Bulletin Zoölogisch Museum


Vol. 14 No. 7 1995

A catalog of the Helicopsychidae (Insecta: Trichoptera) of the world

Kjell Arne Johanson


All 168 known within the 6 of the Included all genera family Helicopsychidae are cataloged. are synonyms, and A of the used within the is type localities, type depositories species ranges. historical summary family given as well as the biology of the different life stages on generic level. Due to uncertain taxonomic position heli- coidella (Vallot, 1855), Helicopsyche pupoidea (Gould, 1864), Helicopsyche scalaris Hagen, 1864, Helicopsyche thelidomus Hagen, 1864, Helicopsyche arenifera(Lea, 1834), Helicopsyche braziliensis (Swainson, 1840) and Helicopsyche colombien- sis von Siebold, 1856 are not included in the catalog. Helicopsyche fannii Rougemont, 1879 was never described and is list- ed nudum. is listed under as nomen Helicopsyche lustrica (Say, 1821) as a new synonym Helicopsyche borealis (Hagen, 1861).

INTRODUCTION Clarke Grimshaw gions sensu Bartholmew, & (1911)

This work was initiated in the need of a summary of (Fig. 1). The greatest diversity is found in tropical basic systematic knowledge and to present a plat- regions. Nearly all species have been recorded from form for future studies on the family Helicopsychidae. relatively few areas, indicating that each species has

The Helicopsychidae, or snail-case , is a a very restricted distribution. A few species are moderately large family, with altogether 168 valid recorded from cooler areas, like Helicopsyche bore-

extant species. Four genera are included in the fami- alis (Hagen, 1861), which is widespread in the New ly: Helicopsyche von Siebold, 1856; Cochliopsyche World as far north as Labrador in eastern Canada. In

Muller, 1885, McFarlane, 1973 and , Helicopsyche crispata (Benoit, 1857) has

Cochliophylax Schmid, 1993. been recorded from Switzerland to southern Italy.

Cochliophylax is the second largest with four-

Helicopsyche is the largest genus, including 145 teen known species, all from the Oriental Region extant species. It is known from all main faunal re- (Fig.2). Cochliopsyche is restricted to northern parts 102

Fig. 1. The total range of the known extant Helicopsyche spp. is indicated with black areas on the map above.

the Fig. 2. The known records of the three genera Cochliopsyche spp. (￿), Rakiurasp. (•) and Cochliophylax spp. (*) are indicated on

map above. 103

to Fig. 3. The cumulative sum of species described within the family Helicopsychidae up 1995. N = numberof species described.

of the Neotropical Region (Fig.2) and includes four areas. Unfortunately, a satisfactory understanding of

of cannot described species. Finally, Rakiura is monotypic, rep- the distribution patterns the family be resented by Rakiura vernale McFarlane, 1973, which achieved. is endemic to South Island, New Zealand (Fig.2).


The apparent absence of the family in Austro-Ma- Systematic changes and additions in any group of liv- layan Subregion need to be explained, particularly ing organisms will never be completed, and the list of since the species number in Helicopsychidae south- species presented in this catalogue is no exception. east and northwest of this subregion is high com- Our present knowledge indicates many more unde-

to pared elsewhere (Johanson, 1995a). Wells (pers. served species, and many species probably have

than comm.) suggests the absence of records from this larger ranges indicated in the literature. This area are due to sampling errors. Only two Helicopsy- assumption is confirmed as accumulation of species chidae species are (so far) known from the eastern over time is presented in a simple diagram (Fig. 3).

Palaearctic Region (i.e. Helicopsyche yamadai Iwata, This tendency is not exceptional for the Helicopsy-

1927 from Japan, and Helicopsyche coreanai Mey, chidae but applies to most other Trichoptera families

from 1991 ). The nearest records of other as well. species are from and Burma in the south, and Canada and the United States in the east. No The first known record of a Helicopsychidae species species are known from China or the former USSR. was the description of Paludina lustrica Say, 1821,

There are good reasons to believe that these circum- which was based on the larval case. This species is stances are due to scarce collection efforts in these now placed in synonym with Helicopsyche borealis. 104

Swainson (1840) described Thelidomus braziliensis in diameter (Michaelis, 1973). The eggs of Cochlio-

are unknown which was later transferred into Helicopsyche. The psyche spp. and Cochliophylax spp. taxonomic position is uncertain. The coiled larval The larval stages are known in 22% of the cases have great structural resemblance with snail species. The larva of only one Cochliopsyche

and shells and are due to the misidentifications. species (i.e. Cochliopsyche vazquezae) one

The name Helicopsyche was first used in the liter- Cochliophylax species (i.e. Cochliophylax angusta)

known ature by von Siebold (1856), who described Helico- are (Monson et al., 1988; Ulmer, 1955, re- psyche colombiensis, Helicopsyche minima and Heli- spectively). The larva of Rakiura vernale was de-

scribed Michaelis H. borealis larvae inhab- copsyche shuttleworthi from larval cases. by (1973).

SaetotrichiaIn 1865, Brauer described ptychop- it small streams, large rivers and even littoral zones

this of lakes. The larvae have been found in streams teryx from Australia. Neboiss (1986) assigned species to Helicopsyche. where the temperature rises to 34°C (Wiggins, 1977),

Ulmer (1905) described Tetanonema clarum from they have also survived water temperatures of 36°C

Brazil. Much later (1955), he considered this genus to over short periods (Resh, Lamberti & Wood, 1984).

The larvae have, furthermore, been found in be a synonym of Cochliopsyche (Muller, 1885). highly

& The In 1910, Ulmer describedPetrotrichia palpalis as polluted waters (Mackay Wiggins, 1979).

This H. bacescui & a from the . species European Orghidan Botosaneanu,

Marlier & has also been to survive several was actually found to be a Helicopsyche by 1953, reported

Malicky (1979). hours on moist sand and in freezing iceblocks (Bo-

and Sae- The genera Helicopsyche, Tetanonema tosaneanu, 1956).

from the larvae of most found in well totrichia were separated by Ulmer (1912:270) However, species are

and combined small streams to the rest of the sericostomatid genera aired, relatively moderately large

which rivers where bacteria and into the new subfamily Helicopsychinae, was they graze on periphyton, given family status by Ross in 1944. detritus (e.g. Mecom 1972). Studies of Helicopsyche

murrumba Mosely, 1953 indicate that larvae are

at No more than four fossil Helicopsychidae species are active during day time, but inactive night (Bailey,

affected described, all from Baltic amber dating from late 1982). Some species are, however, less by

within like H. borealis & Kaster, Eocene. Two of these were placed Helicopsy- light conditions, (Berger che and described by Ulmer (1912). The two remain- 1979). ing, Electrohelicopsyche taeniata (Pictet, 1856) and

de- Palaeohelicopsyche serricornis Ulmer, 1912, were The cases of all species are coiled dextrally as

scribed several authors. The numberof whorls dif- described into distinct genera. Fossil Helicopsyche by are also known from Dominican amber dated from fers between species (5th instar cases), from 1 3/4 in

Miocene Rakiura vernale 2 1/3 in Cochliopsyche early (Wichard 1988). , vazquezae

to 2 1/2-4 in Helicopsyche spp. The cases are con-

BIOLOGY structed of fine or coarse sand grains, depending on

heli- silk. The first half of the Few details are known about the biology of most species, glued together by copsychid species. The best investigated species is whorl has an aperture for water circulation.

The larva of the heli- H. borealis which larval stages have been extensively leptocerid species Leptecho studied in North America. The females of H. borealis cotheca Scott, 1958, from South , and Lepte-

cho from build produce eggmasses composed of eggs within a sp. (Stoltze pers. comm.)

similar coiled larval in gelatinous matrix. The eggmasses are transparent cases. However, Leptecho

later instars while and contain 150-250 yellowish-green and grayish coiled cases are only made in the

in are made in the first or sec- eggs of about 230|i in diameter (Davis 1965; Vaughn Helicopsychidae they

vernale consist of ond instar. 1985). The eggmasses of Rakiura

of 1 At the end of the fifth is approximately 100 pale orange eggs about 90jj instar, pupation activity 105

of abbrevia- initiated by anchoring the case with silk to the sub- been used in this catalogue. Most the

for tions follow Arnett et al. strate. Descriptions of the pupa are given only (1986).

17% of the species. Before emergence, the pupa AMNH = Department of Entomology, American Museum of and swim around for escapes from the case, can Natural History, New York, USA.

ANSP = Academy of Natural Sciences, Parkway, Philadelphia, several hours (Hudson, 1904). Flint (1991) studied USA. the seasonal flight activity of the Columbian species BPBM = Department of Entomology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Helicopsyche breviterga Flint, 1991 and Helicopsy- Hawaii, USA. CAS= Department of Entomology, California Academy of che fistulata Flint, 1991. He demonstrated that the Sciences, San Francisco, USA. number of the is specimens hatching throughout year CASM = Chicago Academy of Sciences, Museum of National

History, USA. related to yearly temperature and rainfall variations. CINZ = Cawthron Institute, NEW ZEALAND. barbata A similar pattern was found for Helicopsyche CMNZ = Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND.

Johanson, 1993 and Helicopsyche bifida Johanson, CNCI = Canadian National Collection of , Biosystematics Research Institute, Research Branch, 1993 in W. Usambara Mts, N.E. Tanzania (unpub- Agriculture Canada, CANADA. lished). CTFT = Centre Technique Forestier tropical, NEW CALEDO-


CUCC =Department of Entomology, Clemson University, THE CATALOGUE FORMAT Clemson, USA.

The valid taxa are listed in bold italic. Synonyms are ETHZ = Entomologisches Institut, Eidgenossische Technische

Hochschule-Zentrum, Zurich, SWITZERLAND. listed in plain italic under the valid name. Type FSCA= Florida State Collection of , Gainesville, and cited with their species synonyms are original USA.

RUS- author(s) and date, regardless of present taxonomic GMUK Museum of Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad, SIA. status. GPHU = Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut und Museum der

Type localities are taken from literature. Political Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin, GERMANY.

IJSM = Natural History Museum, Institute of , changes have altered the names of several coun- JAMAICA. tries, and the of each species is given with range INHS = Illinois Natural History Survey , Urbana, USA.

ISNB = Collections nationales d'insectes et d'arach- updated names on countries. References to country beiges nides, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de limited the earliest and state/territory records are to Belgique, BELGIUM.

the understand- Galleries the Northern records from the area. Due to better MANT = Museums and Art of Territories,

Darwin, AUSTRALIA. ing of the zoogeography of the concerned species MCZC= Entomology Department, Museum of Comparative Both Islands and are listed Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA. separately from France. MRBP = Museum Regni Bohemia, Prague,CZECHIA.

MSNG = Museum der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden To shorten the quantity of references in the cata- Gesellschaft, Frankfurt a. M., GERMANY.

refer to Fischer who includ- MZLU Museum of Lund SWEDEN. logue I commonly (1970) = Zoology, University,

MVMA = Museum of Victoria, Natural History, Abbotsford, Victo- es nearly all data up to 1959. ria, AUSTRALIA. Type depositories and type localities are listed NHMB= Entomology Department, Naturhistorisches Museum, only if such information is available from literature. Basel, SWITZERLAND.

