ௐ 3 ഇ! ࢱ 101-17! 2019 ѐ/ࡌ؞ཱི !ס έ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώ! ௐ 15 Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 101-17 Autumn 2019


ధޙၷ ර̂ጯέ៉̼͛ጯրࣘЇӄநି଱ڌ

ၡ ࢋ

ऴ๕୉ٺ፫߷ᔵ൒ߏ࣎к̮̼͛۞ϔ͹઼छĂҭߏ፫߷ࣧҝϔᛳ Ă፫߷ᓑ֣ҋ 20 ͵ࡔͽֽౙᜈଯ΍ޭೇڶېഇхд۞ܜཏ۞гҜߏ Ąڶېෛࣧҝϔ۞ڡݒхд඾ڱ९Ăҭߏ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳڱࣧҝϔᝋӀ۞ ܮγćӈ̝ڱд 1990 ѐ఼࿅̝ᅫಶ૟ࣧҝϔଵੵдጳڱ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ ௐ 51 ୧֭ᆿੵௐ 127 ୧Ăڱ࣒ϒ९̳Ը࿅ᙯĂ࣒ϒጳڱд 1967 ѐጳ ٚᄮĄ2007 ѐฟؕĂܲч۞ᓑ۞ڱ଀ጳפˢጳڱҭࣧҝϔ֗Њ˘ۡ൑ ༖ᛨᄃ̍ᛨ࠰ТຍᓝᏱࣧҝϔ֗Њˢጳ̳ԸĂϔአ˵ពϯкᇴ፫߷ˠ Тຍࣧҝϔ֗ЊˢጳᛉᗟĂҭᓝҖ̳ԸᄃӎĂֶ൒ߏ࣎ϏۢᇴĄ

ă̳Ըăࣧҝϔ֗Њă࣒ጳڱᙯᔣෟĈ፫߷ࣧҝϔă፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ ăௐ 3 ഇĞ2019/ࡌ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 15 102


ᇴȈѐֽĂ፫߷ࣧҝϔᄃࣧҝϔᝋӀ͚޺۰̙ᕝд 1 ͡ 26 ͟Ķ፫߷͟ķ Ğ፫߷઼ᇉ͟ğ۞ТॡᓝҖྼҖԩᛉĶ፫߷͟ķĂ֭ᄮؠ఺ߏౄј፫߷። ர͟ķĄͽ 2016 ѐ 1 ͡ 26 ͟ࠎּĂܬΫ๋൭ᄃࣧҝϔ๋चă˿г๋च۞Ķ ர͟ķҚాྼܬᇴ˼Ҝࣧҝϔᄃࣧҝϔྻજ͚޺۰д፫߷Б઼Чг൴જĶ ҖĂԩᛉ׍തϔຍཌྷ۞Ķ፫߷͟ķĂཏி෦Րࣧҝϔ۞Ķ͹ᝋķĞsovereigntyğă ԩᛉϨˠതϔ߆ᝋᄃതϔ።Ϋ៍ĞO’Connor, 2016ğĄ2019 ѐ 1 ͡ 26 ͟Ă ,ர͟ķ۞ཏிಶ෹࿅ 4 ༱ˠĞGuardianܬ߿જՀΐ஽̂Ă่дግႬώણᄃĶ 2019ğ1Ą Ļд 1900 ѐ఼࿅̝ᅫĂಶ՟ѣග̟፫߷ࣧҝϔЇңጳڱĺ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ ᜕ĂࠤҌдௐ 51 ୧Ğௐ 26 ഠğͽ̈́ௐ 127 ୧૟፫߷ࣧҝܲޠڱгҜᄃڱ ഇ؇ҖϨ፫߆ඉ۞ܜϔଵੵд፫߷̝γĄд઼ᅫˠᝋ͹ૺ͟ৈ੼ႚ̝˭Ă ෛڡ࣒ϒ९Ăொੵ۞ڱ፫߷̖ు႙Լត׎߆ඉĂ1967 ѐଯજ፫߷ࣧҝϔጳ ׍វ۞ܲᅪć̫֞Ăڱጳזצ୧ഠĄ൒҃Ăࣧҝϔ۞гҜᄃᝋӀĂֶ൒՟ѣ гҜ҃Ӆ˧Ąώ͛૟౅࿅ྤڱ፫߷ࣧҝϔᝋӀྻજֶ൒Ӆ˧ࠎࣧҝϔ۞ጳ ᄃώ˿̼ᛉᗟ۞׍វڱ࠹ᙯ۞ᛉᗟĂүࠎଣ੅ጳڱफ़௚ፋ፫߷ࣧҝϔᄃጳ ९ּĄ


ࡦഀĞBackgroundڱĻĞAustralian Constitutionğ۞ጳڱॲፂĺ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ д 1890 ѐ΃Ϥ፫߷кҜЧതϔг۞΃ܑ௡ј۞ڱto the ConstitutionğĂጳ Ⴌ೻ĞNew Southރ୧ഠ̏གྷజາݑڱϠड़݈ĂጳڱրЕົᛉ੓ਨĄдጳ˘ ᜋĞQueenslandğăҘ ፫ĞWest AustraliağằٿWalesğăჯкӀֲĞVictoriağă ݑ፫ĞSouth Australiağͽ̈́๰೻੺κֲĞTasmaniağඈ̱эٙԲࣞĄ1900 ĻĞCommonwealth of Actğͽ΄ڱѐĂĺ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ

ግႬώ۞͹ᏱಏҜ޽Ⴭણᄃ߿જ۞ཏிѣ 8 ༱ˠĄ 1 ࣧҝϔ֗Њ۞ώ˿̼ 103ڱ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ

