Political Fund Soliciting Ban Will Not Affect Spartan Daily
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Contest Deadline Today's Weather ’11.1) 4.311 the H4.3.11111r and 4.444(ler sseallier is In Fair In y1.11r entries tor Iles mow, tor ( ’.1114:y Ils sparitto Grid 10410. football eiat day. A tetopel aline range of 16 test u1111.11 appeared in Wednes- degrees high and 5'2 degrees 11Hs dity's Spartan Daily. Contestants art. asked to bring their entries c%1111.1.(141, %% MI light (shill.. III athirt to Ito 00000 .1207 in the Journalism him,' 31111.1. iiiii SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE vol. 52 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1964 No. 13 KSJS Off the Air Class Dropping Time President Explains College Policy No Available Funds Fund Soliciting’Political Ban )5y ItItoW'S4 1,4414,4 stations operattne in 1114. The 14'51 rattio dial. 90.7 is the central Calilornia coastal ate:4. Spartan Daily' supported Will Not Affect broadcasting frequency tor KSJS. The station an San Jose State's radio station. state anti student Issly v., si. MASON The controversy on this campus nalism and Advert king Depart- KSJS broadcasts have been ab- cause it was considered to Is. ' The controserial ban on po- was touched off Wednesday when ment. interpreting Epstein's letter sent from 90.7 on the dial since educational facility and a service litical funds solicitation on college the implications of an 8-page to mean that the Spartan Daily summer 1964. to San Jose State students. , campuses, based on restrictions memorandum to the college rid- should ism accept paid political The question arises . why? Associated Student government imposed by the California State ministration from Norman L. Ep- advertisements on behalf of the In 1962, the state obtained a li- said at the time of agreement ilia. constitution, will not affect the stein. chief counsel for the Cali- Proposition 2 campaign. cense (tom the Federal Coinniuni- student body support would gr.. , right of the Spartan Daily to ac- fornia State College Board of "I have talked with Mr. F.p- eations Commission for San Jose ally 111' elimina t ed. cept political advertisements, SJS Trustees, were reported. stein," said President Clark, "and State's educational and student LIES DORMANT President Hobert II. Clark. told SJS Business Manager Glen E. he says there is a misunderstand- ice 1:111110 stat ion. ASII SLIIIINICI Wag the Spartan Daily yesterday - Guttorrnsen sent a tnemo to Dr. ing of his memorandum." President 1.'ehroary. 1962, KS.IS joined afterinns June, and as an indireet resen iii !mild)! Bente!. head 01 the - Clark explaims1 that there would this itetion, KS.IS 114.s 1110'lliIi1.1 114, 110 new limitations nun Spartan 1.11S1 spring, the Drania F; toty advertising. College meta requested sited:II btu' Stale PROPOSITION 2 bout drama ;Monitions tot : Schwarz Blasts Reds : 'The Epstein memorandum, de- according to Stanford lii line. 'elared President Clark, was writ- loge accounting officer. ASB Leaders ten "to define the rights and lim- This request was denied . itations of faculty and employees complete support of KSJS was In CACC Speech in dealing with Proposition 2." It directed to the Drama Department. , was -not prepared for the stu- Meet Here The station's absence from the air "Broadcasting to Communist nn- Philbrick said, and inele ale in dents." he said. ASB presidents of the 16 state lies "in the perplexing problem of tions that Communism is bad is "dupes" or sympathizers to every President Clark noted that the colleges began arriving in San Jose many growing technical areas I like broadcasting to San Quentin Communist who are "used very ef- persons restricted under the terms this morning for the weekend con- without adequate changes in burl- I that prison is bad. What they really fectively" to aehieve Communist of the memorandum were to en- ference of California State College cling," said Glen Guttornisen. want is some advice on how to get aims. gage only in the distribution of Student President's Association. loge business manager'. tant," Dr. Fred Schwarz, president factual information regarding po- (CSCSPA). The intense compel it ion a tit; of the Christian Anti-Communisn: litical IHSIICS and were not to Delegates and Bob Pisan, ASB departments for a higher les.4.I TOO MANY UNITSSandy Murphy, freshman medical :Crusade (CACC), told a nett:- engage in "aggressive advocacy" president and CSCSPA president, support places upon departtnew technology major, who apparently registered for too many capacity crowd of students and 1.; Enrollment 441 one side or the other. Ile made assemble ai the Hyatt House administrator's 4Iepisions nil ,h, classes, is shown reminding SJS students that today is the :cal citizens at last