Jack Byass at Raikes Farm - 1922

Two Hundred And Eighty Third Edition

Front Cover I found this photograph in the archives and written below it said J.B. 1922 Raikes Farm. I checked with the Byass family and indeed it is of Jack Byass, father, grandfather, and Great grandfather (depending on which generation you are) of the family that now farm at The Grange. All the farms belonged to Estate in those days, so they were all tenant farmers until the estate was broken up in 1964, when they were able to buy their farms. Heavy horses were essential in each farm before mechanisation. They were needed for pulling machinery and fetching and carrying absolutely everything. Each farm needed quite extensive stables to accommodate them and man-power to groom, feed and water these gentle-giants. Jack Byass would be 23 years old when this photograph was taken. He used to 'show' heavy-horses at different horse shows. He and the two wonderful horses are all smartly turned out, obviously in preparation for a show, when this photograph was taken. Joan Pillmoor

Firstly I would like to thank the late Events Committee for the donation they gave last month to the Bishop Burton News. This is greatly appreciated as last year we bought a printer which made a bit of a hole in our bank balance. However this printer makes life much easier for the News team as it prints on both sides of the paper and collates so all we have to do is staple, fold and bag up for our delivery team! We rely on the Parish Council for their grant which does not cover all our expenses so donations are always gratefully received. Our Treasurer is Margaret Oxtoby at Park End Farm, Finkle Street; cheques payable to Bishop Burton News. We are delighted to learn that Hilary Swann has not left us and has moved into a cottage in the village. Hilary has given great service to the village having served on the Parish Council for many years and also as Church Warden. The Swanns have a long history of residing in Bishop Burton. As one who delivers and posts more copies of the BB News than anyone else we too have a strong reason of not wanting her to leave us! Hilary, we send you our best wishes. Can we please have your articles for the November Edition before 23rd October 2016 – they will be gratefully received Editor Susan Leeding – 01964 551277 – [email protected] A MESSAGE FROM RUTH As I am writing this message the Rio Olympics are in full swing, so far we have one gold medal and we are 11th in the table. By the time you read this the event will be but a memory with most of our athletes having returned home and enjoying a well-earned rest before they start their gruelling training programme again. The Olympic Games took place in Greece every 4 years without interruption from 776BC to AD393 and the New Testament part of the Bible has many references where the writer uses the imagery of athletics to encourage Christians to keep on going with Jesus.

 Saint Paul encourages us to “Run in such a way that you may win it (the prize). Athletes exercise self-control in all things; they do it to receive a perishable garland, but we and imperishable one’. (1 Corinthians 9:24-25)  He challenges us to follow his example – “forgetting what is behind and straining forwards to lies ahead, I press on towards the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus’. (Philippians 3:13-14)  The writer of Hebrews urges “let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith”. (Hebrews 12:1-2)


The early Christians would have understood these athletic images and the writers used them in their teaching about how to think more about God. They are saying that when you see athletes run, think about another kind of running, running the Christian race with perseverance and effort. When you see athletes smiling with a gold medal, think about another kind of prize, the prize of heaven, of being in God’s perfect new world. And the big question for us to consider during the Olympics is this: are we living for Jesus with Olympic passion and perseverance? It’s been said that: “the determination of the athlete frequently puts to shame the half-hearted, casual nature of much Christian discipleship”. So if you’re a Christian reading this I hope that you will find time to think how you are running the Christian race. Perhaps plan to make time to read the Bible, to spend time with God in prayer, make time to reflect on the areas of life you need to change in order to be living more in line with the way being made in God’s image implies. If you’re not a Christian, can I encourage you to take time to find out more of the Christian faith? September 18th is national ‘Back to Church Sunday’, why not think about coming to the service at All Saints which starts and 11.00 a.m where you will find companionship and be able to ask about the claim of Jesus to be God himself, who came to earth and died for us. So I hope that you have enjoyed the Olympics and that you will also enjoy the Paralympics which start on September 7th and can I encourage you to begin or keep going on in the Christian race. Every blessing Ruth Newton Assistant Priest

ALL SAINTS CHURCH Dear Friends, This year my husband and I spent our two week summer holiday taking our new touring caravan to Scotland, where we visited Aberdeen, Inverness and Glenrothes. We enjoyed the freedom of caravanning and the spacious, well-kept sites, and of course enjoyed discovering those places which were new to us. Everybody has asked us two things: weather and midges..?! Both not bad, thankfully. Whilst on holiday we made two sorts of journeys. The first was towing the caravan on unfamiliar roads and trusting the satnav to get us there – except when we’d been warned that the roads were too narrow for the caravan, then my husband had to trust me as map-reader! The second sort of journey was when we went on walks. Over half way along the walk on the cliff edge by the sea, as it started to drizzle, the path appeared to run out…the guide book just said that the path might appear to run out but stick close to the fence and all would be well! We are all on the journey of life and sometimes find ourselves going down unfamiliar paths, some that were unexpected but others that are unavoidable and maybe not welcome. Sometimes we find ourselves having to trust others to help us along – perhaps if we’re suddenly feeling vulnerable or facing something momentous. At other times it may not be obvious where we’re going and we need to follow something familiar to get us through. If we are people of faith in God, sometimes we realise that this gives us a sense of security despite being on an unknown path; although not necessarily – spiritual writers often speak of the discoveries made about oneself when experiencing an unwelcome sense of desertion. Wherever you have been this summer, may it have been a place of discovery, whether you were on a well-known or unexpected path in your journey of life. Especially if you have received good or challenging news that will affect your life choices or circumstances, may you know where to find guidance and reassurance from those you can trust to help you through. Best wishes, Rachel Young

