Importance-Driven Compositing Window Management Manuela Waldner1, Markus Steinberger1, Raphael Grasset2, and Dieter Schmalstieg1 1Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision 2HIT Lab NZ Graz University of Technology University of Canterbury Graz, Austria Christchurch, New Zealand f waldner j steinberger j schmalstieg
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT In this paper we present importance-driven compositing window management, which considers windows not only as basic rectangular shapes but also integrates the importance of the windows’ content using a bottom-up visual attention model. Based on this information, importance-driven com- positing optimizes the spatial window layout for maximum visibility and interactivity of occluded content in combina- tion with see-through windows. We employ this technique for emerging window manager functions to minimize infor- mation overlap caused by popping up windows or floating toolbars and to improve the access to occluded window con- tent. An initial user study indicates that our technique pro- vides a more effective and satisfactory access to occluded information than the well-adopted Alt+Tab window switch- (a) (b) ing technique and see-through windows without optimized spatial layout. Figure 1. (a) Conventional overlapping windows occlude important in- formation in obscured windows. To reveal this information, the user has to change the window layout manually. (b) Importance-driven com- Author Keywords positing spatially arranges occluded windows and applies see-through compositing window management, visual saliency, space compositing to maximize content visibility and interactivity. management, transparency ACM Classification Keywords Most current window managers employ multiple overlap- ping windows and leave the spatial arrangement of the in- H.5.2 Information Interfaces and Presentation: User Inter- dividual windows merely to the user.