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75 Must-Have Resistance Band Training Tips For Fitness Professionals

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Table of Contents

Introduction Band Construction Band Care Choosing the Right Band size Basic Set-up Getting Started with Resistance Band Training Cardio Training Band Flexibility Young Athletes Band Training Partnership Training About the Author Contact Info

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Resistance bands have been around since the late 70’s. Our understanding of functional training and better yet, how the body really works has become a hotly debated topic in the fitness industry since the early 90’s.

As a fitness professional we were force fed the idea that function training was performing things like stability ball training, board training or one leg balance work. We were told that Olympic lifts or variations of those lifts were the best way to improve functional strength. This was followed by the concepts of strongman training or variations of those movements which has now filtered itself into the world of functional fitness and Boot Camp training.

You could make incredible arguments for all of these methods when it comes to training our body to functionally move more efficiently and with greater power. However the one principle I rarely hear about these days in the fitness industry, and specifically in the development of human movement, is the principle of training the “DRIVERS” of function.

What are the “DRIVERS” of function??

The real drivers of functional movement are momentum, gravity and ground reaction. As a fitness professional, understanding how these reactively drive functional movement will ultimately dictate how and what you choose to train with. Ultimately, the body is a “reactor not a contractor” when it come to adapting to changes in momentum, gravity and ground reaction forces. There is very little conscious thinking occurring as we move throughout the day.

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Training tools or better yet training programs that train our body how to optimally handle momentum, gravity and ground reaction will ultimately allow our body to produce the most force output with the greatest movement precision.

You’re going to Train with What??

If I told you that I am going to train your body to quickly and forcefully dominate momentum, gravity and ground reaction forces, you would probably say “Who cares??” If I continued on and explained that I was going to use a simple 41 inch continuous piece of rubber, that cost less than $20, to accomplish this; you would say “Are you kidding me”??

What would your clients say if you told them you could make them move like a gazelle around the tennis court or floor??

What if you could get unwanted fat to literally fall off their body??

What if you had your clients blowing by their children in a take no prisoner race to the park??

What if being an athlete at 40 was still very possible for some of your clients??

Lastly, what if you could eliminate your clients nagging low back and shoulder pain??

The point is you will and you can if you start to influence and enhance how the body deals with momentum, gravity and ground reaction forces

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Meet one of the best tools to enhance functional strength and power

Resistance bands accelerate gravity, increase momentum and reactively train your body on how to decrease ground reaction force or time. Now there are several tools that can impact one or two of these but there is no other tool that can do that while still allowing you to train regular movement patterns including running.

Weights teach us how to handle gravity at slower speeds.

Body weight training teaches us how to control our body against gravity.

However neither of these teaches us how to harness that strength and bring it onto the field of life or sport like resistance bands can.

Let’s face it; everyone would like to have an athletically performing and looking body. This could mean improved balance, better agility, good running skills, more flexibility, better power, or a leaner, more sculpted appearance. As a fitness professional, the more athletic you can get your clients feeling and seeing, the longer you have them as client.

Fitness professionals all have their favorite programs, workouts and exercises. However, the bottom line is to make sure the training gets results.

Do your present training tools allow you to?

 Create force vectors in all planes or diagonals

 Get clients to move like they do naturally

 Get stronger where it counts... on the field of life

 Train your clients anywhere

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 Make every workout a new experience

 Provide unlimited resistance and exercise options

 Address all aspects of fitness and performance

Resistance band training can do all of that and a whole lot more.

Resistance Band Training (RBT) is a systematic training approach that employs resistance bands as the primary training tool. RBT can go where you want to go. Parks, homes, parking lots, churches, gymnasiums….. You name it. With RBT you become a gym without walls.

Most fitness professionals still evaluate bands as a last alternative to resistance training. Very few trainers don’t understand how RBT will help their clients get leaner, stronger, and more powerful while keeping helping them stay injury free and pain free.

RBT is not that difficult to learn how to implement and considering the cost to train with bands, it actually becomes extremely cost effective, highly versatile and unmatched in regards to its incredible training impact.

I hope my introduction did not bore you but rather created a different mindset when it comes to how as a fitness professional you evaluate RBT.