Service Times for September and October Date Time Service Sep 4th 11.00a.m Matins Sep 11th 11.00a.m BCP Holy Communion


Sep 18th 11.00a.m Back to Church Sunday Morning Prayer Sep 25th 11.00a.m Holy Communion Oct 2nd 11.00a.m Matins Oct 7th 7.30p.m. Harvest Festival Oct 9th 11.00a.m BCP Holy Communion Oct 16th 11.00a.m Morning Prayer Oct 23rd 11.00a.m Holy Communion Oct 30th 11.00a.m BCP Holy Communion

Church Rota Date Cleaning Flowers Sep 4th Mrs S Brooks & Mrs J Biden Mrs J Oxtoby Sep 11th Miss HM Swann Miss HM Swann Sep 18th Mrs A Danforth Miss HM Swann Sep 25th Mrs H Hayward Miss HM Swann Oct 2nd Mrs M Wray Mrs EM Swann Oct 9th Mrs M Cutland Mrs EM Swann Oct 16th Mrs S Thomas Mrs EM Swann Oct 23rd Mrs S Brooks & Mrs J Biden Mrs S Thomas Oct 30th Miss HM Swann Mrs S Thomas Nov 6th Mrs A Danforth Mrs S Thomas

FOASBB COMMUNICATION UPDATE Well, here we are again with an exciting update from the Friends of All Saints’ Bishop Burton. There has been a bit of peace and quiet since the barn dance, I think we all needed it! So, we have some pleasing news to report, we currently have almost 50 members. We are in the process of sending personalised thank you letters to you all. To date, from membership, donations and profit from the events held so far, we are very proud to announce that we have raised in excess of £5,000 towards the ‘kitchen and loo’ project. We anticipate raising around £7,500 towards the total cost of approximately £40,000 with the remainder being made up by grants and a significant contribution from the Church itself. The architectural plans are currently being drawn up, with the Church hoping to commence works in early 2017. The FOASBB committee are experiencing a little change, so to keep you all updated, the committee would like to thank Steven Ersser for his role of Chairman. Steven has steered the committee for the past 12 months, but has handed the baton to Rowland Bridgewater as he is due to leave the village in the near future. Rowland will take over as Chairman with immediate effect, after a vote of confidence from the committee members. That does leave a vacancy on the FOASBB committee, so if you

[4] would like to join us, please submit your expressions of interest to Rowland via the email account: [email protected] Last but not least…we have planned a new event that we would love to welcome friends and family to. Please note the date of 22nd October in your diary and look out around the village for posters and tickets. Once the building plans are finalised, we will be seeking some publicity to try and secure additional donations and memberships from local businesses. If you know of anybody who would like to be involved with the Friends, please do let us know. We do now have a ‘Mydonate’ account set up, this will be in use soon for donations from any sponsored events etc. FOASBB Committee: Chairman: Rowland Bridgewater, Deputy Chairman: Jack Wray, Secretary: Bryn Jones, Communications: Rebecca Chester, Village Hall Liaison: Jan Biden/Margaret Hebb, PCC Liaison: Rev Rachel Young/Sue Thomas, Finance: Nigel Penton Rebecca Chester Communications Member

BISHOP BURTON COLLEGE Freshers Week will begin on the 12th September at the college and there will be a Ball which could entail more noise than usual in the village. Editor WELCOME TO BISHOP BURTON To Keith and Adele Richards we extend a warm welcome and hope your move into Garth End Cottage went smoothly. To Philip and Amanda Bashford who have moved into Hopper Close we wish you much happiness in your new home. And to Adam, Leigh Ereira and their two daughters, Darcy and Georgiana who have moved into Calais Farm welcome. We look forward to seeing you all at future events in the village although we have already met Amanda when she came to help paint the walls in the village hall. How she had time after just moving in I will never know but her help was greatly appreciated. Editor PAINT AND TRIM THE VILLAGE HALL- THANK YOU Thank you to everyone who helped spruce up the Village Hall. A great deal was accomplished. Outside the shrubs have been trimmed and look great, and inside, the bottom of the main hall has now been painted in a colour that matches the chairs and the cinema curtains and looks very swish. Afterwards a nice leisurely BBQ was enjoyed by all in what turned out to be quiet barmy evening. Once again thanks to everyone for their hard work and to Jan for providing the scrummy cakes. Paul Chisholm Chairman – Bishop Burton Village Hall

AUTUMN SEASON OF LIVE EVENTS AND FILMS IN THE VILLAGE HALL Cinema We are pleased to announce that we have successfully secured the following films for the second Saturday in the month:

10th September – “Eddie the Eagle”


8th October – “The Dressmaker” 12th November – “Bridge of Spies” 14th January 2017 – “Florence Foster Jenkins”.