NHML = Natural History Museum, London, UNITED KINGDOM.

NHMW = Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, AUSTRIA. ABBREVIATIONS NMNZ = Entomological Collection, National Museum of New

Zealand, NEW ZEALAND. The following symbols are used for known life history Wellington, NMPC = National Museum (Natural History), Prague, CZECHIA. stages: NRS = Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Sektionen for entomologi,

M = male, F = female, L = larva, P = pupa, C = larva Stockholm, SWEDEN.

ORST = Service Scientifique Central d'Entomologie Agricole, case and E = egg. O.R.S.T.O.M., FRANCE. In addition, the symbol {f} have been used to QMBA = Queensland Museum, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA.

Indicate extinct taxa. SESP = Servico Especial de Saude Publica, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, .

SOFM = National Natural History Museum, Bulgarian Academy Abbreviations of institutions of Sciences, Sofia, .

The below listed abbreviations of institutions have UCDC= The Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of 106

Botosaneanu of Taxonomic Uni- California, Davis, California, USA. (Institute Zoology,

UCRC= UCR Entomological Teaching and Research Collec- versity of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), tion, University of California, Riverside, USA. Mrs. Eli Amundsen (ZMUB), Dr. Endre Willassen UNAM = Coleccion Entomologica, Instituto de Biologia, Univer-

sidad National Autonoma de Mexico, MEXICO. (ZMUB), and Mr. Michael Stoltze (ZMUC) for giving

USNM= Department of Entomology, National Museum of valuable information and for critically reading the Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington

D.C. USA. manuscript.

JAPAN. ZIKU = Zoological Institute, Kyoto Imperial University,

ZMHB = Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboldt Universitat zu

Berlin, Bereich Zoologisches Museum, Berlin, GER- LIST OF SPECIES MANY.

ZMA= Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch

Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, NETHER- COCHLIOPHYLAX Schmid, 1993

LANDS. Type species: Cochliophylax chrysothoe Schmid, 1993 [by

ZMPA = Museum of the Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of original designation]

Science, Warszawa, POLAND. admata (Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992) of Univer- ZMUB = Entomological Collection, Museum Zoology, Helicopsyche admata Malicky & Chantaramong-kol, 1992:

sity of Bergen, NORWAY. 21.

ZMUC= Department of Entomology, Zoological Museum, Cochliophylax admata(Malicky & Chantaramong-kol, 1992);

University of Copenhagen, DENMARK. Schmid, 1993:90.

ZMUH = Institut und Museum, De- Zoologisches Zoologisches Type locality: Thailand, Doi Inthanon, 1600 m. GER- partment Entomologie, Universitat von Hamburg, Holotype [cf]: In Malicky private collection.

MANY. Distribution: Thailand (Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992).

Known life history stages: M.

angusta (Ulmer, 1951) Abbreviations of Australian states and territories: Helicopsyche angusta Ulmer, 1951: 515.

Cochliophylax angusta (Ulmer, 1951); Schmid, 1993:90. ACT = Australian Capital Territory; NT = Northern Territory; NSW Type locality: : Sumatra, Toba-Gebiet, Bach siid- = = = = New South Wales; T Tasmania; Q Queensland; V lich von Balige. Victoria; WA = Western Australia. Holotype [cf] & paratypes [6c?cr, 899]: ZMUH.

Distribution: Indonesia (Fischer 1970), Thailand (Malicky &

Abbreviations of Canadian provinces: Chantaramongkol, 1992). Known life history stages: L, P, M, F.

MB = Manitoba; NS = Nova Scotia; ON = Ontario; PQ = Quebec. Remarks: The larva, pupa and case were described by Ul-

mer (1955).

antinoe Schmid, 1993 Abbreviations of states of the USA: Cochliophylax antinoeSchmid, 1993: 97.

Type locality: India, Assam, Cachar, Bandarkal. CA = AL = Alabama; AR = Arkansas; AZ = Arizona; California; Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Paratype [1c?]: ZMUA. CO = FL GA = IL = IN = Colorado; = Florida; Georgia; Illinois; Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). Indiana; KS = Kansas; KY = Kentucky; MA = Massachusetts; ME Known life history stages: M, F. MO = Maine; MD = Maryland; Ml = Michigan; MN = Minnesota; = arsinoe Schmid, 1993 MT NH New Missouri; = Montana; = Hampshire; NJ = New Cochliophylax arsinoe Schmid, 1993:93. = = Jersey; NM = New Mexico; NY = New York; OH Ohio; OK Type locality: India, Assam, Manipour, Khanggoi. Oklahoma; OR = Oregon; PA = Pennsylvania; PR = ; Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Paratypes [2cfcf,299]: SC = South Carolina; SD = South Dakota; TN = Tennessee; TX = ZMUA. Texas; UT = Utah; VA = Virginia; VT = Vermont; WA = Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). Washington; Wl = Wisconsin; WV = West Virginia; WY = Known life history stages: M, F. Wyoming. astynome Schmid, 1993

Cochliophylax astynome Schmid, 1993:93.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Type locality: India, Sikkim, Sirwani.

Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. to My sincere thanks go Dr. K.M.F. Scott and Dr. Fer- Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). dinand C. de Moor Museum, Grahamstown, (Albany Known life history stages: M, F. South Africa), Prof. Dr. John C. Morse (College of chrysothoe Schmid, 1993 Cochliophylax chrysothoe Schmid, 1993:90. Agricultural Sciences, Clemson, South Carolina, Type locality: India, Assam, NEFA, Kameng Frontier Divi- Dr. Hans Dr. USA), Malicky (Lunz am See, Austria), sion, Warongpang.

& CNCI. Fernand Schmid (CNCI), Dr. Alice Wells (Australian Holotype [cf] allotype [9]: Paratypes [2cfcf,19]: ZMUA. Biological Resources Study, Australian National Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993).

Botanic Gardens, Canberra, Australia), Dr. Lazare Known life history stages: M, F. 107

cleodoce Schmid, 1993 Lectotype [cf] & paralectotype [19c?cf]: ZMPA. Paralecto-

Cochliophylax cleodoce Schmid, 1993:91. types [2cfcf]: MCZC.

Type locality: , Godaveri Botanical Garden. Distribution: Argentina (Fischer, 1970), Brazil (Fischer,

Holotype [cf]: USNM. 1970).

Distribution: Nepal (Schmid, 1993). Known life history stages: M, F.

Known life history stages: M. Remarks: The male was redescribed by Flint (1966).

euryboe Schmid, 1993 lobataFlint, 1983

Cochliophylax euryboe Schmid, 1993:91. Cochliopsyche lobataFlint, 1983: 95.

Type locality: India, Assam, NEFA, Kameng Frontier Divi- Type locality: Argentina, Pcia. Misiones, Arroyo Piray Guazu,

sion, Rupa. N San Pedro.

Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Paratypes [2cfcf, 299]: Holotype [cf] & paratypes [6cfcf,1999]: USNM.

ZMUA. Distribution: Argentina (Flint, 1983).

Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). Known life history stages: M, F.

Known life history stages: M, F. opalescens Flint, 1972

harmothoeSchmid, 1993 Cochliopsyche opalescens Flint, 1972:245.

Cochliophylax harmothoeSchmid, 1993:91. Type locality: Argentina, Pcia. Misiones, Puerto Rico.

Type locality: India, Assam, Lushai Hills, Ratu. Holotype [cf] & paratypes [1cf,3$$]: USNM. Surinam Holotype [cf]: CNCI. Distribution: Argentina (Flint, 1972), (Flint, 1983).

Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). Known life history stages: M, F. 1986 Known life history stages: M. vazquezae Flint,

hippothoeSchmid, 1993 Cochliopsyche vazquezae Flint, 1986:214. of Cochliophylax hippothoeSchmid, 1993:95. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, Rio Tulija, 48 km south

Type locality: India, Sikkim, Rapham. Palenque.

Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Holotype [cf] & paratypes [33cfcf,8999]: USNM. Paratypes

Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). [1cf,39$]:ZMBN. Known life history stages: M, F. Distribution: (Monson et al., 1988), Mexico itonoeSchmid, 1993 (Monson et al., 1988), (Flint, 1986), (Flint,

Cochliophylax itonoeSchmid, 1993:93. 1986).

Type locality: India, Assam, Manipour, Mapum. Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F. described Holotype [cf]: CNCI. Remarks: The case, larval and pupal stage were

Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). by Monson, Holzenthal & Ahlstrand (1988).

Known life history stages: M. laothoe Schmid, 1993 t ELECTROHELICOPSYCHE Ulmer, 1912

Cochliophylax laothoeSchmid, 1993:95. Type species: f Electrohelicopsyche taeniata (Pictet, 1856)

Type locality: India, Assam, United Jaintia and Khasi Hills, [monotypic]

Syndai. t taeniata (Pictet, 1856)

Holotype [cf]: CNCI. t Mormonia taeniataPictet, 1856:103.

Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). t Lepidostoma taeniata (Pictet, 1856); Handlirsch, 1906-

Known life history stages: M. 1908:918.

phoebe Schmid, 1993 f Electrohelicopsyche taeniata (Pictet, 1856); Ulmer, 1912:

Cochliophylax phoebe Schmid, 1993:97. 313.

Type locality: India, Assam, Manipour, Sirohi Kashong. Syntypes [16cfcf]: GPHU & GMUK. Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Paratypes Remarks: The species is known only from Baltic Amber

[2cfcf,299]: ZMUA. datedto late Eocene (Fischer, 1970).

Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993).

Known life history stages: M, F. HELICOPSYCHE von Siebold, 1856

xenothoeSchmid, 1993 Type species: Helicopsyche shuttleworthi von Siebold, 1856

Cochliophylax xenothoeSchmid, 1993:95. [subsequently designated by Flint (1964): 69]

Type locality: India, Pauri Garhwal, Khumyara. Valvata [misidentification] by many authors.

Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Notidobia[misidentification] by many authors.

Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). Paludina [misidentification] by many authors.

Known life history stages: M, F. Thelidomus Swainson (1840): 353. Type species:

Thelidomus braziliensis Swainson, by monotypy.

COCHLIOPSYCHE Muller, 1885 Pikea Allen, 1857:1. Type species: Pikea helicifex Allen, by

Type species: Tetanonemaclara Ulmer, 1905 [subsequently monotypy. Saetotrichia designated by Ulmer (1955): 589.] Saetotrichia Brauer, 1865: 416. Type species:

Tetanonema Ulmer, 1905: 17. Type species: Tetanonema ptychopteryx Brauer, by monotypy.

clarum Ulmer, by monotypy. Petrotrichia Ulmer, 1910: 43. Type species: Petrotrichia pal-

clara (Ulmer, 1905) palis Ulmer, by monotypy.

Tetanonema clarum Ulmer, 1905:18. Helycopsyche [sic] Moretti et al. (1981): 250.