I hope you find my 70 RBT Must Have Tips for Trainers to be helpful regardless if you are a present user of bands or are considering it.

Thank you and enjoy the manual.

Dave Schmitz

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Choosing the BEST Band to Purchase

1. All bands are not created equal. Layered bands are by far the most durable band do to their latex matrix construction, especially when “latex bonding” is incorporated into the construction process. Latex bonding heats and glues every layer of the band versus waiting until the end to heat the band. This enhances the layering process and eliminates bands splitting. Molded bands are simply thick theraband that will easily tear like a sheet of paper once a small tear is developed along the side of the band. A “latex bonded” layered band has multiple layers that adds 400% greater tensile strength and durability to the band.

2. Best layered band is a band that uses “latex welding” to firmly adhere the end of the final layer onto the band. This eliminates any peeling that can occur as the band is repeatedly stretched out. Peeling does not necessarily weaken the band but it can give the RBT beginner the perception that the band is defective.

3. Band texture is also important. Bands should be tacky and easily adhere to the surface they are attached to. This allows for a strong attachment that is slip free and comfortable.

4. Bands should feel firm not soft. A soft band is comfortable at first but will quickly tear when put under tension. Firm bands have greater durability and will hold up under heavy use.

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5. Band resistance levels should be created by differences in width not thickness. Any band that is thicker than 1/8 inch is typically over layered and will have a tendency to peel and split easier.

6. Make sure you only purchase flat bands versus tubular bands. Tubular bands are a molded hollow band that will not hold up to the training used at . Tubular bands are more designed for light where forces are kept relatively low and reps high.

7. Nylon covered tubular bands were created to eliminate the breaking issue with tubular bands. Unfortunately this nylon covering creates a solid stop point that can lead to injury. With the type of running and explosive drills we perform, I would strongly recommend not trying to replicate them using nylon covered tubular bands.

You must have an unlimited end point just in case clients accidentally stretch the band to far which often can occur when training at high intensities like we frequently do at

8. Bungee cords versus tubular band do provide better durability but once again they have a solid end point. Also, they have a rounded construction which does not adhere well to attached surfaces. This will also slide or roll when attached to poles or other stable structures. Lastly, bungee cords do not allow you to create for belts or harnesses like flat bands do. Therefore additional accessories like belts and harness will be necessary to purchase.

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9. Make sure bands come in different colors. This may seem basic but if 2 bands are the same color it makes it very difficult to quickly instruct clients on which bands you want them to use. Colors are an easy visual cue that makes band identification easy.

10. Make sure bands come with at least a 1 year warranty that covers manufacturing defects. This warranty usually covers you completely, assuming you are using bands correctly and not overstretching them. Bands can break like any other tool, if you miss use it but you still should be protected incase a band is defective.

Band Information Chart

Band Name Band Color Band Size Band Strength (inches) (lbs)

Small RED ½ 5- 20

Medium Yellow 15/16 20-35

Large Orange 1 1/8 30-75

X-Large Green 1 3/4 50-120

XX-Large Purple 2 1/2 100 - 170

XXX-Large Black 3 1/2 150 - 240

Resistance Band Training Systems has a defect rate of 1 band per 1500 bands sold or .06%

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Band Care

11. Always take your bands apart after linking them together. This allows them to breath and eliminates the band from being in a tight, twisted position for long periods of time. This twisted position will eventually weaken the band and shorten the band’s training shelf life.

12. Store your bands in a hanging position if possible. This allows the bands to easily be taken by your clients for use while letting them remain lengthened out in a relaxed position when not being used.

13. If bands become dirty or sanitizing becomes a concern, using a mild dishwashing soap to clean them is your best option. Usually warm water and soap is all that is needed. Make sure you hang them up to dry after washing them

14. If bands become wet from training outside, make sure you unlink all bands and allow them to hang to dry out. Don’t place them inside a sealed up plastic container still linked up and wet. As they dry the links tighten and become extremely difficult to unlink.

15. Have clients inspect bands for defects or long term wear and tear before training. Bands last a long time but will eventually wear out. Identifying bands that are damaged or worn out can be accomplished by routine inspecting them prior to training.