Doors open 7.00pm, film starts 7.30pm, cost £5 (students/children £4.50).

Date for your diary Sunday 30th October Archive film of Rural We are hoping to bring you a very special evening of local heritage. The curators of the Yorkshire Film archive will present an evening of bespoke archive film clippings covering the last 100years of local rural life. You will be able to discover the people, places, crafts, traditions and beautiful landscapes of your area over the last century and maybe discover forgotten histories and connections from within the local community! The presenters will talk you through the footage and there will be opportunities for you to ask questions. We are waiting for the date to be confirmed – so watch this space. If we are successful it will start at 6pm and will be £5 for adults and £3 for children and students. Juliet Kelly Duo – 4th December 2016 - Bond to Bowie: Songs of Stage and screen. Juliet Kelly Duo will be performing in The Village Hall on Sunday 4th December. Juliet is a Jazz vocalist and composer and has been said to be "One of the UK's finest female jazz stars" JAZZWISE; “One of those rare singers that tells a genuine story with her music, through her passionate performance and naturally warm voice, it's a beguiling combination that's hard to resist. One of the UK's finest singers in any genre" TIME OUT – she is sure to be a sell out. Find out more on Tickets will be £15 including a 2 course supper (doors open 6.45pm) and £8 show only (starts 8pm). TICKETS ON SALE NOW from Jan at Lavender Cottage, 11 Bryan Mere, tel 552364; or Margaret, Dunvegan, Pudding Gate, tel 551315. (Tickets with supper must be purchased in advance). If anyone fancies getting involved with the films or live events in the Village Hall you would be more than welcome. Please contact Jan on 552364.

BISHOP BURTON COUNTRY FRIENDS July – Annual Outing. About twenty ladies and two very brave men enjoyed a lovely day out in . Our first stop was in the Old Town, with a visit to the very beautiful Priory Church, followed by a tour of the nearby Bail Museum, where exhibits included war-time memorabilia. Then a stroll down the high street, where shop windows were still as they had been dressed for the filming of ‘Dad’s Army’. It was then time for refreshments at a very nice vintage tea room. Slightly behind schedule, we made our way to Sewerby Hall where members were free to explore the beautiful house and gardens, before eventually boarding the land-train which took us to where the coach was waiting. Finally we reached Driffield where Stuarts Fish Restaurant served a delicious fish supper. A good time was had by all!

Monday 12th September – Village Hall, 7.30pm AGM and ‘Pot Luck’ Supper plus entertainment by the Hand Bell Ringers. Please bring a plate of food to share. All Welcome.

Monday 10th October – Village Hall, 7.30pm ‘Hull Old Town’ with Paul Scholfield. Find out all the things you wanted to know but were afraid to ask! Paul is a local historian and a very good speaker. Sue Brooks


BURTON RAIKES FARM SUNDAY LUNCH The Sunday Lunch on the 10th July raised £725.60 for church funds. Our grateful thanks go to Hilary, Sue, Amanda and Katie for all their help before and after the event. Also thanks to those who provided food and raffle prizes. Thank you all for making this an enjoyable and profitable lunch. Janet Oxtoby MARZIPAN DAY Come and join us on 1st November in Bishop Burton Village Hall for a fun day making your own Marzipan fruits. No previous experience necessary. Expert tuition is provided along with all the colours etc needed to make your fruits realistic. The day starts at 10am with a cup of coffee and aims to finish at 4pm after the last cup of coffee and cakes. In between you learn how to make the marzipan fruits! The cost is £7.00 including Tea/Coffee scone and cakes, all profits go to charity. You will need: Golden Marzipan (for as many fruits as you wish to make); pastry board; tray; knife; teaspoon; beaker; cling film; apron, money to purchase presentation boxes etc. and your lunch. If you fancy having a go ring Jan on 552364 to secure your place. ART COURSES AT COLD HARBOUR FARM The artists at Calf House Studios on the farm have some wonderful courses planned for September and onwards. All have a maximum of six students. For further details on the studios please visit Tracey Spurgin has 2 introductions to silver clay courses on 3rd and 24 September. Tracey is an internationally recognised teacher of silver metal clay courses as well as writing magazine articles and television appearances. On each of these days Tracey will guide you through techniques to produce three different silver pieces. Penny Kealey will be running two day printmaking workshops in woodcut and wood engraving on Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout November Graham Chambers has some vacancies on his watercolour classes. These are suitable for all levels of ability and all materials are provided. Peter Brown will be running stone carving courses on 3rd and 4th September as well as 1st and 2nd October Courses on other subjects will be arranged as well and details will appear on the website as soon as they are confirmed. The studios will be open to visitors as part of East Riding Open Studios on the weekends of 8/9th October and 15/16 October between 10am and 5pm. Heather Hayward BISHOP BURTON PARISH COUNCIL

Minutes of the Bishop Burton Annual Parish Council and Parish Council meeting held in Bishop Burton Village Hall on Monday 16TH May 2016 at 7.30pm.

