Chinaberry, Pride-Of-India Include Tool Handles, Cabinets, Furniture, and Cigar Boxes
Common Forest Trees of Hawaii (Native and Introduced) Chinaberry, pride-of-India include tool handles, cabinets, furniture, and cigar boxes. It has not been used in Hawaii. Melia azedarach L. Extensively planted around the world for ornament and shade. This attractive tree is easily propagated from Mahogany family (Meliaceae) seeds, cuttings, and sprouts from stumps. It grows rap- Post-Cook introduction idly but is short-lived, and the brittle limbs are easily broken by the wind. Chinaberry, or pride-of-India, is a popular ornamental This species is poisonous, at least in some pans, and tree planted for its showy cluster of pale purplish five- has insecticidal properties. Leaves and dried fruits have parted spreading flowers and for the shade of its dense been used to protect stored clothing and other articles dark green foliage. It is further characterized by the bi- against insects. Various pans of the tree, including fruits, pinnate leaves with long-pointed saw-toothed leaflets flowers, leaves, bark, and roots, have been employed and pungent odor when crushed, and by the clusters of medicinally in different countries. The berries are toxic nearly round golden yellow poisonous berries conspicu- to animals and have killed pigs, though cattle and birds ous when leafless. reportedly eat the fruits. An oil suitable for illumination Small to medium-sized deciduous tree often becom- was extracted experimentally from the berries. The hard, ing 20–50 ft (6–15 m) tall and 1–2 ft (0.3–0.6 m) in angular, bony centers of the fruits, when removed by trunk diameter, with crowded, abruptly spreading boiling are dyed and strung as beads.
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