April 8, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E543 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING Since 2000, Business Record has under- 1960s on their old football field which now be- TRANSPARENCY ACT OF 2014 taken an exhaustive annual review to identify longs to DeWitt Perry Junior High School. a standout group of young leaders in the The people of Carrollton will continue to SPEECH OF Greater Des Moines area who are making an benefit from the legacy of Bill and the entire HON. JACKIE WALORSKI impact in their communities and their careers. Blanton family for many years to come. The Each year, forty up-and-coming community Old Downtown Square in Carrollton features OF INDIANA and business leaders under 40 years of age the Blanton Grain Tower. The Blanton Grain IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are selected for this prestigious distinction, Tower serves as a tribute to the rich history Monday, April 7, 2014 which is based on a combined criteria of com- and original roots of Carrollton and many other Mrs. WALORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today munity involvement and success in their cho- North Texas cities. Originally Carrollton was a to address H.R. 1872, the Budget Accounting sen career field. The 2014 class of Forty town which served as a collection of many Transparency Act. While the current account- Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster small and large family farms which fed into the ing methodology for federal credit programs of nearly 600 business leaders and growing. great grain-growing plains of Middle America. does not fully capture the financial risk as- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- Though many grain towers that were essential sumed by the Federal Government, I am con- resent leaders like Cindy in the United States for the storage and distribution of grain have cerned that the fair-value estimates required Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- since been demolished or relocated to rural by this legislation could over calculate the risk ognize and applaud Ms. Hughes Anliker for areas, the Blanton Grain Tower still stands of default, potentially resulting in an over- utilizing her talents to better both her commu- and thrives in the heart of Carrollton. Long estimation of the costs associated with certain nity and the great state of . I invite my since closed for its original purpose, the federal credit programs. I will be following this colleagues in the House to join me in con- Blanton Grain Tower was redesigned to now legislation and any methodological transition to gratulating Cindy on receiving this esteemed be billed as the world’s largest indoor climbing fair-value estimates closely. designation, thanking those at Business gym. Ten giant grain silos with 110 foot ceil- Record for their great work, and wishing each ings will continue to challenge indoor rock f member of the 2014 Forty Under 40 class climbers for years to come. For many years CONGRATULATING WARDEN RI- continued success. Bill worked for the family grain company— CARDO RIOS OF PEKIN, ILLINOIS, f while at the same time being an active mem- ON HIS RETIREMENT ber of Lion’s Club, Rotary Club, and the CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF THE Carrollton Chamber of Commerce. So many HON. CHERI BUSTOS HONORABLE WILLIAM W. ‘‘BILL’’ have been touched by Bill, and many will con- BLANTON tinue to benefit from his legacy. OF ILLINOIS My heartfelt condolences are with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. KENNY MARCHANT Blanton family at this difficult time. Bill was a Tuesday, April 8, 2014 OF TEXAS loving husband to his wife Clovis, father of four, grandfather of five, and a great-grand- Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES congratulate Warden Ricardo Rios of Pekin, Il- father of seven. linois, who will be retiring from the Federal Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Mr. Speaker, I ask all of my colleagues to Correctional Institution in Pekin on April 30th. Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to cel- join me in paying tribute to the lasting legacy Warden Rios has spent 35 years serving ebrate the life of Bill Blanton who passed and public service of William W. Blanton. communities across the country in his work for away on April 4, 2014. It was my privilege to f the Federal Bureau of Prisons. He began his have known Bill for over thirty years. He was public service career in 1988 as an Account- a long standing pillar of the Carrollton, Texas PERSONAL EXPLANATION ant Trainee in the Federal Correctional Institu- community and will be greatly missed. tion in Bastrop, Texas. Over the next 30 Bill was born March 11, 1924 and leaves HON. DIANE BLACK years, Warden Rios held positions of increas- behind a lasting legacy to his community and OF TENNESSEE ing responsibility in Correctional Centers country. He served his country in the U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES around the country, including California, Flor- Army Air Corps, and then would serve his ida and Minnesota. In 2010, he took over as local community and Texas for many years Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Warden at FCI–Pekin, where he has served thereafter. Bill served on the Carrollton/Farm- Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. for the last four years. ers Branch Independent School District Board 165 (Democrat Motion to Recommit), which Mr. Speaker, I’d like to thank Warden Ri- for ten years and then would continue his took place Monday April 7, 2014; I am not re- cardo Rios for his years of committed service service to the community as their elected rep- corded because I was unavoidably detained. and congratulate him again on his retirement. resentative to the Texas House of Represent- Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’. f atives. Bill served in the Texas House of Rep- On rollcall No. 166 (Final Passage of H.R. resentatives from 1977 to 1987. During his 1872), I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ TRIBUTE TO CINDY HUGHES service in Austin, Bill continued his commit- ANLIKER ment to improving the lives of our students by f serving as the Chairman of the Public Edu- PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. TOM LATHAM cation Committee. In 1986, the Metrocrest Chamber of Commerce honored Bill as the OF IOWA HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Citizen of the Year.’’ Upon Bill’s retirement from the Texas House of Representatives, I OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday, April 8, 2014 was honored to succeed him in Austin. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Throughout all of his service to the commu- Tuesday, April 8, 2014 congratulate and recognize Cindy Hughes nity, many will remember him forever from one Anliker of Des Moines Performing Arts for of their first times to hear Bill—as the voice of Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker on rollcall being named a 2014 Forty Under 40 honoree Carrollton High School on Friday evenings. Bill No. 166, I was unable to attend. by the award-winning central Iowa publication, served as the voice of the Carrollton High Had I been present, I would have voted Business Record. School football team during the 1950s and ‘‘no.’’

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08AP8.001 E08APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E544 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 8, 2014 EQUAL PAY DAY be. There is wide support for equal reimburse- States Congress and it is with great pride that ment—73 percent of Americans favor equal I recognize and applaud Mr. James for uti- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY pay for equal work. I agree, and that’s why I lizing his talents to better both his community OF NEW YORK support the Paycheck Fairness Act. It is time and the great state of Iowa. I invite my col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for us to prioritize the long-term well-being of leagues in the House to join me in congratu- the nation’s hardworking women, many of lating Christopher on receiving this esteemed Tuesday, April 8, 2014 whom are heads of households, and imme- designation, thanking those at Business Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. diately pass this critical legislation to help en- Record for their great work, and wishing each Mr. Speaker, today, we commemorate Equal sure equality in the workplace. member of the 2014 Forty Under 40 class Pay Day, the typical time three months into f continued success. the year when a woman’s wages finally catch f up to what men were paid the previous year. CONGRATULATING PRINCIPAL DON This symbolic day illustrates the blatant gap FARR FOR HIS ACHIEVEMENT SYDNEY AND THALIA POTTER that still remains between men and women’s pay earnings, with women continuing to make HON. CHERI BUSTOS HON. KATHY CASTOR 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. It is OF ILLINOIS OF FLORIDA an urgent reminder that we must work to- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gether to secure equal pay for equal work. Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Tuesday, April 8, 2014 When you discriminate against a woman, you discriminate against her entire family. Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise Today women serve as the sole or primary congratulate Don Farr, the principal of Mon- today to honor the life and accomplishments breadwinners in 40 percent of all households mouth-Roseville Junior High School, who has of Mr. Sydney Potter. As our neighbors in the with children under the age of 18. In addition, been named the Middle School Principal of Tampa Bay area know, you cannot talk about two out of three families now depend on the the Year by Horace Mann and the Illinois Prin- Sydney without also talking about his amazing wages of working moms. Our country is evolv- cipals Association. wife, Thalia. Sydney and Thalia were true ing; today only a fifth of American families Principal Farr has served as a principal for partners dedicated to their family and to serv- have a male breadwinner and female home- 17 years. He is active in the Illinois Principals ing our community. Sydney passed recently, maker. It is time to promote pay equity on be- Association as well as numerous community but today I am happy to honor their countless half of these families. organizations, including the Roseville Commu- accomplishments and unsurpassed reputation Closing the wage gap between men and nity Center, the Warren County YMCA, the for improving Hillsborough County. women would cut the poverty rate in half. The Roseville Masonic Lodge and the Monmouth Sydney and Thalia Potter married in 1944 U.S. Census Bureau reported that the poverty Chamber of Commerce. He also passes on and raised their family along the banks of the rate among women is the highest it’s been in his experience by teaching classes in Middle Hillsborough River in 1955. Both Sydney and 17 years, with 17 million women living in pov- School Methods and Strategies at Monmouth Thalia had distinguished professional careers. erty last year compared with 12.6 million men. College. Sydney served most of his career as Sec- As a proud mother of three sons who were The 77 cents to the dollar that women make retary-Treasurer of I.W. Phillips & Company educated by our public schools, I know first- relative to men adds up to $11,084 a year in before managing a distribution office for Ace hand the importance of administrators who loss of income. This impacts her lifetime earn- Hardware. Thalia had an outstanding career work with teachers and the community to cre- ings and hurts her retirement savings. Over as a legislative aide which began with Florida ate a positive school climate and do what is the age of 65, nearly 52 percent of women are State Representative Ed Blackburn in the best for our students. I’m glad that the Illinois categorized as economically vulnerable by the early 1970’s and continued with State Senator Principals Association and Horace Mann are supplemental poverty measure versus almost Pat Frank as well as State Representative Jim recognizing and honoring Principal Farr for his 42 percent of men at the same age. If the Davis before her retirement. Throughout her excellent work. slow pace of increase continues, it will not be career, Thalia was known for her scrupulous Mr. Speaker, I want to again congratulate until 2058 that hard-working women receive ethics, impeccable attention to detail, and un- Principal Farr for his outstanding efforts on be- pay equity and are able to close the wage gap paralleled skill for serving constituents with half of students in our community and wish that will allow them to enjoy a well-deserved kindness and poise. him the best in the National Middle School retirement. Sydney and Thalia’s love of the Principal of the Year awards. It is estimated that greater pay equity be- Hillsborough River led them to be longtime ad- tween men and women would add nearly half f vocates for environmental stewardship. In the a trillion dollars to the U.S. economy. The first TRIBUTE TO CHRISTOPHER JAMES words of close friends, Sydney and Thalia female Chair of the Federal Reserve, Janet ‘‘were green before green was cool.’’ Their ac- Yellen, has been vocal in her praise of wom- HON. TOM LATHAM tivism led to the passage of environmental en’s increasing participation in the workplace protection bills for the Hillsborough River as OF IOWA and contributions to our overall economy. Be- well as led to the completion of projects that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tween 1970 and 2009, women’s participation successfully reversed erosion along a local in the workforce jumped to nearly half of all Tuesday, April 8, 2014 riverfront park and pushed local officials to workers, going from holding 37 percent of jobs Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to allow more freshwater to flow from the upriver to nearly 48 percent. Women have made simi- congratulate and recognize Christopher James dam to replenish the river’s ecosystem. In lar advances in higher education and receive of Davis Brown Law Firm in Des Moines, Iowa 1997, they also helped organize Citizens for almost 60 percent of the bachelor’s degrees for being named a 2014 Forty Under 40 hon- the Responsible Application of Malathion granted in the United States. Still, one year oree by the award-winning central Iowa publi- (CRAM), which successfully stopped the after college, female graduates receive just 82 cation, Business Record. spraying of dangerous pesticides over the citi- percent of what their male counterparts make. Since 2000, Business Record has under- zens of Hillsborough County. Sydney and This unjust pay gap only increases as they be- taken an exhaustive annual review to identify Thalia’s leadership in environmental conserva- come older; women are paid just 69 percent of a standout group of young leaders in the tion and preservation has had an immeas- what men earn 10 years after college gradua- Greater Des Moines area who are making an urable impact on the community and the future tion. impact in their communities and their careers. of the Tampa Bay Watershed. In this year’s State of the Union, President Each year, forty up-and-coming community Sydney and Thalia’s dedication and commu- Obama drew attention to the wage gap, say- and business leaders under 40 years of age nity service has led to their recognition by sev- ing that this level of inequality in 2014 is unac- are selected for this prestigious distinction, eral prestigious organizations. Thalia was ceptable. He prioritized congressional and pri- which is based on a combined criteria of com- awarded the Sierra Club’s Pine Tree Award in vate sector action on fair pay and fair leave munity involvement and success in their cho- 1998 for achievement in group activism and, policies so that women can achieve the equal- sen career field. The 2014 class of Forty later that year, Sydney was awarded the ity they deserve. Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster Club’s Gopher Tortoise Award for support of a Women make tremendous contributions to of nearly 600 business leaders and growing. member in important activist effort. In 2008, our economic wellbeing. Unequal pay is a re- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- The League of Women Voters of Hillsborough ality in modern America but it doesn’t have to resent leaders like Christopher in the United County announced the establishment of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08AP8.004 E08APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 8, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E545 ‘‘Sydney and Thalia Potter Civic Leadership master’s degrees, and women with master’s should consider in Award for their commitment to good govern- degrees are paid less than men with bach- 2014?’’ ment, protection of the environment, and com- elor’s degrees. Rory took home the Third Prize award in C– munity activism. Mr. Speaker, that is why the Paycheck Fair- SPAN’s national 2014 StudentCam competi- Sydney was a gentleman in the finest sense ness Act is so critical. It will close loopholes tion, which is a wonderful competition that of the word and was remarkably knowledge- and strengthen the Equal Pay Act, which challenges our youth to think critically about able in his understanding of the key issues af- hasn’t been updated in 51 years. The bill has issues of national importance. I find it inspiring fecting our community and country. His poign- 207 cosponsors. It is simply shocking that out that so many young people are engaged in ant, tough questions to public officials at of 207 cosponsors, not one—let me repeat these debates and contributing their voices as Suncoast Tiger Bay Club meetings led to him that—not one is a Republican. This is not an part of our democratic process. Our democ- winning more Garfield Awards than any other issue that only affects Democrats. It affects all racy is strengthened when active citizens like member. Thalia is a woman of true grace and hard-working American women—regardless of Rory take time to participate in the process. grit from a remarkable family with an un- their political party. Does the Majority simply Rory’s thoughtful documentary, ‘‘I Do,’’ pro- matched history of commitment to helping chil- not care about this problem, or is it yet an- vides a really insightful focus on the issue of dren and families. Sydney and Thalia are con- other continuation of the War on Women? marriage equality. I was particularly proud to summate examples of servant leadership. At f play a role in the documentary and highlight every turn, they acted with the best interest of just how important it is to ensure all committed the community and country at heart. Mr. RECOGNIZING THE 100TH ANNIVER- loving couples are able to marry. Speaker, please join me in recognizing two ir- SARY OF THE NORTH SHORE After all, I want my daughters to grow up in replaceable and inspirational leaders of the SANITARY DISTRICT a country where discrimination is a thing of the Tampa Bay community for a lifetime of dedi- past—where people can’t be treated differently cated public service. HON. BRADLEY S. SCHNEIDER because of their gender, where they come f OF ILLINOIS from, or who they love. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The StudentCam competition recognizes the COMMEMORATING EQUAL PAY most impressive student filmmakers across DAY Tuesday, April 8, 2014 the country. Rory has been named one of the Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today top honorees nationwide in a competition that HON. SAM FARR to mark the 100th anniversary of the North included 2,355 documentaries entered by OF CALIFORNIA Shore Sanitary District (NSSD), a critically-im- nearly 5,000 students in 46 states. portant municipal utility that serves the subur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I heartily applaud Rory for his ban Chicago district I represent. work producing the documentary. Rory’s ac- Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Chartered in 1914, NSSD has grown into tions show that young Americans can—and Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, it is simply the second largest sanitary treatment district in do—play important roles in our communities unfathomable that today is Equal Pay Day, the the State of Illinois. The wastewater treatment and the national dialogue. day when, more than three months into the process is critical to the health of our families year, women’s wages finally catch up to what and our environment. The average American f men were paid in the previous year. This is produces 100 gallons of wastewater per day, TRIBUTE TO MICHAEL DAYTON flat out unacceptable. and NSSD serves more than 300,000 people. Today is not a celebration or a happy occa- NSSD operates three major facilities in the sion at all. It is a glaring reminder of the hard district I represent, with 125 miles of sewers HON. TOM LATHAM work that still needs to be done in order to and the capacity to deal with more than 60 OF IOWA million gallons of wastewater each day. achieve gender parity in pay. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Women are half the population! How has For 100 years, NSSD has diligently worked this inequity been allowed to stand for so to protect our inland waterways and Lake Tuesday, April 8, 2014 long? When President Kennedy signed the Michigan from storm and wastewater runoff. Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Equal Pay Act into law in 1963, women on av- The water reclamation process is integral to congratulate and recognize Michael Dayton of erage made 59 cents for every dollar earned our modern ecosystems, and NSSD conducts Nyemaster Goode in Des Moines, Iowa for by men. It has been 51 years since the Equal this process with unmatched skill, precision being named a 2014 Forty Under 40 honoree Pay Act was signed into law, and yet women and care. by the award-winning central Iowa publication, still earn on average only 77 cents for every To more appropriately reflect NSSD’s Business Record. dollar earned by men, amounting to a yearly breadth of work and commitment to water Since 2000, Business Record has under- gap of $11,607 between full-time working men quality, NSSD will officially change its name to taken an exhaustive annual review to identify and women. We’ve made some progress—but the North Shore Water Reclamation District. a standout group of young leaders in the not nearly enough. Mr. Speaker, I congratulate NSSD on a cen- Greater Des Moines area who are making an Equal pay is not simply a women’s issue— tury of outstanding service to the North Shore, impact in their communities and their careers. it is a family issue. Families increasingly rely and I look forward to another 100 years of Each year, forty up-and-coming community on women’s wages to make ends meet, and success as the North Shore Water Reclama- and business leaders under 40 years of age with less take-home pay women have less tion District. are selected for this prestigious distinction, money for the everyday needs of their fami- f which is based on a combined criteria of com- lies. munity involvement and success in their cho- According to the National Partnership for RECOGNIZING RORY RESHOVSKY sen career field. The 2014 class of Forty Women and Families, in California, women in ON HIS THIRD PRIZE AWARD IN Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster are paid 84 cents for every dollar paid to men, C–SPAN’S NATIONAL 2014 of nearly 600 business leaders and growing. STUDENTCAM COMPETITION amounting to an annual wage gap of $8,183 Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- between men and women who work full time resent leaders like Michael in the United in the state. In addition, Californian women HON. DEREK KILMER States Congress and it is with great pride that who are employed full time lose a combined OF WASHINGTON I recognize and applaud Mr. Dayton for uti- total of approximately $37,658,902,470 every IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lizing his talents to better both his community year due to the wage gap. and the great state of Iowa. I invite my col- The sad reality is that the pay gap is not Tuesday, April 8, 2014 leagues in the House to join me in congratu- simply an education issue. Nationally, women Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lating Michael on receiving this esteemed des- with master’s degrees who work full time are congratulate and honor Rory Reshovsky, who ignation, thanking those at Business Record paid just 70 cents for every dollar paid to men has achieved national recognition for a short for their great work, and wishing each member with master’s degrees. Further, women with documentary he produced in response to the of the 2014 Forty Under 40 class continued doctoral degrees are paid less than men with question, ‘‘What’s the most important issue the success.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08AP8.004 E08APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 8, 2014 HONORING THE WATER ENVIRON- HONORING COACH KEVIN ual communication method of instruction de- MENT RESEARCH FOUNDATION SCHLAGEL UPON HIS 40-YEAR veloped by renowned French educators Abbe ASSOCIATION WITH ST. CLOUD Sicard, Laurent Clerc, and Jean Massieu. STATE’S MEN’S BASKETBALL Upon returning to the United States, Gallaudet HON. JAMES P. MORAN PROGRAM established the American School for the Deaf, OF the nation’s first permanent school for Deaf IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MICHELE BACHMANN children, in Hartford, Connecticut. In 1857, Gallaudet’s youngest son, Edward Tuesday, April 8, 2014 OF MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Miner Gallaudet, took up his father’s cause Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor a when he and his Deaf mother, Sophia Fowler very important organization based in my con- Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Gallaudet, were invited by Kendall to run the gressional district. Founded in Alexandria, Vir- Mrs. BACHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today newly established Columbia Institution for the ginia, in 1989, The Water Environment Re- to recognize Coach Kevin Schlagel of St. Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb and the search Foundation (WERF) coordinates unbi- Cloud, Minnesota, upon his retirement after 40 Blind in Washington, D.C., and with Kendall’s ased, scientifically rigorous water quality re- years of service to the St. Cloud State Univer- resources and Gallaudet’s leadership and vi- search among teams of federal, state, and sity Men’s Basketball Program. sion, the fledgling school grew and flourished, local agencies that represent over 75 percent Kevin Schlagel’s dedication to Huskies bas- expanding to provide instruction for aspiring of the U.S. population served by waste water ketball began when he was a player from teachers of the Deaf and to became the treatments plants, of the U.S. Under the lead- 1972–1976 and helped bring home the North- world’s first—and today retains the status of ership of founding Executive Director Glenn ern Intercollegiate Conference title his senior the only—institution of higher education de- Reinhardt, WERF has grown from a few em- year. After 18 seasons as their top assistant voted to Deaf and hard of hearing students, ployees to a highly respected national center coach, he was named the head coach of the and to hearing students who pursue careers of water quality research with a full-time staff Huskies during the 1997–1998 season. Under as professionals serving the Deaf community. of 23 and an annual budget of over $10 mil- Coach Schlagel’s leadership the Huskies Gallaudet presided over the first commence- lion. The foundation’s efforts have improved earned a selection in the NCAA tournament ment in June 1869. Those graduating that day human and ecological health, fostered new eight times, and won the NCC Wells Fargo received diplomas signed by President Ulys- water quality management processes and Finals Tournament twice, the NSIC Sanford ses S. Grant, and to this day the diplomas of spear-headed the development of new tech- Health Tournament twice, and the North Cen- all Gallaudet graduates are signed by the cur- nologies. tral Conference regular season title once. rent U.S. President. WERF has managed nearly 550 research In the Huskies’ most prolific season ever, In 1969, President Lyndon Johnson signed projects, valued at more than $130 million, 2009–2010, they won a school record 29 the Model Secondary School for the Deaf Act with $19 million (cash and in-kind) work ongo- games and made it to the NCAA Division II (MSSD), and the Secretary of the U.S. Depart- ing annually. Its research has helped create Final Four. After 17 years as the head coach, ment of Health, Education and Welfare and many new tools for restoring water quality and Kevin Schlagel is the winningest Men’s Bas- Gallaudet President Leonard Elstad signed an informed better state and federal regulation, ketball coach in Huskies history with an overall agreement authorizing the establishment and saving the U.S. water quality community well record of 321–149. operation of the MSSD on the Gallaudet cam- as much as $2 billion over the last twenty Coach Schlagel is a great example of the pus. One year later, President Nixon signed years. For instance, WERF’s watershed trad- important role that coaches play in our com- the bill that authorized the Kendall Demonstra- ing demonstration projects led to hundreds of munities. He has been a true leader to young tion Elementary School. Those two schools millions in regulatory savings while its invest- people, helping them develop skills that will are part of Gallaudet’s Laurent Clerc National ment of only $92,500 into new sewer designs, enable them to be successful long after their Deaf Education Center, which is devoted to materials, and rehabilitation techniques re- last game. the creation and dissemination of educational duced annual costs at wastewater collection Mr. Speaker, I ask this body to join me in opportunities for Deaf students nationwide. systems nationwide by at least $75 million. honoring Coach Kevin Schlagel upon his suc- By an act of Congress, Gallaudet was grant- In times when federal spending on waste- cessful career at St. Cloud State University. ed university status in October 1986 and pres- water infrastructure continues to fall in real f ently Gallaudet’s undergraduate students have and inflation adjusted terms WERF research their choice of more than 40 majors. Graduate CELEBRATING GALLAUDET programs offer certificates and master of arts, provides one of the few means to control or UNIVERSITY’S SESQUICENTENNIAL reduce the staggering cost of essential infra- master of science, doctoral, and specialist de- structure upgrades, which by some estimates grees in many specialties regarding profes- approach $500 billion over the next twenty HON. KEVIN YODER sional service to Deaf and hard of hearing years. OF KANSAS people. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support for Gallaudet WERF focuses on the critical issues as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES University and their essential mission here in identified by its subscribers, including waste- Tuesday, April 8, 2014 our nation’s capital. I congratulate all of the water infrastructure management, wet weather Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in faculty, staff, students, and all involved with (runoff) control, biosolids handling, and waste- celebration of Gallaudet University’s sesqui- the Gallaudet community on their sesqui- water utility responses to climate change. centennial. centennial. Newer challenges rising up the research agen- I am proud to serve as one of the U.S. f da include nutrient removal, wastewater utility Congress’s members of their board of trustees operations optimization, trace organics effects, during this momentous occasion. I acknowl- TRIBUTE TO CARRIE CLOGG wastewater services and costs, green infra- edge them both for their achievements as the structure, and recovering energy from waste- Nation’s premier institution for the Deaf, and water. HON. TOM LATHAM for their storied history of excellence in edu- OF IOWA For many years, WERF received federal cation, improving access throughout America IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES funding through Appropriation Committees on and the world. which I have served. Those funds have been In 1856, philanthropist and former post- Tuesday, April 8, 2014 leveraged at a 3:1 or better rate with monies master general Amos Kendall donated land on Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to largely from local wastewater treatment facili- his estate in northeast Washington, D.C. for a congratulate and recognize Carrie Clogg of ties. This highly successful public/private part- place to educate the city’s Deaf youth, and, the Civic Music Association for being named a nership should be celebrated and expanded, eight years later, President Abraham Lincoln 2014 Forty Under 40 honoree by the award- and I ask Congress to redouble its efforts to signed a bill authorized by the U.S. Congress winning central Iowa publication, Business support water quality research. My congratula- for the institution to grant college degrees. Record. tions to the entire WERF staff and volunteers Theology graduate Thomas Hopkins Gal- Since 2000, Business Record has under- for their fine work on behalf of us all and for laudet was inspired to dedicate his life to edu- taken an exhaustive annual review to identify reaching this significant milestone. cating Deaf people after tutoring Alice a standout group of young leaders in the Mr. Speaker, congratulations are in order for Cogswell, a nine-year-old Deaf neighbor, and Greater Des Moines area who are making an a job well done. traveled to France, where he learned a man- impact in their communities and their careers.