Present: Councillors: Cllr Martin Gray; Cllr David Oxtoby ; Cllr Andrew Oxtoby; Cllr Jack Wray; Cllr Leonard Byass; Cllr Mrs Sue Ellerington; Cllr Mark Hoddinott; Cllr Pollard was present for part of the meeting.

Members of the public – None. Annual Council Meeting


05.1063 Apologies for absence: Cllr Trevor Thomas; Cllr Jonathon Dolton. 05.1064 Election of Chairman – Cllr Wray proposed Cllr David Oxtoby as chairman, seconded Cllr Gray. All other councillors present voted in favour. Cllr David Oxtoby was duly elected. Cllr D.Oxtoby duly signed his declaration of acceptance of office as Chairman. 05.1065 Election of Vice-Chairman –Cllr Wray proposed Cllr Ellerington as Vice-Chairman, seconded Cllr Byass. All other councillors present voted in favour. Cllr Ellerington was duly elected. Cllr Ellerington duly signed her declaration of acceptance of office as Vice-Chairman. 05.1066 Appointment of delegates to ERNLLCA meetings. It was unanimously Resolved that Cllr Oxtoby and Cllr Ellerington represent the Parish Council at ERNLLCA meetings, Should one of them not be available to attend it was unanimously agreed that the Clerk should go in their stead if available.

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 16th May

05.1067 Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests; Requests for dispensations. – Cllr Ellerington declared a pecuniary interest in item 05.1070a) 05.1068 Open Forum – no matters arising 05.1069 Minutes of previous meetings – Minutes of the Full council meeting of 29th March 2016 and planning meetings of 4th April and 3rd May were previously circulated. Resolved minutes were a true and correct record, proposed Cllr Hoddinott, seconded Cllr Gray. The minutes were duly signed by the chair. 05.1070 Matters Arising from above and open meeting: a) Rathlin – The Clerk confirmed that the site entrance had been returned to a condition agreed as appropriate by the landowners and ERYC. (Cllr Ellerington left the meeting during this discussion) b) Bryan Mere Green- carried forward c) Bridlepath A1079 – now completed. d) Signage on fence – Clerk chasing ERYC. e) Lime Trees on Low Balk Road – confirmed these have now been moved as agreed. f) Overhanging tree Mill Lane – ERYC have now said that they will not do a site visit and that it is the landowners responsibility. Resolved: Clerk to inform. g) Drains a)back of Bryan Mere – ERYC has stated that they will clear out the sludge from the drain and clear out the tank under Bryan Mere Green, and will then re-route the outflow into the drains – this will be in this financial year; b) outside Howe Top Cottage – ERYC have now cleared these drains. h) Johnsons Pond – ongoing i) The Green – damage to posts and green. Clerk continuing to chase. j) Bus standing Westbound – ongoing. k) Bus Shelter – Cllr Thomas has arranged for it to be cleaned and painted. Cllr Thomas was thanked for his efforts. l) Litter pick – the litter pick was very successful and the village looks much better for it. All those involved were thanked for their efforts. m) Bishop Burton College - Meeting with Jeanette Dawson (JD)– A number of matters were discussed. Key were litter – JD confirmed that the college impresses upon students that they should not litter anywhere and should respect the village, however she has no control nor due restriction once they are out of college grounds; Lambing Sunday – JD commented that the “closing” of the village had been thought by some as directed by the college to gain more business. It was confirmed that from the village perspective it had been a great success as villagers were able to freely go about their business and should an emergency vehicle had needed to gain access it could have done. The Cllr’s present confirmed that village intended to do the same in 2017, and agreed that it would be clear that the action was by villagers and not the college; Anti-social behaviour – during the year there have been a number of instances of various forms of anti-social behaviour. JD encouraged villagers to ring the police in such instances. The Cllrs felt this was not always necessary and wished the college to take action. They encouraged anyone seeing such behaviour to get a picture of those involved and let the college know. Council discussed the matter of lambing Sunday and reiterated their belief that it is very important that the PC acts on behalf of its residents and protects them, and ensures they are able to freely go about their business, and that such as emergency vehicles are able to gain access to the roads even during college events. Resolved: Same action to be taken in 2017 as in 2016. Clerk to contact ERYC to get matters in place for 2017. n) Parking in village- To date no councillors had been informed of displacement parking. It is understood that most people have gone to deepdale layby. A number of villagers have commented on the improvement, and it has been noticed that areas are beginning to green up. o) Stiles – Dalegate and Cottage Field – ongoing. 05.1071 Kerbing around the village. At the Street Scene meeting it was confirmed that whilst a capital project request had been submitted for Bishop Burton in respect of kerbing some months ago with the cuts it was very unlikely to come to fruition in the near future. Costs of kerbing will need to be met by the council Kerbing in front of cottages on School Green. Due to the erosion of soil when wet it is no-longer possible to get from the path to the road without stepping in a deep puddle. It was suggested that kerbing this area and backfilling would solve the issue. Resolved: Cllr Gray to measure all the areas requiring kerbing and bring to the next meeting with a proposed 3 year schedule of work. Once agreed contractors to be approached and quotes obtained. 05.1072A1079 a) 30mph speed limit sign on approach to village from – It is understood that a new electric supply has been laid and it will become operational when this is connected. This is expected to be by the end of May. Concern was raised that this may not resolve the issue as it is believed the sign was not operational before the issue with the electrics. Resolved: If it is not operational by the start of June Clerk to chase. b) Positioning of speed cameras and speed limits along A1079. Cllrs had attended a site meeting -the visibility on exit from Tall Trees in their opinion is unacceptable. Resolved: Cllr Pollard to contact Nigel Leighton and as him to


