Radio Repairs Happy Farmer CITRUS FRUIT -T—-Ir-'L
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE (Cent. > _MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. MISCILLANEOUS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI. MISCniANEOUS FOR SALI. MltCILLANIOUS WANTIP (Cant.). KNABE size, upright, medium mahogany, RADIO. 7-tube Philco, floor model, push STOKER, hard-coal, electric furnaeeman. TYPEWRITER. Royal de luxe: Quiet: with bench, $185 cash. After 0 porta- TWO TONS OF STOVE COAL, price, RADIO, (mail table, for serviceman, not plain, a.m., button, two-wave, excellent cond., $00. thermostat; very cheap. No further use. ble, with case. 1113 13th st. Adams 1258 n.w., Apt. *12.50 ton; other articles. No phone calls. over *20: good condition. AT. #108. 3134 28th st. s.e. TR. 8690. 21* 795 Oth st. or GE. 0420. 10. • MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. LIBRARY DESK, oak, .V<Tx2'4", with book 1325 Quincy n e., Brookland. RADIO. McMurdo. Silver Masterpiece No. 0004, MTS, ITC. (Con*.). RADIO—Philco, model; uphol- STOKER of standard make. 90 lbs. per ~* shelves. $10 Sfe cabinet, TYPEWRITER, portable. latest model DOMESTIC RUG, flower pattern, 6 by 9; 8 or 15-17. EM. .1881, CASH FOR DIAMONDS AND janitor, The Foreland. stered Duncan Phyfe davenport, used 3 hour capacity, one year old, soft Coal type, Underwood bicycles (2k OLD OOLD IRISH TERRIERS. • boy’s and girl’s; practically new. HO. 651(1. RADIOS, any make, table models only 28 2nd st n.c. months. HO. 5717. home or Diamond watches and discarded Jewelry B mlles from Fall for larse small apt. house: may 2 Pr. roller skates; kerosene heater. DU 220 us Church MONEL FREIGHT TRAIN O-GAUGE, SWIFT MODEL 70 Winchester Will pay from *20 to $45.
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