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16. If you have a band that peels, do not try to manually tear away the peeled piece. Use a scissors to cleanly cut the peeled segment away. This will prevent additional peeling from quickly reoccurring.

Choosing the correct Band Resistance for You and Your Clients

17. Band resistance levels range from 5- 300lbs or more. Everyone’s body is stronger in certain movements. As a result you will need multiple resistance options to effectively train several clients at a time. I suggest purchasing band packages versus individual bands to save money, increase your resistance training options and be able to maximize training workload.

18. Most female client will use red small (1/2 inch) or black medium ( 3/4 inch) bands to perform 90% of their training. The best package for this will be the Economy Package

19. Male clients will find they need additional resistance as they gain strength. Adding a pair of purple large ( 1 1/8 in.) bands will be helpful. As a result the Total Fitness Package is the best way to go.

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20. Evaluating your client’s fitness goals will also determine band resistance needs. Here are a few suggestions based on fitness goals.

 Absolute strength- go with purple 1 1/8 inch bands or Green XL 1 ¾ inch bands  Upper Body Pulling-Pushing Drills - go with Black 15/16 inch bands with training handles  Lower Torso Drills - go with Purple 1 1/8 inch bands  Tug of War or Partner Resistance running – go with green 1 ¾ inch bands or Purple large 1 1/8 bands

Click Here All Bands and Accessories

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RBT Set-up Tips

21. The only way to learn is by doing. Personally training using multiple band set-ups will teach you as a fitness professional how to determine what works best for you and your clients.

22. Best set-ups to begin RBT are the Double Linked Band Set-up for lower torso and cardio while the 2 Bands with Handles works the best for upper body training. This will allow you to do 80% of all drills found I share with you in the E-book series.

23. Educate your clients on how to safely attach bands and link bands together. If there is any concern for band damage, always use a Band Utility Strap to attach bands to a stable structure with a questionable surface.

24. Training Handles are not essential but do provide significantly greater comfort and training efficiency when performing upper torso strength drills when training with Red, Black or Purple bands.

25. The Crisscross set-up is a great way to teach how to increase activation and recruitment of the lumbo-pelvic-hip (LPH) complex which we know is the body’s power zone. If clients are not comfortable with this using a single band set-up for front squats also does an effective job at activating the LPH.

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26. If clients have difficulty training with the bands around their hips, consider using a wider band attached to a smaller band or have them use a simple weight belt with the band looped through.

Using a belt will make changing training positions slightly more challenging than if the band is around the hips but as strength improves, the belt can be replaced with a wider more comfortable band.

27. Best attachment site for a band is around a round post. Don’t be fooled by attaching your band onto a square pole with round edges (such as squat rack or soccer goal post). This will over time create stress points on your band and cause it to wear at those points. This will especially occur if you have a soft or mold type band versus a layered band.

28. Attaching a smaller band with a larger band will increase your band resistance and durability factor because forces are now being dispersed over two bands versus one. I will often combine 2 smaller bands to create resistance comparable to a larger band. This also an effective way to create a larger band without actually having it in your training inventory.

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Guidelines for Using a Band Utility Strap (BUS)

29. Always attach the BUS into the hinged side of the door to avoid the door opening up accidentally during training.

30. Always use the BUS if there is any risk of damaging your band.

31. When using a band utility strap make sure the band stays securely positioned onto the large plastic connection site and does not go onto the nylon. Once tight the nylon could cut or damage the band.

Using Training Handles

32. Use training handles primarily with red, black or purple bands. Any band that is wider than 1 1/8 inch probably does not require training handle and is usually not needed for upper torso training.

33. Make sure you use the wide side of the training handle clip to place the band onto to avoid the band getting pinched

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34. Do not attempt to use training handles as a band utility strap.

******* 10 different resistance band set-ups are demonstrated step by step on the Resistance Bands Unleashed DVD Series ******

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Using Bands In the Weight Room or Fitness Center

35. If you choose to attach bands to barbells, dbs or kettlebells, make sure you use a small red band at first. Balancing the weight and learning how to accelerate the weight throughout the range of motion will take time.

36. Very often clients have muscle imbalance issues which will predispose them to injury when they begin using bands. If they have not mastered the initial lift well without bands, do not incorporate bands into that lift until good quality movement is mastered.