Cochliopsyche clara (Ulmer, 1905); Ulmer, 1955: 589. admata Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 see Cochliophylax

Type locality: Brazil, S. Catarina Luderwald. admata(Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992) 108

agglutinans (Tassinari, 1858) see Helicopsyche crispata (Benoit, apicaudaFlint, 1968

1857) Helicopsyche apicauda Flint, 1968b: 77.

albescens Tillyard, 1924 Type locality: : Pont Casse, 5 miles south.

Helicopsyche albescens Tillyard, 1924:312. Holotype [

Type locality: New Zealand, South Island, Purau Creek, pupae,52 larvae]: USNM.

Lyttelton Harbour. Distribution: Dominica (Flint, 1968b).

Holotype [cf], allotype [9] & paratypes [several cfc?]: CINZ. Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F.

Distribution: & New Zealand (Fischer, 1970). arayar Chantaramongkol Malicky, 1986 Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F. Helicopsyche arayar Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986: Remarks: Descriptions of larva was given by Cowley (1978). 530.

albidellaJohanson, 1995 Type locality: , Provinz Sabaragamuwa, Allerton, 1

Helicopsyche albidella Johanson, 1995a: ooo. mi SW von Rakwana.

Type locality: Australia: West Australia, Kimberley, Mt Holotype [c?]: MZLU.

Barnoff Stn., Manning Gorge (16°39.27'S, 125°55.41'E) [P. Distribution: Sri Lanka (Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986).

S. Cranston] Known life history stages: M.

Holotype [cf] and paratypes [1cf,399]: MANT. arenariaRoss, 1975

Distribution: Australia: WA (Johanson 1995a) Helicopsyche arenaria Ross, 1975:77.

Known life history stages: M, F. Type locality: , Stream, Val de I'Hermitage, 1

alicae Johanson, 1995 km. NE. of Terr. Route 1.

Helicopsyche alicae Johanson, 1995a: ooo. Holotype [cf]: INHS. Paratypes [9cfcf]: INHS, ORST, CTFT.

Type locality: Australia: Northern Territory, Kakadu National Distribution: New Caledonia(Ross, 1975).

Park, Magela Creek, OSS Site/009 Lt. Tv. (12°42'S, 132°57 Known life history stages: M.

'E), [P. Dostine], arizonensis Banks, 1907 see mexicana Banks, 1901

Holotype [cf] and paratypes [50c?c?,2599,4 pupae,1 larva]: asymmetrica Ross, 1975

MANT. Helicopsyche asymmetrica Ross, 1975:70.

Distribution: Australia: NT (Johanson 1995a), WA (Johanson Type locality: New Caledonia, Stream on Mt. Pouedihi, 15

1995a). km. W. of Ouenarou Forest Station, on Eaux et Forets Road.

Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F. Holotype [cf]: INHS.

altercoma Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991 Distribution: New Caledonia(Ross, 1975).

Helicopsyche altercoma Botosaneanu& Flint, 1991a: 178. Known life history stages: M.

Type locality: , Dajabon Province, Rio ategenta Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992

Massacre, Balneario El Salto, Loma de Cabrera. Helicopsyche ategenta Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992:

Holotype [cf]: USNM. Paratypes [4c?cf,3399]: USNM & 22.

ZMUA. Doi Type locality: Thailand, Suthep, Huay Koo Kao, 600 m.

Distribution: Dominican Republic (Botosaneanu & Flint, Holotype [cf] & paratypes [399]: Malicky private collection.

1991a). Distribution:Thailand (Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992).

Known life history stages: M, F. Known life history stages: M, F.

amarawathiSchmid, 1958 bacescui Orghidan & Botosaneanu, 1953

amarawathi 1958b: 159. Helicopsyche Schmid, Helicopsyche bacescui/ Orghidan & Botosaneanu, 1953:425.

Type locality: Sri Lanka, Niriella. Type locality: Romania, springs at Greaca.

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [12cfcf,299]: USNM. Paratype Orghidan & Botosaneanu (1953) gives no depository site.

[1cf]:ZMUH. Distribution: Bulgaria (Fischer, 1970), (Malicky, pers. Distribution: Sri Lanka (Fischer, 1970). comm.), Romania (Fischer, 1970), Turkey (Malicky &

Known life history stages: C, M, F. Sipahilier, 1984).

muelleri angelae Marlier, 1964 see Banks, 1920. Known life history stages: E, L, P, C, M, F. angulata Flint, 1981 Rewised morphological information is given in Kumanski

Helicopsyche angulata Flint, 1981:37. (1988).

Type locality: , Aragua, Maracay, Rio Limon, barbata Johanson, 1993

Estacion Piscicultura. Helicopsyche barbata Johanson, 1993:146.

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [17c?cf,1599]: USNM. Type locality: Tanzania, Tanga Region, W. Usambara Mts,

Distribution: Colombia (Flint, 1991), (Flint, 1981), Mazumbai, Kaputu Stream, 1680 m.

Venezuela (Flint, 1981). Holotype [cf] & paratypes [24cfd',8199]: ZMBN. Known life history stages: M, F. Distribution:Tanzania (Johanson, 1993). angusta Ulmer, 1951 see Cochliophylax angusta (Ulmer, 1951) Known life history stages: M, F. annae Johanson, 1993 bartona Mosely, 1953

Helicopsyche annae Johanson, 1993: 141. Helicopsyche bartona Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953:

Type locality: Tanzania: Iringa Region, Uzungwa Mts, Chita 71.

Forest Reserve, 1400 m. Type locality: Australia: Tasmania, Hobart.

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [2cfcf]: ZMUC. Holotype [cf]: NHML.

Distribution: Tanzania (Johanson, 1993). Distribution:Australia: T (Fischer 1970).

Known life history stages: M. Known life history stages: M. annulicornis Banks, 1904 see borealis Hagen, 1861 bellangrensis Johanson, 1995 109

Helicopsyche bellangrensis Johanson, 1995a: ooo. ANSP and should be examined before a conclution to this

Type locality: Australia: New South Wales, Cockerawo taxonomic question is made.

Creek, 23 km WNW Bellangry, 730 m [G. Theschinger], Early stages have been described for instance in Vorhies

Holotype [c?] & paratypes [4c?c?,599]: MVMA. (1909); Elkins (1936); Davis (1965); and Wiggins (1977).

Distribution: Australia: NSW (Johanson 1995a). boulariaRoss, 1975 1975:73. Known life history stages: M, F. Helicopsyche boulariaRoss, bifida Johanson, 1993 Type locality: New Caledonia, Mt. Stream up Boulari R.

Helicopsyche bifidaJohanson, 1993:149. Holotype [c?] & paratypes [63cfc?]: Probably all in: INHS.

Type locality: Tanzania, Tanga Region, W. Usambara Mts, Distribution: New Caledonia (Ross, 1975).

Mazumbai, Kaputu Stream, 1540 m. Known life history stages: M. 1995 Holotype [cf] & paratypes [84c?d',6299]: ZMBN. brauer/Johanson,

Distribution: Tanzania (Johanson, 1993). Helicopsyche braueri Johanson, 1995a: ooo.

Known life history stages: M, F. Type locality: Australia: New South Wales, Watagan State blancasiSchmid, 1958 Forest, nr Cessnock, 37°57'S, 151 °14'E [G. Theischinger].

Helicopsyche blancasi Schmid, 1958a: 209. Holotype [d 1]: MVMA.

Type locality: , RioZapatilla. Distribution: Australia: NSW (Johanson 1995a).

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [299]: USNM. Known life history stages: M.

Distribution: Peru (Fischer, 1970). breviterga Flint, 1991

Known life history stages: M, F. Helicopsyche breviterga Flint, 1991:105. boniata Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 Type locality: Colombia, Dpto. Antioquia, Boqueron, source

Helicopsyche boniata Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992:22. of Quebrada Potreros, W. La Fe.

Type locality: Thailand, Phuket, Tonesai Wasserfall. Holotype [cT] & paratypes [4cfcf]: USNM.

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [5cTd',399]: Malicky private col- Distribution: Colombia(Flint, 1991).

lection. Known life history stages: M.

Distribution:Thailand (Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992). caledoniaRoss, 1975 caledonia 1975:73. Known life history stages: M, F. Helicopsyche Ross, borealis (Hagen, 1861) Type locality: New Caledonia, La Crouen.

Paludina lustrica Say, 1821:175. syn. n. Holotype [cT] & paratypes [48cfc?]: INHS. Paratype [1 cT]:

Paludinalusrica [sic] Adams (1839): 392. BPBM.

Phryganea lustrica (Say, 1821); Bremi (1848): 63. Distribution: New Caledonia(Ross, 1975).

Notidobia borealis Hagen, 1861:271. Known life history stages: M.

Helicopsyche lustrica (Say, 1821); Hagen (1864b): 130. caligata Flint, 1967

Helicopsyche borealis (Hagen, 1861); Hagen (1866): 253. Helicopsyche caligata Flint, 1967b: 67.

Helicopsyche glabra Hagen, 1864; Hagen (1866): 253. Type locality: , Prov. Valdivia, brook at Fundo Walper,

Helicopsyche lubrica [sic] von Martens (1891): 83. near Valdivia.

Helicopsyche californicus[sic] Banks (1899): 210. Holotype [cT]: USNM.

Helicopsyche annulicornisBanks, 1904; Betten (1934): 416. Distribution: Chile (Flint, 1967b). Helicopsyche californica Banks, 1899; Ross (1944): 266. Known life history stages: M.

Type locality: USA, Washington, St. Lawrence River. californicaBanks, 1899 see borealis (Hagen, 1961).

Lectotype [d 1]: MCZC [subsequently designated by Ross californicusBanks, 1899 see borealis (Hagen, 1961).

(1938): 42], calliope Schmid, 1993

Distribution: Canada*: MB (Flannagan, 1977), NS (Fischer, Helicopsyche calliope Schmid, 1993:83.

1970), ON (Fischer, 1970), PQ (Harper, 1990), Costa Rica Type locality: India, Assam, Manipour, Khopum.

(Bueno-Soria & Flint, 1978), (Bueno-Soria & Holotype [c?]: CNCI.

Flint, 1978), Mexico (Fischer, 1970), (Bueno-Soria Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993).

& Flint, 1978), USA: AR (Fischer, 1970), CA (Fischer, 1970), Known life history stages: M.

CO (Fischer, 1970), FL (Fischer, 1970), GA (Fischer, 1970), callirrhoe Schmid, 1993

IL (Fischer, 1970), IN (Fischer, 1970), KY (Fischer, 1970), Helicopsyche callirrhoe Schmid, 1993:82.

ME (Fischer, 1970), MD (Fischer, 1970), MA (Fischer, 1970), Type locality: India, Assam, United Jaintia and Khasi Hills,

Ml (Fischer, 1970), MN (Fischer, 1970), MO (Fischer, 1970), Syndai.

MT (Fischer, 1970), NH (Fischer, 1970), NJ (Fischer, 1970), Holotype [cf] & allotype [$]: CNCI. Paratype [1c?]: ZMUA.