ring the Clerk. Clerk to arrange site visit along with councillors so he can see issue first hand and understand council’s viewpoint. 05.1073 Review of: a) Fixed Asset Register. Resolved: The fixed asset register as presented is complete and the value are appropriate. Proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Gray, the fixed asset register was duly signed by the chair. b) Code of conduct. Resolved: The code of conduct circulated was agreed as continuing to be appropriate, no amendments required. Proposed Cllr Wray seconded Cllr Hoddinnott. The code of conduct was duly signed by the chair. c) Standing orders and resolutions. It was pointed out that an updated version is available. Resolved: Clerk to table the updated version at the next meeting. d) Risk assessments. All the current risk assessments were circulated for review and comments. Resolved: no amendments required. Proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Wray, the summary to that effect was duly signed by the chair. e) Financial Regulations. Proposed updated regulations along with the updated standard were circulated. Resolved: the regulations be approved subject to the insertion of the correct reference re 11.1g proposed Cllr Gray, seconded Cllr Ellerington. The financial regulations were duly signed by the chair. It was unanimously Resolved Cllr Hoddinott be responsible for the independent Parish Council review of the Bank Reconciliations. 05.1074 Village Hall a) Lease -Land Registry have confirmed that it has been registered. b) Trustees. Resolved: Hilary Swann to be removed and replaced with Jonathon Dolton. Clerk to change trustees. 05.1075 Playground a) Annual Inspection. Resolved to use ROSPA at a price of £66.50 plus VAT. Inspection will be in September. Confirmed this has been agreed as appropriate by the insurance company. b) Weekly inspections. It has been commented that the grass is not being regularly cut. Resolved: Cllr Gray to cut when he does the steps to the Village Hall. No other matters of note. 05.1076 Electric Contract Renewal. A) Quotes from Opus, npower and EON were circulated. Resolved: 2 year quote from Opus would be accepted, proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Hoddinott, unanimously agreed. B) Resolved: Electric light inventory to be purchased from ERYC for £10, proposed Cllr Wray, seconded Cllr Ellerington. C) nPower status update -the Clerk confirmed that the matter was ongoing. 05.1077 Insurance Renewal. Resolved: unanimously agreed to continue with the deal 05.1078 Traffic along Dale Gate/ Finkle Street – Clerk confirmed the advice required not under Safer Roads Humber but ERYC. She is awaiting a phone call. 05.1079 Website and Transparency code. Clerk confirmed she was meeting up with Cllr Ellerington to discuss the former and awaiting the application from ERNLCCA in respect of the later. 05.1080 Planning: ERYC have approved the following applications: 16/00775/PLF - 2 Callas,Mr S.Evans. ERYC have refused the following applications: 16/00205/PLF – 2 Cottages, Land South of The Granary Calais Croft, Mr Walkington. The following applications have been withdrawn: 16/00849/PLF - Heath House Stables, Ms Mackevych. Applications received: - none 05.1081 Street Scene Walkabout – Cllr Gray confirmed that it had been productive. The matters are noted on the schedules circulated. It is hoped that all the matters will be completed. It was noted that the pot holes have already been done. 05.1082 Information Commissioner. Resolved: Clerk to register BBPC, fee £35. 05.1083 Finance –year end accounts to 31 March 2016. i. Main account - To review and approve the receipts and payments account for the year and the year-end bank reconciliation. (as circulated) ii. Playground account - To review and approve the receipts and payments account for the year and the bank reconciliations Oct - March. (as circulated). iii. Combined - To review and approve the receipts and payments account for the year and the year-end bank reconciliation. (as circulated). i); ii) and iii) were reviewed it was Resolved to approve them all, proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Hoddinott. The papers were duly initialled/signed by the chair. iv. The annual return 2015/16: - a) Statements 1-8 of The annual governance statement were read out in turn. All present confirmed that each statement could be answered in the affirmative. The boxes were duly ticked to confirm this. Statement 9 was read out and all confirmed that the Parish Council holds no trust funds. The N/A box was duly ticked. Unanimously Resolved the annual governance statement be approved. The chairman was duly authorised and signed on behalf of the Parish Council. The statement was duly signed by the chair. b) The accounting statements included on the 2015/16 return were reviewed by the councillors in conjunction with the accounts in iii) above. It was unanimously Resolved that the accounting statements were in agreement and that they present fairly the financial position of the Council. It was unanimously Resolved to approve the accounting statements for 2015/16 and to authorise the chairman to sign on behalf of the Parish Council. The statements were duly signed by the chair. v. Internal audit report. The internal audit report (previously circulated) was reviewed. It was noted that there were no significant weaknesses and that the moderate ones noted were being addressed at this meeting. The Clerk was thanked for her work. vi. 2017 income and expenditure to end April. It was Resolved that the receipts and payments to the end of April 2016 and the April 2016 bank reconciliation (as circularised) were unanimously approved. The chair duly initialled/signed the papers. vii. Deposit account – carried forward. Finance – other

