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Title Bim Price 4 DOCUMENT \l n)! ED 156 850' SP 012 804 TITLE Physical Education fdr Children in California Public Schools Ages Four Through Nine., INSTITUTION' California StWtd Dept. of Education, Sacramento. PUB DATE 78 NOTE 455p. AVAILABLE FROMPublications Sales, California State-Department of Education, P. O. Box 271, Sacramento, CA °95802 ($2.50) BIM PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. BC Not Available from EDRS. .DESCRIPTORS *Early -Childhood Education; shoto;-Development; *Physical Education; *Physical Fitness; Program Planning; Psychomotor Skills; Self Ccncept; Skill Development; Social Behavior ABSTRACT. This publication offers a catalog cf movement and skill opportunities for .a full range cf motor, cognitive, and affective growth. It is designed for teachers responsible fcr directing and teaching physical education pxograms for.children aged four through nine. The following major topics are coveied: (1) ,insights into considerations needed when planning programs; (2) a rationale for selecting effective 'teaching strategies;(3) suggested program goals and objectives; (4)samples of activities that may be used to spur,successful learning in relation to the identified goals and objectiveS; (5) alternatives available for implementation of meaningf01, creative programs;_ (6) suggested scope and seguence of activities for yearly programing;(7) methods of evaluating student progress, teacher effectiveneis, and program success; and (8) supplemental resources in areas of pertinent concern. (JD), k *********************.*******************************4**i44*********44* * .Reproductioni supplied by EDRS' are the best tha be made froathe original document. ********i***********************0********************** ******,****ak** U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THi DOCUMENT HASBEEN REPRO. OUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN. ATING IT POINTS OF VIEWOR OPINIONS. STATED DO NOT NECESpARILYREPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONALINSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY Physical Education f for children_ 14. in California Public Schools "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL BY MICROFICHE ONLY Ages Four Through Nine OS BEEN GRAN ED BY TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) AND THE ERIC SYSTEM CONTRACTORS" CALIFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF EpUCATION Wilson Riles, Superintendent of Public Instruction Sacramento, 1978 Physical Educpt o forChildrOn in California PublitSchools Ages Four Through Ninot 4 Copyright © 1978' by California State Department of Education . This publication, which was edited .and prepared for photo-offset production by.,the Bureau of Publications, California State Depart- e ment of Education, was published by,the Cpartment, 721 Capitol Mail, Sacramenio; CA 95814. i Printed by the Office of State Printing and distributedunder the provisions of the Library Distribution Act 1978 4 Publications Available from the California State Department of Education Additional copies of this publication are available for $2.50 each, plus salestax for California residents, from: Publications Sales . Cblifornia State Department of Education P.O, Box 271 Sacramento, CA 95802 Other physical education publications available are the following: Circyit Training: A Physical Conditioning Program (1971) $.65 Instruction of Physically Handicapped Pupils in Remedial Physical Education (1973) $.65 Physical Conditioning Through Water Exercises (1972) S.65 Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools ( 1973) '$.65 Physical Education in the Elementary School (1951) $1.00 Physical Performance Test for CalifomiY(1971) $.65 (Sales tax should be added to the prices listed.) A list of other publications available from the Departmentcan beolltiedby writing to the address given 'above. 4 5 Foreword The Task Farce on Early Childhood Education reported in 1972 th' "research findings consistently document that as much as 50 percent of a child's intellectual potential s developed beforethe child] reaches school age and that 80 percent is, developed by the age.of eight." For this and other reasons, early childhood education (ECE) has priority in the educational plan for California public schools. Burton White, an eminent, psychologist, 'has pointed out tbat \as much as 80ypercent of ..a child's time is spent insport and play. Turning this natural involvement in activity intomeartingful educational opportunities is a constant challenge for ,teachers to pursue. ..