NM (Molles & Nislow, 1991), NY (Fischer, 1970), OH Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993).

(Fischer, 1970), OK (Fischer, 1970), OR (Fischer, 1970), PA Known life history stages: M, F.

(Fischer, 1970), SD (Fischer, 1970), TN (Fischer, 1970), TX centrocubanaBotosaneanu& Flint, 1991

(Fischer, 1970), VT (Fischer, 1970), VA (Fischer, 1970), WA Helicopsyche centrocubana Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b:

(Fischer, 1970), WV (Tarter, 1990), Wl (Fischer, 1970), WY 212.

(Fischer, 1970), Venezuela(Wiggins, 1977). Type locality: , Province Matanzas, Cuabales de

Known life history stages: E, L, P, C, M, F. Galindo, Valle de Yumuri.

Remarks: The species probably is synonym to H. lustrica Holotype [cf] & paratypes [3c?c?]: ZMUA.

(Say, 1821). Due to this fact the name borealis should be Distribution:Cuba (Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b).

must M. listed as junior synonym under H. lustrica which take Known life history stages:

the place as the valid senior synonym. The types of H. lustri- ceylanica Brauer, 1866

ca (2 larval case syntypes) are reported to be deposited at Helicopsyche ceylanica Brauer, 1866:26. 110

Helicopsyche ceylonica [sic] von Martens (1891): 82; Thie- Helicopsyche sperata McLachlan, 1876:269.

nemann (1905): 66. Helicopsyche separata [sic] Steinmann (1973): 142; Spinelli

Type locality: Sri Lanka, Adamspik. Batta & Moretti (1988): 15.

Lectotype [$]: NHMV. Helicopsyche agglutinans (Tassinari, 1858); Johanson

Distribution: Sri Lanka (Fischer, 1970). (1995b): oo.

Known life history stages: L, P, C, F. Type locality: Italy: Sicily.

Remarks: Malicky (1973) described the female sex. Holotype [case]: not available.

chilensisFlint, 1983 Distribution: France (Fischer, 1970), Italy (Fischer, 1970),

Helicopsyche chilensis Flint, 1983:91. (Fischer, 1970)[certainly in error], Switzerland

Type locality: Chile, Pcia. BI'O-BIO, Estero Huequecura, 25 (Fischer, 1970).

km E Santa Barbara. Known life history stages: E, L, P, C, M, F.

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [1cf,299]: USNM. Remarks: Updated distributional information of the species is

Distribution: Chile (Flint, 1983). found in Moretti & Cianficconi (1981). The larval stage was

Known life history stages: M, F. described by Felber (1908a, 1908b). The pupal stage was

chionodoceSchmid, 1993 described by Thienemann (1905). The male and female was

Helicopsyche chionodoceSchmid, 1993:85. redescribed by Johanson (1995b).

Type locality: India, Madras, Katalaimala. cubanaKingsolver, 1964

Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Paratypes [1cf,299]: Helicopsyche cubana Kingsolver, 1964:259.

ZMUA. Helicopsyche cubana cubana Kingsolver, 1964; Boto-

Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). saneanu & Flint (1991b): 207.

Known life history stages: M, F. Type locality: Cuba, Moa, Oriente Province. cochleaetesta Korboot, 1964 Holotype [

Helicopsyche cochleaetesta Korboot, 1964:34. Distribution: Cuba (Kingsolver, 1964), Jamaica (Flint,

Type locality: Australia, Queensland, Cedar Creek, 1968a).

Tamborine Mountains. Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F.

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [2cfcf,799]: QMBA. Remarks: The male of the species was redescribed by Flint

Distribution: Australia: NSW (Neboiss 1987), Q (Korboot (1968a) and Botosaneanu& Flint (1991b). The female, larva,

1964), V (Johanson 1995a). pupa and case were described by Flint (1968a).

Known life history stages: L, C, M, F. cubana occidentale Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991 see occidentale

Remarks: The male and female sexes were redescribed by Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991

Johanson (1995a) curva Johanson, 1995

comosa Kingsolver, 1964 Helicopsyche curva Johanson, 1995a: ooo.

Helicopsyche comosa Kingsolver, 1964:259. Type locality: Australia: Queensland, Upper Freshwater

Type locality: Cuba, Aspiro-Rangel, Pinar del Rio Province. Creek, WitfieldRange, nr Cairns [M.S. Moulds].

Holotype [cf] & paratype [1c?]: INHS. Holotype [cf] & paratypes [20cfcf,799]: MVMA.

Distribution: Cuba (Kingsolver, 1964). Distribution: Australia: Q (Johanson 1995a).

Known life history stages: M, F. Known life history stages: M, F.

Remarks: The species was redescribed by Botosaneanu & cymodoce Schmid, 1993

Flint (1991a): 176. Helicopsyche cymodoce Schmid, 1993:77.

t confluens Ulmer, 1912 Type locality: India, Assam, United Jaintiaand Khasi Hills.

t Helicopsyche confluens Ulmer, 1912:307. Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Paratypes [2cfcf,299]:

Holotype [9]: GMUK. ZMUA.

Known life history stages: F. Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993).

Remarks: The species is known only from Baltic amber Known life history stages: M, F.

datedto late Eocene (Fischer, 1970). dampfi Ross, 1956

coreana Mey, 1991 Helicopsyche dampfi Ross, 1956:398.

Helicopsyche coreana Mey, 1991:360. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, Finca Germania.

Type locality: North Korea, Hyangsan, Myohyang-Gebirge. Holotype [cf]: INHS. Paratype [9]: CASM.

Holotype [cf]: ZMHB. Paratype [1cf]: SOFM. Distribution: Guatemala(Bueno-Soria & Flint, 1978), Mexico

Distribution: North Korea (Mey, 1991). (Fischer, 1970), (Bueno- Soria & Flint, 1978).

Known life history stages: M. Known life history stages: M, F.

corsica Vaillant, 1953 see shuttleworthivon Siebold, 1856 demodoceSchmid, 1993

cotopaxi Botosaneanu & Flint 1982 Helicopsyche demodoce Schmid, 1993:77.

Helicopsyche cotopaxi Botosaneanu& Flint 1982:25. Type locality: India, Assam, United Jaintia and Khasi Hills,

Type locality: Ecuador, Volcan Cotopaxi. Thangrain.

Holotype [cf]: USNM. Paratypes [2 mature pupae]: ZMUA. Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Paratype [Id 1 ]: ZMUA.

Distribution: Ecuador (Botosaneanu & Flint, 1982). Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993).

Known life history stages: L, P, C, M. Known life history stages: M, F. crispata (Benoit, 1857) dominicanaBotosaneanu & Flint, 1991

Valvata crispata Benoit, 1857: f. 32,33. Helicopsyche dominicana Botosaneanu& Flint, 1991b: 200.

Helicopsyche crispata (Benoit, 1857); Hagen (1864): 819. Type locality: Domonican Republic, La Vega Province,

Helicoppsyche shuttleworthivon Siebold, 1856; von Siebold Convento, 12 km S. of Constanza.

(1856) [misidentif ication]. Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: USNM. Paratypes [62cfcf, 111

1 km. W. Guarne. 4299]: USNM & ZMUA. ca, & [63c?cf]: USNM. Paratypes Distribution: Dominican Republic (Botosaneanu & Flint, Holotype [cf] paratypes [2cfc?, 299]: ZMBN. 1991b). Distribution: Colombia 1991), Venezuela (Flint, 1991). Known life history stages: M, F. (Flint, Known life M. edmundsiRoss, 1975 history stages: 1864 borealis 1861 Helicopsyche edmundsiRoss, 1975:70. glabra Hagen, see Hagen, Botosaneanu & 1973 Type locality: New Caledonia, lie des Pins, stream on the Pic granpiedrana Sykora, 1973: Meunier. Helicopsyche granpiedrana Botosaneanu & Sykora,

402. Holotype [cf] & paratype [1 cT]: INHS. Gran Piedra. Distribution: New Caledonia (Ross, 1975). Type locality: Cuba, ZMUA. [2c?c?]: private col- Known life history stages: M. Holotype [cT]: Paratypes Sykora

lection. erigone Schmid, 1993 Distribution: Cuba & Sykora, 1973). Helicopsyche erigone Schmid, 1993:79. (Botosaneanu Known life M. Type locality: India, Assam, United Jaintia and Khasi Hills, history stages: Flint & Sykora, 1993 Syndai. grenadensis Flint & Holotype [cf] & allotype [$]: CNCI. Paratypes [2cfcf,299]: Helicopsyche grenadensis Sykora, 1993:61. : Parish St. Andrews, Clabony. ZMUA. Type locality: 1 FSC. [1c?,19]: USNM. Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). Holotype [d ]: Paratypes Distribution:Grenada (Flint & 1993). Known life history stages: M, F. Sykora, Known life history M, F. erythronoe Schmid, 1993 stages: 1980 Helicopsyche erythronoe Schmid, 1993:75. guadeloupensis Malicky, 1980:222. Type locality: India, Manipour, Kaiphundai. Helicopsyche guadeloupensis Malicky, Helicopsyche 1 Flint, 1968b; Flint & Sykora (1993): Holotype [cf]: CNCI. species

60. Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). 2 Flint, Flint & Known life history stages: M. Helicopsyche species 1968b; Sykora (1993):

60. euchloe Schmid, 1993 Mittellauf des Flusses Lezard bei Helicopsyche euchloe Schmid, 1993: 87. Type locality: Guadeloupe, Chemin de Diane. Type locality: Sri Lanka, Gal. Dist. Udugama, Kanneliya & collection. Jungle, 400 ft. Holotype [cf] paratype [9]: Malicky private Distribution: Dominica & Holotype [cf]: USNM. (Flint Sykora, 1993), Guadeloupe (Botosaneanu, 1988), St. Lucia Distribution: Sri Lanka (Schmid, 1993). (Malicky, 1980), Martinique & Known life history stages: M. (Flint Sykora, 1993). Known life history stages: L, C, M, F. eurycrene Schmid, 1993 Remarks: The 9, larva and larval case were described by Helicopsyche eurycrene Schmid, 1993:85. Botosaneanu (1988). Type locality: India, Madras, Perumalmalai. & 1986 Holotype [cf]: CNCI. gudrunaeChantaramongkol Malicky, & 1986: Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). Helicopsyche gudrunae Chantaramongkol Malicky, 531. Known life history stages: M. Type locality: Sri Lanka, Provinz Sabaragamuwa, 21 mi N eurynoe Schmid, 1993

von Ratnapura. Helicopsyche eurynoe Schmid, 1993:75. MZLU. Type locality: India, Assam, Dhekiajuli. Holotype [cT]: Distribution: Sri Lanka (Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986). Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Known life M. Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). history stages: 1938 Known life history stages: M, F. hageni Banks, Banks, 1938:296. extensa Ross, 1956 Helicopsyche hageni Cuba, Pico N. side, 4500-6000ft. Helicopsyche extensa Ross, 1956:397. Type locality: Turquino [cf]: MCZC [subsequently designated by Flint Type locality: Peru, Santa Isabel, Valley of the Cosnipata, Lectotype

Department of Cusco. (1967a)]. Distribution: Cuba (Fischer, 1970). Holotype [cf] & paratype [9]: INHS. life M. Distribution: Peru (Fischer, 1970). Known history stages:

Remarks: The male was redescribed Flint (1967a) and Known life history stages: M, F. by Botosaneanu & Flint falcigona Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991 (1991b). haitiensis 1938 Helicopsyche falcigona Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b: 210. Banks, haitiensis 1938:296. Type locality: Cuba, Isla de Pinos, Santa Fe, Arroyo La Tale- Helicopsyche Banks, Helicopsyche haitiense Banks, 1938: Botosaneanu & Flint ga. Botosaneanu (1991): 134. Holotype [cf] & paratypes [13cfcf]: ZMUA. Paratype [1 cf]: (1991b): 203; Visite & vie. La Selle, 5000-7000 ft. MCZC. Type locality: , La MCZC Flint Distribution: Cuba (Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b) Lectotype [cf]: [subsequently designated by

Known life history stages: M. (1967a)]. Haiti nudum Distribution: (Fischer, 1970). fanniiRougemont, 1879 = nomen life M. fistulata Flint, 1991 Known history stages:

Remarks: The male was redescribed Ross (1956) and Helicopsyche fistulataFlint, 1991:105. by Botosaneanu & Flint Type locality: Colombia, Dpto. Antioquia, Quebrada La Mos- (1991b). 112

heacota Mosely, 1953 Remarks: The larva, pupa and case were described by Mar- Helicopsyche heacota Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953: lier (1977).