To Pay: Clerks salary & expenses (cheque 101458) £727.90 Yorkshire Water (cheque101459) £19.61 R.Dixon–internal audit (cheque 101460 £300.00


Zurich (cheque 101461) £1384.14 Information Commissioner (cheque 101462) £35.00 C.Charlton – grass (cheque101463) £425.00 Paid: J.Wray – for Queens Birthday Fireworks(cheque101454) £160.00 ERYC – Street light testing(cheque 101455) £198.00 Tower Mint – Queens Birthday Medals (cheque 101456) £176.16 Zurich – Insurance re fireworks (cheque 101457) £131.40

The following has been received: Insurance re Finkle Street Lamp £751.20 Field Rent (being: rent £510 less fees £180) £330.00 Precept £8,604.50 It was Resolved that all of the above be approved for payment. Proposed Cllr A.Oxtoby, seconded Cllr Gray.

05.1084 Correspondence a) Sancton Hill Windfarm Tree Planting Fund -noted b) A1079 road repairs - noted 05.1085 Any other business a) Distribution of Queens 90th commemorative medals- most are now distributed. b) Community Partnership – agreed Cllr Hoddinott would attend the next meeting in Cllr Wray’s stead. c) Date of next meeting. Agreed to move the full meeting to the 25th July and that the planning meeting (if needed) be on the 11th July. d) Field Rent Fees – It was noted that there is a charge each year re fees in respect of the field rent. Resolved Clerk to enquire if it can be paid direct to the Council and thereby save the fees. Date of next full Parish Council meeting 25th July 2016 7.30pm in Bishop Burton Village Hall.

Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.40pm


Minutes of the Bishop Burton Parish Council Planning meeting held in Bishop Burton Village Hall on Monday 13th June 2016 at 7.30pm.

Present: Councillors: Cllr Martin Gray; Cllr Andrew Oxtoby; Cllr Jack Wray; Cllr Leonard Byass; Cllr Mrs Sue Ellerington; Cllr Mark Hoddinott. In the absence of Cllr D.Oxtoby, Cllr Ellerington chaired the meeting.

Members of the public – None.

06.1088 Apologies for absence: Cllr Trevor Thomas; Cllr Jonathon Dolton; Cllr David Oxtoby. 06.1087 Declaration of Pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests; Requests for dispensations. – None 06.1088 Open Forum – no matters arising 06.1089 Planning: ERYC have approved the following applications: None Applications received: a) 16/01505/PLF – Retention of a wooden hand gate. Location: Dog Kennel Pasture, Dog Kennel Lane, Bishop Burton, , , HU17 7RG. Applicant: Ms Karen Birbeck. It was unanimously Resolved that the above application be approved. Proposed Cllr Ellerington, seconded Cllr Gray. It was queried as to why such a change requires planning permission. Resolved Clerk to write to the planning officer in this regard. b) 16/01039/PLF – Change of use from a reservoir to a zero-carbon holiday let. Location: Walkington reservoir, Land North of Walkington Wold Farm, Wold Road, Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 8TB. Applicant: Mr J.Findlay. It was unanimously Resolved that the application should be refused, and should the planning officer recommend otherwise that it should be referred to committee. The principal reasons for refusal are: proposed means of access – onto a narrow busy roadway; position of proposed visitor parking – at side of road, and the significant safety risk both of these pose to the holiday makers and other road users; archelogy; potential future nature of dwelling.

