Power Outages and Extreme Weather Conditions in the West of Scotland

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Power Outages and Extreme Weather Conditions in the West of Scotland House of Commons Scottish Affairs Committee Power outages and extreme weather conditions in the west of Scotland Eleventh Report of Session 2013–14 Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 7 May 2014 HC 484 Published on 14 May 2014 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £14.50 The Scottish Affairs Committee The Scottish Affairs Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Scotland Office (including (i) relations with the Scottish Parliament and (ii) administration and expenditure of the offices of the Advocate General for Scotland (but excluding individual cases and advice given within government by the Advocate General)). Current membership Mr Ian Davidson MP (Labour/Co-op, Glasgow South West) (Chair) Mike Crockart MP (Liberal Democrat, Edinburgh West) Jim McGovern MP (Labour, Dundee West) Graeme Morrice MP (Labour, Livingston) Pamela Nash MP (Labour, Airdrie and Shotts) Sir Jim Paice MP (Conservative, South East Cambridgeshire) Simon Reevell MP (Conservative, Dewsbury) Mr Alan Reid MP (Liberal Democrat, Argyll and Bute) Lindsay Roy MP (Labour, Glenrothes) Dr Eilidh Whiteford MP (Scottish National Party, Banff and Buchan) Fiona Bruce MP (Conservative, Congleton) Mike Freer MP (Conservative, Finchley and Golders Green) Cathy Jamieson MP (Labour/Co-op, Kilmarnock and Loudoun) Mrs Eleanor Laing MP (Conservative, Epping Forest) Mark Menzies MP (Conservative, Fylde) Iain McKenzie MP (Labour, Inverclyde) David Mowat MP (Conservative, Warrington South) Fiona O’Donnell MP (Labour, East Lothian) Julian Smith MP (Conservative, Skipton and Ripon) Powers The committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the internet via www.parliament.uk. Publication The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the internet at www.parliament.uk/scotaffcom. A list of Reports of the Committee in the present parliament is at the back of this volume. The Reports of the Committee, the formal minutes relating to that report, oral evidence taken and some or all written evidence are available in a printed volume. Additional written evidence may be published on the internet only. Committee staff The current staff of the Committee are Rebecca Davies (Clerk), Rhiannon Hollis (Clerk), Phil Jones (Committee Specialist), Alasdair Mackenzie (Committee Specialist) Tom Barker (Assistant Policy Analyst), Helena Ali (Senior Committee Assistant) and Rosie Tate (Committee Assistant). Contacts All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Scottish Affairs Committee, House of Commons, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 6123; the Committee’s email address is [email protected] Power outages and extreme weather conditions in the west of Scotland 1 Contents Report Page Conclusions and recommendations 3 1 Introduction 6 Our inquiry 6 The events of March 2013 7 2 Responding to the severe weather 9 Local authorities 9 Overall role 9 Contingency planning 9 Mobile phones 10 Opening the roads 10 Caring for the vulnerable 12 Electricity companies 14 The challenges to restoring the supply 14 Restoring the supply 15 3 Conclusion 17 Formal Minutes 18 Witnesses 19 List of printed written evidence 19 List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament 20 Power outages and extreme weather conditions in the west of Scotland 3 Conclusions and recommendations Responding to the severe weather 1. We are satisfied that all three councils affected by the severe weather have in place robust contingency planning for emergencies, which proved effective despite unusually extreme weather conditions. We are particularly pleased that Argyll and Bute Council have learned lessons from the experiences of 2011/12 and followed the recommendations of our previous Report. It is plain that further instances of extreme weather are very likely in this part of Scotland, and clear and effective contingency plans are essential in responding to them. (Paragraph 13) 2. We recommend that emergency plans prioritise accessing mobile phone base stations to restore lost signals. (Paragraph 15) 3. Clearing vital transport routes after heavy snowfall is a statutory responsibility on local authorities and, self-evidently, a vital first step towards disaster recovery. We acknowledge the extremely difficult conditions which faced Argyll and Bute Council in particular, with deep banks of snow and substantial drifts. We also pay tribute to the hard work of council employees and others in making every effort to clear roads as quickly as possible. Although Jane Fowler assured us that the enterprise had not been inhibited either by lack of resources or scarcity of equipment, we recommend that local authorities in areas which have been badly affected by severe weather in the past examine the case for acquiring snow-blowing equipment as well as conventional snowploughs to prepare for a wide range of contingencies. (Paragraph 22) 4. The A83 is a vital artery for the Kintyre peninsula. If it is closed by snow, as it was in March 2013, the whole area grinds to a halt. We welcome the decision of the Scottish Government to designate the stretch of the A83 from Kennacraig to Campbeltown as a trunk road, as this will allow the resources of Transport Scotland to be deployed to keep it open during extreme weather conditions, recognising its strategic importance to the area. (Paragraph 23) 5. Caring for vulnerable members of the community is a statutory responsibility of local authorities. Extreme weather makes this more vital than ever. The key to this is communication. We are encouraged that local authorities have done a great deal of work to expand their databases and identify those who are in need, and co-operation between the NHS and local authority social work departments is essential. However, we also greatly welcome the development of community groups to engage local people in the process of caring for the vulnerable, and recommend that councils do more to expand these networks. (Paragraph 28) 6. We heard many glowing tributes to the efforts which the electricity companies, and SSE in particular, made to restore the supply to the communities in Arran, Kintyre and Wigtownshire. We are encouraged that so much was able to be done so quickly, 4 Power outages and extreme weather conditions in the west of Scotland and that SSE displayed such ingenuity in addressing the myriad challenges facing them. (Paragraph 37) Power outages and extreme weather conditions in the west of Scotland 5 Conclusion 7. Overall, we are satisfied that the weather emergency of March 2013 was handled well. Local authorities responded quickly and effectively, and the power companies moved swiftly to restore power. We are also reassured that many of the lessons from the events of 2011/12 had been learned. Of course, every such event should be reviewed in retrospect to see if procedures can be refined and improved, and we are encouraged that several witnesses said that this would indeed happen. It is important to make every effort to improve the resilience of councils, emergency services, electricity companies and local communities against the disruption and disturbance of similar conditions in the future. (Paragraph 40) 6 Power outages and extreme weather conditions in the west of Scotland 1 Introduction Our inquiry 1. In recent years, parts of the west coast of Scotland have been affected by unusually severe weather, especially high winds and heavy snowfall. This has had very adverse effects on infrastructure and transport—power lines have been brought down by wind, snow and ice, and roads have been blocked. In August 2012, we produced a Report entitled A Robust Grid for 21st Century Scotland, which examined the effects and implications of the severe weather of December 2011 and January 2012. We concluded that, although Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) and Scottish Power, the distribution network operators (DNOs) for the affected areas, assured us that they were constantly working to upgrade the resilience of the grid, some more remote parts of the country were still suffering disruptions to their electricity supply in adverse weather conditions. We stressed the importance of improved communications between electricity suppliers and local authorities on one hand and local communities on the other, and of contingency planning and regular exercises to prepare for severe weather. 2. We also examined the issue of compensation and the Guaranteed Standards customers could expect to receive. We concluded: One of the key protections for electricity customers is the Guaranteed Standards. These standards not only provide some compensation for consumers who experience interruptions to their supply but also act as an incentive to DNOs to ensure a high level of service. We do not believe that the value of compensation currently offered and conditions under which it applies are adequate to fulfil these functions.1 We are pleased to note that Ofgem informed us that they have decided on a very strong package to strengthen customers’ rights. In their strategy decision document for RIIO-ED1 (which will apply from April 2015 to March 2023) they introduced the following Guaranteed Standards
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