·Srr Aurclbindo
\ \ [: <, /, >.1 --< ,-' - - ./ - '- r : . ;; . !. ' :"\ I- ~ .. /- .. f, \ " •I ~ , \ ' .I , t '- r . ' \ ......: ',- r -, , . I \ '., -·SRr, .. AURClBINDO.. • \ , 'to,_ ", q..... ... .. " . ' ',I *' " ,~ .Arehives and Researcli I . - . ' ~ .. "".' ,1- '\ '. / I ' ." . ' / . ' " I" • I· ' / . SRI AUROBINDO Archives and Research Indexes 1977 -1994 CONTE NTS Alph abetical Ind ex of Wor ks by Sri A urobindo 1 Categorical Index of Work s by Sri Aur obindo 7 Index of Documents 13 Ind ex of Research Art icles ..... 15 Index of Plates .......... ... .... ........ ...... .... ...... ..... 17 1977 INDEXES 1994 Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research Published by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust Printed at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, Pondicherry. India Note Eighteen volumes of Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research were published between 1977 and 1994. Each volume consisted oftwo numbers, one published in April and one in December. Each number contained hitherto unpublished works by Sri Aurobindo and , in a separate section at the end, documents of historical and bibliographical interest and notes and research articles by the editors. Many numbers also contained reproductions ofphotographs. The contents ofthe eighteen volumes are here listed in five indexes: Alphabetical Index of Work s by Sri Aurobindo Categorical Inde x of Works by Sri Aurobindo Inde x of Documents Index of Research Articles Index of Plates In the first four indexes references are given in the following form : 091 :234, wh ich means that the item was published in the issue of December 199 1, startin g on page 234 . In the Index of Plates, plate numbers are given instead of pag e • numbers, thu s: A89:P3, which means Plate 3 in the issue of April 1989.
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