९۞ԛёĞBritish Actğдࡻ઼઼ົ఼࿅Ă֭д 1901 ѐ 1 ͡ 1 ͟Ϡڱࡻ઼ ९۞ԛё఼࿅ĂߏЯࠎ 1901 ѐ̝݈۞፫߷ߏ̱ڱᅮࢋͽࡻ઼ڱड़Ą፫߷ጳ തϔгĂ҃ͷࡻ઼઼ົ၆఺ֱതϔгѣ౵௣۞ՙؠᝋ˧Ą၁۞ڼ࣎ࡻ઼ҋ ߏ፫߷ˠٙၹຐă፫߷ˠٙ੓ਨĂ˵ߏ፫߷ˠٙԲࣞĄҋڱᅫ˯Ă፫߷ጳ јࠎڱĂ፫߷ಶߏ˘࣎፾ϲ۞઼छĂ፫߷ጳޢĻ఼࿅΄ڱଂĺ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ ९၆፫߷՟ѣЇңࡗՁ۞ᝋ˧Ăҭ፫߷ڱĂࡻ઼઼ົ۞Їңڱ፫߷۞ૄώ ՙؠᝋĞAustralian Government۞ڱѣԲࣞᄃᏲчጳڱጳٺˠҋ̎၆ Solicitor, 2010ğĄ ९ĞCommonwealth of Australia Constitutionڱࡻ઼઼ົٺώ͛ྶڱ፫߷ጳ ९۞݈ 8 ࣎୧ഠ఼૱జჍࠎĶஉᄏ୧ഠķĄڱActğௐ 9 ୧Ă఺࣎ࡻ઼઼ົ ιࣇ͹ࢋΒӣ̬௜ăྋᛖ׶࠹ᑕ۞ఢؠĄּтĂௐ 2 ୧ఢؠĂ೩̈́Ķ̃ͳķ ९࿴Ҷॡߏࡻ઼͹ᝋğĂᑕ೩̈́ჯкӀڱߏჯкӀֲ̃ͳĂдࡻ઼ޥĞຍ ͳ۞ᚶٚˠ׶ᚶٚˠĞAct to extend to the Queen’s successors: Thẽֲ provisions of this Act referring to the Queen shall extend to Her Majesty’s heirs and successors in the sovereignty of the .ğĞAustralian ۞˯Government Solicitor, 2010ğĄд఺࣎ߛၹ˭Ăࡻ઼̃ͳಶߏ፫߷Щཌྷ ࢵĂ֭Ϥ፫߷ᓑ֣ᓁ༛ĞGovernor-General of the Commonwealth of̮ Australiağ΃ܑࡻ઼̃ͳд፫߷ેҖ઼छ̮ࢵ۞ᖚચĄ൒҃Ă၁ᅫ˯۞઼छ ෪ᇈຍ۞˯ڱᝋ˧д፫߷ᓑ઼֣ົᄃᓁநĂࡻ઼̃ͳᄃ፫߷ᓁ༛ౌΪߏጳ ཌྷĄ ९ڱᄃ፫߷۞΄ڱົ઼઼ޓĻ۞߉Җ࿅඀̚Ă̂ࡻڱдĺ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ ,൴णĂ൑ኢд઼ᅫ˯ٕ፫߷઼̰Ă౵௣૟፫߷តј˘࣎፾ϲ۞઼छĞLindell Ă፫߷ಶјࠎޢĻ఼࿅΄ڱ49ğĄ˘ਠ҃֏Ă1900 ѐĺ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ :1986 ந˯̪൒ზߏࡻ઼۞തϔгĂ׎઼छ̮ࢵᔘߏࡻ઼ڱ࣎፾ϲ۞छĂΪߏ˘ ĻĞStatute of Westminster 1931ğĂ΄ڱͳĄ1931 ѐࡻ઼઼ົ఼࿅ĺҘୂ̃ ĻĞStatute ofڱצତ΄ڱѐ఼࿅ĺҘୂ 1942 ٺГϤ፫߷ᓑ઼֣ົޢᐌ நڱതϔг̖ᒔ଀۞ڼWestminster Adoption Act 1942ğĂ፫߷ᄃ׎΁ࡻ઼ҋ Ă፫߷ಶᑕྍߏ፾ϲޢĻ఼࿅΄ڱᝋĄ1931 ѐࡻ઼۞ĺҘୂڼԆБҋ۞˯ ĻĂ፫߷ڱצତ΄ڱछĂ၁ᅫ˯Ă፫߷ᓑ઼֣ົд 1942 ѐ఼࿅ĺҘୂ઼۞ ăௐ 3 ഇĞ2019/ࡌ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 15 104

Ļ۞׍វଵੵ΄ڱࡻ઼઼ົ۞ĺҘୂٺৌϒ፾ϲĄ̙࿅ĂϤ˯ޠڱਕଂ̖ д፫߷۞Чэֶ൒ѣड़Ăౄј˞፫߷۞ጳ߆П፟Ă1986ޠڱ઼ޓ୧͛Ă̂ࡻ ĻĞAustralia Act 1986ğ΄ڱѐĂ፫߷ᓑ઼֣ົᄃࡻ઼઼ົЧҋ఼࿅ĺ፫߷ ĞWatts, 1987: 136-39ğĄڶېԼត఺჌̖ ăௐعࠎˣౢĂᓁВ 128 ୧ćௐ˘ౢᛉົăௐ˟ౢҖ߆߆̶ڱ፫߷ጳ ăௐ̣ౢЧэăௐ̱ౢĈາ۞эăௐ˛ౢĈٽăௐαౢੑ߆ᄃ෶ڱౢΦˬ ࣒ϒ९ڱ࣒ԼĄ፫߷ᓑ֣јϲ̫֞Ăഅགྷѣ 44 ีጳ۞ڱᗔีăௐˣౢĈጳ Ϲ;̳ԸĂҭΪѣ 8 ̳࣎Ը࿅ᙯĄҭ่่Ϊѣ˘ีᄃ፫߷ώ˿̼۞ᛉᗟѣ ᙯĂϺӈ 1967 ѐᄃ፫߷ࣧҝϔ֗Њѣᙯ۞̳ԸĄ2 ਨᑢ۞̂ົјࣶ֭՟ڱĻд 1890 ѐ΃ਨᑢ҃јĂҭጳڱĺ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ ѣஉᄏЇң૎ٕ̃፫߷ࣧҝϔ۞΃ܑĞWilliams, 2000: 648ğĄĺ፫߷ᓑ֣ ώ֗ଵੵдтңԷႊ፫߷ᆊࣃ۞ڱኘ̈́፫߷߆វ۞ᆊࣃĂ૟ጳ͌ޝĻڱጳ ߛၹᄃᓑ֣۞ᝋ˧ĞArcioni & Stone, 2016: 60ğĄعд߆ڦ֎Ғ̝γĂ͹ࢋᙯ ε૱ܧࣧҝϔᝋӀ᜕ܲ˯ݒٺĂҭᙯعயϠ˞˘࣎ᘦؠ۞ϔ͹߆ڱ፫߷ጳ Ăιߏ˘ొࠎ˞̱࣎፫߷തϔڱߏ˘ొࠎˠϔ҃ᆷ۞ጳ̙֭ڱୀĄ፫߷ጳ ՟ѣ඾ࢦд፫߷֭ڱᄃથຽ۞ᅮࢋĂ఺ొጳٽĂϫ۞ߏ෶ڱг҃నࢍ۞ጳ ώ˿̼޽ڱˠϔ۞ૄώᝋӀĞWilliams, 2000: 647ğĄ༊൒Հ̙υ೩፫߷ጳ ᇾ۞ࣧҝϔᝋӀᛉᗟĄ

參、原住民身份與 1967 年憲法修正案公投

Ļ΄ڱϲΐो̂۞ 1867 ѐĺࡻᛳΔ࡚ޙдధкᆸࢬ˯ᙷҬڱ፫߷ጳ ځΐो̂Ăٺݒ̙ТڱĞBritish North America Act 1867ğĂ̙࿅Ă፫߷ጳ ࢎ፫߷۞઼ົΞͽ੫၆পځௐ 51 ୧ĞxxviğĂڱෛࣧҝϔĄ፫߷ጳڡቁг ࢎĂ፫߷ځĂҭΪѣࣧҝϔ୉జੵγĄௐ 127 ୧Հޠڱࢎטؠ୉ཏ۞ᅮࢋ

࣒ϒ९̶Ҿࠎ 1906 ѐ Senate Electionsă1910 ѐ State Debtsă1928 ѐ Stateڱ8ี఼࿅۞ጳ 2 Debtsă1946 ѐ Social Servicesă1967 ѐ۞ Aboriginesă1977 ѐ۞ѣˬีĂ̶Ҿߏ Senate Casual VacanciesăReferendumsăRetirement of JudgesĄ ࣧҝϔ֗Њ۞ώ˿̼ 105ڱ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ

ࣧҝϔ̙ਕజЕˢˠ˾࠹ᙯ۞௚ࢍ̚ĞWilliams, 2000: 649ğĄԧࣇͿ௟ᑭ ௐ 51 ୧Ğxxviğ̈́ௐ 127 ୧Ăௐ 51 ୧Ğxxviğڱෛ૟፫߷ࣧҝϔଵੵдγ۞ጳ ࣧ͛ߏĶThe Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to: … the people of any race, other than the aboriginal race in any State, for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws;ķĞੵ˞дЇңэ۞ࣧ ᅮՐĄğĂௐ 127 ୧݋ߏĶIn۞ڱࢎপҾטҝϔ̝γĂЇң჌୉۞ˠౌጾѣ reckoning the numbers of the people of the Commonwealth, aboriginal natives shall not be counted.ķĞдࢍზᓑ֣ˠϔˠᇴॡĂࣧҝϔ̙ᑕྍజࢍზд ĄğЯࠎ፫߷ᓑ֣ᄮࠎࣧҝϔ୉ߏ˘࣎ӈ૟ঐీ୉ཏĂЯѩ፫߷ᓑ֣̙̰ ௐڱĞWalker, 1977: 15ğĄ˵ЯѩĂ̖дጳޠڱࢎטᅮࢋࠎࣧҝϔ۞Ϗֽ ෛ୧ഠĄڡ˞୧ᄃௐ 127 ୧ᆷˢ 52 ଱ᄃ۞ᝋڱௐ 51 ୧జᖎჍࠎĶRaces PowerķĂ޽۞ߏజᓑ֣ጳڱጳ ග̟পؠ۞୉ཏĞArcioni & Stone, 2016: 69ğĄRaceĂڱࢎপҾטĂ̯ధ˧ ፫߷ࣧҝϔᄃћЕ೻फϔĂΪߏ఺ֱࣧҝϔ۞˯ޘטΞͽజநྋࠎጳ߆˵ Race ᛉᗟĂ፫߷ࣧҝϔࠤҌдĺ፫ ٺϏజᄮΞ֗Њ۞хдĄૄ֭˯ޠڱд :Ļ˯ౌߏ̙జࢍˢ፫߷۞ˠ˾௚ࢍ̰ĞArcioni & Stone, 2016ڱ߷ᓑ֣ጳ 70ğĄ ពځ၆፫߷ࣧҝϔڱ࣒ϒ̳Ը۞ࣧЯ̝˘ಶߏ፫߷ጳڱጱ࡭ 1967 ѐጳ ෛĄΩ˘࣎ࣧЯ݋ߏࣧҝϔᛉᗟдэᆸ৺֭՟ѣజዋ༊۞఍நĂᓑ֣ڡ۞ υื၆ࣧҝϔ۞჊Ӏѣዋ༊۞аᑕయЇĄ፫߷д 1967 ѐ 5 ͡ 27 ͟ᓝع߆ ෛڡĂѣ 90.77%۞፫߷̳ϔᙒјொੵڍ࣒ϒ९̳ԸĂԸைඕڱҖࣧҝϔጳ Ăޢௐ 51 ୧Ğxxviğд̳Ը࿅ڱࣧҝϔ۞୧̰͛टĂͅ၆۰่ 9.23%Ąጳ ෛࣧҝϔфீĂ࣒ϒࠎĶthe people of any race for whom it is deemedڡொੵ ᅮ۞ڱࢎপҾטnecessary to make special lawsķĞЇң჌୉۞ˠౌጾѣ ௐ 127 ୧˵ፋ߱ொੵĄٺՐğĂҌ ăௐ 3 ഇĞ2019/ࡌ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 15 106

ڍ1Ĉ1967 ѐ࣒ጳ̳Ըඕ ܑ

State Enrolled Votes For (%) Against (%) Informal 2,315,828 2,166,507 1,949,036(91.46) 182,010 (8.54) 35,461 1,734,476 1,630,594 1,525,026(94.68) 85,611 (5.32) 19,957 904,808 848,728748,612(89.21) 90,587(10.79) 9,529 590,275 560,844 473,440(86.26) 75,383(13.74) 12,021 437,609 405,666 319,823(80.95) 75,282(19.05) 10,561 199,589 189,245167,176(90.21) 18,134(9.79) 3,935 Total 6,182,585 5,801,584 5,183,113(90.77) 527,007(9.23) 91,464 ໚ĈO’Malley ඈˠĞ2017: 3ğĄֽ

ࢦࢋᖼହᕇĂ۞̚ޠڱ࣒ϒ९̳ԸĂߏ፫߷ࣧҝϔд፫߷ڱѐጳ 1967 ୧ፋ߱۩Ϩćڱຍ۞ߏĂᔵ൒ௐ 127 జፋ߱ொੵĂҭϫ݈ࠎͤྍڦҭࣃ଀ ౼ӀĞWilliams, 2000: 652-53ğĄڼ࣒ϒ९ߏࣧҝϔ౵ព඾۞߆ڱѐጳ 1967 ,ඈඈ۞ᇆᜩĞWilliamsޠڱᄃڼ९၆፫߷ѣព඾۞߆ڱ၁˯Ă઼ᅫˠᝋְ ৼო჌୉͹ཌྷ۞યᗟĂޥĂБ͵ࠧฟؕ࠷ޢ782ğĄ˟Ѩ͵ࠧ̂ጼͽ :2001 Ăࠎ˞઼֨ͤᅫ኏ࡎͽ̈́ܳซ઼ᅫۤົ۞ӀৈĂд 1948 ѐ఼ޢᓑЪ઼јϲ ࿅ Universal Declaration of Human RightsĄᓑЪ઼д 1965 ѐ఼࿅ĺঐੵЧ ෛ઼ᅫ̳ࡗĻĞInternational Convention on the Elimination ofڡ჌ԛё჌୉ ࢎඈૄᖂĄטޠڱall forms of Racial DiscriminationğĂ˵೩ֻ˞჌୉πඈ۞ ࣒ϒ̳Ըڱ፫߷д 1966 ѐд఺࣎ົᛉᘪфјࠎ˘ࣶĂ1967 ѐ఼࿅ࣧҝϔጳ ९Ă1975 ѐ 9 ͡ 30 ͟Բࣞᄃ઼ᅫˠᝋ࠹ᙯ۞ᛉᗟĂ౵௣ᇆᜩ˞፫߷઼̰۞ 1975 ѐ Racial Discrimination ActĞMalbon, 1999ğĄ Ă1967 ѐ۞ޞෛ၆ڡĻពϯ፫߷၆ࣧҝϔ۞ڱѐ۞ĺ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ 1901 ࣒ϒ९ĂΞზߏ׶ྋ࿅඀۞ࢦࢋ˘ᒖĞWilliams, 2001: 791ğĄд 1967ڱጳ ࢎࣧҝϔט୧͛ฟؕ۞ޢĂᓑ֣ᄃЧэॲፂ࣒ጳޢ࣒ϒ९̳Ը࿅ᙯڱѐጳ Ă่д 1980 ѐ ̝ ݈Ăಶ ౙ ᜈ ѣ Aboriginal Affairs (Arrangements withޠڱ࠹ᙯ the States) Act 1973ăAboriginal Loan Commission Act 1974ăAboriginal Land Fund Act 1974ăRacial Discrimination Act 1975ăAboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (Queensland Discrimination Laws) Act 1975ăAboriginal Land Rights ࣧҝϔ֗Њ۞ώ˿̼ 107ڱ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ

() Act 1975ăAboriginal Council and Associations Act 1976 ९Ăּтڱ९ĞEastick, 1980: 524-30ğĄତ˭ֽᔘѣᄃࣧҝϔ࠹ᙯ۞ڱඈ 1981 Pitjantjatjara Land Act (South Australia)ăLand Rights Act (New South Wales)1983ăͽ̈́ Native Title Act 1993Ą



ଂĶεង۞͵΃ķĞStolen Generationğᛉᗟֽ࠻ĂಶΞͽ˞ྋ፫߷ࣧ ࿃ޞඈᛉᗟ۞֗ЊᝋᄃڱăΦڱ3ĄЯѩĂдጳېҝϔࢬ၆തϔ߆ᝋॡ۞ၝ ᝋᄃˠᝋ۞ڱЊăΦ֗ٺĂࣧҝϔ۞ऴ๕ߏߊх۞ְ၁Ą፫߷ࣧҝϔ၆˯ ጬ੽።གྷкѐĂଂ 1934 ѐฟؕ۞˘ాҚְІᄃᛉᗟĂΞͽ᎚֍፫߷ࣧҝϔ πͅјΑĂΞზߏڱඈ֗Њᝋ۞ጬ੽࿅඀Ą1934 ѐࢵѨࣧҝϔΦ˯ޠڱд ѝഇ፫߷ࣧҝϔ۞˘̂౼ӀĄ1934 ѐĂDhakiyarr Wirrpanda జଠ୭चϨˠ πͅҖજјΑĂјࠎБ፫߷ᄃ઼ᅫ៘ϫڱĂΦޢᛋ၅҃ͷజҿ఍ѪЖć౵ ࣧҝϔˠᝋᛉᗟĞNational Archives of Australia, 2019ğĄღତ඾Ă1938۞ ѐ 1 ͡ 26 ͟ߏࡻ઼തϔ፫߷ 150 ฉѐ۞̄͟Ă፫߷ࣧҝϔᄃࣧྻ͚޺۰д ፫߷Ąܬࣧҝϔ̳ϔᝋăԩᛉለ߷Ϩˠതϔˢפۋౠ୨൴̂ྼҖ ࣧҝϔ֗˯Ăд 1967 年̝݈Ă̂ొ̶ٺ୧͛ଵੵዋϡڱ፫߷۞ࣧؕጳ عણᄃѣࢨĄ1967 ѐĂ፫߷ᓑ֣߆ع఍理Ă聯֣߆عࣧҝϔְચߏϤэ߆ ෛࣧڡڱଯજ׶ྋ߆ඉĞReconciliation AustraliağĂ࣒ጳ̳Ը఼࿅ொੵጳ

ଂ 1871 ѐҌ 1969 ѐνΠĂдЧг၁ҖТ̼߆ඉĂᇴͽȈعĶεង۞͵΃ķߏ޽፫߷߆ 3 Ķεងۍ፟ၹăϨˠछलԬዳ۞͵΃Ą1997 ѐĂ፫߷΍͞ءـ༱ࢍ۞ࣧҝϔజૻҖ૲ ಡӘĈBring Them Hone: Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of͞ء΃ķ͵۞ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their FamiliesĄಡӘ޽΍ࡗంд 1909 Ăٽ૲֕ĄЯࠎ௚ࢍ̙عѐҌ 1969 ѐνΠĂҌ͌ѣ 10 ༱Щࣧҝϔ׊ආజϨˠछलٕ߆ Ⴌ೻эࠎּĂ፫߷઼ϲ̂ጯጯ۰ Peter Readރώᇴፂă௚ࢍॡมӮ̙˘ĄͽາݑۍЧ჌ ,फ़ଯീĂ1883 ѐมҌ 1969 ѐมĂࡗంѣ 6,225 Щࣧҝϔ׊ආజ૲֕ĞReadྤ͞ء௚ࢍ 2006: 11ğĄ ăௐ 3 ഇĞ2019/ࡌ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 15 108

ෛڡ̚ڱҝϔ୧ഠĂࣧҝϔ˵Еˢ፫߷ˠ˾೼ߤ̝ЕĄѩ̳Ը९ԯࣧАጳ Ăϒё̬ˢࣧҝڱࣧҝϔ۞୧͛ӁੵĂឰᓑ઼֣ົΞͽಶࣧҝϔ୉ְચ立 ૟ع఺ีࢦ̂ࡎ৔Ă፫߷߆هϔְચĞ߉ϒዡĂ2011Ĉ132-33ğĄࠎ˞ࡔ ˘۞ޢԸ۞͟ഇĶ1967 ѐ 5 ͡ 27 ͟ķࢎࠎ׶ྋ͟ĞReconciliationğĂѩ̳ ฉߏĶ׶ྋฉķĞReconciliation WeekğĄ ෛ׎΁჌୉Ăপڡ˵عෛࣧҝϔĂ፫߷߆ڡ።Ϋ˯Ă፫߷̙֭ߏΪѣ Ҿߏֲ߷ཱྀᄃݑ͉π߶۞୉ཱྀĄ1901 ѐ۞ Immigration Restriction ActĞொ ொϔ፫߷Ą఺ಶߏٙᏜ۞Ϩ፫ڱϡለ߷ᄬ֏۞ˠಶ൑ֹڱğĂ൑ڱטϔࢨ ព۞༊൒ಶߏࣧځෛ౵ڡ჌୉ٺ߆ඉ੓ؕᕇĞWilliams, 2000: 650-51ğĄᙯ ҝϔ՟ѣԸை۞ᝋӀĄ1902 ѐ۞ The Commonwealth Franchise Act ᓑ֣Ը ९˵χზኬᝋගࣧҝϔĂڱĂࣧώ఺ّ࣎̃ז९૟ᓑ֣Ըைᝋؼҩڱைᝋ ෛĂڡ౵௣ᔘߏ̙ග̟ࣧҝϔԸைᝋĞWilliams, 2000: 651ğĄ˯ࢗ۞჌୉ ğ۞઼छ߆ඉĂޞ෦Ր۞к̮̼͛ͽ̈́ Fair GoĞ̳π၆عᄃ̫͟፫߷ᓑ֣߆ ព۞΍ˢĄځѣ ߏ 1989 ѐ۞ National Agenda for۞ܕ၆፫߷҃֏Ăк̮̼͛͹ཌྷ͹ૺ౵ a Multicultural AustraliaĂ֭ͷଂ 1999 ѐฟؕଯજĞWebber, 2001: 891ğĄ Ă፫߷۞к̮̼͛͹ཌྷ̏གྷд࿅ΝᇴȈѐม˭ڶېԼࢭ۞ڱд՟ѣЇңጳ ϲдӎؠ፫߷ࣧҝޙĂޙ൴ण੓ֽĞWebber, 2001: 893ğĄ፫߷˘ฟؕ۞ჹ Ϡ׻Ăٺăགྷᑻ̈́ۤົᝋ˧Ăӎؠࣧҝϔ።Ϋă̼͛ăˠّࠤҌڼϔߊѣ۞߆ ၹ۞፟ົĞ߉ϒዡĂ2017ċ7ğĄ፫߷۞።Ϋ൴णޙТॡ١඗΁ࣇણᄃ઼छ к̮̼͛צனдតј˘࣎ତזۡ˘჌୉ொϔฟؕĂטଂଵੵ፫߷ࣧҝϔăࢨ ჟ͕ਆү۞˿гĄ࿅Ν۞፫߷ᓑ֣ĂࣧҝϔԆБజଵੵдγĂ҃ͷజ࿰ഇ૟ ĂপҾפۋᔙШໝ඗۞྽ྮĞWebber, 2001: 883-84ğĄ፫߷ࣧҝϔᝋӀ۞ົ ؕܐд 20 ͵ࡔع྽ྮĄ፫߷ᓑ֣߆۞ܜгҜયᗟâۡߏ˘୧ႝ۞ڱߏጳ ͹ᝋĂ˵ؼᜈࡻ઼۞Т̼߆ඉᖣͽĶΎពķ۞˯ڱಶӎؠ፫߷ࣧҝϔд઼ᅫ ڡҚ۞ր௚ّᄃ።Ϋّా˘͞ءࣧҝϔώ֗ಶߏĶયᗟķĄ౵ࢦࢋгĂ፫߷ ෛĂ˵ౄј፫߷ࣧҝϔۤົऴ๕۞͹ЯĞBalint, et al., 2014: 14-16ğĄ఺ ֱ ၆ ࣒ϒ̳Ը̖ฟؕԼචĂҭдཱི̫͟Ⴭкڱѐ۞ጳ 1967 זۡ˘ෛڡࣧҝϔ۞ Ąו̼͛۞፫߷Ăࣧҝϔ۞гҜݒߏ၆፫߷к̮̼͛߆ඉ۞Ꮭ̮ ࣧҝϔ֗Њ۞ώ˿̼ 109ڱ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ


ϲعѐ΃˵ߏ፫߷ࣧҝϔྻજ۞ᙯᔣѐ΃Ą1962 ѐĂ፫߷ᓑ֣߆ 1960 ᜋྫྷᐌ׎΁эග̟ࣧҝϔԸ̀ٿপҾග̟ࣧҝϔᏴᓝᝋĄ1965 ѐĂᐌ඾ڱ నϲࣧҝعĂБ፫߷ࣧҝϔ࠰ጾѣԸைᝋĄ1972 ѐĂ፫߷ᓑ֣߆ޢைᝋ̝ ϔְચొĞDepartment of Aboriginal Affairsğ֭јϲࣧҝϔ˿гᝋ؎ࣶົ ତᇆۡڱĞAboriginal Land Rights CommissionğĄҋଂ 1975 ѐĂ઼ᅫˠᝋ Ă઼ᅫˠᝋᇾ໤ᇆᜩ˞፫߷পঅ۞ޢෛયᗟᄃࣧҝϔᝋӀڡᜩ፫߷۞჌୉ Ą఺˵ጱ࡭˞ࣧҝޠڱᄃڼᒖဩĂ˵Լត˞፫߷۞઼̰߆ڼጳ߆ඕၹᄃ߆ ϔᝋӀ౵ޢд 1990 ѐజ಼̂ҩૺĞMagallanes, 1999: 245ğĄ̍ᛨ Whitlam ѝд 1975 ѐಶ఼࿅˞ Commonwealth Aboriginal and Torres Straitع߆ ࡭ķ˘ٺIslander (Queensland Discriminatory Laws) BillĂͽར၁Ķឰ઼छᔌ ೩ڱĞbring the States into lineğ۞ٚᏚĄΩγĂֽҋγ˧Я৵۞઼ᅫˠᝋ ĻĞCommonwealth Racialڱෛڡд 1975 ѐ఼࿅ĺᓑ֣჌୉ع፫߷߆ֻ Discrimination Act, RDA ğ۞જ˧Ă˵ֹܳ፫߷ࣧҝϔᝋৈ۞೩̿ ૟፫߷ࣧҝϔၱћ࿩೻عĞMagallanes, 1999: 247ğĄ1978 ѐĂ፫߷ᓑ֣߆ ঔदཏफˠĞAboriginal and Torres Strait Islanderğ̶֗ᄮؠؠཌྷࠎĈጾѣ ҝ۞ۤཏا፫߷ࣧҝϔၱћ࿩೻ঔदཏफˠҕ௚Ă֭ͷᄮТҋ̎ă˵జٙ ᄮТࠎࣧҝϔ˘ࣶ۰Ą1980 ѐјϲࣧҝϔฟ൴؎ࣶົĞAboriginal ӄࣧҝϔдགྷᑻᄃۤົ˯۞൴णĄםDevelopment CommissionğĂᖣͽ నϲࣧҝϔ׶ྋ؎ࣶົĞCouncil for AboriginalعѐĂ፫߷߆ 1991 ReconciliationğĂଯજᄃࣧҝϔ׶ྋ߆ඉĂ࢑యྋՙ፫߷ࣧҝϔᄃለ߷Ϩ ĺMabo ҿՙ९ĻĞMabo۞ੰڱ֍Ą1992 ѐ 6 ͡Ă፫߷੼ඈڡˠ̝ม۞ Ⴭ፫߷дϨˠ൳ౙ݈ߏĶ൑͹̝гķ۞ކDecisionğӎؠ˞ለ߷Ϩˠጩത۰ дѩҿੰڱٚᄮ˞፫߷ࣧҝϔጾѣ፫߷۞˿гᝋĄ፫߷੼ඈٺ͹ૺĂ˵ඈ ٚᄮࣧҝϔ׶ћ࿩೻ঔदफϔᄃ፫߷дതϔ݈̫֞Ă˯ޠڱдٺĂඈ˯ּ ጾѣᄃ፫߷ѣᙯ۞পҾгቡᙯܼĂ֭ٚᄮࣧҝϔ˿гᝋć఺࣎ᓝନĂ၆ࣧ ҝϔ҃֏ΞᏜࢦࢋ۞˘ՎĄ ѐĂࣧҝϔᄃћ࿩೻ཏफϔ؎ࣶົĞAboriginal and Torres Strait 1995 ăௐ 3 ഇĞ2019/ࡌ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 15 110

