Index of Places and Geographical Names
Index of Places and Geographical Names As a rule, cities and villages have been cited with their Greek or Roman names throughout the chapters. However, in the case of well known places or when the ancient name is hardly ever in use, some contributors have chosen to refer to the modern name. In these cases, we added the modern name with a reference to its ancient name. Africa (Roman) 9, 29, 67, 84, 178, 182 Byzacena 260 Agora (Athens) 92 Byzantium, see Constantinople Alburnus Maior 182, 208 Amphoralis 140–143, 145 Cairo 82 Anazarbus 97 Cales 94 Antalya, see Attaleia Campania 76, 162, 175 Antiochia 184, 195–196, 235–236 Capua 175, 189 Apamea Celaenae 25 Caria 28 Aphrodisias 70, 189 Carthage 249 Aquileia 188, 201 Carthago Nova 189 Arar (Saône) 189, 197, 200 Caseggiato del Molino 170 Ardèche, see Atrica Casinum 191 Area Carruces (Rome) 94 Cemenelum (Cimiez) 189, 191, 200–201 Arelate (Arles) 71, 189–190, 194, 199, 201, 255, Cetium 189 259, 269 China 12–13, 17–18, 67 Arretium (Arezzo) 136, 139, 162 Cirta 249 Arsinoite nome (Fayum) 49, 183, 196 Claudiopolis 97, 255 Asia (Roman) 12, 20, 25–36, 71, 74, 191, 195, Colonia Agrippinensis (Cologne) 237, 260 239 Comum 190 Athens 64, 82, 92–93, 175, 233, 264 Condatomagos (La Graufesenque) 137–140, Atlandy, see Laodicea 142–145, 158, 162 Atrica (Ardèche) 189 Constantinople 186, 230, 235, 239, 244 Attaleia (Antalya) 28 Copan (Mayan city) 65 Augusta Treverorum (Trier) 188, 197, 237, Corduba (Cordoba) 248 268–269, 283 Cyzicus 94, 186, 239 Augustodunum (Autun) 190, 285 Auzia 68 Dacia 9, 55, 64, 89, 179, 182,
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