Arbiter, April 24 Students of Boise State University

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Arbiter, April 24 Students of Boise State University Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-24-1996 Arbiter, April 24 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. VOLUME 5 NUMBER31 • APRIL H 1996' FIRST COpy fRH . ~ city ordinance cnminalizes students . Accoir' ng to a11old, virtually i[iQred olse CIty pr, ancc, a11YJeSidentSliV11~_Q: . )e same dwe 11gU111twho are.{lotre a d by ~.Ioodor marriage are breaki me la~ ven ,~~1<j(Tlistudeni?may not re, ze It, they and ~ . ommates arc crlOU0-4s. ~911 as idcn t T!roy 'La.b· cur, a residen t at 1 erna L ne, was mf rrn d b t teas In ~iO at1p 0 e or 1- nance. is 'land ord JO ene ehman, ~hO owns agumb13g progertles ~n the Pe'hca~(g~~~r ~~~itts an(l¥o~~J1;~rs~fr ~a~~ cliames. olw. e a n oug It, we t: q~lt,.Jsays· . al-Ieur, a,51YS that nc 114Cl . iAbsm¥tf ~,no Idea that he was break- ~n~ fhat~e H' inelawi e;en 9i~iJdof . OJlSm -. W IS thR o~d~nao§b.1lP tor 1! W; stu~nts~ the btm env .r,eC~lVe ~ . '.' " dlsb~llef'd" 0 e',main ay, sal . ' ouev hYJ~sh Castell', unso'l''"Tied I ,'·:·;.··.·~i.••.•··•·.•··;~.;;');;TL'·:;i;j·~ ~ uckness, a '.~ ,.V l' . sonnomore . , arcnl recrure .' 1 ld ,maJor! ~n~rcl~ t .ie or Pnance "Wall . ut a at a peo e out 0 hO~s.e~· . .e\:allse a otf studeI}t~.~Oll dn~ afford BlVln,g alone. 11~ss It ~lIke t 1e n1l~- slonary thlOZ, l1ere tl1e state s.ays how you cQ.nlegq.try ave sex. Iteel the same ,__way about that. -----"__ -,.;..------"~--.:.....~--"".......,;;.--.:.....--.....,..,....;...;,:..;.-------------- WEDNESDAtAPR'L2~;J~96T11EARBITER fJc ..... .... .r~'DITOR.• • Stick with the comedies if you can came to the conclusion that those find a good one. The experience isn't who watched a comedy left. the the- has a new relundpoli(y. as disturbing as some of the dangers ater feeling more relaxed and less floating around out there. tense than those who saw movies Ihdraw Irom school will -That's my advice after seeing the, .. .with violence.,V.iewers whc.saw.vio-: I 01 Iheit lees aller· Ihe lirst " film, Fargo. I consider myself a film lent films. reported feelings of anxi- , fan.and like the work of Joeland ety and restlessness. ,,""'" ".....,,"~ "( SSe .,'" 'll': ',' "IEthanCoen. The movie came highly Maybe it was one of thevillains r recommended so I thought it would ...,·.~stuffingbis dead ~',jI,~:>.Q9illt~".ig.t.91L, ,,.·i:itttlll;eWS:· be a safe bet. wodchuck that me. It is I have to admit up front no one hard to get over the visual of a man's loves special effects and gun fights leg sticking out of a machine that more than me. I'm a suckerfor has chewed the rest of him up and action and adventure movies. spat the tiny pieces into the snow. Dramas and thrillers are also right up My girlfriend handled it much better. my alley. However, there is a point She didn't seem disturbed at all. at which, most of us start to feel However, I have to hand it to the uncomfortable and squirm in our Coen brothers when it comes to seats. I was doing that by the second character development. lean almost half of the movie. overlook the violence for this. Tho I didn't find the violence itself movie is full of quirky and unusual particularly disturbing. It was how people. None of them, including the the violence was portrayed that made police, seem too bright. me cringe. Seeing a man get the side Viewers looking for a kinder, gen- of his face laid open by a gun shot tier film should probably pass on and bleeding for the last twenty min- Fargo. Babe would be the type of I utes of the film was more than I bar- film more placid and settled viewers gained for. , should see. :':;:"';/::<'::':::,:::.:\::.,::'::-:::;: ::"\/ Psychologists conducted studies '::,:;::-?{;(::)6I<Yr< ':::}:/\f:;: on the effects movies have on view- .ip.rts ers. Administering pre-tests and Adam Rush post-tests o~ movie viewers, they The Arbiter is the officialstudent,newspaperof BoiseState University.Its missionis to provide a forum for the discussionof issuesimpactingthe campusand the community.TheArbner's budget consistsof fees paid by studentsof BSUand advertisingsales. It is distributedto the campus and communityon Wednesdaysduringthe schoolyear. Thefirst copy is free, additional copiesare S1 . each,payableat TheArbiteroffices. THE Editor Adam Rush Business Manager Jeff ThompsonManaging Editor. Kate'NeillyBell • (208) 385-3839 Photo Editor RickKosarichArts & Entertainment Editor Rhett Tanner Sports Editor MichelleSchwend Copy Editor Jason Gonder Art Director Pat Schmaljohn Production Manager Bryce Schwartzenberger Sports Production Michelle Schwend Production Assistant Angie Ambrosek Online Editor Mark David Holladay Cartoonist Eric Ellis Columnist BruceMcCluggageAdvertising Manager Patrick Acosta Advertising Sales Matt Pottenger Classified Ads Manager Rhett TannerStaH Writers Jarod1Dick,Mary Doherty,DavidAugello,Matthew Stanley,Matthew Haynes, MicheleTrowell,Michael Royal, Ted Rithman,Josh Casten, ChnsEaton,SteveJacoob, CoryOswald,EricEllisSports Writers David Nelson, Darren Elledge, BrianGaus, Jim KlepackiStaff Photographers John Tone, Amee Brouma~d, Aub,riWalker, Stephanie. Doleon Circulation Manager Sean lee Brondt Reception ApnlJohnston, Meadow Rlede~Walklin,Brandy Navorro Editorial Adviser Dan MornsBusiness AdviserWilliam Hort ,'. THEWEAT Whether we wish it or not we are involved in the world's problems and all the winds of heaven blowthrough our land. , . ,. -Walt.r lIppJIalll _ .. :O-"'-.