The London Gazette, 8 April, 1913. 2535
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 8 APRIL, 1913. 2535 conditions of paragraph 112, Territorial Officers Training Corps. Force Regulations, for employment as extra Cambridge University Contingent^ Senior Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency the Division, Officers Training Corps; Second Governor of Hong Kong. Dated 5th Feb- Lieutenant Archibald V. Hill ceases to serve ruary, 1913. with the contingent. Dated 1st March, 1913. ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY. Christ's Hospital Contingent, Junior Division> 3rd East Lancashire Brigade, Royal Field Officers Training Corps; Lieutenant Tancred Artillery; Hugh Louis Garth Stewart to be Kelsey Mortimer Booth, from the Royal Second Lieutenant. Dated 1st March, Grammar School (Worcester) Contingent, 1913. Junior Division, Officers Training Corps, to be Lieutenant. Dated 1st October, 1912. &th East Lancashire (Howitzer) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery; Reginald Allton Forest School Contingent, Junior Division> Smith to be Second Lieutenant. Dated Officers Training Corps; the undermen- 15th March, 1913. tioned Second Lieutenants to be Lieu- 2nd West Lancashire Brigade, Royal Field tenants : — Artillery; Arthur Reginald Hope Bowdler George B. Sleigh. Dated 8th March, to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 1st March, 1913. 1913. Joshua B. Hughes-Games. Dated 9th March, 1913. ROYAL GARRISON ARTILLERY 2nd Lancashire Royal Garrison Artillery; John Rowland Marsh to be Second Lieu- tenant. Dated 12th March, 1913. India Office, ROYAL ENGINEERS. April 8, 1913. 2nd West Riding Field Company, West Riding The KING has approved of the promotion of Divisional Engineers, Royal Engineers; the following officers of the Indian Army, Edward Watkin Colver to be Second Lieu- Indian Medical Service and Indian Army tenant. (TV> be supernumerary). Dated Departments: — 28th February, 1913.
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