гҜ̝ጳ߆Լࢭߏ౵ᐹА۞ڱIslander Commissionğᄮࠎٚᄮ፫߷ࣧҝϔጳ ᛉᗟĄЯࠎܲч۞ᓑ༖ᛨд 1996 ѐે߆Ă׶ྋ߆ඉࢬᓜ˞˘࣎၆ࣧҝϔͧ ҶĶεង۞̳عᒖဩĞPatton, 2001: 29ğĄ1997 ѐĂ፫߷߆ڼᇲෛ۞߆ྵ ೸ࣧҝϔछल۞ҖशĂ၁ᅫ˯ಶߏٵૻҖع΃ķአߤಡӘĂٚᄮϨˠ߆͵ οྍ͟ࠎĶNationalކعࢍ൪૟፫߷ࣧҝϔໝ჌Ą1997 ѐ 5 ͡ 26 ͟Ă፫߷߆ ࣧҝϔ۞።ΫĂ֭ͅ࠷፫߷࿅ޞᄃͅ࠷၆ࢅهSorry DayķĂ͹ࢋߏࠎ˞ࡔ Νതϔ߆ඉ۞᏾ᄱĄᓁந John Howard ͽ̈́׎ܲчે߆ᓑ༖дд౎ॡಶ၆ Њొ˘̂ޝ͚޺˧ณѣ۞ع޺ͅ၆ϲಞĂЯࠎܲчࠁ߆ڱNative Title ۞ϲ ຽг૲ᄃᚩயгડĂ҃΁ࣇ۞Ӏৈϒрᄃࣧҝϔ۞ᝋৈѣٙ኏ࡎྺٺҋֽ ĞPatton, 2001: 29ğĄ4 ఼࿅ Hindmarsh Island Bridge ActعѐĂܲч۞ John Howard ߆ 1997 ҿĞHindmarsh Island Bridgeކ९ڱ੫၆ѩੰڱ1997Ą1998 ѐĂᓑ֣౵੼ ࢋ၆ࣧҝϔѣ利ă˵Ξͽ不利ࣧҝϔĂٺ९不ࢨڱCaseğĂ઼ົ۞ࣧҝϔ ९Ğ߉ϒዡĂ2013ċ14ğĂଂ఺ᕇڱ९၁ᅫ˯࿁ͅ˞ 1975 ѐ۞ˠᝋڱ఺࣎ :ᆸѨ˯ѣٙᑭរĞWilliams, 2000ڱ࠻Ă፫߷۞׶ྋ߆ඉֶ൒ᅮࢋдጳֽ 657ğĄ̙࿅Ă1998 ѐ۞ Hindmarsh Island Bridge CaseĂࣣр˵ߏ׶ྋྻજ к۞ਨॲ௡ᖐٙ௡јĂּт૱ܧࡎ൒ᒔ଀೼࿆͚޺۞ॡ࣏Ă׶ྋྻજϤ Australian for Native Title and ReconciliationĞWilliams, 2000: 657ğĄ ᓁந Howard д 2000 ѐ١඗၆εར۞˘΃྽ႆĂ̙࿅д 2000 ѐ 5 ͡ᓝ Җ۞׶ྋᆇёĞReconciliation CeremonyğĂӛ͔˞ᇴȈ༱ˠд፫߷Чгણ ព඾Ă፫૱ܧΐĄࣧҝϔ۞ܑ̼͛ႊд 2000 ѐౠ୨๸ྻฟ၌ёᄃౕ၌ё̚ ߷˵Ᏼፄણΐౠ୨๸ྻ۞ࣧҝϔྻજࣶ Cathy Freeman ͘޺๸ྻཐͫˢ ࣧҝϔ۞ٺ၆عൕĄ఺Ξෛࠎ፫߷߆ܛ۞͎̳ ಞĂТॡс˵ᒔ଀̃̄ 400 ѣពޘ፫߷ࣧҝϔ۞ၗޞд 1956 ѐግႬώ๸ྻ̚၆عࢦෛĂѩᓝ׶፫߷߆ ඾۞̙ТĞPatton, 2001: 30ğĄࣧҝϔ׶ྋ؎ࣶົ Council for Aboriginal ,ࠎ׶ྋѐĞYear of ReconciliationğĞWilliamsײReconciliationğ૟ 2000 ѐჍ Լ۞ޠڱቁ޽΍Ă׶ྋᅮࢋೀี፫߷ځ661ğĂྍ؎ࣶົ౵௣۞ಡӘ :2000

྿ 11 ѐĄܜчࠁ۞ John Howard ଂ 1996 Ҍ 2007 ፉЇ፫߷ᓁநĂે߆ܲ 4 ࣧҝϔ֗Њ۞ώ˿̼ 111ڱ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ

֏ĞNew PreambleğĂ݈ڱĄௐ˘ߏາ۞ጳڱតĂѣ׌ีۡତᇆᜩ˞፫߷ጳ ֏̝̚ĞWilliams, 2000: 662ğĄ݈ڱ૟ٚᄮ፫߷ࣧҝϔ۞гҜᆷˢ፫߷ጳ ڱᛉ፫߷ᓑ઼֣ົᑕྍ఼࿅ޙௐ˟݋ߏ୧ࡗĞTreatyğĂࣧҝϔ׶ྋ؎ࣶົ :ྋՙ۞યᗟĞWilliams, 2000ڱᛉٕ୧ࡗĂֽྋՙ׶ྋ߆ඉᔘ൑ם९Ăּт 663ğĄ


гҜ۞̳ڱѐᓑ֣̂ᏴॡĂᓁந John Howard ೩΍ٚᄮࣧҝϔጳ 2007 ѐĂ፫߷ᓁநౙҹ̳͛ฟ၆εង۞͵΃྽ႆĂ̖ 2008 זۡ˘ԸᚮᏴ͚ைĄ ڱјϲĶጳعĂ̍ᛨ߆ޢࣧҝϔᝋӀྻજ۞੼पĄ2010 ѐᓑ֣̂Ᏼזზ྿ ٚᄮࣧҝϔ૞छ̈௡ķĞExpert Panel on Constitution Recognition of οдˬѐ̰ކ ᓁந Julia GillardعIndigenousğј ϲĄ2010 ѐ 11 ͡Ă̍ᛨ߆ гҜĂϺӈߏӎ࣒ԼڱᓝҖ࣒ጳБ઼̳ԸĂՙؠߏӎٚᄮ፫߷ࣧҝϔ۞ጳ ٚᄮࣧҝϔ૞ڱϔĄѩγĂĶጳاٚᄮ፫߷ࣧҝϔߏ፫߷౵ѝ۞ڱᓑ֣ጳ Ă૞छ̈௡ᄮ̝̚ڱᛉĂ፫߷ࣧҝϔ۞ᝋ˧ᑕྍజಏ፾ΐˢጳޙछ̈௡ķ & ෛĞDixonڡ۞˯д୉ཏᛉᗟع߆טࠎĂ׶ྋᛉᗟ۞ᙯᔣ̝˘Ăߏࢨ Williams, 2014: 83-84ğĄ2013 ѐ 2 ͡ 13 ͟Ă፫߷ᓁந Julia Gillard ׶ͅ၆ гҜ۞ڱԸࣧҝϔጳ̳ٺᛨᅳఞ Tony Abbott д઼ົ͚޺ࣧҝϔᅳఞࣇ၆ ፫߷ࣧҝϔ۞ጳٺĂ፫߷ഈ౎߆ᛨᅳఞ၆ޢ͹ૺĞHenderson, 2015ğĄѩ ࣧҝϔ۞๋चĂቁᄮ፫߷ࣧٺ߆̳Ըѣధк۞ٚᏚĄ̳Ըԓ୕ٚᄮ࿅Ν၆ ؠᄃڱӘ፫߷ࣧҝϔ̼͛ߏ༊΃፫߷ۤົކ͚ᇣૄᖂĂͽ̈́۞ڱҝϔߏጳ ᆊࣃ۞˘ొЊĞArcioni & Stone, 2016: 77-78ğĄ ѐĂે߆۞ܲчᓑ༖ᛨᓁந Malcolm Turnbull ᄃͅ၆ᛨᅳఞ Bill 2015 ҶјϲĶ̳Ը؎ࣶົķĞReferendum CouncilğĂࡁᑢࣧҝϔᝋӀކ Shorten ,ٚᄮ۞፫߷ௐ˘୉ཏĞO’Sullivanڱˢጳ۞̳ԸĂ֭҂ᇋ૟ࣧҝϔЕࠎጳ ᓁந Malcolm Turnbull ܑϯĂع2018ğĄ2016 ѐ 2 ͡Ăܲч۞ે߆ᓑ༖߆ ϔ۞̳ԸĂΞਕд 2017 ѐᓝҖĄፂѩĂĺ፫߷اٚᄮ፫߷ߏ౵ѝڱՀԼጳ ෛયᗟĄڡጩതநኢ޽΍۞ඕၹّ֗Њ˞ځĻ˯֗Њ۞ᛉᗟĂ˵ᄲڱᓑ֣ጳ ᇷ˧ᑅ࢝д፫߷ࣧҝϔ֗˯Ă҃࠹ᙯޠڱ఺჌ր௚ّăඕၹّᄃ።Ϋّ۞ ăௐ 3 ഇĞ2019/ࡌ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 15 112