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08AP8.005 E08APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 8, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E547 Each year, forty up-and-coming community [From the Wall Street Journal, July 13, 2009] Mr. Schlesinger refers to the unanimous and business leaders under 40 years of age WHY WE DON’T WANT A NUCLEAR-FREE conclusion of the bipartisan Congressional are selected for this prestigious distinction, WORLD Commission on the Strategic Posture of the (By Melanie Kirkpatrick) United States, which he co-led with Chair- which is based on a combined criteria of com- man William Perry. The commission ‘‘Nuclear weapons are used every day.’’ So munity involvement and success in their cho- ‘‘strongly’’ recommended that further dis- says former Defense Secretary James Schles- sen career field. The 2014 class of Forty cussions with the Russians on arms control inger, speaking last month at his office in a Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster are ‘‘desirable,’’ he says, and that ‘‘we should wooded enclave of Maclean, Va. It’s a serene proceed with negotiations on an extension of of nearly 600 business leaders and growing. setting for Doomsday talk, and Mr. Schles- the START Treaty.’’ That’s what Mr. Obama Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- inger’s matter-of-fact tone belies the enor- set in motion in Moscow this week. The resent leaders like Carrie in the United States mity of the concepts he’s explaining—con- pact—whose full name is the Strategic Arms Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- cepts that were seemingly ignored in this Reduction Treaty—expires in December. But ognize and applaud Ms. Clogg for utilizing her week’s Moscow summit between Presidents what’s the hurry? Mr. Schlesinger warns talents to better both her community and the and Dmitry Medvedev. We use nuclear weapons every day, Mr. about rushing to agree on cuts. ‘‘The treaty great state of Iowa. I invite my colleagues in . . . can be extended for five years. And, if the House to join me in congratulating Carrie Schlesinger goes on to explain, ‘‘to deter our potential foes and provide reassurance to the need be, I would extend it for five years.’’ There’s another compelling reason for a on receiving this esteemed designation, thank- allies to whom we offer protection.’’ ing those at Business Record for their great Mr. Obama likes to talk about his vision of strong U.S. deterrent: the U.S. nuclear um- work, and wishing each member of the 2014 a nuclear-free world, and in Moscow he and brella, which protects more than 30 allies Forty Under 40 class continued success. Mr. Medvedev signed an agreement setting worldwide. ‘‘If we were only protecting the North American continent,’’ he says, ‘‘we f targets for sweeping reductions in the world’s largest nuclear arsenals. Reflecting could do so with far fewer weapons than we IN MEMORY OF THE LIFE AND on the hour I spent with Mr. Schlesinger, I have at present in the stockpile.’’ But a prin- SERVICE OF DR. JAMES SCHLES- can’t help but think: Do we really want to do cipal aim of the U.S. nuclear deterrent is ‘‘to INGER this? provide the necessary reassurance to our al- For nuclear strategists, Mr. Schlesinger is lies, both in Asia and in Europe.’’ That in- Yoda, the master of their universe. In addi- cludes ‘‘our new NATO allies such as Poland HON. MIKE ROGERS tion to being a former defense secretary and the Baltic States,’’ which, he notes OF ALABAMA (Nixon and Ford), he is a former energy sec- dryly, continue to be concerned about their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retary (Carter) and former director of cen- Russian neighbor. ‘‘Indeed, they inform us regularly that they understand the Russians Tuesday, April 8, 2014 tral intelligence (Nixon). He has been study- ing the U.S. nuclear posture since the early far better than do we.’’ Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, it is 1960s, when he was at the RAND Corporation, The congressional commission warned of a with great sadness that I reflect on the recent a California think tank that often does re- coming ‘‘tipping point’’ in proliferation, passing of a great American servant and de- search for the U.S. government. He’s the ex- when more nations might decide to go nu- fender, Mr. James Schlesinger. While I am pert whom Defense Secretary Robert Gates clear if they were to lose confidence in the U.S. deterrent, or in Washington’s will to use sure that I don’t need to enumerate each of called on last year to lead an investigation into the Air Force’s mishandling of nuclear it. If U.S. allies lose confidence in Washing- his many accomplishments in the service of weapons after nuclear-armed cruise missiles ton’s ability to protect them, they’ll kick off his nation—Chairman of the U.S. Atomic En- were mistakenly flown across the country on a new nuclear arms race. ergy Commission, Director of Central Intel- a B–52 and nuclear fuses were accidently That’s a reason Mr. Schlesinger wants to ligence, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary shipped to Taiwan. Most recently, he’s vice bring Japan into the nuclear conversation. of Energy—I would like to spend a moment re- chairman of a bipartisan congressional com- ‘‘One of the recommendations of the com- flecting on his remarkable service to the na- mission that in May issued an urgent warn- mission is that we start to have a dialogue tional security of the American people. ing about the need to maintain a strong U.S. with the Japanese about strategic capabili- ties in order both to help enlighten them and When I took over at the beginning of this deterrent. But above all, Mr. Schlesinger is a nuclear to provide reassurance that they will be pro- Congress as the Chairman of the Strategic realist. Are we heading toward a nuclear-free tected by the U.S. nuclear umbrella. In the Forces Subcommittee, which oversees, among world anytime soon? He shoots back a one- past, that has not been the case. Japan never other vital national programs, the nation’s nu- word answer: ‘‘No.’’ I keep silent, hoping he was seriously threatened by Soviet capabili- clear forces, I knew that I needed to find the will go on. ‘‘We will need a strong deter- ties and that the Soviets looked westward best of this nation’s leaders to seek their ad- rent,’’ he finally says, ‘‘and that is measured largely is a threat against Western Europe. vice and counsel. Of course, Dr. Schlesinger at least in decades—in my judgment, in fact, But now that the Chinese forces have been was at the top of this list. I was grateful that more or less in perpetuity. The notion that growing into the many hundreds of weapons, we can abolish nuclear weapons reflects on a we think that it’s necessary to talk to the despite struggles with his health, he took the combination of American utopianism and Japanese in the same way that we have time to come and conduct a seminar for my American parochialism. . . . It’s like the talked to the Europeans over the years.’’ colleagues on the subcommittee and me. We [1929] Kellogg-Briand Pact renouncing war as He reminds me of the comment of Japanese are able to better do our important work be- an instrument of national policy. . . . It’s political leader Ichiro Ozawa, who said in cause of the ground he tread in his lifetime of not based upon an understanding of reality.’’ 2002 that it would be ‘‘easy’’ for Japan to service and because of the counsel he lent us In other words: Go ahead and wish for a nu- make nuclear warheads and that it had selflessly. clear-free world, but pray that you don’t get enough plutonium to make several thousand As the former Secretary told us, ‘‘[n]uclear what you wish for. A world without nukes weapons. ’When one contemplates a number would be even more dangerous than a world like that,’’ Mr. Schlesinger says, ‘‘one sees weapons are used every day . . . to deter our with them, Mr. Schlesinger argues. that a substantial role in nonproliferation potential foes and provide reassurance to the ‘‘If, by some miracle, we were able to has been the U.S. nuclear umbrella. Without allies to whom we offer protection.’’ These are eliminate nuclear weapons,’’ he says, ‘‘what that, some and perhaps a fair number of our true words from the man the Wall Street Jour- we would have is a number of countries sit- allies would feel the necessity of having nal referred to as the ‘‘Yoda’’ of nuclear deter- ting around with breakout capabilities or ru- their own nuclear capabilities.’’ rence. mors of breakout capabilities—for intimida- He worries about ‘‘contagion’’ in the Mid- Mr. Speaker, we’ve lost a great advocate for tion purposes . . . and finally, probably, a dle East, whereby countries will decide to go this country’s security. But, we are fortunate number of small clandestine stockpiles.’’ nuclear if Iran does. ‘‘We’ve long talked This would make the U.S. more vulnerable. about Iran as a tipping point,’’ he says, ‘‘in that we have his example and his work to Mr. Schlesinger makes the case for a that it might induce Turkey, which has long guide us. Never more than today do we real- strong U.S. deterrent. Yes, the Cold War has been protected under NATO, Egypt [and] ize the value in what James Schlesinger stood ended and, yes, while ‘‘we worry about Rus- Saudi Arabia to respond in kind There has for across his 85 years. We thank God that we sia’s nuclear posture to some degree, it is been talk about extending the nuclear um- live in a nation led and protected by such men not just as prominent as it once was.’’ The brella to the Middle East in the event that as Dr. Schlesinger. I take the liberty of speak- U.S. still needs to deter Russia, which has the Iranians are successful in developing ing for the whole House when I say to his the largest nuclear capability of any poten- that capacity.’’ family, thank you for allowing him to spend his tial adversary, and the Chinese, who have a Mr. Schlesinger expresses concerns, too, modest (and growing) capability. The U.S. about the safety and reliability of U.S. nu- life in service to his country. nuclear deterrent has no influence on North clear weapons, all of which are more than 20 I submit a Wall Street Journal op-ed (‘‘Why Korea or Iran, he says, or on nonstate actors. years old. ‘‘I am worried about the reli- We Don’t Want a Nuclear-Free World’’, July ‘‘They’re not going to be deterred by the pos- ability of the weapons . . . as time passes. 13, 2009) and an obituary that appeared on sibility of a nuclear response to actions that Not this year, not next year, but as time the same page on March 28th. they might take,’’ he says. passes and the stockpile ages.’’ There is a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08AP8.009 E08APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 8, 2014 worry, too, about the ‘‘intellectual infra- Union supplying some of the Arab countries, impacted the quality of life for the people of structure,’’ he says, as Americans who know the Schlesinger Defense Department air- the city. how to make nuclear weapons either retire lifted supplies to Israel, a U.S. ally. or die. And he notes that the ‘‘physical infra- Above all, Schlesinger believed that the f structure’’ is now ‘‘well over 60 years’’ old. U.S. should do nothing to put its pre- TRIBUTE TO LINCOLN DIX Some of it ‘‘comes out of the Manhattan eminence in national security at risk. He Project.’’ pushed hard for increased military spending The U.S. is the only major nuclear power and voiced doubts about the terms of nu- HON. TOM LATHAM that is not modernizing its weapons. ‘‘The clear-arms negotiations with the Soviet OF IOWA Russians have a shelf life for their weapons Union in the 1970s. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of about 10 years so they are continually re- He believed in the idea of military deter- placing’’ them. The British and the French rence, and that included the U.S. nuclear de- Tuesday, April 8, 2014 ‘‘stay up to date.’’ And the Chinese and the terrent. In a typically blunt assertion during Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Indians ‘‘continue to add to their stock- a Weekend Interview with the Journal in piles.’’ But in the U.S., Congress won’t even 2009, Schlesinger said, ‘‘Nuclear weapons are congratulate and recognize Lincoln Dix of Sta- so much as fund R&D for the Reliable Re- used every day.’’ They are used ‘‘to deter our ples Advantage in Urbandale, Iowa for being placement Warhead. ‘‘The RRW has become potential foes and provide reassurance to the named a 2014 Forty Under 40 honoree by the a toxic term on Capitol Hill,’’ Mr. Schles- allies to whom we offer our protection.’’ award-winning central Iowa publication, Busi- inger says. Give it a new name, he seems to Schlesinger’s robust clarity about the na- ness Record. be suggesting, and try again to get Congress ture of threat and adversaries is out of favor Since 2000, Business Record has under- to fund it. ‘‘We need to be much more vig- in Washington these days. Foreign-policy taken an exhaustive annual review to identify orous about life-extension programs’’ for the tastes now run more toward ‘‘nuance.’’ Jim a standout group of young leaders in the weapons. Schlesinger, a card-carrying economist, had Finally, we chat about Mr. Schlesinger’s nothing against nuance. He simply wanted to Greater Des Moines area who are making an nearly half-century as a nuclear strategist. do whatever is necessary to make sure the impact in their communities and their careers. Are we living in a world where the use of nu- U.S. never ended up on the wrong side of it. Each year, forty up-and-coming community clear weapons is more likely than it was That point of view is missed. and business leaders under 40 years of age back then? ‘‘The likelihood of a nuclear ex- f are selected for this prestigious distinction, change has substantially gone away,’’ he which is based on a combined criteria of com- says. That’s the good news. ‘‘However, the RECOGNIZING JAMES BEN MAGEL likelihood of a nuclear terrorist attack on munity involvement and success in their cho- the United States’’ is greater. sen career field. The 2014 class of Forty During his RAND years, in the 1960s, Mr. HON. HENRY CUELLAR Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster Schlesinger recalls that ‘‘we were working OF TEXAS of nearly 600 business leaders and growing. on mitigating the possible effects [of a nu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- clear attack] through civil defense, which, Tuesday, April 8, 2014 resent leaders like Lincoln in the United States may I say parenthetically, we should be Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- working on now with respect, certainly, to Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ognize and applaud Mr. Dix for utilizing his tal- the possibility of a terrorist weapon used recognize retiring Councilman of Pleasanton, against the United States. . . . We should ents to better both his community and the have a much more rapid response capability. Texas, James Ben Magel. He has served the great state of Iowa. I invite my colleagues in . . . We’re not as well organized as we should citizens of the city of Pleasanton well, and is the House to join me in congratulating Lincoln be to respond.’’ now ending his tenure after 18 years. His tire- on receiving this esteemed designation, thank- Mr. Schlesinger sees another difference be- less efforts have improved the community, and ing those at Business Record for their great tween now and when he started in this busi- he has served to better the development and work, and wishing each member of the 2014 ness: ‘‘Public interest in our strategic pos- progress of Pleasanton. Forty Under 40 class continued success. ture has faded over the decades,’’ he says. ‘‘Jimmy’’ Magel was born in Kenedy, Texas. ‘‘In the Cold War, it was a most prominent f subject. Now, much of the public is barely in- Shortly after his birth, his family moved to terested in it. And that has been true of the Pleasanton. After graduating from Pleasanton PERSONAL EXPLANATION Congress as well,’’ creating what he deli- High School in 1966, he attended the Univer- cately refers to as ‘‘something of a stalemate sity of Texas at Austin, earning a degree in HON. ANDY BARR in expenditures.’’ Pharmacy in 1971. He returned to Pleasanton OF KENTUCKY He’s raising the alarm. Congress, the ad- and worked at Henry’s Pharmacy. In 1974 he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ministration and Americans ignore it at began working for Rexco Pharmacy, which he their peril. now owns. In 1970 he married Bernice Tieken. Tuesday, April 8, 2014 [From The Wall Street Journal, Mar. 28, Together, they share two children and one Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, had I been 2014] grandchild. Currently, he serves as President present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall JAMES R. SCHLESINGER: A DEFENSE of the Pleasanton Ex-Students Association No. 165 and ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall No. 166, sup- STRATEGIEST WITHOUT ILLUSIONS ABOUT and is a member of the St. John Lutheran porting the passage of the Budget and Ac- THE WORLD’S THREATS. Church Council in Jourdanton. One of his counting Transparency Act. One can only imagine the wry, bemused ex- proudest achievements was earning the rank f pression that would have passed across of Eagle Scout. A loving husband and father, former Defense Secretary James R. Schles- Mr. Magel has been a devoted public servant PERSONAL EXPLANATION inger at the irony of his death this past week and community leader. at age 85. Jim Schlesinger, the ultimate Cold Warrior, left the public stage at the moment As Councilman, Mr. Magel has played an in- HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY his successors in Washington are arguing tegral role in leading change within the OF NEW YORK among themselves whether Vladimir Putin Pleasanton community. Particularly, Mr. Magel IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Russia, with some 50,000 troops arrayed on paved the way for multiple construction Ukraine’s border and a nuclear weapons arse- projects, such as the construction of a public Tuesday, April 8, 2014 nal in his pocket, is or is not a threat to the works facility, the new police department, the Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- interests of the United States. expansion of Pleasanton City Hall, a new civic er, I was unavoidably absent during the week The phrase ‘‘he does not suffer fools glad- ly’’ wasn’t invented for Jim Schlesinger, center and library. He was also instrumental in of March 24, 2014. If I were present, I would though some in the Washington policy-mak- the assembly of the Regional Water Waste have voted on the following: rollcall No. 136— ing fraternity could have been forgiven for Collection Line and various other infrastructure On final passage of H.R. 3060—‘‘yea’’; rollcall thinking so. Nuclear strategist, defense sec- projects. Mr. Magel’s commitment to the main- No. 137—On final passage of H.R.1813— retary to Presidents Nixon and Ford and tenance of public buildings and infrastructure ‘‘yea’’; rollcall No. 138—H.R. 2824—Lowenthal then the first secretary of energy under has helped the city of Pleasanton continue to Amendment—‘‘yea’’; rollcall No. 139—H.R. Jimmy Carter, Schlesinger puffed on an be a remarkable place to live and raise a fam- 2824—Cartwright Amendment—‘‘yea’’; rollcall ever-present pipe and offered unvarnished ily. No. 140—H.R. 2824—On motion to recommit and sometimes uncomfortable advice through some of the most difficult events of Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize Mr. with instructions—‘‘yea’’; rollcall No. 141—On the Cold War era. James ‘‘Jimmy’’ Ben Magel, retiring Council- final passage of H.R. 2824—‘‘nay’’; rollcall No. Equivocation wasn’t a word he recognized. man of Pleasanton. His years of dedication 142—H. Res. 524—On ordering the previous In the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, with the Soviet and commitment to our community have truly question on the rule—‘‘nay’’; rollcall No. 143—