68. kariona Ross, 1975

Type locality: Australia: New South Wales, Heacote. Helicopsyche kariona Ross, 1975:69.

Holotype [cf] & paratype [1cf]: NHML. Type locality: New Caledonia, Trib. of Karionan Rv., 5 km.

Distribution: Australia: NSW (Fischer 1970), Q (Johanson NNW of Palta.

1995a),V (Johanson 1995a). Holotype [cf]: INHS.

Known life history stages: M, F. Distribution: New Caledonia(Ross, 1975).

Remarks: The 9 was described in Johanson (1995a). Known life history stages: M.

helicifex (Allen, 1857) koumaca Ross, 1975

Pikea /7e//c/fexAllen, 1857:1 Helicopsyche koumaca Ross, 1975:76.

Helicopsyche helicifex(Allen, 1857):Fischer (1970): 297. Type locality: New Caledonia, Pouebo.

Helicopsyche sericea Hagen, 1864; Johanson (1995b): 00. Holotype [d 1 ] & paratype [cf pupa]: INHS.

Helicopsyche lusitanica McLachlan, 1884; Fischer 1970:00. Distribution: New Caledonia(Ross, 1975).

Type locality: Portugal. Known life history stages: M.

Holotype [case]: not available. lambda Flint, 1983

Distribution: Portugal Fischer 1970, Spain Fischer 1970. Helicopsyche lambdaFlint, 1983: 93.

Known life history stages: C, M, F. Type locality: Argentina, Pcia. Misiones, Arroyo Piray Mini,

Remarks: The male was redescribed and female described Rt. 17 W Dos Hermanas.

by Johanson(1995b). Holotype [cf] & paratype [1c?]: USNM.

hollowayi Ross, 1975 Distribution: Argentina (Flint, 1983).

Helicopsyche hollowayi Ross, 1975:74. Known life history stages: M.

Type locality: New Caledonia, N. of Mt. Aoupinie, Haut Mou, lapidaria Ross, 1975

Napone Areu Valley. Helicopsyche lapidaria Ross, 1975:73.

Holotype [cf]: INHS. Paratypes [38cfcf]: INHS, NHML, Type locality: New Caledonia, Stream on Pic Mouirange,

USNM, ORST & CTFT. Camp des Travaux Publics on Terr. Route 2.

Distribution: New Caledonia(Ross, 1975). Holotype [cf]: INHS. Paratypes [40cfcf]: INHS, USNM,

Known life history stages: M. NHML, ORST & CTFT.

howesiTillyard, 1924 Distribution: New Caledonia(Ross, 1975).

Helicopsyche howesiTillyard, 1924:313. Known life history stages: M.

Type locality: New Zealand, South Island, Dunedin. lata Ulmer, 1951

Holotype [cf]: CINZ. Helicopsyche lata Ulmer, 1951:513.

Distribution: New Zealand (Fischer 1970). Type locality: Indonesia: Java, Tjibodas, Kali Tjiwalen.

Known life history stages: M. Holotype [cf] & paratypes [4cfcf,299]: ZMUH.

iltona Mosely 1953 see zealandica Hudson, 1904 Distribution: Indonesia(Fischer, 1970).

incisa Ross, 1956 Known life history stages: L, P, M, F.

Helicopsyche incisa Ross, 1956:398 Remarks: The larva, pupa and case were described by Ul-

Helicopsyche indecisa [sic] McElravy etal. (1982): 307. mer (1955).

Type locality: Mexico, Chipas, Finca Esperanza. leucothoeSchmid, 1993

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [12cfcf]: INHS. Helicopsyche leucothoeSchmid, 1993:79.

Distribution: Mexico and Peru (Fischer, 1970), Panama (Mc Type locality: India, Manipour, Vangai Chungpao.

Elravyet al., 1981). Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Paratypes [2c?cf,299]

Known life history stages: M. Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). jacquemarti Johanson, 1993 Known life history stages: M, F.

Helicopsyche jacquemarti Johanson, 1993:150. lewalleniDenning & Blickle, 1979

Type locality: Tanzania, Morogoro Region, Uzungwa Mts, Helicopsyche lewalleniDenning & Blickle, 1979:27.

Mwanihana Forest, above Sanje, 1000 m. Type locality: , La Liberatad, west bank Rio

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [32 cfcf,1899]: ZMUC. Chilama.

Distribution: Tanzania (Johanson, 1993). Holotype [cf] & paratypes [1cf,19]: CAS.

Known life history stages: M, F. Distribution: El Salvador (Denning & Blickle, 1979).

kakadu Johanson, 1995 Known life history stages: M, F.

Helicopsyche kakadu Johanson, 1995a: ooo. limnellaRoss, 1938

Type locality: Australia: Northern Territory, Radon Creek, Helicopsyche limnellaRoss, 1938:179.

Kakadu National Park [J. Blyth], Type locality: USA, Arkansas, McFadden Springs.

Holotype [cf] and paratypes [299]: MVMA. Holotype [cf] & paratypes [8cfcf,399]: INHS.

Distribution: Australia: NT (Johanson 1995a). Distribution: USA: AR (Fischer, 1970), OK (Fischer, 1970).

Known life history stages: M, F. Known life history stages: L, P, M, F.

kantilali Marlier & Malicky, 1979 lubrica (Say, 1821) see borsealis Hagen, 1861

Helicopsyche kantilali Marlier& Malicky, 1979:110. lusitanica McLachlan, 1884 see helicifex (Allen, 1857)

Type locality: Seychelles, Mahe, Riv. Grand St. Louis. lusrica (Say, 1821) see borsealis Hagen, 1861

Holotype [cf]: ISNB. lustrica (Say, 1821) see borealis Hagen, 1861

Distribution: Seychelles (Marlier & Malicky, 1979). lutea (Hagen, 1861)

Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F. Notidobia lutea Hagen, 1861:271. 113

Helicopsyche lutea (Hagen, 1861); Hagen (1866): 254. Known life history stages: L, M, F.

Type locality: Dominican Republic, St. Domingo. Remarks: The female was described and male redescribed

Lectotype [$]: MCZC [subsequently designated by Ross, by Johanson (1995b).

1952:35]. merida Botosaneanu & Flint, 1982

Distribution: Dominican Republic (Fischer, 1970), Haiti Helicopsyche meridaBotosaneanu& Flint, 1982:24.

(Fischer, 1970), (Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991a). Type locality: Venezuela, Edo. Merida, 11 km southeast of

Known life history stages: M, F. Aparladeros.

Remarks: The species was suggested to be a synonym to H. Holotype [c?]: USNM. Paratypes [2cfd\ 8 mature pupae]:

comosa Kingsolver (Flint 1967a). Botosaneanu & Flint ZMUA.

(1991a) redescribed the female and considered it to be a Distribution: Venezuela (Botosaneanu & Flint, 1982).

good species. Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F. maculata Mosely, 1939 mexicana Banks, 1901

Helicopsyche maculata Mosely, 1939:44. Helicopsyche mexicana Banks, 1901:368. Type locality: India, Palnis, Kodaikanal Shola, 7000 ft. Helicopsyche arizonensis Banks, 1907; Ross (1944): 289.

Holotype [cf]: NHML. Type locality: Mexico, Cuernavaca.

Distribution: Burma (Fischer, 1970), India (Fischer, 1970). Lectotype [

Known life history stages: M, F. Distribution: Mexico (Fischer, 1970), USA: AZ (Fischer, maculisternum Botosaneanu, 1993 1970), CA (Denning & Blickle, 1979), TX (Fischer, 1970), UT

Helicopsyche maculisternum Botosaneanu in Botosaneanu (Denning & Blickle, 1979).

& Alkins-Koo, 1993: 40. Known life history stages: C, M, F.

Type locality: Trinidad, Northern Range, the stream just Remarks: The female was described and the male rede-

below Maracas Waterfall. scribed by Denning & Brickie (1979).

Holotype [cf], allotype [9] & paratypes [1cf,599]: ZMUA. minima von Siebold, 1856

Distribution: Trinidad (Botosaneanu & Alkins-Koo, 1993). Helicopsyche minima von Siebold, 1856:38.

Known life history stages: L, C, P, M, F. Helicopsyche nigra Bremi, 1848; Hagen (1864a): 819. margaritensis Botosaneanu, 1959 Type locality: USA: Puerto Rico, "Aus einem Backe der

Helicopsyche margaritensis Botosaneanu, 1959:61. Hochebene der Sierrade Suevilla".

Helicopsyche vergelana Ross, 1956; Flint (1981): 37. Holotype [larval case]: ETHZ. (lost)

Type locality: I'tle de Margarita, Toma de Agua del Distribution: USA: PR (Fischer, 1970).

Encanado (springs of the Rio San Juan), on the west slope Known life history stages: L, C, M, F.

of the Cerros de Copey. Remarks: The male and female was described by Flint

Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: type depository not given. (1964). A revised description of the male is given in Botosa-

Distribution: Venezuela (Botosaneanu, 1959), Grenada (Flint neanu & Flint (1991b).

& Sykora, 1993). minuscula Martynov, 1912

Known life history stages: L, C, P, M, F. Helicopsyche minuscula Martynov, 1912:3.

Remarks: The species was considered synonym under H. Type locality: Peru, Callanga, 2-3000 m.

vergenala Ross by Flint (1981) but considered to be a dis- Holotype [9]: ZMPA.

tinct species and redescribed by Botosaneanu (1989) and Distribution: Peru (Fischer, 1970).