37. Using the crisscross set-up whenever possible to perform ground based lift with a barbell is a safer and equally effective way to combine barbells and bands versus attaching the bands to the bar. This not only helps with balance but will reflexively teach clients how to drive from their power center while performing exercises like Dead-lifts, Front Squats, Back Squats, or Push Presses as well as the Cross-Fit thruster.

38. Make sure the band is securely attached onto the bar and a stable structure below. If the band accidentally slides off the bar or off the lower attachment site, it will create an asymmetrical load which could lead to injury.

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39. If using dbs to anchor bands for squats or bench press, make sure they are hexagon dbs or make sure they cannot roll during the lift. Dumbbells that move will change resistance patterns during the lift and may create lose of balance or an unexpected asymmetrical load.

40. Have clients use bands for auxiliary lifts whenever possible. As an example, after a heavy bench press, have athletes perform standing horizontal chest presses for strength endurance and to create a greater metabolic workload.

41. Performing bio-motor drills like lunges, 1 step deceleration or 2 step deceleration drills can easily be brought into a weight room or home gym setting. Training band running drills are an excellent way to enhance core strength and development while increasing metabolic demand.

Getting Started With RBT

42. Evaluate your present exercises that you use other tools for and attempt to replace 1 exercise with an RBT exercise every workout for 2 weeks. (Example: Staggered Stance Horizontal Push vs. Incline bench press or RBT Lunges vs. Knee Extensions & Curls) This will allow you as a fitness professional to determine your client’s response more effective while not completely altering your training program.

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43. Don’t emphasize heavy bands at first. Use small to medium bands initially to improve movement skills, integration and speed of movement. Increasing resistance is easily done by stepping out and stretching the band further which is something that naturally will occur as you and your clients become stronger with bands.

44. Adding bands to body weight exercises is a good way to incorporate bands with your clients. RBT assisted pull-ups, push-ups or dips will allow a client to perform an exercise that they previous could not perform. Stronger clients can crank out more reps and develop better strength endurance and body control by implementing bands with body weight training.

45. Use bands to enhance the workout atmosphere by taking your clients out to the park or tennis courts to workout. This is highly motivating and fun for clients which will only enhance training results

46. All running drills should emphasize control and rhythm before speed. Deceleration is a global problem among athlete and is often overlooked when training in bands.

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47. Avoid using to strong of a band initially. This will create substitution patterns and muscle compensation that can lead to injury.

RBT for Coordination and Balance in Seniors

48. Use a parallel stance for pulling exercises and wide staggered stance for pushing exercises when first implementing these types of exercise with seniors. These are the most stable bases of support and will allow the upper torso to work the most efficiently.

49. Always work with smaller bands initially and change stance or speed to increase exercise difficulty.

50. Perform assisted lower torso drills at first to allow seniors to become comfortable with RBT and the balance that is required.

51. Best RBT Beginner Exercises for Seniors

 Single arm pulls and pushes with or without opposite hand balance assist on a chair or wall  Assisted step and reach with hip band attachment  Marching with a small hip band attachment with or without hand balance assist

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RBT For Fat Lose

52. Using RBT circuits like the Upper Body or Lower Body Circuits found in my 4 Week Beginner Workout, that comes with the Total Fitness and Economy Packages, is a great way to get your clients shedding fat quickly training in bands

53. Using the Tabata method of 20 second on – 10 seconds off x 8 rounds with the emphasis on rep speed, will produce incredible increases in metabolism and work load. Using the Exclusive RBT Tabata Sound Track makes this very easy once the exercise are learned

54. Using the RBT running drills creates both strength and cardio effects due to the repeated acceleration and deceleration nature of the exercises. Just make sure to allow clients to set the deceleration tempo.

55. Implement a body weight drill with an opposing RBT drill will a very effective training stimulus because the difference in resistance loads. Body weight drills will be slow movements that are most difficult at mid range while RBT drills will allow for faster rep speed with the workload greater at the end of the range of motion.