06.1090 Any other business a) Cameras on A1079 – The clerk reported that she had heard nothing from ERYC despite repeated messages. Resolved. Clerk to continue to chase.

Date of next full Parish Council meeting 25th July 2016 7.30pm in Bishop Burton Village Hall.

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING NOTES Parish Council meeting of 25th July 2016  Johnsons Pond and Bus Standing Westbound – ongoing.


 Repair of Dale Gate & Cottage Field styles - ongoing  Positioning of Speed Cameras on A1079 – Site meeting held at Tall Trees with Nigel Leighton ERYC. Agreed some of the signs severely restrict the view and that the matter will be looked into. Outcome awaited.  Traffic Dale Gate/ Finkle Street – ERYC have advised that only measure possible is a “slow” sign and 30mph roundel on the road, Cllrs agreed to ask for this to be added to the work programme.  Street Scene Walkabout with ERYC productive – full list of matters requiring attention in the village produced. Pot holes have been filled.  Annual return approved – note copy of unaudited return is on the noticeboard.  Student behaviour: The Police have agreed to meet the college to discuss the matter. Outcome of discussions awaited.  Playground - Cllr Wray to take over weekly inspections, Cllr Hoddinott to stand in if Cllr Wray is not available. Mr Jolliffe was thanked for carrying out the inspections since the playground has opened. Annual inspection has been arranged for September.  Kerbing around the village. Total requirement over 500m est. cost £47k. insufficient funds to kerb all areas at the moment. Resolved to obtain quotes from 3 contractors to carry out the work in stages. Cllr Wray to progress in conjunction with clerk and bring to next meeting.  Bus Shelter – it has been noted that new graffiti has appeared. Cllr Gray to resolve in conjunction with Cllr Thomas.  Wall around the war memorial – There are a number of loose bricks and some areas require re-pointing. Quotes to be obtained. It has been noted that some children have been climbing the wall. There is a real risk of an accident. No climbing signs to be affixed.  Planning -16/02043/PLF. Proposal: Change of Use of Residential Use to Mixed Residential and Retail Use Including Retention of Existing Buildings and Country Store for the Sale of Equestrian, Porcine, Poultry, Canine, Feline and General Agricultural and Smallholder Feeds, Accessories and Equipment, Storage and Parking. Address: Greenacres, Walkington Heads Road, Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 8RU. Applicant: Trophy Pet And Equestrian Supplies Ltd. Resolved that the plans should be approved. Planning meeting of 15th August 2016 a) Planning Applications received: i. 16/02372/PLF - Proposal: Erection of two dwellings following the demolition of agricultural buildings; Location: Eastfield Farm The Green Bishop Burton East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 8QA; Applicant: Mr & Mrs R & L Middleton And E & L Rudd; Application type: Full Planning Permission.The Parish Council discussed the plans at length. It was resolved that the plans should be approved with conditions. As in previous planning submissions the Parish Council are strongly against building outside the development limit but recognise that each case has to be taken on its own merits and that in this instance believe that the benefits outweight the dis-benefits. Had there not been redundant agricultural buildings that were an eyesore the permission would have been refused.

ii. 16/02103/PLF -Erection of an agricultural building for free range egg production with associated feed bins and hardstanding. Location: Land West Of Crawberry Hill Walkington Heads Walkington East Riding Of Yorkshire. Applicant: Knights Garth Farm; Application type: Full Planning Permission. The Parish Council discussed the plans at length. The Parish Council Resolved that the plans should be approved with conditions being imposed in respect of 1) landscape; 2) Odour ; 3) Transportation; 4) Future developments – the Parish Council do not wish this to be the start of the “industrialisation” of the valley. They wish a condition imposing that prevents further development. b) Any other business i. Noticeboards -cork backing on the one near the Mere to be replaced, the one near the shop to be plained to ease opening. ii. David Jolliffe has kindly cleaned off the graffiti on the bus shelter. iii. Kerbing – quotes to be obtained in respect of School Green and from Woodridge House drive to Pudding Gate house.

Date of next full Parish Council meeting 26th September 2016 7.30pm in the Village Hall Please note we have an Open Forum at all the meetings if you have anything you wish to speak to the Parish Council about. Topics to be given to the Chairman or Clerk 7 clear days prior to the meeting. Note: Draft minutes of the meeting can be found on the village website a month after the meeting. Margaret Hebb, Clerk, 551315 [email protected]


HEDGES IN THE VILLAGE It has come to the Parish Council’s attention that there are a number of hedges in the village next to footpaths and road junctions that are currently overgrown and thereby restricting the ability of cars and pedestrians to see around the junction corners and the ability of pedestrians, including those with buggies/pushchairs and wheelchair users, to safely walk on the pavements. If you own one of these hedges the Parish Council respectfully request that you ensure that your hedge is kept trimmed such that all pavement users are able to access the pavements and all road users and pedestrians have clear visibility around corners. Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter. BISHOP BURTON PARISH COUNCIL

POWER CUT – WHAT NUMBER DO YOU RING? From 6th September ‘105’ will be the number to call, irrespective of your electric supplier when you wish to report a power cut in your area. 105 will be a free service. Dialling 105 will put you through to the network operator who manages cables, power lines and substations and enable them to report power cuts and damage to power lines/substations etc.