Botosaneanu & Alkins-Koo (1993). The larva was described Known life history stages: F.

by Botosaneanu & Alkins-Koo (1993). minutaMosely, 1939 marlieri Jacquemart, 1957 Helicopsyche minuta Mosely, 1939:43.

Helicopsyche marlieriJacquemart, 1957:1. Type locality: Burma, Kambaiti, 7000 ft.

Type locality: Zaire, Pare National Albert, secteur Nord, Holotype [c?]: NRS. Paratypes [

Nyaleka River, affluent gauche Semliki, secteur Vieux-Beni, Distribution: Burma (Fischer, 1970). F. 900 m. Known life history stages: M,

Holotype [mature pupa cf] & paratypes [mature pupae mondaFlint, 1983

2cfcf,4 larvae]: ISNB. Helicopsyche monda Flint, 1983:93.

Distribution: Zaire (Fischer, 1970). Type locality: , depto. Alto Parana, Salto del Mon-

Known life history stages: L, P, M. day, near Puerto Presidente Franco.

Remarks: The species was redescribed by Johanson (1993). Holotype [

Helicopsyche martynovi Mosely, 1939:43. Paraguay (Flint, 1983).

Type locality: Burma, Tenasserim, Mekane, 90 km. E. of Known life history stages: M.

Moulmein, 200 m. montana Felber, 1912

Holotype [cf]: NRS. Paratypes [several cfcf,99]: NRS & Helicopsyche montana Felber, 1912:46.

NHML. Type locality: Mexico.

Distribution: Burma (Fischer, 1970), India (Schmid, 1993). Syntypes [several larvae & 2 cases]: NHMB & ZMUH.

Known life history stages: M, F. Distribution: Mexico (Fischer, 1970). megalochari Malicky, 1974 Known life history stages: L, P, C.

Helicopsyche megalochari Malicky, 1974:230. Remarks: The species was desribed from early instars.

Type locality: Greece, Insel Andros, Apikia. muelleriBanks, 1920

Holotype [cf] & paratype [1cf]: Malicky private collection. Helicopsyche muelleriBanks, 1920:348.

Distribution: Greece (Malicky, 1974). Helicopsyche mulleri[sic] Banks (1920): 348; Fischer (1970): 114

301; Marlier(1964a): 15. oenodoce Schmid, 1993

Helicopsyche turbida Navas, 1923; Flint (1967a): 25. Helicopsyche oenodoce Schmid, 1993:75.

Helicopsyche angelae Marlier, 1964; Flint (1967a): 25. Type locality: India, Assam, Manipour, Lagairong.

Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catharina. Holotype [

Lectotype [cf] & paralectotypes [6cfcf]: MCZC [subsequently Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993).

designated by Flint (1967a)]. Known life history stages: M.

Distribution: Argentina (Fischer, 1970), Brazil (Fischer, palpalis (Ulmer, 1910)

1970), Peru (Marlier, 1964a). Petrotrichiapalpalis Ulmer, 1910:44.

Known life history stages: L, C, P, M, F. Helicopsyche palpalis (Ulmer, 1910); Marlier & Malicky,

110. Remarks: The larva, pupa and case were described by (1979): Marlier (1964a). Type locality: Seychelles, Mahe, Cascade Estate, 800 ft.

murrumba Mosely, 1953 Holotype [c?] & paratypes [10c?c?,899]: NHML. Paratype

Helicopsyche murrumba Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953: [1cf]: ZMUH.

72. Distribution: Seychelles (Fischer, 1970).

Type locality: Australia: New South Wales, Mt. Kosciusko, Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F.

2700 ft. Remarks: The larva, pupa and case were described by Mar-

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [3cfcf]: NHML. lier (1977).

Distribution: Australia: NSW (Fischer 1970), T (Neboiss paralimnella Hamilton, 1989

1977), Q (Johanson 1995a), V (Johanson 1995a), WA Helicopsyche paralimnella Hamilton, in Morse, Hamilton &

(Johanson 1995a). Hoffman, 1989:30.

Known life history stages: L, M, F. Type locality: USA, South Carolina, Oconee County, River North Carolina 439 Remarks: The female sex was redescribed by Johanson Thompson at border, m.

(1995a). Information on larvae were given by and Bailey Holotype [c?]: USNM, paratypes [39c?c?,399]: USNM &

(1982). CUCC.

myrrhine Schmid, 1993 Distribution: USA: SC (Morse, Hamilton & Hoffman, 1989).

Helicopsyche myrrhine Schmid, 1993:83. Known life history stages: M, F.

Type locality: India, Mysore, Malbidu. paucispina Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991 Botosaneanu & 1991b: 213. Holotype [cf]: CNCI. Helicopsyche paucispina Flint,

Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). Type locality: Cuba, Pinar del Rio Province, Vinaies, San

Known life history stages: M. Vicente, Arroyo del aqueducto.

neboissi,fJohanson, 1995 Holotype [

Helicopsyche neboissi Johanson, 1995a: ooo. Distribution: Cuba (Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b).

Type locality: Australia: Queensland, Cape York Peninsula, Known life history stages: M.

Lockerbie Scrub [M.S. Moulds], pedunculata Johanson, 1993

Holotype: [cf] and paratype [9]: MVMA. Helicopsyche pedunculata Johanson, 1993:151.

Distribution: Australia: Q (Johanson 1995a). Type locality: Tanzania, Tanga Region, W. Usambara Mts,

Known life history stages: M, F, Mazumbai, Kaputu Stream, 1680 m.

ZMBN. nigra Bremi, 1848 see minima von Siebold, 1856 Holotype [c?]:

nigrisensilla Botosaneanu& Flint, 1991 Distribution: Tanzania(Johanson, 1993).

Helicopsyche nigrisensilla Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b: 210. Known life history stages: M.

Type locality: Dominican Republic, La vega province, 20 km peruana Banks, 1920

S. of Constanza. Helicopsyche peruana Banks, 1920:349.

Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: USNM. Paratypes [1 Ocfcf,799]: Helicopsyche woytkowskii Ross, 1956; Flint (1967a): 25.

USNM&ZMUA. Type locality: Peru, Natucana, 7788 ft.

Distribution: Dominican Republic (Botosaneanu & Flint, Holotype [c?]: MCZC.

1991b) Distribution: Peru (Fischer, 1970).

Known life history stages: M, F. Known life history stages: M, F.

occidentale Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991 petersorum Ross, 1975

cubana occidentale Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b: 207. Helicopsyche petersorum Ross, 1975:70.

occidentale Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991; Botosaneanu (pers. Type locality: New Caledonia, Stream on Mt. Gaata, 4.3 km

comm.). NW. of Station Castex.

Type locality: Cuba, Pinar del Rio Province. - Soroa, Rio El Holotype [c?]: INHS. Manantiales. Distribution: New Caledonia(Ross, 1975).

Holotype [cf]: ZMUA. Paratypes [26cfcf]: ZMUA & USNM. Known life history stages: M.

Distribution: Cuba (Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b). petri Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986

Known life history stages: M. Helicopsyche petri Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986:531. Central ochthephila Flint, 1968 Type locality: Sri Lanka, Province, Knuckles Moun-

Helicopsyche ochthephilaFlint, 1968a: 65. tains, 15 mi NE von Kandy.

Type locality: Jamaica, St. Andrew, Hardwar Gap, Dicks Holotype [cf] & paratypes [2c?c?]: MZLU.

Pond Trail. Distribution: Sri Lanka (Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986).

Holotype [cf]: USNM. Paratypes [13cfcf]: IJSM. Known life history stages: M.

Distribution: Jamaica (Flint, 1968a). philodoce Schmid, 1993

Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F. Helicopsyche philodoce Schmid, 1993:87. 115

Type locality: India, Madras, Perumalmalai. puttula Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992

Holotype [cf]: CNCI. Helicopsyche puttula Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992:21.

Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). Type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra, Dolok Merangir.

Known life history stages: M. Holotype [cf]: Malicky private collection. pietia Denning, 1964 Distribution: Indonesia (Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992).

Helicopsyche pietia Denning, 1964:132. Known life history stages: M.

Type locality: Mexico, Baja California, 3 miles southwest of quadrosa Ross, 1956

Mission San Javier southwest of Loreto. Helicopsyche quadrosa Ross, 1956:400.

Holotype [cf]: UCRC. Paratypes [3cfcf,999]: CAS & UCDC. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, Finca Victoria.

Distribution: Mexico (Denning, 1964). Holotype [cf] & paratypes [2cfcf]: I NHS.

Known life history stages: M, F. Distribution: Mexico (Fischer, 1970). piroa Ross, 1944 Known life history stages: M.

Helicopsyche piroa Ross, 1944:289. ramosi Flint, 1964

Type locality: Texas: San Antonio, along San Antonio River Helicopsyche ramosi Flint, 1964:72.

Holotype [cf], allotype [9] & paratypes [6cfc?,299]: Type locality: USA: Puerto Rico, Yauco-Lares Rd., Km. 22.

INHS. Holotype [cf], allotype [9] & paratypes [3cfcf,399]: USNM.

Distribution: Mexico (Fischer, 1970), USA: AR (Bowles & Distribution: USA: PR (Flint, 1964).

Mathis, 1989), OK (Bowles & Mathis, 1992), TX (Fischer, Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F.

1970). Remarks: The male and female of this species was rede-

Known life history stages: L, M, F. scribed by Botosaneanu & Flint (1991b). piscina (Hagen, 1859) see Goerodes piscina (Hagen, 1859) rentzi Denning & Blickle, 1979

() Helicopsyche rentziDenning & Blickle, 1979:31. planata Ross, 1956 Type locality: Costa Rica, Guanacosta, Finca La Pacifica, 10

Helicopsyche planata Ross, 1956:400. miles north Canas.

Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, San Cristobal. Holotype [cf] & paratype [19]: CAS.

Holotype [cf] & paratype [1c?]: INHS. Distribution: Costa Rica (Denning & Blickle, 1979).

Distribution: Mexico (Fischer, 1970). Known life history stages: M, F.

Known life history stages: M. Remarks: In "Type locality", "Guanacosta" should be correct- planorboides Machado, 1957 ed to Guanacaste.

Helicopsyche planorboides Machado, 1957a: 193. revelieri; McLachlan, 1884 see shuttleworthi von Siebold, 1856.

Type locality: Brazil, Rio Doce Valley, Minas Gerais, Taru- rodschana Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 mirim. Helicopsyche rodschana Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992:

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [6c?cf,99]: SESP & Machado pri- 21.

vate collection. Type locality: Thailand, Chiangmai Zoo, 400 m.

Distribution: Brazil (Machado, 1957a, b). Holotype [cf]: Malicky private collection. Thailand & Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F. Distribution: (Malicky Chantaramongkol, 1992). poutini McFarlane, 1964 Known life history stages: M.

Helicopsyche poutini McFarlane, 1964: 55. ruprawathi Schmid, 1958

Type locality: New Zealand, Westland, 17-mile Stream, Helicopsyche ruprawathi Schmid, 1958b: 158.

Barrytown, just above the bridge. Type locality: Sri Lanka, Niriella.

