the Heartless 3) You begin to understand Haman’s 3 hatred for the Jews Intro: • He was a descendant of those A) In chapter 1 we discussed …. who attacked a weary Israel after 1) The king and his corruption they fled from Egypt 2) Queen and her character • God delivered them into the hands 3) The world and its ungodly counsel of Israel B) In chapter 2 we continued with …. • didn’t obey and utterly 1) The lonely problem of the king destroyed them 2) The procedure to find a queen • They now are facing the results of 3) The providence of God through it all this disobedience • We ended with King ’ 4) A neat thing to acknowledge is …. life being spared because of • Saul from the tribe of Benjamin, failed to destroy the Amalekites C) In chapter 3 our narrative introduces • But Mordecai, also a Benjamite, another character, Haman took up the battle and defeated 1) Haman is an “ancient day” Hitler Haman • He is waiting 5) Everything about Haman is hateful 2) Haman is an (from empire • You can’t find a good quality in known as Agag) anything written about him • Agag was king of the Amalekites • Proverbs 6:16-19 “These six things • I Samuel 15:2 “Thus saith doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are the Lord of hosts, I remember that an abomination unto him: A proud which did to Israel, how he look, a lying tongue, and hands that laid wait for him in the way, when shed innocent blood, An heart that he came up from Egypt.” deviseth wicked imaginations, feet • I Samuel 15:8 “And he took Agag that be swift in running to mischief, the king of the Amalekites alive, A false witness that speaketh lies, and utterly destroyed all the people and he that soweth discord among with the edge of the sword.” brethren.” • Saul actually disobeyed His Lord in • You will notice each quality as you not destroying all the Amalekites read of Haman

D) Let’s study and see several aspects C) His vanity (Vs. 2-6) of the evil man 1) Haman wanted recognition and honor as a king I. Haman the Haughty • Haman was a small man in a big A) His ancestry office 1) The Amalekites were committed • A hint that he got the office enemies of the Jews underhandedly is the requirement • Very much like Palestinians of our to bow day 2) Pride blinds people 2) From the day of the attack after Israel • Aesop fable wrote “The Jackass in fled Eqypt …. Office” said: “Fools take to • To the Amalekites stood as themselves the respect that is enemies to the Jews given to their office.” B) His authority (Vs. 1) • This applies perfectly to Haman 1) Haman is made chief officer of the 3) James 4:6 “God resisteth (opposes) empire the proud but gives grace to the • Think of this ….. Mordecai saved humble.” the king’s life and receives nothing • James 4:10 “Humble yourselves in by way of promotion the sight of the Lord, and he shall • Haman probably fawned and lift you up.” flattered his way to this position • Yet God knows what He is doing, He will never forsake the righteous 2) Many scholars see Haman as a picture of the “man of sin” the antichrist • Both have power • Both hate the Jews • Both are or will be defeated

II. Haman the Hateful (Vs. 2) “And all the 3) There are many opinions on why king’s servants, that were in the king’s Mordecai gate, bowed, and reverenced Haman: • It wasn’t because he would be for the king had so commanded breaking the 2nd commandment concerning him.” (Joseph’s brother bowed to A) Haman represents the manifestation Joseph, David bowed to Saul, of prejudice Abraham bowed to the sons of 1) Prejudice is the dislike of all that is Heth) unlike • Mordecai had no respect for 2) Haman was such an imperious, Haman, he knew the Amalekites arrogant, overbearing and wanted to kill him and was an domineering person …. enemy of the Lord • He was demanding worship of 4) God help us see how ugly Haman’s himself sin of prejudice was! • He demanded bowing!

B) Mordecai refused to bow (Vs. 2) “But Mordecai bowed not” 1) Haman did not notice …. • People were pulling and pleading for Haman to intercede for them • He somehow missed it but others noticed 2) Haman was told and began to notice • Watching Mordecai not bow infuriated him!!! • He nursed his anger, not only at Haman, but the Jewish people in the empire

B) Haman is cunning with the king III. Haman the Heartless (Vs. 5-6) (Vs. 8-9) “And when Haman saw that Mordecai “And Haman said unto king Ahasuerus, bowed not, nor did him reverence, then There is a certain people scattered was Haman full of wrath. And he abroad and dispersed among the people thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai in all the provinces of thy kingdom; and alone; for they had shewed him the their laws are diverse from all people; people of Mordecai: wherefore Haman neither keep they the king's laws: sought to destroy all the Jews that were therefore it is not for the king's profit to throughout the whole kingdom of suffer them. If it please the king, let it be Ahasuerus, even the people of written that they may be destroyed: and Mordecai.” I will pay ten thousand talents of silver to the hands of those that have the charge A) Haman plots against the Jews of the business, to bring it into the king's 1) Why did Satan / Haman seek the treasuries.” destruction of the Jews? 1) He did not name the people he • Because Satan knows the plan of desired to destroy God would be fulfilled through the • The king would have probably lineage of Israel remembered the favorable • Jews would come from the Jewish decrees from his predecessors people toward the Jews 2) (Vs. 7) He cast lots before the Pagan 2) He charged the Jews with god’s disobedience to the king’s law • He, as a pagan, is looking for lots • Charged them as …. and astrologers to aid in the Jews 1) A scattered people destruction 2) An unassimilated people • He picks his day! 3) A disobedient people

• The last was not true but ….

• He knew the king would be

incensed at the charge of

insubordination to the king

3) He topped it off with a large amount 2) Aren’t you glad God’s people are of money different? • He did not mention the wealth of • We are called to be peculiar the Jews • The devil doesn’t like separation!!! • He did not mention Mordecai (Set apart and different) C) The king foolishly cooperates • Haman sold the king with a (Vs 11-12) mixture of truth and error “And the king said unto Haman, The 3) The decree was the greatest peril for silver is given to thee, the people also, the Jews for more than a 1000-year to do with them as it seemeth good to history thee. Then were the king's scribes called on the thirteenth day of the first D) Haman and the king’s coldness month, and there was written according 1) They are drinking after a decree to to all that Haman had commanded unto slaughter many …. the king's lieutenants, and to the 2) While the kingdom is perplexed (who governors that were over every would be next for an unjust province, and to the rulers of every slaughter?) people of every province according to the writing thereof, and to every people after their language; in the name of king Ahasuerus was it written, and sealed with the king's ring.” 1) This is the second time we see unwise actions of the king • He allows a decree to be written that will stamp out a whole people group within the kingdom • He sold the king on a group in the kingdom different that everybody else (amen!)

Conclusion: A) An holocaust is just ahead 1) There is going to be a massacre of the children of God • Yet God’s providence is at work! • God is placing all the pieces together in His plan! B) What do we see here? 1) God has you in the right place in spite of what you are thinking! 2) You must obey God in the difficult days! • Obey, despite the consequences! 3) Being part of God’s people doesn’t guarantee no difficulties • God’s got this! 4) Pride lends a life of folly and destruction!

Sources: 1) The , Roy Gingrich 2) Be Committed, Warren Weirsbe 3) The Outline Bible, Harold Wilmington