၁ચྻүعĂ׎၁˵д߆˯ޠڱ͹ᝋ˯ăٺෛࣧҝϔયᗟĂ่̙хдڡ۞ ˯ĞBalint, et al., 2014: 10-14ğĄ ଂ፫߷ᓁந Kevin Rudd д 2008 ѐޭೇଯજ݈ᓁந John Howard д 2007 ѐᓑ֣̂Ᏼ۞ࣧҝϔˢጳĞ݈֏ğ೩९ฟؕĞDavis, 2008: 6ğĂᔵ൒፫߷ اٚᄮࣧҝϔߏ፫߷౵ѝڱགྷд 2008 ѐ̳ฟ၆ࣧҝϔ྽ႆĂ࣒Լጳ̏ع߆ ෛࠎࢦࢋ߆ඉĂΞᏜߏ 1967 ѐͽֽعϔ۞̳Ը˵ଂ 2010 ѐͽֽజᓑ֣߆ Ķ׶ྋķߏ۞عĶ׶ྋķ߆ඉ۞ࢦ̂ࡎ৔Ą൒҃Ăጯ۰̙֭ᄮࠎ፫߷߆۞ ৌϒᔘᝋගࣧҝϔĂጯ۰ᄮࠎ఺ֱନ߉ౌΪߏᚶᜈതϔ۞ߛၹĞcolonial ഇͽֽඕၹّ۞Ķ̙ϒཌྷķĞstructural injusticeğ֭՟ѣܜframeworkğĂ Ķ߆ඉķ྽ႆĂ҃ع྽ႆĂ׎၁Ϊߏ੫၆߆۞عгྋՙĄ҃ͷĂ߆غజၔ Г΍னĞBalint, et al., 2014: 17-19ğĄՙؠ፫߷ົ̙ޠڱෛڡᙋᙷҬ۞ܲܧ Ă2015 ѐĂ፫߷ᓁநڱࣧҝϔ֗Њ౵ᙯᔣ۞ಶߏ૟ࣧҝϔ֗Њᆷˢጳ ϔ۞̳ԸΞਕд 2017اٚᄮ፫߷ߏ౵ѝڱMalcolm Turnbull ܑϯĂՀԼጳ ѐಶᓝҖćॲፂ 2016 ѐ 5 ͡۞ϔአĂѣ 77%۞፫߷̳ϔ˵૟ົ͚޺఺ี̳ гڱԸĞWahlquist, 2016ğĄͽ።ֽ۞ϔአֽ࠻Ă፫߷ࡶৌ۞ଯજࣧҝϔጳ ֏Ă݈ڱҜ̳ԸĂপҾߏࣧҝϔᝋӀྻજ͹ૺ۞Ă૟ࣧҝϔ۞гҜᆷˢጳ ˘ᑕྍΞͽ૟፫߷ࣧҝϔ۞ᝋӀՀଯซ˘ՎĄ2019 ѐ 5 ͡۞ᓑ֣̂ᏴߏΩ гҜ̳Ըϔአ۞ಡጱĂБڱࣧҝϔጳٺ࣎޽ᇾĂॲፂ፫߷઼छᇃᇫ̳Φ၆ ࣧٺ፫߷ѣ 64%͚޺ࣧҝϔгҜˢጳĂѣ 22%ͅ၆Ą̙࿅Ă߆ᛨ͚޺۰၆ ؠĄქᛨĞAustralian Greensğ͚޺۰ѣ˘̙૱ܧ݋ߏޘҝϔгҜˢጳ۞ၗ 89%ᙒјĂ5%ͅ၆Ą፫߷̍ᛨĞAustralian Labor Partyğ͚޺۰ѣ 77%ᙒјĂ 11%ͅ၆Ąે߆۞ҋϤ઼छᓑ༖ᛨĞLiberal-National Coalitionğ͚޺۰Ă݋ ߏ่ѣ 38%ᙒјĂͅ၆۰੼྿ 42%ĞHiggins & Collard, 2019ğĄ2019 ѐ̂ ᙒј۞ၗ๕ٺĂҋϤ઼छᓑ༖ᛨᚶᜈે߆Ăଂ׎͚޺۰ͅ၆ּͧ੼ڍᏴඕ ҋϤ઼छᓑ༖ᛨٚᏚଯજࣧҝϔгҜˢጳ۞̳ԸĂҭ׎͚޺۰ܮ࠻Ăӈֽ ٺഈ౎߆ᛨѣВᙊĂҭે߆ᛨૄܮ૟ѩᛉᗟෛࠎᐹАᅮՐĄЯѩĂӈ̙֭ ҂ณ׎͚޺۰ĂࣧҝϔгҜˢጳ̳ԸΞਕֶ൒ߏ࣎ϏۢᇴĄ ࣧҝϔ֗Њ۞ώ˿̼ 113ڱ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ


ࢎ̝ᅫಶజଵੵдγĂטĻڱ፫߷ࣧҝϔ֗Њଂ 1900 ѐĺ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ ෛ୧ഠ̖ڡԸ࣒ϒ९Ļ఼࿅Ă̳ڱѐ۞ĺጳ 1967 זෛ୧ഠĂۡڡࠤҌᆷˢ ࢎ௑ЪࣧҝϔӀৈט࣒ϒ९Ăᓑ֣ᄃЧэ̖ਕ੫၆ࣧҝϔٺజொੵĄ˵Ϥ ՟ѣٚᄮ፫߷ࣧౌ̫֞ڱෛ୧ഠ̏གྷజொੵĂҭߏ፫߷ጳڡĄᔵ൒΄ڱ۞ ᇴȈѐֽĂՏѐ 1ܕᛉᗟĄ۞פۋ˧ҝϔ۞֗ЊĂ఺˵ߏࣧҝϔᝋӀྻજӅ ፫߷઼ᇉ͟Ķ፫߷͟ķĂ፫߷Чгౌѣј˼˯༱۞ࣧҝϔྻજ͚۞͟ 26 ͡ ࣧҝϔྻજĄధధкк۞ࣧҝϔᝋӀྻજפۋர͟ķྼҖĂܬ޺۰൴જĶ ෦ՐĂឰઐШ͚޺ࣧҝϔᝋӀ۞̍ᛨͽ̈́၆ࣧҝϔ̙̓ච۞ܲчᓑ༖Ğҋ ᑅ˧Ąࠎ˞಴ࢦ፫߷ࣧҝϔ۞гҜĂ፫ڼϤᛨᄃ઼छᛨğౌѣ࠹༊̂۞߆ ߷̂ݭ፟ᙯᄃጯ७ੵ˞፫߷ᓑ઼֣ၮͽ̈́ЧэၮᆽγĂౌυืГᚙଭ፫߷ ࿩೻फϔၮĄ̙࿅Ă఺ֱԛё˯۞಴ࢦᅈ̙тۡତ૟ࣧҝٳࣧҝϔၮᆽᄃ Ą1999 ѐĂ፫߷അགྷଯજВ׶̳ԸĂԓ୕ਕૉͽ፫߷઼ົ̝̚ڱϔᆷˢጳ ΃ࡻ઼̃ͳјࠎ፫߷۞̮ࢵĄВ׶̳ԸΞෛࠎ፫פ޽ؠ۞ᓁ௚ĞPresidentğ ӎזώ˿̼۞޽ᇾĂҭ఺̳࣎Ըͽᙒј 45.13%ᙒјă54.87%ͅ၆ዎڱ߷ጳ ώ˿̼Ăᕚ௲തϔ۞ጳڱՙĄт̫ࣧҝϔгҜˢጳ̳ԸĂٕΞෛࠎ፫߷ጳ ฟؕٚᏚଯજࣧҝعԛ෪Ăϫ݈Ҭͼᔘߏ࣎ϏۢᇴĄଂܲч۞ Howard ߆ڱ Ğ2007-13ğĂعϔгҜˢጳฟؕĂഇม˫གྷ።࿅̳ฟШࣧҝϔ྽ႆ۞̍ᛨ߆ гҜڱٚᏚଯજࣧҝϔጳޘĂГޢ଀߆ᝋפ˫д 2013 ѐĂܲч۞ે߆ᓑ༖ ԸĂ̙࿅Ă఺̳࣎Ըֶ൒Ϗਕ၁னĄ၁ᅫ˯Ă఺࣎ࣧҝϔгҜˢጳ̳Ը̳ ȈѐֽĂഈ౎׌̂ੱᒉ۞ВᙊĂݒᏵᏵϏਕଯજĄព֍Ăഈ˟ܕᛉᗟߏ૟ ֍Ą2019 ѐĂ፫߷۞౵າڡࣧҝϔгҜˢጳᔵѣВᙊĂҭ̪ѣٺ౎׌ᛨ၆ ϔአĂкᇴ፫߷ˠᔘߏ͚޺ࣧҝϔгҜˢጳćҭߏĂ5 ͡۞ᓑ֣̂ᏴϤܲч ࠁ۞ҋϤ઼छᓑ༖ᛨᚶᜈે߆҃ે߆ᓑ༖͚޺۰ͅ၆ࣧҝϔгҜˢጳ۰к ˘˯࠻ĂࣧҝϔгҜˢጳ̳ԸĂٕధᔘᅮࢋඈֽڍᙒј۰Ϥ఺࣎Ᏼᓝඕٺ ॡ͟Ąֱ ăௐ 3 ഇĞ2019/ࡌ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 15 114


ഇĂ 2 ס ߉ϒዡĂ2011ĄIJ፫߷ࣧҝϔ୉۞ႢᒔᝋijĮέ៉ࣧҝϔ୉ࡁտጯಡį1 ࢱ 131-65Ą ഇĂ 2 ס ߉ϒዡĂ2017ĄIJ፫߷઼छᄃࣧҝϔ۞׶ྋijĮέ៉ࣧҝϔ୉ࡁտጯಡį7 ࢱ 1-38Ą ბijĮέ៉ࣧҝϔࡁտኢۋෛ؎ࣶົ۞ڡ߉ϒዡĂ2013ĄIJ፫߷ᄃ聯Ъ઼ঐੵ჌୉ ᕍį13 ഇĂࢱ 43-96Ą Arcioni, Elisa, and Adreinne Stone. 2016. “The Small Brown Bird: Values and Aspirations in the Australian Constitution.” International Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 60-79. Solicitor. 2010. “Australia’s Constitution: With Overview and Notes by the Australian Government Solicitor.” (file:///C:/Users/Genuine/ Downloads/2012_Australian_Constitution.pdf) (2019/3/10) Balint, Jennifer, Julie Evans, and Nesam McMilan. 2014. “Rethinking Transitional Justice, Redressing Indigenous Harm: A New Conceptual Approach.” International Journal of Transitional Justice, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 194-216. Davis, Megan. 2008. “Indigenous Rights and the Constitution: Making the Case for Constitutional Reform.” Indigenous Law Bulletin, Vol. 7, pp. 6-8. Dixon, Rosalind, and George Williams. 2014. “Drafting a Replacement for the Races Power in the Australian Constitution.” Public Law Review, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 83-88. Eastick, Jennifer E. 1980. “The Australian Aborigine: Full Commonwealth Responsibility under the Constitution.” Melbourne University Law Review, Vol. 12, pp. 516-642. Guardian. 2019. “Huge Crowds Attend Invasion Day Marches across Australia’s Capital Cities.” January 26 (https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/ jan/26/huge-crowds-attend-invasion-day-marches-across--capital-cities) (2019/3/10) Henderson, Anna. 2015. “Timeline: Recognition of Australia’s Indigenous People.” ABC News, July 13 (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-07-06/indigenous- recognition-timeline-of-australian-history/6586176) (2019/3/10) Higgins, Isabella, and Sarah Collard. 2019. “Federal Election 2019: Vote Compass ࣧҝϔ֗Њ۞ώ˿̼ 115ڱ፫߷ᓑ֣ጳ

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Indigenizing National Identity: Toward the Recognition of Aborigines in Australian Constitution

Chien-Jung Hsu Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Taiwan and Regional Studies National Dong Hwa University, Shoufeng, Hualien, TAIWAN


Despite being a multicultural democracy, Aborigines in Australia have been underprivileged for a long time. Starting in 20th century, the Commonwealth of Australia has introduced a string of legislations to recognize the rights of Aborigines, but the Commonwealth Constitution still discriminates against Aborigines. The Constitution, which came into effect in 1990, excluded Aborigines. Even though the 1967 referendum received overwhelmingly votes, thereby indicating Australians’ support to amend article 51 and repeal article 127, the Constitution still does not recognize Aborigines. Starting in 2007, Liberal-National and Labor Party have proposed to hold a referendum to include the Aboriginal people into the Constitution, and the polls showed that the majority of Australians supported such a change, but it remains uncertain whether the referendum will take place.

Keywords: Australian Aborigines, Australian Constitution, referendum, Aboriginal identification

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