-' Helping students develop positive self-concepts, through successful movement is fundamental to sound educational procedures, Sharing. with children the joy ofacreative moment, the pleasure of making a successful respon,se to 4 challenging task, or the delight of accomplishment when a certain level of skill or fitness is attamed can open avenues of mutual trust that may help students develop a positive attitude toward schooling. (--- . / This publicatiop offers a catalog of movement and skill opportunities which, if used appropriately and enthusiastically, gan provide for a full range of motor, cognitive, and affective growth. Staffs will want to individualizeprogramsto provide for the expressed needs of each student and implement the many multidisciplinary activities so that integrated learning opportunities an be made enjoyable'and worthwhile. The Task Force on Early Childhood Education also stated in its report that "the curriculum should not be merely a description of predetermined tasks to be learned, rather, it should be aimed at developing the full range of e4ch child's abilities, including cognitive skills, ways of finding and using' information, perceptual ability, motor skills, social skills, and affective sensitivity." This publication can contribute much to this worthwhile observation. It cannot, however, take away the responsibility teachers have for making sure the programs they provide serve the, immediate needs of their students. Sikh decisions are never-ending daily challenges for each teacher, each student. Superintendent of Public Instruction ,s c c, Preface Since the publication of the Physical Education Framei4ork for California Public Schools. Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Sacramento. California State Department of Education, 1973), many requests hate been made for additional materials to be used in implementing the framework. This publication is designed to aid educators in providing improved physical education programs for students enrolled in California public schoOls. This publication is not intended to dictate a day-by-day program. It is, instead, designee to give persons. responsible for directing and teaching physical education programs for children aged four through nine. Insights into considerations needed when planning programs A rationale for selecting effective teaching strategies -Suggeste"rogiam goals and objectives . Samples of activities thlt may be used to spur successful learping in relation to the idenIstified goals and objectivs . Alternatives available for implementation of meaningful, creative programs Suggested scope and sequence of activities for yearly programming Methods of evaluating student progress, teacher. effectiveness, and program success . Supplemental resources in)1real of pertinent concern ,f' . , This publication is not all-in lusive, and it does not emphasize a games approach. Teachers interested in focusing on games as the principal 'mode of instruction are encouraged to use Physical Education in the Elementary School. That publication provides Step -by -step instructions in many games and rhythmic activ- ities that are still worthwhile and suitable for inclusion in some programs. It is hoped that the use of this manual, along with other suggested resources, will aid staff members as. they develop programs that will challenge students to move and grow to their optimum, achieve success daily, aril prepare for the vital Ilfe-style that active,enthusiastic people pursue. DAVIS W. CAMPBELL J. WILLIAM MAY Deputy Superintendent Assistant Superintendent for Programs and director, Office of Curriculum Sen;ic4 REX C. FORTUNE JOHN ki.vms Associate Superintendent Program Administrator for Secondary EducaOon Programs of Instructional Service r-I 4 .J Acknowledgments, Principal Writers . Donald 0, Boinell, office of the Sant4 Barba County BarbaraA.Landers,CaiiforniaStateDepartment of SuperintTi ent of Schools Education JainesS. B , California State Universify, Sacramento Pamela J. Milchnst, California State University, Sacramento Robert L. Cpbell, Office of the Los Angeles County Superinte dent of:Schools ) Principal Contributors Jack J. Cap,Alameda City Unified School District Carol E. Clark, Once of the Los Angeles County Superin- GOevie Dexter, CaliforniaState Department of Education tendent of Schools (Retired) Jody Conley, Carmel Unified School District M.JeanneBartelt,CaliforniaStateDepartmentof Mary K. Cooper. Californip State Department of Education Educ%tion -Jim Cowart, Office of the Alameda County Superintendent Rudy Benton, Burlingame Elementary School Distnct of Schools Gwendolyn R. Waters, Los Angeles Unified School District Karen P. De .I'auw, California State University, Los Angeles Robert C. English, San Leandro Unified School District Photo Credits Dennis H. Estabrook, Manhattan Beach City Elementary Fresno Unified School District 'School Distnct Bev Jungmger, Alum Rock Union Elementary School Dis- Betty M. Flinchum,UniversityofNorth' Florida, trict, San Jose. Jacksonville Lot Angeles Unified School District Rutly A. French, California State Department of Education
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