300 1920 x 300 AVBL Remarks 12 1) On this RWY an unlimited use will be permitted for ACFT with an AUW up to and including 5700 kg as far as the runway strength is involved. 2) MAX tyre pressure 1.5 MPa. EHGG AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY Designator TORA (m) TODA (m) ASDA (m) LDA (m) Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 01 1500 1560 1500 1500 NIL 19 1500 1560 1500 1500 NIL 05 1800 1860 1800 1800 NIL 23 1800 1860 1800 1800 NIL EHGG AD 2.14 APPROACH AND RUNWAY LIGHTING RWY Des- APCH THR LGT VASIS TDZ LGT RWY centre line RWY edge LGT RWY end LGT SWY LGT ignator LGT colour, (MEHT) length LGT length, colour, length, type, WBAR PAPI length, spacing, WBAR colour length, spacing, colour, INTST colour, INTST INTST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 19 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 05 SALS G PAPI NIL 1800 m 1800 m R NIL 450 m - left/3° 15 m 30 m - LIH (70 ft) 1) 2) LIH LIH 23 CAT I G NIL NIL 1800 m 1800 m R NIL 900 m - 15 m 30 m - LIH 1) 2) LIH LIH Remarks 10 1) White from THR to 900 m from RWY end; white/red from 900 m from RWY end to 300 m from RWY end; red from 300 m from RWY end to RWY end.