PUBLIC NOTICE WAIKERIA PRISON EXPANSION PROJECT Public Noce in accordance with secon 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA) – Noce of Requirement Otorohanga District Council (the Territorial Authority) has received a Noce of Requirement from the Minister of Correcons for an alteraon to designaon D55 in the Otorohanga District Plan to authorise the construcon, operaon and maintenance of facilies to accommodate up to 3000 prisoners at Waikeria Prison. The exisng designaon allows for up to 1,250 prisoners to be accommodated on the site. The alteraon to designaon will apply to land already designated for the operaon of a Prison and associated acvies subject to condions. The site is the exisng Waikeria Prison site. The Noce of Requirement is outlined below: Reference Requiring Authority Descripon Territorial Authority D55 Minister of Correcons Construcon, operaon and maintenance of Prison and associated acvies to accommodate up to 3000 prisoners. Otorohanga District Council If you have any queries relang to technical maers associated with the processing and assessment of the Noce of Requirement, please contact: Chris Dawson at Bloxam Burne & Olliver on (07) 838 0144 or at
[email protected] If you have any other queries relang to the proposed Waikeria Prison Expansion project, please contact the Department of Correcons agent, Sharon Dines (Consultant for Boffa Miskell) on (09) 359 5311 or at Viewing the Noce of Requirement The Noce of Requirement can be viewed at the following locaons during their respecve opening hours. Otorohanga District · Otorohanga District Council Office 17 Maniapoto Street, Otorohanga · Otorohanga District Council Library - 27 Turongo Street, Otorohanga Waipa District · Waipa District Council Te Awamutu office – 101 Bank Str eet, Te Awamu tu · Waipa District Council Library – 1 06 Mahoe Street, Te Awamutu Alternavely, the Noce of Requirement can be viewed on Otorohanga District Council’s website