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08AP8.008 E08APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 8, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E549 H. Res. 524—On agreeing to the resolution— lizing his talents to better both his community stricken from the calendar. Today is Equal ‘‘nay’’; rollcall No. 144—On final passage of and the great state of Iowa. I invite my col- Pay Day, a day which marks the number of H.R. 1228—‘‘yea’’; rollcall No. 145—H.R. leagues in the House to join me in congratu- days into 2014 that it takes for the average 1459—Tsongas Amendment—‘‘yea’’; rollcall lating David on receiving this esteemed des- woman to make as much as her male counter- No. 146—On motion to recommit with instruc- ignation, thanking those at Business Record part did in 2013. It is truly staggering that a tions for H.R. 1459—‘‘yea’’; rollcall No. 147— for their great work, and wishing each member woman does not earn the same annual On final passage of H.R. 1459—‘‘nay’’; rollcall of the 2014 Forty Under 40 class continued amount as her male counterpart until four No. 148—On final passage of H.R. 4278— success. months into the following year. The fact that ‘‘yea’’. f women earn only 77 percent of what men are f paid has a staggering effect on society as a CELEBRATING WAG-A-BAG STORES whole, our economy and our future. HONORING PAUL KINCAID Closing the wage gap would likely have an HON. JOHN R. CARTER immensely positive effect on our economy. HON. BILLY LONG OF TEXAS The additional $400,000 that each woman OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES would earn in her lifetime if paid the same as her male counterpart would be just the eco- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, April 8, 2014 nomic boost that our country needs as we re- Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cover from the recession. Economists estimate Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- celebrate the founding of Wag-A-Bag conven- that closing the wage gap would have twice ognize and honor Paul Kincaid for his service ience stores. One of central Texas’ most be- the stimulative effect as President Obama’s to Missouri State University and on receiving loved institutions, Wag-A-Bag is celebrating a $800 billion Stimulus Bill. We simply cannot the Virginia Carter Smith Recognition Award half century of service to the Lone Star State. afford Congressional inaction on this issue. from the Council for the Advancement and First opening in 1964, Wag-A-Bag stores Not only does wage inequality diminish a Support of Education District VI. were the brainchild of Virg and Nancy Rabb. woman’s spending power, it also has a dev- Paul serves as the chief of staff and assist- A true innovator, Virg realized that the rural astating effect on women’s retirement savings. ant to the president for university relations at small towns that dotted the Texas landscape Diminished earnings means that women are Missouri State University. Paul serves as an needed convenience stores. My home town of less equipped to contribute to retirement sav- important voice in the public affairs mission of Round Rock, TX had just 1800 residents, no ings, but it also means that their Social Secu- the university, which is to instill in students the traffic lights, and no police force when the first rity and pensions, both of which are based on knowledge to be productive and competent Wag-A-Bag store was built. income, are diminished. The resulting effect is leaders in the pursuit of careers in public af- Since opening, Wag-A-Bag has enjoyed that retired women are more likely than retired fairs. continuous but cautious growth. One store men to live in poverty. The fact that we can let The Virginia Carter Smith Recognition grew to nineteen and they expanded locations our mothers and grandmothers live in poverty Award from the Council for the Advancement to Hutto, Pflugerville, Georgetown, Liberty Hill, during the final years of their lives is truly a and Support of Education (CASE) District VI is and Austin. Each store has become an essen- travesty. given to professionals who have shown out- tial part of the fabric of community life. Wag- The wage gap is even more dramatic for standing service to CASE and who have re- A-Bags have been the site of first jobs, last women of color: African American women on tired or plan to retire. Paul plans to retire from minute stops for ingredients before dinner, and average earn only 64 cents for every dollar Missouri State University in October. countless cups of coffee to start the day. earned by white, non-Hispanic men. Latinas I am honored to recognize Paul Kincaid for Proudly a family business, Wag-A-Bag still fare even worse, earning only 55 cents on the his service to Missouri State University and his operates under the guidance of Nancy Rabb dollar. According to the National Partnership 39 years working in higher education public and her son Cary, who stepped in following for Women and Families, that adds up to an relations. I know that education is a once in a Virg’s death in 1998. They also devote re- average of $18,817 and $23,298, respectively, lifetime experience, and with people like Paul sources to making a difference and are com- in annual lost wages. Put another way, the at the university, its students are being pre- mitted partners with numerous civic and lost wages are the equivalent to 118 weeks’ pared to excel in their chosen career paths. school organizations. worth of food and 4,549 gallons of gasoline for f With its exemplary customer service as well African American women and 154 weeks’ as its commitment to being a contributor to the worth of food and 5,743 gallons of gasoline for TRIBUTE TO DAVID FARNSWORTH Central Texas community, Wag-A-Bag is truly Latina women. This inequity is intolerable. an American success story. I wish their found- The Equal Pay Act was passed in 1963 to HON. TOM LATHAM ers and employees a happy 50th birthday and address the issue of wage inequality, but OF IOWA all the best in the years ahead. progress has been slow. Since the Act’s pas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f sage, the wage gap has closed by just 18 Tuesday, April 8, 2014 cents. According to the Institute for Women’s PERSONAL EXPLANATION Policy Research, at the current pace, the Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to wage gap will not be closed until 2058. This congratulate and recognize David Farnsworth HON. JOHN B. LARSON is simply unacceptable. Congress cannot sit of McGown, Hurst, Clark, and Smith for being OF CONNECTICUT by idly while women’s economic security, in- named a 2014 Forty Under 40 honoree by the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cluding their retirement savings, are threat- award-winning central Iowa publication, Busi- ened by gender inequity. ness Record. Tuesday, April 8, 2014 As the Senate prepares yet again to vote on Since 2000, Business Record has under- Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, the Paycheck Fairness Act, it is my hope that taken an exhaustive annual review to identify on April 7th, I was not present for rollcall votes my colleagues in the Senate will recall the a standout group of young leaders in the 165 and 166. If I had been present for these devastating effects that wage inequity has on Greater Des Moines area who are making an votes, I would have voted: ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall women, particularly minority and elderly impact in their communities and their careers. vote 165, ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall vote 166. women, and vote in favor of S. 2199. Each year, forty up-and-coming community f Paycheck inequity also means women are and business leaders under 40 years of age more economically vulnerable during breaks in are selected for this prestigious distinction, IN RECOGNITION OF EQUAL PAY employment. Women, earning less than their which is based on a combined criteria of com- DAY male counterparts, have less money to place munity involvement and success in their cho- into savings as a safeguard to protect them- sen career field. The 2014 class of Forty HON. DANNY K. DAVIS selves and their families from unexpected un- Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster OF ILLINOIS employment. of nearly 600 business leaders and growing. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The House can act immediately to provide Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- women and their families with economic safe- resent leaders like David in the United States Tuesday, April 8, 2014 guards by passing the Senate’s 5-month ex- Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- tension of long-term jobless benefits. Not only ognize and applaud Mr. Farnsworth for uti- er, today marks a holiday that I hope to see do tens of thousands of women rely on long-

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08AP8.011 E08APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 8, 2014 term unemployment insurance to satisfy their HONORING THE SERVICE OF MRS. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me most basic needs, they also use these bene- CHASITY TUGGLE in congratulating Robert Morris University stu- fits to provide for the needs of their children. dent-athletes: Mitch Tews, Mason Riley, Chris- Many women, despite earning significantly HON. ANDY BARR topher Cimoch, Ryan O’Connell, Tyler less than their male counterparts, are the pri- OF KENTUCKY Martorano, Joey Francis, Kyle Hamilton, Derek mary providers for their families. Congress IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Winkler, Nick Ernst, Tony Domico, Derek Diaz, should reward women for their hard work and Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Gehritt Sargis, Markus Ellis, T.J. Karavos, extend long-term jobless benefits, a critical Robert Chapman, Andrew Montague, Adam safety net for women and their families. Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Keasey, Chris Pontello, Chayce Coenen, Oleg ognize an outstanding individual, Mrs. Chasity f Popov, Paul Isleib, Andy DiCristofaro, Anthony Tuggle of Berea, Kentucky. Mrs. Tuggle re- Petrak, Robert Kennedy, Zach Kuta, Head TRIBUTE TO KATE GAINER cently earned distinction as a 2014 Elizabeth Coach Tom Adrahtas, Assistant Coach Chad Dole Foundation Fellow for her devotion as a Berman and Director of Player Personnel Tom HON. TOM LATHAM caregiver to a special military veteran, her Wendlandt. Your outstanding achievements husband. With this honor, Mrs. Tuggle rep- OF IOWA this year are truly admirable. resents Kentucky in the Caring for Military IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Families Program. Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Serving as a veteran caregiver can often TRIBUTE TO ABBEY GILROY Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to prove physically and mentally challenging, re- congratulate and recognize Kate Gainer of the sulting in significant hardship for the families HON. TOM LATHAM involved. Mrs. Tuggle is among the one million Iowa Pharmacy Association for being named a OF IOWA individuals who voluntarily provide homecare 2014 Forty Under 40 honoree by the award- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES winning central Iowa publication, Business to wounded Iraq and Afghanistan veterans Record. throughout the nation. Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Since 2000, Business Record has under- All military and veteran caregivers deserve Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to taken an exhaustive annual review to identify our appreciation and gratitude, but today I congratulate and recognize Abbey Gilroy of a standout group of young leaders in the would like to especially salute Mrs. Tuggle for Neighborhood Development Corporation in Greater Des Moines area who are making an her selfless dedication and willingness to Des Moines, Iowa for being named a 2014 impact in their communities and their careers. place the needs of a loved one over her own. Forty Under 40 honoree by the award-winning Each year, forty up-and-coming community I also applaud her exceptional work through central Iowa publication, Business Record. and business leaders under 40 years of age the Elizabeth Dole Foundation, which allows Since 2000, Business Record has under- are selected for this prestigious distinction, her to give a voice to other veteran caregivers taken an exhaustive annual review to identify which is based on a combined criteria of com- who have made a similar sacrifice. Mrs. a standout group of young leaders in the munity involvement and success in their cho- Tuggle is truly an outstanding American and Greater Des Moines area who are making an sen career field. The 2014 class of Forty an inspiration to us all. impact in their communities and their careers. Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster f Each year, forty up-and-coming community of nearly 600 business leaders and growing. RECOGNIZING ROBERT MORRIS and business leaders under 40 years of age Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- UNIVERSITY MEN’S ACHA DIVI- are selected for this prestigious distinction, resent leaders like Kate in the United States SION 1 HOCKEY TEAM which is based on a combined criteria of com- Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- munity involvement and success in their cho- ognize and applaud Ms. Gainer for utilizing HON. BILL FOSTER sen career field. The 2014 class of Forty her talents to better both her community and Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster OF ILLINOIS the great state of Iowa. I invite my colleagues IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of nearly 600 business leaders and growing. in the House to join me in congratulating Kate Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- on receiving this esteemed designation, thank- Tuesday, April 8, 2014 resent leaders like Abbey in the United States ing those at Business Record for their great Mr. FOSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- work, and wishing each member of the 2014 congratulate the Robert Morris University ognize and applaud Ms. Gilroy for utilizing her Forty Under 40 class continued success. Men’s ACHA Division 1 hockey team as the talents to better both her community and the f 2014 National Champion Runners-Up. Robert great state of Iowa. I invite my colleagues in Morris University is a private, non-profit, multi- the House to join me in congratulating Abbey EQUAL PAY DAY campus university in Illinois, with an enroll- on receiving this esteemed designation, thank- ment of approximately 6,000 students. Facing ing those at Business Record for their great HON. JOYCE BEATTY competition from prestigious universities with work, and wishing each member of the 2014 OF OHIO enrollments greater than 30,000, the Robert Forty Under 40 class continued success. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Morris players and coaches demonstrated re- f markable stamina, character, and determina- Tuesday, April 8, 2014 tion in realizing their goal of competing for the CONGRATULATING PRIME MIN- Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, today this national title. ISTER VICTOR ORBAN OF HUN- Equal Pay Day, I rise to recognize the full Off the ice these student-athletes distin- GARY value of women’s skills, their significant con- guished themselves academically as well. Dur- tributions to the labor force, and acknowledge ing the first quarter of the year, 11 players HON. DENNIS A. ROSS the gross injustice of wage inequality. earned a perfect 4.0 Grade Point Average, OF FLORIDA Women—who make up nearly half of our and 21 of these hockey players earned a 3.0 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nation’s workforce—on average still make GPA or better. The team can also boast they Tuesday, April 8, 2014 only 77 cents for every dollar made by men. have a 100 percent graduation rate, as all 9 For black women, its 64 cents on the dollar. seniors on the team will be graduating after 4 Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- At a time when families across the United years. gratulate Hungary’s newly re-elected Prime States are struggling to make ends meet, en- The life of a student-athlete can be both Minister Victor Orban. The Prime Minister, and suring a fair wage is more important than physically and mentally exhausting, as they the conservative governing Fidesz-Christian ever. must balance a full-time course schedule, Democratic alliance, won this election with a Equal pay is more than a basic right—it is daily practices, 2–3 day road trips every other decisive margin. an economic necessity. week, and quite often, part-time jobs. This is This makes Prime Minister Victor Orban the That is why I will continue to fight for the especially true for these young men, as their first conservative prime minister in Hungary to When Women Succeed, America Succeeds hockey season extends for over 6 months, the be re-elected since the regime change in economic agenda, which includes enacting the majority of their academic school year. Their 1990. In addition, it is important to recognize Paycheck Fairness Act, to ensure equal pay ongoing dedication to excellence, both on and that this is the first election that all Hungarian for equal work for our nation’s women, chil- off the ice is a credit to themselves, their Citizens living outside of Hungary could also dren, and families. coaches, their school and their families. participate in the electoral process.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08AP8.015 E08APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 8, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E551 Many of these Hungarian emigrants, like my Haffner is the CEO and Chairman of the founding of the Electronic Proving Ground Great Grandparents, traveled to the United Board of Leggett and Platt, a Carthage-based (EPG), located in my district at Fort Huachuca States but retained a close tie to their home- business with annual global sales of over $4 in Southern Arizona. land. It is wonderful that those who still retain billion. Prior to his appointment as Chairman The Electronic Proving Ground (EPG) is the their Hungarian identity have the ability to re- of the Board, Haffner served as Leggett and Army’s C5ISR (Command, Control, Commu- main involved in this democratic process. Platt’s president from 2002 until 2013, and its nications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveil- Hungary’s significance cannot be overstated Chief Operating Officer from 1999 to 2006. lance and Reconnaissance) developmental and the country’s position as a world partner Leggett and Platt, Inc. is one of the largest tester under the Army Test and Evaluation before WWII is important to always remember. manufacturing companies in the United States Command (ATEC). C5ISR is one of the major Hungary has a rich culture and heritage that and is listed on the S&P 500. Today, it manu- components to Cyber Command and is abso- adds a great dynamic to the world. factures a diversified line of products ranging lutely essential to understanding and control- As a Member of Congress with deep Hun- from bedding materials, steel wire products, ling the battlefield of the 21st Century. garian roots, and as a proud Member of the commercial fixturing, and commercial vehicle The mission of EPG is to plan, conduct, and Hungarian Caucus, our nations must continue products. Through David Haffner’s leadership, analyze the results of technical tests for to build upon our strong bilateral diplomatic Leggett and Platt continues to expand its glob- C5ISR systems and Electronic Combat (EC)/ and economic relations. al reach with over 18,000 employee-partners Electronic Warfare (EW) equipment for the f and 130 facilities in 17 countries. Department of Defense, other federal agen- Even as Leggett and Platt expands globally, cies and private industry. HONORING JIMMY JOE JOHNSON David Haffner and the entire Leggett and Platt Southern Arizona is home to an incredible team never forget its importance to the array of national security assets and our com- HON. TIM GRIFFIN Carthage community. I am certainly proud to munity in Southern Arizona does all we can to OF ARKANSAS recognize David Haffner for receiving the 2014 support our defense industry, military installa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Richard M. Webster Citizen of the Year tions and veterans. It is only fitting to mark Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Award, and I hope the leadership principles and celebrate this important event. practiced by David continue to inspire the Situated within a bowl-like valley enclosed Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. Mr. Speaker, I Leggett and Platt team and the Carthage com- by mountains more than four thousand feet rise today to recognize Jimmy Joe Johnson, munity. above sea level, the Electronic Proving whose quick thinking, expertise, and deter- Ground is an open-air testing range that offers mination helped save Lake Conway from free f more than nine thousand square miles of land flowing crude oil on March 29, 2013, when the TRIBUTE TO JASON GILES protected and free from outside electro- ExxonMobil Pegasus Pipeline ruptured. Jimmy Joe has been the Mayflower Street HON. TOM LATHAM magnetic interference. The terrain and vegeta- Department Supervisor for 15 years. His swift tion of EPG is varied, with mountains, desert, OF IOWA and woodlands providing a unique and unpar- plan of action helped protect a critical natural IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES resource in central Arkansas. Along with a alleled opportunity for testing technology in a crew of city, county and local volunteers, he Tuesday, April 8, 2014 multitude of environments. Fort Huachuca also deployed every resource available, including Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to possesses 970 square miles of restricted air- dump trucks and backhoes to construct a bar- congratulate and recognize Jason Giles of space that is used for airborne Intelligence, ricade that isolated the surging oil. Nyemaster Goode in Des Moines, Iowa for Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Racing against time, they first plugged a being named a 2014 Forty Under 40 honoree Electronic Warfare systems testing. Combined, pair of 48-inch metal pipes that isolated the oil by the award-winning central Iowa publication, these assets help to create the nation’s pre- to a 30-acre cove beside Lake Conway, a Business Record. mier testing environment and community. 