~~~·:···I'.~.~_·: .~_.-:-::.""'"" _ .. ;.J •.••••• ~ .• ' ~_.. _ ,., ••• THEARBITER WEDNESOAt APRIL 17,1996 ----------------------------- "Dr. Button is a truly outstanding physical educator, ty member since 1964. Students honored for The sociology faculty raised the funds by donating teacher and role model for our profession," said Glenn their teaching fees for continuing education telecourses Potter, associate dean of BSU's College of Education. volunteer efforts and assembling an introductory reader sold to students. "His time, commitment and dedicated efforts behind the scenes have provided great opportunities and bene- Boise State's Volunteer Services Board is pleased to The scholarship's first recipient is Jeremy Maxand, fits formany students antl professional educators;" announce the·1996 Volunteer Recognition Ceremony a senior sociology major from Wrangell, Ak. Maxand The National Association for Sport and Physical from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m, April 25 in the SUB has served for several years as the director of the a,!~u- '''al COllege ofS6dal Sciences arid Public Affairs st~ Education is the largest ofsixassociafi6iis'ofltie- Bishop Barnwell Room. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, The Volunteer Services Board is the official volun- dent conference. He recently was named head of the Recreation and Dance. teer referral agency for Boise State University: BSU Student Programs Board for 1996-97. Through a.system of referral lists and personal con- tacts, VSB annually provides hundreds of students with opportunities to gain career experience and personal growth through volunteering and assisting with special Professor receives ""Immunologist to' give needs at more than 100 agencies on the BSU campus and in the Boise community. national honor for serVice ledure on T-cells April 26 The Volunteer Recognition Ceremony is an annual Sherman Button, a pro- Dr. D. Keith Bishop, director of transplant ceremony that honors the BSU students and organiza- fessor of health, physical immunology at the University of Michigan School of ' tions that have donated their timeand energy to volun- education and recreation Medicine, will discuss "Transplant induced T-Cell teering in the Boise community. Featuring a keynote at Boise State University Responses of Mice and Men" at 3:30 p.m, Friday in the speech by BSU President Charles Ruch and award pre- was honored recently in Education Building Room 109 at Boise State sentations by David Taylor, vice president for student Atlanta, Ga., with the University. Admission is free. The major focus of Bishop's research for the last 5 affairs. National Association for Sport and Physical years has been cardiac transplant rejection. By learning Education's Joy of Effort the process of rejection, Bishop hopes the process can Award. be altered. To learn the process, Bishop uses a mouse Sociology professors team "The award is given in model and applies the knowledge to human situations. recognition of those indi- The mouse system is a very good model of what actu- up to award scholarship viduals who by perfor- ally goes on in humans. A 1982 graduate of Boise State University, Bishop College professors are accustomed to handing out Sherman Button mance and style have per- sonified concept that the is among three winners of the 1996 Distinguished grades, tests and course schedules. This spring, howev- effort made to enrich the operation and objectives of Alumni Award. He earned a doctorate in immunology er, six members of the Sociology Department gave from Washington State University and did postdoctoral something a little different 10 one of their students-a physical education and sport is a labor of love, inspired by commitment and dedication," a spokesperson for training in transplantation immunology at The Ohio new scholarship. State University School of Medicine, then joined the It took 12 years but Richard Baker, Robert Corbin, NASPEsaid. One of Button's students, BSU alumni Keith Lewis, faculty of medicine in the cardiac transplant unit at the Pat Dorman, Steven Patrick and Michael Blain raised University of Utah School of Medicine.
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