night's ant. will the statements with specific ref- hotel all afternoon for organiza- ing finatwes ateording to 4. last day to add or drop a class from their official study I Coinniunisiti rally in the Melt eritnee to Proposition 2. tional and committee meetings. te.4.41 lists. Barring complicated petition procedures, all classes Gym. Prowsition 2 is the state con- The first general session of the .ire final after today. Although touching on the pi:ob- Totals Soar 1.1\1 II %I. 11111 1 Nil struction bndo issue on th e N-o mule:ewe tonight is expected to it in of existing Communist fiat ''1111.1i: ,121111., in, i11. :1 ;11.11,1,11 verolxv ballot which includes the center around several controver- Dr. Schwarz explained that In luclance to accept the finant allocution of nearly $13 million sial issues. Debate over a health cause was primarily one of pre- responsibility of KSJS," said Di for construction of new buildings se:vices proposal for the state col- IFC Committees Eliminated; vention. "I make no pretense of At SJS Hal J. Todd, head of drama, "a1-1 and expansion at SJS. leges may be one of the most ex- having a treatment for Commu- though everyone is anxious to see Jose the 17 Cal- plosive issues. nism once it is in power," said Dr. San State leads POLITICAL ('LUSIS the station on the air." state colleges in total en- The ASB chief executives are Greek Week Still Planned Schwarz in answer to a question ifornia One of the most controversial The state has refused to allot rollment with 20,674 student regis- also expected to debate whether' about what should be done in implications of the Epstein memo- extra funds for operation of KSJS Greek Week should be eliminat- 'which totals $7,397.10, was pre- tration fees paid as of Oct. 5, ac- or not to take a stand on Propo- Southeast Asia. randum is that restrictions may state financed equipment. ed horn the activities of SJS' sensed to council by Treasurer cording to Stanford ft. Bohne, col- sition 14, the controversial initia- be placed on campus political Meetings between college fi- fraternities and sororities. Bruce MacDonald and was unani- KNOWLEDGE lege accounting officer. tive to repeal the Rumford "Fair clubs at SJS. The memorandum nance officials and Drama Depart- A proposal to this effect brought mously approved. Housing" act. "The right knowledge of the Bv the time of registration an states, according to Guttormsen, meat administrators are being on long discussion at Wednesday In other business Dave Rem- CSCSPA will meet at SJS all right time in the right place is the estimated 1,000 to 1,200 lower divi- 1 -Contributions of money or prop- held to seek other possible sources night's meeting of the Inter-Fra- ington was appointed to head a program possible," day Saturday and will conclude at most effective sion students and 400 to 600 upper, erty must not be made or solicited for funds. ternity Council (IFC1. By the end committee on rush revision and noon Sunday. declared Dr. Schwarz as he told of division and graduate students hart on State property, including col- Theer is a dist in c t lack of of the discussion, however, it was IFC President Jim Niven called the aims of the CACC. been turned away according to Dr. lege campuses." sources from which to obtain funds decided that with better organi- for complete support of Proposi- Regarding the threat of subver- Ralph It. Cumming, associate .1e.)n President Clark said he had due to competition for support in zation Greek Week could become tion 2 by IFC "because it will sion by Communism from within of students, admissions and records. seen "no detailed report" as to other areas. more successful than it has been help San Jose State as a whole." Daylight Theft the United States. Dr. Schwarz The lower division restriction whether the State regulations KSJS, 90.7 on tae FM dial re- in the past and the proposal was questioned his listeners, "If you stems from requirements placed on would affect SJS student activities ' sumes broadcasting when the tress- defeated. were in a small ship at sea, which SJS by the California State Col- and refused to speculate on the are hunt is successful. Several of IFC's standing com- Dr. George Kline would you fear most: the water lege Board of Trustees in accord- matter. Nets Pennies mittees were clone away with. outside, or the water inside?" ance with the California Master Dale Spryly. vice chairman of however, at the meeting after Plan, which limited lower division the Stiident Peace Union ISPU), An SJS tirnlessin: hail his piggy : their ineffectiveness was pointed P1111.11RICK Speaks Today transfer and freshman students to an active political, pacifist group hank broken and his pennies stolen; out by the officer's of the council. Also speaking at the rally, a ceiling of 3,700.