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56. Create multi-plane exercises by having clients change foot position on each subsequent set of the same exercise. (Example: Standing Stationary Pull can use parallel stance, staggered stance right, staggered stance left, or standing perpendicular to the band’s line of pull) Each of these will challenge the body force production differently and make it work a little harder while developing lean, long muscles in all 3 planes.

57. Best FAT LOSE RBT Circuits using 20-10 or 45-15 Sound Tracks

 Single Band: High Pull - Front Squat – Push Press – Squat Jump  2 Band – 2 Handle: Squat Pull – Horizontal Push  4 way Running Matrix: Shuffle Right – Shuffle Left – Backpedal – Station Run

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RBT for Flexibility

58. Start all band stretches with a red or black band to ensure the proper techniques and avoid muscle inhibition that occurs when struggling with to heavy of a band. The body must be able to relax and have good neuromuscular control to get optimal active lengthening.

59. Flexibility only improves if clients go where they can’t which means they must stretch where they are tight and not just stretch where they are mobile or loose.

60. Teach flexibility drills just like all other drills… one at a time. Do not have clients do all the drills the first day. Start with the 3 way hamstring, then the ankle and then the anterior hip.

61. If as a fitness professional you are ordering bands strictly for stretching, the best band to stretch with will be either the black (3/4 inch) or the Purple (1 1/8 inch) bands.

62. Fitness professionals should work with RBT flexibility drills for at least 2 weeks before teaching it to their clients. Trainers need to feel what regions become tight and which directions are more restricting. By being able to predict this with a client, trainers immediately increase their client’s respect of their knowledge.

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*************** For more help in learning the RBT stretching go to……

Total Flexibility Training with Bands DVD and Band Package ****************

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RBT for Youth Fitness

63. Keep middle school children in red (½ inch) or Black ( 3/4 inch) bands when training any bio-motor drills. It allows them to learn and not be placed at risk for injury during the deceleration phase of training

64. Do not implement stretching with middle school children. Their nervous system is highly sensitive and hyperactive which will not allow them to tolerate band stretching well. Also their focus is such that, band stretching will often be to focus intense for them to avoid compensation during the exercises.

65. I would recommend RBT stationary strength training drills initially in conjunction with body weight training. Stationary drills will emphasize stability and control similar to body weight training.

66. Whenever possible, perform the RBT drills you are projecting to do in the bands, without bands first. This will allow children to learn without being under the pressure of the band. It will also avoid the band being a distraction when they are implemented.

67. Make sure you always allow kids to run without bands after training to provide them kinesthetic feedback and awareness of how bands make them move better. This will excite them and make motivating them to train far easier at the next training session.

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68. When training middle school or high school children, use sets of 3-5 reps to avoid over fatigue and poor quality movement. The goal with RBT for youth is developing good movement skills while continuing to build on training success.

69. Best introductory Youth RBT Running Drills:

 One step or one step release drills  2 Step Speed Deceleration Drills done in red bands  Stationary Power skipping

***************** To learn more about how to train our youth in bands ask about the Quick Kids 6 week speed program available with any resistance band package. ******************

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Training Clients in Partnerships

70. When training in partnerships always make sure you teach how to hold for the training client first. Often holders make or break a good partner RBT session.

71. Training in partnerships allows fitness professionals to work with only half the group at a time. Emphasize with the resting group the importance of listening and watching so as the instructor you do not have to teach a beginning drill twice.

72. Using partner band training will cut your boot camp band needs in half. Essentially clients will need a band per person to do all running and many of the lower or upper torso training exercises. This is significantly less as compared to having to create independent stations.

73. Make sure when setting up client partnerships, you base teams on hip height and than by body weight. This prevents the bands from rising up on the shorter person during hip attached training.

74. Always begin group training using attachment free training first so boot campers do not have to concern themselves initially with holding.

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75. Best RBT Exercises to begin with using Partner Attached Band Training

Partner Forward lunges Power skipping Hip Attached reach squats

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I hope you have enjoyed my 75 RBT Tips for Fitness Professionals.

I did not create to exclusive sell bands. It was designed to teach fitness professionals how to learn, implement and create awesome results for their clients using Reactive Resistance Band Training.

Getting BETTER with BANDS!!

Dave Schmitz

Resistance Band Training Systems, LLC


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