6,700-acre body of water. Since 2000, Business Record has under- In 1954, the Army’s Chief Signal Officer re- He then instructed his crew to create a dike taken an exhaustive annual review to identify alized the incredibly unique environment lo- the length of a football field with gravel and a standout group of young leaders in the cated at Fort Huachuca for electronic and pipes, allowing the oil to pool where it could Greater Des Moines area who are making an communications equipment testing and since be removed with vacuums and skimmers. By impact in their communities and their careers. then, EPG has been recognized as one of the the time rain began falling that evening, the Each year, forty up-and-coming community best interference free environments in the na- Mayflower Street Department had exhausted a and business leaders under 40 years of age tion, if not the world. supply of 75 tons of gravel. are selected for this prestigious distinction, I am proud to represent the soldiers, civil- Lake Conway was created by an Arkansas which is based on a combined criteria of com- ians, and contractors that support the Elec- conservation agency and is the largest man- munity involvement and success in their cho- tronic Proving Ground. I wish them all the ut- made lake in the United States. It is renowned sen career field. The 2014 class of Forty most success as they continue to support our for its catfish, crappie, bluegill, and bass. The Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster warfighter with the best testing capabilities that lake is approximately eight miles long with 52 of nearly 600 business leaders and growing. come from sixty years of experience, intel- miles of shoreline. Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- ligence, savvy, and skill. The Army, the De- Jimmy Joe claims that he did what anyone resent leaders like Jason in the United States partment of Defense, the United States and else would have done during the oil spill, but Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- mankind have benefitted from the work per- his swift actions demonstrated a tremendous ognize and applaud Mr. Giles for utilizing his formed at EPG, and we are forever grateful. amount of excellence and leadership in the talents to better both his community and the f midst of a crisis. great state of Iowa. I invite my colleagues in TERMINAL VELOCITY On behalf of Arkansans and Americans ev- the House to join me in congratulating Jason erywhere, I honor Jimmy Joe Johnson and his on receiving this esteemed designation, thank- entire crew for their heroic actions. ing those at Business Record for their great HON. E. SCOTT RIGELL f work, and wishing each member of the 2014 OF VIRGINIA Forty Under 40 class continued success. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONGRATULATING DAVID HAFFNER f Tuesday, April 8, 2014 IN RECOGNITION OF THE 60TH AN- Mr. RIGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. BILLY LONG NIVERSARY OF THE ELECTRONIC recognize the outstanding accomplishments of OF MISSOURI PROVING GROUND the Terminal Velocity team from the Cities of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Franklin and Virginia Beach, Virginia. Team HON. RON BARBER members Steve Motley, Steve Poe, Jason Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Truitt, Donnie Cagle, Bobby Williams, and Eli- OF ARIZONA Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize jah Smith have, for an unprecedented fourth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and honor Leggett and Platt CEO David consecutive year, won the Operations Chal- Haffner for receiving the 2014 Richard M. Tuesday, April 8, 2014 lenge competition held annually at the Water Webster Citizen of the Year Award by the Mr. BARBER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Environment Federation’s Technical Exhibition Carthage Chamber of Commerce. recognize the sixtieth anniversary of the and Conference. They competed against 41

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08AP8.019 E08APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 8, 2014 other teams in a series of five water utility op- in the road that would define their season. The fice, the national debt was erations and maintenance events that dem- path they chose speaks volumes to the team’s $10,626,877,048,913.08. character as a whole. In the following games, onstrate the variety of skills necessary to oper- Today, it is $17,559,603,867,896.49. We’ve ate a modern water utility. They are joined the seniors truly embodied what it meant to be added $6,932,726,818,983.41 to our debt in 5 today by Team HRSD of the Hampton Roads leaders, and the team rallied together as one Sanitation Districts, winners of the competi- unit, going undefeated all the way to the State years. This is over $6.9 trillion in debt our na- tion’s Division 2. Team members Kevin Championship. tion, our economy, and our children could Hafner, Jason Hobor, Laura Laxa, and Tim When asked to define his team, Coach have avoided with a balanced budget amend- Scott are also talented water quality profes- Pierucci without hesitation replied with one ment. sionals that provide a vital service to their word: selfless. He elaborated that the team community. I congratulate Terminal Velocity was just as rich in role players as it was in f and Team HRSD for their commitment to high playmakers. There was a solid foundation of levels of professionalism and their efforts to players each of whom did their job on every STATEMENT ON H.R. 1459 protect environmental quality and public play—contributing to the success of their health. team. These were young men who personified the mantra of ‘‘team first’’ and never gave up HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN f in the face of adversity. Even when behind OF MARYLAND PERSONAL EXPLANATION 20–0 in the Valley Championship game against a heavily-favored undefeated rival on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. TIM GRIFFIN a cold December evening, they kept working together and ultimately prevailed. This winning Tuesday, April 8, 2014 OF ARKANSAS attitude and fierce determination displayed by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in the Eagles this season proved they earned the Tuesday, April 8, 2014 right to represent Southern California in the strong opposition to H.R. 1459, which would Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. Mr. Speaker, on State Championship game. create arbitrary new rules to make it more dif- Monday, April 7, 2014 I missed two votes due I join our community in congratulating the ficult for presidents to protect our national her- to a family funeral. Had I been present, I coaches and players for their achievement. itage and resources through the Antiquities would have voted ‘‘no’’ on rollcall vote 165, The 2013 Bakersfield Christian High School Act. the Motion to Recommit and ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall Eagles coaching staff includes: Head Coach The Antiquities Act is a century-old tool that Jerald Pierucci, Vince Aguilar, Roger Patter- vote 166, the passage of H.R. 1872, the gives the president the ability to set aside al- Budget and Accounting Transparency Act. son, Tyler Hough, Mike Rodriguez, Sean Lozano, Rick Sotile, Nathan Munson, Larry ready-public land for protection as a National f Whitbey, Tom McCormack, and Ryan Clanton. Monument. Nearly every president since 1906, TRIBUTE TO THE BAKERSFIELD The 2013 BCHS Eagles football team in- both Republican and Democratic, has used CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL EA- cludes: Keith Blank, Donald Harris, Brad this authority to designate some of our na- GLES FOOTBALL TEAM Western, Josh Jackson, Brandon Jones, Na- tion’s most iconic treasures, from the Grand than DeJager, Tyler Lozano, Feike DeBoer, Canyon to Acadia National Park. In my own HON. KEVIN McCARTHY Kyle Pickinpaugh, Hayden Kuchta, Brock Congressional district, President Eisenhower Duffield, John Fulce, Austin Duffield, Kobe OF CALIFORNIA used the Antiquities Act to designate the Devries, Zach Balfanz, Matt Smith, Fernando IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, the first step in Solis, Jordan Smith, Cameron Reeves, Devin a process to preserve what is now a thriving Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Crabtree, Jonathan Loman, Steven Figures, national park with a scenic towpath that show- Cole Wymore, Grant Bouma, Hayden Mazone, Mr. MCCARTHY of California. Mr. Speaker, cases the rich history and natural beauty of Chad Wielenga, John Martineau, Tyler I rise today to honor the Bakersfield Christian the site. High School Eagles football team, who coura- Sweaney, Josh Mantle, West Williams, Brett geously fought their way to its first California Schuler, Lane Perey, Haiden Drake, Cole Antiquities Act designations are good for Interscholastic Federation (CIF) Division IV Kashwer, Ben Wind, DeAngelo Bragg, Noah surrounding communities, preserving natural State Football Championship Bowl Game this Sheetz, Daniel Negron, Jacob Lanuza, An- resources, providing outdoor recreation oppor- past December. thony Rodriguez, Jacob Mullins, Titus Good- tunities, and boosting tourism. Moreover, the The Eagles utilized an exceptional team ef- man, Jack Chance, Carson Balfanz, Morgan Antiquities Act complements, rather than over- fort to get through their daunting season, fin- Farmer, Brandt Oliver, Taeber Nylander, and rides, Congressional action, as Congress re- ishing out with a record of 12 wins and 3 William Crockett. You all have made our com- tains the ability to declare monuments and losses. Over the span of the 2013 season, Ba- munity proud! Go Eagles! manage resources for presidentially-pro- kersfield Christian set an astonishing 37 new f claimed monuments. school records. But lost in this success was OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL Today’s bill places arbitrary limits on des- the adversity they faced in the beginning of DEBT the season. The Eagles started their regular ignations and needlessly complicates the proc- season off with two tough consecutive losses, ess, making it far more difficult to achieve per- one of them being to their biggest rival. After HON. MIKE COFFMAN manent designations of heritage spaces. In OF COLORADO their second loss, Coach Jerald Pierucci sat the last three years, Congress has failed to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES down with his small senior class and chal- create even one new unit of the National Park lenged them to provide the leadership the Tuesday, April 8, 2014 System. We should not prohibit the president team needed to succeed. This proved to be a Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January from taking action to conserve public land and critical moment for the team, the figurative fork 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- protect public resources. I urge a no vote.

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