Holotype [c?] & paratypes [several 99]: CMNZ. Holotype [cf] & paratypes [14cfcf,499]: USNM, paratypes

Distribution: New Zealand (McFarlane, 1964). [2cfcf]: MCZC, [1cf]:ZMUH.

Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F. Distribution: Sri Lanka (Fischer, 1970).

Remarks: Descriptions of larva was given by Cowley (1978). Known life history stages: C, M, F. propinqua Botosaneanu& Flint, 1991 salika Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986

Helicopsyche propinqua Botosaneanu& Flint, 1991b: 215. Helicopsyche salika Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986: 531.

Type locality: USA: Puerto Rico, Toro Negro Forest, Dona Type locality: Sri Lanka, Central Province, Pidurutalagala, 2

Juana creek. mi N von Nuwara-Eliya.

Holotype [cf]: USNM. Holotype [cf]: MZLU.

Distribution: USA: PR (Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b). Distribution: Sri Lanka (Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1986).

Known life history stages: M. Known life history stages: M. ptychopteryx (Brauer, 1865) selanderiRoss, 1956

Saetotrichaptychopteryx Brauer, 1865: 416. Helicopsyche selanderi Ross, 1956:400.

Helicopsyche ptychopteryx (Brauer, 1865); Neboiss (1986): Type locality: Mexico, Michoacan, 20 miles west of Morelia.

99. Holotype [cf] & paratype [1cf]: INHS.

Type locality: Australia: Sidney. Distribution: Mexico (Fischer, 1970).

Holotype [9]: NHMW. Known life history stages: M.

Distribution: Australia: NSW (Johanson 1995a), Q (Johanson separata McLachlan, 1976 see crispata (Benoit, 1857)

1995a),V (Fischer 1970). sericea Hagen, 1864 see helicifex (Allen, 1857)

Known life history stages: M, F. shaunga Mosely, 1939

Remarks: The male was described and female redescribed Helicopsyche shaunga Mosely, 1939:44.

by Neboiss (1986). Additional morphological information on Type locality: Burma, Washaung,20 km. E. of Myitkyina, 200

the adults is given in Johanson (1995a). m. 116

from mouth of Mou R. Holotype [cf]: NRS. Type locality: New Caledonia, 3 km. & cf INHS. Distribution: Burma (Fischer, 1970). Holotype [cf pupa] paratype [1 pupa]: Distribution: New Caledonia Known life history stages: M. (Ross, 1975). shuttleworthi Siebold, Known life M. shutleworthi v on Siebold, 1856 see von history stages:

1856. stoltzei Johanson, 1993

stoltzei 1993:152. shuttleworthivon Siebold, 1856 Helicopsyche Johanson,

Mts, Helicopsyche shuttleworthi von Siebold, 1856:38. Type locality: Tanzania, Morogoro Region, Uzungwa Helicopsyche shuttleworthii [sic] several authors. Mwanihana Forest, above Sanje, 1100 m.

Helicopsyche shutleworthi [sic] several authors. Holotype [cf]: ZMUC.

Helicopsyche revelieri McLachlan, 1884; McLachlan (1884) Distribution: Tanzania (Johanson, 1993).

29. Known life history stages: M.

Helicopsyche corsica Vaillant, 1953; Johanson (1995 cf): tanzanica Johanson, 1993

1993:152. ooo. Helicopsyche tanzanica Johanson, Chita Type locality: France: Corsica, Porto Vecchio. Type locality: Tanzania, Iringa Region, Uzungwa Mts,

Neotype [cf]: NHML. [Subsequently selected by Johanson Forest Reserve, 1300 m. ZMUC. 1995b: 00] Holotype [cf] & paratypes [59 cfcf,1699]: Paratypes

Distribution: France (Fischer, 1970), Italy (Moretti & Cianfic- [2c?c?,19]:ZMBN.

coni, 1981), Switzerland (Fischer, 1970). Distribution: Tanzania (Johanson, 1993).

Known life history stages: L, C, M, F. Known life history stages: M, F. 1966 Remarks: Updated distributional data is given by Moretti & tapadas Denning, 1966:238. Cianficconi (1981). The larval stage was described by Char- Helicopsyche tapadas Denning, 3 miles NW. dard (1947). The record from Switzerland certainly is error. Type locality: Mexico, Arroyo Santiago, Nayarit, of Jesus Maria. The male and female was redescribed by Johanson (1995b). shuttleworthi & [1c?]: UCDC. shuttleworthii von Siebold, 1856 see von Siebold, Holotype [cf] paratype

1856. Distribution: Mexico (Bueno-Soria & Flint, 1978).

Known life M. siamaJohanson, 1994 history stages: & 1979 Helicopsyche siama Johanson, 1994:17. temora Denning Blickle, & 1979:30. Type locality: Thailand, Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep Temple. Helicopsyche temora Denning Blickle, 6.4 km. SW of Holotype [cf]: ZMBN. Type locality: Mexico, Temoris, Chihuahua, 1500 Distribution: Thailand (Johanson, 1994). m. & UCRC. Known life history stages: M. Holotype [cf] paratypes [2cfcT]: Distribution: Mexico & sigillata Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991 (Denning Blickle, 1979). Helicopsyche sigillata Botosaneanu& Flint, 1991a: 182. Known life history stages: M.

Type locality: Cuba, Oriente Province, Baracoa, Monte Ibe- theodoceiSchmid, 1993

ria, N.Novoa. Helicopsyche theodoceSchmid, 1993:73.

Frontier Holotype [cf]: ZMUA, paratypes [10cfcf,599]: USNM and Type locality: India, Assam, NEFA, Kameng

ZMUA. Division., Amatulla.

Distribution: Cuba (Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991a). Holotype [cf] & allotype [9]: CNCI. Paratype [1c?]: ZMUA. Distribution: India Known life history stages: L, P, M, F. (Schmid, 1993).

singulare Botosaneanu& Flint, 1991 Known life history stages: M, F. 1993 Helicopsyche singulare Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b: 199. thyonoe Schmid,

Type locality: Puerto Rico, El Verde Field Station, Quebrada Helicopsyche thyonoe Schmid, 1993:81. Frontier Divi- Prieta, 370 m. Type locality: India, Assam, NEFA, Kameng

Holotype [cf] & paratypes [3cfcf]: USNM, paratype [1 cf]: sion, Lifakpo. ZMUA. Holotype [cf]: CNCI.

Distribution: USA: PR (Botosaneanu & Flint, 1991b). Distribution: India (Schmid, 1993). Known life M. Known life history stages: M. history stages:

sinuata Denning & Blickle, 1979 tillyardi Mosely, 1953

Helicopsyche sinuata Denning & Blickle, 1979:31. Helicopsyche tillyardi Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953:

Type locality: USA, California, San Bernardino County, 71. Australia: New South Rules Sheep Creek Canyon. Type locality: Wales, Point, ft. Holotype [cf]: UCRC. 4450 NHML. Distribution: USA: CA (Denning & Blickle, 1979). Holotype [cf] : Australia: ACT NSW Known life history stages: M. Distribution: (Johanson 1995a), Q V sperata McLachlan, 1976 see crispata (Benoit, 1857) (Fischer 1970), (Johanson 1995a), (Johanson 1995a).

srilanka Malicky, 1973 Known life history stages: M.

Helicopsyche srilanka Malicky, 1973:166. Remarks: The male and female sexes were redescribed by

Type locality: Sri Lanka, Belihul-Oya. Johanson (1995a).

Holotype [9 pupa]: USNM. tribulationa Johanson, 1995

Distribution: Sri Lanka (Malicky, 1973). Helicopsyche tribulationa Johanson, 1995a:ooo.

Known life history stages: C, F. Type locality: Australia: Queensland, Cape Tribulation,

starmuehlneriRoss, 1975 16°06'S, 145°29'E [G. Daniels].

Helicopsyche starmuehlneriRoss, 1975:72. Holotype [cf]: MVMA. 117

Distribution: Australia: Q (Johanson 1995a). (1981): 37.]

Known life history stages: M. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, Finca Vergel.

truncata Ross, 1956 Holotype [cf] & paratypes [12cfd\599]: INHS.

Helicopsyche truncata Ross, 1956:398. Distribution: Colombia (Flint, 1991), Costa Rica (Bueno-Soria Gre- Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, Finca Vergel. & Flint, 1978), Honduras (Bueno-Soria & Flint, 1978), Guatemala & Holotype [cT] & paratypes [11c?c?]: INHS. nada (Flint & Sykora, 1993), (Bueno-Soria

Distribution: Mexico (Fischer, 1970), Panama (McElravy et Flint, 1978), Mexico (Fischer, 1970), Surinam (Flint, 1974),

a!., 1981). Venezuela (Fischer, 1970).

Known life history stages: M. Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F.

turbida Navas, 1923 see muelleri Banks, 1920 Remarks: A reviewed description of the male was given by tuxtlensis Bueno-Soria, 1983 Flint (1974) and Botosaneanu& Alkins-Koo (1993).

Helicopsyche tuxtlensis Bueno-Soria, 1983:455. villegasi Denning & Blickle, 1979

Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Balzapote, 3 km. north from Helicopsyche villegasiDenning & Blickle, 1979:29.

Estacion de Biologia "Los Tuxtlas". Type locality: Mexico, 4 km. W of Nochistlan, Zacatecas, Rio

Holotype [

Distribution: Guatemala (Bueno-Soria, 1983), Mexico domeraVillegas, 1930 m.

(Bueno-Soria & Barba-Alvarez, 1991). Holotype [cf]: UCRC. Distribution: Mexico & Blickle, Known life history stages: M. (Denning 1979).

f typica Ulmer, 1912 Known life history stages: M.

t Helicopsyche typica Ulmer, 1912:307. woytkowskii Ross, 1956 see peruana Banks, 1920.

Syntypes [499]: GMUK. yamadai Iwata, 1927

Known life history stages: F. Helicopsyche yamadai Iwata, 1927:216.

Remarks: The species is known only from Baltic amber Type locality: Japan, Higashi-yama, Kyoto, Miidera temple,

datedto late Eocene (Fischer, 1970). Otsu.

ulugurensis Johanson, 1993 Syntypes [larvae]: ZIKU.

Helicopsyche ulugurensis Johanson, 1993:153. Distribution: Japan (Fischer, 1970). life L. Type locality: Tanzania, Morogoro Region, Uluguru Mts, Known history stages: from larval Lupanga East, 1000 m . Remarks: The species was described stage.

Holotype [c?]: ZMUC. zealandica Hudson, 1904

Distribution: Tanzania (Johanson, 1993). Helicopsyche zealandica Hudson, 1904:70. iltona 1953; McFarlane 146. Known life history stages: M. Helicopsyche Mosely, (1966):

umbonata Hagen, 1864 Type locality: New Zealand, Wellington, Wadestown,

Helicopsyche umbonata Hagen, 1864b: 128. Wilton's Bush.

Type locality: Jamaica, Chitty, Paines Town. Type depository [life history stage(s) not given]: NMNZ.