DON’T SWALLOW UP YOUR NHS Drugs like paracetamol can cost up to three times more on prescription than from a supermarket. Please, buy them over the counter for pennies instead. Last year East Riding of Yorkshire NHS spent over £500,000 on dispensing painkillers alone. Painkillers such as paracetamol are widely available in supermarkets and local chemists and cost around 1p per tablet compared to 3p per tablet on the NHS. This is why, when you only need them now and again, it is better to buy over the counter for pennies instead. eastridingofyorkshireccg.nhs.

VILLAGE CHOIR The Village Choir resumes its practice sessions on Tuesday 6th September at 7.30 pm in the Granary of Westfield Farm after a summer break. We’ll be starting a new set of songs so now’s the right time to join us. No audition required, just turn up and see if you like it! For more information contact Susan Leeding or: Bryn Jones 01964 55025 [email protected]



Saturday, 10th September Cinema “Eddie the Eagle”. Cert PG. Doors open 7 p.m. Film starts at 7.30 p.m. Pay on the door - £5. Refreshments and ice creams available. Monday, 12th September BB Country Friends’ AGM and Pot Luck Supper with the Market Weighton Hand Bell Ringers. 7.30 p.m. Please bring a plate of food to share. All welcome. Members free. Visitors £2. Saturday, 8th October Cinema “The Dressmaker”. Cert 12. Doors open 7 p.m. Film starts at 7.30 p.m. Pay on the door - £5. Refreshments and ice creams available. Monday, 10th October BB Country Friends’ Talk by Paul Schofield on “Hull Old Town”. 7.30 p.m. All welcome. Members free. Visitors £2. Saturday, 22nd October Friends of All Saints: Quiz with Pie and Pea Supper. Starts at 6 p.m. Tickets £6/under18s £4 (Friends £6/under 18s £3). Tickets must be purchased in advance from a committee member or Jan at Lavender Cottage, 11 Bryan Mere. Sunday, 30th October Archive film of Rural Yorkshire – tbc. The curators of the Yorkshire film archive will present a series of bespoke archive film clips of this area covering the last 100 years of local rural life. Starts 6 p.m. Pay on the door £5. Children & Students £3. Refreshments and home made cakes available. Tuesday, 1st November Marzipan Day - Come and learn how to make Marzipan Fruits. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Cost £7. Names to Jan please on 01964 552364. Saturday, 12th November Cinema “Bridge of Spies”. Cert 12A. Doors open 7 p.m. Film starts at 7.30 p.m. Pay on the door - £5. Refreshments and ice creams available. Monday, 14th November BB Country Friends’ Talk by Robin Arundale on “Owls”. 7.30 p.m. All welcome. Members free. Visitors £2. Sunday, 4th December Juliet Kelly Duo, Jazz Singer. Doors open 6.45 p.m. 2 course supper served at 7.15 p.m. £15. Show only £8 starts at 8 p.m. Licensed bar. TICKETS ON SALE NOW - must be purchased in advance from Jan 552364 or Margaret 551315. Monday, 12th December BB Country Friends’ Slide Show and Talk on Cambodia by Margaret Hebb. 7.30 p.m. All welcome. Members free. Visitors £2.


Mondays Mobile Library - 3.30 - 4.00 p.m. by the Mere 5th and 19th September and 3rd, 17th and 31st October. Every Monday Yoga - Village Hall - 5.45 - 7 p.m. Every 2nd Monday Bishop Burton Country Friends 7.30 - 9.00 p.m (see Special Dates) Every Monday except 2nd of Month - Hull & East Riding Canine Society - 7.30 - 9.30 p.m. Every Tuesday Village Choir - 7.30 - 9.30 p.m. (Westfield Farm) Recommences 6th September. First Wednesday Coffee Morning - Village Hall 10.00 - 11.30 a.m. Commences 7th September. Every Wednesday Short Mat Bowls 7.00 - 9.00 p.m. Every Thursday Tai Chi - 9.30 - 11.30 a.m. Third Thursday Book Club - Altisidora 7.30 p.m. Every Friday Dog Training - 7.30 - 9.30 p.m. Every Week Social Bridge – Members’ homes: evenings vary 7.00 - 10.30 p.m.

DO PLEASE COME ALONG AND SUPPORT EVENTS IN YOUR VILLAGE. Except where stated, all events will take place in the Village Hall. For more information on any of the above please call Jan on 01964 552364

Printed and published at Bishop Burton 1st September 2016
