April 8, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E543 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING Since 2000, Business Record has under- 1960s on their old football field which now be- TRANSPARENCY ACT OF 2014 taken an exhaustive annual review to identify longs to DeWitt Perry Junior High School. a standout group of young leaders in the The people of Carrollton will continue to SPEECH OF Greater Des Moines area who are making an benefit from the legacy of Bill and the entire HON. JACKIE WALORSKI impact in their communities and their careers. Blanton family for many years to come. The Each year, forty up-and-coming community Old Downtown Square in Carrollton features OF INDIANA and business leaders under 40 years of age the Blanton Grain Tower. The Blanton Grain IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are selected for this prestigious distinction, Tower serves as a tribute to the rich history Monday, April 7, 2014 which is based on a combined criteria of com- and original roots of Carrollton and many other Mrs. WALORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today munity involvement and success in their cho- North Texas cities. Originally Carrollton was a to address H.R. 1872, the Budget Accounting sen career field. The 2014 class of Forty town which served as a collection of many Transparency Act. While the current account- Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster small and large family farms which fed into the ing methodology for federal credit programs of nearly 600 business leaders and growing. great grain-growing plains of Middle America. does not fully capture the financial risk as- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- Though many grain towers that were essential sumed by the Federal Government, I am con- resent leaders like Cindy in the United States for the storage and distribution of grain have cerned that the fair-value estimates required Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- since been demolished or relocated to rural by this legislation could over calculate the risk ognize and applaud Ms. Hughes Anliker for areas, the Blanton Grain Tower still stands of default, potentially resulting in an over- utilizing her talents to better both her commu- and thrives in the heart of Carrollton. Long estimation of the costs associated with certain nity and the great state of Iowa. I invite my since closed for its original purpose, the federal credit programs. I will be following this colleagues in the House to join me in con- Blanton Grain Tower was redesigned to now legislation and any methodological transition to gratulating Cindy on receiving this esteemed be billed as the world’s largest indoor climbing fair-value estimates closely. designation, thanking those at Business gym. Ten giant grain silos with 110 foot ceil- Record for their great work, and wishing each ings will continue to challenge indoor rock f member of the 2014 Forty Under 40 class climbers for years to come. For many years CONGRATULATING WARDEN RI- continued success. Bill worked for the family grain company— CARDO RIOS OF PEKIN, ILLINOIS, f while at the same time being an active mem- ON HIS RETIREMENT ber of Lion’s Club, Rotary Club, and the CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF THE Carrollton Chamber of Commerce. So many HON. CHERI BUSTOS HONORABLE WILLIAM W. ‘‘BILL’’ have been touched by Bill, and many will con- BLANTON tinue to benefit from his legacy. OF ILLINOIS My heartfelt condolences are with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. KENNY MARCHANT Blanton family at this difficult time. Bill was a Tuesday, April 8, 2014 OF TEXAS loving husband to his wife Clovis, father of four, grandfather of five, and a great-grand- Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES congratulate Warden Ricardo Rios of Pekin, Il- father of seven. linois, who will be retiring from the Federal Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Mr. Speaker, I ask all of my colleagues to Correctional Institution in Pekin on April 30th. Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to cel- join me in paying tribute to the lasting legacy Warden Rios has spent 35 years serving ebrate the life of Bill Blanton who passed and public service of William W. Blanton. communities across the country in his work for away on April 4, 2014. It was my privilege to f the Federal Bureau of Prisons. He began his have known Bill for over thirty years. He was public service career in 1988 as an Account- a long standing pillar of the Carrollton, Texas PERSONAL EXPLANATION ant Trainee in the Federal Correctional Institu- community and will be greatly missed. tion in Bastrop, Texas. Over the next 30 Bill was born March 11, 1924 and leaves HON. DIANE BLACK years, Warden Rios held positions of increas- behind a lasting legacy to his community and OF TENNESSEE ing responsibility in Correctional Centers country. He served his country in the U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES around the country, including California, Flor- Army Air Corps, and then would serve his ida and Minnesota. In 2010, he took over as local community and Texas for many years Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Warden at FCI–Pekin, where he has served thereafter. Bill served on the Carrollton/Farm- Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. for the last four years. ers Branch Independent School District Board 165 (Democrat Motion to Recommit), which Mr. Speaker, I’d like to thank Warden Ri- for ten years and then would continue his took place Monday April 7, 2014; I am not re- cardo Rios for his years of committed service service to the community as their elected rep- corded because I was unavoidably detained. and congratulate him again on his retirement. resentative to the Texas House of Represent- Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’. f atives. Bill served in the Texas House of Rep- On rollcall No. 166 (Final Passage of H.R. resentatives from 1977 to 1987. During his 1872), I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ TRIBUTE TO CINDY HUGHES service in Austin, Bill continued his commit- ANLIKER ment to improving the lives of our students by f serving as the Chairman of the Public Edu- PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. TOM LATHAM cation Committee. In 1986, the Metrocrest Chamber of Commerce honored Bill as the OF IOWA HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Citizen of the Year.’’ Upon Bill’s retirement from the Texas House of Representatives, I OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday, April 8, 2014 was honored to succeed him in Austin. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Throughout all of his service to the commu- Tuesday, April 8, 2014 congratulate and recognize Cindy Hughes nity, many will remember him forever from one Anliker of Des Moines Performing Arts for of their first times to hear Bill—as the voice of Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker on rollcall being named a 2014 Forty Under 40 honoree Carrollton High School on Friday evenings. Bill No. 166, I was unable to attend. by the award-winning central Iowa publication, served as the voice of the Carrollton High Had I been present, I would have voted Business Record. School football team during the 1950s and ‘‘no.’’ ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08AP8.001 E08APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E544 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 8, 2014 EQUAL PAY DAY be. There is wide support for equal reimburse- States Congress and it is with great pride that ment—73 percent of Americans favor equal I recognize and applaud Mr. James for uti- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY pay for equal work. I agree, and that’s why I lizing his talents to better both his community OF NEW YORK support the Paycheck Fairness Act. It is time and the great state of Iowa. I invite my col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for us to prioritize the long-term well-being of leagues in the House to join me in congratu- the nation’s hardworking women, many of lating Christopher on receiving this esteemed Tuesday, April 8, 2014 whom are heads of households, and imme- designation, thanking those at Business Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. diately pass this critical legislation to help en- Record for their great work, and wishing each Mr. Speaker, today, we commemorate Equal sure equality in the workplace. member of the 2014 Forty Under 40 class Pay Day, the typical time three months into f continued success. the year when a woman’s wages finally catch f up to what men were paid the previous year. CONGRATULATING PRINCIPAL DON This symbolic day illustrates the blatant gap FARR FOR HIS ACHIEVEMENT SYDNEY AND THALIA POTTER that still remains between men and women’s pay earnings, with women continuing to make HON. CHERI BUSTOS HON. KATHY CASTOR 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. It is OF ILLINOIS OF FLORIDA an urgent reminder that we must work to- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gether to secure equal pay for equal work. Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Tuesday, April 8, 2014 When you discriminate against a woman, you discriminate against her entire family. Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Ms.
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