Types [cases]: depository unknown. Distribution: New Zealand (Fischer, 1970). Distribution: Jamaica (Fischer, 1970). Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F.

Known life history stages: L, P, C, M, F. Remarks: The adult stage was described by Hare (1910).

Remarks: The male, female, larva and pupa were described Revised larval descriptions were given by Cowley (1978).

and the case was redescribed by Flint (1968a). Helicopsyche sp. 1

usambarensis Johanson, 1993 Locality: Brazil, C 2,93 [1 larva].

Helicopsyche usambarensis Johanson, 1993:153. Known life history stages: L, C.

Type locality: Tanzania, Tanga Region, E. Usambara Mts, Bibliographic reference: Marlier (1964b).

Sigi River, 500 m. Helicopsyche sp. 2

Holotype [cf] & paratype [1c?]: ZMUC. Locality: Brazil, C 93 [20 larvae], C10 [2 larvae].

Distribution: Tanzania (Johanson, 1993). Known life history stages: L, C.

Known life history stages: M. Bibliographic reference: Marlier (1964b).

3 valligera Flint, 1983 Helicopsyche sp. Helicopsyche valligera Flint, 1983: 93. Locality: Brazil, A 68[Tlarva&1 pupa]; E 1 [7 larvae].

Type locality: Argentina, Pcia. Misiones, Arroyo Coati, 15 mi Known life history stages: L, C, P.

E San Jose. Bibliographic reference: Marlier(1964b).

Holotype [c?] & paratypes [6c?c?,899]: USNM. Helicopsyche species 1

Distribution: Argentina (Flint, 1983), Brazil (Flint, 1983). The species is synonym with H. guadeloupensis.

Known life history stages: M. Bibliographical reference: Flint (1968b).

vallonia Ross, 1975 Helicopsyche species 2

Helicopsyche vallonia Ross, 1975: 69. The species is probably synonym with H. guadeloupensis.

Type locality: New Caledonia, Waterfall on Hienghene Road, Bibliographical reference: Flint (1968b).

N. of OuaiemeBay. Helicopsyche sp.

Holotype [c? pupa]: INHS. Locality: PuertoRico, Rio Maricao, abovefish hatchery.

Distribution: New Caledonia (Ross, 1975). Known life history stages: L.

Known life history stages: P. Bibliographical reference: Flint (1964).

vergelana Ross, 1956 Helicopsyche sp. E Helicopsyche vergelana Ross, 1956:400. Locality: Sri Lanka, Gartmore-Dola (region Maskeliya), 2000

[Helicopsyche margaritensis Botosaneanu, 1959; Flint, m [41 larvae]. 118

Known life history stages: L, C. RAKIURA McFarlane, 1973 Bibliographic reference: Malicky (1973). Type species: Rakiura vernale McFarlane, 1973[monotypic] Helicopsyche sp. F vernale McFarlane, 1973 Localities: Sri Lanka, Gartmore-Dola (region Maskeliya), Rakiura vernale McFarlane, 1973:27. 2000 m [1 larva]; Sri Lanka, Gartmore-Dola, below the water- Type locality: New Zealand, Takaka, Waikoropupu Springs. fall, 1800 m [4 larvae]. Holotype [

Indio), Massif de Gran Piedra [case]. : SAETOTRICHA Brauer, 1865 see HELICOPSYCHEvon Siebold, Known life history stages: C. 1856 Bibliographic reference: Botosaneanu& Sykora (1973).

Helicopsyche sp. b TETANONEMA Ulmer, 1905 see COCHLIOPSYCHE Muller, Locality: Cuba: Rio Indio (ou mieux: Cabezadas de Rio 1885 Indio), Massif de Gran Piedra.

Known life history stages: C. VALVATA see HELICOPSYCHEv on Siebold, 1856 Bibliographic reference: Botosaneanu& Sykora (1973).

Helicopsyche sp. g Locality: Cuba: Rio Indio (ou mieux: Cabezadas de Rfo

Indio), Massif de Gran Piedra.

Known life history stages: C.

Bibliographic reference: Botosaneanu & Sykora (1973). REMARKS

comosa Helicopsyche near Kingsolver Due to the lack of descriptions and material, Helico- Locality: Cuba, 6 km S of Baracoa, Rio Sabanilla, a tributary psyche fannii Rougemont, 1879 is listed as nomen of the Rio Miel.

Known life history stages: M, F. nudum.

Bibliographic reference: Botosaneanu (1977), Botosaneanu Seven species: Helicopsyche helicoidella (Vallot, (1979) and Botosaneanu & Flint (1991a). 1855), Helicopsyche pupoidea (Gould, 1864), Helico-

HYDROSALPINX Barnard, 1934 now in HYDROSALPINGIDAE psyche scalaris Hagen, 1864, Helicopsyche thelido- Scott, 1985 arenifera mus Hagen, 1864, Helicopsyche (Lea,

braziliensis t PALAEOHELICOPSYCHE Ulmer, 1912 1834), Helicopsyche (Swainson, 1840)

serricornis Ulmer, 1912 Type species: | Palaeohelicopsyche and Helicopsyche colombiensis von Siebold, 1856, [monotypic] have been described from larval cases. However, the t serricornis Ulmer, 1912 and the fPalaeohelicopsyche serricornis Ulmer, 1912:309. original descriptions are inadequate type

MRBP & MSNG. Syntypes [4cfcf,19]: GMUK, material has been impossible to trace. The species Remarks: The species is known only from Baltic Amber have therefore not been listed in this catalog. dated to late Eocene (Fischer, 1970).

Bibliographical references to the species can be

NOTIDOBIA Stephens, 1829 found in Fischer (1970). borealis Hagen, 1861 see Helicopsyche borealis (Hagen, The Stettiner Museum has been given in the liter- 1861)

lutea Hagen, 1861 seeHelicopsyche lutea (Hagen, 1861) atureCochliopsy-as depository site for the types of

che clara (Ulmer, 1905). This institution does no PALUDINA Ferussac, 1812

exist, and the are now in ZMPA. lustrica Say, 1821 see Helicopsyche borealis (Hagen, 1861) longer types

PETROTRICHIA Ulmer 1910 see HELICOPSYCHE: von Siebold, Information on changes in depository sites for other

1856 species has not been given here, but may have

occurred. PIKEA Allen, 1857 see HELICOPSYCHE von Siebold, 1856 119


admata 106,107 cubanaoccidentale 110,114 megalochari 113

agglutinans 108,110 curva 110 merida 113 albescens 108 cymodoce 110 mexicana 108,113

albidella 108 dampfi 110 minima 104,113,114

alicae 108 demodoce 110 minuscula 113

altercoma 108 dominicana 110 minuta 113

amarawathi 108 edmundsi 111 monda 113

angelae 108,114 erigone 111 montana 113

angulata 108 erythronoe 111 muelleri 108,113,117

angusta 104,106,108 euchloe 111 mulleri 108,113

annae 108 euryboe 107 murrumba 104,114

annulicornis 108,109 eurycrene 111 myrrhine 114

111 antinoe 106 eurynoe neboissi 114

apicauda 108 extensa 111 nigra 113,114 114 arayar 108 falcigona 111 nigrisensilla

arenaria 108 fannii 101,111,118 occidentale 114

arenifera 101,118 fistulata 105,111 ochthephila 114

arizonensis 108,113 glabra 109,111 oenodoce 114

arsinoe 106 granpiedrana 111 opalescens 107

astynome 106 grenadensis 111 palpalis 104,107,114

asymmetrica 108 guadeloupensis 111,117 paralimnella 114

ategenta 108 gudrunae 111 paucispina 114

bacescui 104,108 hageni 111 pedunculate 114

barbata 105,108 haitiensis 111 peruana 114,117

bartona 108 haitiense 111 petersorum 114

bellangrensis 108,109 harmothoe 107 petri 114

bifida 105,109 heacota 112 philodoce 114

blancasi 109 helicifex 107,112,115 phoebe 107

boniata 109 helicoidella 101,118 pietia 115

borealis 101,103,104,108,109, helicotheca 104 piroa 115

111,112, 118 hippothoe 107 piscina 115 boularia 109 hollowayi 112 planata 115 braueri 109 howesi 112 planorboides 115 braziliensis 101,104,107,118 iltona 112,117 poutini 115 breviterga 105,109 itonoe 107 propinqua 115 Caledonia 109 incisa 112 ptychopteryx 104,107,115 caligata 109 indecisa 112 pupoidea 101,118 californica 109 jacquemarti 112 puttula 115 californicus 109 kakadu 112 quadrosa 115 calliope 109 kantilali 112 ramosi 115 callirrhoe 109 kariona 112 rentzi 115 centrocubana 109 koumaca 112 revelieri 115,116 ceylanica 109 lambda 112 rodschana 115 ceylonica 110 laothoe 107 ruprawathi ....,115 chilensis 110 lapidaria 112 salika 115 chionodoce 110 late 112 scalaris 101,118 chrysothoe 106 leucothoe 112 selanderi 115 clara 107,118 lewalleni 112 separate 110,116 clarum 104,107 limnella 112 sericea 112,115 cleodoce 107 lobata 107 serricornis 104,118 cochleaetesta 110 lubrica 109,112 shaunga 115 colombiensis 101,104,118 lusitanica 112 shuttleworthi 104,107,110,115,116 comosa 110,118 lustrica 101,103,109,113,118 shuttleworthii 116 confluens 110 lusrica 109,112 shutleworthi 116 coreana 103.110 lutea 113,118 siama 116

Corsica 110,116 maculata 113 sigillata 116 cotopaxi 110 maculisternum 113 singulare 116 crispata 101,108,110,115,116 margaritensis 113,117 sinuata 116 cubana 110 marlieri 113 serricornis 104 cubana cubana 110 martynovi 113 sperata 110,116 120

srilanka 116 tillyardi 116 vallonia 117 starmuehlneri 116 tribulations 116 vazquezae 104,107 stoltzei 116 truncate 117 vergelana 113,117 taeniata 104,107 turbida 114,117 vernale 103,104,118 tanzanica 116 tuxtlensis 117 villegasi 117 tapadas 116 typica 117 woytkowskii 114,117 temora 116 ulugurensis 117 xenothoe 107 thelidomus 101,118 umbonata 117 yamadai 103,117 theodoce 116 usambarensis 117 zealandica 112,117 thyonoe 116 valligera 117

* Additional records for Helicopsyche borealis (Hagen, 1861): Canada: Alberta (Schmid 1980)and NorthwestTerritories (Schmid 1980).

Schmid, F. 1980. Genera des Trichopteres du Canada et des Etats adjacents.Lles Insetes et Arachnides du Canada, partie 7. Pp. 1-



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Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp. on Trichoptera. Junk, The Hague. genera (Trichoptera). University of Toronto Press. 401 pp.

Pp. 11-17.

Kjell Arne Johanson,

Museum of ZoologyZoologisk Museum,

University of Bergen,

Received: 28 October, 1994. Museplass 3, 5007 Bergen,

Distributed: 15 June, 1995. Norway.